Pictures with the name March. Levitan's painting "March", written by love and sunlight itself

Bereberdina Y., 3 "B"

All around and loves and sings.

A. Tolstoy

This is a painting by I. Levitan "March". The month of March is shown here. This is the most happy month spring, so the picture is very picturesque.

The picture is very bright. When the sun falls on fragile birch trees, they turn golden. The light of the sun falls on everything that is in this picture. Even the nondescript entrance to the hut became bright.

The sky is azure. It has no clouds. The sun touched every tree, and there was a ringing silence in the air.

The horse is standing, thoughtful, as if she is thinking about spring, about all its beauty. Or she listens to the silence.

I really like this picture.

Chernyshev M., 3 "B"

Composition based on the painting by I. Levitan “March”

And all the springs are warmed by the breath,

All around and loves and sings.

A. Tolstoy

Levitan painted the painting "March". He painted it with golden colors.

The picture itself depicts a bright bluish sky, golden snow, transparent spring air, the sun is warm, birch trees are still without leaves.

The picture is expressed bright colors so she looks funny.

I liked this picture. She made me happy and surprised.

Blinova S., 3 "B"

Composition based on the painting by I. Levitan “March”

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

In the window it blew in the spring ...

A Pleshcheev

The first month of spring is March. In March, there is still snow, but there is not so much of it, and yet this picture is bright, sunny and spring.

The color of this picture is very bright. The mood is joyful, but calm.

The sky is blue and bright. The sun is very bright. The air is fresh and clean. The snow is muddy and the trees are starting to bloom.

I liked this picture.

Ramazanov G.., 3 "B"

Composition based on the painting by I. Levitan “March”

And all the springs are warmed by the breath,

All around and loves and sings.

A. Tolstoy

The artist depicted spring, March in the picture.

The picture is bright and colorful.

The sky on it is transparent and cloudless, the sun is warm and bright, and the air is clean and warm.

The snow is melting, dirty and porous, and the trees, especially birches, glisten with gold from the bright sunlight.

As soon as I saw this picture, I thought it was regular photo. I had no idea that such beauty could be written. I really liked the picture.

Fomin I., 3 "B"

Composition based on the painting by I. Levitan “March”

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

In the window it blew in the spring ...

A Pleshcheev

March is the first month of spring, this is the time when the ice melts and many streams rush down.

The painting by Issac Levitan is filled with light, it is very bright and beautiful.

The sky in this picture is bright and light, the sun is cheerful, the air is filled with light, the snow sparkles and plays, and the trees overflow with yellow and brown colors.

I really liked this picture.

Deshura V., 3 "B"

Composition based on the painting by I. Levitan “March”

The snow is already melting, streams are running,

In the window it blew in the spring ...

A Pleshcheev

March is the first month of spring. He is very beautiful.

The painting by the artist I. Levitan is filled with bright colors, it is very cheerful and calm.

The sky is bright and blue, the sun is not visible, but it is clear that it shines very brightly. The air is clean and cool. Snow full of drifts. It shines brightly in the sun, and the trees are yellowish.

The picture is very beautiful.

Bosenko P., 3 "B"

Composition based on the painting by I. Levitan “March”

In front of me is Levitan's painting "March". The artist depicted the first month of spring.

Levitan used bright colors: white, yellow, brown and blue colors. The mood is joyful, cheerful. The sky looks calm and quiet. The sun's rays illuminate the whole picture, and it turns out very beautifully. Clean Air.

The snow looks full of holes and dirty. The horse stands and fell asleep, because there was complete silence.

I really liked this picture. She is colorful and bright!

In 1860, a boy was born in the Lithuanian city of Kybartai, who later became a unique modernist artist. He was named Isaac, Levitan inherited the surname from his father. At the age of 10, he moved to Moscow with his family, since then the spirit of Russia has not left any of his canvases.

That is why it is customary to consider him an exclusively Russian artist, despite the fact that he was born in another country and had Lithuanian roots. Isaac graduated from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture in 1885 and for another five years he painted exclusively landscapes, in which an impeccable love for nature was felt - sometimes melancholy, sometimes hysterical, but always sincere and pure.


Levitan's painting "March" was painted entirely from nature, without the use of etude strokes. She is considered one of the most famous paintings artist and occupies a special place in the Tretyakov Gallery. The description of Levitan's painting "March" allows you to feel the mood of the master and analyze in the most detail. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing special on the canvas - a hut, in a sleigh, and a forest, the trees of which cast their bluish shadow on the melted snow. If you look closely and for a moment standing on that very wet snow, you can notice many little things that make up the great spirit of nature, painstakingly conveyed by the author's love.

Description of the picture

Isaac Levitan's painting "March" literally has Chekhov's detail - it does not depict anything superfluous. This is a small bright birdhouse waiting for the arrival of swifts, and a blinding blue sky, the radiance of which is enhanced by white snow, and the open doors of a wooden house, personifying the arrival of spring, and wet earth breaking through a thin layer of snow, and the snow itself, which has long ceased to be white, as if with all his last strength, he lingers on the surface of the earth under the force of the warm sun, which makes it seem heavy, and his shock on the roof of the porch is about to fall, unable to withstand the weight of the already melted water. Levitan's painting "March" was the first canvas on which snow was painted so realistically and truthfully. It is also surprising that before this work, Isaac rarely wrote, preferring the warm seasons, when the blossoming nature reached its climax.


Undoubtedly, the work that Levitan wrote - “March” caused loud discussions, the description of the picture was always varied, which spoke of its uniqueness, each one had a special note of mood. However, at the mention of the picture, few people gave their attention to the forest depicted on it. There was no such symbolism before, which only once again emphasizes the impeccability of talent. It is no coincidence that in the background the trees are darker, and closer to the center they are light, thin, stretching towards the spring sun. Levitan's painting "March" encrypts a cold and gloomy winter behind the forest, deliberately removing it into the distance, which indicates the onset of spring - fresh birch branches illuminated by the sun, on which a white birdhouse is firmly held, can serve as confirmation. The branches seem to merge with the sky, personifying the unity and power of nature.

The color scheme of the house

Levitan's painting "March", as mentioned above, is saturated with symbolism. First of all, it is reflected in the color scheme. If you look at a house whose walls are painted in a light yellowish brown color, then you can judge the birth of a new life, since yellow is considered the color of the sun, peace and nature. The doors of the house are wide open, as if releasing the annoying winter cold and meeting the arrival of spring. This suggests that not only nature comes to life, but also the life of people, bright warm oil colors on canvas represent the house as a bundle of joy and comfort. Despite the fact that the house is not located in the center, but is located to the right of the central part, it is one of the main key fragments of the canvas.

Birdhouse and snow color

The fact that the snow in the picture is special has already been said above. His performance left behind a real school of skill for Russian artists. In the background, the snow is bluish, which is again a reflection of cold and winter, but in the foreground, the snow is white, mixed with clay, which indicates not just the departure of one season, but also the merging of two. If you carefully consider the picture, you can see the same shades of the color of the snow in the foreground and the birdhouse on the tree. On the one hand, this is the disappearance of one, the interpretation of this can be seen precisely in places where the snow merges with the ground, and on the other hand, the beginning of a new one, that new one that has practically taken a leading position in the form of a birdhouse merging with the sky. in this case, it is the color of the leading, ruling niche, and spring here occupies a higher position than the outgoing winter.


There is no doubt about the genius of the canvas written by Isaac Levitan - "March". The description of the picture is the best confirmation of this. After the canvas was published, many landscape painters tried to copy the technique and style of the author, thereby learning the skills of writing "cold nature". The picture has become Russian painting which still has not lost its relevance and aesthetic value. It is known that the author painted the picture during a period of acute love, and who knows, maybe this is what contributed to the creation of a bright and major canvas, saturated with pathos and sensuality.

Painter: Isaac Levitan


Painting date: March 1895

Canvas Size: 60 x 75 cm

Place of permanent exhibition: State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow)

Looking at the masterpiece of Isaac Levitan “March”, we undoubtedly feel the mood that the artist wanted to convey to us. The picture is imbued with a sense of anticipation. This is also evidenced by a humble horse with a sleigh, standing alone near the house, which is waiting for its owner.

Illuminated by the sun, obviously, she dozed off from the warmth of the gentle caressing spring rays.

Portrait of Isaac Levitan by Valentin Serov. 1892

In the foreground we see the porch and the short yellow wall of the house. Yellow gives the picture more warmth and sunlight. There is snow on the porch cap, but it seems that the snow is warm, because it is illuminated by bright sunlight. Soon drops will ring on the iron drain! The door of the house is open, any minute the owner, whom the horse has been waiting for, will come out and set off.

But the main thing that attracts us in this picture is the nature waiting for spring.

Sky flawless blue color tells us that snowstorms are not expected. Has spring come? The thawed road and unshed autumn foliage on the trees are waiting for change. Everything is waiting for the arrival of a new warm season. Nature basks in the warm rays of the sun. On the left, we see a forest waiting for spring. The picture here is very different. Coniferous greens cast dark shadows. It is obvious that winter cold reigns in the forest, the colors are gloomy and dark. The sun's March rays have not yet had time to warm the gloomy blue-green firs, but I really want the sun to illuminate their frowning crowns with a bright golden light. This will happen soon, because it's March in the yard!

The painting "March" is considered one of the most famous and striking examples of Levitan's landscape heritage..

This life-affirming landscape, which combines the picturesque depiction of snow, spring sky and trees, is considered "a discovery in Russian landscape painting". Subsequently, this motif became a popular theme among many Russian landscape painters of the 20th century - Igor Grabar, Konstantin Yuon and many others.

History of the painting

In 1894-1895, Levitan lived for several months in the Gorka estate, located one and a half kilometers from the village of Ostrovno, Tver province. The estate belonged to Privy Councilor Ivan Nikolaevich Turchaninov, and his wife Anna Nikolaevna often spent time there with her daughters Varvara, Sofya and Anna. The main building of the estate was a two-story house with a mezzanine, painted in yellowish color.. He is depicted in the painting "March", as well as on Levitan's earlier pastel “Autumn. Manor "(1894), which is currently part of the collection.

Isaac Levitan. "March"

Levitan met Anna Nikolaevna Turchaninova in the summer of 1894 in Ostrovno, where he was visiting the Ushakovs' estate with his companion, the artist Sofia Petrovna Kuvshinnikova. Levitan and Turchaninova began an affair, which led to a quarrel and a break in relations with Kuvshinnikova. After that, Levitan moved to the Gorka estate and lived there in August and September 1894, and then returned there in the early spring of the following year. Especially for him, a two-story house-workshop was built on the territory of the estate, located on the shore of the lake.

Isaac Levitan. Portrait of Sophia Kuvshinnikova. 1888

It was then, in March 1895, that the painting March. It was written entirely from nature, without preliminary sketches, in several sessions.. The witness of Levitan's work on the painting was youngest daughter Anya Turchaninov, who helped the artist carry a box of paints, listened to his stories about the beauty of nature and admired how the future masterpiece was created.

Isaac Levitan. Photo from 1898

In the same period, Levitan painted another picture - “Spring. The Last Snow”, which was later in the collection of the Moscow philanthropist Vladimir Shmarovin. At present, its whereabouts are unknown, but a sketch of the same name has been preserved (25.5 × 33.3 cm, oil on canvas, Russian Museum).

The painting "March" was exhibited at the 24th exhibition of the "Wanderers", held in 1896-1897 in St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as at the All-Russian Industrial and art exhibition 1896 in Nizhny Novgorod. In the same 1896, the painting was purchased from the author by Pavel Tretyakov.

Isaac Levitan. Spring. Last snow. Etude. 1895

The Gorka estate did not survive the revolutionary upheavals of the early 20th century. In 1904, the house-workshop in which Levitan worked in the mid-1890s burned down. In 1914, the Gorka estate was sold to another owner. Already after the revolution, in June 1923, the building of the estate was destroyed by fire (apparently, as a result of arson).

The plot of the picture

35-year-old Levitan painted a picture in the backyard of the Gorka estate, the wall of the main house of which is visible on the very right side of the picture. A sunny March day, the snow that has already begun to melt, trees and a country road leading up to the porch, at which, basking in the sun, a horse with firewood stands quietly. Dianka - that was the name of the horse from the Gorka estate - stands in the center of the landscape and forms an integral part of it.

Isaac Levitan. Autumn. Homestead (1894)

The major, life-affirming motive of the picture shows the struggle of the outgoing winter and the coming spring, sunlight and cold snow. This is emphasized by the color contrast between the dark pine trees in the background and the light, sunlight-lit aspen trunks in front of them, which, with their branches, seem to reach for the spring sun. In particular, this aspiration upwards is complemented by a very high location of the birdhouse on one of the trees, so that it even gives the impression that it is attached to a branch that is too thin.

The shades of snow, the blue shadows of the trees and the blue sky create a very picturesque picture- a plot that was later repeated more than once in the landscapes of other Russian artists.

The painting "March" is a vivid example of the so-called "Levitan landscape", in which, even depicting "jubilant state of nature», the artist managed to preserve the lyrical tone of the experience in the picture.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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I. I. Levitan - an outstanding landscape painter late XIX century. He was born in the town of Kibarty, Kovno province, in poor family. His fate was not easy. Having lost his parents, he early years learned need, grief, humiliation and poverty. Art has become Levitan's vocation literally since childhood. At the age of twelve he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. His teachers were A. K. Savrasov and V. D. Polenov. At the age of nineteen, Levitan painted the painting “Autumn Day. Sokolniki. It was presented at the exhibition and purchased by P. M. Tretyakov for the gallery. The period of greatest maturity of Levitan's talent is the beginning and middle of the 1890s. He writes a number of outstanding works of painting: "March", " gold autumn»and others. Nature was main theme Levitan. In the paintings of this remarkable artist, modest Russian nature came to life, was remembered and loved by everyone who is familiar with his work. In the landscape canvases of Levitan, there is almost no image of a person anywhere. But with his lyrical perception of the beautiful, the artist seems to humanize nature.

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Once upon a time there was a sad artist Isaac Levitan. And he was sad because his life was very sad. He was born in the Jewish town of Kybarty in Lithuania. In 1873 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Isaac Levitan dreamed of becoming an artist, and oh, how long to study as an artist! The sad artist had neither money nor relatives who could help him. He was often hungry, walked in an old and torn clothes and shoes with the soles torn off, and he had no warm clothes at all. Imagine how it froze on cold winter days...

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In the house where he grew up, he did not even have his own corner, so as a student he often stayed overnight at his school. He settled under the bench and tried to hide away so that he would not be noticed and driven out by the evil watchman, whom everyone was afraid of and called “ Devilry”, as someone goblin or brownie.

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Yes, it was hard sad artist but still he became a real master. Everyone who saw his paintings admitted that no one had yet been able to depict nature the way he did. A very timid, shy and vulnerable person, Levitan knew how to relax only alone with nature. He knew how to talk with trees and clouds, heard how the grass grows, knew how to show that beauty is everywhere, even in a puddle in which the sky is reflected.

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But ... Levitan did not like the Sun. It seemed to him too bright, excessively harsh, intrusive, it prevented him from enjoying nature. Therefore, most often he depicted rainy, cloudy days or evenings; or autumn, when the sun becomes very small.

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Paintings by the artist, starting from early work, as if they are telling the viewer: there are no flashy, dazzling views in Russia, but the charm of its landscapes is different. Everything here requires a leisurely, thoughtful love look. But an attentive viewer will discover a different beauty, perhaps deeper and more spiritual.

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Look, here new picture"Vladimirka"! How sad she is! See dear. There is no one on it; only earth and sky. But we seem to hear a drawn-out song and the ringing of shackles. Do you know why? Because prisoners were taken to Siberia along this road. The artist knows this. And look how amazing: there are no prisoners in the picture, but their melancholy sighs and heavy thoughts remain!

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And in another picture “Above eternal rest”- a high bank and a poor church on it. Nearby are several trees and rickety crosses in the cemetery. Sadly, quietly ... The sad artist Levitan saw it from above, like a flying bird. The church seems quite small, the crosses are tiny, and the sky and the earth are huge and seem to be talking to each other about something. And everyone who looks at this picture will think that people are born and die, but water, earth and sky are eternal and always remain the same. Sad…

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But in 1895, a turning point occurred in the soul of the artist Isaac Levitan. After dim sad canvases, he began to paint cheerful, full of triumphant beauty pictures. The artist has changed. Of course, he did not become a merry fellow. But still he stopped hiding from the Sun's Rays, and they now and then began to appear in his paintings. Here is a fresh wind blowing the sails of a handsome ship flooded with the Sun on a large river. Fluffy clouds run in the sky, the whole river is covered with small fast waves. Everything is so elegant, cheerful, fun! I can’t even believe that Isaac Levitan painted this picture. As Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky said, “Levitan's paintings require a slow examination. They don't dazzle the eye. They are modest and accurate, but the further you look into them, the sweeter the silence of provincial settlements, familiar rivers and country roads becomes.

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Judging by the name of the picture, what time of the year will it be? What associations do you have with the word "spring"? Warmth, bright sun, drops, murmuring streams, melting snow, young greenery, thawed patches, joyful mood, icicles, high blue sky, clear and Fresh air, long bright days. A real artist always teaches a special vision. It seems to sharpen our senses, makes us see the unusual in the ordinary, beauty and poetry in the familiar and everyday.

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Take a look at it, and I will tell the story of its appearance. Spring was beginning, and the day was sunny and joyful. Levitan rode in a sleigh and looked around sadly. “It looks like I won’t have to work today,” he thought, “everything is too bright, too bright, like in a theater. What a pity, the whole day will be wasted!” Suddenly, in the blue sky above his head, a forest bird, a jay, screamed. Hearing her cry, the artist shuddered in surprise, quickly threw up his head, and his wide-brimmed hat flew off and fell into the snow. And then the sun's rays splashed into his eyes and, out of habit, Levitan seemed to go blind. He got up in the sledge, waved his arms, and also fell out into the snow. And the horse, rejoicing that the sleigh had become quite light, rushed forward, and even started to trot. She ran to the house and stood in front of the porch, as if rooted to the spot. Levitan lies in a snowdrift, looking for a hat to put it on as soon as possible, but there is no hat! He sat down and opened his eyes. Out of habit, he can’t even look, he closed his eyes again. Then he rubbed his eyes, looked - and did not believe himself. What a beauty!

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The painting by I. I. Levitan “March” is one of the most poetic landscapes in Russian art. The artist managed to convey the very first moments of spring, its very first steps. The breath of spring is felt in everything: in the porous snow, in the thaw near the house, in the drops, in the clear air and in the blue, spring-like high sky. When you look at the picture, there is a feeling that winter is receding, unable to resist spring. On the road that leads to the house, the snow has already turned brown, the snowdrifts have settled and lost their whiteness. Near the house, where it is especially warm, snow exfoliates. Only on a forest glade, hidden from the sun by the crowns of pines, the snow lies, not yet touched. The sky is high, pale blue, clear. The sun's light is warm and yellow. Under the action of the sun's rays, the snow on the roof began to thaw and is about to, rustling, slide off it. Spring comes from the forest, which basks under the warm blue sky. And amazing silence around. The complete desertion of the landscape helps to feel this silence. But the presence of a person is invisibly felt in the picture: the door is ajar, at the porch we see a horse. She basked in the sun. The picture evokes a feeling of elation and joy.

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Do you like the picture? What feelings does it evoke in you? You look at the picture and feel the breath of spring. I want to sit in a sleigh right now and ride along a forest path, feel the freshness and purity of the air. Expose your face to the bright sun and enjoy its warmth.

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Let's look at the big picture. What do we see? The plot of the picture is very simple. A horse harnessed to a sleigh stands at the porch of a wooden house, a winter road thawing from the bright sun, snowdrifts and trees - that's all we see. But close scrutiny reveals details that are inconspicuous at first.

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Take a look at the sky. What can you say about him? High blue sky; azure, pure truly spring sky; clear and cloudless, it seems that you can see a high-flying bird.

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And now, guys, try to describe the trees shown in the picture. Casting purple shadows on the snow, the trees stand motionless in the forest, as if bathed in the high sky; tree trunks are directed upwards; thin flexible branches of birches shimmer different colors; slender birch trunks seem to glow, and behind them you can see the dark green of pines.

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And how did the artist depict snow? The snow on the roof of the porch had melted; the snow darkened on the road; became loose; thaws appeared.

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Try to define color scheme paintings. Shades of what colors found a combination here and in what? The color scheme of the picture is based on a combination three colors: yellow, blue and green with the addition of white. Yellow - on the wall of the house, on the door, in the tops of trees, in the brown hair of a horse. Blue colors the spring sky, shadows from the trees on the left. Green - in pine needles. White - in the image of snow. The color scheme is unusually sonorous and expressive, like a hymn to spring, the renewal of nature.

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The mood of the picture is primarily created by the presence of the sun. What can you say about it? The sun gently warms and reflects on the yellow walls of the wooden house, in the green of the pines and the blue shadows of the trees; streams bright light make the wall of the house as golden as amber; the warm rays of the spring sun melted the snow; the gentle spring sun pours light and warmth on the earth.

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What can you say about the mood that is born when looking at this work of art? Inconspicuous at first glance, the plot of the picture gives rise to a feeling of warmth and joy, even the smell of spring is felt. Everyday picture makes you feel a sense of joy and celebration. Along with a joyful mood, we experience a feeling of slight sadness, because it’s also a pity to part with winter, and spring is just beginning, there will be more cold and frost ahead, but we believe: something good will definitely happen.

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The painting “March” is one of the most joyful works of Isaac Levitan. The painter managed to convey the impression of the first truly spring day, which is made up of the ringing of drops and fast streams of melt water, from the blinding rays of the sun, from the extraordinary blue shadows that seem to happen only in March.

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Athanasius Fet. 1843. I came to you with greetings, To tell you that the sun has risen, That it fluttered through the sheets with a hot light; To tell that the forest woke up, The whole woke up, every branch, every bird started up And full of spring thirst; To tell that with the same passion, As yesterday, I came again, That the soul is still happy And ready to serve you; Tell me that from everywhere It blows fun on me, That I don’t know what I’ll sing myself, but only the song is ripening.

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Material for the composition Day: warm, sunny, joyful, bright, spring. Sky: bright, clear, friendly, radiant. Forest: dark green, gloomy. Drops: sonorous, cheerful, perky, spring. Horse: lonely, red, dormant. Trees: thin red aspens, delicate fragile birches reaching for the sun. Snow: bluish, spongy, loose, dirty and melted on the road, sliding off the roof of the house.

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Before us is a picture of the wonderful Russian artist Isaac Levitan “March”. In the upper corner of the reproduction we see an azure sky. It is high and truly spring. Slender trunks of birches seem to glow, dark green pines can be seen behind them. There is still snow on the ground, but already on the path it has melted, darkened, and become loose. The sun gently warms and reflects on the yellow walls of the wooden house, in the greenery and blue shadows of the trees. On the road is a horse harnessed to a sled. Probably, she is waiting for her master, who is about to leave the house. I.I. Levitan was an extraordinary person. He loved nature very much and managed to convey its beauty and grandeur.

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Artist Isaac Levitan - extraordinary person. His paintings, at first glance, are very simple, but if you look closely, a completely different world will open up to you. Painting by I.I. Levitan's "March" is the firstborn of his new sensations about sunlight. In the artist's work, we see a clear, truly spring sky, and through its cloudlessness, it seems, one can see a high-flying bird. The trees bathe in the expanse of the sky. Casting purple shadows on the snow, they stand motionless, raising their branches as high as possible. A little further from the luminous birches we see the dark green of the pines. The snow, melted by the gentle spring sun, darkened slightly. More and more thawed patches began to appear. The picture does not show a person, but you can feel his presence. A birdhouse hangs on one of the dancing birches, which means that the caring owner has already taken care of his migratory friends and is looking forward to their return. A faithful horse waits for its owner and stands calmly. But as soon as a person appears, she will begin to step from foot to foot, getting ready to go. Isaac Levitan managed to convey the state of nature in early spring in the painting “March”. The picture allows you to believe in the future and expect new changes.

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Wonderful artist Isaac Levitan is known as the author of many sad pictures. But in 1895, cheerful pictures appeared in his work, one of which is called “March”. The reproduction shows an early March morning. There is not a cloud in the blue sky. Branches of slender birches reach for the sun's rays. Behind the young birch trees are dark green pines. Trees cast shadows. The snow is already melting, although there are still loose snowdrifts in the forest. Wooden house all flooded with sunlight. The door was ajar, there was almost no snow left on the roof. At the porch of the house there is a horse harnessed to a sledge, which is dozing, warmed by warmth. I agree with K.G. Paustovsky, who said that “Levitan's paintings require a slow examination. They don't dazzle the eye. They are modest and accurate, but the further you look into them, the sweeter the silence of provincial settlements, familiar rivers and country roads becomes.

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The painting "March" was created by the wonderful Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan. This spring landscape perfectly conveys the mood of the artist. High blue sky. Bright sun illuminates the house, the path, the tops of slender birches. The trees cast purple long shadows on the snow. The snow shimmers with a light blue tint. He became loose. Deep in the forest lie snowdrifts. The sun caresses the horse with its rays, and enjoying it, it stands motionless, harnessed to the sleigh. The thawed patches evoke a feeling of warmth and comfort. The caring owner did his best for the first starlings and made a small but cozy birdhouse. Soon the starlings will arrive and begin musical symphony. It's fresh all around. I want to ride with the breeze on a peppy horse, to feel the smell of spring, warmth. Artist I.I. Levitan managed to convey the beauty of nature, its charm.

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I. I. Levitan’s canvas “March” depicts an ordinary landscape: a mixed forest, a snowy meadow, a corner of a house with a porch, a horse harnessed to a sleigh ... The whole picture is permeated with warm tones. The light wall of the house, the orange porch posts, blue shadows in the snow, the bright blue depth of the sky - all this is permeated with sunlight. It is this soft, sunny light that evokes the feeling of spring. Everything seemed to freeze around, warmed by the warm spring sun. The trees do not move, the red horse at the porch dozed off in anticipation. Mood, created by the painting can be summed up in one word: holiday. In the landscape "March" the artist showed the awakening of nature, the spring renewal of the earth.

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"March" - a textbook landscape by Isaac Levitan (1860-1900), written in 1895. The painting is part of the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery(Inv. 1489). Size - 60 × 75 cm.

The picture was painted by Levitan in March 1895, when he lived in the Gorka estate in the Tver province. It was exhibited at the exhibitions of 1896, and in the same year was bought by Pavel Tretyakov.

The painting "March" is considered one of the most famous and striking examples of Levitan's landscape heritage. She also serves as an example of the influence of impressionism on the artist's work.

This life-affirming landscape, which combines the picturesque depiction of snow, spring sky and trees, is considered "a discovery in Russian landscape painting." Subsequently, this motif became a popular theme among many Russian landscape painters of the 20th century - Igor Grabar, Konstantin Yuon and others.

In 1894-1895, Levitan lived for several months in the Gorka estate, located one and a half kilometers from the village of Ostrovno, at that time located on the territory of the Vyshnevolotsky district of the Tver province, and now part of the Udomelsky district of the Tver region. The estate belonged to Privy Councilor Ivan Nikolaevich Turchaninov, and his wife Anna Nikolaevna often spent time there with her daughters Varvara, Sofya and Anna. The main building of the estate was a two-story house with a mezzanine, painted yellowish. It is he who is depicted in the painting “March”, as well as in Levitan’s earlier pastel “Autumn. Manor "(1894), which is currently part of the collection of Omsk regional museum fine arts named after M. A. Vrubel.
Levitan met Anna Nikolaevna Turchaninova in the summer of 1894 in Ostrovno, where he was visiting the Ushakovs' estate with his companion, the artist Sofia Kuvshinnikova. Levitan and Turchaninova began an affair, which led to a quarrel and a break in relations with Kuvshinnikova. After that, Levitan moved to the Gorka estate and lived there in August and September 1894, and then returned there in the early spring of the following year. Especially for him, a two-story house-workshop was built on the territory of the estate, located on the shore of the lake)

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