In the dragoon story the first day. Dragoon's story amazing day

A few days ago we started building a launch pad spaceship and so far they haven’t finished, but at first I thought that one, two, three - and everything would be ready for us right away. But things somehow didn't work out, and all because we didn't know what it should be, this site.

We didn't have a plan.

Then I went home. He took a piece of paper and drew on it what went where: where is the entrance, where is the exit, where to dress, where the astronaut is seen off and where to press the button. It all turned out great for me, especially the button. And when I drew the site, I also added a rocket to it. And the first step, and the second, and the astronaut's cabin, where he will lead scientific observations, and a separate nook where he will have lunch, and I even figured out where to wash his face, and invented self-extending buckets for this, so that he would collect rainwater in them.

And when I showed this plan to Alenka, Mishka and Kostya, they all liked it very much. Only buckets Mishka crossed out.

He said:

They will slow down.

And Kostya said:

Of course of course! Take those buckets away.

And Alenka said:

Well, absolutely them!

And then I did not argue with them, and we stopped all unnecessary conversations and set to work. We got a heavy rammer. Mishka and I pounded the ground with it. And Alenka walked behind us and trimmed our sandals right behind us. They were brand new, beautiful, and after five minutes they turned gray. Repainted from dust.

We perfectly compacted the site and worked together. And another guy joined us, Andryushka, he is six years old. Although he is a little reddish, he is quite smart. And in the midst of work, a window on the fourth floor opened, and Alenka's mother shouted:

Alenka! Home now! Breakfast!

And when Alenka ran away, Kostya said:

It's even better that she's gone!

Mishka said:

It's a pity. However, the labor force...

I said:

Let's fit in!

And we leaned on, and very soon the site was completely ready. The bear examined her, laughed with pleasure and said:

Now the main thing must be decided: who will be the astronaut.

Andryushka immediately responded:

I will be an astronaut, because I am the smallest, I weigh the least!

And Kostya:

That is still unknown. I was sick, do you know how I lost weight? Three kilos! I am an astronaut.

Mishka and I just looked at each other. These little devils have already decided that they will be cosmonauts, but they seem to have forgotten about us.

After all, I came up with the whole game. And, of course, I will be an astronaut!

And as soon as I had time to think so, Mishka suddenly declares:

And who was in charge of all the work here now? BUT? I was in command! So I'll be an astronaut!

I didn't like this at all. I said:

Let's build the rocket first. And then we will do tests for an astronaut. And then we'll set the launch.

They were immediately glad that there was still a lot of play left, and Andryushka said:

Let's build a rocket!

Kostik said:


Mishka said:

Well, I agree.

We began to build a rocket right on our launch pad. There lay a hefty pot-bellied barrel. It used to have chalk in it, but now it was empty. It was wooden and almost completely intact, and I immediately understood everything and said:

This will be the cabin. Any astronaut can fit here, even the real one, not like me or Mishka.

And we put this barrel in the middle, and Kostya immediately dragged some old nobody's samovar from the back door. He attached it to the barrel to pour fuel into it. It turned out very difficult. Mishka and I made an internal device and two windows on the sides: these were portholes for observation. Andryushka dragged a fairly large box with a lid on and pushed it halfway into the barrel. At first I did not understand what it was, and asked Andryushka:

What is this for?

And he said:

What do you mean why? This is the second step!

Mishka said:

Well done!

And our work is in full swing. We got out different paints, and a few pieces of tin, and nails, and strings, and stretched these strings along the rocket, and nailed the tins to the tail unit, and tinted long stripes all over the side of the barrel, and did a lot of other things, you can’t tell everything. And when we saw that everything was ready for us, Mishka suddenly turned off the tap at the samovar, which was our fuel tank. Mishka turned off the faucet, but nothing came out. Mishka got terribly excited, he touched the dry faucet from below with his finger, turned to Andryushka, who was considered our chief engineer, and yelled:

What are you? What have you done?

Andryushka said:

Then Mishka got completely angry and yelled even worse:

Be silent! You Chief Engineer or what?

Andryushka said:

I am the chief engineer. What are you yelling at?

Where is the fuel in the car? After all, in the samovar ... that is, in the tank, there is not a drop of fuel.

And Andryushka:

So what?

Then Bear to him:

But as ladies, then you will know "so what"!

Here I intervened and shouted:

Fill the tank! Mechanic, quickly!

And I looked menacingly at Kostya. He immediately realized that he was the mechanic, grabbed a bucket and ran to the boiler room for water. He got half a bucket there hot water, ran back, climbed onto the brick and began to pour.

He poured water into the samovar and shouted:

There is fuel! Everything is fine!

And Mishka stood under the samovar and scolded Andryushka for what the world is worth.

And then water poured on Mishka. She was not hot, but wow, quite sensitive, and when she poured herself over Mishka's collar and head, he got really scared and jumped back like a scalded man. The samovar was, apparently, full of holes. He doused Mishka almost everything, and the chief engineer laughed maliciously:

Serves you right!

Misha's eyes sparkled.

And I saw that Mishka was going to give this impudent engineer in the neck, so I quickly stood between them and said:

Listen, kid, what are we going to call our ship?

- "Torpedo" ... - said Kostya.

Or Spartak, Andryushka interrupted, or Dynamo.

The bear was offended again and said:

No, then CSKA!

I told them:

After all, this is not football! You still call our Pakhtakor rocket! It should be called "Vostok-2"! Because Gagarin simply calls the ship “Vostok”, and we will have “Vostok-2”! .. On, Mishka, paint, write!

He immediately took a brush and began to paint, snuffling his nose. He even stuck out his tongue. We began to look at him, but he said:

Don't interfere! Don't look at your hand!

And we moved away from it.

And at that time I took the thermometer, which I dragged from the bathroom, and measured Andryushka's temperature. He had forty-eight and six. I just clutched my head: I have never seen an ordinary boy have such a high temperature. I said:

This is some kind of horror! You must have rheumatism or typhus. Temperature forty-eight and six! Step aside.

He walked away, but then Kostya intervened:

Now look at me! I want to be an astronaut too!

What a misfortune it turns out: everyone wants it! There is no direct retreat from them. Every little thing, but there too!

I told Kostya:

First, you're after measles. And no mother will allow you to be an astronaut. And secondly, show your tongue!

He immediately stuck out the tip of his tongue. The tongue was pink and wet, but it was hardly visible.

I said:

What are you showing me some tip! Let's get it all out!

He immediately threw out his entire tongue, so that he almost reached the collar. It was unpleasant to look at it, and I told him:

Everything, everything, that's enough! Enough! You can remove your tongue. It's way too long, that's what. It's just awfully long. I even wonder how it fits in your mouth.

Kostya was completely at a loss, but then he came to his senses, closed his eyes and said with a threat:

You don't crack! You just say: am I fit to be an astronaut?

Then I said:

With this language? Of course not! Don't you understand that if an astronaut has a long tongue, he's no good anymore? After all, he will tell everyone in the world all the secrets: where which star is spinning, and all that ... No, you, Kostya, better calm down! With your tongue it is better to sit on the Earth.

Here Kostya blushed like a tomato for no reason. He took a step back from me, clenched his fists, and I realized that now we were going to start a real fight with him. So I also quickly spat into my fists and put my foot forward so that it was a real boxing stance, like in the photo of a lightweight champion.

Kostik said:

Now I'll give a splash!

And I said:

You'll grab two!

He said:

You will roll on the ground!

Consider that you are already dead!

Then he thought and said:

Feel free to get in touch...

Well shut up!

And then Mishka shouted to us from the rocket:

Hey, Kostya, Deniska, Andryushka! Go watch the inscription.

We ran to Mishka and began to look. Wow there was an inscription, only a curve and at the end curled down. Andryushka said:

In great!

And Kostya said:

I didn't say anything. Because it was written like this: "VASTOK-2".

I did not bother Mishka with this, but went up and corrected both mistakes. I wrote: "VOSTOG-2".

And that's it. The bear blushed and remained silent. Then he came up to me, took me under the visor.

When are you planning to launch? - asked Mishka.

I said:

In one hour!

Mishka said:

Zero zero?

And I answered:

Zero zero!

First of all, we needed to get the explosives. It wasn't easy, but something came up. Firstly, Andryushka brought ten pieces of Christmas sparklers. Then Mishka also brought some kind of bag - I forgot the name, like boric acid. Mishka said that this acid burns very beautifully. And I brought two crackers, I have had them lying around in a box since last year. And we took a pipe from our samovar-tank, plugged it at one end with a rag and pushed all our explosives in there and shook it properly. And then Kostya brought some kind of belt from my mother's dressing gown, and we made a fickford cord out of it. We put all our pipe in the second stage of the rocket and tied it with ropes, and the cord was pulled out, and it lay behind our rocket on the ground, like the tail of a snake.

And now we were all set.

Now, - said Mishka, - it's time to decide who will fly. You or me, because Andryushka and Kostya are not suitable yet.

Yes, - I said, - they are not suitable for health reasons.

As soon as I said this, tears immediately dripped from Andryushka, and Kostya turned away and began to dig the wall, because he, too, probably dripped, but he was embarrassed that he was soon seven, and he was crying. Then I said:

Kostya is appointed as the Chief Igniter!

And Andryushka is appointed as the Main Launcher!

Then they both turned to us, and their faces became much more cheerful, and no tears were visible, just amazing!

Then I said:

Mishka said:

Only, mind you, I think!

The hare-white-where-ran-in-the-forest-oak-what-did-bass-teared-where-put-under-the-deck-who-stole-Spyridon-Mor-del-on-tintil-vintile-get out!

Mishka got out. Of course, he is older than both Kostya and Andryushka, but his eyes became so sad that it was not for him to fly, just horror!

I said:

Bear, you will fly on the next flight without any rhyme, okay?

And he said:

Come sit down!

Well, there's nothing you can do about it, I honestly got it. We reckoned with him, and he himself reckoned, but it fell out to me, there's nothing to be done about it. And I immediately climbed into the barrel. It was dark and cramped, especially the second step bothered me. Because of her, it was impossible to lie still, she dug into her side. I wanted to turn around and lie on my stomach: but then I cracked my head on the tank, it was sticking out in front. I thought that, of course, it is difficult for an astronaut to sit in the cockpit, because there is a lot of equipment, even too much! But still, I adapted, and curled up in three deaths, and lay down, and began to wait for the launch.

And now I hear - Mishka screams:

Get ready! Smirrnaa! Launcher, don't pick your nose! Go to the motors.

Available for motors!

And I realized that soon the launch, and began to lie further.

And now I hear - Mishka again commands:

Chief Igniter! Get ready! Light up…

And right away I heard how Kostya was fumbling with his matchbox and, it seems, cannot get a match out of excitement, and Mishka, of course, is stretching the team so that everything matches together - and Kostya's match and his team. Here he is pulling:

And I thought: well, now! Even my heart skipped a beat! And Kostya is still rattling matches. I clearly imagined how his hands were shaking and he could not grasp the match.

And Mishka is his:

Light it up... Come on, you unfortunate wahlya! Fire up…

And suddenly I clearly heard: teal!

- ... burn it! Light it up!

I closed my eyes, cringed, and prepared to fly. It would be great if it was true, everyone would go crazy, and I closed my eyes even tighter. But there was nothing: no explosion, no shock, no fire, no smoke - nothing. And finally I got tired of it, and I yelled from the barrel:

Soon there, right? My whole side is lying down - whining!

And then Mishka climbed into my rocket. He said:

Stuck. Bickford cord failed.

I almost kicked him with my foot in anger:

Oh, you, engineers are called! You can't launch a simple rocket! Well, let me!

And I got out of the rocket. Andryushka and Kostya fiddled with the cord, and nothing came of them. I said:

Comrade Mishka! Get these fools out of business! I myself!

And he went up to the samovar pipe and, first of all, completely tore off their mother's kickford belt. I called out to them:

Well, go away! Alive!

And they all fled in all directions. And I put my hand into the pipe, and again mixed everything there, and laid the sparklers on top. Then I lit a match and put it in the pipe. I shouted:

Hold on!

And ran away. I did not think that there would be anything special, because there, in the pipe, there was nothing like that. I wanted to shout at the top of my voice now: "Bukh, tarrarah!" - like it's a blast to play on. And I already took a breath and wanted to shout louder, but at that time something in the chimney was whistling and whistling! And the pipe flew off the second stage, and began to fly up, and fall, and smoke! .. And then, how it will boom! Wow! It's probably crackers there worked, I don't know, or Mishkin's powder! Bach! Bach! Bach! I must have been a little scared because of this banging, because I saw a door in front of me, and decided to run through it, and opened it, and entered this door, but it turned out to be not a door, but a window, and I just ran into it, so he stumbled and fell right into our house management. There, Zinaida Ivanovna was sitting at the table, and she counted on a typewriter how much to pay for the apartment. And when she saw me, she probably did not immediately recognize me, because I was dirty, straight from a dirty barrel, shaggy and even torn in some places. She simply froze when I fell to her from the window, and she began to brush me off with both hands. She screamed:

What's this? Who is it?

And I must have looked like a devil or some kind of underground monster, because she completely lost her mind and began to shout at me as if I were a neuter noun.

Gone out! Get out of here! Wow gone!

And I got to my feet, pressed my hands at my sides and politely said to her:

Hello Zinaida Ivanna! Don't worry, it's me!

And he began to slowly make his way to the exit. And Zinaida Ivanovna shouted after me:

Ah, it's Denis! All right!.. Wait!.. You'll find out from me!.. I'll tell Alexei Akimych everything!

And my mood was very spoiled from these screams. Because Aleksey Akimych is our building manager. And he will take me to my mother and my father will complain, and it will be bad for me. And I thought how good it was that he was not at the house administration, and that I, perhaps, after all, should not catch his eye for two or three days, until everything is settled. And then I got again good mood, and I cheerfully and cheerfully left the house management. And as soon as I found myself in the yard, I immediately saw a whole crowd of our guys. They ran and clamored, and in front of them Alexei Akimych ran rather briskly. I was terribly afraid. I thought that he saw our rocket, how it was blown up, and maybe the damn pipe broke the windows or something, and now he is running to look for the culprit, and someone told him that I was the main culprit, and then he saw me, I was right in front of him, and now he will grab me! I thought all this in one second, and while I was thinking it all out, I was already running from Alexei Akimych with all my might, but over my shoulder I saw that he was running after me with all his might, and then I ran past the garden, and to the right, and ran around the fungus, but Alexey Akimych rushed to cut me and splashed through the fountain right in his trousers, and my heart sank into my heels, and then he grabbed me by the shirt. And I thought: that's it, the end. And he intercepted me with both hands under the armpits and how he would throw me up! And I can’t stand it when they lift me up by the armpits: it tickles me, and I writhe like I don’t know who and break out. And here I am looking at him from above and writhing, and he looks at me and suddenly declares for no apparent reason:

Shout "hooray"! Well! Shout "Hurrah" now!

And then I got even more frightened: I thought he was crazy. And that, perhaps, there is no need to argue with him, since he is crazy. And I shouted not too loudly:

Hurrah! .. And what's the matter?

And then Alexei Akimych put me down and said:

And the fact is that today the second cosmonaut was launched! Comrade German Titov! Well, what, not cheers, or what?

Here I will scream:

Of course, cheers! What another wow!

I shouted so loudly that the pigeons jumped up. But Aleksey Akimych smiled and went to his house administration.

And the whole crowd of us ran to the loudspeaker and whole hour they listened to what was being broadcast about Comrade German Titov, and about his flight, and how he eats, and everything, everything, everything. And when there was a break in the radio, I said:

Where is Mishka?

And suddenly I hear:

I'm here!

In fact, it turns out he's right there. I was in such a fever that I didn't even notice it. I said:

Where were you?

I'm here. I'm here all the time.

I asked:

How about our rocket? Did it explode into a thousand pieces?

What you! Wholesome! It's just the pipe rattling like that. And the rocket, what will happen to it? Worth it like nothing happened!

Shall we see?

And when we came running, I saw that everything was in order, everything was intact and you could play as much as you like. I said:

Mishka, and now two, then, astronauts?

He said:

Well, yes. Gagarin and Titov.

And I said:

They must be friends?

Of course, - said Mishka, - what other friends!

Then I put my hand on Mishka's shoulder. He had a narrow shoulder and thin. And we stood quietly and were silent, and then I said:

And we are friends, Mishka. And we will fly together on the next flight.

And then I went to the rocket, and found the paint, and gave it to Mishka to hold. And he stood by and held the paint and watched me paint and sniffed like we were painting together. And I saw another mistake and corrected it too, and when I finished, we took two steps back with him and looked at how beautifully it was written on our wonderful ship VOSTOK-3.

Viktor Dragunsky.

Denis' stories.

"He's alive and glowing..."

One evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waiting for my mother. She probably lingered at the institute, or in the store, or, perhaps, stood for a long time on bus stop. Don't know. Only all the parents of our yard had already come, and all the guys went home with them and probably already drank tea with bagels and cheese, but my mother was still not there ...

And now the lights in the windows began to light up, and the radio began to play music, and dark clouds moved in the sky - they looked like bearded old men ...

And I wanted to eat, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and would not be late and would not made her sit on the sand and get bored.

And at that moment Mishka came out into the yard. He said:

- Great!

And I said

- Great!

Mishka sat down with me and picked up a dump truck.

- Wow! Mishka said. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up the sand himself? Not by myself? Does he dump himself? Yes? And the pen? What is she for? Can it be rotated? Yes? BUT? Wow! Will you give it to me at home?

I said:

- No I will not give. Gift. Dad gave before leaving.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. It got even darker outside.

I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother comes. But she didn't go. Apparently, I met Aunt Rosa, and they stand and talk and do not even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Mishka says:

- Can you give me a dump truck?

- Get off, Mishka.

Then Mishka says:

“I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for him!”

I say:

- Compared Barbados with a dump truck ...

- Well, do you want me to give you a swim ring?

I say:

- He's screwed on you.

- You'll glue it!

I even got angry.

- Where can I swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?

And Mishka pouted again. And then he says:

- Well, it wasn't! Know my kindness! On the!

And he handed me a box of matches. I took her in hand.

- You open it, - said Mishka, - then you will see!

I opened the box and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if a tiny star was burning somewhere far, far away from me, and at the same time I myself was holding it in my hands now.

“What is it, Mishka,” I said in a whisper, “what is it?

“It’s a firefly,” said Mishka. - What, good? He's alive, don't think.

“Mishka,” I said, “take my dump truck, do you want to?” Take forever, forever! And give me this star, I'll take it home ...

And Mishka grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, looked at it, looked and could not get enough of it: how green it is, as if in a fairy tale, and how close it is, in the palm of your hand, but it shines, as if from afar ... And I could not breathe evenly, and I could hear my heart beating and my nose pricked a little, as if I wanted to cry.

And I sat like that for a long, long time. And there was no one around. And I forgot about everyone in the world.

But then my mother came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they began to drink tea with bagels and cheese, my mother asked:

- Well, how is your dump truck?

And I said:

- I, mother, changed it.

Mom said:

- Interesting! And for what?

I replied:

- To the firefly! Here he is in a box. Turn off the light!

And my mother turned off the light, and the room became dark, and the two of us began to look at the pale green star.

Then mom turned on the light.

“Yes,” she said, “it’s magic!” But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this worm?

“I've been waiting for you for so long,” I said, “and I was so bored, and this firefly, it turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.

Mom looked at me intently and asked:

- And what, exactly, is it better?

I said:

- How can you not understand? After all, he is alive! And it glows!

Gotta have a sense of humor

Once Mishka and I were doing homework. We put notebooks in front of us and copied. And at that time I was telling Mishka about lemurs, what they have big eyes, like glass saucers, and that I saw a photograph of a lemur, how he holds on to a fountain pen, he himself is small, small and terribly cute.

Then Mishka says:

- Did you write?

I say:

- You check my notebook, - says Mishka, - and I check yours.

And we exchanged notebooks.

And as soon as I saw that Mishka had written, I immediately began to laugh.

I look, and Mishka is also rolling, he’s turned blue.

I say:

- What are you, Mishka, rolling?

- I'm rolling, what did you write off wrong! What are you?

I say:

- And I'm the same, only about you. Look, you wrote: "Moses have come." Who are these “moses”?

The bear blushed.

- Moses are probably frosts. And you wrote: "Natal winter." What is this?

“Yes,” I said, “not “natal,” but “arrived.” You can't write anything, you have to rewrite. It's all the lemurs' fault.

And we started rewriting. And when they rewrote, I said:

Let's set tasks!

“Come on,” Mishka said.

At this time, dad came. He said:

Hello fellow students...

And sat down at the table.

I said:

- Here, dad, listen to what task I will set for Mishka: here I have two apples, and there are three of us, how to divide them among us equally?

Mishka immediately pouted and began to think. Dad didn't pout, but he thought too. They thought for a long time.

I then said:

Are you giving up, Mishka?

Mishka said:

- I give up!

I said:

- So that we all get equally, it is necessary to cook compote from these apples. - And he began to laugh: - It was Aunt Mila who taught me! ..

The bear pouted even more. Then dad narrowed his eyes and said:

– And since you are so cunning, Denis, let me give you a task.

“Let’s ask,” I said.

Dad walked around the room.

“Listen,” Dad said. One boy is in first grade "B". His family consists of five people. Mom gets up at seven o'clock and spends ten minutes getting dressed. But dad brushes his teeth for five minutes. Grandma goes to the store as much as mom gets dressed plus dad brushes his teeth. And grandfather reads newspapers, how much grandmother goes to the store minus what time mother gets up.

When they're all together, they start waking up this first class "B" boy. It takes time to read grandpa's papers plus grandma's grocery shopping.

When a boy from first class "B" wakes up, he stretches for as long as mom gets dressed plus dad brushes his teeth. And he washes, how many grandfather's newspapers, divided by grandmother. He's late for class by as many minutes as he stretches plus washes, minus his mother's getting up multiplied by his father's teeth.

The question is: who is this boy from the first "B" and what threatens him if this continues? All!

Then dad stopped in the middle of the room and began to look at me. And Mishka laughed at the top of his lungs and began to look at me too. They both looked at me and laughed.

I said:

– I can’t solve this problem right away, because we haven’t gone through it yet.

And I didn’t say another word, but left the room, because I immediately guessed that the answer to this problem would turn out to be a lazy person and that such a person would soon be expelled from school. I went out of the room into the corridor and climbed behind the hanger and began to think that if this is a task about me, then this is not true, because I always get up pretty quickly and stretch for very little, just as much as necessary. And I also thought that if dad wants to invent me so much, then please, I can leave the house straight to the virgin lands. There will always be work there, people are needed there, especially young people. I will conquer nature there, and dad will come with a delegation to Altai, see me, and I will stop for a minute and say:

And he will say:

"Hi from your mom..."

And I will say:

"Thank you... How is she doing?"

And he will say:


And I will say:

“She must have forgotten her only son?”

And he will say:

“What are you, she lost thirty-seven kilos! That's how bored!"

- Oh, there he is! What are those eyes you have? Have you taken this task personally?

He picked up his coat and hung it up in its place, and went on to say:

“I made it all up. There is no such boy in the world, not like in your class!

And dad took my hands and pulled me out from behind the hanger.

Then he looked at me intently again and smiled:

“You need to have a sense of humor,” he told me, and his eyes became cheerful, cheerful. - But this is funny task, truth? Well! Laugh!

And I laughed.

And he too.

And we went to the room.

Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky

I have only fives in the report card. Only four in calligraphy. Because of the blot. I don't really know what to do! I always have blots coming off my pen. I already dip only the very tip of the pen into the ink, but the blots still come off. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page cleanly, cleanly, it's expensive to look at - a real five page. In the morning I showed it to Raisa Ivanovna, and there, in the very middle of the blot! Where did she come from? She wasn't there yesterday! Maybe it leaked from some other page? Don't know…

Victor Dragoon Deniskins stories - it is this book that we will analyze in detail today. I will give summary several stories, I will describe three films based on these works. And I will share a personal review based on my impression with my son. Whether you are looking for a good copy for your child or working on a reading diary with your younger student, I think in any case you will be able to find useful information in the article.

Hello dear blog readers. The book itself was purchased by me more than two years ago, but my son initially did not accept it. But at almost six years old, he enthusiastically listened to the stories from the life of the boy Denis Korablev, laughing heartily at the situations. And at 7.5 he read excitedly, laughing and retelling the plots he liked to my husband and me. Therefore, I immediately advise you not to rush into the introduction of this wonderful book. The child must grow up to its correct perception, and then you can be sure that it will make an indelible impression on him.

About the book Deniskina stories by Viktor Dragunsky

Our copy was published by Eksmo in 2014. The book has a hard cover, stitched binding, 160 pages. Pages: dense snow-white offset, on which bright, large pictures are absolutely not visible. In other words, the quality of this edition is perfect, I can safely advise. The book of Viktor Dragunsky Deniskin's stories is pleasant to hold in your hands. Having opened the cover, the child immediately enters the world of adventures that await him on its pages. The illustrations made by Vladimir Kanivets accurately reflect the events of the stories. There are a lot of pictures, they are on every spread: large ones - for the whole page and small ones - several for a spread. Thus, the book becomes a real adventure that the reader experiences along with its main characters. Buy at labyrinth, Ozone.

Deniskin's stories were included in 100 books for schoolchildren recommended by the Ministry of Education, which once again confirms the advice on reading these works in junior school age or close to it. The text in the book is a good size for both the child and the vision-conscious parent.

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Deniska's stories - content

Viktor Dragunsky wrote a series of stories about a boy named Denis Korablev, who literally grows up before the reader's eyes. What are they about?

At first we see Deniska as a sweet preschooler: inquisitive, sentimental. Then like a schoolboy primary school, who uses his inquisitive mind in various experiments, draws conclusions from his not always ideal behavior, and falls into funny situations. The protagonist of the stories was the writer's son. Father watching him interesting childhood, his experiences, created these beautiful works. They were first published in 1959, and the actions described in the book took place in the 50-60s of the last century.

What is included in this copy? Yes, not a lot! The list made me very happy.

Now, let's talk about several works separately. This will help you decide if you have never read the book. Or help in filling out the reader's diary for grades 2-3, usually it is during this period that reading is given for the summer.

About filling out the reader's diary

Let me explain in a nutshell: my son keeps notes about what he read, in the article I will write down his opinion.
An example of such work is when my son worked with the work “Winter”.

AT reader's diary child there are lines: date of beginning and end of reading, number of pages, author. I see no reason to enter this data here, because your student will read on other dates, in a different format. The name of the author in all the works that we are talking about today is the same. At the end, a drawing is made. If you and your child have read the story online, a spread of the book will help you, from which, if desired, you can make a sketch. In what genre are "Deniska's stories" written? This information may be needed when filling out the diary. Genre - literary cycle.

So, let's confine ourselves to the description:

  • Name;
  • plot (summary);
  • main characters and their characteristics;
  • what you liked about the piece.

Deniska stories - Amazing day

In the story, the guys are assembling a rocket to fly into space. Thinking through all the details of her device, they got a very impressive design. And although the friends understood that this was a game, they still almost quarreled over deciding who would be the astronaut. It's great that their game ended well! (Here parents have the opportunity to discuss safety measures). The fact is that the boys put New Year's firecrackers into the pipe from the samovar to simulate the take-off of a rocket. And inside the barrel-rocket was a “cosmonaut”. Fortunately for him, the fuse did not work and the explosion occurred after the boy left the “rocket”.

The events that Viktor Dragunsky described in this story fall on the day when German Titov flew into space. People listened to the news on the loudspeaker in the streets and rejoiced at such a great event - the launch of the second cosmonaut.

From the whole book, my son singled out this work, since his interest in astronomy does not fade to this day. Our lesson can be viewed in a separate article.

amazing day
The children wanted to build a rocket and launch it into space. We found a wooden barrel, a leaky samovar, a box, and at the end they brought pyrotechnics from home. They played merrily, each had his own role. One was a mechanic, another was a chief engineer, a third was a chief, but everyone wanted to be an astronaut and go on a flight. Denis became it and he could have died or become disabled if the fuse hadn't gone out. But everything ended well. And after the explosion, everyone learned that the second cosmonaut German Titov had been launched into space. And everyone rejoiced.

Guys living in the same yard. Alenka is a girl in red sandals. Bear - best friend Deniska. Andryushka is a red-haired boy of six years. Kostya is almost seven. Denis - he came up with a plan for a dangerous game.

I liked the story. It's good that although the boys quarreled, they found a way to continue the game. I'm glad no one exploded in the barrel.

Victor Dragunsky Deniskin's stories - No worse than you, circus ones

In the story "No worse than you, circus people", Denis, who lived with his parents in the center of Moscow, suddenly finds himself in the circus in the first row. He had a bag of tomatoes and sour cream with him, which his mother had sent for. A boy was sitting in a chair nearby, as it turned out, the son of circus performers, who was used as a “spectator from the audience”. The boy decided to play a trick on Deniska and invited him to change places. As a result, the clown picked up the wrong boy and carried him under the dome of the circus. And the tomatoes fell on the heads of the audience. But everything ended well and our hero has been to the circus more than once.

Review in the reader's diary

No worse than you circus people.
Returning from the store, Deniska accidentally gets on a performance at the circus. Next to him, in the front row, sat a circus boy. The guys argued a little, but then he suggested that Denis take his seat so that the performance of the clown Pencil could be better seen. And he disappeared. The clown suddenly grabbed Deniska and they flew high above the arena. It was scary, and then bought tomatoes and sour cream flew down. This circus boy Tolka decided to joke like that. In the end, the guys talked and remained friends, and Aunt Dusya took Denis home.
Main characters and their characteristics:
Denis is almost 9 years old and his mother already sends him alone to the grocery store. Aunt Dusya - kind woman, a former neighbor who works at the circus. Tolka is a circus boy, he is cunning and has evil jokes.
What did you like about the piece:
I liked this story. It has a lot funny phrases: “shouted in a whisper”, “shaking like a chicken on a fence”. It was funny to read about flying with a clown and falling tomatoes.

Deniskin's stories - Girl on the ball

In the story "The Girl on the Ball" Denis Korablev watched interesting circus show. Suddenly a girl appeared on the stage, which struck his imagination. Her clothes, her movements, her sweet smile, everything seemed beautiful. The boy was so fascinated by her performance that nothing seemed interesting after him. Arriving home, he told his father about the beautiful circus Thumbelina and asked him to go with him the next Sunday to look at her together.

The whole essence of the work can be reflected in this passage. What a wonderful first love!

And at that moment the girl looked at me, and I saw that she saw that I see her and that I also see that she sees me, and she waved her hand at me and smiled. She waved at me and smiled.

But as usual, parents have other things to do. Friends came to the father and a Sunday exit
canceled for another week. Everything would be fine, but it turned out that Tanechka Vorontsova left with her parents for Vladivostok and Denis never saw her again. It was a small tragedy, our hero even tried to persuade dad to fly there on the Tu-104, but in vain.

Dear parents, I advise you to ask your young readers a question about why, in their opinion, dad was silent all the time on the way home from the circus and at the same time squeezed the child’s hand. Dragunsky completed the work very correctly, but not everyone can understand its end. Of course, we adults know the reason for the restraint of a man who realized the tragedy of his son in love, which occurred because of his unfulfilled promise. But it is still difficult for children to get into the bins of an adult soul. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a conversation with explanations.

Reader's diary

Girl on the Ball.
Denis with the class came to the performance at the circus. There he saw a very beautiful girl who performed on the ball. She seemed to him the most unusual of all the girls and he told his dad about her. Dad promised to go on Sunday and watch the show together, but plans changed because of dad's friends. Deniska couldn't wait until next Sunday to go to the circus. When they finally arrived, they were told that the tightrope walker Tanyusha Vorontsova had left with her parents for Vladivostok. Deniska and dad left without watching the performance and returned home sad.
Main characters and their characteristics:
Deniska - he studies at school. His dad loves the circus, his work is connected with drawings. Tanya Vorontsova - beautiful girl performing in the circus.
What did you like about the piece:
The story is sad, but I still liked it. It is a pity that Deniska could not see the girl again.

Victor Dragunsky Deniskin's stories - Watermelon lane

The story "Watermelon Lane" cannot be ignored. It is perfect for reading on the eve of Victory Day, and just for explaining to preschoolers and junior schoolchildren, the theme of hunger during the war.

Deniska, like any child, sometimes does not want to eat this or that food. The boy will soon be eleven years old, he plays football and returns home very hungry. It would seem that the bull could eat, but my mother puts milk noodles on the table. He refuses to eat, discusses with his mother about this. And dad, having heard the rednecks of his son, returned his thoughts to his childhood, when there was a war and he really wanted to eat. He told Denis a story about how, during a famine, near a store, he was given a broken watermelon. He ate it at home with a friend. And then the series of hungry days continued. Denis's father and his friend Valka went to the alley to the store every day, hoping that they would bring watermelons and one of them would break again ...

Our little hero I understood my father's story, he really felt it:

I sat and also looked out the window, where papa was looking, and it seemed to me that I could see papa and his comrade right there, how they would tremble and wait. The wind beats on them, and the snow too, but they tremble, and wait, and wait, and wait ... then to himself, and drank the rest, and wiped the bottom with bread, and licked the spoon.

My review of the first book about the war that I read to a child can be read at. Also on the blog is good selection and a review about for primary school age.

Deniskin stories films

Reading the book to my son, I remembered that in my childhood I watched children's films with similar plots. A lot of time has passed and yet I dared to look. I found it quickly enough and to my own surprise in in large numbers. I will present to your attention three films that we watched with my boy. But I want to warn you right away that reading a book cannot be replaced by a film, since in films the plots are sometimes mixed from different stories.

Children's Film - Funny Stories

I will start all the same with this film, since it contains stories from the book I described. Namely:

  • Amazing day;
  • He is alive and glowing;
  • The secret becomes clear;
  • Motorcycle racing on a steep wall;
  • dog snatchers;
  • Top down, sideways! (this story is not in our book).

Children's film Deniska stories - Captain

This film is only 25 minutes long and is based on the short story “Tell me about Singapore”. My son and I simply laughed to tears when reading it in our book, but when watching the film, we did not feel this humorous situation. At the end, the plot with the uncle-captain is supplemented from the story "Chiki-bryk", where Deniska's dad showed tricks and Mishka believed in magic so much that he threw his mother's hat out the window. The film does the same trick. main character with a captain's hat.

Children's film Deniskin stories

This film, although it has the same name as our book, does not contain a single story from it. To be honest, we liked it the least. it musical film where there are few words and many songs. And since I did not read these works to the child, he was not familiar with the plot. These included stories:

  • Exactly 25 kilos;
  • Healthy thought;
  • Grandmaster's hat;
  • Twenty years under the bed.

To summarize, I’ll say that Viktor Dragunsky Deniskin’s stories are a book that is easy to read, unobtrusively teaches and educates and gives you the opportunity to laugh. It shows the multifaceted childhood friendship, it is not embellished, it recognizes the actions of real children. My son and I enjoyed the book and I am very glad that he has finally grown up to it.

Dragoon Amazing Day: Deniska's stories for children. Read the story The Amazing Day of V. Dragunsky, and other funny Deniskin stories and funny stories for children and school

Amazing Day (summary of the story)

A story about how the guys assemble a rocket to fly into space. Thinking through all the details of her device, they got a very impressive design. And although the friends understood that this was a game, they still almost quarreled over deciding who would be the astronaut. It's good that their game ended well! Here, parents have the opportunity to discuss safety measures. The fact is that the boys put New Year's firecrackers into the pipe from the samovar to simulate the take-off of a rocket. And inside the barrel-rocket was cosmonaut Denis. Fortunately for him, the fuse did not work and the explosion occurred after the boy left the "rocket".

Amazing day (full story)

A few days ago we started building a platform for launching a spaceship, and we still haven't finished it, but at first I thought that one, two, three, and everything would be ready for us right away. But things somehow didn't work out, and all because we didn't know what it should be, this site.

We didn't have a plan.

Then I went home. He took a piece of paper and drew on it what went where: where is the entrance, where is the exit, where to dress, where the astronaut is seen off and where to press the button. It all turned out great for me, especially the button. And when I drew the site, I also added a rocket to it. And the first step, and the second, and the astronaut's cabin, where he will conduct scientific observations, and a separate corner where he will have lunch, and I even figured out where he should wash himself, and invented self-extending buckets for this, so that he would collect rainwater in them .

And when I showed this plan to Alenka, Mishka and Kostya, they all liked it very much. Only buckets Mishka crossed out.

He said:

They will slow down.

And Kostya said:

Of course of course! Take those buckets away.

And Alenka said:

Well, absolutely them!

And then I did not argue with them, and we stopped all unnecessary conversations and set to work.
We got a heavy rammer. Mishka and I pounded the ground with it. And Alenka walked behind us and trimmed our sandals right behind us. They were brand new, beautiful, and after five minutes they turned gray. Repainted from dust.

We perfectly compacted the site and worked together. And another guy joined us, Andryushka, he is six years old. Although he is a little reddish, he is quite smart. And in the midst of work, a window on the fourth floor opened, and Alenka's mother shouted:

Alenka! Home now! Breakfast!

And when Alenka ran away, Kostya said:

It's even better that she's gone!

Mishka said:

It's a pity. However, the labor force...

I said:

Let's fit in!

And we leaned on, and very soon the site was completely ready. The bear examined her, laughed with pleasure and said:

Now the main thing must be decided: who will be the astronaut.

Andryushka immediately responded:

I will be an astronaut, because I am the smallest, I weigh the least!

And Kostya:

That is still unknown. I was sick, do you know how I lost weight? Three kilos! I am an astronaut.

Mishka and I just looked at each other. These little devils have already decided that they will be cosmonauts, but they seem to have forgotten about us.

After all, I came up with the whole game. And, of course, I will be an astronaut!

And as soon as I had time to think so, Mishka suddenly declares:

And who was in charge of all the work here now? BUT? I was in command! So I'll be an astronaut!

I didn't like this at all. I said:

Let's build the rocket first. And then we will do tests for an astronaut. And then we'll set the launch.

They were immediately glad that there was still a lot of play left, and Andryushka said:

Let's build a rocket!

Kostik said:


Mishka said:

Well, I agree.

We began to build a rocket right on our launch pad. There lay a hefty pot-bellied barrel. It used to have chalk in it, but now it was empty. It was wooden and almost completely intact, and I immediately understood everything and said:

This will be the cabin. Any astronaut can fit here, even the real one, not like me or Mishka.

And we put this barrel in the middle, and Kostya immediately dragged some old nobody's samovar from the back door. He attached it to the barrel to pour fuel into it. It turned out very difficult. Mishka and I made an internal device and two windows on the sides: these were portholes for observation. Andryushka dragged a fairly large box with a lid on and pushed it halfway into the barrel. At first I did not understand what it was, and asked Andryushka:

What is this for?

And he said:

What do you mean why? This is the second step!

Mishka said:

Well done!

And our work is in full swing. We got out different paints, and a few pieces of tin, and nails, and strings, and stretched these strings along the rocket, and nailed the tins to the tail unit, and tinted long stripes all over the side of the barrel, and did a lot of other things, you can’t tell everything. And when we saw that everything was ready for us, Mishka suddenly turned off the tap at the samovar, which was our fuel tank. Mishka turned off the faucet, but nothing came out. Mishka got terribly excited, he touched the dry faucet from below with his finger, turned to Andryushka, who was considered our chief engineer, and yelled:

What are you? What have you done?

Andryushka said:

Then Mishka got completely angry and yelled even worse:

Be silent! Are you the chief engineer or what?

Andryushka said:

I am the chief engineer. What are you yelling at?

Where is the fuel in the car? After all, in the samovar ... that is, in the tank, there is not a drop of fuel.

And Andryushka:

So what?

Then Bear to him:

But as ladies, then you will know "so what"!

Here I intervened and shouted:

Fill the tank! Mechanic, quickly!

And I looked menacingly at Kostya. He immediately realized that he was the mechanic, grabbed a bucket and ran to the boiler room for water. He got half a bucket of hot water there, ran back, climbed on a brick and began to pour.

He poured water into the samovar and shouted:

There is fuel! Everything is fine!

And Mishka stood under the samovar and scolded Andryushka for what the world is worth.

And then water poured on Mishka. She was not hot, but wow, quite sensitive, and when she poured herself over Mishka's collar and head, he got really scared and jumped back like a scalded man. The samovar was, apparently, full of holes. He doused Mishka almost everything, and the chief engineer laughed maliciously:

Serves you right!

Misha's eyes sparkled.

And I saw that Mishka was going to give this impudent engineer in the neck, so I quickly stood between them and said:

Listen, kid, what are we going to call our ship?

- "Torpedo" ... - said Kostya.

Or Spartak, Andryushka interrupted, or Dynamo.

The bear was offended again and said:

No, then CSKA!

I told them:

After all, this is not football! You still call our Pakhtakor rocket! It should be called "Vostok-2"! Because Gagarin simply calls the ship “Vostok”, and we will have “Vostok-2”! .. On, Mishka, paint, write!

He immediately took a brush and began to paint, snuffling his nose. He even stuck out his tongue. We began to look at him, but he said:

Don't interfere! Don't look at your hand!

And we moved away from it.

And at that time I took the thermometer, which I dragged from the bathroom, and measured Andryushka's temperature. He had forty-eight and six. I just clutched my head: I have never seen an ordinary boy have such a high temperature. I said:

This is some kind of horror! You must have rheumatism or typhus. Temperature forty-eight and six! Step aside.

He walked away, but then Kostya intervened:

Now look at me! I want to be an astronaut too!

What a misfortune it turns out: everyone wants it! There is no direct retreat from them. Every little thing, but there too!

I told Kostya:

First, you're after measles. And no mother will allow you to be an astronaut. And secondly, show your tongue!

He immediately stuck out the tip of his tongue. The tongue was pink and wet, but it was hardly visible.

I said:

What are you showing me some tip! Let's get it all out!

He immediately threw out his entire tongue, so that he almost reached the collar. It was unpleasant to look at it, and I told him:

Everything, everything, that's enough! Enough! You can remove your tongue. It's way too long, that's what. It's just awfully long. I even wonder how it fits in your mouth.

Kostya was completely at a loss, but then he came to his senses, closed his eyes and said with a threat:

You don't crack! You just say: am I fit to be an astronaut?

Then I said:

With this language? Of course not! Don't you understand that if an astronaut has a long tongue, he's no good anymore? After all, he will tell everyone in the world all the secrets: where which star is spinning, and all that ... No, you, Kostya, better calm down! With your tongue it is better to sit on the Earth.

Here Kostya blushed like a tomato for no reason. He took a step back from me, clenched his fists, and I realized that now we were going to start a real fight with him. So I also quickly spat into my fists and put my foot forward so that it was a real boxing stance, like in the photo of a lightweight champion.

Kostik said:

Now I'll give a splash!

And I said:

You'll grab two!

He said:

You will roll on the ground!

Consider that you are already dead!

Then he thought and said:

Feel free to get in touch...

Well shut up!

And then Mishka shouted to us from the rocket:

Hey, Kostya, Deniska, Andryushka! Go watch the inscription.

We ran to Mishka and began to look. Wow there was an inscription, only a curve and at the end curled down. Andryushka said:

In great!

And Kostya said:

I didn't say anything. Because it was written like this: "VASTOK-2".

I did not bother Mishka with this, but went up and corrected both mistakes. I wrote: "VOSTOG-2".

And that's it. The bear blushed and remained silent. Then he came up to me, took me under the visor.

When are you planning to launch? - asked Mishka.

I said:

In one hour!

Mishka said:

Zero zero?

And I answered:

Zero zero!

* * *
First of all, we needed to get the explosives. It wasn't easy, but something came up. Firstly, Andryushka brought ten pieces of Christmas sparklers. Then Mishka also brought some kind of bag - I forgot the name, like boric acid. Mishka said that this acid burns very beautifully. And I brought two crackers, I have had them lying around in a box since last year. And we took a pipe from our samovar-tank, plugged it at one end with a rag and pushed all our explosives in there and shook it properly. And then Kostya brought some kind of belt from my mother's dressing gown, and we made a fickford cord out of it. We put all our pipe in the second stage of the rocket and tied it with ropes, and the cord was pulled out, and it lay behind our rocket on the ground, like the tail of a snake.

And now we were all set.

Now, - said Mishka, - it's time to decide who will fly. You or me, because Andryushka and Kostya are not suitable yet.

Yes, - I said, - they are not suitable for health reasons.

As soon as I said this, tears immediately dripped from Andryushka, and Kostya turned away and began to dig the wall, because he, too, probably dripped, but he was embarrassed that he was soon seven, and he was crying. Then I said:

Kostya is appointed as the Chief Igniter!

And Andryushka is appointed as the Main Launcher!

Then they both turned to us, and their faces became much more cheerful, and no tears were visible, just amazing!

Then I said:

Mishka said:

Only, mind you, I think!

The hare-white-where-ran-in-the-forest-oak-what-do-bass-dral-where-
put-the-deck-who-stole-Spyridon-Mor-del-on-tintil-vintile-get out!

Mishka got out. Of course, he is older than both Kostya and Andryushka, but his eyes became so sad that it was not for him to fly, just horror!

I said:

Bear, you will fly on the next flight without any rhyme, okay?

And he said:

Come sit down!

Well, there's nothing you can do about it, I honestly got it. We reckoned with him, and he himself reckoned, but it fell out to me, there's nothing to be done about it. And I immediately climbed into the barrel. It was dark and cramped, especially the second step bothered me. Because of her, it was impossible to lie still, she dug into her side. I wanted to turn around and lie on my stomach: but then I cracked my head on the tank, it was sticking out in front. I thought that, of course, it is difficult for an astronaut to sit in the cockpit, because there is a lot of equipment, even too much! But still, I adapted, and curled up in three deaths, and lay down, and began to wait for the launch.

And now I hear - Mishka screams:

Get ready! Smirrnaa! Launcher, don't pick your nose! Go to the motors.

Available for motors!

And I realized that soon the launch, and began to lie further.

And now I hear - Mishka again commands:

Chief Igniter! Get ready! Light up…

And right away I heard how Kostya was fumbling with his matchbox and, it seems, cannot get a match out of excitement, and Mishka, of course, is stretching the team so that everything matches together - and Kostya's match and his team. Here he is pulling:

And I thought: well, now! Even my heart skipped a beat! And Kostya is still rattling matches. I clearly imagined how his hands were shaking and he could not grasp the match.

And Mishka is his:

Light it up... Come on, you unfortunate wahlya! Fire up…

And suddenly I clearly heard: teal!

- ... burn it! Light it up!

I closed my eyes, cringed, and prepared to fly. It would be great if it was true, everyone would go crazy, and I closed my eyes even tighter. But there was nothing: no explosion, no shock, no fire, no smoke - nothing. And finally I got tired of it, and I yelled from the barrel:

Soon there, right? My whole side is lying down - whining!

And then Mishka climbed into my rocket. He said:

Stuck. Bickford cord failed.

I almost kicked him with my foot in anger:

Oh, you, engineers are called! You can't launch a simple rocket! Well, let me!

And I got out of the rocket. Andryushka and Kostya fiddled with the cord, and nothing came of them. I said:

Comrade Mishka! Get these fools out of business! I myself!

And he went up to the samovar pipe and, first of all, completely tore off their mother's kickford belt. I called out to them:

Well, go away! Alive!

And they all fled in all directions. And I put my hand into the pipe, and again mixed everything there, and laid the sparklers on top. Then I lit a match and put it in the pipe. I shouted:

Hold on!

And ran away. I did not think that there would be anything special, because there, in the pipe, there was nothing like that. I wanted to shout at the top of my voice now: "Bukh, tarrarah!" - like it's a blast to play on. And I already took a breath and wanted to shout louder, but at that time something in the chimney was whistling and whistling! And the pipe flew off the second stage, and began to fly up, and fall, and smoke! .. And then, how it will boom! Wow! It's probably crackers there worked, I don't know, or Mishkin's powder! Bach! Bach! Bach! I must have been a little scared because of this banging, because I saw a door in front of me, and decided to run through it, and opened it, and entered this door, but it turned out to be not a door, but a window, and I just ran into it, so he stumbled and fell right into our house management. There, Zinaida Ivanovna was sitting at the table, and she counted on a typewriter how much to pay for the apartment. And when she saw me, she probably did not immediately recognize me, because I was dirty, straight from a dirty barrel, shaggy and even torn in some places. She simply froze when I fell to her from the window, and she began to brush me off with both hands. She screamed:

What's this? Who is it?

And I must have looked like a devil or some kind of underground monster, because she completely lost her mind and began to shout at me as if I were a neuter noun.

Gone out! Get out of here! Wow gone!

And I got to my feet, pressed my hands at my sides and politely said to her:

Hello Zinaida Ivanna! Don't worry, it's me!

And he began to slowly make his way to the exit. And Zinaida Ivanovna shouted after me:

Ah, it's Denis! All right!.. Wait!.. You'll find out from me!.. I'll tell Alexei Akimych everything!

And my mood was very spoiled from these screams. Because Aleksey Akimych is our building manager. And he will take me to my mother and my father will complain, and it will be bad for me. And I thought how good it was that he was not at the house administration, and that I, perhaps, after all, should not catch his eye for two or three days, until everything is settled. And then I again became in a good mood, and I cheerfully and cheerfully left the house management. And as soon as I found myself in the yard, I immediately saw a whole crowd of our guys. They ran and clamored, and in front of them Alexei Akimych ran rather briskly. I was terribly afraid. I thought that he saw our rocket, how it was blown up, and maybe the damn pipe broke the windows or something, and now he is running to look for the culprit, and someone told him that I was the main culprit, and then he saw me, I was right in front of him, and now he will grab me! I thought all this in one second, and while I was thinking it all out, I was already running from Alexei Akimych with all my might, but over my shoulder I saw that he was running after me with all his might, and then I ran past the garden, and to the right, and ran around the fungus, but Alexey Akimych rushed to cut me and splashed through the fountain right in his trousers, and my heart sank into my heels, and then he grabbed me by the shirt. And I thought: that's it, the end. And he intercepted me with both hands under the armpits and how he would throw me up! And I can’t stand it when they lift me up by the armpits: it tickles me, and I writhe like I don’t know who and break out. And here I am looking at him from above and writhing, and he looks at me and suddenly declares for no apparent reason:

Shout "hooray"! Well! Shout "Hurrah" now!

And then I got even more frightened: I thought he was crazy. And that, perhaps, there is no need to argue with him, since he is crazy. And I shouted not too loudly:

Hurrah! .. And what's the matter?

And then Alexei Akimych put me down and said:

And the fact is that today the second cosmonaut was launched! Comrade German Titov! Well, what, not cheers, or what?

Here I will scream:

Of course, cheers! What another wow!

I shouted so loudly that the pigeons jumped up. But Aleksey Akimych smiled and went to his house administration.

And the whole crowd of us ran to the loudspeaker and listened for an hour to what they were broadcasting about Comrade German Titov, and about his flight, and how he eats, and everything, everything, everything. And when there was a break in the radio, I said:

Where is Mishka?

And suddenly I hear:

I'm here!

In fact, it turns out he's right there. I was in such a fever that I didn't even notice it. I said:

Where were you?

I'm here. I'm here all the time.

I asked:

How about our rocket? Did it explode into a thousand pieces?

What you! Wholesome! It's just the pipe rattling like that. And the rocket, what will happen to it? Worth it like nothing happened!

Shall we see?

And when we came running, I saw that everything was in order, everything was intact and you could play as much as you like. I said:

Mishka, and now two, then, astronauts?

He said:

Well, yes. Gagarin and Titov.

And I said:

They must be friends?

Of course, - said Mishka, - what other friends!

Then I put my hand on Mishka's shoulder. He had a narrow shoulder and thin. And we stood quietly and were silent, and then I said:

And we are friends, Mishka. And we will fly together on the next flight.

And then I went to the rocket, and found the paint, and gave it to Mishka to hold. And he stood by and held the paint and watched me paint and sniffed like we were painting together. And I saw another mistake and corrected it too, and when I finished, we took two steps back with him and looked at how beautifully it was written on our wonderful ship VOSTOK-3. .......................................................................................................

One evening I was sitting in the yard, near the sand, and waiting for my mother. She probably lingered at the institute, or at the store, or, perhaps, stood at the bus stop for a long time. Don't know. Only all the parents of our yard had already arrived, and all the guys went home with them and probably already drank tea with bagels and cheese, but my mother was still not there ...

And now the lights in the windows began to light up, and the radio began to play music, and dark clouds moved in the sky - they looked like bearded old men ...

And I wanted to eat, but my mother was still not there, and I thought that if I knew that my mother was hungry and was waiting for me somewhere at the end of the world, I would immediately run to her, and would not be late and would not made her sit on the sand and get bored.

And at that moment Mishka came out into the yard. He said:

- Great!

And I said

- Great!

Mishka sat down with me and picked up a dump truck.

- Wow! Mishka said. - Where did you get it? Does he pick up the sand himself? Not by myself? Does he dump himself? Yes? And the pen? What is she for? Can it be rotated? Yes? BUT? Wow! Will you give it to me at home?

I said:

- No I will not give. Gift. Dad gave before leaving.

The bear pouted and moved away from me. It got even darker outside.

I looked at the gate so as not to miss when my mother comes. But she didn't go. Apparently, I met Aunt Rosa, and they stand and talk and don’t even think about me. I lay down on the sand.

Mishka says:

- Can you give me a dump truck?

- Get off, Mishka.

Then Mishka says:

“I can give you one Guatemala and two Barbados for him!”

I say:

- Compared Barbados with a dump truck ...

- Well, do you want me to give you a swim ring?

I say:

- He's screwed on you.

- You'll glue it!

I even got angry.

- Where can I swim? In the bathroom? On Tuesdays?

And Mishka pouted again. And then he says:

- Well, it wasn't! Know my kindness! On the!

And he handed me a box of matches. I took it in my hands.

- You open it, - said Mishka, - then you will see!

I opened the box and at first I didn’t see anything, and then I saw a small light green light, as if a tiny star was burning somewhere far, far away from me, and at the same time I myself was holding it in my hands now.

“What is it, Mishka,” I said in a whisper, “what is it?”

“It’s a firefly,” said Mishka. - What, good? He's alive, don't think.

“Mishka,” I said, “take my dump truck, do you want to?” Take forever, forever! And give me this star, I'll take it home ...

And Mishka grabbed my dump truck and ran home. And I stayed with my firefly, looked at it, looked and could not get enough of it: how green it is, as if in a fairy tale, and how close it is, in the palm of your hand, but it shines, as if from afar ... And I could not breathe evenly, and I could hear my heart beating, and my nose pricked a little, as if I wanted to cry.

And I sat like that for a long, long time. And there was no one around. And I forgot about everyone in the world.

But then my mother came, and I was very happy, and we went home. And when they began to drink tea with bagels and cheese, my mother asked:

- Well, how is your dump truck?

And I said:

- I, mother, changed it.

Mom said:

- Interesting! And for what?

I replied:

- To the firefly! Here he is in a box. Turn off the light!

And my mother turned off the light, and the room became dark, and the two of us began to look at the pale green star.

Then mom turned on the light.

“Yes,” she said, “it’s magic!” But still, how did you decide to give such a valuable thing as a dump truck for this worm?

“I've been waiting for you for so long,” I said, “and I was so bored, and this firefly, it turned out to be better than any dump truck in the world.

Mom looked at me intently and asked:

- And what, exactly, is it better?

I said:

- How can you not understand? After all, he is alive! And it glows!

Glory to Ivan Kozlovsky

I have only fives in the report card. Only a four in calligraphy. Because of the blot. I don't really know what to do! I always have blots coming off my pen. I already dip only the very tip of the pen into the ink, but the blots still come off. Just some miracles! Once I wrote a whole page cleanly, it's a pleasure to look at - a real five-page. In the morning I showed it to Raisa Ivanovna, and there, in the very middle of the blot! Where did she come from? She wasn't there yesterday! Maybe it leaked from some other page? Don't know…

And so I have one five. Only singing triple. This is how it happened. We had a singing lesson. At first, we all sang in unison, "There was a birch tree in the field." It turned out very beautifully, but Boris Sergeevich frowned all the time and shouted:

- Pull the vowels, friends, pull the vowels! ..

Then we began to draw vowels, but Boris Sergeevich clapped his hands and said:

- A real cat concert! Let's deal with each one individually.

This means with each one separately.

And Boris Sergeevich called Mishka.

Mishka went up to the piano and whispered something to Boris Sergeevich.

Then Boris Sergeevich began to play, and Mishka sang softly:

Like thin ice

White snow fell...

Well, Mishka squeaked funny! This is how our kitten Murzik squeaks. Is that how they sing! Almost nothing is heard. I just couldn't help it and laughed.

Then Boris Sergeevich gave Mishka a five and looked at me.

He said:

- Come on, gull, come out!

I quickly ran to the piano.

"Well, what are you going to do?" asked Boris Sergeevich politely.

I said:

- Song civil war"Lead, Budyonny, bolder us into battle."

Boris Sergeevich shook his head and began to play, but I immediately stopped him.

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