A story about the early work of Gogol. The life and work of Gogol NV

Speaking about the work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, one must first of all turn to the times of the school of the writer. His writing data were received congenitally from his parents, and were fixed in the Nizhyn Lyceum, where he studied famous writer. There was a particular shortage of teaching material in the lyceum, in order for young people who wanted to know more to quench their thirst for knowledge. For this, it was additionally necessary to write out the works of well-known, at that time, writers. They were Zhukovsky and Pushkin. Gogol also took the initiative to become editor-in-chief of the local school magazine.

The development of creativity N.V. Gogol went from romanticism on the way to realism. And in every way these two styles were mixed throughout the life of the writer. First attempts literary writing were no good, because life in Russia oppressed him, and his thoughts and dreams rushed to his native Ukraine, where the writer spent his childhood.

poem " Ganz Küchelgarten” became the first published work of N.V. Gogol, in 1829. Her character was more romantic and the poem was a Fossian imitation. But after negative criticism, the poem was immediately burned by the writer. Romanticism and realism are well mixed in the collection Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka. It so well reflected the dream of a beautiful and uncomplicated, direct and happy life. The author was able to portray Ukraine in a completely different way, in his works there was restlessness, conflict, liquidation human relations, criminal acts in front of fellow countrymen, intertwined with the detachment of the individual.

N.V. Gogol idolized Pushkin and Zhukovsky, they were his inspirers, which helped the birth of such works as Nevsky Prospekt, Tras Bulba, Viy.

Two subsequent collections, "Arabesques" and "Mirgorod", transferred readers to the environment of officials, where it was full of minor worries and misfortunes, so aggravating everyday life the people described there. Romantic themes and the collisions were more realistic, which made it possible to rebuild all the degrees of the writing of the poem. Topic " little man”was well disclosed in the story“ Overcoat ”, and became the main one in Russian literature.

The talent of a satirist and the path of an innovator in creating dramatic works was noted in the comedies "The Government Inspector" and "Marriage". It was completely new stage in creative activity writer.

Gogol's works have always been imbued with the spirit of Ukraine, with notes of humor, full of humanity and tragedy.

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Nikolai Vasilyevich was born in 1809 in the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Poltava province. This place was the center of provincial culture, there were estates of famous writers.

Gogol's father was an amateur playwright; he served as a secretary for D.P. Troshchinsky, who kept a home serf theater (plays were required for him). Also in Troshchinsky's house was a big library in which Gogol read all his childhood. In 1821 he went to study in Nizhyn, at the gymnasium of Higher Sciences. They inspired the idea: an official is a pillar on which everything in the state rests. Consequently, graduates simply had no other way but to go to public service.

The first works and acquaintance with Pushkin

In 1828, after graduating from the gymnasium, Gogol moved from Nizhyn to St. Petersburg, dreaming of becoming an official there. However, they don't want to take him anywhere. Offended and impressed, he wrote a poem Hans Küchelgarten dedicated to the German youth who is not allowed to serve the fatherland. In fact, of course, Gogol meant himself. Critics did not like this creation, and Gogol, offended again, burned the entire print run.

Finally he managed to get a job, but now Gogol realized that all his dreams were childishly naive, but in fact he did not like the service. But he began to communicate with famous writers met with Pushkin.

In 1832 they published Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka- a story in which laughter plays an important role, which becomes evil, fairy tale motifs appear. After this publication, even Pushkin said that Gogol could be useful. He was not describing suffering extra person, a simple life ordinary Ukrainians, and for the literature of that era it was very unusual.

However, after that, Gogol suddenly abandons literature and service and begins to study history with enthusiasm. ancient world and the Middle Ages, wants to teach. He tries to get a chair at Kiev University, but he fails. In 1835 Gogol gave up science.

Petersburg stories

Gogol quickly begins to write again and almost immediately publishes Arabesque and Mirgorod, which describes not only Ukraine, but also St. Petersburg. His most famous stories are: Portrait, Nevsky prospect, Notes of a madman. Then Gogol writes more Nose and story overcoat: these five stories will later be combined into a collection of St. Petersburg stories. All of them are about existence. ordinary people, about how difficult it is sometimes for a small person to survive in a ruthless society. Also in Gogol's work for the first time (with the exception of Pushkin's "The Bronze Horseman") a separate image of the city appears - Petersburg, with all its imperial beauty, cold and light infernality. The European Gothic novel had a great influence on Gogol's work: otherworldly, mysterious and eerie motifs appear in his stories every now and then.


After that, Gogol manifests himself in dramaturgy. In 1835 he writes a comedy Auditor, and in 1836 it was first staged on the stage of the Alexandrinsky Theater. The main task of this comedy was to bring together all the worst that is in Russia. Gogol consistently shows all the vices of society; each of actors driven by fear, behind each of them - a train of vices. The production ended in complete failure, the audience did not appreciate the play. However, Gogol had one enthusiastic spectator, whose opinion overlapped all the others - it was Emperor Nicholas I. Since then, friendly relations have developed between him and Gogol.

He does not understand why the audience did not appreciate the production, and because of this he writes small work "Reflections at the Theater Entrance", where he explains the meaning of the Examiner: Strange: I'm sorry that no one noticed the honest face that was in my play. Yes, there was one honest noble face, acting throughout its continuation. It was laughter.

Roman Period and Dead Souls

Despite the approval of the emperor, Gogol takes offense at the rest of the public who does not understand and leaves for Rome. There he worked hard, wrote Dead Souls which were published in Russia in 1842. (History of the creation of Dead Souls). He conceived this poem as a kind of analogue Divine Comedy Dante, however, Gogol failed to write three parts. (Genre and plot of Dead Souls). In 1845, he was unexpectedly diagnosed with schizophrenia and placed in a mental hospital in Rome. He is very ill, the Russian ambassador gives Gogol money from the tsar. Having got out, he returns to Russia, thanks the emperor and is going to leave for the monastery.

Selected places from correspondence with friends

But Gogol did not realize this intention, literature turned out to be stronger. In 1847 he published Selected places from correspondence with friends: most of this work, indeed, were letters, but there were also journalistic articles. The work turned out to be scandalous - gloomy and very conservative. There it is about state system Russia and that serfdom no need to cancel. According to Gogol, literature in Russia really began with the era of Lomonosov. Conclusion: writers should praise the sovereign then everything will be fine with them.

He sends this book to his confessor as a confession. However, the church stated that socialite it is not good to preach; for such liberties, they even wanted to excommunicate Gogol from the church, but the emperor intervened in time. The critic V.G. also spoke out against Gogol. Belinsky, who said that Gogol is trying to pull Russia back into a dark past, and also wants to get a job as an educator of the heir to the throne. In response to this, Gogol invited Belinsky to work together, but after that Gogol suddenly had a new attack of schizophrenia, therefore, he no longer had time for cooperation (although Belinsky agreed).

The last years have become the darkest in Gogol's life: an absolutely sick person writes the second volume of the poem Dead Souls, he is even ready to publish it, but on the night of February 11-12, 1852, he has a clouding of his mind, and for some reason he throws the manuscript into the fire . And ten days later he dies.

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Is Nikolai Gogol. Everyone knows his books. Based on his works, films are made and performances are staged. The work of this writer is very diverse. It contains both romantic stories and works of realistic prose.


Nikolai Gogol was born in Ukraine in the family of a regimental clerk. The talent of the satirist in him manifested itself early. Gogol showed an indefatigable thirst for knowledge already in childhood. Books played a big role in his life. In the Nezhin School, where he received his education, he was not given sufficient knowledge. And so he wrote out additional literary magazines and almanacs.

Also in school years he began to compose witty epigrams. Teachers were the subject of ridicule of the future writer. But the lyceum student did not give such creative research special significance. After completing the course, he dreamed of leaving for St. Petersburg, believing that he could get a job there in the public service.

Service in the office

The dream came true, and the lyceum graduate left his native land. However, in St. Petersburg, he was able to get only a modest place in the office. In parallel with this work, he created small but they were bad, and almost all copies of the first poem, which was called "Hans Küchelgarten", he bought in a bookstore and burned it with his own hand.

Longing for a small homeland

Soon, failures in creativity and material difficulties plunged Gogol into despondency. northern capital began to cause melancholy in his soul. And more and more often the employee of the small office recalled Ukrainian landscapes dear to the heart. Not everyone knows what book brought Gogol fame. But there is no schoolchild in our country who would not know the work “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”. This book was inspired by a yearning for small homeland. And that's exactly what literary work brought fame to Gogol and allowed him to gain recognition from his fellow writers. A laudatory review of Pushkin himself was awarded to Gogol. The books of the great poet and writer in his youth had a decisive influence on him. That is why the opinion of the luminary of literature was especially valuable for the young author.

"Petersburg Tales" and other works

Since then, Gogol was well received in literary circles. He closely communicated with Pushkin and Zhukovsky, which could not but affect his work. From now on, writing became the meaning of life for him. He took this matter very seriously. And the result was not long in coming.

During this period, the most famous books Gogol. Their list suggests that the writer worked in an extremely intensive mode and did not give particular preference to one or another genre. His works caused a resonance in the world of literature. Belinsky wrote about the talent of the young prose writer, distinguished amazing ability recognize unique abilities on the early stage. The realistic direction laid down by Pushkin developed at a decent level, as evidenced by Gogol's books. Their list includes the following works:

  • "Portrait".
  • "Diary of a Madman".
  • "Nose".
  • "Nevsky Avenue".
  • "Taras Bulba".

Each of them is unique in its own way. In a sense, Nikolai Gogol became an innovator. His books were distinguished by the fact that for the first time in the history of Russian literature they touched on the topic. It was done superficially, but before that the fate of thousands of ordinary people was depicted in fiction only in passing.

But no matter how strong and unique the talent of the creator of The Overcoat, he made a special contribution to literature thanks to the writing of The Inspector General and dead souls».


Early works brought Gogol success. However, the writer was not satisfied with this. Gogol did not want to remain just a contemplator of life. The realization that the mission of the writer is extremely great grew stronger and stronger in his soul. The artist is able to convey to his readers his vision of modern reality, thereby influencing the consciousness of the masses. From now on, Gogol created for the benefit of Russia and its people. His books testify to this good intention. The poem "Dead Souls" has become the greatest work in literature. However, after the release of the first volume, the writer was severely attacked by adherents of conservative views.

The difficult situation that developed in the life and work of the writer led to the fact that he failed to complete the poem. The second volume, which was written shortly before his death, was burned by the writer.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born on March 20 (April 1), 1809 in the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky district, Poltava province. The writer came from a middle-class landlord family: they had about 400 souls of serfs and over 1000 acres of land. The writer's ancestors on his father's side were hereditary priests, but already his grandfather Athanasius Demyanovich left the spiritual career and entered the hetman's office; it was he who added to his surname Yanovsky another - Go-gol, which was supposed to demonstrate the origin of the family from a well-known in Ukrainian History XVII century of Colonel Evstafy (Ostap) Gogol (this fact, however, does not find sufficient confirmation).

The writer's father, Vasily Afanasyevich, served at the Little Russian post office. Mother, Marya Ivanovna, who came from the Kosyarovsky landlord family, was known as the first beauty in the Poltava region, she married Vasily Afanasyevich at the age of fourteen. In the family, in addition to Nikolai, there were five more children. Childhood future writer spent in his native estate Vasilievka (another name is Yanovshchina), visiting with his parents in the surrounding places - Dikanka, which belonged to the Minister of Internal Affairs V.P. Kochubey, in Obukhovka, where the writer V.V. Kapnist lived, but especially often in Kibintsy, the estate former minister, distant relative Gogol from the side of his mother - D. P. Troshchinsky. With the Kibintsy, where there was an extensive library and home theater, connected early artistic impressions of the future writer. They were supplemented historical traditions and Bible stories, in particular the prophecy told by the mother about the Last Judgment and the inevitable punishment of sinners. Since then, Gogol, in the words of the researcher K. V. Mochulsky, constantly lived "under the terror of the afterlife retribution."

At first, Gogol studied at the Poltava district school (1818-1819), then he took private lessons from the Poltava teacher Gavriil Sorochinsky, living in his apartment, and in May 1821 he entered the newly founded Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences. Gogol studied rather mediocrely, but he distinguished himself in the gymnasium theater - as an actor and decorator. The gymnasium period includes the first literary experiments in verse and prose, mainly “in a lyrical and serious way”, but also in a comic spirit, such as, for example, the satire “Something about Nizhyn, or the law is not written for fools” (not preserved) . Most of all, however, Gogol was occupied at this time with the idea of ​​public service in the field of JUSTICE; such a decision arose not without the influence of Professor N. G. Belousov, who taught natural law and was subsequently dismissed from the gymnasium on charges of “free-thinking” (during the investigation, Gogol testified in favor of the professor).

After graduating from the gymnasium, in December 1828, Gogol, together with one of his closest friends, A. S. Danilevsky, arrived in St. Petersburg. But only disappointments await him: he cannot get the desired place; the poem "Hanz Kühelgarten", written, obviously, back in the gymnasium time and published in 1829 (under the pseudonym V. Alov), receives deadly

responses from reviewers (Gogol immediately buys up almost the entire print run of the book and burns it); to this, perhaps, love experiences were added, which he spoke about in a letter to his mother (dated July 24, 1829). All this makes Gogol suddenly leave Petersburg for Germany.

Upon returning to Russia (in September of the same year), Gogol finally manages to enter the service - first in the Department of State Economy and Public Buildings, and then in the Department of Appanages. Bureaucratic activity does not bring satisfaction to Gogol, but new publications (the story "Bisavryuk, or Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala", articles and essays) are attracting more and more attention to the reading Russian public. The writer makes extensive literary acquaintances, in particular, V. A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Pletnev, who introduced Gogol to A. S. Pushkin at home in May 1831 (obviously on the 20th).

In the autumn of the same year, the first part of the collection of stories from Ukrainian life“Evening on a farm near Dikanka” (the second part appeared next year), enthusiastically received by Pushkin: “Here is real gaiety, sincere, laid-back, without affectation, without stiffness. And in some places, what poetry! ..” At the same time, the “gaiety” of Gogol’s book was revealed various shades- from light-hearted banter to dark comedy, close to black humor. For all the fullness and sincerity of the feelings of Gogol's characters, the world in which they live is tragically conflicted: natural and family ties are being terminated, mysterious unreal forces are invading the natural order of things (fantastic relies mainly on folk demonology). Already in Evenings, Gogol's extraordinary art of creating an integral, complete and living artistic cosmos manifested itself.

After the release of the first prose book, Gogol becomes famous. In the summer of 1832, he was met with enthusiasm in Moscow, where he met M. P. Pogodin, S. T. Aksakov and his family, M. S. Shchepkin and others. well-known figures culture. Gogol's next trip to Moscow, equally successful, took place in the summer of 1835. By the end of this year, he leaves pedagogy (from the summer of 1834 he held the post of adjunct professor of general history at St. Petersburg University) and devotes himself entirely to literary work.

The year 1835 was extraordinarily fruitful: the following two collections of prose works were published - Arabesques and Mirgorod (both in two parts), work began on the poem Dead Souls, the comedy The Inspector General was mostly completed, the comedy was written. Grooms" (the future "Marriage-ba"). Reporting on the writer's new achievements, including the forthcoming premiere of The Inspector General at the Alexandrinsky Theater in St. Petersburg (April 19, 1836), Pushkin noted in Sovremennik: “Mr. Gogol is still moving forward. We wish and hope to have a chance to talk about him often in our magazine.” By the way, Gogol actively published in Pushkin's journal, in particular as a critic (the article "On the Movement of Journal Literature in 1834 and 1835").

"Mirgorod" and "Arabesques" marked new

artistic worlds on the Gogol map

universe. Thematically close to "Evenings"

(“Little Russian” life), the Mirgorod cycle, which combined the stories “Old-world landowners”, “Taras Bulba”, “Viy”, “The Tale of how Ivan Ivanovich quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”, reveals abrupt change perspective and pictorial scale: in a number of cases, instead of strong and sharp characteristics, there is the vulgarity and facelessness of the townsfolk, instead of poetic and deep feelings, there are sluggish, almost animal reflexes. ordinariness modern life was set off by the colorfulness and extravagance of the past, but the more strikingly manifested in it, in this past, deep internal conflict (for example, in "Tara-sa Bulba" - a collision of an individualizing love feeling with communal interests).

The world of “Petersburg Tales” from “Arabes-Juice” (“Nevsky Prospekt”, “Notes of a Madman”, “Portrait”; they are adjoined by those published later, respectively in 1836 and 1842, “The Nose” and The Overcoat is the world of a modern city with its sharp social and ethical collisions, character breaks, disturbing and ghostly atmosphere.

Gogol's generalization reaches its highest degree in The Inspector General, where the "prefabricated city" seemed to imitate the life of any larger social association, up to the state, Russian Empire or even humanity as a whole. Instead of the traditional active engine of intrigue - a rogue or an adventurer - an involuntary deceiver (the imaginary auditor Khlestakov) was placed at the epicenter of the conflict, which gave everything that happened an additional, grotesque illumination, amplified to the limit by the final "not-my scene". Freed from the specific details of the “punishment of vice”, conveying, first of all, the very effect of a general shock (which was emphasized by the symbolic duration of the moment of petrification), this scene left the possibility of the most different interpretations, including the eschatological - as a reminder of the inevitable Last Judgment.

In June 1836, Gogol (again together with Danilevsky) went abroad, where he spent a total of more than 12 years, except for two visits to Russia - in 1839-1840 and in 1841-1842. The writer lived in Germany, Switzerland, France, Austria, the Czech Republic, but for the longest time in Italy, continuing to work on Dead Souls.

The generalization inherent in Gogol now received a spatial expression: as the Chichikov scam developed (purchasing the "reviz-sky souls" of dead people), Russian life was to open up in many ways - not only from the side of "its base ranks", but also in higher, significant manifestations. At the same time, the whole depth of the key motive of the poem was revealed: the concept of “dead soul” and the antithesis “alive-dead” that flowed from STSYUDZ from the sphere of specific word usage (dead peasant, “revision soul”) moved into the sphere of figurative and symbolic se-mantics. There was a problem of mortification and revival human soul and in connection with this - society as a whole, the Russian world first of all, but through it and everything modern humanity. Associated with the complexity of the idea genre specificity"Dead Souls" (the designation "poem" indicated symbolic meaning works, the special role of the narrator and the positive author's ideal). After the publication of the first volume of Dead Souls (1842), work on the second volume (begun in 1840) proceeded with particular intensity and pain. In the summer of 1845, in a difficult state of mind, Gogol burned the manuscript of the second volume, later explaining his decision precisely by the fact that "ways and roads" to the ideal, rebirth human spirit did not receive a sufficiently truthful and convincing expression. As if compensating for the long-promised second volume and anticipating general movement the meaning of the poem * Gogol in "Selected passages from correspondence with friends" (1847) turned to a more direct, journalistic explanation of his ideas. With particular force, the need for internal Christian upbringing and the re-education of one and all, without which no social improvement is possible. At the same time, Gogol is also working on works of a theological nature, the most significant of which is “Reflections on Divine Liturgy(published posthumously in 1857).

In April 1848, after a pilgrimage to the Holy Land to the Holy Sepulcher, Gogol finally returned to his homeland. He spends many months in 1848 and 1850-1851 in Odessa and Little Russia, in the autumn of 1848 he visits St. Petersburg, in 1850 and 1851 he visits Optina Pustyn, but most of the time he lives in Moscow.

By the beginning of 1852, the edition of the second volume was re-created, chapters from which Gogol read to his closest friends - A. O. Smirnova-Rosset, S. P. Shevyrev, M. P. Pogodin, S. T. Aksakov and others. The Rzhev archpriest Father Matvey (Konstantinovsky), whose preaching of tireless moral self-improvement largely determined Gogol's state of mind in the last period of his life, disapproved of the work.

On the night of February 11-12, in the house on Nikitsky Boulevard, where Gogol lived with Count A.P. Tolstoy, in a state of deep spiritual crisis, the writer burns a new edition of the second volume. A few days later, on the morning of February 21, he dies.

The funeral of the writer took place with a huge gathering of people at the cemetery of the St. Danilov Monastery (in 1931, Gogol's remains were re-buried at the Novodevichy cemetery).

In a historical perspective, Gogol's creativity was revealed gradually. For his non-mediocre successors, representatives of the so-called natural school, social motives, the removal of all sorts of prohibitions on the topic and material, everyday concreteness, as well as humanistic pathos in the depiction of the "little man" were of paramount importance. On the turn of XIX and XX centuries, the Christian philosophical and moral problems of Gogol's works were revealed with special force. Subsequently, the perception of Gogol's work was supplemented by a sense of the special complexity and irrationality of his work. artistic world and visionary boldness and non-traditionality of his pictorial manner. “Gogol's prose is at least four-dimensional. He can be compared with his contemporary, the mathematician Lobachevsky, who blew up the Euclidean world ... ”V. Nabokov appreciated the work of Gogol. All this determined the special place of Gogol's work in modern world culture.

He was born on March 20 (April 1), 1809 in the village of Sorochintsy, Poltava province, in the family of a landowner. Gogol was the third child, and in total there were 12 children in the family.

Training in the biography of Gogol took place at the Poltava School. Then in 1821 he entered the class of the Nizhyn gymnasium, where he studied justice. In his school years, the writer was not distinguished by special abilities in his studies. Well, he was given only drawing lessons and the study of Russian literature. He only wrote mediocre works.

The beginning of the literary path

In 1828, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg in his life. There he served as an official, tried to get a job as an actor in the theater and was engaged in literature. Actor career did not go well, and the service did not bring Gogol pleasure, and sometimes even weighed down. And the writer decided to prove himself in the literary field.

In 1831, Gogol met representatives of the literary circles of Zhukovsky and Pushkin, undoubtedly these acquaintances greatly influenced him further fate and literary activities.

Gogol and theater

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's interest in the theater manifested itself in his youth, after the death of his father, a wonderful playwright and storyteller.

Realizing the full power of the theater, Gogol took up dramaturgy. Gogol's The Inspector General was written in 1835 and staged for the first time in 1836. Due to the negative reaction of the public to the production of "The Inspector General", the writer leaves the country.

last years of life

In 1836, in the biography of Nikolai Gogol, trips were made to Switzerland, Germany, Italy, as well as a short stay in Paris. Then, from March 1837, work continued on the first volume in Rome. greatest work Gogol's "Dead Souls", which was conceived by the author in St. Petersburg. After returning home from Rome, the writer publishes the first volume of the poem. While working on the second volume, Gogol had spiritual crisis. Even a trip to Jerusalem did not help to rectify the situation.

At the beginning of 1843, Gogol's famous story "The Overcoat" was first published.

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