Bitter early romantic stories list. Give me another kiss! Well?! Death has nowhere to go

Gorky's early work strikes, first of all, with its artistic diversity, unusual for a young writer, and the bold confidence with which he creates works of different colors and poetic intonation. The enormous talent of the artist of the rising class - the proletariat, drawing mighty strength from the "movement of the masses themselves" was revealed already at first literary work Maxim Gorky.

Acting as the herald of the coming storm, Gorky fell into the tone of the public mood. In 1920, he wrote: "I began my work as a stimulator of revolutionary mood with the glory of the madness of the brave." Exam questions and answers. Literature. 9th and 11th grades. Tutorial. - M.: AST-PRESS, 2000. - P.214. This applies primarily to Gorky's early romantic works. In the 1890s he wrote the stories "Makar Chudra", "Old Woman Izer-gil", "Khan and his son", "Mute", "Return of the Normans from England", "Blindness of Love", fairy tales "The Girl and Death", "About the Little Fairy and a Young Shepherd”, “The Song of the Falcon”, “The Song of the Petrel”, “The Legend of Marko”, etc. All of them differ in one feature that can be defined in the words of L. Andreev: “the taste of freedom, something free , broad, bold. Gorky M. Prose. Dramaturgy. Publicism. - M.: Olimp; LLC "Firm" publishing house "AST", 1999. - P.614. In all sounds the motive of non-acceptance of reality, confrontation with fate, a daring challenge to the elements. In the center of these works is the figure of a strong, proud, courageous man who does not submit to anyone, who is not bent. And all these works, like living gems, shimmer with unprecedented colors, spreading a romantic glow around.

The story "Makar Chudra" -

affirmation of the ideal of personal freedom

In the center early works Maxim Gorky - exceptional characters, strong in spirit and proud people who, according to the author, have "the sun in their blood." This metaphor gives rise to a number of images close to it, associated with the motif of fire, sparks, flames, torches. These heroes have burning hearts. This feature is characteristic not only of Danko, but also of the characters in Gorky's first story, Makar Chudra. Rogover E.S. Russian literature of the twentieth century. To help school graduates and applicants: Textbook. - St. Petersburg: "Parity", 2002. - P.131.

To the thoughtful melody of the splashing of the oncoming waves, the old gypsy Makar Chudra begins his story. From the very first lines, the reader is gripped by a feeling of the unusual: the boundless steppe on the left and the endless sea on the right, the old gypsy lying in a beautiful strong pose, the rustle of coastal bushes - all this sets one up to talk about something secret, the most important. Makar Chudra slowly talks about the vocation of man and his role on earth. “A person is a slave, as soon as he was born, a slave all his life and that's it,” says Makar. Gorky M. Prose. Dramaturgy. Publicism. - M.: Olimp; LLC "Firm" publishing house "AST", 1999. - P.18. And he opposes this with his own: “A person is born to know what will is, the expanse of the steppe, to hear the voice of the sea wave”; “If you live, then be kings over the whole earth.”

This idea is illustrated by the legend about the love of Loiko Zobar and Radda, who did not become slaves of their feelings. Their images are exclusive and romanticized. Loiko Zobar has "eyes like clear stars are burning, and the smile is the whole sun. Ibid., p.21. When he sits on a horse, it seems as if he was forged from one piece of iron along with him. Zobar's strength and beauty match his kindness. “You need his heart, he himself would tear it out of his chest and give it to you, if only you would feel good about it.” Ibid., p.20. Match and beautiful Rudd. Makar Chudra calls her an eagle. “You can’t say anything about her in words. Maybe her beauty could be played on the violin, and even to those who know this violin as their soul.” Ibid., p.20.

Proud Radda rejected the feelings of Loiko Zobar for a long time, for her will was dearer to her than love. When she decided to become his wife, she set a condition that Loiko could not fulfill without humiliating himself. Unresolved conflict leads to tragic ending: heroes die, but remain free, love and even life are sacrificed to will. In this story, for the first time, a romantic image of a loving human heart arises: Loiko Zobar, who could tear the heart out of his chest for the happiness of his neighbor, checks whether the heart of his beloved is strong and plunges a knife into it. And the same knife, but already in the hands of a soldier Danila, strikes the heart of Zobar. Love and thirst for freedom turn out to be evil demons that destroy people's happiness. Together with Makar Chudra, the narrator admires the strength of the characters' character. And together with him he cannot answer the question that runs like a leitmotif through the whole story: how to make people happy and what happiness is.

In the story "Makar Chudra" two different understandings of happiness are formulated. The first is in the words of a "strict man": "Submit to God, and he will give you everything you ask." Ibid., p.18. This thesis is immediately debunked: it turns out that God did not give the “strict man” even clothes to cover his naked body. The second thesis is proved by the fate of Loiko Zobar and Radda: the will is dearer than life, happiness is in freedom. The romantic worldview of young Gorky goes back to Pushkin's famous words: "There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and freedom..."

Romanticism as a trend in literature arose in the late 18th - early 19th century, it became most widespread in Europe in the period from 1790 to 1830. The main idea of ​​romanticism was the assertion creative personality, and a feature is a stormy depiction of emotions. The main representatives of romanticism in Russia were Lermontov, Pushkin and Gorky.

Gorky's romantic mood was prompted by the growing discontent in society and the expectation of change. It was thanks to the protest against “stagnation” that images of heroes began to appear in the writer’s head, capable of saving the people, leading them out of the darkness, showing them the right path. But this path seemed to Gorky to be completely different, different from the usual existence, the author despised everyday life and saw salvation only in freedom from social shackles and conventions, which was reflected in his early stories.

Historically, this period of Gorky's work coincided with the heyday of revolutionary movements in Russia, whose views the author clearly sympathized with. He sang the image of a disinterested and honest rebel, embraced not by greedy calculations, but by romantic aspirations to change the world for the better and destroy an unjust system. Also in his works of that time, a craving for freedom and unrealizable ideals was revealed, because the writer had not yet seen the change, but only foresaw them. When the dreams of a new social order took on a real shape, his work was transformed into socialist realism.

Main features

The main feature of romanticism in Gorky's work is a clear division of characters into good and bad, that is, there are no complex personalities, a person has either only good qualities or just bad ones. Such a technique helps the author to show his sympathy more clearly, to single out those people who need to be imitated.

In addition, in all romantic works Gorky's love for nature can be traced. Nature is always one of the main acting characters, and all romantic moods are transmitted through it. The writer liked to use descriptions of mountains, forests, seas, endowing every particle of the surrounding world with its own character and behavior.

What is revolutionary romanticism?

The early romantic works of Zhukovsky and Batyushkov were based on the ideas of classicism and, in fact, were a direct continuation of it, which did not correspond to progressive and radical moods. thinking people of that period. There were few of them, so romanticism took on classical forms: conflict between the individual and society, an extra person, yearning for an ideal, etc. However, time passed, and the number of revolutionary-minded citizens increased.

Divergence of literature and popular interests led to a change in romanticism, to the emergence of new ideas and techniques. The main representatives of the new revolutionary romanticism were Pushkin, Gorky and the Decembrist poets, who, first of all, promoted progressive views on the prospects for the development of Russia. The main theme was folk identity - the possibility of independent existence of peasants, hence the term nationality later appeared. New images began to appear, and the main ones among them were the genius-poet and the hero, capable of saving society from an impending threat at any moment.

Old Isergil

In this story there is a contrast between two characters, two types of behavior. The first is Danko - an example of that very hero, the ideal that should save the people. He feels free and happy only when his tribe is free and happy. The young man is filled with love for his people, sacrificial love, which personifies the spirit of the Decembrists, who are ready to die for the welfare of society.

Danko saves his people, but at the same time he dies. The tragedy of this legend is that the tribe forgets its heroes, it is ungrateful, but this is not important for the leader, because the main reward for the feat is the happiness of the people for whom it was performed.

The antagonist is the son of an eagle, Larra, he despised people, despised their life and law, he recognized only freedom, turning into permissiveness. He did not know how to love and limit his desires, as a result, he was expelled from the tribe for violating social principles. Only then did the proud young man realize that he was nobody without the people. When he is alone, no one can admire him, no one needs him. Having shown these two antipodes, Gorky brought everything to one conclusion: the values ​​and interests of the people should always be higher than your values ​​and interests. Freedom lies in freeing people from the oppression of the tyranny of the spirit, ignorance, that darkness that hid behind the forest, unsuitable for the life of the Danko tribe.

It is obvious that the author observes the canon of romanticism: here is the confrontation between the individual and society, here is the longing for the ideal, here is the proud freedom of solitude and extra people. However, the dilemma about freedom was not resolved in favor of the proud and narcissistic loneliness of Larra, this type, sung by Byron (one of the founders of romanticism) and Lermontov, the writer despises. His ideal romantic hero is the one who, being above society, does not renounce it, but helps it even when it persecutes the savior. In this feature, Gorky is very close to the Christian understanding of freedom.

Makar Chudra

In the story "Makar Chudra" freedom is also the main value for the characters. The old gypsy Makar Chudra calls it the main treasure of a person, in it he sees an opportunity to preserve his “I”. Revolutionary romanticism is colorfully manifested precisely in this understanding of freedom: the old man claims that under conditions of tyranny a moral and gifted individual will not develop. So, for the sake of independence, it is worth taking risks, because without it the country will never get better.

Loiko and Radda have the same message. They love each other, but see in marriage only chains and fetters, and not a chance to find peace. As a result, love for freedom, which so far appears in the form of ambition, since the characters cannot properly dispose of it, leads to the death of both characters. Gorky puts individualism above the bonds of marriage, which only lull creative and mental capacity a person with household chores and petty interests. He understands that it is easier for a loner to sacrifice his life for the sake of freedom, it is easier to gain complete harmony with his inner world. After all, the married Danko cannot really tear out the heart.


The main characters of the story are the old drunkard and thief Chelkash and the young village boy Gavrila. One of them was going to go to the “case”, but his partner broke his leg, and this could complicate the whole operation, then an experienced rogue met Gavrila. During their conversation, Gorky gave great attention personality of Chelkash, noticed all the little things, described his slightest movement, all the feelings and thoughts that arose in his head. The refined psychologism of the image is a clear adherence to the romantic canon.

Nature also occupies a special place in this work, since Chelkash had a spiritual connection with the sea, and his state of mind often depended on the sea. The expression of feelings and moods through the states of the surrounding world is again a romantic trait.

We also see how the character of Gavrila changes in the course of the story, and if at the beginning we felt pity and compassion for him, then at the end they turn into disgust. The main idea of ​​the story is that it does not matter how you look and what you do, but what matters is what is in your heart, the most important thing is to always remain a decent person in any business. This idea in itself carries a revolutionary message: how does it matter what the hero does? Does this mean that the killer of a high-ranking person can be a decent person? Does this mean that a terrorist can blow up His Excellency's carriage and at the same time maintain moral purity? Yes, this is precisely the liberty the author deliberately allows: not everything is a vice that society condemns. The revolutionary kills, but his motive is sacred. The writer could not say this directly, so he chose abstract examples and images.

Features of Gorky's romanticism

The main feature of Gorky's romanticism is the image of a hero, a kind of ideal designed to save the people. He does not renounce the people, but rather wants to lead them to the right path. The main values ​​that the writer exalted in his romantic stories are love, freedom, courage and self-sacrifice. Their understanding depends on the revolutionary mood of the author, who writes not only for the thinking intelligentsia, but also for a simple Russian peasant, so the images and plots are not ornate and simple. They have the character of a religious parable and even resemble it in style. For example, the author very clearly shows his attitude to each character, and it is always clear who the author likes and who does not.

Gorky also had nature actor and influenced the characters in the stories. In addition, its individual parts are symbols that must be perceived allegorically.

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Homework for the lesson

1. Write out from the dictionary literary terms definition of the term romanticism.
2. Read the story of Maxim Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"
3. Answer the questions:
1) How many legends did the Old Woman Izergil tell?
2) What happened to the girl from the “big river country”?
3) What was the name of the son of the eagle by the elders?
4) Why, having come close to people, did Larra not defend himself?
5) What feeling gripped people lost in the forest, why?
6) What did Danko do for people?
7) Compare the characters of Danko and Larra.
8) Was Danko's sacrifice justified?

The purpose of the lesson

To acquaint students with Maxim Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil" as a romantic work; improve the skills and abilities of prose text analysis; give an idea of ​​the romantic aesthetics of early Gorky.

teacher's word

M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" was written in 1894 and first published in 1895 in Samara Newspaper. This work, like the story "Makar Chudra", belongs to the early period of the writer's work. From that moment on, Gorky declared himself as the spokesman for a special way of understanding the world and the bearer of a very specific aesthetics - romantic. Since by the time the story was written, romanticism in art had already experienced its heyday, Gorky's early work in literary criticism is usually called neo-romantic.

At home, you had to write out the definition of romanticism from the dictionary of literary terms.

Romanticism- in the broad sense of the word artistic method, in which the subjective position of the writer in relation to the depicted phenomena of life is dominant, his tendency is not so much to reproduce, but to re-create reality, which leads to the development of especially conditional forms of creativity (fantasy, grotesque, symbolism, etc.), to the promotion to the fore exceptional characters and plots, to the strengthening of subjective-evaluative elements in author's speech, to the arbitrariness of compositional connections, etc.”

teacher's word

Traditionally, a romantic work is characterized by the cult of an extraordinary personality. Moral qualities hero is irrelevant. In the center of the story are villains, robbers, generals, kings, lovely ladies, noble knights, assassins - anyone, as long as their life is exciting, special and full of adventure. The romantic hero is always recognizable. He despises the miserable life of the townsfolk, challenges the world, often foreseeing that he will not be the winner in this battle. A romantic work is characterized by a romantic dual world, a clear division of the world into real and ideal. In some works perfect world realized as otherworldly, in others - as a world untouched by civilization. Throughout the work, plot development which is concentrated on the brightest milestones in the life of the hero, the character of an exceptional personality remains unchanged. The storytelling style is bright and emotional.

Writing in a notebook

Features of a romantic piece:
1. The cult of an extraordinary personality.
2. Romantic portrait.
3. Romantic duality.
4. Static romantic nature.
5. Romantic plot.
6. Romantic landscape.
7. Romantic style.


Which of the books you have read before can you call romantic? Why?


Romantic works of Pushkin, Lermontov.

teacher's word

Distinctive features of Gorky's romantic images are proud disobedience to fate and impudent love of freedom, integrity of nature and heroism of character. The romantic hero strives for unrestricted freedom, without which there is no true happiness for him and which is often dearer to him than life itself. Romantic stories embody the writer's observations of contradictions human soul and the dream of beauty. Makar Chudra says: “They are funny, those your people. They huddled together and crush each other, and there are so many places on earth ... " The old woman Izergil almost echoes him: “And I see that people do not live, but everyone tries on”.

Analytical conversation


What is the composition of the story "Old Woman Izergil"?


The story is in 3 parts:
1) the legend of Larra;
2) a story about the life of Izergil;
3) the legend of Danko.


What is the basis for the construction of the story?


The story is based on the opposition of two characters who are carriers of opposite life values. Danko's selfless love for people and Larra's unrestrained egoism are manifestations of the same feeling - love.


Prove (according to the plan in your notebook) that the story is romantic. Compare the portraits of Larra and Danko.


Larra is a young man “handsome and strong”, “his eyes were cold and proud, like those of the king of birds”. Not in the story detailed portrait Larra, the author pays attention only to the eyes and the proud, arrogant speech of the “son of the eagle”.

Danko is also very difficult to visualize. Izergil says that he was a "handsome young man", one of those who always dared because he was handsome. Again, the reader's special attention is drawn to the eyes of the hero, which are called eyes: "... a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes".


Are they extraordinary individuals?


Undoubtedly, Danko and Larra are exceptional personalities. Larra does not obey the clan and does not honor the elders, goes where he pleases, does what he wants, not recognizing the right of choice for others. Talking about Larr, Izergil uses epithets that are more suitable for describing the animal: dexterous, strong, predatory, cruel.



In the story “Old Woman Izergil”, the ideal world is realized as the distant past of the earth, a time that has now become a myth, and the memory of which has remained only in the legends of the youth of mankind. Only a young earth could, according to the author, give birth to the heroic characters of people possessed by strong passions. Izergil emphasizes several times that modern " miserable" such a power of feeling and greed for life are not available to people.


Do the characters of Larra, Danko and Izergil develop over the course of the story, or are they initially set and unchanged?


The characters of Larra, Danko and Izergil do not change throughout the story and are interpreted unambiguously: the main and only trait of Larra's character is selfishness, the denial of any law other than will. Danko is a manifestation of love for people, while Izergil subordinated her entire existence to her own thirst for pleasure.


Which of the events described by the old woman can be considered unusual?


Both stories told by Izergil contain a description of extraordinary events. The genre of the legend determined their original fantastic plot basis (the birth of a child from an eagle, the inevitability of a completed curse, the light of sparks from Danko's burning heart, etc.).

Work with text

Match the heroes (Danko and Larra) according to the following parameters:
1) portrait;
2) the impression made on others;
3) understanding of pride;
4) attitude towards people;
5) conduct at the time of the trial;
6) the fate of the heroes.

Stats/Heroes Danko Larra
Portrait Young handsome man.
The beautiful are always bold; in his eyes shone a lot of power and living fire
A young man, handsome and strong; his eyes were cold and proud, like those of the king of birds
The impression made on others We looked at him and saw that he was the best of all Everyone looked with surprise at the son of an eagle;
It offended them;
Then they got really angry.
Understanding Pride I have the courage to lead, that's why I led you! He answered that there were no others like him;
He stood alone against all;
We talked with him for a long time and finally saw that he considers himself the first on earth and sees nothing but himself.
Attitude towards people Danko looked at those for whom he endured labor, and saw that they were like animals;
Then indignation boiled up in his heart, but from pity for people it went out;
He loved people thought that maybe without him they would die
She pushed him away and walked away, and he hit her and, when she fell, stood with his foot on her chest;
He had no tribe, no mother, no livestock, no wife, and he did not want any of this;
I killed her because, it seems to me, she pushed me away ... And I needed her;
And he replied that he wanted to keep himself whole
Behavior at the time of judgment What have you done to help yourself? You just walked and did not know how to save strength for a longer path! You just walked, walked like a flock of sheep! - Untie me! I won't say bound!
The fate of the heroes He rushed forward to his place, holding high his burning heart and lighting the way for people with it;
But Danko was still ahead, and his heart was burning, burning!
He cannot die! - people said with joy;
- He was left alone, free, waiting for death;
He has no life and death does not smile at him

Analytical conversation


What is the source of Larra's tragedy?


Larra could not and did not want to compromise between his desires and the laws of society. Egoism is understood by him as a manifestation of personal freedom, and his right is the right of the strong from birth.


How was Larra punished?


As punishment, the elders doomed Larra to immortality and the inability to decide for himself whether he should live or die, they limited his freedom. People deprived Larra of what, in his opinion, it was worth living for - the right to live by his own law.


What is the main feeling in Larra's attitude towards people? Support your answer with an example from the text.


In relation to people, Larra does not have any feelings. He wants "keep yourself whole" that is, to get a lot out of life without giving anything in return.


What feeling is experienced by Danko, looking into the crowd of people judging him? Support your answer with an example from the text.


Looking at those for whom he, risking his life, went to the swamps, Danko is indignant, “But out of pity for the people, it went out. Danko's heart flared with the desire to save people and lead them "to the easy path".


What is the function of the "cautious man" episode?


The mention of the "cautious man" is introduced into the legend of Danko in order to emphasize the exclusivity of the hero. "Cautious Man" is perceived as one of many, thus the author will determine the essence ordinary people, "not heroes" who are not capable of sacrificial impulses and are always afraid of something.


What do the characters of Larra and Danko have in common and what is the difference between them?


This question can lead to ambiguous answers. Students can perceive Larra and Danko as opposite characters (egoist and altruist), or interpret them as romantic characters who oppose themselves to people (for various reasons).


What place does society occupy in the inner thoughts of both characters? Is it possible to say that heroes exist in isolation from society?


Heroes think of themselves outside of society: Larra - without people, Danko - at the head of people. Larra “He came to the tribe, he stole cattle, girls - everything he wanted”, he "hovering around people". Danko was walking "ahead of them and was cheerful and clear".


What moral law determines the actions of both characters?


The actions of the characters are determined by their own value system. Larra and Danko are their own law, they make decisions without asking the elders for advice. Proud, triumphant laughter is their answer to the world of ordinary people.


What is the function of the image of the old woman Izergil in the story? How do the images of Larra and Danko relate to each other with the help of the image of the old woman Izergil?


Despite the brightness, completeness and artistic integrity of both legends, they are only illustrations necessary for the author to understand the image of the old woman Izergil. It "cements" the composition of the story both at the substantive and at the formal level. In the general narrative system, Izergil acts as a narrator, it is from her mouth that the I-character learns the story of the "son of the eagle" and the burning heart of Danko. At the level of content in the portrait of the old woman, one can find features of both Larra and Danko; in how insatiably she loved, Danko's character was reflected, and in how thoughtlessly she threw her loved ones - the seal of the image of Larra. The figure of Izergil links both legends together and makes the reader think about the problem of human freedom and his right to dispose of his life force at his own discretion.


Do you agree with the saying that “in life there is always a place for a feat”? How do you understand it?


Is achievement possible in every life? Does every person use this right of achievement in life?


Did the old woman Izergil accomplish the feat she is talking about?

These questions do not require an unambiguous answer and are designed for independent answers.

conclusions write them down in their own notebooks.

Some of Nietzsche's philosophical and aesthetic ideas were reflected in Gorky's early romantic works. Central image early Gorky has a proud and strong personality, embodying the idea of ​​freedom. "Strength is virtue", Nietzsche argued, and for Gorky, the beauty of a person lies in strength and achievement, even aimless: “A strong person has the right to be “on the other side of good and evil”, to be outside of ethical principles, and a feat, from this point of view, is resistance to the general flow of life.


D.N. Murin, E.D. Kononova, E.V. Minenko. Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11 program. Thematic lesson planning. St. Petersburg: SMIO Press, 2001

E.S. Rogover. Russian literature of the XX century / St. Petersburg: Paritet, 2002

N.V. Egorova. Lesson developments in Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11. I semester. M.: VAKO, 2005

Pystina Lidia Mitrofanovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

school-gymnasium No. 9

The work of A. M. Gorky in the 11th grade begins with the study of the early romantic works of the writer. It's better to start studying proccess from checking knowledge of the text of the stories included in this cycle. This test will help you.


Early romantic works of A. M. Gorky

    Name a piece that starts like this

A. "Old Woman Izergil"

V. "Makar Chudra"

S. "Song of the Falcon"

D. "Song of the Petrel" -

1. “Wet blew from the sea, cold wind, spreading across the steppe the thoughtful melody of the splash of a wave running ashore ... "

2. "I heard these stories near Akkerman, in Bessarabia, on the seashore."

3. "The sea - huge, sighing lazily near the shore - fell asleep and motionless in the distance, bathed in the blue glow of the moon"

4. "Over the gray plain of the sea, the wind gathers clouds."

II. Distribute heroes by works




    Loiko Zobar


    stupid penguin

A. Chelkash

V. "Makar Chudra"

S. "Song of the Falcon"

D. "Old Woman Izergil"

E. "Song of the Petrel"

III. Recognize the hero by his portrait

1. "His eyes were cold and proud ... he answered if he wanted to, or was silent ..."

2. “The kid was daring! Hey! Who was he afraid of?

3. "Proudly flies ... similar to black lightning"

4. "One of those people, a handsome young man"

5. “He is this man with the clear eyes of a child…”

6. "... an old Crimean shepherd, tall, gray-haired, burned by the sun, dry and wise ..."

A. "Konovalov"

V. "Makar Chudra"

S. "Song of the Falcon"

D. "Old Woman Izergil"

E. "Song of the Petrel"

IV. Determine which character the words belong to

1. “You are going, well, go your own way, without turning to the side. Go straight ahead."

2. "I have the courage to lead, that's why I led you"

3. “Brother! Forgive me! .. the devil is me ... "

4. "Every person is his own master, and no one is to blame if I'm a scoundrel"

5. “I see that each person has only speech, arms and legs ... and he owns animals, women, the earth ...”

6. "I was never a slave, no one"

7. “What else do you want? You did your job… go!”

8. “I also love freedom! Will ... I love ... more ... "

A. Rudda

V. Danko

S. Chelkash

D. Makar Chudra

E. Gavrila

I. Konovalov

K. Old woman Izergil

N. Larra

V. Indicate the hero who in the "Song of the Petrel" pronounces these words: "Let the storm break more strongly!"

A. Seagulls

V. Gagary

C. Prophet of Victory

D. Penguin

VI. Indicate the hero of which work is Nadyr - Rahim - ogly

A. "Song of the Petrel"

V. "Chelkash"

S. "Konovalov"

D. "Song of the Falcon".

VII. Distribute citations characterizing life philosophy

A. Uzha

V. Falcon

1. "Born to crawl - can't fly! .."

2. “I lived a good life! .. I know happiness! .. I fought bravely! ...”

3. "Oh the happiness of the battle! .."

4. "Earth of creation - I live on the earth"

5. “... in the song of the brave and strong in spirit You will always be a living example"

6. “Fly or crawl, the end is known: everything will fall into the ground, everything will be dust ...”

VIII. Indicate which character is not in the "Song of the Petrel"

A. Stupid Penguin

B. Proud swallow

C. rushing seagulls

D. Proud Petrel

IX. Find a piece that ends like this.

A. "And on deserted shore sea ​​there is nothing left in the memory of the little drama that played out between people "

V. “... and they will drag the soul high into the dark blue abyss, from where the quivering patterns of the stars will also sound towards it with the wondrous music of revelation ...”

S. “And they both circled in the darkness of the night smoothly and silently, the handsome man could not ... catch up with the proud one ...”

D. "Let the storm come on!"

E. “But we both parted with the certainty that we would meet. Didn't have to…”

K. “It was quiet and dark in the steppe. Clouds were crawling across the sky, slowly, boringly ... The sea was noisy and muffled.

one . "Makar Chudra"

2. "Song of the Falcon"

3. "Old Isergil"

four . "Song of the Petrel"

5 . "Chelkash"

6 . "Konovalov"

X. Match the characters according to the principle of antithesis

A. Chelkash 1. Already

V. Danko 2. Penguin

S. Falcon 3. Larra

D. Burevestnik 4. Gavrila

XI. Indicate which hero in the "Song of the Petrel" A. Gorky calls the "black demon"

A. Seagulls

V. Gagary

S. Burevestnik

XII. Name a hero who was "the son of an eagle and a woman"

A. Chelkash

V. Gavrila

S. Danko

D. Larra

XIII. Name the work in which the characters read "Stenka's Rebellion"

A. "Spouses Orlov"

V. "Chelkash"

S. "Konovalov"

D. "Grandfather Arkhip and Lyonka"

XIV. Indicate the hero about whom it is said: “This is how a man was struck for pride!”

A. Konovalov

V. Chelkash

S. Loiko Zobar

D. Larra

E. Danko

XV. Indicate the work that A. M. Gorky attributed to the genre of the poem

A. "Konovalov"

V. "Makar Chudra"

S. "Song of the Falcon"

D. "Twenty-six and one"

E. "Old Woman Izergil".


    A - 2

IN 1

C - 3

D - 4

    1 - A

2 - D

3 - B

4 - B

5 - D

6 - C

7 - E

    1 - D

2 - B

3 - E

4 - D

5 - A

6 - B

    1 - D

2 - B

3 - E

4 - And

5 - H

6 - K

7 - C

8 - A

    A - 1 4 6

B - 2 3 5

    A - 5

IN 2

C - 1

D - 4

E - 6

K - 3

    A - 4

AT 3

C - 1

D 2

List of used literature

  1. Gorky M. Stories. Moscow: " Fiction". 1983 - 448s.

The beginning of the 90s of the 19th century was a difficult and uncertain time. Chekhov and Bunin, Gorky's older contemporaries, depict this period with the utmost realistic truthfulness in their works. Gorky himself declares the need to search for new ways in literature. In a letter to Pyatnitsky dated July 25, 1900, he writes: “The task of literature is to capture in colors, words, sounds, forms what is best, beautiful, honest, noble in a person. In particular, my task is to arouse in a person pride in himself, to tell him that he is the best, the most sacred in life, and that apart from him there is nothing worthy of attention. The world is the fruit of his creativity, God is a particle of his mind and heart…” The writer understands that in real modern life a person is oppressed and powerless, and therefore says: “The time has come for a romantic ...”
Indeed, the features of romanticism predominate in Gorky's early stories. First of all, because they depict a romantic situation of confrontation strong man(Danko, Larra, Sokol) with the world around him, as well as the problem of man as a person in general. The action of stories and legends is transferred to fantastic conditions (“He stood between the boundless steppe and the endless sea”). The world of works is sharply divided into light and darkness, and these differences are important in assessing the characters: after Larra, a shadow remains, after Danko, sparks.
Gorky uses elements of folklore. He animates nature (“The mist of the autumn night shuddered and fearfully looked around, revealing the steppe and the sea…”). Man and nature are often identified and can even talk (Ragim's conversation with a wave). Animals and birds acting in stories become symbols (Already and Falcon). The use of the legend genre allows the writer to most clearly express his thoughts and ideas in an allegorical form.
Gorky clearly prefers people who are free from the laws of society. His favorite characters are gypsies, beggars, thieves. It cannot be said that the writer idealizes thieves, but the same Chelkash from the point of view moral character stands disproportionately higher than the peasant. Man possessed by a dream, Man with capital letter much more interesting for a writer. The central figure of Gorky's early romantic work is introduced in the poem "Man". Man is called to illuminate the whole world, to unravel the knots of all delusions, he is "tragically beautiful." Danko is also depicted in the same way: “I am going to burn as brightly as possible and to illuminate the darkness of life more deeply. And death is my reward.” The concepts of “people” and “man” are directly opposed by Gorky: “I want each of the people to be a “Man”!”
The question of human freedom is also fundamental for Gorky. Free man theme main topic his first story "Makar Chudra", as well as many other works, including "Songs about the Falcon". The concept of "freedom" for the writer is associated with the concepts of "truth" and "feat". If in the story “Makar Chudra” Gorky is interested in freedom “from something”, then in “Old Woman Izergil” - freedom “in the name”. Larra, the son of an eagle and a woman, is not human enough to be with people, but not an eagle enough to do without people. His lack of freedom is in his selfishness, and therefore he is punished by loneliness and immortality, and after him only a shadow remains. Danko, on the contrary, turns out to be more a free man because he is free from himself and lives for the sake of others. Danko's act can be called a feat, because a feat for Gorky is the highest degree of freedom from self-love.

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Other writings:

  1. Time of writing early romantic stories Gorky - the beginning of the 90s of the XIX century, a difficult and uncertain time. Chekhov and Bunin, Gorky's older contemporaries, depict this period with the utmost realistic truthfulness in their works. Gorky himself declares the need to search for new Read More ......
  2. "Song of the Falcon" (1895) belongs to early work M. Gorky. Later, the writer recalled the period of the 1880s: “I personally see myself at that time as a dreamer, a poet…”. And Korolenko, having read the first works of the young writer, said: “I told you that you are a realist! Read More ......
  3. Yeisk and American literature late XVIII- first half of XIX century. The epithet "romantic" in the 17th century served to characterize adventurous and heroic plots and works written in Romance languages ​​(as opposed to those created in classical languages). In the 18th century Read More ......
  4. On the eve and during the years of the first Russian revolution, Gorky rises to a new stage in his ideological and artistic development. Having connected his creative work and public literary work with the proletariat and the Russian revolutionary social democracy, Gorky saw with particular clarity in the Bolsheviks led by Lenin that Read More ......
  5. Proud disobedience to fate and impudent love of freedom. Heroic character. The romantic hero strives for unrestricted freedom, without which there is no true happiness for him and which is dearer than life itself. On the early stage creativity, the writer turned to romanticism, thanks to which he created a series of Read More ......
  6. The system of images in Gorky's stories is completely subordinate to the author's desire to reveal the main theme of his works. The heroes of Gorky's romantic works are exceptional people. These are Rada and Loiko, the heroes of the story “Makar Chudra”. The beauty, strong feelings and decisive actions of the heroes delight the old Read More ......
  7. At the core romantic concept Gorky are motivated by protest and rebellion. The writer did not accept the motive of the tragic loneliness and doom of the romantic hero of the past. Therefore, even tragic denouement conflict in Gorky's romantic works is not perceived as a defeat. So, the death of Danko or the death of the Falcon Read More ......
  8. The beginning of the 90s of the 19th century was a difficult and uncertain time. Chekhov and Bunin, Gorky's older contemporaries, depict this period with the utmost realistic truthfulness in their works. Gorky himself declares the need to search for new ways in literature. In a letter to Pyatnitsky Read More ......
Early romantic work of M. Gorky
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