Will there be a continuation of the film someone else's testament. "Lost heaven"

Original: Alien: Covenant

Country: USA, Australia, New Zealand

Director: Ridley Scott /

Cast: Billy Crudup / Guy Pearce / Demian Bichir / James Franco / Danny McBride / Callie Hernandez / Carmen Ejogo / Katherine Waterston / Michael Fassbender / Noomi Rapace /

What is your expectation from the movie:

This story begins many years ago when a group of brave scientists set off on an intergalactic journey to make a new discovery. Hoping to explore the unknown, the crew comes across an abandoned spaceship. Upon boarding it, they found its owners dead. As it turned out later, they were dealt with by a creature that they themselves gave birth to attack the Earth. It was a dangerous and cruel monster, which was nicknamed "Alien". It attacked a group of scientists and destroyed almost all of its members. No matter how hard the crew tried to survive in this struggle, they did not succeed. The alien was more cunning and stronger than them, as a result of which he destroyed almost everyone in his path. Then only the archaeologist Elizabeth Shaw and her android friend named David managed to survive. Together they were able to defeat a dangerous enemy and save their lives.

After the terrible events, Elizabeth and David continued their space trip on the ship Prometheus. This time they go to the Earth of the creators of all mankind - whitish giants. It was they who once created life on the planet, but now their goal was to destroy all life. However, what exactly inspired the whitish ones to oppose humanity was a real mystery. Now the heroes need to find out what is really going on. But in order to solve this mystery of engineers, they have to go through a lot on their way. To do this, they stop at the planet Paradise, and begin to conduct research. They will have to find out what was such an impetus on the way to the war between people and giants. They will try to figure everything out and prevent the destruction of planet Earth in order to save all of humanity from inevitable death. But will the heroes be able to cope with this task and bring the matter to the end?


Having managed to launch the ship of the Creators from the planet, he calculates their home planet, thanks to the star maps found on it, and along the way restores the android David, attaching his head back to the body. They set the course for the ship, after which David puts Shaw into suspended animation in one of the Creators' cryogenic capsules (since it's a very long flight) and, left alone, begins to dive into the study of the latter. In the next scene, the ship arrives at the planet and hovering over central square large settlement. Standing in the main hangar of the ship, David opens the airlock, after which it is shown that many of the same cylinders with a dangerous pathogen that the Prometheus expedition found at the Creator base on LV-223 are attached to the ceiling of the hangar.

The film begins with a flashback in which David discusses with the head of the Weyland Corporation, Peter Weyland, that people created androids to serve, but even outstanding achievements in science and art fade against the background of the fact that humanity still does not know by whom and for what it was created.

In 2104, ten years after the events on LV-223, the colony ship Covenant with 2,000 colonists and 1,000 embryos heading for the planet Origae-6 is hit by a neutrino flare and the android Walter is forced to bring the crew out of cryosleep. Some of the colonists and the captain of the ship, who is the husband of Daniels, die. Daniels is having a hard time with the death of her husband and makes a promise to fulfill their old dream: to build a hut on the lake in the new world. During repairs, the crew of the ship receives a mysterious signal from an unknown planet, which, according to the computer, is much more habitable than their original destination. Despite the protests of Daniels, the new captain of the ship, Oram, decides to change the course of the ship and the Covenant is sent to a new planet. Arriving at the place, part of the crew lands on the planet and, to their surprise, they find wheat crops and other vegetation on it, but Daniels notes that there are no birds or animals around. The team splits up: Karin, the wife of Captain Oram, and another crew member collect samples for research, and the other part goes in the direction of the signal source. Soon they find themselves near the crashed ship of the Creators, inside of which a dog tag with the name of Elizabeth Shaw is found. One of the crew members accidentally inhales alien spores and becomes infected. Meanwhile, the one left with Karin also becomes infected, and both are placed in the medical bay for quarantine. A nightmarish creature emerges from the infected's back and kills Karin. The pilot Faris tries to shoot the monster with a shotgun, but one of the power units is hit and the shuttle explodes. Another infected crew member also shows symptoms of the disease and the second part of the crew hurries back to the shuttle, but does not have time: another creature escapes from the throat of the colonist.

Before diving into cryo-sleep, Daniels asks Walter if he can help her build a hut on the new planet, but Walter doesn't understand her question. Daniels is horrified to realize that Walter is not Walter at all, but David who has entered the ship, but does not have time to do anything and falls asleep in his capsule. David enters the compartment with the sleeping colonists, regurgitates two facehugger embryos smuggled aboard the ship, and leaves them there.

Alien: Covenant is a fantasy film directed by American director and screenwriter Ridley Scott, produced by 20th Century Fox in 2017. Starring actors Michael Fassbender and Katherine Waterston.

The release date of the sequel "Prometheus 2" is set, the premiere of the film "Alien: Covenant" in theaters will take place - August 3, 2017.

Fans of Michael Fassbender's work are invited to get acquainted with one of the most anticipated films of 2016 "", in which the actor played the main role.

"Alien" and "Prometheus" - the history of creation

In the mid-70s, a young aspiring screenwriter Den O "Bannon finishes work with his friend John Carpenter (whose films we will talk about more than once in the future!) On the graduation student film "Dark Star".

In pursuit of rehabilitation, the screenwriter decides to write another fantastic story. Connect horror and sci-fi. The story was originally called "Star Creature".

First of all, the director - all American directors refused to deal with this "second-rate nonsense." And then the sight fell on filmmakers from Europe. Good luck awaited the creators with Ridley Scott, a British director of commercials, who had already managed to direct the film debut of The Duellists.

The meeting of Ridley Scott with the script by Dan O'Bannon, perhaps, determined the career of the first and the image of horror in the future in general.


"Star Creature" (now "Alien") told the story of the crew of the space cargo ship "Nostromo" returning from a long-distance voyage. They receive a strange radio signal from an unknown planet and decide to land and check.

Naturally, the gentlemen immediately evacuate back with attempts to help a colleague. They still have no idea that they will soon have a very unpleasant and extremely dangerous crap on the Nostromo, in a battle with which not everyone will have to survive.

When staging Prometheus, Ridley Scott used a style that became for him calling card director - great attention to detail, careful development of scenery, costumes and the whole world around, the realism of what is happening.

Neither science fiction nor horror has ever been done like this. With this, perhaps, Scott set a new tone in this genre. And of course, he opened the world to the amazing Sigourney Weaver, for whom "Alien" was the first film role in general.

True, I must say that the director's cut is a bit boring - Sir Ridley sometimes gets too carried away. Therefore, I recommend watching the theatrical. There are cut out some episodes that hinder the development of the story.

The film was a resounding success ($104 million on a budget of just $11 million) and a sequel had to be conceived sooner or later.

But they couldn’t find a really suitable script for the sequel! Only in the 80s, an unknown bearded guy from Canada loomed on the horizon.

He wrote a script request for "Aliens" (as he supposed to call the second part), and the producers liked it so much that they were ready to wait as long as it took for the young man to completely write the script.

James Cameron's involvement in the MCU

The guy's name was James Cameron. The first "" was then still only in the process of filming, so no one knew who he was and what he could do. But the studio trusted Cameron. They literally swallowed the script. And, having seen the "Terminator", they suggested that James also take up the production.

Cameron took a fundamentally different path. He reasoned that it was pointless to do horror again - everyone already knows who the stranger is, there is no surprise effect. Therefore, it is necessary to give the viewer a furious, suspense, intense action. Those. he shifted the focus towards the fantasy action movie. And, damn it, he did it masterfully.

This time the story is about the fact that several decades after the events of the first film, earthlings, not knowing anything at all about the crashed alien ship established a colony on that planet. They worked quietly, lived with their wives and children.

But one day they lost contact. To clarify the circumstances, a brigade of tough marines is sent to the planet, who must deal with everything. Naturally, they did not have an easy walk ...

This part also main character is Ellen Ripley performed by Sigourney Weaver, because after the events of the first part she escaped in a cryogenic capsule (and therefore did not age).

Cameron, conceptually, went much further than Ridley Scott because he decided to develop and delve into the hierarchy of Alien life. It turned out something like the image of vicious and huge alien insects.

In addition, James, as usual, made a reference fantastic action movie. Despite the 85th year, few films of this genre can compete with "Aliens" in entertainment, dynamics and tension.

If you suddenly did not watch either the first or the second part of "Alien" or "Prometheus" - watch the march! Because these are not just films - these are cultural phenomena. You need to know them like Elvis, the Beatles and Star Wars.

And if you've watched it, watch it anyway. It will never be redundant! "Prometheus", for example, is included in the list of films that should be reviewed regularly (once a year - for sure).

addicted computer games? If yes, then recently a wonderful horror game "" was released, which skillfully recreated the atmosphere of fear from the first film. This is definitely worth playing. And be afraid. Posters and photos

Prometheus 2 (Alien: Covenant) release date

Namerelease date
Prometheus 2 (Alien: Covenant)August 3, 2017


As it turns out, the film has a lot more in common with the 1979 film than meets the eye. The fact is that "Alien"
ends with Ellen Ripley throwing the xenomorph out of the ship, into space, and then talks about what happened and plunges into suspended animation. In fact, he planned that the fight between Ripley and the Alien would end not in Ellen's favor: the alien had to decapitate the woman, and then turn on the communication on the control panel and say in the voice of Captain Dallas: "End of communication." This would demonstrate his incredible ability to rapid adaptation.

"Stranger". Trailer in English
It was decided to abandon this idea in order to shoot a sequel to the film with the heroine. However, Ridley Scott cited his original intent at the end of "The Testament". We see the android Walter intercede with the android David for the surviving crew members. spaceship. When they get to the Covenant, Walter joins them. After the team plunges into suspended animation, it is revealed that instead of the android Walter, it was David who was next to them all this time (both roles were played by the actor). He retrieves the hidden Alien eggs and continues his experiments on the sleeping crew. Thus, Scott (albeit not verbatim) embodied his idea of ​​a villain impersonating another character.

"Alien: Covenant". "Meet Walter" promo video in English
David becomes the main antagonist of the film, as it turns out he is responsible for the birth of the Aliens. There is no doubt that the future of the franchise is inextricably linked with this character: we probably have yet to see his inhuman experiments, as well as how they spiral out of control. Of course, in the event that Ridley Scott himself decides to continue developing the background of his world.

The space horror epic continues to gain momentum. The ups and downs of the films of the "alien" franchise have led to the fact that we are waiting for another part. The film "Alien 5 Awakening" in 2019 will be a continuation of "Prometheus" and a prequel to the last released part. This was told by Ridley Scott himself, who continues to engage in the franchise. Exact date the release has not been set, but it is known that the fifth film is worth waiting for throughout 2019.

The Alien franchise started out as a classic alien horror movie. An alarming atmosphere was built up, the concentration was on which of the characters would survive. Summary The very first film did not in any way involve the transformation of a horror movie about xenomorphs into a science fiction universe. But it was in her that the series began to turn already from the second film.

"Prometheus", which became a prequel to the events of the first original parts, completely departed from the horror format. Got over philosophical film, which caused a mixed opinion of both critics and fans of the series. "Prometheus" left behind a lot of questions that the viewer expected to get answers in the new part - the film "Alien: Covenant". But The Testament, on the contrary, returned to the classic horror. And again, it provoked a mixed reaction. When Awakening comes out, it will be the link between Prometheus and The Testament. Will tell you more about the race of Engineers.

What will the new Alien movie be about?

Remember the plot of Prometheus. Remember what happened in the Testament. Everything that was omitted and left unsaid should go into the events of Awakening. We know the beginning of the story - together with the android David, Dr. Elizabeth Shaw remained on an uncharted planet that killed all her satellites. We also know the ending - finally left alone, David was able to get out, arrange a genocide on another planet, began to breed those same xenomorphs.

In the new film, we have to learn more about the race of Engineers. Also - about becoming an android David "father" of the most frightening race in the universe. We will probably see last days Dr. Elizabeth Shaw. Online and in theaters, Alien 5 will launch in 2019. We will have answers to the remaining questions very soon!

The cast of the film

Full cast The new part has not yet been approved. But some performers should return to their roles in the franchise. Actors we'll see in Awakening:

  • Noomi Rapace (Dr. Elizabeth Shaw).
  • Michael Fassbender (Android David)
  • And others.

There is a good chance that there will be a limited number of human characters (and humanoid androids) in the film. The chosen time period does not involve encounters with humanity. What the film is about will involve interactions with Engineers and xenomorphs. But it is possible that we will be shown flashbacks from the past of Elizabeth Shaw (and David himself, as it was in "The Testament"). Therefore, the cast can still be replenished with performers that cause a stir among the public. But to find out about this, you need to wait for the start of filming. A trailer in Russian will allow you to look at the first frames of the film, which will be released after the completion of the filming process.

Production news

The fact that at least one more film is planned was announced by Ridley Scott even before the release of The Testament. The director also added that in the event of a successful release of this part, the franchise will be replenished with at least three more films (in addition to Awakening). Xenomorphs will stay with the viewer for a long time, plans for a sequel were clear from the finale of The Testament. The video showed David transporting xenomorph fetuses on a colonizer ship. And all these films will be prequels to the very first one, released in 1979.

The filming process of the new part has not yet begun, but preparations for filming are in full swing. Ridley Scott is directing Alien 5 Awakening. It will be possible to go to watch the sequel-prequel during 2019. When exactly the release in Russian will take place is still unknown.

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