How old is the program wider circle. Wider circle

Olga Borisovna Molchanova - "creative mother" as many famous artists now call her, was the author and editor-in-chief of the program throughout its history. In 1976, the editorial staff of the National Art of Central Television came up with the idea to combine in one program not only different creative genres, but also performers of different levels - both professionals and unknown amateurs from different parts of the world. Castings were not held then, numerous talents were searched for in a different way, already forgotten to us.

Olga Molchanova: " Letters were our main source of information. At that time, the post office was very active, they brought them to us in whole bags. And we were obliged to read everything, to put our signature on each, that the letter was read».

Of course, there were those who got into the program on the recommendations of Olga Borisovna's acquaintances. For example, Honored Artist of Russia Natasha Koroleva.

Another not so young, but aspiring artist Alexander Serov, who at that time was over 30, also got on the recording of a popular program on the recommendation.


But the People's Artist of Russia Philip Kirkorov had to try hard to get on the set.

Olga Molchanova: " My friend worked at the Gnessin School. She worked as an accompanist. She calls me and says, “Listen, Landa has a boy there - he sings mediocre, but handsome like Zakharov, he even looks like him in some way.” Well, I didn’t go there anymore, since I said that she sings mediocre, I think: “why should I go?”. He called me, called me, I had no time for everything, and now he got through to me, and I say: “come».

Young Philip seemed to Molchanova a very musical boy, but she did not see any special singing talent in him. Although I was invited to the program. That is why Olga Borisovna now speaks with great enthusiasm about the achievements of her now friend.

Olga Molchanova: " I am amazed at how he was able, from what little he had, to develop his voice and his abilities. This is the result of amazing work.».


In the Shire Krug program, great prospects opened up not only for the vocalists. The famous comedian Gennady Vetrov also considers this his first television experience the beginning of a great pop life. While still a student at one of the competitions, he was noticed by a friend of Olga Molchanova. Of course, Gennady himself did not expect such a development of events.

Gennady Vetrov: " This is Olga Borisovna Molchanova, hello, I am the editor and head of the Shire Krug program! I want to invite you to the program!”. Well, to be honest, I was shocked at the beginning, I thought it was a prank. I say: "What should I do?" - “Take your best number, come, and we will immediately take off».


If so many popular artists began their career precisely at the suggestion of Olga Molchanova, this indicates at least that this woman was a real psychologist and had a subtle instinct for talents. There was only one episode in her life when her instincts deceived her! This happened at a meeting with Leonid Agutin.

Olga Molchanova: " He didn't like me that much. But then they showed me a couple of phonograms and I approved. But at the same time, I did not see any outstanding talent there. This is my only mistake in my life. We argued with Igor Krutoy, he told me: “I bet with you that Agutin will be a star,” and I say: “Never!».


But the most wonderful story, perhaps, is the birth of new stars right during the filming of the program! We are talking about Vyacheslav Dobrynin, who was a composer and wrote a huge number of songs that sounded in the program. But one day he had to go on stage himself.

Vyacheslav Dobrynin: " I had to go to the microphone and sing to the soundtrack, which was prepared for Mikhail Boyarsky. Everyone waited to the last, he could not fly from Odessa, there was a delay. And so I had to go out and save the day».


"Wider circle" - it was a real breakthrough of that time! Firstly, for the first time any person could appear on Central Television, no matter where he comes from and who is by profession. The main thing is talent. In addition, the creators of the program became pioneers in directorial decisions.

Funny boys

From 1982 to 1990, the humorous program "Merry Fellows" appeared on the country's television screens, which was very popular.

In the beginning, the program was created as a competition. The winners were awarded with a yellow leader's hat and tickets to Gabrovo (Bulgaria) for the international festival of humor. The host was Alexander Maslyakov. Andrey Knyshev described it this way: Participants sat in a big yellow hat, went on stage, tried to joke. The winners went to Gabrovo. Some of the contestants subsequently became participants in the new program - Igor Tarashchansky, Sergey Shustitsky, Evgeny Voskresensky, Leonid Sergeev, Dmitry Dibrov. The telecast presented ironic parodies of popular programs that were on the air at that time, of the Soviet stage. Various pranks filmed on a hidden camera, as well as humorous musical numbers parodying famous Soviet pop artists. The singers and musicians themselves also performed.

The Wider Circle program, created in 1976. Duration - from 1 hour 30 minutes to 1 hour 50 minutes. On December 30, 1976, the first release of the program was included in the New Year's broadcast of Central Television. The program fell in love with the public, although it did not have such a rating as other music programs of the Central Television. On modern television, the program "Wider Circle" was taken as a basis by "Minute of Glory". Young talents showed themselves in various fields of variety art. In dance and in song, instrumental music and folklore, folk art and circus genre, everything could be seen in this program. Pop stars also performed on a par with young talented performers. The program was filmed in various cities of the Soviet Union, in various sports palaces and palaces of culture of some kind of factories in which it was impossible to create optimal conditions like in the Ostankino television studio. For 25 years, the program opened up new names to the public.

“You Can Do It” (EVM) is a popular science television program dedicated to scientific and technical creativity, aired on Soviet television in the 1970s and 1980s. The broadcast was a demonstration and discussion of various inventions, home-made structures from any area of ​​the national economy, from various modified pans to self-designed cars, boats and aircraft. After the demonstration of the working model of the invention, it was discussed by invited experts - scientists, inventors, writers and other specialists. There was a lively discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of the presented model and the possibility of its subsequent production and application. It was one of the few programs on Soviet television where polar points of view were expressed on a particular problem, thanks to this, as well as the breadth of the issues discussed, the program was very popular and had a large television audience.

GOOG night kids

"Good night, kids" - a television program for preschoolers and elementary school students. The first broadcast of the program was on September 1, 1964. Pilot programs consisted of drawings and text behind the scenes. A little later, puppet shows appeared in the program, the actors were the artists of the Moscow Art Theater and the Theater of Satire. The first puppet actors were the hare Tyopa and Pinocchio, the puppets Myamlik and Shustrik. The participants of the program were also children under the age of six and theater actors who told them fairy tales. In a later period, such characters as the pig Khryusha, the dog Phil, the crow Karkusha, the hare Stepashka and others are introduced, who received the voices of the theater actors Sergei Obraztsov. The TV show's popularity peaked in the early 1970s. The children's TV program was a small interlude within the framework of a moral and educational theme, as well as a cartoon display.

"Time" - under this name, an information program appeared in 1968 on Central Television. The program was assigned a permanent airtime, starting in 1972, which was scheduled for 21:00. The program formed its own concept of the order in which news was presented already in the first years of its existence. This concept is still valid today: first comes the protocol on the first persons of the state, then the news from the periphery, then the news of the economy, culture and sports follow in the same sequence, and, finally, the weather forecast.

On the accordion Anatoly Fokin - Wider circle (Vladislav Semenov - Vladimir Kharitonov)
group of the folk choir "Russian Song" of the Palace of Culture "Yubileiny" of the Belgorod Vitamin Plant - Oh you Porushka, Paranya (nar.)
VIA "Kubanochki" of the Krasnodar Pedagogical School - Marusya (Ukrainian folk song)
student Andrei Baranovsky - It's time (Vyacheslav Dobrynin - Leonid Derbenev)
teacher from Novokuznetsk Irina Lisach - Kamushki (Alexander Morozov - Mikhail Ryabinin)
children's dance ensemble "Moskvich" DK AZLK, artistic director. Margarita Kolesnikova - Russian folk
Eva Petrenko and children's dance ensemble "Moskvich" DK AZLK, artistic director. Margarita Kolesnikova - A song about the vagaries of nature (her dad, Alexander Petrenko - Yan Halperin)
ans. variety dance "Festival" at the House of Culture of the Lviv Automobile Plant, Laur. 1 contest estr. dance groups in Riga - Dance "Umbrellas"
Alexander Sklyarov and Anastasia Mintskovskaya - You and I are on the way (Roman Mayorov - David Usmanov)
civil engineer, now a student of the Gnessin Music School Levon Vardanyan - Traveling in a hot air balloon (L. Vardanyan)
Ensemble "Uzbekiston Kizlyary" of Tashkent University, choreographer Laur. State Prize of the USSR Honored. are. Uzbek USSR Ravshanon Sharipova, art director Damira Shagirova - east. dance
Trio "Valis" Zinaida and Lyudmila Fatievaite (?) and Valis Fatenas (?) - Spring dream (Valis Fatenas - Salome Neris?)
Abisadze family ensemble, Mutkuri village (near Tkibuli) - Come spring (Georgian folk song)
librarian Vera Petryankina and engineer of the RAF plant Alexander Vuman (?) from Jelgava - comic
youth dance dance "Petrel" of the Palace of Culture and Technology of the Kharkov Tractor Plant named after Ordzhonikidze - Ukrainian folk dance
Anatoly Fokin - Everywhere only you (Sergei Berezin - Mikhail Tanich)
ans. variety dance "Festival" at the Palace of Culture of the Lviv Automobile Plant - dance "Ping-Pong" (recording of the group "Plastic Bertrand", fl San Remo-82)
juggler Anatoly Sychev, graduate of the state school of circus and variety arts - (the melody is also performed by the orchestra of Paul Moria)
member of the pantomime department of the Kyiv Medical Institute Sergey Smeshko
Anastasia Mintskovskaya - The Ring (Sergei Berezin - Pyotr Proskurin)
Alexander Sklyarov - In our yard (Vyacheslav Dobrynin - Leonid Derbenev)
composer and conductor folklore programs Gerhard Nied (?), a delegate to the SED congress and the ensemble "Liderbusch" (GDR) - "Near the mill lives a beautiful deer, in his mouth he has a golden ring, I would like to give this ring to my beloved, and from her I would like to receive a string of pearls, as a sign of reciprocal love", the second German song and the Russian folk song "How will I go to the fast river" (A. Popov)
Andrey Sidenko, participant of the puppet studio of the Burevestnik factory club - "On the Wings of Music"
illusionist Leonid Fursa - tricks, in coll. Irina and Elena Bazykin - "Aladin" (Alexey Mazhukov - Anatoly Vratarev)
Philip Kirkorov, student of the Gnessin music school - You are my spring (in Bulgarian, Bulgarian composer Alexander Iosifov)
Ans. students of the University of Friendship of Peoples named after Patrice Lumumba, art director. Geological engineer Georges Aum (?) (Lebanon) - Lebanese dance "Lubnan" (?)
Moscow student. State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Them. Maurice Torez Andrey Volosatykh (?) - Yellow bird (Venezuelan folk song)
Alla and Petr Chebotarevs, laur. int. and All-Union K-owls - Spanish Suite "Souvenir" of the House of Culture of the Moscow State University - Greek dance "Sirtaki"
children's dance ensemble "Moskvich" DK AZLK, artistic director. Margarita Kolesnikova - Everyone needs peace

Exactly 40 years ago, the masters of the Soviet stage for the first time stood in one circle with the people. Anyone could be a star of the Soviet Union - for this you just need to become a member of the Wider Circle program. It was in this program that the viewer first saw such contemporary artists as Dmitry Malikov, Leonid Agutin, Natasha Koroleva, Taisiya Povaliy, Valeria, Philip Kirkorov. An evening of surprises: everything about the Shire Krug program, its creators and participants. See Let them talk 08/25/2016 - Around the Shire Circle.

The broadcast of the program begins in an unusual way: instead of Andrey Malakhov, Vyacheslav Malezhik and Ekaterina Semenova act as hosts: “Today we are in our place, because exactly 40 years ago the youth music program Wider Circle was broadcast on Soviet television! And as the presenters of this program, we announce the beginning of this evening. And now you will see the performance of the artist Yuri Antonov.

Let them say - Around the wider circle

Under the song “Wider Circle”, numerous participants of the popular Soviet TV show enter the hall, holding hands!

The host introduces Olga Molchanova, editor-in-chief and creator of the famous Wider Circle program.

- The idea of ​​the program was to bring together both stars and non-stars, but, most importantly, talented people. A person, at least, should have a voice, as a maximum - a complete set of all qualities. My task was to be able to discern talent in young people.

And here is what Philip Kirkorov recalls about his participation in the program:

“It all started with Wider Circle. I remember the white suit in which I spoke in 1985 on the program. Vyacheslav Zaitsev sewed it for me. I didn’t like how I sang, how I moved, how I looked - I understood that everything was terrible!

“However, at the same time, I realized that tomorrow I would wake up as a superstar. And today I say: SPA-SI-BO, Wider circle. Thanks to Olga Borisovna for helping me to realize myself.

Olga Molchanova about Yuri Antonov:

- Yura was on the list of banned artists. I saw him on a cruise where he worked part-time. I really liked him, I talked to him and said that it would not hurt him to lose weight in order to appear on TV. Yura was terribly offended, but soon condescended and I invited him to shoot.

Yuri Antonov:

- Olga knew how to invite in such a way that you could not refuse. The atmosphere on the program was friendly, no one was chasing money at that time. Despite censorship, Olga made sure that talented artists become famous.

Wider Circle: 40 years of the program

“Neon Boy” enters the hall, whom Olga Borisovna immediately recognizes: Sergey Makarov is the former soloist of the “Neon Boy” group:

- My parents were against me making music and performing, but still they had to put up with it. Glory came to me after the program "Wider Circle". We were a kind of "Petersburg Tender May". Today I still make music and am a member of the Discomafia group. And recently I became a father!

Wider Circle: Valeria, Julian, Natasha Koroleva

In the studio Let them talk: singer Julian, who claims that he came to the Shire Krug literally from the street. Olga Molchanova: “He came from the street, but with his mother. He sang very well - a musical boy!

And in 1987, the girl Natasha Poryvai first came to the program, and then the country will learn about the singer Natasha Koroleva! The artist talks about how she got into the Shire Circle:

“Honestly, it was very difficult to get there. I ended up there thanks to Lev Valeryanovich Leshchenko. For me, it was an important and unforgettable event in my life: to be on central television at the age of 13! At that time, it was enough to visit one broadcast, so that the whole country would know you later. Thank you, Olga Borisovna, because this program began my journey to the big stage.

Yaroslav Evdokimov, Nadezhda Chepraga and Mikhail Fainzilberg in the Shire Krug

In "Around the Shire Circle" - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Yaroslav Evdokimov, who only once led the program "Wider Circle":

- When I began to read the text, suddenly the Western Ukrainian dialect and the Polish-Belarusian accent came out of me. Olga Borisovna was shocked and someone even shouted to her: “Where did you find this Levitan?” I was no longer invited to the role of presenter.

For 10 years, a resident of Nizhny Tagil, Viktor Fast, was a participant in the program "Wider Circle". The man went into the studio with a balalaika in his hands.

“I was working as a locksmith at the time. The first time I came to the shooting with the ensemble, Olga Borisovna noticed me and the next time I came alone.

Olga Molchanova:

“When I first saw her, I was struck by her beauty. Still, it's nice to see beautiful faces on the screen.

An unprecedented surprise for Olga Borisovna: a clergyman, and in the past - a rock musician and member of the Krug ensemble, Mikhail Fainzilberg, enters the hall. 25 years ago, he unexpectedly left the big stage and became a novice in an Orthodox monastery.

— Since 1993 I have been in this attire. I live in a cell. I atone for sins before loved ones whom I once offended ...

Also in the studio you will see the singer Anastasia. Watch the issue Let them talk - Around the Shire Krug 08/25/2016 (aired on August 25, 2016).

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I first heard about Len Agutin from his father, Nikolai. Kolya was at one time the director of Slava Malezhik, the host of the Wider Circle program. And with Slava, respectively, I was friends. Nikolai once told me: “Olya, such a cool kid is growing up with me - I think you will like it. I'll show you in a few years." He dreamed of bringing his son to the stage. But Lenya was brought to me not by him, but by Oleg Nekrasov, who became Lenya's director many years later. It happened in the early 1990s.

Oleg went to music editorial offices and everywhere offered a young artist, but, as I understand it, to no avail. Once he brought him to us in the Wider Circle program. Frankly, Leonid did not make any special impression on me then. “This is a rumba” - that, in my opinion, was the name of the song that Lenya first performed in the “Wider Circle” program. Then he began to appear in other programs. Well, then he sang "Barefoot Boy" and instantly became popular.

A couple of years later, Igor Krutoy asked me: “How do you like Agutin?” I think Igor helped Lena in his promotion. I answer: "No way." - "And I bet he will be a star?" I argued and, as you know, I lost. (Laughs.) This is, perhaps, the only case when I did not guess right. But now Agutin is one of my favorite artists.

With Vyacheslav Malezhik (1980s). Photo: From the personal archive of Olga Molchanova

- Igor Krutoy, too, did not immediately become known to the general public and made his way to the musical Olympus with difficulties.

Igor owes everything to Alexander Serov, his voice, charisma. He became popular earlier. The first song that Sasha sang in the Wider Circle program and in general on Central Television was written not by Krutoy, but by Zhenya Martynov. This is "Echo of First Love" to the words of Rozhdestvensky.

With this song, Martynov and Serov appeared in our editorial office on Shabolovka. Zhenya introduced me to Sasha. We liked the song, we immediately recorded it. And Sasha was liked by all of us, the editors - still, in his youth he was an incredible handsome man! And the voice! And the manner! At that time, there were no such "Western" artists on our stage. Serov sang in my program more than once and often spoke about the songs of his friend, Igor Krutoy. And I already knew that Igor was not very favored on television. There was such a rustle: the surname was somehow suspicious, and most importantly, not a member of the Union of Composers. They preferred that only "members" ...

And yet, when Sasha brought Igor Krutoy's song to the verses of Rimma Kazakova "Madonna", and then "You love me", the TV people could not resist. They were broadcast, and Krutoy woke up famous.

- Tell us about the "king of pop" Philip Kirkorov. After all, he also became famous thanks to his participation in the program “Wider Circle”.

Philip is the only artist who does not get tired of saying thanks to the program in any interview - not necessarily Olga Borisovna Molchanova. (Laughs) He is a very grateful person. I will not say that we have untwisted it, no. But he lit up precisely in the “Wider Circle”.

With Philip Kirkorov (early 1990s). Photo: From the personal archive of Olga Molchanova

For Philip, his appearance is the main trump card. I saw him at the age of seventeen and was literally blinded by his beauty. He then studied at the Gnessin School, where my close friend, pianist Lidia Lyakhina, worked. She accompanied the students of the class of Margarita Iosifovna Landa. And one day Lida called me: “Olya, what a guy appeared, go crazy! Handsome as a god." By the way, she once “looked after” Serezha Zakharov (also a pupil of Landa) and introduced me to him. Philip and Sergey in their youth are one person.

When Lida told Philip that she knew me, he began to ask her to introduce us, because every performer dreamed of getting into the Wider Circle program. I allowed him to give my number, and he began to cut off the phone. And I kept thinking - it is necessary, it is not necessary. Lida said that she didn’t sing very well ... And when the phone rang, I whispered to my mother that I was not at home. But Philip turned out to be persistent and eventually found an approach to his mother - he picked up the key to his heart: he said that she had a beautiful young voice.

Mom began to persuade: “Listen, Olya, this is becoming indecent - come to the phone. Such a good boy, polite, delicate.” Finally, I made an appointment with him at the editorial office. He came in a white ironed suit. He stared at me with his already huge eyes. And while we were talking, he stood all the time.

Sergei Zakharov in the program "Wider Circle". Photo: Sergey Andreeshchev / TASS Newsreel

- Is it because of the women present nearby?

He later admitted that he put on his only concert costume and was afraid to wrinkle his trousers. He sat down only when he accompanied himself on the piano - he sang the Bulgarian songs of Toncho Rusev, his favorite composer. He put the music book on the music stand, and since it had previously been rolled into a tube while Philip played, it jumped and fell. He was terribly embarrassed. And I had to repeat it over and over again. At that meeting, in a professional sense, Kirkorov did not promise anything bright. But all the women of Ostankino and Shabolovka immediately fell in love with him! And they asked me: “When will the beautiful boy appear in your program?”

It was impossible not to give broadcast to such a handsome man - just as not to help find a songwriter who would make Russian-language subtexts on the melodies of Bulgarian composers. She got on the phone, started calling the “great” ones: Derbenev was ill, Tanich said that he had repairs, Shaferan refused. I remembered the poetess Natalya Shemyatenkova, the wife of a big official from the Central Committee of the party. She agreed to the meeting. We went with Philip to her luxurious apartment on Shchusev Street, Galina Brezhneva was a neighbor on the site. Everything worked out. Natasha immediately fell in love with him, tried very hard, and nice songs turned out. Philip lit up in several programs, began to gain momentum, grow and grow stronger in a professional sense.

- Did you give a start to Natasha Koroleva too? Who brought her to you?

I was friends with Leva Leshchenko, and he was with Natasha's mother. It was with Levina that the Queen ended up in the Wider Circle program - she was then only 13 years old. Lyova told me that there is a girl in Kyiv who sings well. Leshchenko is an authority for me, so we immediately called Natasha to Moscow, she sang a nice little song about school love. She performed, of course, under her real name - Break. Alla Perfilova from Atkarsk also sang for the first time in the “Wider Circle” program, while still a student. Now you know her under the name Valeria.

At that time, many artists who went on tour all over the country brought cassettes to our editorial office, saying: a guy or a girl sings well. There was no video then. We listened to everything that was brought to us, and if we thought that the young performer was really worthwhile, we were invited to shoot. Sometimes they were called simply on the recommendations of correspondents. We read a letter from some distant corner of the country that there is a talented person, and send a telegram - let him leave. Some inner instinct and the style of the letters themselves suggested a solution. There were practically no mistakes.

With Lev Leshchenko (1974). Photo: From the personal archive of Olga Molchanova

- Did they come for public money?

No, at your own expense. It was a democratic program, I'm proud! I myself traveled around the country and, if interesting singers came across, I dragged them to Moscow. Once I was in Tallinn at a song festival. In the evening we went to the famous night variety show, and there I saw Anne Veski. Free, relaxed in a Western way, smiling ... I liked her very much, and I invited Anya to the program “Wider Circle”.

Yuri Antonov appeared for the first time on the screen in our program. By that time, he already had wild popularity, but no one knew what he looked like. The songs were distributed through underground cassettes. And no one dared to show it on TV - they let down an unspoken order from above: if not a member of the Union of Composers - do not let it in. But the program "Wider Circle" was assigned to the editorial office of folk art, so everything is logical: an unknown young performer, as if from the people, is taking his first professional steps - you need help. In 1980 we even filmed his little solo concert, which was a great success.

The same Leva Leshchenko introduced us. He talked a lot about Yura, and one day he came to Shabolovka. I was surprised that it wasn't how I envisioned it. Dense, well-fed ... And she said bluntly: you have wonderful songs, you just need to lose weight. I didn’t know Yurin’s character, his touchiness. He got angry, flared up and left. But, apparently, he forgave my tactlessness. Then Yura and I became friends, all of his best songs were first heard in the Wider Circle program.

- What about his character? Yuri Mikhailovich is famous for his quarrelsomeness.

With me, he was gentle and affectionate, white and fluffy. But with others ... Once we decided to put him as the host of the program. He went on stage with the singer Tatyana Kovaleva. Yura, of course, did not learn the text. He snapped at the remarks of his partner. Irritation expressed not quite censorship. By the middle of the program, we figured out to remove the presenters from the frame and just shoot concert numbers - everything in a row. And then they dismissed the audience and recorded the text separately. But it is worth noting that the audience idolized Antonov and filled the studio to capacity. Despite the fact that at that time it was difficult to gather an audience. We did not pay for participation, as it is done today. And the shooting is long, tiring, not everyone could stand it. But crowds of his fans rushed to Antonov, having fun, watching the quarrel of the presenters. (Laughs.)

With Yuri Antonov (2006). Photo: From the personal archive of Olga Molchanova

We are still friends with Yura, but he has an explosive character, and excesses sometimes happen.

- Olga Borisovna, it was possible to break into Soviet television without blat, but for money?

I'm standing somehow in a smoking room on our thirteenth floor. And I hear a conversation on the floor below: “Listen, you need to somehow stuff yourself into the New Year's program. Where can we try? They will demand money in Ogonyok, no, we won’t pull it ... Let's go to the Wider Circle - it's free there. For participation in the same "Blue Light" or in the "Morning Post" one had to pay. Then I found out that they were guys from the Secret group, who also first appeared on all-Union TV in the Wider Circle program.

There was also a funny story about money. Composer Ilya Slovesnik brought me his song on an audio cassette. He was capable, wrote good music, and many artists sang his songs, but he wanted to perform them himself. And then he comes, passes the box, explains that there is a recording and the text of a new song. I say that I will listen later, now there is no time. And so he starts calling: “Olga Borisovna, well, did you listen? Not? Have you seen the text? I answer: I have a parka, what will happen to the text? In short, once I open the box, and there is money. I don’t remember what the amount was, about the monthly salary of an ordinary engineer. I put it back and listened to the song. He called again, I said: “Ilyusha, come take the song along with the“ text ”.

I always took talented people willingly and always helped, although it was possible to fly out of work for some things. Went to the forgery more than once.

Once Oleg Mityaev - a performer without regalia, not a member of the Union of Composers, at that time a student of the Chelyabinsk Institute of Physical Education - sang a wonderful song of his own composition with us. And I, afraid that they would ask again, seeing an unfamiliar surname, a member or not a member of the Union, wrote in the program that the authorities looked through before the broadcast: “Pakhmutova’s music, Dobronravov’s poems, Oleg Mityaev sings.” Looked: and, Pakhmutova? This is good. And they missed it. Since the program was being recorded, we later wrote in the credits that the author and performer of the new song is Mityaev. I liked the song.

- How did you find television?

I came to work in 1972, 45 years ago. There were very few entertainment programs. Big concerts - only on holidays. Now I think: maybe this is good! But there was a wonderful KVN. And later - Listyev's unforgettable programs, his favorite program “Around Laughter”. And to the delight of intellectuals - "Obvious - incredible", "Kinopanorama", "In the world of animals." In general, a lot of interesting things.

Then Gosteleradio was headed, according to rumors, by an odious person - Sergey Georgievich Lapin. There were legends about his tough temper. But not everyone knew that he was an educated person, he knew poetry perfectly, he quoted many outstanding poets from memory - not only Pushkin, but also the forbidden Brodsky and Pasternak. Another thing is that Lapin was the head of a huge ideological structure. And it obliged a lot. Variety programs were also subjected to a thorough check for "ideological purity". For example, he constantly found fault with the lyrics. Once from the "Song of the Year" he demanded to remove the famous "Snowfall" by Alexei Ekimyan performed by Nani Bregvadze. I clung to the line "If a woman asks." Listen, she says, what is she asking for? A woman shouldn't be asking so hard all the time!

He also introduced a system of bans on individual artists and composers. Antonov, Dobrynin, Tukhmanov were not in honor ... He said: "Let them sing in restaurants." Even such a seemingly patriotic song by Dobrynin as "Native Land" evoked negative emotions. Say, the motive is not Russian, it looks more like a Middle Eastern one, and the words are strange: “Dear, dear…” Who are we so insistently convincing that our Soviet land is our own? They tried to intercede, they said that the song is so popular that even drunks sing it. Here, he says, let the drunk and perform, but on television it is not necessary. For a long time, Slava Dobrynin did not manage to break through. Anna German helped, who performed his "White Bird Cherry".

With Vyacheslav Dobrynin (1989). Photo: From the personal archive of Olga Molchanova

With this famous song came such a story. Lapin watched all the holiday programs, and of course - "Wider Circle". He was helped by a musical consultant - Nikita Bogoslovsky, who did not like Dobrynin. It was he who said that a certain Molchanova, not with anyone, but with Anna Herman, was recording Dobrynin's song "White Bird Cherry". Lapin is furious! His favorite singer, adored by Herman, together with the hated Dobrynin and Molchanova, who always needs something, create chaos. He called me for dressing, and I declare from the threshold: “Sergei Georgievich, there is such a story. Anya and I recorded a completely different song for the program “Song far and near”. And suddenly Anna told me that Slava Dobrynin brought her a wonderful bird cherry. The soundtrack is already ready. And she asked to be allowed to sing. Sergei Georgievich, you understand, I could not tell our foreign artist that the composer Dobrynin does not enjoy the attention of television leaders, that he is actually a banned composer with us. How would she understand me? Therefore, I agreed. And we recorded - there was still some studio time left."

In fact, I openly asked: "Come on, Anya, let's record" Bird Cherry "- with this you will help a young talented composer."

Slava was quite persistent and even unceremonious when he wanted to please. Handsome, charming, immediately conquered everyone. And Anya, and me. It's a thing of the past - we even had an affair with him.

- It turns out that he did not have to enter the “text of the song” separately?

I laughed because Lapin told me then: “I heard Dobrynin runs around the editorial offices with a briefcase full of money, and distributes money to all the editors. Does he pay you too? I say: “Sergei Georgievich, I didn’t receive any money from Dobrynin. And he is not so generous as to distribute money. He is even stingy. I think it's portfolio gossip."
I remembered this episode from Malakhov in the program “Let them talk”. Slava was very offended by me. And he called at midnight - he asked why I said that. Made me hysterical. (Laughs.) But, objectively speaking, he was one of the brightest, as they say now, hitmakers. Now he writes almost nothing, but then he had hits in clips. Only with their performance on TV and on the radio were, as I said, big problems.

- What else did you get from Lapin?

I remember such a case. For the intro of the program, we took a new song by Raymond Pauls to the verses of Ilya Reznik performed by the Ariel group, it contained the following words: “Wider heart, wider our circle.” They call from Lapin: “Olga Borisovna, come in!” Well, that day I was bare of makeup and appropriately dressed. The chairman of the State Radio and Television was a conservative - no makeup, no trousers.

And this is what he asked me about: “Do you know what happens when the “heart is wider”? Heart attack! Remove the song! He was adamant - had to look for another author. And then Yura Antonov wrote another song for us, “Wider Circle”, to the verses of Leonid Fadeev, and he himself performed it first.

- By the way, who came up with the name of the program, under which it existed for a quarter of a century?

I came up with it. The main idea is multi-genre! Folklore, variety art, circus, original genres, dance numbers. And at first the name "We sing and dance" was thought up. But Lapin said: “I see… So, let's sing and dance. And who will work? I say: "Let's "Wider circle"?" Lapin accepted this. It also reflected the multinational composition of the participants. Who and where to us just did not come! And for a while the program lived with that name. And suddenly one day Lapin said that he did not like the name. Sounds like a reading room. Simple, rustic.

With Alexander Serov (1992). Photo: From the personal archive of Olga Molchanova

After some time, “Wider Circle” was renamed “Welcome” by a strong-willed decision. For six months the program went under this unsightly name. And in those years, letters played a big role. There were protests: return the old name. And then our editor-in-chief Kira Veniaminovna Annenkova went to Lapin and said bluntly: “If you fell asleep yesterday with Sergey Georgievich, and woke up this morning with Ivan Petrovich, how would you feel?” He appreciated the wit. And the transfer - at the request of the workers - again became known as "Wider Circle".

- Olga Borisovna, are you watching TV now? And how do you like what is happening on the screen?

I rarely watch and see a lot of vulgarity. Irritating are scandalous talk shows designed for undemanding tastes. I would not like to return to television, although I miss it. The level of many people who work there leaves much to be desired. It seems that these "creators" - I mean editors - not only have no musical education, but no education at all. I'm not talking about intelligence, but at least I had an outlook! I confess that I am hatching a plan to revive the Wider Circle, beloved by the people. The program has been popular for twenty years! And even when the program continued its life on TVC, it was a success for another ten years. People still ask me about her when they find out that I'm a TV person.

When I turned fifty, on the occasion of the anniversary, Central Television gave me a prize, awarded me with all sorts of diplomas - and released me from work. In connection with the reorganization of the Central Television, our edition of folk art was simply liquidated.

Everything is changing: it is possible that our historical program will begin a new, extraordinary life. Dreaming is not bad!

Olga Molchanova

Graduated from the Ural Conservatory. Mussorgsky

A family:
son - Oleg, lawyer; grandchildren - Konstantin (25 years old), Antonina (19 years old); great-grandson - Artem (4 years old)

author of the idea and music editor of the Wider Circle program popular in the 1980s and 1990s. In total, the program lasted from 1976 to 1996, from 2001 it continued on the TVC channel until 2006. Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation. Ovation Award Winner

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