Entrepreneurial activity in the modern Russian book market. Types of entrepreneurial activity and their characteristics


Entrepreneurship as a process of organizing the production of goods and services to meet constantly renewed demand and profit, as well as a function of managing this process, has its own history and development dynamics.

A fairly simple and very capacious definition of entrepreneurship is given by V.I. Dal. In particular, he writes that “undertaking” means “starting, deciding to do some new business, starting to do something significant”: hence “entrepreneur” - “undertaking” something.

It is generally accepted that one of the first who became seriously interested in entrepreneurship was A. Smith. However, about ten years before him, these problems were very intensively dealt with R. Cantillon. It was he who formulated the thesis according to which the discrepancies between supply and demand in the market enable individual subjects of market relations to buy goods cheaper and sell them more expensive. It was he who called these market entities entrepreneurs ("entrepreneur" - translated from French as "intermediary").

In modern economic literature, there is no clear definition of the essence of entrepreneurship. In most cases, the essence of this phenomenon is replaced by the purpose of entrepreneurial activity. So, for example, in the "Big Economic Dictionary" under the general editorship of A.N. Azrilyana gives the following definition: "Entrepreneurship is an initiative independent activity of citizens aimed at obtaining profit or personal income, carried out on their own behalf, under their own property responsibility or on behalf and under the legal responsibility of a legal entity" . Unfortunately, this approach dominates today in Russia and is enshrined in our legislation, in particular, in the law “On State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation”, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, etc., in the works of domestic scientists dealing with the problem of entrepreneurship.

According to modern Russian legislation, entrepreneurial activity (or entrepreneurship) is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematically making a profit from the use of property - the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services, by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law. However, this definition is not complete.

Entrepreneurship can be defined from various perspectives, such as:

activities aimed at maximizing profits;

initiative activity of citizens, which consists in the development of goods and services aimed at making a profit;

· the direct function of the realization of property, its main production function;

The process of organizational innovation in order to generate profit;

· actions aimed at increasing capital, developing production and appropriating profits;

· a specific type of activity aimed at the tireless search for changes in the existing forms of life of enterprises and society, the constant implementation of these changes.

Most practitioners and researchers focus on making a profit, considering it as the ultimate goal of entrepreneurship. However, entrepreneurship has as its ultimate goal not so much profit as the continuity of the reproduction process associated with the reproduction of demand and the satisfaction of the constantly changing, ever-increasing needs of an individual or a social group, society as a whole.

In this regard, it is more correct to define entrepreneurship as a process of continuous search for changes in needs, end-user demand for products and services, satisfaction of this need through the organization of production, sales, marketing, logistics, management, focused on the best innovations that bring maximum productivity in each of stages of the reproduction process.

In this definition, the emphasis is not on profit maximization, but on the consumer, on his needs, the satisfaction of which, due to the high level of business organization, can bring maximum profit.

Entrepreneurship is not just any business, it is a style of management that is characterized by the principles of innovation, anti-bureaucracy, constant initiative, orientation towards innovations in the processes of production, marketing, distribution and consumption of goods and services. Whereas business is a reproductive activity in the sphere of organization, production, distribution and sale of goods and services without innovation, without initiative in the development of innovative processes. This is the implementation or organization from year to year of the same production, marketing, distribution or other activities within the framework of proven technologies, norms and rules to meet existing needs.

The content of entrepreneurship, the boundaries of its implementation are closely related to the forms and types of entrepreneurial activity (Table 1.1). In accordance with the accepted structure of the reproduction process (production, exchange, distribution, consumption), there are four main areas of entrepreneurship: production, commercial, financial and consumption. Other types of entrepreneurial activities, such as innovation, marketing, are included in the four main areas of entrepreneurship.

Table 1.1

Classification of entrepreneurial activity

Classification signs

Characteristics of entrepreneurial activity



a commercial



By organizational and legal status

Without formation of a legal entity



Limited Liability Company

Small business

Mixed partnership

Closed or open joint stock company

joint venture

In relation to property

Individual (without the use of hired labor)


By number of owners

individual, private



Mixed, joint

By scale of production and number of employees



big enterprise

On a territorial basis



City, regional

Regional, national


By industry

Construction, textile

Metalworking, mining

Food, shipbuilding

Energy, transport, communications

The evolution of the terminological, content essence of an entrepreneur and entrepreneurial activity is connected with the history of the formation of the exchange, production and distribution of goods and services, with the level of development of scientific and technological progress (Table 1.2).

Table 1.2

The evolution of the concepts of "entrepreneur" and


Middle Ages

Entrepreneur - a person responsible for the execution of large-scale construction or manufacturing projects

Entrepreneur - a person who has concluded a contract with the state of an agreed value and is fully responsible for its implementation

General Dictionary of Commerce,

Entrepreneur - a person who undertakes the obligation to produce or build a facility

Richard Cantillon - the founder of the theory of entrepreneurship

An entrepreneur is a person who makes decisions and satisfies his needs in conditions of uncertainty. Entrepreneur's income is a payment for risk

An entrepreneur must have not only certain information, but also capital

Adam Smith

The entrepreneur is the owner of the enterprise and the implementer of risky commercial ideas. The main function is the organization and management of production within the framework of ordinary business activities

Carnot Bodo

An entrepreneur is a person who is responsible for the undertaking: one who plans, controls, organizes and owns an enterprise. He must have a certain intelligence, i.e. various information and knowledge

Jean Baptiste Say

Entrepreneurship is a rational combination of factors of production at a given point in the market space. An entrepreneur is a person who organizes people within a production unit. The entrepreneur is at the center of the process of production and distribution, and the basis of entrepreneurial activity is the ability to organize the production and marketing of products.

Francis Walker

An entrepreneur is one who profits from his organizational skills.


Not everyone can be an entrepreneur. The “natural” selection of entrepreneurs takes place in nature according to natural selection discovered by Ch. Darwin

Max Weber

Entrepreneurial activity is the embodiment of rationality. (By rationality, he understood functional efficiency, obtaining the maximum benefit from the use of invested funds and efforts, etc.) Entrepreneurship is based on the rational ethics of Protestantism, and worldview, morality have a major impact on the activities of an entrepreneur


The main thing in entrepreneurship is innovation, and the right to own an enterprise is not an essential feature of entrepreneurship. An entrepreneur can be anyone who implements new combinations of factors of production: an employee of a joint-stock company, a government official and a manager of an enterprise of any form of ownership. The main thing is "... not to do what others do" and "... not in the way others do." The entrepreneurial status is not permanent, since the subject of a market economy is an entrepreneur only when it performs the functions of an innovator, and loses this status as soon as it transfers its business to the rails of a routine process.

I. von Thunen

An entrepreneur is the owner of special qualities (who knows how to take risks, make non-standard decisions and be responsible for his actions) and therefore claiming unplanned (unpredictable) income. The entrepreneur must earn a return both for the risk and for the entrepreneurial art. (True, I. Tyunen believed that an entrepreneur does not have to be an innovator)

A manager becomes an entrepreneur when his actions become independent and he is ready for personal responsibility. Entrepreneurial income is the difference between the expected (projected) cash earnings of the firm and its actual value. Despite the uncertainty of the future, an entrepreneur can "guess" the main parameters of the development of production and exchange and get an additional commercial effect.

John Maynard

An entrepreneur is a kind of socio-psychological type of a business executive, for whom the main thing is "... not so much Weber's rational calculation or Schumpeter's innovation as a set of certain psychological qualities." The main entrepreneurial qualities: the ability to correlate consumption and savings, the ability to take risks, the spirit of activity, confidence in the prospects, etc. The main motives for entrepreneurial activity are the desire for the best, for independence, the desire to leave a fortune to the heirs


The Entrepreneur is an energetic person who operates under conditions of moderate risk.

Peter Drucker

An entrepreneur is a person who uses every opportunity to the maximum advantage.

Albert Shapiro

Entrepreneur - a person who takes the initiative, organizes socio-economic mechanisms, acting in conditions of risk, and who bears full responsibility for a possible failure

Carl Vesper

An entrepreneur looks different in the eyes of an economist, psychologist, other entrepreneurs and politicians

Gifford Pinchot

Intrapreneurship is intra-company entrepreneurship. An intrapreneur operates within an existing enterprise, as opposed to an entrepreneur creating a new enterprise

Robert Hisrich

Entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new that has value, and an entrepreneur is a person who spends all the necessary time and effort on this, takes all the financial, psychological and social risk, receiving money and satisfaction as a reward.

The entrepreneur plays a leading role in the market organization of the economy.


An entrepreneur is a central figure in business, he sets as his task the combination of all factors of production into a single economic process.

Currently, entrepreneurship is considered from different points of view: as a style of management, as a process of organizing and carrying out activities in a market environment, as an interaction of market entities, etc.

Based on the analysis of different points of view on this issue, it can be concluded that entrepreneurial activity is the realization of the special abilities of an individual, expressed in the rational combination of factors of production based on an innovative risk approach. The entrepreneur uses the latest equipment and technology in production, organizes labor in a new way, manages differently, which leads to a decrease in individual production costs, on the basis of which the price is set. Entrepreneur most effectively establishes marketing activities. He better than others determines the market in which it is most profitable to purchase the means of production, more precisely, he "guesses" for which product, at what time and in which segment of the market there will be the greatest effective demand. As a result, he receives more profit than ordinary businessmen. In addition, the entrepreneur is constantly taking risks. He does not avoid risk, as is usually done, but takes it consciously in order to receive more income than others - a kind of compensation for this risk.

Entrepreneurship acts as a special type of economic activity, because its initial stage is associated, as a rule, only with an idea - the result of mental activity, which subsequently takes a materialized form.

Entrepreneurial environment (Fig. 1.4) - a social economic situation, including degrees of economic freedom, the presence (or the possibility of emergence) of an entrepreneurial corps, the dominance of a market type of economic relations, the possibility of forming entrepreneurial capital and using the necessary resources. An indicator of the degree of public freedom of entrepreneurship is the number of newly emerging (during a certain period) independent (independent) organizations.

The efficiency of functioning and development of entrepreneurship is largely determined by the external environment (Table 1.4.):
state policy in this area;
activities of local (regional) legislative and executive authorities;
external conditions of specific regions. A certain favorable state of the external environment is required, which is achieved through the appropriate regulatory actions produced by the subjects of management.

For the development of entrepreneurship, a transition to a more subtle and effective regulation of this process, adequate to the prevailing conditions, is necessary. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account specific features and opportunities, the priority of the goals of the socio-economic development of the country, regions and individual socio-demographic groups of the population.

Entrepreneurship as a special form of economic activity, a specific form of self-employment of a part of the population and the creation of new jobs, enjoys government support in all industrialized countries (in countries where there is no government support for entrepreneurship, the so-called street entrepreneurship is becoming widespread). The essence of state (government) support is most often reduced to the development of specific measures in three areas:
· consulting support of the process of creation and functioning of new entrepreneurial organizations at the initial stage (1-3 years from the moment of formation of the organization);
Providing certain financial support to a newly created structure or providing such a structure with certain benefits (usually in the field of taxation);
· provision of technical, scientific, technical or technological assistance to financially weak business structures.

State support covers usually created entrepreneurial structures until the moment of their transition from small to the category of large entrepreneurial organizations.

For the Russian economy, which is going through a difficult path of reform, the task of developing and supporting entrepreneurship by the state, especially its small forms in the manufacturing sector, is one of the main ones. Support forms are different:
a) creation of a system of information support, training and retraining of personnel, a regulatory framework, financial infrastructure, etc.;
b) tax breaks and reliefs;
c) trust funds, funding from the federal and local budgets, foreign financial assistance to support business structures in Russia.

In modern educational and scientific literature, the problem of entrepreneurship is more often considered in a narrow framework. Training manuals, as a rule, are devoted to the activities of individual entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs operating in the private sector. However, the principles of entrepreneurship can and should be used in the state (public) sector of the economy.

Without going into details, we can talk about two types of business:

Table 1.4

Characteristics of the external environment factors of the marketing system


Main characteristics


The level of development, use of the potential of natural resources. Sources of fuel and energy resources and raw materials. Environmental indicators, their standards and the level of their compliance. Development of the system of state control of environmental protection and regulation of the intensity of use (production) of fuel, energy and raw materials


Structure, number, density and reproductive characteristics of the population. Fertility, mortality, stability of family unions, religion, ethnic homogeneity


The financial situation of workers, employees and pensioners, their purchasing power. Indicators of the financial and credit system. Economic conjuncture and inflation. The development of the taxation system, its adequacy to the consumer basket of the population. Prices and consumer consumption trends, elasticity of demand

Political and legal

The development of legal protection of the population and legislation accompanying entrepreneurial activity. The presence of foreign policy alliances and programs that ensure the sustainability and stability of the formation and development of market relations. The role of public entities in the system of development and adoption of state and government decisions

Scientific and technical

The state and development of scientific and technological progress in the basic sectors of the economy. The development of privatization and innovative processes of the subjects of the marketing system. The degree of introduction of new technologies and the level of their development in social production. Indicators of economic and technical safety of existing and promising technologies


The development of the market mentality of the population, the cultural and moral indicators of consumers, organizational and consumer culture, the stability of customs and rituals, the dynamics of the culture of behavior

State Enterprise there is a form of economic activity on behalf of an enterprise established by: a) government authorities that are authorized (in accordance with applicable law) to manage state property (state enterprise) or b) local governments (municipal enterprise).

Private enterprise there is a form of economic activity on behalf of an organization (if it is registered as such) or an entrepreneur (if such activity is carried out without hiring labor, in the form of individual labor activity).

Of course, each of these types - state and private entrepreneurship - has its own distinctive features, but the basic principles of their implementation are largely the same. In both cases, engaging in such activities implies initiative, responsibility, an innovative approach, and the desire to maximize profits. The typology of both types of entrepreneurship is also similar (see Fig. 2.2).

The main difference between state and private entrepreneurship is that its activities are not aimed solely at making a profit. The state sets before its organizations, in addition to commercial, certain socio-economic goals.

State entrepreneurship has its own specific potential sources of superprofits, due to the relatively large size of state enterprises, the authority and economic power of the state. In this regard, it is not so much risky moments that come to the fore (to the maximum extent represented in small business), but such factors as: 1) significant and stable volumes of purchases of raw materials, materials, components, etc., suggesting preferential payment options and discounts; 2) the availability of loans on especially favorable terms; 3) economies of scale in production; 4) wide opportunities for obtaining new equipment, including leasing; 5) a stable network of business ties, access to sources of comprehensive information about potential sales markets, partners, including foreign ones. These advantages of state commercial enterprises as subjects of market relations can be the basis for reducing their individual costs in comparison with public ones and, thus, for extracting excess profits.

Of course, we can talk about collective, family and other entrepreneurship, but all these will be derivatives of the two indicated forms.

Let's summarize:

1. Entrepreneurship is a special form of economic activity based on an innovative independent approach to the production and supply to the market of goods that bring income to the entrepreneur and awareness of his importance as a person.

2. The effect of entrepreneurship is based on the innovative, proactive activity of a person who mobilizes all his forces, purposefully uses all opportunities to achieve the set goal and bears full responsibility for his actions.

3. The purpose of entrepreneurship is to generate income through the production and supply of goods, works or services to the market, as well as to public recognition, awareness of one's importance as a person.

4. Entrepreneurial activity begins at the level of thinking - from the birth of an entrepreneurial idea to making a decision.

5. The main subject of entrepreneurial activity is an entrepreneur interacting with other participants in this process - consumers, the state, partners, employees.

6. The objects of entrepreneurial activity are goods, work or services.

7. There are two main forms of entrepreneurship - private and public, which are based on many general principles.

In Western economic theory, the introduction to entrepreneurship and its development is associated not only with R. Cantillon, but also with A. Turbot, F. Quesnay, A. Smith, J. B. Say, as well as with K. Marx, I. Schumpeter, A. Marshall F. Hayek, L. Mises, I. Kirzner, M. Weber, W. Sombart, P. Drucker and other researchers. These scientists and the schools they lead have identified the main points and characteristics of entrepreneurship - bearing risk and economic uncertainty (R. Cantillon and F. Knight), bringing the system out of equilibrium and bringing it to this state (L. Mises and F. Hayek), revolutionary change of factors of production (J. B. Say and I. Schumpeter), organization of the practical implementation of an innovative idea (I. Timmons and P. Drucker, F. Tossig and G. Schmoller), the use of various kinds of innovations in the production process in order to increase the difference in the value of the individual and market value of the goods (K. Marx).

Big economic dictionary. Moscow: Institute of Economics, 1994, p. 313.

Law of the Russian Federation "On State Support for Small Business in the Russian Federation" dated July 14, 1995 No. 88-F3.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

"What a company thinks about its products is not the most important thing, especially for the future of the business or for its success. What the consumer thinks about his purchase, what he sees its value in, is what is crucial, determines the essence of the business, its direction and chances of success" [Druker P. Market: how to become a leader. M., Progress, 1992].

The current Russian practice has led to the fact that the definition of "entrepreneur" is assigned to every person who has entered or is entering the sphere of business activity. And this is obviously true, because in the period of social transformation, risk, responsibility, etc. are inherent in any individual commodity producer and intermediary who independently organizes business.

The market is a set of interests and actions of real and potential buyers and sellers, as well as conditions that characterize the state and change of their interests and actions.

The fears that exist in some part of our society that the entrepreneur in such conditions acts only in his own interests are groundless. An entrepreneur in market conditions cannot but be guided by the consumer, on whom his profit, well-being and prospects depend.

This refers not so much to the fact that the state acts as an entrepreneur, but to the fact that state or public enterprises operate on the principles of entrepreneurship.

According to some estimates, the state owns up to half of all assets available in the country, including more or less large stakes in privatized enterprises.


The first theoretical attempts to understand the phenomenon of entrepreneurship date back to the 17th century. The English economist R. Cantillon is considered the first theorist who gave a systematic description of this phenomenon and introduced the term "entrepreneur" into scientific circulation.

By entrepreneur, Cantillon meant a person who, for a certain price, buys the means of production in order to produce a certain product and sell it for profit, and who, incurring an obligation for costs, does not know at what prices the sale can be carried out.

J.-B. Say took the next step in the field of entrepreneurship analysis. Having personal experience in the field of business, he believed that the entrepreneur is a central figure in the process of production and distribution of goods, and entrepreneurship is the activity of organizing people within a production unit.

A. Smith considered entrepreneurial activity within the framework of market relations to be “natural”, that is, self-initiating and self-sustaining: in the presence of capital, labor and raw materials, it arises spontaneously. He identified owners (capitalists) and entrepreneurs, which corresponded to the realities of the time period under consideration: historically, the owner-manager was the predominant type of entrepreneur.

This is an activity, in one way or another connected with the receipt of profit, income. And in this regard, the concept of entrepreneurship merges with the concept of business - running a business that generates income.

In any model of the capitalist economy, the method and tools for combining the factors of production within individual firms, corporations and the national economy as a whole remain the most important problem. If we take an abstract two-factor model of the economy as a basis, then even in such a simple model, in a general theoretical form, the problem is as follows:

There must be a free labor force on the market, ready to offer labor at the price prevailing at a given time in a given place, wages acting as the price;

Capital makes demand in the labor market and is ready to purchase labor at the prevailing price;

The structure of the offer must correspond to the structure of demand in terms of educational, professional, qualification, age, gender and psychophysiological criteria;

Applying various market economic and institutional instruments, taking into account national and international laws and regulations, capital, personified by entrepreneurs, connects labor and means of production, thus ensuring the possibility of the functioning of firms and enterprises.

Consequently, entrepreneurship is an integral natural component of any business in all possible models of the capitalist economy. Accordingly, the most important function of entrepreneurs is to ensure a market "meeting" of factors of production: capital, labor, natural resources (including land), the intellectual forces of managers at various levels of management.

However, ensuring the connection of factors of production is not a technical task. This is a complex management process, during which the abilities and talents of an entrepreneur are revealed, the external manifestation of which are:

Profit rate;

Ability to innovate;

Efficiency of capital investments;

Stability of position in its market segment;

Business Reliability and Risk Management;

Social satisfaction of the staff.

Every day, making managerial, financial, economic, marketing decisions, an entrepreneur takes into account changes in the economic environment, the political situation, the social situation and the cultural environment, technical and technological shifts (or their absence), even the natural, climatic and landscape features of the habitat.

At first glance, the requirements for entrepreneurship are such that every businessman simply must be an encyclopedically educated person who is sensitive to economic challenges and institutional requirements for business. However, in real life, entrepreneurs often do without special knowledge.

First, entrepreneurship is a talent, a gift from God. Knowledge and education only polish natural talents and sharpen the entrepreneur's flair and intuition. Entrepreneurship is not so much a science as an art. If an entrepreneur does not have the qualities inherent in nature, no amount of education will help him.

Secondly, a good entrepreneur is a person who has the gift to form a business team of qualified professionals. Personnel instinct is sometimes much more important in business than knowledge of technology, accounting and rules of conduct in relation to counterparties, competitors to personnel. The general principle of good entrepreneurship in terms of personnel policy is unexpected for those who are far from this activity: “Pick your subordinates smarter than yourself!” .

However, effective business with qualified entrepreneurship always involves following certain ethical imperatives that have been developing for centuries. Human ethical standards: honesty, responsibility and commitment, courage, trust in the counterparty, the desire for innovation are the standard qualities that distinguish an effective business. Businessmen have long understood that the class of capitalists and entrepreneurs cannot enrich themselves through deceit. Deception only redistributes wealth, it does not create it.

The concept of entrepreneurship carries a slightly different semantic load than the often used concept of business. In the public mind, the concept of entrepreneurship is often associated with the implementation of some large-scale and new idea, which can bring income both in the short and long term, but with a certain probability may not meet the expectations.

At the same time, a special layer of enterprising people takes on the risks associated with non-standard decisions. If business as a whole allows a significant share of routine activities carried out according to some given rules, then economic innovations and pioneering strategic decisions are necessary conditions for entrepreneurship, an expression of its "spirit". Since both the amount of remuneration for entrepreneurial activity and the time it takes to receive it significantly depend on the uncertainty factor, in public opinion, entrepreneurs are often identified with "ascetics" and "pioneers".

The boundaries between the concepts of business and entrepreneurship are rather conditional, blurred, especially when it comes to high-risk types of business.

Entrepreneurship in a broad sense is identified with any business, in a narrow sense - with high-risk types of business associated with the implementation of a significant and, as a rule, a new idea.

We can distinguish the distinctive features of entrepreneurial activity:

The focus of entrepreneurial activity on making a profit, which at the same time does not exclude the receipt of a negative result (losses);

Specific differentiation of entrepreneurial activity, which actually corresponds to the main classification of civil law contractual obligations, which distinguishes contracts for the transfer of property into ownership, for use, contracts for the production of work and the provision of services;

Carrying out activities by an entrepreneur at his own risk, which involves not only an assessment of the possible adverse consequences of his behavior in the market, but also the possibility of choosing options for this behavior from the standpoint of his own interests and compliance with current legislation;

Carrying out activities between or with the participation of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities whose legal status is determined by acting in market relations on their own behalf, which does not exclude the use of someone else's hired labor (labor force), including in the form of an employment contract;

Carrying out business activities on an ongoing basis, systematically, which delimits this activity from one-time, episodic transactions;

Independent activity that requires the adoption of initiative decisions taking into account risk, on the one hand, and excluding the direct intervention of authorities and management in the activities of the entrepreneur, on the other.

Certain conditions are necessary for the formation of entrepreneurship: economic, social, legal and others.

Economic conditions are primarily:

Offers of goods and demand for them;

Types of goods that buyers can purchase;

The amount of money they can spend on these purchases;

Excess or insufficiency of jobs, labor force, affecting the level of wages of workers, that is, their ability to purchase goods.

The economic environment is significantly affected by the availability and availability of financial resources, the level of return on invested capital, as well as the amount of borrowed funds that entrepreneurs are ready to turn to to finance their business operations and that credit institutions are ready to provide them.

All this is done by a wide variety of organizations that constitute the infrastructure of the market, with the help of which entrepreneurs can establish business relationships and conduct commercial transactions. These are banks - the provision of financial services, suppliers - the supply of raw materials, semi-finished products, components, fuel, energy, machinery and equipment, tools; wholesalers and retailers - provision of services for bringing goods to the consumer; specialized firms and institutions - providing professional legal, accounting, intermediary services, employment agencies - assisting in the selection of labor force; educational institutions - training, workers and specialists - employees; other agencies - advertising, transport, insurance; means of communication and information transmission.

The social conditions for the formation of entrepreneurship are close to the economic ones. First of all, this is the desire of buyers to purchase goods that meet certain tastes and fashion. At different stages, these needs may change. An essential role is played by moral and religious norms, depending on the socio-cultural environment. These norms have a direct impact on the lifestyle of consumers and, through this, on their demand for goods. Social conditions affect the attitude of an individual to work, which in turn affects his attitude to the amount of wages, to the working conditions offered by business.

Entrepreneurship on the scale of a small enterprise has a number of qualitative features. First of all, it is worth noting the unity of ownership and direct management of the enterprise.

The second characteristic is the so-called visibility of the enterprise: the limited scope of its scope causes a special, personal nature of the relationship between the owner and the employee, which makes it possible to achieve real motivation for the work of the staff and a higher degree of job satisfaction.

The third is relatively small markets for resources and sales, which do not allow the company to have any serious influence on prices and the total industry volume of sales of goods.

The fourth is the personalized nature of the relationship between the entrepreneur and clients, since, as noted above, a small business is designed to serve a relatively narrow circle of consumers.

Fifth, the key role of the manager in the life of the enterprise: he is fully responsible for the results of management, not only because of the property market, but also because of his direct involvement in the production process and everything related to its organization.

The sixth specific feature is family business management: it is inherited by the owner's relatives, which dictates the direct involvement of the latter in all the activities of the enterprise.

Finally, the seventh feature is related to the nature of funding. If the "giants" draw the necessary resources mainly through stock exchanges, then small enterprises rely on relatively small bank loans, their own funds and the "informal" capital market.

With the transition of Russia to market relations, the share of small enterprises has sharply increased, both due to the disaggregation of old enterprises and the creation of new firms with a small number of employees.

A large number of specialized, high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises in the market compete with the more inert big business. This competition acts as a stimulus for its activities and prevents the formation of a monopolistic market structure.

Among the functions of a small enterprise, first of all, it is important to note the economic functions determined by its role as, firstly, an employer; secondly, a producer of products and services; thirdly, a catalyst for scientific and technological progress; fourthly, a taxpayer; fifthly, an agent of market relations.

Social functions are no less important. First, through small forms of entrepreneurial activity, many people discover and realize their creative potential. Secondly, the labor of socially vulnerable groups of the population, which cannot find employment in large enterprises, is mainly used here. Thirdly, small enterprises are the main producer of industrial training places. Fourthly, small enterprises, primarily in the service sector, satisfy the needs of people in communication.

Even today, the ecological function of small business, which already takes place in countries with developed market economies, is relevant and will continue to be updated.

To date, 9 million people are employed in small business. To stimulate the development of small business, there are measures developed, among which are the simplification of the procedure for registering small enterprises, a special tax regime. A positive result of these measures is the growth of small businesses up to 25 thousand units per year.

The most attractive from an investment point of view are enterprises that are engaged in construction, real estate transactions, wholesale and retail trade, and those engaged in manufacturing industries. The highest level of concentration of small enterprises is observed in the field of informatics and computer technology, in the production of plastic windows. Small businesses produce 60% of plastic windows, 70% of chilled fish and seafood, and 60% of agricultural products in Russia. As for small enterprises in the housing and communal services sector, compared to large enterprises, they are much more efficient.

Thus, entrepreneurship is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at making a profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in the manner prescribed by law.

Entrepreneurship can take on a wide variety of forms, depending on whether the entrepreneur is acting independently, personally, or enters into an alliance with other entrepreneurs; whether he uses only his own property or at the same time the property of other persons, whether he uses his own labor or employs hired workers.

The whole variety of entrepreneurial activity can be classified according to various criteria: type of activity, forms of ownership, number of owners, organizational-legal and organizational-economic forms, the degree of use of hired labor, and others.

In accordance with the accepted structure of the reproduction process (production, exchange, distribution, consumption), there are four main areas of entrepreneurship: production, commercial, financial and consumption. Other types of entrepreneurial activities, such as innovation, marketing, are included in the four main areas of entrepreneurship.

Table 1.2 - Variety of entrepreneurial activities in accordance with the classification criteria

Classification sign Classification of entrepreneurial activity
Scope of destination Manufacturing Commercial Financial Advisory
Forms of ownership Private State Municipal
Number of owners Individual Family Collective
Organizational and legal status Partnerships Societies Cooperatives
Distribution of activities to different territories Local Regional National International
Forms of responsibility Full Solidary Subsidiary
Scale of production and number of employees Small enterprise Medium enterprise Large enterprise

The simplest form of entrepreneurship is individual entrepreneurship without registration of the status of an enterprise, but subject to mandatory state registration. The entrepreneur acts as a natural person.

A sole proprietor has the right to use the property belonging to him at his own discretion, is liable for obligations with all the property belonging to him.

In some cases, the law provides for the need to obtain paid licenses or patents.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to hire any number of employees. In this case, an entrepreneur, businessman is the owner, founder of the enterprise.

When individual entrepreneurs pool their resources and efforts, the transition to collective entrepreneurship takes place. At the same time, the unity of actions is secured by an agreement on the creation of a production cooperative, partnership. In Russia, an example of such entrepreneurship is artels in the form of temporary groups of workers.

Most forms of collective entrepreneurship are associated with a merger of capital, the creation of a legal entity that is liable for its obligations only with property belonging to the enterprise as a whole, i.e. ownership of the means of production acquires a group, collective character.

Further pooling of funds, efforts, capital leads to large integrated forms of collective entrepreneurship in the form of joint ventures, syndicates, corporations.

If state structures based on state property join entrepreneurship, then it is legitimate to speak of state entrepreneurship.

State or municipal entrepreneurship can manifest itself in the form of lease of state and municipal property by entrepreneurs.

Each direction (type) of business differs in the nature of the activity and the type of business factors used.

Depending on the content of the business operation, the following types of business activities are distinguished, presented in table 1.3.

Industrial entrepreneurial activity includes activities in which the entrepreneur directly produces products, goods, works, services, information, spiritual values, subject to subsequent sale to consumers (buyers). At the same time, the function of production is the main, determining one for the entrepreneur, while other functions accompanying production, such as the sale of products, play a secondary role, complement the main one.

Historically, the first type of entrepreneurship is trading, which, as can be seen from its name, is born in the depths of trade relations, or, to put it more simply, trade. It was commercial entrepreneurship that served as the unshakable foundation on which all its other types (industrial, banking, agricultural, etc.) were erected, i.e. formed a market economy with the appropriate types of socio-economic systems. Trade is one of the oldest human occupations. The main character or, speaking scientifically, the subject of commercial entrepreneurship in Russia since ancient times was the merchant. This word itself - "merchant" - entered the Russian language at the initial stage of Russian history. This word was used to refer to anyone who was engaged in trade, i.e. sell something or, conversely, buy something. In such a dual meaning, this word is recorded in the famous explanatory dictionary of V. I. Dahl.

Table 1.3 - Characteristics of types of business activities

Type of PD Type characteristic
Production The use of resource factors to obtain goods with subsequent sale to the consumer. Profit (income) is part of the selling price minus the costs of the entrepreneur. The company is legally registered. Requires the availability of land, space, premises.
Commercial (trading) Associated with the purchase and sale of goods, trade, commodity exchange, commodity-money transactions. The merchant buys large consignments of goods at wholesale prices, which are often much lower than the market prices at which these goods are sold. Includes sourcing, purchasing, securing, transporting, shipping to a retail outlet, and sometimes after-sales service, and documenting transactions. Profit is obtained as the difference in prices minus trading and purchasing costs.
Financial General type of trading business The object of sale and purchase is money, foreign currency, securities It has varieties: financial and credit and monetary and financial business Entrepreneurial profit is formed due to the difference: between deposit and credit interest; in the prices of securities; in the prices of purchase and sale of currency
Intermediary The essence lies in the fact that the intermediary does not produce goods, does not trade in goods, currency, securities, does not provide money on credit, but contributes to the implementation of these operations. The business factor is information about the proposed transaction. Profit as the difference in the cost of selling and buying information or a percentage of the transaction amount. Refers to the service business.
Insurance Forms: property insurance, personal life and health insurance, risk insurance, liability insurance. The business factor is special services in the form of insurance coverage. The essence of the insurance service is the provision of an insurance document to the insured for a certain fee and the payment of a compensation transaction. Profit - the difference in the specified amounts or the entire amount insured.

Thus, if an entrepreneur is engaged in the purchase and sale of goods, then such an activity is called commerce. If an entrepreneur works with a product, produces it, then such activity is usually called industrial entrepreneurship. If an entrepreneur is engaged in the provision of services, then this is entrepreneurship in the service sector. In the event that money, securities, and other assets act as goods, then such activity is called financial entrepreneurship.

The manufacturing business is closely related to the circulation business. After all, the produced goods must be sold or exchanged for other goods. Commercial and commercial entrepreneurship is developing at a high pace, as the main second type of Russian entrepreneurship.

The principle of organizing commercial entrepreneurship is somewhat different from the industrial one, since the entrepreneur acts directly as a merchant, merchant, selling finished goods purchased by him from other persons to the consumer (buyer).

A feature of commercial entrepreneurship is direct economic ties with wholesale and retail consumers of goods, works, services.

Commercial entrepreneurship covers all activities that are directly related to the exchange of goods for money, money for goods or goods for goods. Although the basis of commercial entrepreneurship is commodity-money purchase and sale transactions, it involves almost the same factors and resources as in industrial entrepreneurship, but on a smaller scale.

Commercial enterprise is attracted by the apparent possibility of selling a product at a price much higher than it was bought, and thereby pocketing a significant profit. This possibility does exist, but in practice it is much more difficult to implement than it seems. In the context of the difference in domestic and world prices, as well as prices in different regions of Russia, with the sluggishness of the dying state trade, successful businessmen, "shuttle traders" manage to "buy cheaper - sell more expensive." Behind this apparent lightness, not everyone sees the work of businessmen-entrepreneurs spent to achieve success.

The sphere of official commercial business is shops, markets, stock exchanges, sales exhibitions, auctions, trading houses, trading depots, and other trade establishments. In connection with the privatization of state trade enterprises, the material base of personal and commercial entrepreneurship has increased significantly. Extensive opportunities arose to start a commercial business by buying out or building a store, organizing your own outlet.

To successfully engage in trading business, it is necessary to thoroughly know the unsatisfied demand of consumers, respond quickly by offering appropriate products or their analogues. Commercial entrepreneurship is more mobile, changeable, as it is directly connected with specific consumers. It is believed that for the development of trade entrepreneurship there must be at least two main conditions: a relatively stable demand for traded goods (therefore, good market knowledge is necessary) and a lower purchase price of goods from manufacturers, which allows merchants to recover trade costs and receive the necessary profit. Trade entrepreneurship is associated with a relatively high level of risk, especially when organizing trade in manufactured durable goods.

Being relatively independent types of entrepreneurial activity, these forms mutually permeate and complement each other, so that one of the types can be contained in another. For example, production and sales are related to financial transactions, with an intermediary business that acts as a link. However, intermediary and insurance business can be attributed to the service sector. Each type of entrepreneurship is marked by a factor, which can be goods, money, services.

Thus, the combination of different types of entrepreneurship allows organizing new integrated complex types of business.

In modern Russian practice, intermediary-trade and financial-credit entrepreneurship dominates, while industrial entrepreneurship lags far behind the needs of the economy as a whole. Because of this, the primary information base of research on industrial entrepreneurship turned out to be significantly narrowed. The methodological base for the formation of industrial entrepreneurship is poorly developed, including such fundamental categories as its elemental composition, structure, mechanism of formation and system of protection of entrepreneurship.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation formulates the concept of entrepreneurial activity, according to which entrepreneurial activity is an independent activity carried out at one's own risk, aimed at systematically making a profit from the use of property, the sale of goods, the performance of work or the provision of services by persons registered in this capacity in accordance with the law. order .. From the above definition, the main features of entrepreneurial activity, such as independence in decision-making, riskiness and maximizing profits, follow. It is important to note that the latter is not only a characteristic feature of entrepreneurship, but also, in fact, the fundamental goal of entrepreneurial activity. Making a profit from the capital, financial, resource and material resources spent on a particular activity over a certain period of time is far from the only goal of entrepreneurial activity. Of course, there are many more goals. Among which are the satisfaction of consumer demand and specific needs, the establishment of the production process, the constant resumption of production cycles, the stimulation of employee motivation and increasing interest, as well as increasing labor productivity, etc.

Entrepreneurship starts with a new idea. A new idea is the cheapest resource and the biggest scarcity. Entrepreneurship cannot exist without an idea. Any business is based on an idea. In the broadest sense, entrepreneurship is the process of creating something new, previously unknown, which begins with an entrepreneurial idea. The idea must be innovative and innovative, because the very activity of entrepreneurship is innovation, which implies the obligatory presence of an innovative moment.

An analysis of entrepreneurial activity shows that the most significant difference between entrepreneurship and any other activity is the freedom to choose economic activity and its methods and, as a result, responsibility for one's own choice. There are no performers in entrepreneurship, there is only the owner-entrepreneur, who is also the developer of the idea and its implementer, who is fully responsible for the decisions made. To some extent, an entrepreneur must have the gift of foresight and in choosing the path of development of his business, considering all possible outcomes of development, be able to choose the most acceptable option.

The functioning of entrepreneurship is carried out in a competitive environment in which each company fights for leadership in the sales markets and, of course, for consumer confidence, therefore, the presence of a competitive economic regime and competitiveness can rightfully be considered an integral element of entrepreneurial activity. Describing entrepreneurial activity, it should also be said that for successful functioning and development, it must be dynamic and mobile, as well as resistant to changes in the economic and social spheres. Moreover, it should be noted that entrepreneurial activity is not just a “one-time transaction”, it is a purposeful process aimed at systematic profit making, which is of a professional nature. Sirotkin S.P. The main features of entrepreneurial activity include:

  • 1. Ownership of capital, own or borrowed, making a circuit.
  • 2. Management, supervision and control over the processes of production and circulation of capital.
  • 3. Subordination of the process of capital movement in any area to the extraction of maximum profit.
  • 4. Accounting for and use of market conditions - the competition of supply and demand, etc., up to the tastes of consumers.
  • 5. Freedom to make economic decisions in order to ensure technical and economic ways and methods of entrepreneurial activity with the lowest production costs.
  • 6. Direction of manufacturers, as providers - carriers of supply to satisfy needs, competitors - carriers of demand, to the provision of society with goods and services due to increasing labor productivity.
  • 7. Ability to experiment, innovate and take risks to achieve maximum success

Entrepreneurial activity, like any other, has distinctive features. The main features of entrepreneurial activity are - 1) commercial orientation of activity; 2) the systematic nature of the activity; 3) mandatory state registration; 4) independent property liability.

In accordance with Russian legislation, all citizens of the Russian Federation who are recognized as capable and have reached the age of 18 have the right to engage in entrepreneurial activities. It is important to note that an activity will be considered entrepreneurial only if it is carried out from a legally registered person, which will be referred to as a business entity in the future. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, business entities can be:

  • -citizens of the Russian Federation and other states who are not limited in the manner prescribed by law in their activities;
  • -citizens of foreign states and stateless persons within the powers established by law;
  • - associations of citizens (partners).

It should be noted that the main subject of entrepreneurial activity is the entrepreneur. S. I. Ozhegov wrote in the "Dictionary of the Russian Language": "an entrepreneur is a capitalist, the owner of an enterprise, a major figure, an enterprising and practical person." A year later, this concept has changed little, only acquired a modern connotation. Today, in order to become a successful entrepreneur, you must have a special analytical mindset, have organizational and creative abilities, be stress-resistant, responsible, purposeful, not afraid to take risks and try to find benefits in everything. And also to have a good reputation and authority in society, to have the gift of persuasion, to always be aware of the latest events and to have an active civic position. According to sociologists and psychologists, a successful entrepreneur should have the following traits: organization, communication skills, practicality and prudence, good intuition and the ability to anticipate situations, observation, introspection skills, flexibility and versatility in their own business, the ability to take reasonable risks, creativity and of course faith in success .. Running a modern business is fierce competition and even one mistake can turn into a crash. However, believing in success, even after a crushing failure, can take an entrepreneur to new heights in business. Decisiveness and relentless perseverance are the keys to success in business. An entrepreneur must set a clear goal and achieve it using all his abilities.

The entrepreneur in his activities is called upon to provide the necessary combination or the necessary combination of personal benefit with the public benefit in order to make a profit. Entrepreneurship is an activity that is associated with the investment of funds in order to obtain profit based on a combination of personal benefit with the public good.

Entrepreneurial activity in a market economy performs a number of functions. Under the functions of entrepreneurship is meant - "the implementation of production and excellent operations between the entrepreneur and other elements of the economic environment." The most significant are considered - general economic, social, creative search (innovative), resource and organizational. The first in the list and the main one in terms of value is the general economic function, which consists in bringing specific goods and services to consumers. The social function of entrepreneurship is manifested in the fact that the development of entrepreneurship ensures an increase in the level of the social status of employees, an increase in the number of jobs, a reduction in unemployment, etc. Due to the fact that entrepreneurial activity is considered creativity, a separate item from the list of functions of entrepreneurial activity can be identified as an innovative function . It is connected not only with the implementation of new ideas, but also with the development of new means and factors to achieve the goals. The most important function of entrepreneurship is resource. Entrepreneurship development involves the efficient use of both reproducible and limited tangible and intangible resources. The organizational function is manifested in the adoption by entrepreneurs of an independent decision to organize their own business, in the introduction of intra-company entrepreneurship, in the formation of entrepreneurial management, in the creation of complex entrepreneurial structures, in changing the strategy of an entrepreneurial firm, etc.

Based on the functions assigned to entrepreneurial activity, we can say that it plays a significant role in all spheres of society. It is entrepreneurship that creates a competitive environment in society and is a catalyst for its successful development. Entrepreneurship serves as an effective lever for effective structural changes in the economic system. It contributes to the most efficient use of investment intangible resources. It also provides proper motivation for highly productive work. Entrepreneurship is the most important institution of a market economy, its role in the business sphere is very large. Entrepreneurship ensures economic growth, the production of an increasing mass of various goods, designed to satisfy quantitatively and, more importantly, qualitatively changing needs of society, its various strata and individuals. This is the driving force behind the progressive development of the modern market economy.

Entrepreneurship, like most concepts and phenomena, has both positive and negative features. Undoubtedly, entrepreneurship has a number of advantages, among which are not only the simplicity of organization, and complete freedom of action, but, above all, the presence of a strong economic incentive, because. the entrepreneur receives all the profits alone, without the participation of "intermediaries". There are also obvious shortcomings, or rather shortcomings of entrepreneurial activity. First of all, this is the limited resources - financial and material, which is associated not only with the lack of funds of the entrepreneur, but also with the rather complicated process of obtaining loans. Secondly, this is a large share of risk and the existence of unlimited liability, because. the owner, who is also the owner of a certain “entrepreneur” company, in case of bankruptcy, risks not only the capital invested in the business, but also his personal property.

Thus, summing up all of the above, we can conclude that entrepreneurship is a special type of economic activity, officially registered and carried out in accordance with applicable law, which is based on independent responsibility, implies the presence of an innovative entrepreneurial idea and is characterized by such concepts as - freedom of choice, dynamism, mobility, innovation, initiative. In society, entrepreneurship performs general economic, resource, creative and organizational functions. Entrepreneurship is of great importance in the development of society as a whole and is the engine of social progress.

Entrepreneurship, in a broader sense, commerce (from Latin commercium), or business (from business English): one of the most important institutions of the economy of a society that professes market relations.

The most important condition that determines both the very existence and development of entrepreneurship is private property, which has its own various types of entrepreneurial activity and forms (financial, means of production, etc.) In the modern business community, there are 4 main types of entrepreneurial activity:

  1. production;
  2. A commercial;
  3. innovative;
  4. Farm.
  • Manufacturing business in the Russian Federation

Production of goods and services, carrying out various types of contractual and / or other work. Depending on the sectoral focus, these types of activities are divided into the industrial sector itself, the construction sector, the farming (agricultural) sector, etc.

Of all the activities, this one ranks first in complexity. The main component is those activities of entrepreneurs, where a large amount of funds, both fixed and circulating. It also implies the need to use services, works, or other forms of contacting third-party organizations, as well as an individual approach. Types of activities SP are selected individually. The optimal profitability that these types of activities have ranges from 5% to 17%.

For the economy, the production entrepreneurial decision is the most important activity, regardless of the form of its existence. It is this segment in Russia that fills the entrepreneurial market with goods, services, etc., which the entrepreneur uses in the enterprise. The leading forms are enterprises, public or private.

  • Commercial entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation

The entrepreneur participates in transactions, conclusion of agreements/contracts for the entrepreneurial purchase and sale of goods, means of production, services, etc. A distinctive feature is the narrowly focused functionality. This type of activity is “sharpened” not for production, but for the sale (sale) of goods and materials, technologies or services. This is your individual approach. The profit is formed by the margin, the difference between the costs of purchasing the subject of the transaction, and the amount of proceeds received from its sale. Profitability from 20% and above. The subspecies that these types of entrepreneurial activities have is commercial and commercial entrepreneurship.

Commercial and trade entrepreneurship

Types of entrepreneurial activity with a very high degree of risk. It occupies 3 main segments in its sector of the economy: 1) wholesale / small wholesale trade, both within the country and work with foreign partners 2) retail 3) stock / foreign exchange markets

Wholesale/small wholesale trade

Fairs, commodity commodity exchanges, exhibitions, auctions, etc. serve as working platforms for this subspecies. Events. An entrepreneur makes transactions in Russia on the basis of catalogs / lists of goods, exhibited samples and, as a rule, in large quantities. The form of transactions on these sites is the signing by the interested parties of an agreement / contract for the supply of the subject of the transaction (commodities, services or otherwise) within a certain time frame for a certain amount. The exception is auctions.

On this platform, trade is conducted on the basis of a competition, and not entrepreneurial activity conducted among the direct participants of the auction. Basically, jewelry, expensive furs, antiques and art are the subject of the transaction. We need individual market demand.


One of the most popular in Russia and not only activities of entrepreneurs. It is extremely diverse in work sites, forms of ownership, directions and types of organization. From the largest retail chains, with their own super and / or mega markets. To individual shops, stalls and points of sale of products or services. There is quite a serious and tough competition in this segment. Therefore, the activities of SP are one of the most popular. An example is the so-called street trade, in which a small entrepreneur takes part: clothing and food markets, all kinds of stalls (narrowly focused sales points).

Due to their special business specifics, they are extremely sensitive to the slightest fluctuations in the market situation, and literally instantly react to any change in demand, or price fluctuations in one direction or another.

Stock/currency markets

Speaking name. Working platforms are stock and/or currency markets. The process of entrepreneurial trading consists, as a rule, in the purchase / sale of various contracts, including long-term ones, and there is no possibility to make an individual approach, although the entrepreneur is working on this. The subject of trade can be securities belonging to individual companies, firms, corporations, the state and / or currency (both host country and foreign). All operations in this segment are of a pronounced venture character, i.e. extremely risky.

  • Innovative entrepreneurship in the territory of the Russian Federation

Relatively young activities. The goal is the creation of entrepreneurial technology, the improvement of processes of various types, forms and directions for further commercial use. Be a risky activity. Costly types of zones are: financing of research and development work (experiments), design work, pilot production.

The essence of innovative entrepreneurship lies in the constant search for new ideas, their evaluation. For this, different types of activities are selected. The entrepreneur develops a clear tactic and strategy of action in the market in Russia, entrepreneurial activity. This applies both to resources and equally to the raw material base. An entrepreneur seeks and creates the most effective management model, which has high flexibility and dynamics, of any of his entrepreneurial activities.

Subsections, types of focus, innovative entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity:

  1. products;
  2. technology;
  3. social orientation.

Product Innovation

Updating the potential of the company (enterprise) in order to increase profits, maintain / expand the client base, strengthen positions (occupied in the market), etc.

Technology innovation

Creation of technologies that allow expanding, updating the production potential of the company, reducing the cost of production, maintaining or increasing production volumes. At the same time, an entrepreneur in Russia must minimize energy costs and expendable resources.

Social innovation

Aimed at finding wider opportunities for recruiting and mobilizing personnel to solve the problems facing an entrepreneurial company.

  • Farm or agricultural entrepreneurship in the Russian Federation

Entrepreneurial activity in Russia is carried out without the formation of a legal entity without any form. Recognized as legal, starting from the moment of registration with the relevant authority. The property owned by the entrepreneur that these types of entrepreneurial activities belong to all members of the farm as a joint property.

An exception is the special conditions that the entrepreneur prescribed in the agreement on the establishment of a farm. Shared ownership implies an agreement between members of such a Russian economy. In this case, possession, use, disposal of the income received by the entrepreneur, etc. takes place according to the conditions specified in the agreement between the members of the farm. According to Russian statistics, and based on world experience, the most profitable farms have a narrow specialization: dairy, poultry, etc.

Large farms that use advanced forms of management and organization of labor and / or the latest production technologies are guaranteed to be successful. As a rule, the land used in farms is in long-term use, i.e. rented. A feature of farms in Russia is the fact that the basis of creation is the principle of kinship. Only married couples, their children, parents of spouses, etc. can be members of a farm in Russia. The number of employees is limited. They can be hired, but no more than 5 people.

Types of ownership and ownership, when doing business in the territory of the Russian Federation

On the territory of Russia, three types of ownership of companies (firms) are approved and operate in accordance with the procedure established by the Law: private company (firm), partnership, corporate type. And two types, the state does not count: private, corporate capital (LLC, CJSC).

Individual enterprise

Here everything is extremely simple and clear. We write down the advantages: efficiency of information processing, no accountability to anyone, within the boundaries of the IP, speed of decision-making, complete independence, freedom in the matter of financial control.

Disadvantages: limitation in finance - you have to rely only on your own funds, limitation in lending, difficulties in the growth of individual entrepreneurs, as an enterprise, you have to be the number N in one .... Something from the series: he himself is a director, he himself is a supply manager. Full responsibility for literally everything. In material terms, up to the property of the entrepreneur.


Full and limited

Full: combining the resources of several people to achieve the intended goals, or jointly solve the tasks.

Limited: differs from full limited activity of participants (depositors). They simply provide funds. However, this is a confirmation of the willingness to take risks throughout the entire period of the existence of the union. Responsibility is similar to IP. By itself, this structure is extremely complex and cumbersome to manage.


General characteristics: analogue of Western corporations. The company functions at the expense of the capital formed at the time of the creation of the statutory fund. Responsibility and income are distributed depending on the contribution, the number of shares owned by the investor. It can freely attract the necessary amount of investments, including loans. Easy (relatively) method of expansion of the firm. Shares are resold to the most active participants in the process.

LLC is the least successful option. It's more of a partnership than a full-fledged corporation. The order of exit is extremely difficult and confusing. The return of the share and its assessment (in the event of parting), to put it mildly, is original and original. Speaking figuratively: The company and its interests are everything! And this rule is strictly enforced.

AO is a more flexible tool. The main fund is evenly divided into the corresponding number of shares. The influence of a shareholder on the decision-making directly depends on the number of shares bought out by him. So in a CJSC, for example, based on the specifics of creation, the shares are distributed strictly within a rather narrow circle of people. In OJSC - in a mirror order. Shares of OJSC can be purchased by anyone.

However, all important decisions are made by a supervisory board, known as the Board of Directors. In other words, by the circle of persons with the largest number of redeemed shares.

Total: 2 (5,00 out of 5)

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