Romantic fantasy (10 romance novels). Best Love Fantasy: Book Ranking

romantic fantasy many love. And it is not surprising, because opening a book in this genre, we get 2 in 1: a touching and heartfelt love story, as expected, describing feelings, emotions and raging human passions, and an incredibly fascinating fantasy story, without fail containing its share of magic and of magic.

On the pages of such books, the impossible becomes possible, and the line between dream and reality, dreams and reality, is barely distinguishable. And in them you can meet valiant knights, beautiful princesses, powerful wizards ... and true love!

If the heart asks for a fairy tale, kind and bright, in which two lovers unite their destinies together in spite of all enemies and obstacles, read 10 romance novels from a selection of the best romantic fantasy:

1. - a fantasy story stylized as an epic. About how the best fighter of the North named Black Yangar wished to marry the beautiful Pirkko, but instead got Inna, her bastard sister, as his wife. It is not easy to read, but it gives a lot of impressions.

2. - a sweet story about how the pain of someone else's betrayal can give rise to new, exciting feelings. The main characters are oloess living according to special rules and traditions, the couple is a mentor and a student. Contains erotica.

3. - she is a young maid of honor of the queen, he is no longer a young Guardian of the Borders, who had a chance to see a lot in his life. He will teach her swordsmanship, and teach her ... to truly love. A touching and heartfelt little thing, sorry, small.

4. - a fairy tale about how a twenty-three-year-old owner of a tavern, who managed to be married and bury her husband, falls in love with a stranger who looked at the light in her institution. The feeling that has arisen is mutual and strong, but he has a position, obligations and ... a curse. Wonderful.

5. - one novel combines two storylines: one of them describes the life of an ordinary girl from our world, of which there are millions, the other tells the stories of dancers from the temple of the Great Goddess, naturally, from another world. The idea is original, and the implementation is just as good.

6. - a dilogy that tells about how difficult it is to find common ground for a talented magician, and no less talented, but a warrior ... although, as they say, there would be a desire, and a couple in love has more than enough of it! An unusual style of presentation, adapting to which you can get a lot of positive emotions.

7. - this romantic fantasy tells about a woman who had a difficult fate: not a very successful marriage, the death of her daughter ... Now a quick youth is seeking her favor, and a mysterious dragon looms nearby. But will anyone bring her even a modicum of happiness? An atmospheric book, saturated not only with events, but also with experiences.

8. - a dilogy describing the path of a fallen woman in another world, bewitching with its originality. The protagonist is a skilled warrior, a handsome man and... a drow. But a happy happy ending is not a hindrance. Fascinatingly.

9. - the heroine of this romantic fantasy is an extremely pragmatic, purposeful and reasonable person. But even these virtues cannot keep her from falling into a dark story connected with the missing archmage. The plot is dynamic, the main characters are beyond praise.

10. - the story of the illegitimate daughter of Prince Darena, who was chosen as his bride by the heir from the animal people. The work is intriguing, but the story as a whole is quite tense.

About how happiness comes to those who yearn for love, not in spite of life's troubles, but in spite of everything and everything, very soon you will be able to read in the selection: where I will include works whose heroes are together against their own will: at the behest of their parents, debt, circumstances, etc.

These books can also be safely attributed to the category of romantic fantasy, they differ from all others only in the plot plot. Reading them, we have to trace how coldness and hostility between two strangers gradually develops into an ardent, mutual feeling. It's fascinating to follow the development of such events, isn't it?

The young beauty Natalya Akimovna, the daughter of the retired city clerk Akim Evseich, put her husband, the sadist Kuzma Fedotich, to sleep with sleeping pills, mixing it into wine. Taking advantage of the greed and ignorance of those around her, she buried her husband alive. After that, a series of terrible events followed in a provincial town: riding a vampire in a cab through the city, walking under the windows of his house, visiting his father-in-law, leaving the coffin in the presence of witnesses. The servants in the house see with their own eyes a vampire in a red velvet robe, so beloved by Kuzma Fedotych during his lifetime, after which the doctor discovers bruises and abrasions on the widow's body. In order to take possession of a rich and beautiful widow, Yegor Petrovich Pimokat, Natalya Akimovna's failed fiancé, commits a horrifying act. In the presence of the townspeople at the cemetery, he performs a rite of destruction of a vampire, for which they dig up the dead man and a pimokat drives an aspen stake into his chest. But the rite does not help. Yegor Petrovich deceitfully enters the bath to Natalya Akimovna, trying to persuade her to his side. But it turns out a complete embarrassment, which in the future allows him to get a good job in life. And the cemetery residents come to the city rooming house, in one of the dead the washerwoman recognizes the vampire Kuzma Fedotych. All this plunges the inhabitants of a provincial town into horror. And if the events associated with human passions find their explanation, then the mysterious circumstances cause only ever-increasing fear.

Natalie's father, Akim Evseich, taking advantage of the excitement that has risen in the city around the adventures of his son-in-law - a vampire, having received his money in his hands, significantly increases his daughter's fortune. Gaining authority, both among the townspeople and the mayor. The mayor wants to attach his son to a rich and beautiful widow. But he, at the most inopportune moment, gets into a love trouble, which has a great effect on his appearance, and he misses the opportunity.
At this time, fate brings the vampire widow Natalie to the young and wealthy Count Nemirov. Natalie is faced with a dilemma: marry the son of the mayor and become a respected matron, or take the risk of climbing to the highest rung of the social ladder. Mystically, she receives a prediction about what awaits her in marriage with the son of the mayor and in marriage with Count Nemirov. Both marriages are not cloudless. She chooses Count Nemirov, who does not remain indifferent to a beautiful, mysterious woman, and, overcoming certain obstacles, marries her.
Greed and jealousy and in the next world do not give Kuzma Fedotovich rest. And he, in retaliation for the fact that his father-in-law uses his money to improve Natalie's well-being, takes his father-in-law from the other world. The vampire puts harsh conditions on his father-in-law, predicting a terrible ending. And then Akim Evseich meets a woman, previously seen in a dream. He falls in love with this fatal woman. Later it turns out that she has a secret relationship with a high-ranking gentleman, from whom she has two children. This lady brings serious problems and worries to Akim Evseich. And she herself arranges a marriage with Count Stashen-Dogomyshsky, whom Akim Evseich meets at a seance. The count expects many oddities in his wife's behavior, but he manages to find an explanation for them. And he does not even guess whose grave he worships under the old pear tree.
On a cold night, Akim Evseich discovers a baby on his porch, whom he takes to an orphanage. Later it turns out that this is his son. In desperation, he sets fire to the house of his former son-in-law - a vampire and leaves the town.

I liked the book. With all due respect to the entire Brotherhood of the Black Dagger series, this is the best book in my opinion. In it, Zeidist revealed a new side, for me personally. As you read, images of the entire plot immediately appear before your eyes. For me personally, this is the most important thing in the book, that the description of the plot, characters, their feelings, etc. so vividly described that involuntarily images appear in my head. Sometimes it even feels like you're watching a movie rather than reading a book. Applause to the author!

Well, mutaten. Okay, the Zetist is psychologically disabled. And Bella is so stupid that she does not understand how to distribute her time between her husband and child. She put the cradle next to her bed and is surprised that her husband does not fuck her. I would also put the child to sleep in the middle. And the whole book is devoted to this stupidity.
It is necessary to send it to benefits for young mothers or to the section on the psychology of family life.

Here is an excerpt from the epilogue of the novel The Awakened Lover! In this story, Ward herself is already confused about the dates and events! Already in the locker room, John remembered that he had forgotten his T-shirt. Shriveling with fear, he slipped back into the hall ... And stopped in his tracks. Right in front of him, the teacher, naked to the waist, was pounding a punching bag. Her nipple rings gleamed in time with the blows. Holy Virgin Queen of Forgetfulness… He had tattoos of a blood slave on his body, while his back was covered with scars. But, damn it, how he moved ... Strongly, dexterously, with lightning speed. Every movement brought death. The student knew that he had to leave, but he could not move. He had never seen anything faster and stronger than this man's fists. Apparently all the rumors about him were true. He is a real killer. At the other end of the hall, a steel door clanged and a baby squealed. The teacher froze in the rack and turned to the sound. When a pretty woman entered the hall with a child wrapped in
in a pink blanket, the warrior broke into a smile. - Sorry to bother you, but she wants to see her daddy. The warrior kissed the woman and, taking the baby in his arms, pressed it to her bare chest. The girl wrapped her arms around his neck and immediately fell silent. The teacher turned around and glared at the student. - The bus is about to leave, son. Hurry. Winking, he turned away, hugged the woman and kissed her again.

What a nonsense! The first one starts with Z having nightmares, then a conversation with Bella! Next, Zet is stuck in a loot room! And Zeta has such thoughts that he needs to call Quin, he, John and Bley hang out in ZiroSam, and the guys will arrive at the first call in Quinn's jeep. Jeep Quinn bought when he became John Matthew's bodyguard, which means John has already gone through rebirth and is no longer pretrance! Next comes blah blah blah! Zeth decided to have conversations with Mary! And the end got me! Epilogue six months later! A piece from a book about Bella and Zeta where Matthew was still in pretrance watching the Zeitist as he bucks! And these words you'll be late for the bus, son, were said to John Matthew! And in this story, what is Ward's absurdity! At the beginning of the book, John is already a transitioned vampire, and at the end, six months later, another pretrance!

Nonsense ward in this story! The story begins as described after the lesser raids on the glimera when Lash was already reborn. So John Matthew has already passed the transition, Quinn already has his own car, which means he already works as John's bodyguard and receives a salary! And at the end of the epilogue surprised me! Written: Six months later! This is an Episode from the book of the last novel about Bella and the Zeitist! Where's the transcem the Zeta said you'd miss the bus son was John Matthew! And it turns out that at the beginning of the story, John Matthew is already a vampire, and at the end of six months later, again pretrance! holding his jacket with a small hand!

Fantasy with a love line is also called female fantasy. The fictional fantasy world has it all - adventure, magic and, of course, love. In such stories, there can be a variety of storylines. The reader is unlikely to be able to predict the course of events and actions of the characters even one moment ahead, let alone understand how and how this or that fantasy book will end. This is the main advantage of such publications. For the film adaptation of many of them are taken by well-known directors. However, more emotions can only be obtained by reading the work and imagining the world and characters described in it.

What to read from fantasy with a love line?

The authors are Zhiltsov and Ushakov. Waking up on a deserted road without things is only half the trouble. The second is partial memory loss. When killers are also hunting for you, then you can talk about serious ones and hope for a miracle. You can enroll in an academy where they teach magic. How to remember what happened in the past? Will you be able to protect yourself? This will have to find out two girls whose fates are intertwined.

The series consists of several parts. The plot is tied around the herbalist Shadow, who enters the magic academy and immediately after that mysterious events begin to occur. The publication describes the everyday life of the faculty of necromancy. Students learn to summon spirits and revive evil spirits. The girl becomes a victim of someone else's confrontation. People from the Brotherhood of Light begin to hunt for her. Step by step, the Shadow moves towards unraveling one mystery.

"Animal Gift"

Author - Sholokh Julia. The plot is tied around the illegitimate daughter of the prince named Darka. She did not expect betrayal from her own father. He decides to give it to the animal people. The hostage is forced to leave her native land. What lies ahead for her?

Author - Natalia Zhiltsova. The plot is tied around Arina, who learns that magic is real. Moreover, it does not exist somewhere in a fairy-tale world or a parallel universe, but here, nearby, in our reality. The girl managed to acquire hereditary power. However, the magicians who are nearby are not kind, but quite the opposite. They do not want to explain how to deal with their gift. Enemies are not asleep and intend to kill Arina.

Author - Kuzmina Nadezhda. The plot is tied around a third-year student named Masha. After the party, she goes out to take out the trash and doesn't come back home, she just disappears. She could not even imagine that she would end up in medieval Riollei in shoes and a dressing gown. The situation leaves much to be desired, because all around are stone pavements and tiled roofs. The city is located on the sea coast. A stranger is met by unfriendly locals.

The modern fantasy genre took shape quite recently and is based on medieval fairy tales. And as you know, considerable attention in these tales was paid to the romantic relationship between beautiful ladies and noble knights. Therefore, a significant part of fantasy is at the same time books about love. This section contains fantastic works that allow you to plunge headlong into the exciting search for ancient artifacts, bloody battles with evil and, of course, the exciting search for the stolen princess. Fantasy love books often stick strictly to the boundaries of the genre, but this possible shortcoming is more than compensated by a variety of well-written universes, the journey through which will not let you get bored for a minute.

Eternal confrontation between vampire clans? Werewolf friend? Vampire boyfriend? This is not what high school student Bella Swan expected when she moved from sunny Phoenix to the rainy and foggy small town of Forks. And the choice you have to make can change your whole life.

Blair keeps having the same nightmare. And who would have thought that the dream would suddenly become a reality, and the girl would find herself in the most mysterious place imaginable. In addition, the handsome neighbor is not at all as simple as it seems.

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Let's get acquainted? I am the most ordinary witch. What am I doing? Yes, nothing special: a little here, a little there. And everything was in order until she met one mercenary. Demon. And he decided that he fell in love with me, as if other problems were not enough for me ...

It would seem that a quiet, peaceful place has finally been found. Well, who will put himself in a boarding school for noble maidens? Ah, sorry, the college of cosmetics and fragrances. Who needs him? So Katarina thought, but, it seems, she miscalculated: with the advent of a new teacher, everything went topsy-turvy.

Dark empire? For Light? What to do if your own father has gone crazy and wants to marry a necromancer? Of course, run! And immediately! And it so happened that in the Dark Empire. What, zombies? Oh, don't be ridiculous - you can get along with them. Necromancers? Well, they are human too...

Daria didn’t even think about magic - she would solve her problems, she wouldn’t fly out of the university. But the Supreme Council of another world decided otherwise, and the girl became a student at the Academy of the Elements of another world. And an outcast, because outsiders are hated here. Give up and give up? Never!

Curse your own rector? Yes Easy! It is not known how the spell works? We know, we can, we practice. Not only will the damned lord begin to show strange signs of attention, but a maniac will also appear and, it seems, to your soul. And which of these two is worse is another question.

And it all started so well: having failed all the exams in her native alma mater, she received an alternative option - to study at the magic academy. Not entirely fair, but oh well. And everything would be fine if not for one prince, a demon and a mystery guy. What do they want from me?

Luxurious new body, luxurious living conditions, the ability to magic - pleases and impresses? Impressive, but not happy. Because the kit comes with a lack of freedom and supposedly second halves. All normal people have one, but I already got two. And it looks like it's time to run...

World has gone mad. Definitely! Where has it been seen that good is sitting in the swamps, and evil is brazenly walking around the world? We urgently need to correct the situation. How? Become a witch, of course! And it doesn't matter that the other day I didn't believe in magic. This is what is happening here...

When you really want a quiet peaceful life, and so that no one interferes with your favorite business, you can safely expect the opposite. And instead of a contract to work in some small estate, the young magician gets a dangerous task and a harmful partner to boot. Well, let's break through!

What if the best detectives cannot figure out the villain who inspires fear in the inhabitants of the estate? Contact the Sisters of Silence - they will send their specialist. And if this is the only chance for salvation, then you can pay any price.

Become another concubine in the harem of an alien lord? No thanks, I don't want to. Even if he desperately needs a blonde virgin. Who knows what and who needs it! Toma, or now Taressa, would not agree to this. And it is not going to become an obedient toy.

Without money, without things, without memory, you will not go far. Especially if you're being chased by assassins. What to do? Surrender to the mercy of fate or try to fight and find out your past? Of course, the second. And for starters - to enter the Academy of Magic, and then we'll see.

If you are a crown duke and your uncle is a king, this has certain disadvantages. An immediate command to marry especially and you can’t dispute it is more expensive for yourself. But I don’t want to marry the girl I saw for the first time. So, you need to come up with a plan and start your own game.

If you are already a little over thirty, then the hope of meeting a prince is almost zero. But despite the skepticism, love still wants. May not be fabulous. So thought Chris, not knowing that the universe decided to become generous and fulfill her desire. Another question is how.

Become a student of the magic academy? Who in their right mind would say no to this! So Nadia did not. New knowledge, friends, adventures... And everything would be fine, if not for one "but": a teacher who disliked at first sight and is trying to survive by any means.

Flying dragons in a large company is not a practice, but just a dream of any girl. And nothing if the increased attention of the mentor and the legend is attached to this, which are not legends at all, but the very truth. Adventures. The main thing is to get out alive.

Catching aliens drinking human blood is their job. Not hard, not easy, simple. For them. And the next task does not seem impossible until it turns out that all the court aristocrats were under suspicion. And what should the Hunters do now?

Sometimes life brings very unpleasant surprises and instead of a carefree and joyful existence, you suddenly find yourself in prison, having lost your title and at the same time all your friends. Except for one ghost that helps to escape and start over.

Being the beloved maid of honor of the mistress, oh, how difficult it is sometimes: disrupt an unwanted wedding, and discreetly take your lover out of the chambers, and steal dirt on the mistress's brother ... But Inessa Antego copes. Only Lord Cameron Astley worries - too handsome and smart.22.
At any time, anywhere to be in the thick of things and find adventure on your ass? It's just about me. A secular visit to the sheriff turned into a series of confusing events, just have time to figure out what's what. Also, love has fallen, even two - choose, I don’t want to.

Strange things are happening in the kingdom after the death of the king. Someone wants to kill the crown prince, and assassination attempts follow one after another. Only Irene Randall, a girl with an unusual gift, can save Raul. To do this, she will have to become his favorite for a while.

Everything got confused in Nika's life after graduating from boarding school. By the will of her deceased father, the girl will become the bride of the gloomy Viscount Telbridge, who is not at all delighted with his bride. Yes, and Nike likes more of a pretty doctor. But everything is not so simple.

Want to another world - please. Elves, dragons, gnomes - no problem. Only you are not entirely human. Or rather, not a person at all. What, you're not welcome? What did you want? This is life, not a fairy tale. So get grim murders, incomprehensible customs and unearthly love.

It is not easy to study at the academy of magic when you know that after graduating from your alma mater you will not have to work in your specialty, but return to court intrigues. I just don't want to explain it to others. Maybe it's worth then to unite with the same as her?

If your friend falls in love with an elven prince, run without delay. Otherwise, you will be drawn into a magical ritual that will take you to a strange world ruled by elves. And no, this is not a fairy tale. A nightmare! After all, people are garbage. And not to live, but to survive.

If a young and talented magician is sent from the capital, it is worth considering. Especially if there are no prerequisites for this: our place is quiet, evil spirits show up once a year on holidays. And if the magician is handsome, smart and charming, it is difficult to maintain prudence.

Lose everything to gain something new. Only this new one is not so joyful: the problems that worried you in a past life, against the background of the new ones, seem like childish pranks. But when there is an opportunity to start from scratch, it is a sin to miss the chance. And the difficulties ... Let's break through!

If you suddenly receive a gift from a stranger, should you accept it? And the gift is not simple - a house at the crossroads of worlds. With its secrets and unusual inhabitants: werewolves, demons, ancient magicians. And he has magical abilities attached to him ...

If you do not want to get an unknown foreigner as a bride, do not trust her choice to a half-educated magician. If you don't want to be alone in a strange world, don't sign strange contracts with strangers. Trusted? Signed? Well, now it remains to live up to the wedding.

Possessing an unusual gift - the ability to change appearance, which only Sebastian Velsky had not experienced. It would seem that he has seen everything. But no! To find a strong witch, he will have to take part in the Poznań Maiden beauty contest. Would survive!

The fate of a thirty-year-old woman with a child is not easy - no personal life. And not a single prince is visible on the horizon. Even the meanest. You never know what seers promise in Egypt. Where is love and where is it. What, they won't give you another one? Well, then, okay - let's take it. We will educate.

It is not easy to live in the world. Especially if you're undead. And not just any, but a person. You will think that you are a little not alive, but you are friends with your head, you don’t eat people, you even have a conscience. And what to do? It remains only to punish the enemies and try to find love.

What can friendship with handsome demons lead to? That's right, no good. Even if you are a fairy. Especially if you are a fairy. Shy and beautiful. Then every first one will try to seduce a modest girl and get her for his personal use.

Accept the rules of the game or escape from the prepared fate? Ariadne chooses the second option and resignedly changes the life of a modest herbalist of the South for the fate of the ice magician of the North. Family cozy nest, loving husband, new friends? If only at first glance.

The hitters are different. Someone is lucky, and he finds himself in the right world, with a perfect body, a darling gentleman. And if not? And instead of an ideal world - the Middle Ages, instead of a gorgeous body - overweight, I don’t even want to talk about a gentleman ... Give up? Act!

To remember her pride, the quiet and downtrodden Reymira had to endure a betrayal. Only it could shake the girl and make her remember that she is not a weak-willed doll. Therefore, she accepts the offer of a mysterious stranger with joy. It won't be worse.

What happens if you drink an unknown potion, even if it was recommended by a friend? At best, poisoning, at worst ... At worst, you will find yourself in an incomprehensible place with an incomprehensible person. But no, of course - with a demon. But that doesn't make it any easier! Especially since the problems are just beginning.

If you are a magnet for trouble, don't expect anything to change, even if you are taken to another world. And who said that it will look like a fairy tale? Instead of old problems, new ones will appear, and not only their own - the local king also has a lot of them.

Not all fairy tales are good. And once in a strange world, Cassandra was once again convinced of this. Force rules here, and no one cares about someone's feelings, and the lines between good and evil are very conditional. Will she be able to survive here and remain herself? Or will it be like everyone else?

Will the Dark Dragon - proud and wayward - fall in love with a simple human girl? All she can offer him is love, tenderness, fidelity and devotion. Will it be enough to make the ancient's cold heart feel?

Fleeing from the past, Nell fakes her own death and arrives on a small island. The girl hopes to find shelter and feel safe at least for a while. Meeting Zach Todd and a local witch changes her life and helps her find the strength to fight.

Young Arika is chosen to save the world. But not just like that, not for beauty or talents, but as a payment for paternal debts. But you won't be bored - adventures are not long in coming, and there you look and the heart of the arrogant and mysterious lord will thaw.

Lutonya decided to learn magic, but set off on her way. And what to do if the abilities suddenly appeared - you can’t just brush them aside. The path ahead is long, full of dangers and hardships. But true friends will not let the abyss, and the grandmother-witch will help.

If you want to do a good deed, think carefully. Otherwise, it can backfire so much that it won’t seem enough. Muscovite Aleta realized this when it was already late and she found herself in the strange world of the Airlings. We'll have to improvise - to save ourselves and new friends.

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