Kerch centralized library system. World Read Aloud Day March - Orthodox Book Day

Yarkovskaya village library

On March 2, on the World Reading Aloud Day, the village librarian Tatiana Gennadievna Shcherbanyuk visited the second grade students (class teacher Kushnir Tamara Vladimirovna) and offered to read aloud the kind and touching stories of Valentina Oseeva "The Magic Word", "Three Comrades" and an unusually original fairy tale by Evgeny Schwartz "The Tale of Lost Time".

These stories, different in their mood and meaning - funny, sad, instructive, set up children to reason about the actions of book characters, to reminisce about their small, but sometimes very eventful life. The children listened attentively and sometimes recognized themselves in these stories. They noted that in real life, unfortunately, there are situations when evil is stronger than good, but they came to the conclusion that in order for our life to be bright and joyful, we need to do good deeds, to be good people. And at the end of the event, Tatyana Gennadievna reminded everyone of the advice of V.A. Oseeva read and think. The reading was accompanied by a multimedia presentation "To the good through the book!". 24 people took part in the reading.

Maryinskaya rural library

In early March, Read Aloud Day is celebrated around the world. This is a wonderful holiday when people take books and read them to their relatives, acquaintances, friends.

In order to popularize reading, the librarian of the Maryinsky rural library, Fatime Mukhammedovna Aliyeva, conducted a cycle of loud readings under the motto "Reading is the best teaching" for preschoolers and students in grades 1-4.

The attention of the children of the younger group of the kindergarten was presented to the work - the hero of the year 2016 "Confusion" by Korney Chukovsky, and for the children of the older group of the kindergarten the librarian read "Fly-Tsokotukha" by Korney Chukovsky. Pupils in grades 1-4 were read the work of the famous German writer Erich Raspe "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen", and the guys got the opportunity to travel with the main character through the snowy forests of Russia, across the seas and oceans, getting into various troubles, but successfully emerged from them as winners .

46 people took part in the events.

Mirnovskaya village library

Mirnovsky librarian Kosenkova Natalya Nikolaevna held a loud reading “The fairy tale is rich in wisdom” dedicated to the International Day of Reading Aloud for the third grade students. Natalya Nikolaevna spoke about the history of this holiday and read to the children several fairy tales of 2016 anniversary writers such as A.N. Tolstoy "The Adventures of Pinocchio", Nosov "The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin".

After reading the fairy tales, the librarian spoke about the significant role of reading in the life and upbringing of children, in turn, the students concluded for themselves that the fairy tale brings up a sense of kindness, wisdom, sympathy and respect for elders.

For third-grade students, a review was conducted at the book exhibition "In the World of Russian Fairy Tale", with which the guys got acquainted and took books for home reading.

Present: 20 people

Novokrymsk rural library

On March 2, on the occasion of the World Reading Aloud Day, the head of the Novokrymsk rural library Nimchuk E.G. visited the senior group of the kindergarten "Romashka" (teacher Ablyalimova Aishe Kazimovna). The meeting in kindergarten was held under the name “Spring. Spring." About spring. Elena Grigoryevna read poems of poets about spring, about mother, stories by G. Skrebitsky, I. Sokolov-Mikitov, B. Belash to the children, and then they organized reading aloud in syllables, Esma Absilyamova recited the poem “The Birds Have Arrived”. The children were presented with a mini-exhibition of books from the series “We read ourselves”.

Inspired by reading, the children wanted to explore the library. On the same day, the library was visited by the middle group of the kindergarten (teacher Zorinova Kristina Viktorovna) and students of the 2nd grade (teacher Lesavina Galina Petrovna). The head of the library Nimchuk Elena Grigoryevna read to the children A.S. Pushkin's fairy tale "The Golden Cockerel". For students of the 2nd grade, a literary assortment was held, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the film director - storyteller A.A. Rowe "The Bringer of Fairy Tales". Elena Grigoryevna introduced the children to interesting facts about the writer's biography. During the event, the most interesting passages from fairy tales were read and a video was watched.

Pavlovsk rural library

A real children's holiday took place in the Pavlovsk rural library on World Reading Day, a rumor held under the motto "We read together, we read ourselves!". On this day in the library, the children not only read Korney Chukovsky's fairy tales "Telephone" and "Fedorino's grief", but also staged a cheerful and instructive fairy tale "Aibolit" with great enthusiasm. The event was attended by 12 people.

Pobednenskaya Rural Library

As part of the World Day of Reading Out Loud, the head of the Pobednensky Library, Tatyana Borisovna Kareeva, visited the Pobednensky Kindergarten. As V. Sukhomlinsky said, "Reading is one of the sources of thinking and mental development." And it is necessary to engage in the development of children from an early age. How to introduce young children to reading, how to instill a love for the book? Only through reading aloud. "A fairy tale out loud" - under this name this event was held. Pupils of the senior group were offered the book "Tales of the princes". Indeed, in the fairy tales collected in this book, there is a whole magical kingdom. It contains not only miraculous powers and magic, but most importantly, the victory of good over evil, the triumph of love, beauty and justice. The children listened to the fairy tales “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise” and “Finist the Clear Falcon”. Then they looked at the illustrations with interest and answered questions. Listening to or reading fairy tales, kids understand that they can learn to overcome various obstacles: defeat evil and insidious opponents, help those in need, love their relatives and their home.

Svetlovskaya rural library

On March 2, on the Day of reading aloud in the Svetlovskaya library for pupils of the kindergarten "Solnyshko", they read aloud with improvisation, listened, watched, empathized, discussed the works of S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse", "The Tale of the Smart Mouse", " Mustachioed - striped "and others performed by the head of the library Koshman Oksana Ivanovna and teacher Cheraneva Tamara Frantsevna. S. Marshak's poems are read with great interest by children and re-read by adults. Until now, the books of Samuil Yakovlevich are produced in large editions and do not lie on the shelves of shops and libraries. Preschool children got acquainted with the literary portrait of the writer, listened to poetry at the end of the event, watched the cartoon of the same name “The Tale of the Silly Mouse”. Everyone enjoyed the experience very much!

Komsomol rural library

On March 2, on the eve of the writers of the anniversaries of the poets of the 19th century, the librarian Mallaliyeva Elzara held a literary hour “The world of magical miracle books is immense and great” for students of the 4th grade of the Maslovskaya school, teacher Gulshen Shefketovna.

The motto of the literary hour was:

The book is true

The book is the first

The book is a child's best friend

We can't live without a book

We can’t do without a book! - All the guys say.

This meeting was held within the framework of the library creative project “Contemporaries of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin, A.S. Pushkin, A.A. Barto, N.A. Nekrasova and others. After carefully listening to the story about the poets, about the history of their creative life, all the children read their poems with pleasure as a keepsake and also remembered A. A. Barto's nursery rhymes "Ball", "Horse", "Rattle". The children prepared and brought to the lesson books that they cherish and love to read in their free time. During the literary hour, the children actively answered, listened, shared their impressions with each other. Students are looking forward to more such interesting and entertaining lessons from the organizers.

Today is World Read Aloud Day. How to mark it?

Where to go, what books to open, who to call for readings, and why is this even necessary?

On February 1, people around the world celebrate World Read Aloud Day. The holiday was created by LitWorld to emphasize that “sharing stories and emotions is the inalienable right of every person.” No more, no less. So let's use this right.

How to mark?

This holiday is remarkable in that there is always a way to celebrate it, no matter what happens in your life. Are you alone on a desert island? Immediately after you have thrown a bottle with a note into the sea and laid out SOS on the shore, you can read aloud to your loved one. Without any hesitation! You can read alone, but at the same time broadcast on Periscope, Instagram or Facebook. Every parent has an appreciative audience - a child who will be happy to listen to you. Many libraries do something interesting on this day: drop by, maybe you can hear someone impressive? Do you have family, friends or colleagues? Generally great. Together you are strong and will be able to prove yourself, prove your love of reading and organize a high-profile event. Here are some ideas.

Reading with a star

There is always a chance to drag a special guest into your library, office, or nearby coffee shop to read aloud. It could be an actor you know, a favorite teacher, an outgoing boss, an outgoing writer you follow on social media, or a business partner.

Poetic flash mob

You have probably seen such a video on the Web more than once: day after day, a cafe or a bus interior, an ordinary-looking person gets up and suddenly starts reading poetry aloud? For example, Shakespeare's sonnets or lines from Mayakovsky. And behind him, another one stands up and picks up the recitation. General amazement, smiles, applause. Is it hard for you to pull off such a flash mob?

Making a story around

It is not necessary to recite a work already written. You can compose on the go and immediately voice it. Sitting in a circle, take turns, line by line, invent a story.

Why is this needed?

Reading engages most of the higher areas of the brain. This is a great exercise to keep him in shape. Reading aloud improves diction, helps you remember what you read, and builds relationships between the reader and his audience. According to the latest research, children who are read aloud are almost a year ahead of their peers who are deprived of such pleasure.

How to read? The most important thing is not to rush: the maximum allowed speed is 120 words per minute. Speak words clearly, with accents and pauses. Aerobatics - when reading, pronounce the text as if you are expressing your own thoughts: not “read”, but “tell”.

Are you ready to celebrate? To get started, take a look at prepared by ReadRate.

Every year on the first Wednesday of March, World Read Aloud Day is celebrated. This action has been taking place throughout the country since 2010 at the initiative of the non-profit organization "LitWorld". To date, this action is supported and successfully carried out by libraries, schools and universities in more than 65 countries around the world. This year, the libraries of the Tobolsk region for reading aloud chose the works of the Tyumen writer K. Ya. Lagunov in ...

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World Read Aloud Day

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"Read aloud!"

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Read aloud day

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20.03.14 3:25

World Read Aloud Day

It was the first time that an action of this magnitude took place in Chelyabinsk. Together with children's libraries on March 6, 2014, more than 1,200 small and large residents of our city read and listened to reading books.

The most numerous listeners were preschoolers. "Library tour" in kindergartens was a great success. Librarians took the selection of works for reading to kids especially seriously.

The employees of library No. 17 chose their favorite spring topic for reading - about mothers. The meeting in kindergarten No. 28 was called "A tale from the heart and soul about how good mothers are." First, the librarians read the poems of Chelyabinsk poets to the children, and then they organized a children's reading competition "Our mothers, mothers, mothers". Reading is good because it awakens the desire to express experienced feelings not only in words. Inspired by reading, the children drew portraits of their mothers and all together sang “spring” songs together.

In kindergarten No. 236, librarians from the library No. 3 named after. V. Kuznetsova read the book by John Rowe "Hug me, please!". The kids listened attentively to the touching story about how a prickly hedgehog with a kind heart found a friend.

In kindergartens No. 337 (library No. 10), No. 425 (library No. 11), No. 352 (library No. 15), stories of remarkable writers N. Nosov, V. Dragunsky, K. Paustovsky were read. Stories different in their mood and meaning - funny, sad, instructive, set up children to reason about the actions of book characters, to reminisce about their small, but sometimes very eventful life.

The head of the children's library No. 16, Lilia Nikolaevna Vasina, came to kindergarten No. 455 with the goal not to disturb, but to calm children's feelings. She read L. Tolstoy's story "Philippok", well-known and beloved by children, in the bedroom, before waking hours. Surely, the children then had good dreams.

The library "troopers" successfully completed the mission of popularizing reading aloud in many schools in the city.

Librarians from library No. 8 were met by students of grades 1-4 of school No. 153. They read and listened to the whole lesson with enthusiasm!

The employees of library No. 9 attracted their like-minded people to reading: teachers and school librarians. Elementary School #37 had a real Reading Aloud Day. Teacher Trofimova Tatyana Viktorovna read to the children V. Astafyev's story "A horse with a pink mane". And again, the feelings that overwhelmed the children resulted in drawings: a whole herd of horses “rushed” along the album sheets. The librarian Lyubov Dmitrievna Dobrydina read funny stories of V. Golyavkin to the children. The children listened with pleasure. This time, the reading awakened a dramatic gift: the guys staged some of the stories.

As always, Library No. 16 was inventive. At school No. 123, librarians gathered the children right in the foyer, where they read the stories of M. Zoshchenko with great success. At school No. 154, A. Aksakov's fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" was read in the library, in the classroom, in the corridor and even in the dining room! No noisy breaks or appetizing smells interfered with reading. And the librarians brought to school No. 78 for a lesson ... a cat, a real, live one! Because B. Zhitkov's story "Stray cat" was chosen for loud reading. The personal presence of the main "heroine" greatly enhanced the effect of reading.

Librarians held loud readings in the game room of the children's psychological center "Indigo" (library No. 3), in the Children's Center "Rainbow" for children of the art studio "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" (library No. 12), in the orphanage No. 14 (library No. 10)

The most complete immersion in loud reading took place in libraries. Here, both readers and listeners became all "from young to old." Librarians read aloud to readers, readers to librarians. Mothers read to children, children read to all library visitors, students - future actors, read to teenagers - future students. "Solo" reading alternated with reading by roles. In many libraries, audio recordings of the best literary works performed by famous actors were continuously broadcast. You could just sit down and listen, enjoying the performance.

In the children's library No. 1, the stories of N. Nosov were performed by the employees of Elena Sukhanova and Irina Sokolova. It is difficult to say from what schoolchildren from preschool educational institution No. 80 got more pleasure - from the masterful reading of librarians or from watching cartoons. For students in grades 1-3 school number 91 librarians chose story by Victor Dragunsky "Twenty years under the bed". Reading now and then interrupted by cheerful children's laughter. The guys felt a sense of pride for their favorite writer when they learned that his books are read not only in Russia, but also in Ukraine, Moldova, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Norway, the Czech Republic, Germany, and even Japan. And in this whole big world, children recognize themselves in the heroes of the Dragunsky, your experiences.

As a memento of the Day of Reading, the deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma A.N. Depershmidt presented the little readers of library No. 1 with the books “At the Forest Edge” and “Old Russian Bogatyrs”.

Pupils of the 2nd - 6th grades of school No. 83 gathered in the children's library No. 5 for the World Reading Aloud Day. Everyone was waiting for a meeting with the work of the writer Sergei Georgievich Georgiev. A few months ago, Sergei Georgievich was visiting the library's readers. On Reading Day, it was especially great to remember how much joy that meeting brought to the children. Head of the library N.V. Nechaeva, not sparing her voice, for several hours in a row read funny stories about the third grader Vasya Zakharychev and his dog Dyushka, about the very smart physical education teacher Alexei Alekseevich, about one girl and one boy. Everyone who visited Library No. 5 on March 6 said later that they had kept a good mood for a long time.

The librarians of library No. 13 chose Y. Koval's book "Scarlet" for reading and invited their regular readers, students of grade 2B of school No. 42, to listen to it. The story about the fate of a brave and selfless dog - a border guard caused a storm of emotions among the children. They were surprised, admired, laughed and grieved. I liked the book so much that everyone rushed to the subscription to take it home and read it again with the whole family.

Library №9 named after N.P. Shilova hosted first-graders from school No. 99 on March 6. The children came to the library for the first time. Acquaintance began with an excursion and reading the poems of Nikolai Petrovich Shilov. The children really liked the cheerful and witty poems of the Chelyabinsk poet. First-graders immediately decided to sign up for the library to continue reading not only their favorite works, but also other wonderful books.

First-graders from school No. 130 came to the children's library No. 7 to listen to Andersen's fairy tales. Preschool children from kindergarten No. 472 visited library No. 12, children from the older group of kindergarten No. 125 visited library No. 15. We read the stories of L.N. Tolstoy.

The cunning librarians of the children's library No. 6 prepared their best readers for reading - students from grades 1, 4, 5 and 7 of school No. 5, and they themselves decided to spend the whole day as listeners. The book "Carousel in the head" was chosen for reading. The students of the 4th grade Daniil Kirpichenko and Ilya Botvin started reading. The young readers were very worried. But the cheerful author Viktor Golyavkin “helped”: the audience laughed so much at the adventures of the heroes of the book that the performers quickly forgot their fears and laughed along with everyone. In addition, "infected" with reading, the audience began to vying with each other to demand a book in order to read aloud themselves. Here the librarians could not stand it, they also wanted to show their reading talents. It's been a real competition!

On March 6, a deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma came to the children's library No. 2 Sergei Gennadievich Ovchinnikov. On this day, librarians held a holiday dedicated to International Women's Day. For pupils of the 3rd grade of school No. 110 and women veterans from the Center for Social Protection of the Soviet District, Sergey Gennadievich read aloud I. Pankin's "Legends of Mothers: Cloud Ship". Such an unusual congratulation on the upcoming holiday touched both children and adults.

This is how the World Reading Aloud Day was organized organically and harmoniously with preschoolers, primary school students and younger teenagers.

It was more difficult with high school students. At first, they were skeptical about the idea of ​​a Read Aloud Day. Ironically accepted the invitation to the library. They simply did not suspect that such a powerful assistant as the theater would come to the aid of librarians. Let it be a student for now, but that's why it's "one's own", dear and close.

3rd year students of the South Ural Institute of Arts named after A.I. P.I. Tchaikovsky, department "Acting art and theatrical creativity." They read a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon" for students of grade 8A, school No. 62. Staged emotional reading was accompanied by a magnificent musical series. Future artists tried to feel and convey all the drama of the romantic work. The eighth-graders, almost the same age as the students, watched and listened with bated breath, feeling every word, accepting and understanding every intonational shade of the poem. And then there was a stormy and prolonged applause.

Within the framework of the project "Reading as an art" in the Central City Children's Library on March 6, a meeting of teachers and students of the 2nd and 4th courses of the Faculty of Theater Arts was held Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and Arts with students of the ninth grade of the Technological Lyceum No. 142 of the city of Chelyabinsk.

Students Aleksey Shvetsov, Andrey Suvorov, Nikita Manylov read from the sheet, by roles, an excerpt from the prose of E. Yevtushenko. Then came the turn of poetry. At first they wanted to limit themselves to a couple of poems, but the reading carried me away. We read by heart the poems of M.Yu. Lermontov, V.V. Mayakovsky, A.S. Pushkin, S.A. Yesenin, modern poets. The emotional mood of the students was transferred to the schoolchildren, melted the initial alienation of the hall. The guys began to go on an impromptu stage and read their favorite works. Librarians joined the reading. There was an unusual atmosphere of warmth and trust. What good faces everyone had when the meeting was over.

Special mention should be made of this way of holding the World Read Aloud Day as skype reading, organized by an employee of the children's library No. 3 Svetlana Grigorievna Odnorog. Svetlana Grigorievna agreed in advance on a communication session with the writer Sergei Georgiev. At the appointed time, the writer, who lives in Moscow, sat his grandson on his knees, sat down in front of the video camera and began to read his stories to the children of the 2nd grade of school No. 136 in Chelyabinsk. Such reading caused a storm of delight in children! They asked the writer many questions and shared their impressions. However, Sergei Georgievich himself could observe the reaction of young listeners to reading. Live direct Chelyabinsk children really liked the writer. Is there any doubt that both for the children and for Sergei Georgiev, this unusual meeting will remain a bright event in their memory.

Another bright event for all the participants was the World Reading Aloud Day event, thanks to which the everyday activity for librarians and readers suddenly acquired a different, not at all ordinary character.

Based on the letter of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Kaluga Region No. 3736/021-12, November 24 was declared Reading Day.

As part of this day, thematic events were held at the school:

  • 1-4 cells - drawing competition "My favorite book character";
  • 5-8 cells - a conversation "On the benefits of reading" and a quiz "On the pages of books";
  • 9-11 cells. - messages "Evolution of books".
  • exhibition of books and drawings on the topic.

The best drawings of the competition "My favorite book character", the content of the conversation "On the benefits of reading" and the quiz "Through the pages of books", the best message "The Evolution of Books" is attached.

TOPIC: "On the Benefits of Reading"

Target: convince of the benefits of reading.

Form: conversation.

Decoration and equipment:exhibition of books, drawings on the topic.

Event progress.

“In vain is the mind if there is no food for wisdom, such as is brought

Good books, full of good instructions, examples,

Moral precepts, laws and pious rules.

Like soul mates, they willingly talk to us…

They teach us, encourage us, console us, and how they visibly show

Things far from our eyes…”

Jan Amos Comenius.


  1. Listening to the messages "Evolution of books".
  2. Test "Genre of Literature".
  3. Conversation.
  4. Summarizing.
  1. Message "Evolution of books".

The first book... It was bipedal, two-armed, never wanting to lie on a shelf. She could speak and sing. Because the first book, if you can call it that, was a man. After all, in those days when there was no paper and ink, there were already storytellers and writers. Their works were not stored in bookcases, but in human memory.

A person who is able to remember firmly and retell this or that work with inspiration, as if becoming a book. Many people know about the great writer Homer, whoever does not know will definitely get acquainted with his works. His "Iliad" and "Odyssey" are now published annually in all countries of the world. The author himself did not manage to see his book. After all, his books were recorded several centuries after he composed them. And before that, storytellers, or Aeds, as the Greeks called them, told a fantastic story about the wanderings of Odysseus.

One man started a library of people-books. It happened in Rome. The wealthy merchant Itzel ordered the most capable slaves to be gathered. Everyone should be a book of some sort. Itzel got his way. Soon in Rome they were only talking about his library. One day, after a sumptuous dinner, the conversation turned to all sorts of learned subjects. We talked about how people feasted in the old days.

There is a nice passage about this in the Iliad,” Itzel said. “Bring the Iliad to me,” he ordered the manager.

Then the steward fell to his knees and announced in a trembling voice:

I'm sorry, sir! The Iliad has a stomach ache! He can't get up!

With the advent of writing, books began to be written down. The first handwritten books appeared. Before the invention of paper, what books were not invented! In India, for example, there were books on palm leaves. They were written on with a needle. Having trimmed the edges, the leaves were sewn together with a thread, having previously cut off the edges. The edge was gilded, so it turned out very beautifully.

They wrote books on clay. Clay dried in the sun and fired in a kiln became as hard as stone. Each tile was numbered and a name was affixed to each.

What about books that can be melted down?

We are talking about wax books. This invention, like many others, belongs to the ancient Greeks. Wax books were several tablets-tablets the size of our notebooks. Each plank was planed in the middle.

The resulting square recess was filled with wax - yellow or painted black. Holes were punched in the corners. Laces were made through them, which fastened the planks into one booklet. They wrote on wax pages with the sharp end of the stick, and the blunt one could, like an eraser, immediately erase the mistake. Until the end of the 18th century, wax books could be found in France and in some other European countries.

Imagine, you took a book to read a long, long one - a hundred steps. These were the books of the ancient Egyptians. Then they came up with the idea of ​​placing the text in columns. It was also impossible to close such a book. It was written on papyrus, which could not be cut and sewn together. The Egyptians realized that such a book could be rolled up into a tube. The end of the stick was decorated with intricate carvings to make the book look beautiful.

They read this book like this: with the left hand they held the wand by the figured end, and with the right they unfolded the scroll. If you lower your hand, the scroll will immediately roll up. Start over. Then there were leather books, that is, written on parchment. Special ink was invented for parchment. The parchment book looked like this: it is, as a rule, a huge, heavy volume in a strong binding of two boards covered with leather. To protect the binding from scratches, copper plaques and squares were fixed on it. Such a copper-bound book looked like a chest, especially since it was locked with locks or clasps.

Expensive book bindings were covered with morocco or velvet, bound with silver and gold, decorated with precious stones.

With the advent of paper, the cheapest material for writing, all other materials are a thing of the past. But books were still copied by hand.

And now an interesting fact.

Once the owners of books were considered the owners of treasures. In European libraries, books were chained to tables. This was done to keep the book intact.

Books have always been valued and considered treasures.

  1. Test "Genre of Literature".

Each of the children receives a piece of paper on which they need to write their favorite book. Then the results are summed up and it turns out that the most popular genre of literature among students is adventure, fantasy.

  1. Conversation.

Again the fire is stirring in the stove,

The cat curled up in warmth

And from the lamp on the books lies down

Peaceful circle on the evening table.

Here are our worries:

The problem book is sleeping, the notebook is closed.

Hands reach for the book. But what are you

Compressed by ice, without fire and compass,

In the twilight of the Arctic countries

We'll save the eccentric Hatteras

Crossing the icy ocean.

Through gorges, underground lakes,

Through caves, in darkness and dust,

Let's do it with relentless passion

Journey to the center of the earth.

With the kind help of cards and a sextant,

With a half-erased note in hand

Captain, poor Grant,

On the unknown we will find an island.

You will see the Orinoco forests

Cities of monkeys and elephants,

Balloon floating low

Shade over Lake Chad.

And in the coral reefs where it prowls

"Nautilus", wanderer of the seas,

A deaf cemetery will shake

Ships sunk in battle.

What is more beautiful than such adventures,

More fun discoveries, victories,

Wise wanderings, happy crashes,

Flights between stars and comets?

And closing the read volume,

Gratefully leaving the ship

You think, my boy, what,

Full of secrets, the earth is waiting for us.

How much you can learn from books, learn a lot, understand a lot and find answers to questions.

Listen to what Boris Pasternak said: "A book is a cubic piece of a hot, steaming conscience - and nothing else."

Showing is nature's concern for the preservation of birds, its external ringing in the ears. The book is like a capercaillie on the current. She hears no one and nothing, deafened by herself, listening to ...

Without it, the spiritual race would not have continued. He would transfer. The monkeys didn't have it.

She was written. She grew up, gained her mind, saw the sights - and now she has grown up and - that's it. It is not her fault that she can be seen through. This is the order of the spiritual universe.

And recently it was thought that the scenes in the book are staged, this is a delusion. Why do they need her? We forgot that the only thing in our power is to be able not to distort the voice of life that sounds in us.

The inability to find and tell the truth is a shortcoming that cannot be covered by any ability to tell a lie. The book is a living being. She is in memory and in full mind: pictures and scenes are what she took out of the past, remembered and does not agree to forget.

Books without an interlocutor are dead.

They may be silent for many years. But when the interlocutor comes, they come to life. They have a special destiny. Unlike things, they know how to grieve and rejoice, because in addition to the mind and ingenuity, passions are invested in them.

We were not yet in the world, and passions already lived in books, the very ones that seized us when we were born. We thought about our existence, and the paths of our reflections were laid in books for a long time. We invented bicycles, and in books there was an indication that the bicycle had already been invented in this area a long time ago.

Books are waiting for an interlocutor. And unlike things, they do not care at all who comes to them in this capacity. Because they are secretive and talkative, crafty and simple-hearted, shy and eloquent.

People use things the same way. In order to get drunk, everyone opens the tap in the same direction. But everyone handles the book differently. One reads what is written in it, the other does not read what is written, but what he wants to read, the third does not see what is written because he does not want to see. Things live in time. Time lives in books.

Time fits in them on infinitely small spaces, measured, calculated, predetermined.

Time is wiser than things. Books are wiser than time.

Because the time that got into the book freezes in it the way it really was.

Books are wiser than time. They leave in themselves the time that has gone. In them we find fallen leaves that will never rot and fresh flowers that will never wither.

Time is obedient to books. Sometimes it burns them and tramples them in despair or anger.

But both ashes and dirt remain on the pages. Time is running out, and books rustle their wings ...

Time is obedient to books. Because they meet those who did not coincide in time. They will meet the one who has not yet been born, with the one who is gone forever. Meet to find each other for a conversation...

Years come upon us, and we go into them, leaving deeds and books behind us. Truths and delusions remain on the pages waiting for the interlocutor who will come to separate the chaff from the grains.

Probably, books are also going to the New Year's feast. It’s easy for them to do this - you don’t need to leave the shelves for this. They gather for the most silent feast imaginable, and raise silent toasts.

They raise a toast to their brethren who are born and must be born to speak of us.

And rejoice in the joy of wisdom...

  1. Quiz "On the pages of books."

1. Name the fairy tale of the Italian writer, where all the characters are fruits and vegetables?

(Gianni Rodari. "The Adventures of Cipollino")

2. How many trips did Gulliver, the hero of Jonathan Swift's book?(Eight)

3. What was the name of the three fat men from Yuri Olesha's fairy tale story "Three Fat Men"?(they didn't have names)

Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests

Beyond the wide seas

Against the sky - on the ground

An old man lived in a village.

The old woman has three sons:

The older one was smart,

Middle son and so and so,
The younger one was an idiot.

(Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov "Humpbacked Horse")

  1. How does A.S. Pushkin begin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan ..."?

(Three maidens by the window

Spinning late in the evening)

  1. What are the words with which A.S. Pushkin ends the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel"?

(The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

Good fellows lesson)

  1. Name the companions of the girl Ellie, who went with her to the Emerald City.

(According to the book by A. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City",

Dog Totoshka, stuffed Scarecrow,

tin woodman, cowardly lion)

  1. What is the name of the author of the famous fairy tale "The Nutcracker and the Mouse King"?

(Erist Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann)

  1. What was the name of the three bears from Leo Tolstoy's fairy tale "Three Bears"?

(Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

  1. Summarizing.

Teacher: I would like to conclude our conversation with the Egyptian "Glorification of the Scribes", which was translated into Russian by Anna Akhmatova.

Man fades away, his body becomes dust,

All his relatives disappear from the earth,

But the scriptures make you remember him

Through the mouths of those who pass it on to the mouths of others.

A book is more necessary than a built house,

Better than the tombs in the West

Better than a luxurious palace

Better than a monument in a temple.

Yes, indeed: a person dies. And for him after death the Book represents. The book in literature is the same. What are notes in music. The book, essentially speaking, is just a musical notebook of the spirit. It originally contained something alive, a kind of burning and magnetic force, even ... power.

Appreciate a book, take care of books, read books and you will become the owner of untold wealth.

(the best student in the drawing contest, the best student in the message contest, the best interlocutors, the best in the quiz are awarded with gifts-books, the rest of the participants in the events are given consolation prizes - bookmarks for books).

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