Message biography of Rasputin. One of the last representatives of rural prose

Biography of the writer

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin

15.03.1937 - 14.03.2015

Russian writer, publicist, public figure, full member of the Academy of Russian Literature, Honorary Professor of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical University. V.P. Astafieva, honorary citizen of the city of Irkutsk, honorary citizen of the Irkutsk region. Author of many articles on literature, art, ecology, the preservation of Russian culture, the preservation of Lake Baikal. Novels, short stories, essays and articles by V.G. Rasputin translated into 40 languages ​​of the world. Many works have been staged in the theaters of the country and filmed.

The most famous works: the stories "Money for Mary" (1967), "Deadline" (1970), "Live and Remember" (1974), "Farewell to Matyora" (1976), "Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother" (2003),; stories "Meeting" (1965), "Rudolfio" (1966), "Vasily and Vasilisa" (1967), "French Lessons" (1973), "Live for a century - love a century" (1981), "Natasha" (1981), "What to tell the crow?" (1981); book of essays "Siberia, Siberia ..." (1991).

V. G. Rasputin was born on March 15, 1937 in Ust-Uda. Mother - Nina Ivanovna Chernova, father - Grigory Nikitich Rasputin. The building of the polyclinic, in which the future writer was born, has been preserved. When flooded, it was dismantled and moved to the new settlement of Ust-Uda. In 1939, the parents moved closer to their father's relatives, to Atalanka. The writer's paternal grandmother is Maria Gerasimovna (nee Vologzhina), grandfather is Nikita Yakovlevich Rasputin. The boy did not know his grandparents from his mother, his mother was an orphan.

From grades 1 to 4, Valentin Rasputin studied at the Atalan elementary school. From 1948 to 1954 - at the Ust-Uda secondary school. Received a matriculation certificate with only fives, a silver medal. In 1954 he became a student of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk State University. March 30, 1957 in the newspaper "Soviet Youth" appeared the first article by Valentin Rasputin "There is no time to be bored" about the collection of scrap metal by students of school number 46 in Irkutsk. After graduating from the university, V. G. Rasputin remained a staff member of the newspaper "Soviet Youth". In 1961 he got married. His wife was Svetlana Ivanovna Molchanova, a student of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of the ISU, the eldest daughter of the famous writer I. I. Molchanov-Sibirsky.

In the autumn of 1962, V. G. Rasputin left for Krasnoyarsk with his wife and son. Works first in the newspaper Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy, then in the newspaper Krasnoryasky Komsomolets. In Krasnoyarsk, bright, emotional essays by V. G. Rasputin were written, differing in the author's style. Thanks to these essays, the young journalist received an invitation to the Chita Seminar for Young Writers of Siberia and the Far East (autumn 1965). The writer V. A. Chivilikhin noted the artistic talent of the beginning writer. In the next two years, three books by Valentin Rasputin were published: “Campfires of New Cities” (Krasnoyarsk, 1966), “The Land Near the Sky” (Irkutsk, 1966), “A Man from This World” (Krasnoyarsk, 1967).

In 1966, V. G. Rasputin left the editorial office of the Krasnoyarsky Komsomolets newspaper and moved to Irkutsk. In 1967 he was admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR. In 1969 he was elected a member of the Bureau of the Irkutsk Writers' Organization. In 1978, he joined the editorial board of the series "Literary Monuments of Siberia" of the East Siberian Book Publishing House. In 1990-1993 was the compiler of the newspaper "Literary Irkutsk". On the initiative of the writer, since 1995 in Irkutsk and since 1997 in the Irkutsk region, the Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture “The Radiance of Russia”, Literary Evenings “This Summer in Irkutsk” have been held. In 2009, V. G. Rasputin took part in the filming of the film The River of Life (dir. S. Miroshnichenko), dedicated to the flooding of villages during the launch of the Bratsk and Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power stations.

The writer died in Moscow on March 14, 2015. He was buried on March 19, 2015 in the necropolis of the Znamensky Monastery (Irkutsk).

Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin was awarded the USSR State Prize in 1977 in the field of literature, art and architecture for the story "Live and Remember", the USSR State Prize in 1987 in the field of literature and architecture for the story "Fire", the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art in 2012 g., Prize of the Irkutsk OK VLKSM them. I. Utkina (1968), Diploma of the Soviet Committee for the Defense of Peace and the Soviet Peace Fund (1983), Prizes of the magazine "Our Contemporary" (1974, 1985, 1988), Prize to them. Leo Tolstoy (1992), Prize to them. St. Innocent of Irkutsk (1995), the Moscow-Penne Prize (1996), the Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize (2000), the Literary Prize named after. F. M. Dostoevsky (2001), Prize. Alexander Nevsky "Russia's Faithful Sons" (2004), Award "Best Foreign Novel. XXI century "(China) (2005), Literary Prize. S. Aksakov (2005), Prize of the International Foundation for the Unity of Orthodox Peoples (2011), Prize "Yasnaya Polyana" (2012). Hero of Socialist Labor with the award of the Order of Lenin and the gold medal "Hammer and Sickle" (1987). Other state awards of the writer: the Order of the Badge of Honor (1971), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981), the Order of Lenin (1984), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2002), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (2008).

    March 15th. Born in a peasant family of Grigory Nikitich (born in 1913) and Nina Ivanovna Rasputin in the village of Ust-Uda, Ust-Uda district, Irkutsk region. Childhood years were spent in the village of Atalanka, Ust-Udinsky district.

    Time of study at the Atalan Primary School.

    Time of study in the 5-10th grades of the Ust-Udinsk secondary school.

    Studying at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk State University named after I.I. A. A. Zhdanova.

    March. Started working as a freelance correspondent for the newspaper "Soviet Youth".

    January. He was accepted into the staff of the editorial office of the newspaper "Soviet Youth" as a librarian.
    Continues to work in the newspaper "Soviet Youth". Published under the pseudonym V. Kairsky.

    January March. In the first issue of the anthology "Angara" the first story "I forgot to ask Alyoshka ..." was printed (in later editions "I forgot to ask Lyoshka ...").
    August. He resigned from the editorial office of the newspaper "Soviet Youth" and took the position of editor of literary and dramatic programs of the Irkutsk television studio.
    November 21. Birth of son Sergei.

    July. He was fired from the Irkutsk television studio along with S. Ioffe for a program about the fate of the Siberian writer P. Petrov. Restored with the intervention of L. Shinkarev, but did not work at the studio.
    August. Departure to Krasnoyarsk with his wife Svetlana Ivanovna Rasputina. Hired as a literary employee of the Krasnoyarsk Rabochiy newspaper.

    February. He moved to the position of special correspondent at the editorial office of the Krasnoyarsky Komsomolets newspaper.

    September. Participation in the Chita zonal seminar for novice writers, meeting with V. A. Chivilikhin, who noted the talent of the novice author.

    March. He left the editorial office of the Krasnoyarsky Komsomolets newspaper for professional literary work.
    He returned with his family to Irkutsk.
    In Irkutsk, in the East Siberian Book Publishing House, a book of essays and stories "The Land Near the Sky" was published.

    May. Admitted to the Writers' Union of the USSR.
    July August. In the anthology "Angara" No. 4, the story "Money for Mary" was first published.
    The Krasnoyarsk book publishing house published a book of short stories "A Man from This World".

    Elected to the editorial board of the almanac "Angara" (Irkutsk) (since 1971 the almanac has been called "Siberia").
    He was elected a member of the Bureau of the Irkutsk Writers' Organization.
    The Irkutsk television studio showed the play "Money for Mary" based on the story of the same name by V. Rasputin.

    March 24-27. Delegate of the III Congress of Writers of the RSFSR.
    July August. In the magazine "Our Contemporary" No. 7-8, the first publication of the story "The Deadline" appeared.
    Elected to the Audit Commission of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR.
    A trip to Frunze took place as part of the club of the Soviet-Bulgarian youth creative intelligentsia.

    May. He made a trip to Bulgaria as a member of the club of the Soviet-Bulgarian youth creative intelligentsia.
    May 8 Daughter Maria was born.

    In the magazine "Our Contemporary" No. 10-11, the story "Live and Remember" was first published.
    The father of the writer Grigory Nikitich died.

    Member of the editorial board of the Literaturnaya Rossiya newspaper.

    May. He made a trip to the Hungarian People's Republic as a member of the delegation of the Writers' Union of the USSR.
    December 15-18. Delegate of the IV Congress of Writers of the RSFSR.

    June 21-25. Delegate of the VI Congress of Writers of the USSR.
    Elected to the Audit Commission of the Union of Writers of the USSR.
    July. Trip to Finland with prose writer V. Krupin.
    September. A trip to the Federal Republic of Germany together with Y. Trifonov to the book fair in Frankfurt am Main.
    The story "Farewell to Matyora" was first published in the magazine "Our Contemporary" No. 10-11.

    September. Participation in the work of the first world exhibition-fair of books (Moscow).
    Elected as a deputy of the Irkutsk Regional Council of People's Deputies of the sixteenth convocation.
    Moscow Theatre. M. N. Yermolova staged the play "Money for Mary" based on the story of the same name.
    The Moscow Art Theater staged the play "Deadline" based on the play by V. Rasputin.

    March. He made a trip to the GDR at the invitation of the Volk und Welt publishing house.
    The television film "French Lessons" directed by E. Tashkov was released on the screens of the country.
    The VAAP publishing house (Moscow) released the play "Money for Mary".
    October. A trip to Czechoslovakia as part of a delegation of the Writers' Union of the USSR.
    December. A trip to West Berlin for creative purposes.

    March. He made a trip to France as part of the VLAP delegation.
    October November. A trip to Italy for the "Days of the Soviet Union" in Turin.
    Elected as a deputy of the Irkutsk Regional Council of People's Deputies of the seventeenth convocation.

    December. Delegate of the V Congress of Writers of the RSFSR. Elected to the board of the RSFSR joint venture.

    June 30-July 4. Delegate of the VII Congress of Writers of the USSR.
    Elected to the board of the USSR SP.
    A feature film directed by I. Poplavskaya "Vasily and Vasilisa" was released.
    Participation in an off-site meeting of the Council for Russian Prose of the Union of Writers of the RSFSR. The results of the work and the speech of V. Rasputin were published in the journal "Sever" No. 12.
    In the almanac "Siberia" No. 5, the story "What to convey to the crow?" is printed.
    The feature film "Farewell" directed by L. Shepitko and E. Klimov was released.

    June 1-3. Delegate of the IV Congress of the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments (Novgorod).

    A trip to Germany for a meeting organized by the Interlit-82 club.
    A documentary film by the East Siberian studio “Irkutsk is with us” was released, based on the script by V. Rasputin.

Biography and episodes of life Valentina Rasputin. When born and died Valentin Rasputin, memorable places and dates of important events in his life. writer quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Valentin Rasputin:

born March 15, 1937, died March 14, 2015


“Like conscience, it is beyond jurisdiction,
Like light is necessary
Fatherland and people
Rasputin Valentin.
For many it is uncomfortable...
But he's the only one
Always is and always will be
Rasputin Valentin.
Vladimir Skif, from a poem dedicated to V. Rasputin


During his lifetime, Valentin Rasputin was called a classic of rural prose. First of all, for pictures of the life of ordinary people, which he described sincerely and reliably. Secondly - for the wonderful language, simple, but at the same time highly artistic. Rasputin's talent was highly respected by contemporary writers, including A. Solzhenitsyn. His "French Lessons" and "Live and Remember" became a highlight in Russian literature.

Rasputin grew up in difficult Siberian conditions, in a poor family. In part, he later described his own childhood in the story “French Lessons”. But the writer loved his native land all his life and, even while working in Moscow, often came here. In fact, he had two houses: in the capital and in Irkutsk.

Literary talent manifested itself in Valentin Grigorievich in his student years. He began working in a youth newspaper, and after graduating from the institute he moved to "adult" publications. But Rasputin did not immediately come to artistic prose. In a certain sense, participation in a literary seminar in Chita, where the 28-year-old author met the writer V. Chivilikhin, became fateful for him. Since that time, the creative flowering of the writer began.

V. Rasputin was known for his clear civic position. Shortly before the collapse of the USSR, he entered politics, although he later spoke of this decision with bitterness, recognizing that his attempt to benefit his native country could be considered naive. One way or another, all his conscious life after that, Valentin Grigorievich openly declared his convictions, which by no means always coincided with the “general line” that ruled at that time.

The writer was crippled by two tragedies: first, the death of his daughter Maria in a plane crash in Irkutsk in 2006, then, in 2012, the death of his wife from a serious illness. Valentin Grigorievich himself was already seriously suffering from an oncological disease at that time, and the latest events completely undermined his health. On the eve of his death, he fell into a coma, from which he did not leave for 4 days, and died, not having lived all day before the date of his birth.

Valentin Rasputin was buried in Irkutsk. More than 15,000 people came to say goodbye to the writer, and the ceremony lasted several hours.

life line

March 15, 1937 Date of birth of Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.
1959 Graduation from the university, the beginning of work in the newspaper.
1961 Publication of the first essay by Rasputin in the anthology "Angara".
1966 Publication of V. Rasputin's first book "The Land Near the Sky".
1967 Joining the Writers' Union.
1973 French Lessons story.
1974 The story "Live and remember."
1977 Receiving the first State Prize of the USSR.
1979 Introduction to Lit. collegium of the series "Literary Monuments of Siberia".
1987 Receiving the second State Prize of the USSR and the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
1989-1990 Work as a people's deputy of the USSR.
1990-1991 Membership in the Presidential Council of the USSR.
2004 Publication of the writer's last major form, Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother.
2011 Awarding the Order of Alexander Nevsky.
2012 Receiving the State Prize of Russia.
March 14, 2015 Date of death of Valentin Rasputin.
March 18, 2015 The funeral of V. Rasputin in Moscow.
March 19, 2015 The funeral of Valentin Rasputin at the Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk.

Memorable places

1. Ust-Uda (East Siberian, now Irkutsk region), where Valentin Rasputin was born.
2. Der. Atalanka, Ust-Udinsky district, where V. Rasputin spent his childhood (now - moved from the area of ​​flooding of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station).
3. Irkutsk State University, where V. Rasputin studied.
4. Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, the construction of which was often visited by V. Rasputin, collecting materials for essays.
5. Chita, where the writer visited in 1965, and where he made his literary debut at Vladimir Chivilikhin's seminar.
6. Starokonyushenny Lane in Moscow, where the writer moved in the 1990s.
7. Znamensky Monastery in Irkutsk, on the necropolis of which the writer was buried.

Episodes of life

Rasputin has won more than 15 Union and Russian awards, including the government award for outstanding achievements in the field of culture, the Solzhenitsyn, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky awards. He was also an honorary citizen of the city of Irkutsk and the Irkutsk region.

V. Rasputin was an opponent of perestroika reforms, a supporter of Stalin and subsequently an opponent of V. Putin, and supported the Communist Party until the last years of his life.

V. Rasputin's books were filmed several times. The last lifetime film adaptation was "Live and Remember" by A. Proshkin in 2008.

The film "In the depths of Siberia", dedicated to V. Rasputin


“Do not climb into the soul of the people. She is not under your control. It's time to understand it."

“When everything is good, it’s easy to be together: it’s like a dream, you know, breathe, and that’s all. You have to be together when it's bad - that's what people come together for.

“A person ages not when he lives to old age, but when he ceases to be a child.”


“In the current literature there are undoubted names, without which neither we nor our descendants will be able to imagine it. One of these names is Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin.
Ivan Pankeev, writer, journalist

“He is always active, especially with those close writers and people that he likes. And for creativity. And with opponents or people who strained him, he simply did not communicate.
Vladimir Skif, poet

“Rasputin is not a language user, but himself a living involuntary stream of language. He - does not look for words, does not pick them up - he flows with them in the same stream. The volume of his Russian language is rare among today's writers.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, writer

In 1966, Rasputin's talent was noted at the Chita Seminar for Young Writers of Eastern Siberia and the Far East (1965), and he was recommended to the Writers' Union of the USSR. Rasputin's first story "Money for Mary" was a great success with readers. Criticism noted it as Rasputin's transition from "taiga romance and poetization of strong characters in their mysterious unity with nature" to deep psychologism, which would then accompany all the writer's further work. Rasputin will test his heroes, subjecting them to the test of conscience, money, love for mother, loyalty to home and country, attitude to the world and nature in each story. The story "Deadline" (1970) brought Rasputin worldwide fame. Since the beginning of the 1970s, Rasputin's novels and stories have been published in numerous publishing houses of the country, translated into the languages ​​of all republics (now - "near abroad"), published in many European countries, in Japan, the USA. In 1977 Rasputin was awarded the State Prize of the USSR for the story "Live and Remember", in 1987 the State Prize was awarded for the story "Fire". Rasputin is a member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR and the RSFSR (since 1985), was repeatedly elected secretary of both unions, since 1994 - co-chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia. In the 1980s and 1990s, he worked a lot in the genre of journalism, writing essays and reflections on the fate of the cherished corners of Siberia. His book “Siberia, Siberia...” (1991), illustrated with photographs from Irkutsk B.V. Dmitriev, immediately became a bibliographic rarity upon publication. He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the last convocation, was an adviser to the Presidential Council under M. S. Gorbachev. A member of the editorial boards of many newspapers and magazines, he was a member of the governing bodies of social movements whose activities are dedicated to the revival of Russia. The initiator and inspirer of holding the annual Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture "" in Irkutsk since 1994.

Irkutsk. Historical and local lore dictionary. 2011

Lived and worked in Irkutsk and Moscow. March 12, 2015 was hospitalized, was in a coma. Died March 14, 2015.

Social and political activity

With the beginning of "perestroika" Rasputin joined the broad socio-political struggle. The writer takes a consistent anti-liberal position, signed, in particular, an anti-perestroika letter condemning the Ogonyok magazine (Pravda, 01/18/1989), Letter from Russian Writers (1990 | 1990), Word to the People (July 1991) , appeal of the 43rd "Stop the reforms of death" (2001). The winged formula of counter-perestroika was P. A. Stolypin’s phrase quoted by Rasputin in his speech at the First Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR: “You need great upheavals. We need a great country."

On March 2, 1990, the Literaturnaya Rossiya newspaper published a Letter from Writers of Russia addressed to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU, where, in particular, it was said:

“In recent years, under the banner of the declared “democratization”, the construction of a “rule of law”, under the slogans of the fight against “fascism and racism”, the forces of social destabilization have been unleashed in our country, the successors of open racism have come to the forefront of ideological restructuring. Their refuge is multi-million circulation periodicals, television and radio channels broadcasting throughout the country. Massive harassment, defamation and persecution of representatives of the indigenous population of the country, which is essentially declared “outlawed” from the point of view of that mythical “legal state”, in which, it seems, there will be no place for either Russian or other indigenous peoples of Russia, is taking place, unprecedented in the entire history of mankind. ".

Rasputin was among the 74 writers who signed this appeal.

In 1989-1990 - People's Deputy of the USSR.

In the summer of 1989, at the first Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, he first proposed the withdrawal of Russia from the USSR.

In 1990-1991 - Member of the Presidential Council of the USSR under M. S. Gorbachev. Commenting on this episode of his life in a later conversation with V. Bondarenko, V. Rasputin remarked:

“My journey to power ended in nothing. It was completely in vain. […] With shame I remember why I went there. My premonition deceived me. It seemed to me that there were still years of struggle ahead, but it turned out that there were some months left before the collapse. I was like a free app that wasn't even allowed to talk."

In Irkutsk, Rasputin contributes to the publication of the newspaper Literary Irkutsk.

In 2007, Rasputin came out in support of Zyuganov.

A family

Father - Grigory Nikitich Rasputin (1913-1974), mother - Nina Ivanovna Rasputina (1911-1995).

Wife - Svetlana Ivanovna (1939–2012), daughter of the writer Ivan Molchanov-Sibirsky, sister of Evgenia Ivanovna Molchanova, wife of the poet Vladimir Skif. She died May 1, 2012 at the age of 72.

Daughter - Maria Rasputina (May 8, 1971 - July 9, 2006), musicologist, organist, teacher at the Moscow Conservatory. She died on July 9, 2006 as a result of a plane crash that occurred at the airport, at the age of 35.

Son - Sergei Rasputin (1961), teacher of English.



  1. Money for Mary (1967)
  2. Deadline (1970)
  3. Live and Remember (1974)
  4. Farewell to Matera (1976)
  5. Fire (1985)
  6. Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother (2003)

Stories and essays

  1. I forgot to ask Alyoshka... (1965)
  2. The Edge Near the Sky (1966)
  3. Campfires of New Cities (1966)
  4. Up and Downstream (1972)
  5. French Lessons (1973)
  6. Live a century - love a century (1982)
  7. Siberia, Siberia (1991)
  8. These Twenty Killing Years (co-authored with Viktor Kozhemyako) (2013)

Screen adaptations

1969 - "Rudolfio", dir. Dinara Asanova

1969 - "Rudolfio", dir. Valentin Kuklev (student work at VGIK) video

1978 - "French Lessons", dir. Evgeny Tashkov

1980 - "Farewell", dir. Larisa Shepitko b Elem Klimov.

1980 - “Bear skin for sale”, dir. Alexander Itygilov.

1981 - "Vasily and Vasilisa", dir. Irina Poplavskaya

2008 - "Live and Remember", dir. Alexander Proshkin


Hero of Socialist Labor (1987), two Orders of Lenin (1984, 1987), Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981), Order of the Badge of Honor (1971), Order of Merit for the Fatherland III degree (March 8, 2007), Order of Merit for the Fatherland IV degree (October 28, 2002). Laureate (1977, 1987) of the Fyodor Dostoevsky International Prize, Alexander Solzhenitsyn Prize " for the poignant expression of the poetry and tragedy of folk life, in fusion with Russian nature and speech; sincerity and chastity in the resurrection of good principles”, Sergei Aksakov Literary Prize (2005). Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010), State Prize of Russia (2012). Honorary citizen of Irkutsk (1986).


The name of Valentin Rasputin was given to the ISU Scientific Library.

In 2015, the Baikal International Festival of Popular Science and Documentary Films "Man and Nature" was named after Valentin Rasputin.

In 2015, the name of Valentin Rasputin was given to school No. 12 in the city (Irkutsk region), in March 2016, a memorial plaque in honor of the writer was installed on the facade of the school building.

On March 19, 2015, the name of Valentin Rasputin was given to secondary school No. 5 in the city of Uryupinsk (Volgograd Region).

Application. Valentin Rasputin. Biographical sketch

“I was born three hundred kilometers from,” says the writer, “in, what on. So I am a native Siberian, or, as we say, local. My father was a peasant, worked in the timber industry, served and fought ... In a word, he was like everyone else. Mother worked, was a housewife, barely managed her affairs and family - as far as I remember, she always had enough worries ”(Questions of Literature. 1976. No. 9).

Rasputin's childhood passed in the lower reaches, in the small village of Atalanka, which was later moved ashore. From 1944 to 1948 he studied at the Atalan primary school, from 1948 to 1954 at the Ust-Uda secondary school.

In 1954 he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk University.

“In Moscow, they openly say that they do not know what to do with Eastern Siberia. This was discussed at a recent forum in Irkutsk. It seems that they are going to transfer us to some states: they are selling a map of our minerals so that they know where and what to mine from us. It's not a fairy tale, that's for sure. Thousands of Chinese move here, settle down, work, settle down. In Blagoveshchensk they no longer know where to go from them. The prospects are very bleak... Games of justice, talks about human rights... What human rights - here people are driven from their native land, from their native graves!”


  1. Russian Mouth // Rasputin V. Siberia… Siberia…: Essays. - M., 1991. - S.221-264
  2. Rasputin V. On Indigirka, next to the ocean // pink seagull. - 1991. - No. 1. - S.195-201.
  3. Rasputin V. writer and time: Sat. document. prose. - M., 1989. - S.4-50.
  4. Rasputin V. Russian Mouth: From the book "Siberia, Siberia ..." // Our contemporary. - 1989. - No. 5. - S.3-40.
  5. Valentin Rasputin. Ivan's daughter, Ivan's mother. Tale // article from the magazine "Our Contemporary". - 2003. - № 11.
  6. Chuprinin S. Russian literature today. New guide. - M., 2009.
  1. We have the Kulikovo Field, they have a “field of miracles”: Valentin Rasputin in a conversation with Viktor Kozhemyako //

Siberia magazine No. 357/2 (2015) is entirely dedicated to Valentin Rasputin.

Rasputin Valentin Grigorievich
Born: March 15, 1937.
Died: March 14, 2015.


Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (March 15, 1937, the village of Ust-Uda, East Siberian Region - March 14, 2015, Moscow) is a great Russian writer, one of the prominent representatives of the so-called village prose, publicist, public figure.

Hero of Socialist Labor (1987). Laureate of two State Prizes of the USSR (1977, 1987), the State Prize of Russia (2012) and the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation (2010). Member of the Writers' Union of the USSR since 1967.

Born on March 15, 1937 in the village of Ust-Uda, East Siberian (now Irkutsk) Region, into a peasant family. Mother - Nina Ivanovna Rasputina, father - Grigory Nikitich Rasputin. From the age of two he lived in the village of Atalanka, Ust-Udinsky district, which, like the old Ust-Uda, subsequently fell into the flood zone after the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station. After graduating from the local primary school, he was forced to leave alone fifty kilometers from the house where the secondary school was located (the famous story “French Lessons”, 1973, would later be created about this period). After school, he entered the Faculty of History and Philology of the Irkutsk State University. During his student years, he became a freelance correspondent for a youth newspaper. One of his essays caught the attention of the editor. Later, this essay, under the title "I forgot to ask Lyoshka," was published in the anthology "Angara" (1961).

In 1979, he joined the editorial board of the book series "Literary Monuments of Siberia" of the East Siberian Book Publishing House. In the 1980s, he was a member of the editorial board of the Roman-gazeta magazine.

In 1994, he initiated the creation of the All-Russian Festival "Days of Russian Spirituality and Culture" Radiance of Russia "" (Irkutsk).

Lived and worked in Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk and Moscow.

On July 9, 2006, as a result of a plane crash that occurred at the airport of Irkutsk, the writer's daughter, 35-year-old Maria Rasputina, an organist, died.

March 13, 2015 Valentin Grigorievich was hospitalized, was in a coma. He died on March 14, 2015, 4 hours before his 78th birthday.


After graduating from university in 1959, Rasputin worked for several years in the newspapers of Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk, often visited the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station and the Abakan-Taishet highway. Essays and stories about what he saw were later included in his collections Campfire New Cities and The Land Near the Sky.

In 1965, Rasputin showed several new stories to V. Chivilikhin, who came to Chita for a meeting of young Siberian writers, who became the "godfather" of the beginning prose writer. Among the Russian classics, Rasputin considered Dostoevsky and Bunin to be his teachers.

Since 1966, Rasputin has been a professional writer. Since 1967 - a member of the Writers' Union of the USSR.

The first book by Valentin Rasputin, The Land Near the Sky, was published in Irkutsk in 1966. In 1967, the book "A Man from This World" was published in Krasnoyarsk. In the same year, the story "Money for Mary" was published in the Irkutsk almanac "Angara" (No. 4), and in 1968 it was published as a separate book in Moscow by the publishing house "Young Guard".

The writer's talent was revealed in full force in the story "Deadline" (1970), declaring the maturity and originality of the author.

This was followed by: the story "French Lessons" (1973), the novels "Live and Remember" (1974) and "Farewell to Matera" (1976).

In 1981, new stories were published: “Natasha”, “What to tell the crow”, “Live for a century - love a century”.

The appearance in 1985 of Rasputin's story "The Fire", which is distinguished by the acuteness and modernity of the problem, aroused great interest among the reader.

In recent years, the writer devoted a lot of time and effort to public and journalistic activities, without interrupting his work. In 1995, his story "To the same land" was published; Essays "Down the Lena River". During the 1990s, Rasputin published a number of stories from the Cycle of Stories about Senya Pozdnyakov: Senya Rides (1994), Memorial Day (1996), In the Evening (1997), Unexpectedly (1997), Neighborly (1998).

In 2006, the third edition of the album of the writer's essays "Siberia, Siberia ..." was published (previous editions 1991, 2000).

In 2010, the Writers' Union of Russia nominated Rasputin for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

In the Irkutsk region, his works are included in the regional school curriculum for extracurricular reading.

Screen adaptations

1969 - "Rudolfio", dir. Dinara Asanova
1969 - "Rudolfio", dir. Valentin Kuklev (student work at VGIK) video
1978 - "French Lessons", dir. Evgeny Tashkov
1980 - “Bear skin for sale”, dir. Alexander Itygilov
1981 - "Farewell", dir. Larisa Shepitko and Elem Klimov
1981 - "Vasily and Vasilisa", dir. Irina Poplavskaya
2008 - "Live and Remember", dir. Alexander Proshkin

Social and political activity

With the beginning of "perestroika" Rasputin joined the broad socio-political struggle. He took a consistent anti-liberal position, signed, in particular, an anti-perestroika letter condemning the Ogonyok magazine (Pravda, 01/18/1989), Letter from Russian Writers (1990), Word to the People (July 1991), appeal three Stop Reforms of Death (2001). The winged formula of counter-perestroika was P. A. Stolypin’s phrase quoted by Rasputin in his speech at the First Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR: “You need great upheavals. We need a great country." On March 2, 1990, the Literaturnaya Rossiya newspaper published a Letter from Writers of Russia addressed to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU, where, in particular, it was said:

“In recent years, under the banner of the declared “democratization”, the construction of a “rule of law”, under the slogans of the fight against “fascism and racism”, the forces of social destabilization have been unleashed in our country, the successors of open racism have come to the forefront of ideological restructuring. Their refuge is multi-million circulation periodicals, television and radio channels broadcasting throughout the country. Massive harassment, defamation and persecution of representatives of the indigenous population of the country, which is essentially declared “outlawed” from the point of view of that mythical “legal state”, in which, it seems, there will be no place for either Russian or other indigenous peoples of Russia, is taking place, unprecedented in the entire history of mankind. ".

Rasputin was among the 74 writers who signed this appeal.

In 1989-1990 - People's Deputy of the USSR.

In the summer of 1989, at the first Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR, Valentin Rasputin first proposed the withdrawal of Russia from the USSR. Subsequently, Rasputin claimed that in him “he who had ears heard not a call to Russia to slam the union door, but a warning not to make a fool or blindly, which is the same thing, a scapegoat from the Russian people.”

In 1990-1991 - Member of the Presidential Council of the USSR under M. S. Gorbachev. Commenting on this episode of his life in a later conversation with V. Bondarenko, V. Rasputin remarked:

“My journey to power ended in nothing. It was completely in vain. […] With shame I remember why I went there. My premonition deceived me. It seemed to me that there were still years of struggle ahead, but it turned out that there were some months left before the collapse. I was like a free app that wasn't even allowed to talk."

In December 1991, he was one of those who supported the appeal to the President of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR with a proposal to convene an emergency Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR.

In 1996, he was one of the initiators of the opening of the Orthodox Women's Gymnasium in the name of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin in the city of Irkutsk.

In Irkutsk, Rasputin contributed to the publication of the Orthodox-patriotic newspaper "Literary Irkutsk", was a member of the board of the literary magazine "Siberia".

In 2007, Rasputin came out in support of Zyuganov.

He was a supporter of the Communist Party.

Valentin Rasputin adhered to the Stalinist position and considered it consonant with the opinion of the people:

“The smell of Stalin cannot be tolerated. But here I will leave the irony and remind readers that, no matter how much the current non-Orthodox "elite" may hate Stalin and take him to heart, they should not forget that in Russia not only veterans, but also young people treat him quite differently. -other.

And when, let me remind you, the people nominated candidates for the "Name of Russia", the third place after the faithful Alexander Nevsky and P. A. Stolypin was given to Joseph Vissarionovich, Generalissimo of the Great Patriotic War. It is not a secret for anyone that he actually took first place, but he was deliberately moved aside by two positions so as not to “tease the geese”, that is, citizens who did not take Stalin into the spirit.

And when our narrow-minded liberal or elite, or sharashka, viciously hating Stalin, demanded that on the anniversary days of the 65th anniversary of the Victory and the spirit of Joseph Vissarionovich be nowhere, not to mention the portraits of the leader, she achieved by this only that and spirit, and there will be much more portraits than if she had not so impudently issued her ultimatums to the front-line soldiers and to all of us.

And rightly so: do not climb into the soul of the people. She is not under your control. It's time to understand it."

Our government treats the people, whose fate it controls, to all appearances, as a foreign body, not considering it necessary to invest money in it. And just as the children of criminal privatization, hiding under the guise of "new Russians", exported billions of dollars abroad, fueling someone else's life, so it does. ... So the prospects for Russia's future are bleak. ... When at the end of 1999 the doors to power opened for the future president, in return he was required to have certain obligations to save - of course, not the people, but the oligarchic elite, who arranged an entertaining life for us. ... Surely, the names of the untouchables were also named: first of all, of course, this is the “family”, as well as Chubais, Abramovich ... (S. 177-178)

At first I was surprised (struck!) that there, on the Aurora, in the Courchevel company, people of such a high rank seemed to be out of place: the minister of the federal government, Ms. Nabiullina, the governor of St. Petersburg, Ms. Matvienko, and others. And they were forced to listen to obscene songs about the Russian soul and much more, and then, probably, they were forced to applaud. ... And what could they do if the invitation came from such a high-ranking oligarch, for whom there are no obstacles anywhere and in anything? ... The oligarch's close friends are the plenipotentiary representative of the President of Russia Klebanov and presidential aide Dvorkovich. On the president's recent trip to Paris, he was accompanied (and could not be otherwise), of course, by Prokhorov. Now think: could some persons, even of a very high position, refuse the invitation to the Aurora of Prokhorov himself (himself!)! But, oh, how expensive it could be! (S. 288 - about how Prokhorov celebrated his birthday on the Aurora) On July 30, 2012, he spoke out in support of the criminal prosecution of the well-known feminist punk band Pussy Riot. Together with Valery Khatyushin, Vladimir Krupin, Konstantin Skvortsov, he published a statement entitled "Conscience does not allow silence." In it, he not only advocated criminal prosecution, but also spoke very critically about a letter written by cultural and art workers at the end of June, calling them accomplices of a "dirty ritual crime."

On March 6, 2014, he signed an appeal by the Writers' Union of Russia to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, in which he expressed support for Russia's actions in relation to Crimea and Ukraine.

A family

Father - Grigory Nikitich Rasputin (1913-1974).

Mother - Nina Ivanovna Rasputina (1911-1995).

Wife - Svetlana Ivanovna (1939-2012). Daughter of the writer Ivan Molchanov-Sibirsky, sister of Evgenia Ivanovna Molchanova, wife of the poet Vladimir Skif.

Son - Sergei Rasputin (1961), teacher of English.
granddaughter - Antonina Rasputina (b. 1986).
Daughter - Maria Rasputina (May 8, 1971 - July 9, 2006), musicologist, organist, teacher at the Moscow Conservatory. She died in a plane crash on July 9, 2006 in Irkutsk. In memory of her, in 2009, the Soviet Russian composer Roman Ledenev wrote Three Dramatic Fragments and The Last Flight. The premiere took place in November 2011 at the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory. In memory of his daughter, Valentin Rasputin donated to Irkutsk an exclusive organ made many years ago by the St. Petersburg master Pavel Chilin especially for Maria.


Collected works in 3 volumes. - M .: Young Guard - Veche-AST, 1994., 50,000 copies.
Selected works in 2 volumes. - M.: Sovremennik, Bratsk: JSC "Bratskcomplexholding"., 1997
Selected works in 2 volumes. - M.: Fiction, 1990, 100,000 copies.
Selected works in 2 volumes. - M.: Young Guard, 1984, 150,000 copies.


Hero of Socialist Labor (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 14, 1987, the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal) - for great services in the development of Soviet literature, fruitful social activities and in connection with the fiftieth anniversary of his birth
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (March 8, 2008) - for great services in the development of domestic literature and many years of creative activity
Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (October 28, 2002) - for a great contribution to the development of national literature
Order of Alexander Nevsky (September 1, 2011) - for special personal services to the Fatherland in the development of culture and many years of creative activity
Order of Lenin (1984),
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1981),
Order of the Badge of Honor (1971),


On March 19, 2015, the name of Valentin Rasputin was given to secondary school No. 5 in Uryupinsk (Volgograd Region).
The name of Valentin Rasputin was given to the scientific library of ISU.
Siberia magazine No. 357/2 (2015) is entirely dedicated to Valentin Rasputin.
The name of Valentin Rasputin will be given to a secondary school in Ust-Uda (Irkutsk region).
The name of Valentin Rasputin will be given to a school in Bratsk.
In 2015, the Baikal International Festival of Popular Science and Documentary Films "Man and Nature" was named after Valentin Rasputin.
In 2017, the Valentin Rasputin Museum will be opened in Irkutsk. In January 2016, personal belongings of Valentin Rasputin were transferred to the Museum of Local Lore.

  1. early life
  2. Petersburg period
  3. Last years
  4. Biography score


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early life

As is known from a brief biography, Rasputin was born into the family of a coachman on January 9, 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tobolsk province. However, according to many biographers of this historical figure, the date of his birth is very controversial, since Rasputin himself more than once indicated different data and often exaggerated his true age in order to match the image of the “holy old man”.

In his youth and early maturity, Grigory Rasputin travels to holy places. According to researchers, he made the pilgrimage due to frequent illnesses. After visiting the Verkhoturye Monastery and other holy places in Russia, Mount Athos in Greece, and Jerusalem, Rasputin turned to religion, maintaining close contact with monks, wanderers, healers, and clergy.

Petersburg period

In 1904, as a holy wanderer, Rasputin moved to Petersburg. According to Grigory Efimovich himself, he was prompted to move by the goal of saving Tsarevich Alexei, the mission of which was entrusted to the “old man” by the Mother of God. In 1905, the wanderer, who was often called "saint", "God's man" and "great ascetic", met Nicholas II and his family. The religious "elder" influences the imperial family, in particular the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, due to the fact that he helped in the treatment of the heir Alexei from the then incurable disease - hemophilia.

Since 1903, rumors began to spread in St. Petersburg about the vicious deeds of Rasputin. Persecution by the church begins and he is accused of being "whist". In 1907, Grigory Efimovich was repeatedly accused of spreading false teachings of an anti-church nature, as well as of creating a society of followers of his views.

Last years

Because of the accusations, Rasputin Grigory Efimovich is forced to leave Petersburg. During this period he visits Jerusalem. Over time, the case of “Khlystism” is reopened, but the new Bishop Alexy drops all charges against him. The cleansing of the name and reputation was short-lived, as rumors of orgies taking place in Rasputin's apartment on Gorokhovaya Street in St. Petersburg, as well as acts of witchcraft and magic, caused the need to investigate and open another case.

In 1914, an assassination attempt was made on Rasputin, after which he was forced to undergo treatment in Tyumen. However, later the opponents of the "friend of the royal family", among whom were F.F. Yusupov, V. M. Purishkevich, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, British intelligence officer MI-6 Oswald Reiner, nevertheless manage to complete their plans - in 1916 Rasputin was killed.

Achievements and legacy of a historical figure

In addition to his preaching activities, Rasputin, whose biography is very rich, actively participated in the political life of Russia, influencing the opinion of Nicholas II. He is credited with persuading the emperor to refuse to participate in the Balkan War, which changed the timing of the outbreak of the First World War, and other political decisions of the king.

The thinker and politician left behind two books “The Life of an Experienced Wanderer” (1907) and “My Thoughts and Reflections” (1915), more than a hundred political, spiritual, historical predictions and prophecies are also attributed to his authorship.

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