Youth subcultures. List

February 18, 2010, 03:45 pm

Hippie, youth subculture that emerged in the United States in the 1960s. The heyday of the movement came in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Initially, the hippies protested against the puritanical morality of some Protestant churches, and also promoted the desire to return to natural purity through love and pacifism. grunge, stylistic direction in rock music (“new wave grunge metal” variant) and youth subculture, which became one of the most notable phenomena of alternative rock in the late 1980s - mid-1990s. The city of Seattle (USA, Washington state) became the birthplace of grunge, the most prominent representatives are four Seattle bands: Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Nirvana and Soundgarden. These groups are known as the "Seattle Four". Grunge refers to heavy music along with heavy metal and hard rock. emo, the emo subculture can be classified as the latter a new style, although it looks very similar to Goth and Glam Rock. Inspired stripes with long names, such as "The Day My Dog Went to Town", sickly youths all over the world have chosen to wear their hair slicked to the side, neckerchiefs, black eyeliner, and skintight jeans.
Punk, a youth subculture that arose in the mid-70s in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia, the characteristic features of which are a critical attitude towards society and politics. The name of the famous is closely connected with punk rock. American artist Andy Warhol and the Velvet Underground produced by him. Their lead singer, Lou Reed, is considered the founding father of alternative rock, a movement closely associated with punk rock.
chik, This style has a resurgence every few years, with the latest one still in full swing, Johnny Depp and Justin Timberlakeprominent representatives, checkered trousers, sneakers and a T-shirt tucked into trousers. rockers, Rockers appeared in the mid-60s and reached their peak in the late 60s and early 70s, both in England and on the Continent. Rockers are predominantly from families of unskilled workers, without education, and often from single-parent and “problem” families. Rocker clothes - leather jacket, worn jeans, rough big shoes, long hair combed back, sometimes tattoos. The jacket, as a rule, is decorated with badges and inscriptions. The main element of the rocker subculture is a motorcycle, which is also decorated with inscriptions, symbols and images. A motorcycle is a symbol of freedom, power and intimidation, the main source of strong sensations. At the same time, technical knowledge and driving skills are highly valued among rockers. gansta, Gangsta Rap began its development in the late 80s. This direction originates in hardcore rap. Gangsta rap style had a hard, noisy sound. Lyrically, it was as edgy as rappers' crude tales of urban turmoil. Sometimes the texts differed in an accurate reflection of reality, and sometimes they were just comics filled with exaggeration. This direction became the most commercially successful in the history of hip-hop development from the late 80s to the early 90s. In its infancy, gangsta rap became a source of considerable controversy, as some conservative groups attempted to ban the distribution of these musicians' albums. New Romantic (Glam Rock), a musical movement that originated in the UK in the early 1980s and (as part of the new wave) had a significant impact on the development of the English pop and rock scene. New Romantic emerged as an alternative to the asceticism of punk culture and not only did not carry social protest, but (according to the Virgin Encyclopedia of 80's Music) "sang glamour". butter dish, an offshoot of the British Teddy Boy culture - can be described as: Skinny jeans, tight T-shirts and slicked back hair. Jukeboxes, cocktail bar and travel in cars.
Dandy Flapper, Dandy Flapper prevailed among girls. Red lipstick, hair stuck to the head with varnish and sequins, dresses were the order of the day for girls, for men only a tweed suit with a bowler hat.

In every country there are people who stand out from the crowd - their appearance, interests, worldview. Japanese lolitas, Congolese dandies, Venezuelan barbies with mustaches, American clowns - we will talk about the most curious national subcultures.

Japan: gyaru

Style: fake tan, long bleached or dyed hair, miniskirt with boots, bright clothes, heavy makeup, false eyelashes - for girls; tight-fitting clothes with a V-neck and lush chestnut hair to the shoulders - for young men (gyaruo).

Lifestyle: clubs, shopping, beautiful life at someone else's expense, uninhibited behavior, hanging out in the Shibuya area.

The gyaru subculture challenges traditional Japanese values ​​and the image of a woman. It is believed that it appeared in the 1970s, developed thanks to magazines that promote Western values ​​and women's sexuality, and the name itself comes from the Gals jeans brand, which means "I can't live without men."

This slogan reflects the behavior of many gyaru: girls use their sexuality to get certain benefits from men - including money for fashion items.

Teenage girls who imitate gyaru style are called kogyaru. Society treats the subculture negatively: gyaru girls are considered a generation of bad mothers, calling them "degenerate schoolgirls" and "making parents cry." The need to contain the attacks of society over time turned the gyaru into even more extremists. Representatives of the subculture began to behave rudely and apart.

New trends appeared: for example, ganguro, which is characterized by a strong tan down to black, bleached hair from white to silver, an abundance of jewelry, bright colors. The most radical movement is mamba: compared to them, ganguro is a light version. Gyaru have a special slang, they deliberately distort the language by adding suffixes contrary to the rules of Japanese syntax.

USA: juggalo
Style: clown makeup, cast-offs, nudity, pigtails for women.

Lifestyle: play behavior, clowning, looseness.

In the 1990s, the Insane Clown Poss ("Crazy Clown Gang") formed in Detroit. Its leaders came from poor families, had behind them a poor school education and problems with the law. The gloomy, depressing lyrics of their songs resonated with the residents of the city, which is experiencing better times. The group developed a fan following who began to call themselves juggalos (from the word juggler - "juggler") after an accidental pun during the performance of the song The Juggla. Dressing up in imitation of the Crazy Clown Gang, they come to the group's concerts and hang out at the annual The Gathering of the Juggalos festival. The style of behavior is more than free: at the festival you can strip naked, get drunk and overeat, pour beer on each other and copulate. The leaders of the group talk about juggalos as evangelical Christians, while not all American society is loyal to them, and the FBI suspects them of drug addiction and crimes.

Venezuela: barbies
Style: absent.
Lifestyle: beauty contests, fashion, design.

In Venezuela, home of many beauty queens, the cult of the Barbie doll flourishes. Moreover, even men are involved in games with her. They compete to design outfits, hairstyles and jewelry for Barbie, and then accompany their model to the Miss Barbie Venezuela puppet beauty contest, which takes place in the country every year. At the competition, everything is grown-up: the participants are entitled to make-up, styling, shoes, accessories, defile. For his doll, the owner comes up with a name and profession, and answers the questions of the judges for her. Oddly enough, the subculture attracts exactly adults, men are especially serious about this, and in competitions they are set up only to win.

Congo: dandy
Style: deliberately pretentious.
Lifestyle: seem, not be.

Remember Pushkin's "like a London dandy dressed"? The style of Eugene Onegin and European dandies of the 19th century is still alive and well in the Congo. Since gaining independence from France in this African country the SAPE subculture was born - the "society of elegant people" (Societe des ambianceurs et des personnes elegantes). Its ancestor was the illiterate handyman Christian Lubaki, who served with the French aristocrats in Paris: the owners gave him old clothes, and he flaunted them to the envy of other blacks. In 1978, Lubaki returned to the Congo and opened a fashion store in Brazzaville, capturing the imagination of his compatriots with tailcoats and colored jackets. Soon, smartly dressed clients of Lubaka flooded the Bakongo area in the capital, and then other areas of the Congo. Today, in a country where most people live below the poverty line, dandies create the illusion of prosperity with their appearance, building for themselves and the audience parallel reality with a touch of retro.

Japan: lolitas
Style: baroque and rococo - knee-length skirt or dress, blouse, headdress, high-heeled shoes or platform boots, accessories (lace and ribbons). The main colors are black, white, red, purple, pink, blue.
Lifestyle: Japanese lolita listens to visual kei music, seeks to express herself, in life and behavior she is characterized by romance, rebelliousness and original behavior.

The subculture comes from the 90s. Her adherents are usually young girls from 20 to 30 years old. The name of the subculture is not directly related to novel of the same name Vladimir Nabokov, but there are some parallels with the image of the main character: girls often emphasize their childishness and infantilism.

Within the subculture there are separate areas with their own characteristics. For example, sweet lolita plays with the theme of childhood with cheerful clothes, bright colors and girls' accessories. Gothic prefers black colors and dark witch makeup. The classical one sticks to elegant style and natural make-up, while the punk Lolita combines retro style with aggressive punk style, and here it was not without the influence of British designer Vivienne Westwood. Lolitas have less mass varieties: an innocent victim or a broken doll (bandages, wounds, blood, etc.), princess hime (bows, frills, rampage Pink colour), etc. Oddly enough, the subculture is also open to Japanese men: they wear outfits Victorian era and are called oji, which means "prince".

Mexico: Guarachero
Style: male. Boots with a long pointed toe, tight jeans, a shirt.
Lifestyle: clubs, dances, rehearsals, performances, competitions.

More recently, Mexico has introduced men's footwear with absurdly long noses, it is sometimes called a guaracero. The shoes were first worn by nightclub goers in the city of Matehuala, in the state of San Luis Potosi, in 2009. At first, the toes of the shoes were only slightly longer than usual, then they became longer and more elaborate, gaining fans in other parts of Mexico and even overseas - in US immigrant families. Guaracheros are put on for a reason, but for the performance of a group male dance under electronic music trival style (a mix of Mexican folklore, African motifs and American Indian rhythms). Guarachero is translated as "joker", "merry fellow". Pointed shoes are worn for the sake of comic effect and expressions of irony. There are even competitions among lovers of guarachero boots. Prizes are different: from a bottle of whiskey to $100-500.

South Africa: Ijikotan (African dudes)

Style: expensive branded clothes in bright colors, sometimes gold teeth, banknotes as accessories.
Lifestyle: shopping, dancing, showing off your wealth and your extravagant style.

Izhikotan is a subculture of black youth in the poor towns of South Africa. These are boys and men between the ages of 12 and 25 who live ostentatiously and clearly beyond their means: they buy expensive designer clothes, high-end alcohol and gadgets, and then have dance duels, competing with competitors in wealth and coolness. In battles, it is not forbidden to break phones, burn banknotes and spoil food, thereby showing that you can afford more. Ijikotan dances take place in crowded places, and the audience decides which of the teams has better demonstrated their viability and chic. At the same time, Izhikotan, as a rule, do not work and earn money illegally or live on the money of their parents, who often do not understand them and condemn them.

The subculture originated quite recently - in the 2000s in the Johannesburg area - and became popular only in the last five years, spreading to other areas. South Africa. The African dandy community has their own Facebook group where they show off their shopping and lifestyle. It is considered a special chic among Ijikotans to buy two pairs of the same shoes of different colors and put on one shoe from each so that everyone can see how much he spent.

youth subculture - this is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common style of life, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, lifestyles. Created by youth groups, subcultures reflect attempts to resolve conflicts associated with a broader social context. Subcultures are not some kind of foreign formation, on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated, in a general socio-cultural context.

The core of any youth subculture is street style. Slang is one of the main distinguishing features of the subculture. Knowledge of a specific language is a pass to the group.

Entering adolescence, the individual moves away from the family, looking for a new company that allows him to undergo socialization. Official youth organizations group adolescents of the same age, but often claim only "social (public) life", without affecting their personal lives. That is why young people prefer not the official structure, but the youth subculture, where they have the opportunity to realize themselves at the level social communications in their social environment.

Conflict of youth subcultures

The subculture, to which young people belong mainly, is a certain choice of what clothes to wear, what music to listen to, what values ​​to believe in, and, first of all, which group to belong to. In a big city, young people can choose from any of many such groups. They arise even within national communities.

The huge variety of youth associations entails certain conflicts, which are mainly of a personal nature and result in a confrontation between young people who consider themselves to be members of different subcultural associations.

Any youth subculture has certain rules, sometimes “unwritten” traditions, values, even views on the same situations or incidents in several subcultures can radically differ, and each subculture considers its opinion to be the most correct, accurate and relevant. The main difference between the conflicts of youth subcultures, and the conflicts occurring among adults is that older generation knows how to be more tolerant and correct about outside opinion, or, at least, only respond verbally to the identification of any obvious contradictions or differences in views (to argue and seek a compromise). Young people, on the other hand, react more temperamentally to such manifestations of “otherness” of someone directly to their social group and try with all their might to change this, but, encountering opposition and unwillingness of the opposite side to obey, they try, again thanks to youthful egocentrism, to solve such a problem with physical force. . It is from such situations that youth conflicts, intergroup clarification of relations, the definition of right, wrong, guilty and injured follow.

The conflict within culture always has a subordinate place, as it destroys the traditional mechanisms of its self-preservation and sustainable development. Here, a conflict of cultural and civilizational foundations of society, represented by different social groups, is also possible. In particular, between different subcultures.

Our society consists of various social groups, differing both in the number of individuals included in it and in the nature of the group orientation.

Football fans

Football fan communities are one of the most common forms of subcultural youth activity, which has a long history. The specificity of this subcultural form lies in the situational nature of identification, which requires a minimum of effort from the participants and does not deeply affect the way of life. The very game on the football field inspires them, but the moments of general emotional relaxation, the opportunity to “break away”, to show their feelings to the fullest (yell, rage) are more significant.

The compensatory purpose of the rampage at the stadium and vandalism after the match is obvious. But the subcultural meaning of football fan communities, of course, does not end there. Young fans get the opportunity in the circle of their peers to model their behavior as a group and at the same time not under pressure from the main social control authorities (parents, school, etc.).

Football fans are a complex organization community. Among the fans of the Brest "Dynamo" there is such a group as the informal organization "Blue-white Devils" - "White-Blue Devils", numbering about 300 people.

The fan movement combines different attitudes and lifestyles. "Devils" are guided by the philosophy of "clean lifestyle". Physically well developed, its participants avoid fights, but protect the “little ones” - the youngest part of the fans, the newcomers.

In a sense, communities of football fans make up for the shortcomings of the social experience of intergroup interaction, including the experience of large-scale confrontation. IN Lately such communities different teams are increasingly concluding agreements on "non-aggression" and joint actions against other communities:

Friends: fans of BATE (Borisov), Minsk "Dynamo";

enemies: fans of Dnipro (Mogilev), Gomel, Shakhtar (Salihorsk), Slavia (Mozyr), Belshina (Bobruisk), Vedrich (Rechitsa), Lokomotiv Vitebsk;

neutrality: fans of the Minsk "Torpedo".

Fans can receive personalized cards to purchase tickets for their team's matches at a discount .

Bikers versus motorcyclists

In Russia, they can mainly imitate Western bikers wealthy people. Having special motorcycles (in Russia - unaffordable even for the "middle class") and other iconic signs of bikerism, Russian bikers are most often just consumers of a certain cultural assortment. By expert opinion, most of them are not able to fix even simple breakdowns in a motorcycle, for any reason contact the station Maintenance.

Another character is associated with a motorcycle lifestyle. Young people who adhere to it do not have any ideological platform; identification takes place within small communities that do not have a sign system or even a self-name. They adhere to a special lifestyle: these motorcyclists create their own motorcycle: they buy an old motorcycle very cheaply (usually in the village), which they supplement with parts of motorcycles, cars, and various industrial waste thrown into a landfill. Such an updated, original design motorcycle, not capable of developing too high speed, costs about 10 times less than a motorcycle in a store. When the work is done, small groups (friendly companies) ride quite calmly (without violating the rules) on motorcycles on the roads. They do not set any special travel goals - "just go."

This undecided movement is formed among young people from low-income families. The ability to freely ride on hand-made equipment creates the basis for self-affirmation and a creative attitude to life. It should also be borne in mind that in Russia, with its roads, a motorcycle has long become one of the main (along with a bicycle) means of transportation in small towns and villages, much more important and often more prestigious than a car. In this regard, the practice of the aforementioned movement of motorcyclists is very old, not biker at all, while weakly fixing its symbolic space, but, undoubtedly, associated with a special subjective construction of social reality.


"Rave" (from the English rave - rave, delirium, incoherent speech, also: rage, roar, howl, rage, speak with enthusiasm) is interpreted in T. Thorn's Dictionary of Modern Slang as "a wild party, dancing or a situation of desperate behavior » The source of the life guidelines of the ravers was the musical style, or, to be more precise, the life style samples of the most popular musicians acting in the charismatic role - the bearers (creators) of the corresponding socio-cultural samples. Breaking away from the source, the rave has acquired international features that are also characteristic of our young followers. Ravers basically borrow the behavior of regulars from nightclubs. According to this model, the ravers' lifestyle is nocturnal. In the appearance of ravers and the style of behavior, the idea of ​​a person's departure from nature is realized. The industrial rhythms characteristic of the musical style of ravers are a kind of alternative to rock music.

hip hop culture

Hip-hop is a "street culture" that has become widespread since the mid-1970s in the United States, and then in many countries of the world as one of the subcultural forms of youth mastering social subjectivity through the creation, development, distribution, and development of four main areas: breakdance, rap, graffiti and djing. As part of the elements of hip-hop culture are also considered streetball(street football) rolling(certain roller skating technique), etc.

With the support of events in the field of hip-hop culture, it is taken into account that, by origin, hip-hop is associated with the disinterested interest of urban youth in self-expression and exploration of the world around them in peculiar subcultural forms. Since the features of hip-hop culture are associated with actions in open areas, in parks, on sports grounds, it has become a kind of alternative to youth gangs of a criminal nature.

Brakedance (eng. Breakdance - "broken dance") - a type of "dance in a circle" associated with hip-hop culture. The words “breaking”, “rocking” (the original name of breakdance), “b-boying” are also used to designate it. It originated in the late 1950s in New York as a phenomenon of youth "street culture" in immigrant neighborhoods. The spread of the new dance style was directly related to the activity of youth groups and the division of the territory of large cities into zones controlled by breakers. The competition of groups gave rise to the complication of the break as a dance and its growing importance as a value among the youth. In this part, breakdancing became a compensatory means of teenagers’ aggressiveness (“dance battles”: one of the leaders of hip-hop, Afrika Bambaataa, suggested that street youth groups “deal not with trunks, but with dances: who danced worse, he lost”).

Rap (or recitative). The meaning of the text in rap is crucial, since it was originally formed as a protest subculture, so rap took slogan forms. In fact, rap can be called melodeclamation. The main thing in rap is the rhythm of words and lyrics. With the skillful selection of sounds in rap, the effect of melody of a simple pronunciation (reading) of texts is achieved. With the seeming simplicity of the approach, it is very difficult to become a master, since reading texts should not be monotonous, but memorable, therefore the correct selection of rhymes, intonations, the principle of alliteration - _ftn4 is of great importance.

Graffiti (it. graffito - "scribbled") - view art, wall symbolic painting, giving textual information a certain figurative form. In this sense of the term, graffiti is a phenomenon of hip-hop culture. This is a kind of art design direction, which has become widespread among the youth and has become a fact of counterculture, which has grown into a sustainable social and artistic practice.

Initially, the passion for graffiti was formed not only in opposition to social norms, public decency, but also as a competition with "one's own", where it was significant to draw one's "tag" in a more visible, in the most unexpected place. Developing from the culture of the streets, graffiti has changed in the manner of execution and the technique used. If initially the main tool of the writers were homemade markers, and the shades were given with paints for shoes and stamps, then later aerosols for painting cars appeared, and “tags” became colored everywhere. The peculiarity of the artistic image depended on the firmness of the hand, since the image could not be corrected, and on the selection of atomizers, often stolen from stores.

DJing(the term comes from the English "disk jockey") - a type of creative activity, the main components of which are:

- Mixing(Mixing). This is the name of the process of smooth mixing, combining, mixing, connecting, mixing or transition of one musical composition to another with the help of a DJ console (mixer) and music players. This, in fact, is what the DJ does, trying to ensure the maximum quality of work in order to keep the audience on the dance floor as long as possible.

- scratching(Scratching, from the English word "scratch" - a scratch; is associated with scratching a record with a player's needle). This is the name of the process of creating individual rhythmic sound schemes using a special performance technique using music players and a mixer.

Supreme, last and sole purpose DJ - to encourage people to dance. A good DJ is not at all the one who has good records, and not the one who knows how to dock them into a long gut, but the one who is able to control the mood of the dancers, turn on the audience, bring it to a state of ecstasy.


Diggers are researchers of underground communications. The dangers of being in underground passages, the closeness of the communities of diggers, the mysteriousness of the underground world, devoid of everyday life - these properties of diggerism determine the internal motives of the interest of a certain part of the youth in such forms of activity. Diggers, as a rule, have no desire to advertise their activities. Representatives of the media are allowed in only a few groups. In many cases, diggers cooperate with the executive branch, bodies local government when life-threatening phenomena are found in underground utilities (subsidence of building foundations, leaks in the water supply system, various environmental violations, etc.). In this aspect, diggers manifest themselves as part of the environmentally oriented youth movements.


The connection between the Tolkienists and a foreign source is obvious - the images of the books of John Ronald Rowell Tolkien "The Hobbit", "The Lord of the Rings" and "The Silmarillion", the plots of which were the basis of role-playing games that gave rise to a peculiar social movement. Tolkienists are mostly young people, 13-17 years old, but there are also mastodons among them.

A real Tolkienist differs from all other fantasy lovers in many ways:

· These people are very well aware of their difference from their other fellow citizens, so that for compatriots who are not part of the system (and this is the whole normative society) it is sometimes difficult to understand and infiltrate it;

· Careful attitude to the game, to fantasy literature, up to a philological interest in the study of Elvish languages, a great interest in history, mainly early medieval, martial arts, fencing, etc.

Life perception combined with a very humorous assessment of one's own activities (a person is able to argue passionately, with fervor and in all seriousness about the hobbits' genealogies, but after a minute the same hobbits will become the object of his ridicule - in general, that Tolkienist who always takes himself seriously is bad) ;

· For a significant part, symbols of an amazing readiness to believe with a minimum of grounds for faith (belief in magic, etc.) are characteristic. For example, there are those who consider themselves atheists, but do not doubt the existence of elves.

The Tolkienists themselves single out in the structure of their hangout several types of people who came here, in accordance with the reasons that led to Tolkienism.

1. Firstly, these are people who, for whatever reason, have not been able to establish themselves in big world, or managed, but what they did, they do not like. They are holding on new world, like polar explorers for a radio station, because the loss means the final collapse of life. Over time, such people constitute the elite of Tolkienism; they close in their narrow circle, and here religion really grows, but directed inward - therefore, the influx of a new flock is extremely undesirable, because the system is hermetic, fresh blood can destroy it.

2. Another part of the Tolkienists are those who just like to play. Role-playing allows a person to be in the shoes of another, while remaining himself at the same time - and this is an interesting emotional experience. Unlike the theatre, the game provides an almost unlimited opportunity for action. For the most part, such individuals lead a normal "civilian" life, and games are considered as a hobby, a means to take a break from the harsh everyday life.

3. The third category are those who need to experience their otherness. In fact, the Tolkienist with his fancy costumes, swords under his arm, medieval style of behavior really attracts attention. As a rule, such individuals are carried away in parallel with a lot of other things and, in general, do not stay long in Tolkienist society.


Participation in a subculture is a “game of adulthood”, where young people construct some kind of life situations and learn how to behave in them. The only thing worth considering is that subcultures are often influenced by commercial companies that dictate fashion and consumer behavior to them. On this moment for sociologists, marketers and social psychologists there is an urgent problem - the replacement social model youth consumer behavior.

Youth subcultures create their own culture that helps young people adapt to life, takes on some of the functions of socialization of individuals that the family, school, formal youth organizations and the state cannot cope with.

In conclusion, I would like to note the positive consequences of youth subcultures:

The general aggressiveness of showdowns between street gangs decreased, the negative energy of confrontation was realized in a different form;

The youth involved in hip-hop were distracted from drugs and alcohol, since breaking requires sports training;

The situation in the criminal, disadvantaged neighborhoods of large cities in America and Europe, and other regions of the world has noticeably improved;

In its non-commercial forms, the subculture does not require large financial investments from young people;

It makes it possible to organize active leisure for a certain part of the youth, focused on the values ​​of a particular subcultural structure.

Societies are characterized by their own special rules and have their own development trend. Teenagers are very different in their worldview, behavior and habits. In the process of self-knowledge, they try to find their place in life, determine their goals and understand themselves. Quite often, such searches lead to such rather serious problems as teenage alcoholism and early drug addiction. Therefore, the influence of subcultures on adolescents is one of the most pressing problems that worries all parents without exception.

Positive and negative aspects of the influence of subcultures

Held lately sociological research showed that many adolescents identify themselves as a representative of a particular subculture. At the same time, some young people are strongly influenced by subcultures, which can be both positive and negative. In the first case, adolescents receive the necessary social society skills, and in the second they acquire qualities with which society accessible ways trying to fight.

Teenage subcultures help young people realize their desires and adapt to adult and independent living. But there are also negative aspects, such as cruelty to certain groups of people. For example, skinheads are racist and can, according to their ideology, commit criminal acts against people of other nationalities. For them, there is nothing illegal in such behavior, and therefore they do not understand that they are responsible for their actions. In this case, the subcultures of adolescents negatively affect their worldview, setting the younger generation against others.

Varieties of subcultures

All teenage communities have not only their own laws of behavior, but also rules that require a certain appearance. Separate youth trends can shock the adult society with numerous piercings, unusual hair color, strange style in clothes and accessories. Quite often, disagreements between parents and adolescents arise precisely on this basis. Young people do not like it when they interfere in their personal lives, and parents want their child not to stand out from the crowd.

Subculture of working youth - teddy boys

The social youth group teddy boys was formed back in the early 50s due to the relative improvement of the working class. This youth subculture, which became widespread in the post-war period, consisted of working-class people with incomplete higher education and those who do not have a highly paid profession. Their style was copied from the clothes and behavior of members of the upper strata of society. IN classic version"tedd" looked like this: pipe trousers, a loose jacket with a velvet collar, a drawstring tie and rubber platform boots. The image was typically masculine, despite its elegance.

Representatives of the teddy boys did their best to maintain the “high” status they had created, which became the cause of conflicts that arose with representatives of other sectors of society. For example, there were clashes with more affluent teenagers, attacks on elite youth clubs. There have also been attacks on immigrants.

Subculture of the skilled sections of the working class - fashion

Teenagers who, after graduating from school, mastered working specialties requiring high level readiness. In fact the mod perfect understanding had to live luxuriously, visit prestigious and expensive clubs, restaurants and shops, dress in extremely expensive things. But for many, such pleasures were not available, so it remained only to try to recreate perfect image. There are four types of mods:

  1. Aggressive type in jeans and brogues.
  2. Scooter owners, also in jeans and hooded jackets.
  3. Mods in suits and polished shoes made up the majority of this subculture. The list is completed by fashion girls, exemplary in appearance and with a short haircut.
  4. Students art schools, students and so on.

Subculture - rockers

Rockers appeared in the mid-60s. This group consisted mainly of teenagers without education or from incomplete families. The main attributes of the people of this subculture were a leather jacket, worn jeans, large rough shoes, long hair combed back and tattoos. Of course, what is a rocker without such important element like a motorcycle. A special place in the subculture of rockers is occupied by rock music.

Skinheads or skinheads

The members of this group, like the rockers, predominantly came from an environment of low-skilled workers. Among them, many were unemployed, poorly educated and with low cultural level. Skinheads wore tucked-up jeans, large brogues, and shaved their heads. Football hooligans are closely adjacent to the skinheads. These types of subcultures are largely similar in social composition. They are also united by aggressiveness in behavior, for example, associated with football matches.

Punk subculture

This group predominantly included young people from unskilled and low-paid segments of the population. The critical situation of youth has led to the emergence of this subculture. The list of associations consisting of poorly educated members of society was supplemented by punks. The stereotypes of this group were closely intertwined with aggressive self-affirmation, but, in addition, it was largely based on views that were opposed to traditional moral principles and values. Initially, the punk subculture used its appearance to provoke society: unusual hair coloring, strange hairstyles, outrageous demeanor and different styles of clothing, but over time, stronger methods of influence through themes of violence and death began to be used.

hippie movement

This subculture appeared in the United States in the 60s and very quickly spread throughout the world. At one time, hippies evolved from beatniks, representatives of the middle class, who for a long time influenced the people of their group. These American subcultures have one common distinctive feature - an ideology clearly expressed in words. The main elements of the hippie style or worldview were the following:

  1. Peacefulness and non-violence. Pacifism was the main ideology of the hippies. That is why the representatives of this group were distinguished by ignoring the authorities, apolitical, since it is the rulers who kindle wars and force people to fight.
  2. Self-development and individualism. These elements were a reaction to the dullness of mass society.
  3. Conscious simplification, that is, the transition from a prosperous life to poverty, the rejection of material wealth.
  4. Drugs, sexual experiments, travel, festivals, communes - all these are the most striking features of the subculture of the hippie society.
  5. Cohabitation is a hallmark of hippies, as other subcultures have not adopted this form of behavior.


This youth subculture arose in the USSR in the late 40s of the 20th century. Thus, the Soviet youth protested the stereotypes of society. The main direction of dudes was blind copying of the style of the West and the USA. At that time, dandies outwardly looked more like a caricature: wide trousers in bright colors, baggy double-breasted jackets, boots with thick soles and, of course, brightly colored socks peeking out from under the trousers. The image was very original and bright, no one was worried about the combination of colors.

But over time, closer to the 50s, the dudes changed their image a little. They began to wear tight trousers and elegantly cut broad-shouldered jackets, a thin tie around their necks and, of course, a wet-lined cook. It is worth noting that only the guys had a certain image, the stylish girls wore lush bright dresses or skinny skirts, pointy shoes and did bright makeup. The society did not allow the development of this subculture in the USSR and in every possible way condemned and persecuted representatives of this bright group.

Social subcultures

The process of socialization of adolescents in the subcultures of society is much faster. Examples of subcultures such as "greens" or "animal advocates" teach the younger generation to help nature and take care of the environment. But theoretical information alone is not always enough to teach teenagers responsibility. It is necessary to show the work of “positive subcultures” in practice. not only theorems and axioms are needed, but their consolidation by actions and results, otherwise it does not realize the need for good deeds.

Subcultures popular in modern society

The criminal subculture (rockers, punks, emo, skinheads, etc.) in Russia is already losing its positions. Negativity and aggression are gradually going out of fashion. In search of new directions, he comes up with his own modern image. For example, the footering subculture does not carry a negative manifestation, therefore it is quite well perceived by society. Members of this youth group do not wear shoes in all weather.

Due to the wide spread of the Internet, the subculture of gamers is gaining momentum. Today's youth are increasingly hiding from reality in virtual world. Many young children already confidently manage tablets, readers and mobile phones. But this is basically a false substitute for real hobbies, which parents impose on them to save their own time and energy. After all, when the child is busy computer games, it does not require so much attention and care. In fact, the problem of this subculture is very deep, and parents need to take certain measures if their child has a gambling or computer addiction.

Distinctive features of modern youth trends

Youth subcultures modern world characterized by an increase in the number of active associations. In addition, today's youth are increasingly immersed in the Internet. They search the network for their like-minded people, organize meetings, hold promotions. There are three social and value orientations of modern subcultures:

  1. Pro-social trends: rapper subculture and the role-playing game movement.
  2. Asocial trends: punks, metalheads, emo and hippies.
  3. Anti-social groups similar to the adult criminal subculture: skinheads in their radical form.

It is possible to qualify the subcultures of youth and, as the activities of the group are included in the lifestyle young man. There are behavioral groups and active ones. In the first case, adolescents adhere to the style of dress, behavior and communication characteristic of the selected group. Such areas are not characterized by engaging in any activity. This includes emo, hipsters and goths. In other words, the younger generation will only change their appearance and behavior.

Active types of subcultures are those communities that are based on a passion for specific activities that require one or another activity. This group can include parkour, graffists, role players.

What attracts young people in subcultures

Youth subcultures on a personal level are a way to achieve self-respect and compensate for the negative attitudes of others towards themselves. Dissatisfaction with one's own style of behavior, body, inconsistency with the standards of femininity or masculinity. Subcultures, the list of which is huge and varied, allow teenagers to give themselves a halo of features, a bright personality.

Socio-psychological reasons are considered to be the attractiveness of an informal lifestyle that does not require responsibility, purposefulness and purposefulness, in contrast to the requirements generally accepted in society. There are three possible options the consequences of the influence of subculture on the socialization of young people:

  1. A positive orientation, which manifests itself in social and cultural self-determination, creative self-realization and experimentation with images, behavioral style, and so on.
  2. Socially negative orientation, which is found in joining subcultures of a criminal, extremist nature, drugs and alcohol.
  3. The individual-negative tendency is manifested in escaping from reality, in justifying one's infantile behavior, avoiding cultural and social self-determination.

It is rather difficult to determine which directions prevail in a particular subculture. It is even more difficult to notice how it affects a person's lifestyle. Modern trends attract young people with their diversity and defiant appearance and behavior. But it is worth noting that belonging to a certain social group- the phenomenon is usually short-lived. Basically, the passion for subcultures begins at the age of 13 and disappears by the age of 19. By this age, a person changes his hobbies or rethinks. But there are exceptions within the age range, for example, the rocker subculture has no time limits. Among the representatives of this community can be found mature people and sometimes even the elderly. They remained true to their teenage hobbies and still listen to rock or play musical groups. As a rule, the rocker subculture includes those people who, even in adulthood, are not ready for a responsible and independent life.

The peculiarities of subcultures of adolescents include their inconstancy in behavior. Many teenagers are characterized by an unstable psyche, which largely depends on how their relationship with their parents develops. If there is distance in relationships with loved ones, then the chances that the child will fall under the influence from outside increase. After all, a teenager needs communication, advice and understanding. If he does not receive all this in the family, then he will seek support in a circle of people who are close in spirit and moral state. Very often, the diviant behavior of a child in adolescence is associated with a bad example from the outside. It can be television, the bad deeds of comrades in the company, and so on. To prevent negative influence on a child, parents need to establish contact with him or involve older youth for this purpose.

Sources of the appearance of subcultures in Russia

In the Russian youth environment, the emergence of subcultures is due to a number of reasons. In the last 15-20 years, the daily life of adult society and children has undergone dramatic changes. The openness of Western and Eastern cultures greatly influenced the worldview of people, dissolved many traditions, stable relationships, values ​​of Russian citizens. The new scientific and technological revolution, which, first of all, is associated with the emergence of phenomena such as computers, Cell phones, Internet.

Basically, youth subcultures spread spontaneously. Although quite often such distribution is facilitated by parties, trendsetters, and so on. There is another way - commercial and youth organizations take as a basis the forms of youth leisure that exist spontaneously and create organized directions. An example is street dance. But this process also requires a special approach. Experts believe that interaction with potentially positive informals should be carried out according to three rules: it is necessary to coordinate their actions with leaders, provide them with everything necessary for holding events, and coordinate restrictions on behavior and activities in the process of ongoing actions.

Strategies for youth activities

If we consider youth activities from the standpoint of social education, we can distinguish three main pedagogical strategies. Do not pay attention, do not exclude spontaneous penetration into social life and only after that work or analyze the potential of youth subcultures in terms of additional educational methods and use them in the interests of personal development teenagers and children.

The potential of youth subcultures in terms of education lies in the fact that the types and forms of activities of adolescents and young people that have arisen independently of the pedagogical sphere, in the environment of free communication of young people, are socially positive. But at the same time it is necessary to apply the appropriate pedagogical instrumentation.

In fact, modern educational methods practically do not come into contact with such youth and adolescent communities. In addition, this contact is predominantly observed in summer camps, in children's public associations and extremely rarely in general education schools.

As a rule, the lifestyle, behavior and external signs of subcultures of adolescents and youth are covered in a negative way, which contributed to the active imitation of the representatives of these communities by a certain unreached part of the youth. This, in turn, served as an impetus for the spread of these subcultures beyond the borders of one country. However, the diversity and other characteristics of subcultures were greatly influenced by ethnic and social conditions. For example, Soviet hippies were not much like representatives of this subculture of Western countries. And the skinheads of modern Russia are very different from the first skinheads of Great Britain.

Violent youth protests Western countries in the 60-70s and in the Soviet and post-Soviet space in the second half of the 90s caused not only a decrease in social activity among young people, but served to develop certain tendencies towards escapism. Distinctive characteristic the modern world is an increase in the number of protest youth subcultures, as well as a variety of forms. Thus, we can say that there are more and more new subcultures, the list of which is growing.

Sun, 04/10/2015 - 13:36

Punks with colorful mohawks and earrings everywhere, brutal long-haired metalheads hung with chains, gloomy children of the night who call themselves Goths, and also good-natured hippies, sending rays of good to everyone - all these are representatives of well-known subcultures that everyone has seen at least once in their life on the street or at least on the Internet. But there are many interesting and little-known trends that you probably didn’t even know about, and they will be discussed in the continuation of the article.

Japan: gyaru

Style: fake tan, long bleached or dyed hair, miniskirt with boots, bright clothes, heavy makeup, false eyelashes - for girls; tight-fitting clothes with a V-neck and lush chestnut hair to the shoulders - for young men (gyaruo).

Lifestyle: clubs, shopping, a beautiful life at someone else's expense, uninhibited behavior, hanging out in the Shibuya area.

The gyaru subculture challenges traditional Japanese values ​​and the image of a woman. It is believed that it appeared in the 1970s, developed thanks to magazines that promote Western values ​​and women's sexuality, and the name itself comes from the Gals jeans brand, which means "I can't live without men." This slogan reflects the behavior of many gyaru: girls use their sexuality to get certain benefits from men - including money for fashion items. Teenage girls who imitate gyaru style are called kogyaru. Society treats the subculture negatively: gyaru girls are considered a generation of bad mothers, calling them "degenerate schoolgirls" and "making parents cry." The need to contain the attacks of society over time turned the gyaru into even more extremists. Representatives of the subculture began to behave rudely and apart. New trends appeared: for example, ganguro, which is characterized by a strong tan down to black, bleached hair from white to silver, an abundance of jewelry, bright colors. The most radical movement is mamba: compared to them, ganguro is a light version. Gyaru have a special slang, they deliberately distort the language by adding suffixes contrary to the rules of Japanese syntax.

USA: juggalo

Style: clown makeup, cast-offs, nudity, pigtails for women.

Lifestyle: play behavior, clowning, looseness.

In the 1990s, the Insane Clown Poss ("Crazy Clown Gang") formed in Detroit. Its leaders came from poor families, had behind them a poor school education and problems with the law. The gloomy, depressing lyrics of their songs resonated with the inhabitants of the city, which is going through hard times. The group developed a fan following who began to call themselves juggalos (from the word juggler - "juggler") after an accidental pun during the performance of the song The Juggla. Dressing up in imitation of the Crazy Clown Gang, they come to the group's concerts and hang out at the annual The Gathering of the Juggalos festival. The style of behavior b[ is more than free: at the festival you can strip naked, get drunk and overeat, pour beer on each other and copulate. The leaders of the group talk about juggalos as evangelical Christians, while not all American society is loyal to them, and the FBI suspects them of drug addiction and crimes.

Venezuela: barbies

Style: absent.

Lifestyle: beauty contests, fashion, design.

In Venezuela, home of many beauty queens, the cult of the Barbie doll flourishes. Moreover, even men are involved in games with her. They compete to design outfits, hairstyles and jewelry for Barbie, and then accompany their model to the Miss Barbie Venezuela puppet beauty contest, which takes place in the country every year. At the competition, everything is grown-up: the participants are entitled to make-up, styling, shoes, accessories, defile. For his doll, the owner comes up with a name and profession, and answers the questions of the judges for her. Oddly enough, the subculture attracts exactly adults, men are especially serious about this, and in competitions they are set up only to win.

Congo: dandy

Style: deliberately pretentious.

Lifestyle: to seem, not to be.

Remember Pushkin's "like a London dandy dressed"? The style of Eugene Onegin and European dandies of the 19th century is still alive and well in the Congo. Since gaining independence from France, the SAPE subculture has arisen in this African country - the “society of elegant people” (Societe des ambianceurs et des personnes elegantes). Its ancestor was the illiterate handyman Christian Lubaki, who served with the French aristocrats in Paris: the owners gave him old clothes, and he flaunted them to the envy of other blacks. In 1978, Lubaki returned to the Congo and opened a fashion store in Brazzaville, capturing the imagination of his compatriots with tailcoats and colored jackets. Soon, smartly dressed clients of Lubaka flooded the Bakongo area in the capital, and then other areas of the Congo. Today, in a country where most people live below the poverty line, dandies create the illusion of prosperity with their appearance, building for themselves and the audience a parallel reality with a touch of retro.

Japan: lolitas

Style: baroque and rococo - knee-length skirt or dress, blouse, headdress, high-heeled shoes or platform boots, accessories (lace and ribbons). The main colors are black, white, red, purple, pink, blue.

Lifestyle: Japanese lolita listens to visual kei music, seeks to express herself, in life and behavior she is characterized by romance, rebelliousness and original behavior.

The subculture comes from the 90s. Her adherents are usually young girls from 20 to 30 years old. The name of the subculture is not directly related to the novel of the same name by Vladimir Nabokov, but there are some parallels with the image of the main character: girls often emphasize their childishness and infantilism.

Within the subculture there are separate areas with their own characteristics. For example, sweet lolita plays with the theme of childhood with cheerful clothes, bright colors and girlish accessories. Gothic prefers black colors and dark witch makeup. The classical one sticks to elegant style and natural make-up, while the punk Lolita combines retro style with aggressive punk style, and here it was not without the influence of British designer Vivienne Westwood. Lolitas have less mass varieties: an innocent victim or a broken doll (bandages, wounds, blood, etc.), a hime princess (bows, frills, a riot of pink), etc. Oddly enough, the subculture is also open to Japanese men: they wear Victorian era outfits are called oji, which means "prince".

Mexico: Guarachero

Style: male. Boots with a long pointed toe, tight jeans, a shirt.

Lifestyle: clubs, dances, rehearsals, performances, competitions.

More recently, men's shoes with absurdly long toes appeared in Mexico, sometimes called guaracheros. The shoes were first worn by nightclub goers in the city of Matehuala, in the state of San Luis Potosi, in 2009. At first, the toes of the shoes were only slightly longer than usual, then they became longer and more elaborate, gaining fans in other parts of Mexico and even overseas - in US immigrant families. Guaracheros are put on for a reason, but to perform a group male dance to trival electronic music (a mix of Mexican folklore, African motifs and American Indian rhythms). Guarachero is translated as "joker", "merry fellow". Pointed shoes are worn for comic effect and irony. There are even competitions among lovers of guarachero boots. Prizes are different: from a bottle of whiskey to $100-500.

South Africa: Ijikotan (African dudes)

Style: expensive branded clothes in bright colors, sometimes gold teeth, banknotes as accessories.

Lifestyle: shopping, dancing, showing off your wealth and your extravagant style.

Izhikotan is a subculture of black youth in the poor towns of South Africa. These are boys and men aged 12 to 25 who live ostentatiously and clearly beyond their means: they buy expensive designer clothes, high-end alcohol and gadgets, and then arrange dance duels, competing with competitors in wealth and coolness. In battles, it is not forbidden to break phones, burn banknotes and spoil food, thereby showing that you can afford more. Ijikotan dances take place in crowded places, and the audience decides which of the teams has better demonstrated their viability and chic. At the same time, Izhikotan, as a rule, do not work and earn money illegally or live on the money of their parents, who often do not understand them and condemn them. The subculture originated quite recently - in the 2000s in the Johannesburg area - and became popular only in the last five years, spreading to other areas of South Africa. The African dandy community has their own Facebook group where they show off their shopping and lifestyle. It is considered a special chic among Ijikotans to buy two pairs of the same shoes of different colors and put on one shoe from each so that everyone can see how much he spent.

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