Parent meeting “Introducing children to fiction. Introducing preschool children to fiction as a means of developing speech

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Theoretical foundations for introducing preschoolers to fiction





Fiction is a powerful, effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education of children, it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of the child's speech. In poetic images, fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world human feelings and relationships. It enriches emotions, nurtures the imagination and gives the child wonderful examples of the Russian literary language. These samples are different in their impact: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons. V.G. Belinsky believed that "books that are written specifically for children should be included in the education plan as one of its most important aspects" Belinsky VG Selected pedagogical works. Publishing house of APN RSFSR, 1948. . The importance of introducing children to the beauty of the native word, the development of a culture of speech was pointed out by teachers, psychologists, linguists (K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, A. V. Zaporozhets, F. A. Sokhin, A. A. Leontiev and others).

O.S. Ushakova notes that fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around it, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to subtly feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of life.

The purpose of this work is to consider the features of introducing preschool children to fiction.

The goal set led to the solution of the following tasks:

1. Study the methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature on this topic.

2. Consider the history of the formation of children's fiction as a preschool discipline.

3. Identify the main methods and forms of introducing preschoolers to fiction.

The object of the research is the introduction of preschool children to fiction.

The subject of the research is the peculiarities of introducing preschool children to fiction.

1. The formation of children's fiction as a preschool discipline

Children's literature is a complex of works created specifically for children, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of their development.

An adult perceives children's literature in different ways: one respects its history, enjoys the richness of its artistic achievements; another sees in it fun for the little ones, not enough for deep attention; the third has no idea at all that such literature exists.

The formation of children's literature is associated with the appearance of educational books. Their authors considered art word, placed next to the teaching material, as an incentive to learn and master the rules of life (A.T. Bolotov, I.I. Dmitriev, M.V. Lomonosova, A.P. Sumarokova, Ya.B. Knyazhnina, M.N. Muravyova, M.M. Kheraskov).

Children's literature, the history of which dates back to the end of the 15th century, has long established its right to be an intrinsically valuable type of verbal art, playing a priority role in the development and upbringing of a child.

Children's literature XV - XVII centuries. developed in response to public and state requests, was the focus of modern scientific ideas, pedagogical ideas and artistic trends. It was often in children's books that fundamental innovations appeared: the first poems, the first specific methods of the author's dialogue with the young reader, the first drawing of a secular content. The first secular printed book, the alphabet of Ivan Fedorov, was also intended for children.

According to the results scientific research of that period, it can be concluded that the first methodological article was written by Moscow freethinkers Fedor Kuritsyn at the turn of the 15th - 16th centuries. and dedicated to grammar. In it, F. Kuritsyn talked not about how to teach, but about why children need to be taught.

Dmitry Gerasimov, a translator of Latin grammar for Russian children, was the first to deal with the issues of working with children's books. In the preface to the book, which was called "Donatus" (after the author, the ancient Roman linguist of the XV century. Aelius Donatus), he identified those necessary information which a child must have in order to gain an understanding of the book and develop a desire to read and study it. First of all, this is information about the author, which was an innovation for those times. Old Russian literature is anonymous: the author either did not name himself or hid behind the name of one of the greats, attributing his works.

I. Fedorov's "ABC" contains the first appeal to parents, which indicates the author's understanding of the two-sidedness of the pedagogical process and the need for unity of the teacher, student and parents in the education and upbringing of children, in the acquisition of philological knowledge, in the eradication of ignorance.

The connection between the philological text and the methodology of working with it is explained by the fact that children's literature has not yet been an independent art form. But it is precisely this connection that will influence the originality of children's literature, which by its nature will be called upon to solve not only aesthetic, but also pedagogical problems.

The creators of children's books consciously acted as educators: they wrote articles about education, the importance of children's literature and children's reading.

In the 17th century Writers, teachers, statesmen, people of different professions and views on education and training dealt with issues of children's reading. An associate of Peter I, Feofan Prokopovich wrote for children "A Brief Russian History" and "The First Teaching to the Young" - another set of edifications and rules for children.

The middle of the 17th century is scarce for children's books. Some rise was outlined only in the last third of the century, during the reign of Catherine II. The enlightened empress was well versed in the European philosophy and literature of her time, she herself wrote about five thousand various works, including pedagogical articles and children's fairy tales. Catherine II did a lot for the formation new system educational institutions in Russia, encouraged the arts and literature.

A huge role in the democratization of children's literature was played by such prominent figures of the Catherine era as N.I. Novikov, N.G. Kurganov, A.T. Bolotov, N.M. Karamzin. They persistently instilled in their young readers the idea of ​​virtues that do not depend on the estate of a person, in every possible way expanded children's ideas about the world around them.

In the last third of the XVII century. the study of children's reading is activated. The teacher and public figure I.I. Betskoy, working on various treatises regulating the activities of educational institutions, concretizes the methods and techniques of working with children according to age, gives separate advice on the formation of a reading circle and aesthetic development younger generation. He does not recommend using “ghosts from monsters” in communication with children from five years old, as they “cloud” the minds of children with false concepts and give rise to fear.

The teacher also recommended not to force children to learn a lot by heart, especially what they do not understand. I.I. Betskoy believed that children from the age of five could be taught to read, but only in order “to get used to the knowledge of letters with their eyesight,” while real reading begins in adolescence.

N.I. Novikov, who did a lot for the development of children's literature and children's reading, believed that children should be taught to reason over the text and apply "everything they read or hear to themselves and to the special circumstances in which they are found or may continue to be found." Thus, children will learn to extract experience from what they read, to think over it1 about the education and instruction of children, 1783.

One of the first in the domestic methodology of children's reading N.I. Novikov took up the issues of forming a circle of children's reading, both theoretical and practical. He believed that children should read not only educational literature. Wishing to expand the circle of children's reading and take it beyond the limits of school literature, N. Novikov publishes the magazine "Children's Reading for the Heart and Mind". The magazine was addressed to children from 6 to 12 years old. The purpose and purpose of the journal N.I. Novikov saw it as helping to educate good citizens, to help develop those feelings without which a person cannot be prosperous and satisfied in life. In accordance with this program, noble ideals were instilled in the works of Russian and translated literature placed on the pages of the magazine: a person was valued only because of his personal merits, any violence was condemned (“Damon and Pythias”, “Generosity in a low state”, “Correspondence father and son village life”, “On imitation of parents”, etc.).

The most important achievement of children's literature in the first half of the 19th century should be considered the acquisition of their own language, born of the living element of colloquial speech, ennobled by the highest taste of poets, especially the brilliant Pushkin. And today language Pushkin's fairy tales remains a benchmark for children's writers.

The development of children's literature went in line with the "big" literature and pedagogy. The reference points for culture were the ideals of enlightened humanism, democracy and patriotism.

A huge achievement can be considered the emergence of the theory and criticism of children's literature - in the articles of the leading critic of the first half of the 19th century, V. Belinsky. He proved that children's literature is a high art, to which strict criteria of nationality, humanism, and imagery are applicable, that a children's book should serve not only as an object of entertainment or education, but as an important means spiritual development child. He proclaimed the slogan of literature for young readers - "Bypassing the mind, through the heart". He pointed out the signs by which pseudo-literature is recognized, and described the harm it causes to the child. He laid the foundations for children's reading as a relatively independent area of ​​pedagogical knowledge, which was further developed in the second half of the 19th century.

To mid-nineteenth in. the works of V. Belinsky, N. Chernyshevsky, N. Dobrolyubov began to develop a methodology for introducing a child to a book, a special Russian school of reading, the main provisions of which were taking into account the age characteristics of the reader, attention to the perception of a work by a child, analysis of a literary text feasible for children, careful selection of books for children's reading.

Children's literature for preschoolers began to stand out actively only towards the end of the 19th century. The specificity of this literature was substantiated in the article by L.N. Tolstoy “Who should learn to write from whom, peasant children from us or us from peasant children?” . L. Tolstoy believed that children should be offered "the largest and most diverse selection of serious topics." The subsequent development of literature has confirmed this position with one clarification: children's literature gives preference to themes taken from the life of its reader. For example, the theme of children's games and toys, the theme of childhood, the theme of nature and images of the animal world, the theme of intra-family relations and relationships within the children's team.

In the 1940s - 1950s. the tradition of social and social moral analysis works of children's literature and their selection for children's reading. aesthetic value the texts didn't matter.

In the 1920s - 1930s. was outlined, and in the 1950s - 1960s. a trend has been established to develop a methodology for introducing children to reading outside of foreign experience in this area.

By the mid 1970s. a lot of experience was accumulated in studying the perception of literature by preschoolers of various age groups, which made it possible for L.M. Gurovich to raise the question of the theoretical foundations of the methodology for familiarizing preschoolers with fiction.

Thus, we see that children's fiction as an educational field is still quite young.

2. Age periodization preschool children and psychophysiological features of their familiarization with fiction

The peculiarities of introducing a preschool child to fiction as one of the types of art depends, in our opinion, on the formation of his mental processes, in particular, imagination.

There are individual, typological features of the imagination associated with age, with the specifics of memory, perception and thinking of a person. For some people, a concrete, figurative perception of the world may prevail, which internally appears in the richness and diversity of their imagination. Such individuals are said to have artistic type thinking. By assumption, it is physiologically related to the dominance of the right hemisphere of the brain. Others have a greater tendency to operate with abstract symbols, concepts (people with a dominant left hemisphere of the brain).

The peculiarities of the creative imagination of preschool children are due to the fact that at preschool age the improvement of the child's body continues: the growth rate of children from 3 to 5 years old slows down somewhat compared to the previous age period, but at the age of 5 to 8 years old it increases again. Simultaneously with the general growth and increase in body weight, there are processes of anatomical changes and functional development of all the main tissues and organs of the child. There is a gradual ossification of the skeleton, the mass of muscles increases, the working capacity of the child's body increases. But along with this, there is rapid fatigue and exhaustion. nerve cells. By the age of 6-7, the child successfully masters complex types of movement.

In a child of preschool age, the functional activity of the cerebral cortex continues to improve. High sensitivity nervous system cause brightness, sharpness of perception, children's impressionability, therefore, in the upbringing and education of preschoolers such importance acquires a selection of impressions and knowledge (this is mainly elementary knowledge about the surrounding life).

At preschool age, with purposeful education, methods of visual, auditory, tactile perception, visual-active and figurative thinking, volitional, emotional and motivational processes develop.

Mastering cognitive processes, children become capable of elementary analysis and synthesis, classification, begin to make judgments about the objects and phenomena around them. In general, preschool age is characterized by inquisitiveness, curiosity. But if the child's natural curiosity is not satisfied, he becomes passive.

Preschool age is characterized by freshness and sharpness of imagination, manifested in various activities. Under the influence of adults, the activity of a preschooler becomes arbitrary and controlled, which is very important for educating mindfulness during training sessions and work.

The formation of the personality of a preschooler is expressed in the formation of his character. Of great importance is the development of consciousness, the emergence of various motives for activity and behavior. A preschooler can already subordinate personal motives of behavior to public ones, evaluate his own behavior and the behavior of other children, based on the requirements of educators and parents.

In a game situation, when learning in the classroom, a preschooler develops volitional qualities of character. The formation of moral consciousness is characterized by the emergence of a sense of duty, justice, dignity and other social feelings. The preschooler begins to understand the significance of the requirements placed on him. Experiences when doing good and bad deeds are already caused not only by the attitude of an adult, but also by one's own judgment, moral attitude to them. Children show more profound feelings of embarrassment, shame and, conversely, joy and satisfaction from the consciousness of fulfilled social requirements.

The preschooler has age prerequisites for the development of abilities. This gives reason to change and complicate the content of education, to vary the ratio of gaming, verbal, visual and practical methods of education and training, to use all the possibilities that are available in preschool childhood, for the comprehensive upbringing of the child .

Each child is an individual. For the development of personality through education and training, it is important to know not only the social and typical age traits, but also the individual psychological characteristics, qualities and properties of the child. The basis of individual personality traits is the type of nervous system, on which the strength of the main nervous processes, their mobility, and balance depend. A certain alloy of properties generates individual style activities, behaviour. The basis of individual inclinations to certain types of activity are the anatomical and physiological features of the analyzer systems. So, natural inclinations are conditions for the development of abilities. The development of inclinations depends entirely on the conditions of life and upbringing. The originality of each child is expressed in the level and volume of anatomical and physiological inclinations and abilities. This calls for an individual and differentiated approach in the upbringing and education of children.

Along with the natural anatomical and physiological individual properties, each person develops a life activity that is unique in its originality. Upbringing and the social environment form an individual personality warehouse, which is manifested in the orientation of abilities, needs, goals, feelings, will and character. Accounting for these features in education and training requires individual approach to children. Each child has individual characteristics of both physical and personal development, and it is necessary to take into account these features in the process of raising and educating a child.

Thus, the functional activity of the cerebral cortex continues to improve in a preschool child, the abilities of visual, auditory, tactile perception, visual-effective and figurative thinking, volitional, emotional and motivational processes develop.

At the age of 3-4, preschoolers are distinguished by high cognitive activity, they strive to expand their horizons, to break out of the environment that surrounds them. Their main assistant in this is a book. They are already ready to communicate with her: they emotionally react to what they hear, catch and distinguish various intonations, recognize their favorite literary characters, empathize with them. Most actively they perceive small genres of folklore (rhymes, jokes), songs of a playful nature, fairy tales, poems. It is advisable to introduce children to poetic texts in the classroom in kindergarten and at home, as well as while walking, dressing, washing, feeding. At the same time, children, together with an adult, play out the plots of poetic works, listen to onomatopoeia, consonances, rhymes.

Reading interests of older preschoolers are more diverse: they like books about animals, natural phenomena, children, descriptions of gaming and everyday situations. The main value of this age is a high emotional responsiveness to a literary word, the ability to empathize, to follow the development of the plot with excitement, to wait for a happy denouement, which is why we are talking about the possibility and necessity of forming a literary taste from an early preschool age. This is especially true for our reality, when the shelves of shops and kiosks are littered with bright, catchy illustrated books for preschoolers. But their content side, unfortunately, is often primitive and not only does not instill taste, but, on the contrary, impoverishes spiritual world child, does not develop emotionally colored, figurative speech.

After L. Tolstoy, the specifics of children's literature were discussed more than once, and by today I have decided whole line features, such as the unity of literary and pedagogical principles. The writer acts as an intermediary between the reader and society. A. Gaidar wrote: “We need to explain to the guys how to make a propeller or how a tank works. But this is not enough. The writer must explain to the children the words "honor", "banner", "courage", "truth". Perhaps, this is the main difficulty facing the children's writer: to talk about abstract, "non-childish" things concretely, "childishly".

In addition, writers and researchers pointed to the specifics of the text of a children's work, where, according to Rogachev, "there is a constant interchange of aesthetics and didactics." Quite often, children's text has a playful character. The writer plays with words, thoughts, sounds. He tries to say as a child would say, to guess the course of his thought, to express his idea of ​​the world. A.K. Pokrovskaya noticed that books for young children have their own artistic means images of reality. Among such techniques, one should name animism and anthropomorphism, and the alogism of the real. Authors writing for children not only make extensive use of children's speech as artistic technique, but also build a plot, in accordance with the characteristics of children's thinking and language (short genre forms, onomatopoeia) The text of a children's book for preschoolers cannot be imagined without illustrations.

In addition to all of the above, children's literature is distinguished by a special type of hero. It is peculiar only to what is peculiar to the reader. They are accessible to the perception of a small listener, are close to him in spirit, express his needs and capabilities. The first type is a small hero, equal in age and height to the reader, but "daring", strong, hurrying to help. The second is a hero in distress, in need of help, protection, advice. The third type is a hero who does not exist in reality, which has no analogues. The fourth type is the hero why.

Let's define the age characteristics of a preschooler as a reader. The first is the naivety of reading comprehension. Preschoolers identify literature with reality (therefore, they experience fear when reading scary stories).

The second age-related feature is the emotional perception of what is read. Perceiving a fairy tale, the child violently expresses his emotions: cries, laughs, sympathizes, is indignant, etc. On the one hand, this is good: he is an interested, empathetic reader. But on the other side, powerful emotions do not allow a sober, critical assessment of what has been read. Therefore, along with emotionality, it is necessary to educate the rationality of perception.

Another feature of the preschool reader is the desire to imitate. He reads mainly those books that are liked by peers, the educator, focuses on their opinion. Therefore, children need to develop independence of perception.

The described age characteristics make it possible to single out the negative stereotypes of a preschooler-reader, which must be overcome, and the positive ones, which must be formed. There are four groups of such stereotypes.

The first is the stereotypes of the attitude towards the reading process. Among them, there are negative ones: the attitude to reading exclusively as entertainment, relaxation, enjoyment, or, conversely, a duty. In contrast, they need to form positive stereotypes: an attitude towards reading as a serious occupation that requires the work of thought, as a useful activity that enriches the spiritual world of a person, allowing to satisfy cognitive interests.

The second group is stereotypes of reader interests and preferences. Here also take place: the stereotype of a limited reader, when a child listens only to fairy tales and does not like poetry, etc.; an omnivore reader who reads all books indiscriminately, including adults; a conformist reader who reads only those books that are read by peers. By overcoming these stereotypes, we form a positive stereotype of a discriminating reader - he does not read all the books in a row, but chooses those that are useful.

The third group - stereotypes of reading perception. Among them, preschoolers are characterized by the negative stereotype of the "naive realist": the child perceives what he read as a reality, identifies himself with the hero of the book. Why is this stereotype bad? First, it does not allow for analysis of what has been read. (At school, the child will be required to determine the writer's intention and the means to achieve it, and the child will not be ready for this.) Second, the stereotype of the naive realist does not allow critical evaluation of what is read. It requires correction aimed at forming positive stereotypes of the reader-interlocutor (conducting a dialogue with the writer, the author of the television program), the reader-critic, thoughtful, interested, enriching the author's intention with his own findings. It is necessary to teach preschoolers not to reincarnate, but to try on what they read for themselves, to compare.

And, finally, the fourth group - stereotypes of reading evaluation. Often, preschoolers either do not evaluate what they read at all, or evaluate it uncritically, relying only on the emotions or opinions of adults and peers. Therefore, it is necessary to educate preschoolers as critically thinking, creative readers.

3. Methods and forms of introducing preschoolers to fiction

Children's literature as part general literature is the art of the word. Its features are determined by the upbringing and educational tasks and the age of the children (interests, preferences and cognitive abilities of preschoolers are taken into account). Children's literature contributes to the development of the aesthetic consciousness of the child, the formation of his worldview.

The range of children's reading includes:

Works of oral creativity of the Russian people and peoples of the world;

Classical children's literature (domestic and foreign);

Modern literature (Russian and foreign).

1 junior group (2 - 3 years). Program "Childhood"

Tasks: - to arouse interest in illustrations and the desire to examine the book together with the teacher and independently; - acquaintance with folk songs and nursery rhymes; - Acquaintance with small and understandable children's author's poems.

The main forms of work with children: - showing illustrations, - demonstrating pictures (subject, plot) using a flannelgraph; - before reading the nursery rhyme, a didactic game is carried out related to it in content; - in some cases, the teacher accompanies the reading by showing the actions described in the nursery rhyme.

Means, methods and techniques for using fiction in working with children of primary preschool age:

1. Poetic works(folk songs, nursery rhymes, poems, songs). In many life situations, this or that work is out of place. With the help of a poetic text, children call the sun - a bucket, if it suddenly hid and was not shown at all today. At breakfast (afternoon snack), remind the kids of the nursery rhyme "Grass Muravka". On the way to a walk, under the text of the corresponding nursery rhyme, children show how big legs walk (t-o-p, t-o-p) and small legs run (top, top, top). Helping the child put on mittens, read the poem "My finger" by N. Sakonskaya, encouraging attempts to pronounce the words. Some poems can be read to children before going to bed "Bai - bai, bai - bai" (Russian folk song).

If the child climbed onto his knees, it's time to "ride" him on a horse ("Food - food to the woman, to the grandfather ...", Russian folk song).

Rhymes are rich in shapes and sizes. The content of some does not need explanation, for the correct perception of others, the display of relevant objects, actions, and explanations is required. Acquaintance with the latter requires preliminary work. So, before reading the nursery rhyme "Ay, kachi-kachi ...", together with the children, look at and compare kalachi and bagels (natural), consider the picture on which the oven is depicted. Before reading the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning ...", you can organize an outdoor game "Do not wake the turkey."

After the first reading, repeat the nursery rhyme 3-4 more times. In this case, the following options are possible:

Use the same techniques and the same visual material as in the first reading;

When reading a nursery rhyme, do not resort to clarity;

You can use new visual material or modify the old one, vary game situations. For example, another toy cat “comes” to the children with a request to read the poem “The cat went to the market ...” and about him.

Each program poetic work is read to children throughout the year.

2. Tales in verse. At every opportunity, ask the children to reproduce the action of the character. Children, for example, show how in the mentioned fairy tale by S. Marshak, a kitten “in the corner behind the chest washes its paw with its tongue”; how he skips after a rolling pencil; trying to get a pencil rolled under the cabinet.

3. Tales. To tell young children Russian folk tales in the most accessible way for them. For a full perception of the text, drawings and a conversation with children on their content are very important. Looking at the drawing, in which, next to a tiny hare, there is a huge bull, who promised to drive the fox out of the house and shamefully retreated, the children understand that not the one who is great is strong, but the one who is brave.

The first acquaintance with a fairy tale is telling it to everyone. It is not necessary to tell the story again on this day. Tell the children the same story after 2-3 days. Children already know the content of the fairy tale, willingly finish individual owls and phrases. Now you can show them a performance using the tabletop theater figures.

By the end of the year, along with music director and parents can put on a simple performance.

4. Examination of illustrated books. With the help of pictures, communicate with the child, tell and show, ask the child to find someone in the picture and admire his powers of observation.

2 junior group (3 - 4 years).

Tasks: - to arouse interest in illustrations and the desire to examine the book together with the teacher and independently; - acquaintance with folk songs and nursery rhymes; - acquaintance with small and understandable children's author's poems; - daily reading of folk songs, nursery rhymes, folk and author's tales, poems, stories by Russian and foreign authors.

The main directions of work with children. Starting the school year, it is necessary to repeat with the children what was introduced earlier. At every opportunity, read folk songs and nursery rhymes, poems to kids; tell folk tales.

Forms of organization become more complicated:

1. Reading by roles. Several times the work is read to the children, their attempt to read together with the teacher is approved. As soon as the children memorize the text, reading is organized by roles.

2. Outdoor and round dance games. Folk songs set up listeners for certain actions, call on someone to help, save someone, run away from someone, catch someone, etc.

3. Reading poetry.- Poems for children, small in volume and understandable to them in content, are often addressed to a particular child, as evidenced by his name in the text. Replacing this name with one of those present - and the child receives a very unusual and pleasant gift for him.

If the name is not mentioned in the song, but the teacher reads it and at the same time looks at one of the kids and smiles slyly, the child is flattered by such attention. Other children, watching the teacher and listening to the song, understand why the song is addressed to this particular child, and begin to imitate his actions. The next day, a group of children gather again and the same poem is read to them.

If the child remembers the poem, the teacher invites him to “give” the poem to the peers present.

Memorizing new poems, songs, children gradually forget the old ones. Therefore, from time to time, in suitable cases, the educator should recall old poems.

4. Fables. Having introduced the children to the fable, you should read it again after 2-3 days, then after a week and then read it for a year on each appropriate occasion.

5. Folk tales. Fairy tales are not told to children, but read, because they are large enough in volume and contain rhyming lines and onomatopoeia that are difficult to remember. For children to learn and love fairy tales, they must be read repeatedly. Children love to listen to the same thing, so do not rush to change the repertoire. You need to read the fairy tale for 3-4 days, then take a break and repeat the fairy tale in a week or two, in a month, in two months.

Middle group (4 - 5 years old)

Tasks: - Exercise children in retelling literary works (in whole, in parts, using elements of dramatization); - Continue to form interest in books, their examination; - To acquaint with works of different genres; - Memorize poems and read them expressively; - Expand and consolidate in real life the norms of speech etiquette based on assimilation by children ethical standards and rules.

Main directions: read daily. The list of program literary works includes poems, stories and author's fairy tales, the heroes of which, in their own way, human manifestations close and understandable to the child, teach him to be kind, strong, fair and generous.

1. Humorous works. These works, better than any moralizing, cure laziness, stubbornness, whims, selfishness.

2. Continue work to familiarize children with new works of small forms of folklore: folk songs, counting rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters. These works are considered the embodiment of humanity, humor, expressive language; they contain ideal combinations of hard-to-pronounce sounds, combinations of words thought out in terms of sound. It is important that children not only know and remember the counting rhymes, but also independently use them in the game.

4. Tales(Russian folk tales, tales of the peoples of the world, literary tales): - To acquaint children with new tales; - Tell stories they already know; - Arrange dramatization of small passages from fairy tales, encouraging children to try to play roles, and not just pronounce words; - Compose endings to fairy tales, in particular to the works of J. Rodari. ("Tales with three ends"); - Children's attempts to compose fairy tales, take care of their creativity, and not refuse help are welcomed.

5. Draw the attention of children to the figurative side of the work of art. The age of 4-5 years is the time of a special attitude to beauty, in particular to the beauty of the language. It is important to explain to children that the same thing can be told in different ways.

6. Poems. Children at this age begin to hear beauty poetic speech. Children of this age should be helped to learn poetry by heart. When offering poems for memorization, it is necessary to give the child the right to choose. In order for the poems to be remembered, the child needs to hear and say it repeatedly. To pronounce verses in order to remember - this motive is not convincing for a child, it is necessary to organize a game. Invite the children to convey the content of the poem with expressive gestures. Many poetic works are good to read by roles, especially those that introduce children to the rules of good form.

Senior group (5 - 6 years).

Tasks: 1. To improve the aesthetic perception of works of art. Draw the attention of children to figurative and expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons). 2. Help the child feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instilling sensitivity to poetic word. 3. To improve the artistic and speech performing skills of children when reading poems, in dramatizing works. 4. Raise the child's need to consider the book, talk about its content. Show children the main differences between a fairy tale, a story, a poem.

The main directions of work with children: Read familiar and new works of fiction to children every day, memorize poems; create conditions for viewing books with illustrations by the best artists.

Forms of organization educational activities: - daily reading of fairy tales, stories, poems to older preschoolers, independent examination of books by children; - free communication with children based on fiction (held once a week in the afternoon).

Here it is possible to offer children the type of activity that is particularly attractive to them at the moment: looking at books, dramatizing, puppet shows, reading works in faces, reading together with children a poem or fairy tale in verse that is quite large in volume, reciting poems with gestures.

Preparatory group (from 6 to 7 years).

1. Continue to develop children's interest in fiction.

2. To improve the aesthetic perception of works of art: to form the ability to show disinterested joy, emotional excitement when meeting with kind and beautiful world; feel compassion and sympathy for the heroes of the books, mentally feeling close to them or identifying yourself with your favorite character.

3. Draw the attention of children to figurative and expressive means (figurative words and expressions, epithets, comparisons), helping the child to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of the work, instilling sensitivity to the poetic word.

4. To improve the artistic and speech performance skills of children when reading poems, in dramatizations and performances (emotional performance and natural behavior, the ability to convey their attitude to the content of the work and the situations described in it with intonation, gesture and facial expressions).

5. Raise the child's need to look at the book and illustrations. Help children to see the main differences between a fairy tale, a story, a poem.

Main areas of work with children:

2. Do not forget about the need to re-read the works. Once heard a fairy tale (story), even if it left a mark in the soul of a child, will quickly get lost in the flow of other, no less interesting information for a preschooler.

3. Conduct special classes to familiarize children with fiction. The purpose of such classes is to enrich and clarify children's ideas about books, their authors, genres of works, about the expressiveness, imagery and beauty of the literary language; help the child navigate the world of works of art; reveal the sympathies and preferences of children.

4. Once a week, in the afternoon, fiction should be devoted in order to meet the children's need for free communication about fiction and self-realization in games, dramatizations and performances based on literary works.

5. Regularly provide books for children to review.

6. Be interested in what thoughts the child had in the process of examining it independently.

Forms of organization: - daily read fairy tales, stories, poems to older preschoolers, independent examination of books by children; - activity with children. With their help, all the tasks of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction are solved; - free communication with children based on fiction (held once a week in the afternoon). Here it is possible to offer children the type of activity that is particularly attractive to them at the moment: looking at books, dramatization, puppet show, reading works in faces, joint reading of a teacher with children of a fairly large poem or fairy tale in verse, telling poems with gestures.

Means, methods and techniques of working with children: - exhibitions of fiction in the book corner; - to replenish the stocks of knowledge of preschoolers with counting rhymes, tongue twisters, fables; - reading fairy tales, stories, novels; - reading and memorizing poetry. Capture the beauty, expressiveness of the language. For memorization, children should be offered small dynamic works, including dialogues, memorization is carried out once a month. Children read the text 1-3 times; it is explained how to read certain lines, to exercise children in expressive reading of these lines. Many verses are built on dialogues, so they are easy to read by roles or with a teacher, and many verses are also sung. Start a poem, and the children finish the individual words and phrases. Each child says what he remembers; - participation in dramatizations and performances.

preschooler fiction

In this term paper we saw that the formation of children's fiction arose from the end of the 15th century, earlier it was part of adult literature, and as a separate preschool discipline it began to stand out by the end of the 19th century. The specificity of this literature was substantiated in the article by L.N. Tolstoy “Who should learn to write from whom, peasant children from us or us from peasant children?” .

Children's fiction, as an educational field, is still quite young, and earlier it was part of adult literature.

Introducing children to fiction is different for each preschool age. Children of any age, if possible, should read every day (new and already familiar works).

With the help of a book, a child discovers the world in all its interrelationships and interdependencies, begins to understand people's lives more and better, experiencing and living what they read.

The circle of children's reading is aimed at generating interest in the book, at the gradual replenishment of their literary baggage.


Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. Its influence on the mental and aesthetic development of the child is well known. Its role is also great in the development of the speech of preschoolers. Coherent speech shows how much a child owns the richness of his native language, grammatical structure, and at the same time reflects the level of his mental, aesthetic and emotional development.

The significance of fiction is great: it opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships, develops thinking and imagination, enriches emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is enormous, since, by expanding the child's ideas about the world around it, it affects the personality of the baby, develops the ability to feel the form and rhythm of the native language.

Fiction expands horizons, introduces a rich world of images that reflect life, instills a love for art, develops emotional and cognitive activity, an active attitude to life, literary and artistic taste, and also contributes to the emergence of one’s own judgments about what is read, the need to speak out, develops speech.

According to the well-known literary critic Yu.M. Lotman, literary texts have the properties of "condensed information content", i.e. contain as much information about the world as real experience limited by time and space cannot give. And indeed, literary texts - with the right choice of them - can cover, if not all, then most educational, educational skills that children need to master. That is why reading fiction can be used as one of the means that creates a semantic background and an incentive for deploying other forms of joint activity of an adult with children (productive, cognitive-research, play), uniting them in a holistic educational process.

Using works of art as ready-made cultural material, the educator and parents act as guides for children to the worlds created by the book, and at the same time they do not remain indifferent performers, but, as partners, together with them they are surprised, admired, upset, anticipate possible collisions - they empathize characters in their events.

In other words, reading fiction acts as one of the forms of joint partner activity between an adult and children. Unlike other forms - productive, cognitive-research, play - it cannot be continued by preschoolers on their own and go into their free activity due to the fact that most of them do not know how to read freely and depend on an adult partner. This imposes a special responsibility on the educator and parents in terms of selecting works of art for reading, so that the book, touching the strings of the child's soul, contributes to the development and education of the child to the greatest extent.

Raising interest in reading books should not be limited to any one aspect, as is often done: for example, the creative perception of works of art is formed only in speech development classes. Such education should be carried out not only and not so much in the classroom, but in free life, and above all in the family.


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20. Likhachev D.S. Letters about the good and the beautiful / comp. G.A. Dubrovskaya. - 3rd ed. - M.: Det. lit., 1989.

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30. First word: reader for children / comp. Cl. Lukashevich. - Sergiev Posad: Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 2003.

31. Petrova V.I., Stulnik T.D. Moral education in kindergarten: program and guidelines. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006.

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34. Stoyunin V.Ya. On the teaching of Russian literature. - M.: Pedagogy, 1978.

35. Sukhomlinsky V.A. About education / comp. and ed. intro. essays by S. Soloveichik. Ed. 5th. - M.: Politizdat, 1985.

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Organization: MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten No. 193"

Location: Altai Territory, Barnaul

Article "Introduction of preschool children to fiction".

Shelkova L.V., Starodumova L.A.

(Barnaul, Russia,

MBDOU CRR "Kindergarten No. 193",

mbdou. kid barnaul- obr. en)

Fiction plays a special role in the upbringing of children, expanding their understanding of living reality, helping the child to learn about life, shaping his attitude to the environment, educating him spiritually and morally. Having learned to empathize with the heroes of works of art, children begin to notice the mood of their loved ones and those around them, which awakens in them humane feelings - the ability to show participation, kindness, mercy, a sense of justice.

Today, the problem of familiarizing preschoolers with fiction is especially relevant, since it is impossible not to note a decrease in children's interest in reading. Therefore, it is desirable to introduce the child to the book, to reading already in the preschool period, in accordance with federal state educational standards, otherwise it will be difficult to educate the reader in the future, which will negatively affect not only the development of a particular child, but also the spiritual and moral potential of society as a whole. .

Many works have been devoted to the study of this issue, for example, teachers, psychologists, linguists K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, L.S. Vygotsky , S.L. Rubinshtein, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.A. Leontiev, F.A. Sokhini.

Children's book is considered as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic education. Children's poet I. Tokmakova calls children's literature the fundamental principle of education. According to V.A. Sukhomlinsky, “reading books is a path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking educator finds a way to a child’s heart.”

The problem of introducing preschool children to fiction is relevant, since, having entered the third millennium, society has come into contact with the problem of obtaining information from publicly available sources. In this case, children suffer first of all, losing touch with family reading.

Through reading fiction, the child learns the past, present and future of the world, learns to analyze. For the knowledge of fiction to become a school for the development of feelings, emotions and moral deeds, it is necessary to systematically influence the child on the part of others and adults.

Therefore, the task of preschool teachers, first of all, is to build work in such a way that the book is present in various areas of the child's activity, children have the opportunity to communicate with the book every day, and can develop their literary interests.

In this regard, in our kindergarten for three years, experimental work was successfully carried out on the topic "Development of interest and love for books in preschool children." For experimental work, we took large works of art: with children 5-6 years old, we studied A.A. Miln "Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything", A.M. Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City", with children 6-7 years old - N.N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Heroes of the Russian Land" - the study of epics.

The main ideas of the experiment.The development of interest and love for the book, the successful use of fiction as a means of educating and developing a child is possible provided that the teacher proceeds from the aesthetic nature of the word, makes extensive use of expressive reading, methods and techniques that contribute to the development of recreative and creative imagination, the emotional sphere, independent intellectual and artistic and speech activity of children.

Purpose of the experiment:

1. Development in children of senior preschool age of interest in the book. 2. Creation of a model for working with a children's book.


1. Analysis of the existing theoretical and practical experience of teachers on the stated topic.

2. Create a methodological set of materials (projects, abstracts, guidelines, etc.)

  1. To develop a model for the work of older preschool children with a children's book.

4. To introduce older preschool children to great literary works through various activities:

  • speech - the word (epithets, comparisons, rhythm, metaphor);
  • theatrical - movements, gestures, voice, facial expressions, intonation;
  • pictorial - drawing, matching method paintings With literary texts.;
  • musical - melody, rhythm, intonation.
  • game - didactic games.

5. To form independent artistic and speech activity of children of senior preschool age (through the enrichment of the subject-developing environment, "book corners", game activity)

6.Summarize the work experience of preschool teachers in the form teaching materials.

Object of study: the educational process of familiarization with the literature of children of senior preschool


Subject of study:development in older preschool children

interest in the book.


The development of interest in children is relevant in the process of forming the information culture of the individual, but the disparate methods and techniques implemented in practice do not contribute to the motivation of preschoolers to read large literary works. The development of interest in the book in older preschoolers will be successful if:

The educational process will be filled with a variety of methods and techniques for working with literary texts;

A developing subject environment has been created that orients preschoolers to the formation of a child's reading culture;

Organized joint activities of the preschool educational institution and the society to organize the literary education of children (preschool educational institution - BSPU - gymnasium No. 42-library);

The interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family was organized in the formation of a reading culture and literary taste in children.

Experiment steps:

Stage 1. Preparatory (6 months)

Development and adjustment of local acts for the management of the experiment;

Adjustment of job descriptions and instructions for health and safety of participants in the EEA;

Development of a phased EEA plan;

Making adjustments to the development program and the annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

Registration of an application for EEA to the Education Committee;

Acquisition of a fund of reference manuals, information materials on the problem of the experiment (including electronic media and the Internet);

Generalization of the work experience of preschool teachers

Stage 2. Operation of the experimental site (2 years)

Organization of experimental work in accordance with the long-term plan, the program of integrated projects;

Creation of conditions for professional growth and creative activity of teachers (workshops, exhibitions, presentations, literary

living rooms);

Development of teaching materials, didactic and methodological support of the experiment;

Organization open events, exhibitions of products of pedagogical and children's activities;

Determination of the effectiveness of the work done (final diagnostics)

Stage 3. Generalizing (6 months)

Data processing, description of the results, their correlation with goals and objectives;

Preparation of written reports;

Drawing up reports, speeches for scientific and practical conferences, methodological associations of teachers, etc.;

Preparation of materials for publication in the journals "Preschool education", "Management of preschool educational institutions", "Obruch", newspapers "Preschool education", etc.;

Edition teaching aids on the topic of the experiment, approved long-term plans, copyright programs, etc.

Principles for the implementation of experimental activities:

- the principle of integration, which allows you to combine in solving the problems of introducing children to reading fiction aspects different types activities (cognitive research, visual arts, speech, theatrical, musical and aesthetic activities), as well as in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard to the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education;

The principle of the activity approach, which forms the cognitive activity of preschoolers, the practical and creative abilities of children, develops imaginative thinking, observation, independence, positively affects the expansion of the horizons of children through the inclusion of children in cognitive research activities;

The principle of consistency in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with literary works based on bilateral interaction between teachers and parents;

The principle of relying on the leading activity is realized in the organic connection of the game with other activities;

The principle of taking into account age characteristics and concentricity allows us to consider various problems at an accessible level, and then return to previously studied material at a new, higher level;

Development principle personal qualities the child is aimed at forming a respectful, positive attitude to the book;

The principle of cooperation and co-creation presupposes the unity of an adult and a child as equal partners, providing the opportunity for self-development of each, dialogic interaction, the predominance of empathy in interpersonal relationships;

The principle of continuity in the interaction between the kindergarten and the family and as a condition for building a single educational space and ensuring the development of the child.

Conditions for the implementation of the basic principles of work:

1. Organization of the book corner "Island of the Book".

2. Organization of a book repair workshop "Knizhkina Hospital".

3. Creation of a theatrical corner.

4. Creation of a mini-museum of children's books.

5. Creation of methodical, didactic and visual base.

6. Development of integrated projects to familiarize with the works and creativity of writers.

7. Development of a program for a children's reading club in conjunction with the Golden Key library, the Book Cradle circle, and the parent-child studio Visiting a Fairy Tale.

8. Development of seminar programs for preschool teachers and parents.

9. Development of a model for the work of children of senior preschool age with a children's book.

Forms of interaction with children:

1. Joint activity with the teacher

Classes for the development of speech and familiarization with fiction and biographies of writers

Classes to familiarize children with the environment - the objective world(Where did the book come from)

Design of thematic exhibitions dedicated to the work of writers (calendar of significant dates)

Creation of the Book Hospital in groups

Classes in the circle "Book cradle" (1 time per week)

● making collages in the process of directly - educational activities (artistic and productive activities)

●artistic creativity (organization of competitions of children's drawings based on works of fiction, modeling, appliqué, drawing based on works of fiction, making layouts for large works of art, making homemade books)

● vocabulary creativity (inventing stories, riddles, fairy tales)

●organization of leisure activities (entertainment, theatrical performances, staging)

●examination of reproductions, illustrations

●celebrating the name day of a literary work

Literary and musical holidays (opera, musical and gaming entertainment)

Competitions between the "heroes" of a work of art

Excursions and classes in the branch of the city library No. 1.

2. Independent activity of children

Organization of role-playing games, travel games, didactic games

Dramatization of fairy tales

Artistic creativity (sculpting, drawing, application)

Forms of interaction with parents

I. Information and analytical

Conducting surveys, surveys "About reading in the family", "Favorite book of childhood", "Raising a child's interest and love for the book"

- "Mailbox" (parents in writing post your questions and suggestions).

II. Cognitive forms of work (designed to acquaint parents with rational methods and techniques for familiarizing preschoolers with children's literature, forms practical skills of interacting with children)

Individual consultations, conversations

parent meetings

Seminars - workshops

- Open Days

Project activity

Shares "Give a book", "Books - homemade"


Creation of layouts for works of art.

III. Leisure forms

Child-parent studio "Visiting a fairy tale"

Evenings - entertainment, holidays

Creation of family libraries

Competitions of drawings, crafts

Weekend Club "Over a cup of tea".

IV. Visually - informational

parent corner

Information for parents: lists of literary works by age, tips on “How to organize reading at home”, the heading “New children's literature” with a brief annotation to them

Folders - sliders


wall newspapers

Information sheets "Raising the Future Reader".

Forms of activation of teachers:

Traditional: seminars, seminars - workshops, consultations, creative groups, pedagogical councils, trainings, business game, advanced training.

- Innovative:project activities, master classes, creation of a bank of innovative ideas, use of quest-technologies, case-technologies, publishing, ICT-technologies, literary salon.

Working methods:



- SWOT- analysis


- "Brainstorm"

Moderation Method

Methodological Festival.

The results of experimental - experimental activities:

1. Level up speech development and communication skills in older preschool children.

2. Children's interest in the book and attitude towards it increased.

3. Teachers know theoretical basis methods of working with fiction; are able to analyze and evaluate the ideological and artistic content and form of a literary work; able to organize various artistic activity; master the means of expressive reading.

4. Parents have become active helpers, participants in competitions and exhibitions, joint events with children held in kindergarten. They read a lot of works to children, discuss them, and are regular visitors to the library.

5. A methodological set has been created (integrated projects, long-term plans, methodological recommendations, class notes, didactic aids etc.).

6. A developing subject has been created - spatial environment in accordance with the peculiarities of the reading interests of preschool children.

7.Organized work kids club"Golden key" in interaction with society.

8. The work of the circle "Book cradle" was organized.

9. A children's and parent studio "Visiting a fairy tale" was created.

10. A model for working with a children's book has been created.


  1. Arushanova Origins of dialogue: scenarios of activating communication /A. Arushanova // Preschool education. - 2003.- No. 10 - S. 73 - 80.
  2. Gritsenko Z.A. You tell a fairy tale to children ...: a technique for introducing children to reading / - M .: Linka-Press, 2003.-176p.
  3. Kuzmenkova E., Rysina G. Education of the future reader: literary and artistic development of children 3-5 years old / - M .: Chistye Prudy, 2005.-32p.
  4. Miklyaeva N.V., Mishina T.S. Interaction of the educator with the family in organizing home reading: a method. allowance / - M .: Iris-press. 2005. - 80s.
  5. Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works / K.D. Ushinsky - M .: Education, 1978. - 488s.
  6. Flerina E.A. Aesthetic education of a preschooler / U.A. Fleurina. – M.: APN RSFSR, 1961.- 334p.

Communionchildren tofiction.

It has long been known that the reading experience begins in childhood.

Preschool childhood is a very important stage in the upbringing of an attentive, sensitive reader who loves a book that helps him to learn about the world around him and himself in it, form moral feelings and assessments, and develop the perception of a literary word.

This is the age at which the ability to hear, see, touch, and imagine perceive a work of art is most clearly manifested; sincerely, from the fullness of the soul, sympathize, resent, rejoice.

Every preschooler is a reader. Even if he does not know how to read, but only listens to the reading of an adult. But he chooses what he will listen to, he perceives what he hears, and hears what he is interested in. However, reading sensitivity does not occur on its own. It depends on what exactly, how often and in what way children are read.

Children's literature as part of general literature is the art of the word. Its features are determined by the upbringing and educational tasks and the age of the children (the interests, preferences and cognitive abilities of preschoolers are taken into account). Children's literature contributes to the development of the aesthetic consciousness of the child, the formation of his worldview.

The range of children's reading includes:

Works of oral creativity of the Russian people and peoples of the world;

Classical children's literature (domestic and foreign);

Modern literature (Russian and foreign).

Folk poetry is the greatest achievement of the national culture of every people. High artistic perfection and accessibility to the perception of a child of preschool age have made folklore an important means of education, familiarization with folk culture, mother tongue The program includes songs, nursery rhymes, chants, calendar children's folklore, tongue twisters, riddles.

The pedagogical value of fairy tales is extremely great. Children of preschool age are read and told fairy tales about animals. In fairy tales different peoples and from different times there are images of a rustic-stupid wolf, a cowardly braggart hare, a lumpy bear, a sly coquettish fox, a warlike rooster, etc.

Fairy tales are loved by older preschoolers. They gently teach the child to evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad. On the basis of folk tales, literary author's tales arose. They often intertwine elements of fairy tales about animals, household and fairy tales.

Introducing children to poetry begins at an early age with folklore and poets A. Barto, K. Chukovsky and others. Older children are introduced to the perception of serious high poetry - poems by A. Pushkin, F. Tyutchev, A. Pleshcheev, A. Maikov, and Bunin, S. Yesenin and many other remarkable Russian poets. In the program lists, stories of various topics are widely represented. Some reveal moral issues, and in others - ecological, in the third - the "exploits" of children, inventors and dreamers, famously winning the right to independence.

So, the circle of children's reading is aimed at forming preschoolers' interest in the book, at the gradual replenishment of their literary baggage, the enrichment of literary experience that manifests itself in interest works certain genre or a specific subject matter, in the need to view illustrated books.

Let us consider the features of work on introducing children to fiction in different age groups.

(Teachers talk about the work done in their group.)




To acquaint children with this topic in fiction.

Deepen the knowledge of children about the topic you have chosen.

To form children's emotional and figurative perception of works through the artistic description of images.

To educate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the appropriateness of using his own speech (sayings, riddles, metaphors, folk sayings, onomatopoeia). Learn to feel and understand the figurative language of the read works.

Through works to help children evaluate the deeds and actions of people in the light of the correct concepts of what is good and what is bad, to cultivate good feelings, interest in works of art. Cultivate the ability to be surprised by beauty

To teach children to negotiate, share, help, support in work, show interest in the completed task.

To expand the ideas of parents about children's literature.

Encourage parents to read children's fiction as a family.

The project consists of 3 stages:

Stage 1 - preparatory (one week). Based on the interests of children,

Questioning parents, discussing the goals and objectives of the project with children, creating the conditions necessary for the implementation of the project.

Stage II - main (1 month). Implementation of the main activities in the areas of the project. Presentation.

Stage III-final (one week). It includes the collection and processing of methodological, practical materials, the correlation of the delivered and predicted results with those obtained, the generalization of the project materials.

Given the implementation of this project, the following results can be expected.

1. Creation in the group of the necessary conditions for familiarizing children with the chosen topic

a) creating a library

b) selection of a library

c) creation of a corner for developing games;

d) design of albums

e) the implementation of the project itself in the form of a composition (crafts).

2. The attitude of 80% of children to the book not only as entertainment, but as a source of cognitive interests.

3. Active participation of presumably 80% of parents in the implementation of the project.

4. The ability of 25% of children to express ideas and assumptions.

5. Creation of a system - work to familiarize children with children's fiction.

Evaluation of effectiveness based on the results of the work is carried out in three areas: children, parents, teachers.

Evaluation of the interest of children, their success in general is monitored through observation and analysis of children's activities, classes, conversations with children.

The assessment of interest and participation in the project of parents occurs through their participation in events, assistance in the implementation of the project ( homework with children, assistance in the design of a book corner on the topic chosen by the group).

Evaluation of the activation of the activities of teachers is monitored in terms of the quality of work with children within the project


  1. Advice for parents
  2. Summary of the profiles of your group
  3. Drawings based on works (at home with parents, in the garden with educators, with specialists - a psychologist, a speech therapist)
  4. Photo material in a group (classes with children, work in a book corner 5-6 photos)
  5. Photo exhibition "Mom, dad, I am a reading family" in my group.
  6. Book corner on the subject.
  7. 1 abstract of a complex lesson.
  8. The project itself (in volume), + filling in the table "Planning and organizing activities for the implementation of the project to introduce children to fiction."
  9. Final lesson (in the form of a quiz, leisure, you can team up with another group, connect teachers of additional education)
  10. A folder with the work done for the methodical office.

Questionnaire for parents on the topic:


  1. Do you involve your child in reading children's literature, if "yes", then in what way ________________________________


  1. Who reads books to a child?

Mom____ Dad___ others____

  1. Where do you get children's books?

Library at home____ At the children's library____

Buying____ Other____

  1. How often do you read to your child?

1-2 times a week_____ every day____ more often____

  1. Who chooses more often what to read to a child?

Child____ Adult____

  1. What topic do you read the most and why?

Fairy tales about animals _____

Poetry (about animals, seasons, about children, etc.) _____

Children's stories (about animals, about children, about nature) ________

Folklore genre (songs, nursery rhymes, proverbs, etc.) _______


  1. What writers do you like to read to children?

Domestic____ Foreign______

  1. Do you discuss what you have read with your child, and if so, for what purpose?

Not really_____


  1. Favorite work of the child or what was the last read (read)? ____________________________________________

P.S. Check the box next to your answer.


"Planning and organizing activities for the implementation of a project to introduce children to fiction."




Parent survey

Find out if parents read books to their children. What do they prefer to read?

Library selection

Develop children's interest in children. thin literature

Action "Give a book to kindergarten" (on this topic)

To replenish the group's library with books on the chosen topic, to continue to form in parents and children the desire to take part in the group's activities

Decorating the parent's corner

Educate parents

Selection visual aids, demonstration material for classes

Create conditions for the demonstration of works




Examination of books, illustrations by works

Cultivate children's interest in books

Book corner decoration

Create conditions for the implementation of the project. Develop an interest in books

Reading works of the chosen subject

Awaken and maintain children's interest in fiction.

To teach to understand the idea of ​​the work, to develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes (for children of senior age), to perform actions, to stage (for children of junior age)

Productive activity (specify which one)

Leisure on this topic (specify)

Dramatization Games


Corrective work. Psychogymnastics, mood

Support the emotional and psychological state of children

Coming up with various options for the continuation of works (for st. d. Asc.)

To develop the creative activity of children in the process of inventing various options for continuing works. Develop communication skills.

Competitions, exhibitions (specify)

Album art

Create an album on this topic

Circle what you did.

Shatilova Natalia
Parent meeting "Introducing children to fiction"

Parent meeting Discussion


Target: summing up parents to the conclusion that reading children's books in the family plays a huge role in the overall development children;

Tasks: expand views parents about the role family reading in raising a child;

stimulate self-education parents;

to instill reading culture skills;

educate respect for the book.

Conduct form: discussion.

Members: educators, parents.

Preparing for assembly:

Studying the reading interests of families and finding out the attitude to reading books at home.

Preparation of an exhibition of a multi-genre children's literature.

Team work parents and children in a kindergarten to make a homemade book. Topic: "I have a book!"

Preparing a photo exhibition "Evening with a book".

Implementation plan

The beginning of the discussion « Introducing children to fiction» .

Conducting and analyzing surveys.

Solution meetings.

Event progress

Introductory part

Educator. Good evening dear parents! We are glad to meet you. We want to dedicate our meeting to family reading.

Everyone knows that in Russia the family was revered and protected, because it was here that the birth, formation and formation of a person's personality took place. Every family with children dreams that they would grow up as respected people, find their recognition, so that their life would be happy and successful. But where to get that magic wand that will help turn this dream into reality? Answer simple: this magic wand is the ability and desire of the child to read.

One of priority problems of our society is getting a child to read. Unfortunately, in our age of informatization, the attitude children to the book has changed interest in reading began to decline. According to numerous studies, already at preschool age, children prefer watching TV and video products and playing computer games to books. As a result, schoolchildren do not like, do not want to read.

Without reading, a person does not develop, does not improve his intellect, memory, attention, imagination, does not absorb and does not use the experience of his predecessors, does not learn to think, analyze, compare, draw conclusions.

The book, on the contrary, makes it possible to conjecture, to “fantasize”. It teaches to reflect on new information, develops creativity, creative abilities, the ability to think independently.

Fiction serves the mighty, an effective means of mental, moral and aesthetic education children, it has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of children's speech.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers, artistic the work is brought to them by the teacher, therefore, his possession of the skills of expressive reading takes on special significance. The teacher has an important task - each work must be conveyed to children as a work of art, to reveal its intention, to infect the listener with an emotional attitude to read: feelings, actions, lyrical experiences of the characters.

Thus, it is important to recognize the process of reading as determining in the education and development, worldview and moral development of a person, a child.

The beginning of the discussion « Introducing children to fiction»

caregiver: Reading aloud in the family circle is very interesting and useful form communication. I propose to speak in turn and justify your point of view on the benefits of reading in a circle. families: (presumed opinions parents.)

Discussion of moral issues;

memorization of poems, retelling of works;

Establishing mutual understanding both within the family and beyond (smoothing generational barriers);

Raises a kind and loving heart in a child;

The most effective solution to the problem of non-readers children;

Broadens the mind children, teaches them to think, develops speech, memory, imagination;

The joy of knowing;

Source of intellectual development;

spiritual rapprochement (twinning parents and children) etc.

Literary quiz for parents.

Adults - offer poems based on the fairy tale by A. N. Tolstoy "Golden Key".

Here is the magic key, golden.

He's not even very simple.

He told us a story about him

Writer Alex. (Tolstoy).

Long nose, under the arm a book -

This is such a strange picture!

Where is the boy going?

What is called. (Pinocchio).

He will wave his hand to us,

Deftly bend two knees -

"Polka - a bird" dances vigorously,

Even if it's made from. (log).

He is a doctor of puppet science.

But, dolls, he doesn't love you!

Invented hundreds of torments for dolls

The villain is nasty. (Karabas)

Alice's henchman is always there here:

Basilio is a clever deceiver and. (rogue)

Three hundred years living in a pond.

Frogs in sight.

Pinocchio handed over the key.

And I call her. (tortilla).


In a fairy tale the sky is blue

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.

Apple tree, cover me!

Rechenka, save me!

"Swan geese" On the edge of the forest

There were two huts.

One of them melted

One is old.

"Zayushkina's hut"

The thief stole the wheat

Ivan caught him.

The thief turned out to be magical

And Ivan rode on it.

"Sivka-burka" Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,

I messed up a little:

Didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.

"Cat, Rooster and Fox"

I pronounce the task, and you all answer together in unison.

1. Mixed with sour cream

It's cold on the window.

He has a ruddy side

Who is this? (Kolobok)

2. For each other in a chain

Everything is so tight!

But more helpers will soon come running,

Friendly common work will win the stubbornness.

How firmly seated! Who is this? … (Turnip)

3. Three of them live in a hut,

It has three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

4. In the dark forest at the edge,

They all lived together in a hut.

The children were waiting for their mother

The wolf was not allowed into the house.

This story is for kids... (The wolf and the seven Young goats)

1. A kind girl lived in a fairy tale,

I went to visit my grandmother in the forest.

Mom made a beautiful hat

And don't forget to bring pies.

What a cute girl.

What is her name? … (Red Riding Hood)

2. I am a wooden boy,

Here is the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

I stick my nose everywhere,

My name … (Pinocchio)

3. A little blue boy in a hat

From a famous children's book.

He is stupid and arrogant

And his name is... (Dunno)

4. And she washed it for her stepmother

And sorted through the peas

At night by candlelight

And slept by the stove.

Good as the sun.

Who is this? … (Cinderella)

"Guess the hero of the fairy tale".

1. An arrow flew and hit the swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her.

Who said goodbye to green skin,

Did you instantly become beautiful, comely? (Frog)

2. He lives in the wild jungle,

He calls the wolf father.

And a boa constrictor, a panther, a bear -

Friends of the wild boy. (Mowgli)

3. He is a big naughty and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boastful and arrogant,

And his name is... (CARLSON)

4. Gentle girl with a tail

Then it will become sea foam.

Lose everything without selling love

I gave my life for her. (Mermaid)

2. Who wrote the fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Charles Perrault)

1. The mustachioed character of Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)

2. Bridegroom Flies-sokotuhi. (Mosquito).

3. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)

4. What was the name of the girl - the owner of the magic flower from Kataev's fairy tale "Flower-seven-flower"? (Zhenya)

1. What was the name of the mother bear in the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Nastasya Petrovna)

2. What is the patronymic of Fedora from Chukovsky's fairy tale "Fedorino grief". (Egorovna)

3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio"? (Artemon)

4. What was the name of the cunning cat from the fairy tale "Golden Key"? (Basilio)

Conducting surveys and analyzing questionnaires


"Cultivating interest and love for the book"

1. Do you have a children's library at home?


2. Your children's library is dominated by (Underline whatever applicable)

(informative books, fairy tales, poems, stories)

3. What are you guided by when buying literature for a child?

(check 1 of the items)

B) take into account age

C) I select according to illustrations

D) I buy randomly

4. How often do you read books to your child?

A) daily

B) 2-3 times a week

B) once a month

5. How do you read books?

A) at the request of the child

B) on their own initiative

C) the child reads independently

6. Does the child listen carefully piece of art ?


7. Do you discuss the content of what you read with your child?

A) I ask what new I learned from the book

B) I discuss the actions of the characters, their behavior

C) I suggest just retelling

8. Does the child have favorites works of art

9. How often do you buy books for your child?


10. What is the role of the book in the development of the child

11. Does your child consider a book a good gift?


11. Does your child tell you about works of art whom he met in kindergarten? (NOT REALLY)

From the experience of family education.

Parents act on the following question:

*** Reading aloud is an attractive activity for children;

*** Drawing in the footsteps of the perceived work.

*** Traditions of our family.

Auction of proverbs about books and reading (proverbs, sayings, poems about

books about reading). Performance parents.

Educator. Our Russian people have long valued a well-aimed word, a resourceful mind. So it has come to our time folk wisdom expressed in proverbs and sayings. And since the best gift is a book, this book is being raffled off at our auction. So, whoever is the last to name a proverb about a book, reading, he will win.

Solution parent meeting

Considering the important role parents in vaccinating children love for the book and the development of interest in reading, direct efforts to solve the following tasks: read children's books with the child every day, discuss what they read, help compose stories based on what they read.

Organize family reading evenings for each family.

Include poems, stories, proverbs, sayings in the circle of children's family reading.

Regularly visit the library.

Announce a competition for the best reader. At the end of the year, summarize its results and award prizes to the winners.

The final word of the educator.

Dear parents

Introducing children to fiction is of great social importance.

8. Opens and explains to the child the life of society, nature, human relationships.

9. Develops thinking and imagination.

10. Affects the emotional sphere of the child.

11. Gives excellent patterns literary language.

12. Serves as a powerful active means of effective, moral, aesthetic education.

13. Has a great influence on speech, intelligence children.

Our meeting is over. It's only for an hour. But, you reading people love the book all year long! Let the guides we have prepared help you on your journey through "Land of Books" (distribution memo to parents) .

Reminder for parents.

Read aloud with your child for at least 10 to 15 minutes. in a day.

before reading, remove distracting objects from the table, ventilate the room.

If the child is tired. Do a physical activity.

While reading the book, find out the meaning of difficult words, look at the illustrations.

Talk about what you read: about what the book teaches, what the new child has learned.

Invite your child to draw a picture for the most interesting passage from the book or memorize it.

As the level of the reading public

N.A. Rubakin


The purpose of the work


These tasks forms of work with children:

3 Organized classes.

certain conditions:

To solve this problem, you need:


Nothing so characterizes the degree of development of society,

Degree of public culture,

As the level of the reading public

At this historical moment.

N.A. Rubakin

The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries was marked by a reading crisis on a global scale. A generation of "screen" children who have no interest in reading has grown up. The book as a carrier of spirituality has ceased to influence the young reader. We began to reap the fruits of this today: a low level of development of speech, imagination, perception, communication skills, and moral principles in general.

The axiom in this problem is that we have no power, and we have no right to deprive children of what progress has brought, just as we have no right not to notice and deny everything that the electronic world is fraught with.

Today the whole world faces the problem of maintaining interest in the book, in reading as a process and leading human activity. Audio and video equipment, which gives ready-made auditory and visual images, influencing people in a special way, has weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it: after all, a book requires systematic reading, tension of thought. Therefore, modern children prefer watching TV and playing computer games to books. Literature plays an important role in personal development person. Entering a person's life in early childhood, literature gradually creates a circle of his moral judgments and ideas. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is also enormous, because, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects his personality, develops the ability to subtly feel the imagery and rhythm of his native speech.

The book should enter the world of the child as early as possible, enrich his world, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries. All subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will be based on the foundation that is laid in preschool age.

The process of communication of a preschool child with a book is the process of becoming a personality in him. The book should enter the child's world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. The child should love the book, reach out to it, perceive communication with it as a holiday. A preschooler is a kind of reader. The word "reader" in relation to preschool age is conditional. In reality, this is a listener whose encounter with a book is completely determined by an adult, from the choice of text for reading to the duration of communication with the book. Taste, interest in the work, its interpretation, the ability to navigate in the circle of children's reading, the creation of a reading system - all this is in the power of an adult. It also depends to a large extent on the adult whether the child will become a real, enthusiastic reader or whether an encounter with a book in preschool childhood will flash by a random, meaningless episode in his life. The system of working with children in kindergarten includes goals, objectives, forms, methods of any area of ​​work with children .

The purpose of the work to introduce children to reading in kindergarten is: 1 Teach children to listen to reading

2 Learn deeply, comprehend the text

3 To educate a competent reader tasks mental, aesthetic, moral education of preschool children. Mental education is the development of perception, thinking, speech development. Aesthetic education is the development of children's creative abilities. Reading especially fairy tales forms the moral baggage of the child. “Whoever didn’t have a fairy tale in childhood grows up as a dry, prickly person, and people bruise about him like a stone lying on the road and prick like a sow-thistle leaf” - this is the statement of I. Tokmakova.

These tasks resolved through various forms of work with children:

1 Daily reading of fairy tales, stories, poems.

2 Independent examination of books.

3 Organized classes.

4 Free communication of the educator with children based on fiction.

5 Collaboration with parents on this issue. The process of daily reading should take at least 30 minutes a day (depending on age). The purpose of daily reading is a deep comprehension of the text by children. Daily reading involves the selection of works. The most optimal option is to combine them on the basis of genre affiliation and the alternation of stories, fairy tales, and poems. 1st week - reading folk and author's fairy tales; dramatization of works or excerpts from fairy tales; viewing illustrated editions of fairy tales. 2 - week - reading poems; 3 - week - reading stories and novels; viewing illustrations for individual works; 4 - week - a journey through the pages of a "thick book" (at senior preschool age) After the book is read, the attention of the children is fixed on its content, the teacher shows illustrations for it. Depending on the age of the children, the teacher changes the methods of viewing art illustrations. In the first and second junior group viewing techniques are aimed at recognizing the child of characters, things: -Find out who it is? -Show me where, who or what? In the middle group - correlation of text phrases with pictures: -Find a picture for such words. What words fit this picture? AT senior group- leading the child to evaluate the color of the drawn objects, the expressiveness of the hero's gesture, the arrangement of the figures: - Why do you like this picture? In the group preparatory to school - a comparison of illustrations by different illustrators for the same work. The main goal of viewing illustrations in all age groups is to provoke children to talk. When looking at books early years it is necessary to teach children to treat the book as the greatest value, to hold it correctly in their hands, to leaf through it correctly, to know its place on the bookshelf, to remember that the book has an author and a title. Organized classes for familiarization with fiction for children of different age groups are organized differently.

In order to carry out various forms of work to introduce children to the book, kindergartens should create certain conditions:

1 Presence of an age library fund of fiction.

2 Availability of a portrait fund of children's writers

3 Availability grammar dictionaries for educators.

4 Organization of group book corners.

In each age group of the kindergarten, peculiar information centers- corners of books. As a rule, these books are richly illustrated and in good condition. The composition of books in group book corners is updated from time to time, either completely or partially, not only because the books wear out, but also because the process of raising children requires their constant thematic renewal. Children take books from the book corner according to their desire and taste, but then they must put them in their place. At the senior preschool age, a watch should be organized for children who give out and receive books, are responsible for their safety. If a shabby book is found, the teacher of the junior and middle groups repairs it himself, preferably in the presence of children. In older groups, children are also involved in repairing books. Thematic book exhibitions are periodically organized in the book corners.

We know that fiction is a powerful means of intellectual, moral and aesthetic perception. It has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of the child's speech.

Preschool children are listeners, not readers, and therefore adults have a great responsibility - to convey to children each work of art as an art form, to reveal its intention, to charge listeners with an emotional attitude towards literary characters; their actions and feelings.

The process of reading is a joint work of the mind and soul. But I was faced with the fact that parents, due to their busyness, have no time to read to children, to answer their questions. Communication with preschoolers in the family is underestimated by parents and is replaced by watching television, the Internet. Therefore, I decided to help parents in the literary development of the child, in the formation of the reader's taste in the child, the attitude to the book as a cultural phenomenon.

To solve this problem, you need:

  1. Be a partner in solving these problems.

In the group, I began to introduce children to educational literature- this contributes to the development of the intellect and mental activity of the child, since 5 years is the age of "why". In the book corner there were not only programmatic works, but also books of children from home, cutting books (cover along the contour of the main character), panorama books (with moving figures), which the children themselves manipulate when telling the work. Here I placed both fairy tales, and poems, and albums with illustrations. She organized various dramatizations, showing fairy tales in a theater corner, children played board and printed games.

A plan for working with the book for the year was also developed, recommendations for parents on organizing home reading:

As a result of this work, we got a good result: the children listened with interest to literary texts, tried to understand the character of the characters and convey it in dramatizations, in small dramatizations. More often they began to play in the theater corner, inventing their own stories and their characters. The speech became more expressive, complete.

Continuing work, I set myself new tasks:

More deeply, children began to get acquainted with folklore art, much attention was paid to moral concepts: truth and lies, courage and cowardice, good and evil, generosity and greed.

Reading a book and talking about it are inextricably linked with the development of speech.

This means you need to pay attention to:

From conversations with children, I found out that children strive for literature, they like to listen to works, poems, and even come up with their own stories. As you know, children are dreamers and these inventions of theirs give rise to the beginning of creative thought, creative activity.

New didactic games appeared on the shelves, requiring mental capacity, in the theater corner - new attributes for fairy tales invented by children.

Much attention was paid to speech breathing, expressiveness, loudness of spoken dialogues, the ability to convey the characters' characters with intonation and movement.

The children had a desire to find out for themselves what worries them. Their speech changed noticeably, they jointly examined and discussed books, even argued about what they had read. More time was devoted to reading literature, and at the same time to the development of children's speech.

One of the methods of working with children, in the process of getting acquainted with fiction, I use the modeling method. When, when introducing children to fairy tales, stories, poems, the educator models the objects-protagonists, which makes it possible to increase interest in the work, to understand its content, the sequence of events in fairy tales. So, when introducing children to Russian folk tales, the "Magic Circles" model is used. After the teacher tells a fairy tale using a desktop or finger theater, children are invited to repeat the tale. After repeating the tale, the teacher invites the children to sit down at the table. Each child is given a sheet with drawn circles according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. He invites them to consider and play wizards, turning mugs into fairy tale characters. The teacher recalls the content of the fairy tale and its characters, discussing their images with the children. Children take these models home and use them to tell a fairy tale to their parents. Also, to model a fairy tale, we use geometric shapes. Children are invited to choose the appropriate one for each character. geometric figure. At the senior preschool age, the models become more complicated.

And also in my work I use the project method, which opens up great opportunities in organizing joint cognitive and search activities of all participants. educational process: children, teachers and parents. At the core project activities lies a special style of interaction of all participants in the educational process, denoted by the word "cooperation". Everyone cooperates: the teacher - with parents and children, children - with each other, with parents and the teacher.

Cognitive research activity- this is such an activity in which the activity of the child is manifested, directly aimed at mastering the world around him, his things, the connections between the phenomena of the world around him, their ordering and systematization.

But, working with children, we cannot but contact with parents. Therefore, work was carried out with parents to introduce children to fiction.

Along with drawing up a long-term plan of work with parents, a survey was conducted in order to identify the attitude of parents to literary development.

Mandatory inclusion of parents in the organization and conduct of literary quizzes, holidays. Involving parents in the design of the information space in the group associated with the book (book exhibitions, annotations, recommendations on what to read to children). Making information about the books that are read to children in the classroom.

Nothing so characterizes the degree of development of society,

Degree of public culture,

As the level of the reading public

At this historical moment.

N.A. Rubakin

The turn of the 20th and 21st centuries was marked by a reading crisis on a global scale. A generation of "screen" children who have no interest in reading has grown up. The book as a carrier of spirituality has ceased to influence the young reader. We began to reap the fruits of this today: a low level of development of speech, imagination, perception, communication skills, and moral principles in general.

The axiom in this problem is that we have no power, and we have no right to deprive children of what progress has brought, just as we have no right not to notice and deny everything that the electronic world is fraught with.

Today the whole world faces the problem of maintaining interest in the book, in reading as a process and leading human activity. Audio and video equipment, which gives ready-made auditory and visual images, influencing people in a special way, has weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it: after all, a book requires systematic reading, tension of thought. Therefore, modern children prefer watching TV and playing computer games to books. But fiction plays a big role in the personal development of a person. Entering a person's life in early childhood, literature gradually creates a circle of his moral judgments and ideas. Fiction opens and explains to the child the life of society and nature, the world of human feelings and relationships. It develops the child's thinking and imagination, enriches his emotions, and provides excellent examples of the Russian literary language. Its educational, cognitive and aesthetic significance is also enormous, because, expanding the child's knowledge of the world around him, it affects his personality, develops the ability to subtly feel the imagery and rhythm of his native speech.

The book should enter the world of the child as early as possible, enrich his world, make it interesting, full of unusual discoveries. All subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will be based on the foundation that is laid in preschool age.

The process of communication of a preschool child with a book is the process of becoming a personality in him. The book should enter the child's world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. The child should love the book, reach out to it, perceive communication with it as a holiday. A preschooler is a kind of reader. The word "reader" in relation to preschool age is conditional. In reality, this is a listener whose encounter with a book is completely determined by an adult, from the choice of text for reading to the duration of communication with the book. Taste, interest in the work, its interpretation, the ability to navigate in the circle of children's reading, the creation of a reading system - all this is in the power of an adult. It also depends to a large extent on the adult whether the child will become a real, enthusiastic reader or whether an encounter with a book in preschool childhood will flash by a random, meaningless episode in his life. The system of working with children in kindergarten includes goals, objectives, forms, methods of any area of ​​work with children .

The purpose of the work to introduce children to reading in kindergarten is: 1 Teach children to listen to reading

2 Learn deeply, comprehend the text

3 To educate a competent reader tasks mental, aesthetic, moral education of preschool children. Mental education is the development of perception, thinking, speech development. Aesthetic education is the development of children's creative abilities. Reading especially fairy tales forms the moral baggage of the child. “Whoever didn’t have a fairy tale in childhood grows up as a dry, prickly person, and people bruise about him like a stone lying on the road and prick like a sow-thistle leaf” - this is the statement of I. Tokmakova.

These tasks resolved through various forms of work with children:

1 Daily reading of fairy tales, stories, poems.

2 Independent examination of books.

3 Organized classes.

4 Free communication of the educator with children based on fiction.

5 Collaboration with parents on this issue. The process of daily reading should take at least 30 minutes a day (depending on age). The purpose of daily reading is a deep comprehension of the text by children. Daily reading involves the selection of works. The most optimal option is to combine them on the basis of genre affiliation and the alternation of stories, fairy tales, and poems. 1st week - reading folk and author's fairy tales; dramatization of works or excerpts from fairy tales; viewing illustrated editions of fairy tales. 2 - week - reading poems; 3 - week - reading stories and novels; viewing illustrations for individual works; 4 - week - a journey through the pages of a "thick book" (at senior preschool age) After the book is read, the attention of the children is fixed on its content, the teacher shows illustrations for it. Depending on the age of the children, the teacher changes the methods of viewing art illustrations. In the first and second junior groups, the methods of examination are aimed at recognizing the child of characters, things: - Find out who it is? -Show me where, who or what? In the middle group - correlation of text phrases with pictures: -Find a picture for such words. What words fit this picture? In the older group - leading the child to assess the color of the drawn objects, the expressiveness of the hero's gesture, the location of the figures: - Why do you like this picture? In the group preparatory to school - a comparison of illustrations by different illustrators for the same work. The main goal of viewing illustrations in all age groups is to provoke children to talk. When looking at books from an early age, it is necessary to teach children to treat a book as the greatest value, to hold it correctly in their hands, to leaf through it correctly, to know its place on a bookshelf, to remember that a book has an author and a title. Organized classes for familiarization with fiction for children of different age groups are organized differently.

In order to carry out various forms of work to introduce children to the book, kindergartens should create certain conditions:

1 Presence of an age library fund of fiction.

2 Availability of a portrait fund of children's writers

3 Availability of grammar dictionaries for educators.

4 Organization of group book corners.

In each age group of the kindergarten, peculiar information centers are arranged - corners of books. As a rule, these books are richly illustrated and in good condition. The composition of books in group book corners is updated from time to time, either completely or partially, not only because the books wear out, but also because the process of raising children requires their constant thematic renewal. Children take books from the book corner according to their desire and taste, but then they must put them in their place. At the senior preschool age, a watch should be organized for children who give out and receive books, are responsible for their safety. If a shabby book is found, the teacher of the junior and middle groups repairs it himself, preferably in the presence of children. In older groups, children are also involved in repairing books. in bookstores

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