Ege in literature. Preparation program for the exam in literature A few words about the list of fiction

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Literary direction- this is an artistic method that forms general ideological and aesthetic principles in the work of many writers at a certain stage in the development of literature.The grounds necessary to attribute the work of various authors to one literary movement:

  1. Following the same cultural and aesthetic traditions.
  2. Uniform worldview attitudes (i.e. uniformity of world outlook).
  3. General or related principles of creativity.
  4. The conditionality of creativity by the unity of the social and cultural-historical situation.

The literary trends most significant for Russian literature include:

  • classicism,
  • sentimentalism,
  • romanticism,
  • realism,
  • symbolism,
  • acmeism,
  • futurism.

Literary current- This is one of the varieties of any literary direction. The literary trend does not go beyond the artistic method, which is the basis of the literary trend, however, it is characterized by a special attitude of a number of writers to the problems posed. It is this special relationship that gives rise to specific differences between the artistic concepts of writers working in the same literary direction.

The totality of the main features of literary creativity, recurring in any period of the historical development of literature; the principles that guide the writer, generalizing the phenomena of life in artistic images

Main features

literary direction



Classicism- XVIII - beginning of the XIX century

1) The theory of rationalism as the philosophical basis of classicism. The cult of reason in art.

2) Harmony of content and form.

3) The purpose of art is a moral impact on the education of noble feelings.

4) Simplicity, harmony, logical presentation.

5) Compliance with the rule of "three unities" in a dramatic work: the unity of place, time, action.

6) A clear fixation on positive and negative character traits for certain characters.

7) A strict hierarchy of genres: "high" - epic poem, tragedy, ode; "middle" - didactic poetry, epistole, satire, love poem; "low" - fable, comedy, farce.

P. Corneille, J. Racine,

J. B. Molière,

J. La Fontaine (France); M. V. Lomonosov, A. P. Sumarokov,

Ya. B. Knyazhnin, G. R. Derzhavin, D. I. Fonvizin (Russia)

Sentimentalism- XVIII - beginning of the XIX century

1) Image of nature as a background of human experiences.

2) Attention to the inner world of a person (basics of psychologism).

3) The leading theme is the theme of death.

4) Ignoring the environment (circumstances are given secondary importance); the image of the soul of a simple person, his inner world, feelings, which are always beautiful from the beginning.

5) Main genres: elegy, psychological drama, psychological novel, diary, journey, psychological story.

L. Stern, S. Richardson (England);

J.-J. Rousseau (France); I.V. Goethe (Germany); N. M. Karamzin (Russia)

Romanticism- late XVIII - XIX century

1) "Cosmic pessimism" (hopelessness and despair, doubt about the truth and expediency of modern civilization).

2) Appeal to eternal ideals (love, beauty), discord with modern reality; the idea of ​​"escapism" (the flight of a romantic hero into an ideal world)

3) Romantic dual world (feelings, desires of a person and the surrounding reality are in deep contradiction).

4) Affirmation of the inherent value of a separate human personality with its special inner world, the wealth and uniqueness of the human soul.

5) The image of an exceptional hero in special, exceptional circumstances.

Novalis, E.T.A. Hoffmann (Germany); D. G. Byron, W. Wordsworth, P. B. Shelley, D. Keats (England); V. Hugo (France);

V. A. Zhukovsky, K. F. Ryleev, M. Yu. Lermontov (Russia)

Realism— XIX — XX century

1) The principle of historicism at the heart of the artistic depiction of reality.

2) The spirit of the era is conveyed in a work of art by prototypes (the image of a typical hero in typical circumstances).

3) Heroes are not only the product of a certain time, but also universal types.

4) The characters of the heroes are given in development, are multifaceted and complex, socially and psychologically motivated.

5) Living spoken language; colloquial vocabulary.

Ch. Dickens, W. Thackeray (England);

Stendhal, O. Balzac (France);

A. S. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky, A. P. Chekhov (Russia)

Naturalism- last third of the 19th century

1) The desire for an outwardly accurate depiction of reality.

2) An objective, accurate and dispassionate portrayal of reality and human character.

3) The subject of interest is everyday life, the physiological foundations of the human psyche; fate, will, spiritual world of the individual.

4) The idea of ​​the absence of "bad" plots and unworthy themes for artistic depiction

5) Plotlessness of some works of art.

E. Zola, A. Holtz (France);

N. A. Nekrasov "Petersburg corners",

V. I. Dal "Ural Cossack", moralistic essays

G. I. Uspensky, V. A. Sleptsov, A. I. Levitan, M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (Russia)

Modernism. Main directions:






Symbolism- 1870 - 1910 years

1) The symbol is the main means of conveying contemplated secret meanings.

2) Orientation towards idealistic philosophy and mysticism.

3) Using the associative possibilities of the word (multiplicity of meanings).

4) Appeal to classical works of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

5) Art as an intuitive comprehension of the world.

6) The musical element is the ancestral basis of life and art; attention to the rhythm of the verse.

7) Attention to analogies and "correspondences" in search of world unity

8) Preference for lyrical poetic genres.

9) The value of free intuition of the creator; the idea of ​​changing the world in the process of creativity (demiurgical).

10) Own myth-making.

Ch. Baudelaire, A. Rimbaud (France);

M. Maeterlinck (Belgium); D. S. Merezhkovsky, Z. N. Gippius,

V. Ya. Bryusov, K. D. Balmont,

A. A. Blok, A. Bely (Russia)

Acmeism- 1910s (1913 - 1914) in Russian poetry

1) Self-worth of a separate thing and every life phenomenon.

2) The purpose of art is to ennoble human nature.

3) The desire for the artistic transformation of imperfect life phenomena.

4) Clarity and accuracy of the poetic word (“lyric of impeccable words”), intimacy, aestheticism.

5) Idealization of the feelings of the primordial man (Adam).

6) Distinctness, certainty of images (as opposed to symbolism).

7) Image of the objective world, earthly beauty.

N. S. Gumilyov,

S. M. Gorodetsky,

O. E. Mandelstam,

A. A. Akhmatova (early TV-in),

M. A. Kuzmin (Russia)

Futurism- 1909 (Italy), 1910 - 1912 (Russia)

1) A utopian dream of the birth of a super-art capable of transforming the world.

2) Reliance on the latest scientific and technological achievements.

3) The atmosphere of a literary scandal, outrageous.

4) Set to update the poetic language; changing the relationship between the semantic supports of the text.

5) Attitude to the word as a constructive material, word creation.

6) Search for new rhythms, rhymes.

7) Installation on the spoken text (declamation)

I. Severyanin, V. Khlebnikov

(early TV-in), D. Burliuk, A. Kruchenykh, V. V. Mayakovsky

Imagism— 1920s

1) The victory of the image over the meaning and idea.

2) Saturation of verbal images.

3) An Imagist poem could have no content

At one time, S.A. belonged to the Imagists. Yesenin

PARAGRAPH - a piece of text from one red line to another.
AUTOBIOGRAPHY - a work in which the writer describes his life.
AUTOGRAPH - a manuscript of a work written by the author himself, a letter, an inscription on the book, as well as the author's own signature.
AUTHOR'S SPEECH - an allegorical depiction of an abstract concept or phenomenon of reality with the help of a specific image.
ACMEISM - a literary trend in Russian poetry early. 20th century
Acrostic - a poem in which the initial letters of the lines form a name or surname, a word or a phrase.
ALLITERATION - the repetition in poetry (less often in prose) of the same, consonant consonant sounds to enhance the expressiveness of artistic speech.
ALMANAC - a collection of literary works of various content.
AMPHIBRACHY - a three-syllable foot in Russian syllabic-tonic versification, in which the stress falls on the second syllable.
ANACREONTIC POETRY - a type of ancient lyric poetry: poems in which a cheerful, carefree life was sung.
ANAPEST - a three-syllable foot in Russian syllabo-tonic versification with an emphasis on the third syllable.
ABSTRACT - a brief explanation of the content of the book.
ANONYMOUS - 1) a work without indicating the name of the author; 2) the author of the work who concealed his name.
ANTITHESIS - a turn of poetic speech in which, for expressiveness, directly opposite concepts, thoughts, character traits of the characters are sharply opposed.
ANTHOLOGY - a collection of selected works by various authors.
APOSTROPHE - a turn of poetic speech, consisting in referring to an inanimate phenomenon as an animate one and to an absent person as a present one.
ARCHITECTONICS - the construction of a work of art, the proportionality of its parts, chapters, episodes.
APHORISM - a thought stated briefly and precisely.
BALLAD - a lyrical-epic poetic work with a pronounced plot of a historical or everyday nature.
FABLE - a small work with ironic, satirical or moralistic content.
BELLETRIX - artistic prose works.
WHITE POEMS - poems that do not have a rhyme.
PERFORMANCE (euphony) - the quality of speech, which consists in the beauty and naturalness of its sound.
BURIME - a poem composed according to predetermined, often unusual rhymes.
BURLESQUE is a comic narrative poem in which a sublime theme is presented ironically, parodic.
BYLINA is a Russian folk narrative song-poem about bogatyrs and heroes.
INSPIRATION - a state of insight, creative upsurge.
VERSIFICATION - a system of certain rules and techniques for constructing poetic speech, versification.
VERSHI - poems on religious and secular topics with an obligatory rhyme at the end of the line.
ARTISTIC TASTE - the ability to correctly perceive, independently comprehend works of art; understanding of the nature of artistic creativity and the ability to analyze a work of art.
FREE VERSE - syllabo-tonic, usually iambic verse with an unequal number of feet in poetic lines.
MEMORIES, or MEMOIRS - works of narrative literature about past events written by their participants.
vulgarism - a rude word, a wrong turn, not accepted in literary speech.
FICTION - the fruit of the imagination, fantasy of the writer.
HEXAMETER - poetic size in ancient versification, in Russian - a six-foot dactyl in combination with a trochee.
LYRICAL HERO - a person in lyric poetry, whose experiences, thoughts and feelings are expressed in the poem, on whose behalf it is written.
HERO OF A LITERARY WORK - the main or one of the main characters with distinct traits of character and behavior, a certain attitude towards other characters and life phenomena.
HYPERBOLE - a stylistic figure, which consists in a figurative exaggeration of the depicted event or phenomenon.
GROTESQUE - the image of a person, events or phenomena in a fantastic, ugly-comic form.
DACTIL - a three-syllable foot in Russian syllabic-tonic versification, containing stressed and two unstressed syllables.
Decadence is one of the manifestations of modernism, which is characterized by the preaching of empty art, mysticism, and extreme individualism.
DETECTIVE - a work of adventure literature.
CHILDREN'S LITERATURE - works of various genres intended for children.
DIALOGUE - a conversation between two or more characters.
DIFIRAMB - a product of a praising nature.
DOLNIK - a three-syllable meter with the omission of one or two unstressed syllables within a line.
GENRE - a historically established subdivision of the totality of literary works, carried out on the basis of the specific properties of their form and content
LIFE - in ancient Russian literature, a story about the life of a hermit, monk or saint.
START - an event from which the development of the action in the work begins.
Borrowing - the use by the author of techniques, themes or ideas of another writer.
IDEALIZATION - the image of something in a better way than in reality.
THE IDEA WORLD OF THE WORK is the area of ​​artistic solutions. It includes the author's assessments and the ideal, artistic ideas and pathos of the work.
IDEA OF A ARTWORK - the main idea of ​​the range of phenomena that are depicted in the work; expressed by the writer in artistic images.
idyll - a poem that depicts a serene life in the bosom of nature.
IMAGINISM - a literary trend; The Imagists proclaimed that the main task of artistic creativity was to invent new images.
IMPRESSIONISM - a literary trend; The Impressionists considered the task of art to convey the direct personal impressions of the writer.
IMPROVISATION - the creation of works without prior
preparations.INVECTIVE - a sharp denunciation.
INVERSION - a turn of poetic speech, consisting in a peculiar arrangement of words in a sentence that violates the usual order.
INTRIGA - the development of action in a complex plot of a work.
IRONY - hidden mockery.
Cantata - a poem of a solemn nature, glorifying a joyful event or its hero.
Cantilena - a short narrative poem, performed to music.
CANZONA - a poem that sings of knightly love.
CARICATURE - a playful or satirical depiction of events or
persons.CLASSICISM - literary direction (current) XVII - early. XIX centuries in Russia and Western Europe, based on imitation of antique models and strict stylistic standards.
CLASSICAL LITERATURE - exemplary, the most valuable literature of the past and present.
CLAUZULA - the final syllables of a poetic line, starting with the last stressed syllable.
KODA - final, additional verse.
COLLISION - clash, struggle of the acting forces involved in the conflict among themselves.
COMMENT - interpretation, clarification of the meaning of a work, episode, phrase.
COMPOSITION - the structure of a work of art.
CONTEXT - an excerpt from a literary work; necessary to determine the meaning of the words taken from it.
CONTRAST - a pronounced opposition of features, qualities, properties of a human character, object, phenomenon; literary device.
CONFLICT - a collision that underlies the struggle of characters in a work of art.
ENDING - the final part or epilogue of a literary work.
CRITIQUE - essays devoted to the evaluation, analysis and interpretation of works of art.
WINGED WORD - a well-aimed expression that has become a proverb.
CULMINATION - an episode of a literary work in which the conflict reaches a critical point in its development.
LAKONISM - brevity in the expression of thought.
LEGEND - in folklore, an oral, folk story, based on a wonderful event or image.
LEITMOTIV - an image or turn of artistic speech that is repeated in a work.
ARTISTIC LITERATURE - a field of art, the distinguishing feature of which is the reflection of life, the creation of an artistic image with the help of a word.
POPULAR LITERATURE - cheaply priced picture books traded by itinerant peddlers.
MADRIGAL - a lyrical work of playful complimentary or love content.
ARTISTIC SKILLS - the writer's ability to convey the truth of life in artistic images.
MELODICS OF A VERSE - its intonational organization, raising and lowering the voice, conveying intonation-semantic shades.
METAPHOR - the use of a word in a figurative sense to describe a person, object or phenomenon.
METHOD - the basic principles that guide the writer. Artistic methods were realism, romanticism, sentimentalism, etc.
METONYMY - replacement in poetic speech of a name, phenomenon, concept or object with another one that is inextricably linked with it in our minds.
METRIC POSING - a system of versification based on the alternation of short and long syllables in a verse. Such is the ancient versification.
MINIATURE - a small literary work.
MYTH is an ancient legend about the origin of life on Earth, about natural phenomena, about the exploits of gods and heroes.
MULTIPLE UNION (polysindeton) - turnover of poetic speech; deliberate increase in the number of unions in the sentence.
MODERNISM - a direction (flow) in art that is opposite to realism and is characterized by the denial of traditions, the conventionality of the image and experimentation.
MONOLOGUE - the speech of the character, addressed to the interlocutor or to himself.
MONORITHM - a poem with one rhyme repeating.
MOTIVE - In a literary work, additional, secondary themes, which, in combination with the main theme, form an artistic whole.
MOTIVATION - the dependence of all elements of the artistic form of a work on its content.
INITIAL RHYME - consonance at the beginning of a verse.
NEOLOGISM - a new word.
INNOVATION - the introduction of new ideas, techniques.
IMAGE - an artistic image in a literary work of a person, nature or individual phenomena.
APPEAL - a turn of poetic speech, consisting in an underlined appeal of the writer to the hero of his work, natural phenomena, the reader.
ODA - a laudatory poem dedicated to a solemn event or hero.
OCTAVE - a stanza of eight verses, in which the first six verses are combined by two cross rhymes, and the last two are adjacent.
PERSONATION (prosopopoeia) - a technique in which inanimate objects, animals, natural phenomena are endowed with human abilities and properties
ONEGIN STROPE - a stanza used by A. S. Pushkin when writing the novel "Eugene Onegin", consisting of three quatrains and a final couplet.
A pamphlet is a journalistic work with a pronounced accusatory orientation and a specific socio-political address.
PARALLELISM - a technique of poetic speech, which consists in comparing two phenomena by means of their parallel image.
PARODY - a genre of literature that politically or satirically imitates the features of the original.
LABEL - a work with offensive, slanderous content.
Pastoral - a poem describing the peaceful life of shepherds and shepherdesses in the bosom of nature.
PAPHOS is the leading emotional tone of the work.
LANDSCAPE - the image of nature in a literary work.
TRANSFER (enjambement) - transferring the end of a sentence that is complete in meaning from one poetic line or stanza to the next one after it.
PERIPHRASE - replacing the name of an object or phenomenon with a description of its inherent essential features and characteristics.
CHARACTER - the protagonist of a literary work.
NARRATOR - a person on behalf of whom a story is told in epic and lyrical epic works.
SAYING - a short figurative expression that does not have syntactic completeness.
PORTRAIT - a depiction in a work of art of a character's appearance.
DEDICATION - an inscription at the beginning of a work, indicating the person to whom it is dedicated.
MESSAGE - a literary work written in the form of an appeal to a person or persons.
AFTERWORD - an additional part of the work, which contains the author's explanations for his creation.
INSTRUCTION - a literary work in the form of speech of a cognitive nature.
POETRY - artistic creation in poetic form.
JESTER - a sharp word or phrase.
PARABLE - an instructive story about human life in an allegorical or allegorical form
PROBLEM - a question that is investigated by the writer in
work. PROBLEMATICS - a list of problems raised in the work.
PROSE - a work of art, set out in ordinary (freely organized, not poetic) speech.
PROLOGUE - an introduction to a literary work.
PROTOTYPE - a real person whose life and character are reflected in the creation of a literary image by the writer.
A pseudonym is a fictitious name or surname of the writer.
PUBLICITY - a set of works of art that reflect the social and political life of society.
JOURNEY - a literary work that tells about a real or fictional journey.
RESOLUTION - the position of the characters that has developed in the work as a result of the development of the events depicted in it; final scene.
SIZE OF A VERSE - the number and order of alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables in the stops of a syllabic-tonic verse.
RAPSOD - a wandering ancient Greek poet-singer who sang epic songs to the lyre.
EDITION - one of the variants of the text of the work.
REMARK - an explanation of the author about a particular character, the setting of the action, intended for actors.
REPLICA - the answer of one character to the speech of another.
REFRAIN - repeated verses at the end of each stanza.
RHYTHM - systematic, measured repetition in verse of certain, similar units of speech (syllables).
Rhyme - the endings of poetic lines that coincide in sound.
TYPE OF LITERATURE - division according to fundamental features: drama, lyrics, lyric epic, epic.
ROMANCE - a small lyrical poem of a melodious type on the theme of love.
RONDO - an octagon containing 13 (15) lines and 2 rhymes.
RUBAI - forms of lyrical poetry of the East: a quatrain in which the first, second and fourth lines rhyme.
SARKASM is a sarcastic joke.
SATIRE - works of art in which vicious phenomena in the life of society or the negative qualities of an individual are ridiculed.
FREE VERSE (vers libre) - a verse in which the number of stressed and unstressed syllables is arbitrary; it is based on a homogeneous syntactic organization that determines the uniform intonation of the verse.
SYLLABIC VERSION - it is based on the same number of syllables in a poetic line.
SYLLABO-TONIC POSTER - a system of versification, which is determined by the number of syllables, the number of stresses and their location in a poetic line.
SYMBOLISM - a literary trend; the symbolists created and used a system of symbols in which a special mystical meaning was invested.
SKAZ is a way of organizing a narrative, focused on oral, often common speech.
LEGEND (legend) - a work of art, which is based on an incident that took place in reality.
syllable - a sound or a combination of sounds in a word, pronounced with one breath; primary rhythmic unit in poetic measured speech.
SONNET - a type of complex stanza, consisting of 14 verses, divided into 2 quatrains and 2 tertiary lines.
COMPARISON - the definition of a phenomenon or concept in artistic speech by comparing it with another phenomenon that has common features with the first.
STANCES - a small form of lyric poetry, consisting of quatrains, complete in thought.
STYLISTICS - a section of the theory of literature that studies the features of the language of works.
STYLE - a set of basic ideological and artistic features of the writer's work.
VERSE - dimensional, rhythmically organized, brightly emotional
speech POETRY - a system for constructing measured poetic speech, which is based on any repetitive rhythmic unit of speech.
FOOT - in syllabo-tonic versification, repeated combinations of stressed and unstressed syllables in a verse, which determine its size.
STROPHA - a combination of two or more poetic lines, united by a system of rhymes and a common intonation, or only a common intonation.
PLOT - the main episodes of the series of events in their artistic sequence.
CREATIVE HISTORY - the history of the creation of an artistic
works. CREATIVE PROCESS - the work of the writer on the work.
THEME - an object of artistic reflection.
THEME - a set of themes of the work.
TREND - an idea, a conclusion to which the author seeks to lead the reader.
LITERARY TREND - creative unity of writers who are close to each other in ideology, perception of life and creativity.
TYPE - an artistic image that reflects the main characteristic features of a certain group of people or phenomena.
TROP - a turn of speech, consisting in the use of a word or expression in a figurative meaning, sense.
URBANISM - a direction in literature, occupied mainly with describing the features of life in a big city.
UTOPIA - a work of art that tells about a dream as a real phenomenon, depicting an ideal social system without scientific justification.
FABULA - the arrangement of the main events of a literary work in their chronological order.
FEULETON - a type of newspaper article ridiculing the vices of society.
A STYLISTIC FIGURE is an unusual turn of speech that a writer resorts to to enhance the expressiveness of a literary word.
FOLKLORE - a collection of works of oral folk poetry.
CHARACTER - an artistic image of a person with pronounced individual traits.
CHOREI - two-syllable poetic size with emphasis on the first
syllable. CHRONICLE - a narrative or dramatic literary work that displays the events of public life in chronological order.
CYCLE - a series of works of art united by the same characters, era, thought or experience.
Chastushka - a small piece of oral folk poetry with a playful, satirical or lyrical content.
EUPHEMISM - replacement in poetic speech of coarse expressions more
Eclogue - a short poem depicting rural life.
EXPOSURE - introductory, initial part of the plot; unlike the plot, it does not affect the course of subsequent events in the work.
Impromptu - a work created quickly, without preparation.
ELEGY - a poem permeated with sadness or a dreamy mood.
Epigram - a short witty-mocking or satirical poem.
EPIGRAPH - a short text placed at the beginning of a work and explaining the author's intention.
EPISODE - one of the interconnected events in the plot, which has more or less independent significance in the work.
EPILOGUE - the final part of the work, briefly informing the reader about the fate of the characters.
EPITET - figurative definition.
HUMORESK - a small humorous work in prose or verse.
YaMB is a two-syllable size in Russian versification, consisting of an unstressed and stressed syllable.
COMEDY is a type of dramatic work. Displays everything ugly and ridiculous, funny and awkward, ridicules the vices of society.
LYRICAL POEM (in prose) - a type of fiction, emotionally and poetically expressing the feelings of the author.
MELODRAMA - a type of drama, the characters of which are sharply divided into positive and negative.
ESSAY - the most reliable type of narrative, epic literature, displaying facts from real life.
SONG, or SONG - the most ancient type of lyric poetry; a poem consisting of several verses and a chorus. Songs are divided into folk, heroic, historical, lyrical, etc.
STORY - middle form; a work that highlights a series of events in the life of the protagonist.
POEM - a type of lyrical epic work; poetic storytelling.
STORY - a small form, a work about one event in the life of a character.
ROMAN - large form; a work, in the events of which many characters usually take part, whose fates are intertwined. Novels are philosophical, adventure, historical, family and social.
TRAGEDY - a type of dramatic work that tells about the unfortunate fate of the protagonist, often doomed to death.
EPIC - a work or a cycle of works depicting a significant historical era or a great historical event.
DRAMA is one of the four genres of literature. In the narrow sense of the word - the genre of a work depicting a conflict between characters, in a broad sense - all works without the author's speech. Types (genres) of dramatic works: tragedy, drama, comedy, vaudeville.
LYRICS - one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through the personal experiences of a person, his feelings and thoughts. Types of lyrics: song, elegy, ode, thought, message, madrigal, stanzas, eclogue, epigram, epitaph.
LYROEPIC is one of the four types of literature in which the reader observes and evaluates the artistic world from the outside as a plot narrative, but at the same time events and characters receive a certain emotional assessment of the narrator.
EPOS is one of the four types of literature, reflecting life through a story about a person and the events that happen to him. The main types (genres) of epic literature: epic, novel, story, short story, short story, artistic essay.

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Irina Valentinovna is a teacher who explains the material very clearly and questions that are unclear to the student. We are preparing for the exam in literature. So far, we've only had a few things to do together. It was important for me to study with an USE expert in this subject, in order to know what they were taking away for, ...

they add points, what nuances exist in the tasks, as well as an understanding of the very structure of the exam in literature. Irina Valentinovna explains all this information in a clear and understandable way. Now I am already writing a small essay from the exam, the teacher also explains their structure and nuances. Irina Valentinovna talks about the intricacies of writing answers for the test that comes before the essays - this information is also useful and understandable for me. Now I am satisfied with the quality of work. What is also important, the teacher checks the USE essays in literature according to the criteria that correspond to the official criteria from FIPI.

Grade 5+

Darina, Korolev


I came to Nadezhda Mikhailovna at the beginning of the eleventh grade, when I realized that in order to enter one of the most prestigious universities in our country, I need to score over 95 points in each subject, and even better to enter the Olympiad. In the 10th grade, I managed to get into the region in literature, but ...

I did not take any places, because I did not know how to prepare and was not familiar with the format. This year, thanks to Nadezhda Mikhailovna, I passed to my first All-Russia in Literature, became the winner of the highest test in philology and received the right to enter out of competition (BVI) at St. Petersburg State University and the National Research University Higher School of Economics. After the Olympiads, there was very little time left to prepare for the exam in literature, I was very worried. But in 1.5 months, Nadezhda Mikhailovna gave me everything I needed, and I got 97 points. With 100 points in Russian and 98 in English, the doors of the best universities in the country opened for me. I entered the foreign comparative studies at the Russian State University for the Humanities. I am very grateful to Nadezhda Mikhailovna for all the achievements of this year!

Grade 5+

Lina, m. Lublino

Order services: Russian literature. USE in Literature.


I worked with Natalya Aleksandrovna on preparing for the Unified State Examination in literature and writing a creative assignment for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, studying in the 10th grade 2 years before the exam. The teacher turned out to be a very sensitive and sincere person, which was very helpful during the classes. The lessons allowed me to...

take a new look at seemingly familiar works from school, learn to compare themes, characters of the heroes of various authors. The lessons were based on preparation for writing essays and detailed answers, which form the basis of the exam in literature. I have another year ahead of me, I don’t know if I will eventually pass this subject, but the knowledge and approach to studying literature gained during the preparation will definitely stay with me for a long time. I recommend Natalya Alexandrovna for a deep and unhurried immersion in this wonderful subject.

Grade 5+

Catherine, m. Yugo-Zapadnaya

Order services: Literature. USE in Literature.


Pros: Thanks to Alexander Borisovich for the good preparation of my son for the Unified State Examination in literature. He is an excellent teacher who knows his subject deeply, a versatile person who managed to get my son interested in literature, give him all the necessary knowledge to pass the exam. Description:...

I advise this teacher to prepare for the exam in literature.

Grade 5

Tatiana, m. Perovo

Order services: Literature. USE in Literature.


Her daughter began to study with Elena Viktorovna at the end of September 2017 in order to prepare for the Unified State Examination in literature, since this subject was necessary for her to enter the university. My daughter had a solid five in literature, but a specialist was needed for competent support and acquaintance with the subject ...

in the USE format. We watched the presentation of the teacher and everything became clear to us, we were no longer looking for anyone). As communication with her during the school year showed, we were not mistaken. A person is so in love with his profession, with literature and the Russian language, knows so much about it, that he cannot help but share this love with his students. Classes were interesting and rich, the daughter was happy to do her homework. At the end of the year, they took additional hours in Russian (about four lessons). The daughter passed the exam in literature with 94 points, in Russian - with 98. After that, Elena Viktorovna worked with her daughter for about a week to pass a creative test at the university. The daughter entered the budget of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Thanks a lot to Elena Viktorovna, a bright and positive person and an excellent teacher for her work and knowledge!

Grade 5+

Tatiana, m. Kakhovskaya, Sevastopolskaya

Order services: Literature. USE in Literature.


I am very grateful to Maria Andreevna for her work! She was engaged with my daughter in preparing for the exam in literature via Skype. I had to start almost from scratch, because. daughter unexpectedly decided to take literature a year before the exam. Worked for several months. The result of the Unified State Examination in Literature is 84. We are very pleased!

Grade 5+

Svetlana, m. River Station, Water Stadium

Order services: Literature. USE in Literature.


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