Step by step drawing lessons pumpkin zucchini. halloween

Hello dear friends! Looking for interesting tutorials on how to draw a pumpkin for Halloween with a pencil and preferably with a video? You can consider your search over! A few simple instructions for everyone to draw a pumpkin realistically and beautifully for you below.

How to Draw a Pumpkin for Halloween: Detailed Workshops

Why a pumpkin and only for Halloween? Everything is simple. This is a cheap and affordable symbol of the holiday. It gained a foothold thanks to the passion of people on the eve of the holiday for scary stories about ghosts and evil spirits. From a large orange vegetable, a wide variety of funny and scary faces are obtained. Let's dream together on paper. Each finished drawing can be used as a template for carving pumpkin figures in kind.

Draw a good pumpkin with a pencil step by step

The option of a good pumpkin on paper is easy to master. Follow the instructions and the result will please you! Start with a rectangle. Draw it on paper by hand or under the ruler. Inscribe an oval in the rectangle - this will be the pumpkin. In the upper part, draw a stem or cutting at your discretion.

Mark the approximate level of the eye position, stretch the pumpkin smile from side to side. Mark vertical stripes over the entire surface, clearly draw eyes and a mouth with teeth. The original coloring drawing is almost ready. It remains to work with the shadows. Shade the bottom and sides. Try to keep the shadow transitions smooth with uniform shading without clear lines. Use a pencil with a soft, dull lead.

Shade also the lower part of the smile and eyes. Paint the inside of the pumpkin head in light colors and blend thoroughly.

Evil option: pencil drawing

You need to draw an evil pumpkin according to the same principle as a regular one. Start with a preparatory rectangular frame. In it, more or less evenly, enter the rounded part of the pumpkin. Draw the top and bottom of the eyes. Outline the nostrils and scary smile from ear to ear. Draw the teeth and draw the thickness of the peel in the area of ​​the nose, mouth and eyes.

Shade the entire body of the evil pumpkin. Draw dark areas, leave highlights in the hole area. That's all, it remains to print the drawing and, if necessary, color it with pencils or paints.

Jack in the hat: how to draw correctly

Pumpkins drawn on paper do not have to be standard. Add an interesting detail and thereby arouse additional interest in the work of children. The version with a pumpkin named Jack in a hat is original and simple.

Start drawing with a pencil in stages with a rectangular shape and a circle placed in it. Thus, it will turn out to depict the pumpkin as even as possible. Put a hat on Jack's head. To do this, draw her line at the top of her head, add a strap and cap. This is quite enough for children and completeness of the picture with Jack in the center.

Then it remains to designate the eyes and nose, an open mouth with teeth. At the bottom of the head, draw the leaves for realism. Such drawings can be distributed to children in kindergarten or elementary school for coloring.

Video lesson: draw by cells

Watch the video tutorial on how to draw a festive pumpkin head by cells. The process is so simple and exciting that it will interest both children and adults. Start by marking the desired number of cells for the bottom of the pumpkin's head.

Following the video instructions, start building up the sphere on the sides, gradually adding cell bricks. Along the way, paint the cells in orange, draw the eyes, nostrils and mouth, too, in the cells and admire the result. Proportional and original pumpkin is ready!

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Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva

The night of November 1 is not just a transitional moment between the warm season and the onset of winter cold, but is also traditionally considered the most mysterious. In Western culture, it is believed that it is at this time that evil spirits return to earth from the underworld, which threaten all mankind.

To protect themselves from otherworldly forces, people began to dress up in frightening costumes, carve gloomy faces from pumpkins, and decorate their homes with images of monsters. Therefore, in preparation for this exciting holiday, it will not be superfluous to learn how to draw Jack's pumpkin.

Preparation of materials

So that in the process of drawing a pumpkin there are no unpleasant surprises, it is necessary to prepare the necessary materials for the drawing. If thick paper is not available, you can take a sheet of cardboard with a rough surface as a basis.

When trying to figure out how to draw a Halloween pumpkin, it is not recommended to use whatman paper, because this material is practically not suitable for pastel drawing. You should also not use dark-colored paper, as the color of such a base will smear the main drawing. In extreme cases, you can limit yourself to choosing paper in a yellow or orange hue.

When choosing a “tool” for drawing, it is worth stopping at either a set of high-quality ones. If the sketch will be done with crayons, in this case, they should be well sharpened for more convenient drawing.

Where to begin?

How to draw a pumpkin? To begin with, using a simple pencil, an oval sketch is created, after which several vertical lines are drawn from the top of the form to the bottom. Thus, the outlines of the future pumpkin are indicated.

A tail is drawn at the top of the vegetable. Its contours can be designated as a rectangle, rounding off the corners. The lower part of the tail is depicted as "growing" into the middle of the pumpkin. However, if you wish, you can do without this element.

How to draw a pumpkin with a pencil so that the drawing is neat? To do this, you need to slowly remove the preliminary sketch lines. During work, you should try not to overwrite the paper, which can have an extremely negative effect on the appearance of the finished work.

Draw a "face"

The drawing of a Halloween pumpkin cannot be considered complete without the image of a sinister face. The easiest way to depict the eyes and nose is in the form of an elongated triangle. The basis of the future smile should be two arcs, between which uneven square or rectangular teeth are subsequently drawn. In principle, you can limit yourself to a few. So the drawing will look more intimidating.

Using a regular eraser, it is necessary to erase all unnecessary lines in the openings of the mouth, eyes and nose. Next, you can start filling the image with color.

Coloring the drawing

Figuring out how to draw a pumpkin is easy. Usually, the more difficult task is to color the drawing. After all, making a pumpkin really neat, intimidating and attractive is not so easy.

The main contour can be filled with yellow, later highlighting the structure of the relief lines with a rich orange color. To make the drawing come out as bright as possible, it is recommended to use gouache or felt-tip pens for coloring.

Trying to figure out how to draw a pumpkin correctly, do not forget about the background. Such an image will look most impressive in a dark field. You can use dark blue, black, purple, dark green or burgundy for coloring the background, as well as their reasonable combination.

When working on painting the tail, it is better to add to its main or light green shades. The space around the eyes, nose and mouth of the pumpkin should be saturated

Do not forget about the shadows, both on the vegetable itself and on which you can point with a black or brown pencil. To make the transitions between the lines more spectacular and realistic, just rub the colors lightly with your finger.

Having figured out how to draw a pumpkin, and having completed a sufficient number of successful drawings, you can try to supplement such images with traditional Halloween elements. These can be silhouettes of ghosts, black cats flying on a broomstick of witches, other evil spirits.

I received many letters asking me to show how to draw a pumpkin, and this is not surprising, because Halloween is coming soon. Once I already touched on this topic, we drew. The attributes of this holiday are very diverse, so we will gradually expand this topic. Let's start with this picture: Pumpkin - she's a pampkin, she's a garden scarecrow, she's a scary head, she's also a symbol of Halloween. People have always loved scaring each other with scary stories about Frankenstein flying (read skull, not turtle!), spreading the plague and scaring the cat. But scaring your brother is not so easy. For this you need at least a scary costume and a modicum of acting skills. After scratching their turnips, everyone decided that it would be cheap and cheerful to use a pumpkin for these purposes. Although my mother taught me not to play with food, but the faces from it are very scary and varied. The more perverted the artist's fantasy, the more terrible they turn out. Let's fantasize together, try to portray it following this instruction:

How to draw a pumpkin with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a rectangular shape into which we enter the oval shape of a pumpkin and add another stalk, or a stem, or a root, or whatever it is on top of it. Step two. Set the eye level and add a smile from ear to ear. Step three. Let's make vertical stripes like a zebra, and draw the eyes, nose and sinister smile. Step four. It remains to add shadows. Let's darken some areas, try to repeat like here: That's it. Show me how you got pumpkins for Halloween. And I also advise you to try to depict other symbols of this holiday.

Autumn. Beautiful, a little sad and always magical. Its color is like a playful bright fire before the restraint and wisdom of winter. The earth is full of harvest and generously shares its fruits with us. What could be more beautiful than a magnificent pumpkin queen, bunches of grapes, a basket of apples, a basket of mushrooms ... can you list everything! Let's draw cute autumn pumpkins.

To paint a wooden board using the double stroke technique, we need:

1. We skin the board, primer and dry.

2. Before painting our pumpkins, let's prepare a background for painting. We paint the board with Ivory color, which will then appear through scuffs.

3. We rub the painted surface with a candle, but we do it gently, with a light layer. Too thick application will not allow the next layer of paint to firmly fix on the surface.

4. Now our task is to create an autumn range for the background for painting. We need warm, ocher and green shades. We spread the paints on the palette and apply them to the board one by one, without washing off the brush, but as if connecting the colors with each other.

You can start with a yellow-green scale, and then add ocher-brown shades.

5. At the end of the work, we pass over the entire surface with a wide, slightly damp and clean brush to even out the color transitions. And be sure to paint the sides of the product.

6. Gently sand the dried surface, exposing the lower light background. We do this over the entire surface, but the main emphasis is on the outline of the board and the edge.

7. We cover the finished background with varnish. This will make it possible for the paint (top layer) to fix on the surface and it will no longer be damaged during painting.

8. You can move on to drawing pumpkins. It is better to practice a little with a pencil on paper. We outline a circle, set a point just above the center from which pumpkin slices will come out and draw arcs from this point in all directions. From above we draw a stalk.

9. We will draw pumpkins using the “double stroke” technique. To do this, we collect three colors on the brush. It is done like this. We dip one tip of the brush in yellow, the other in orange and draw back and forth across the palette. It turns out a soft yellow-orange transition, and then we pick up a dark brown color at the very tip of the orange.

10. First, let's practice drawing a pumpkin on paper. We take our three-color brush and draw pumpkin slices, making them thinner on top and bottom. At the end, add a plump tail. Instead of brown, you can add green, then our pumpkins will be very picturesque.

11. Let's move on to painting the board. Here you can not draw with a pencil, it injures the surface. Therefore, we will draw them in white along the outline. And also paint over our slices with white color, this will be an underpainting for painting, so that the tone looks brighter.

12. We paint pumpkins. At the same time, on each slice, we place a brush with light paint on one side. We try to make the range of pumpkins varied, adding, in addition to yellow and orange, reddish hues, brown and green.

13. Be sure to write highlights on the sides of the pumpkins and spots, making their color more natural.

14. Pumpkins are ready, you can do the details - finish the leaves, antennae spirals, autumn leaves, etc. For inspiration, you can take a maple leaf (maple leaves are a bit like pumpkin leaves), circle it along the contour and practice drawing it on paper in the “double stroke” style using a yellow-green gamut.

15. We enter the leaves closer to the handle. They may not all be written out in front, some, as it were, turned around and only part of the leaflet is visible.

16. Adding other details. With a thin brush on weight we draw the springs of the antennae - we twist the spirals in different directions, we dilute the paint thinner. We finish drawing - we circle the leaves with a bronze contour.

17. Add a couple of autumn maple leaves along the edge of the board, our composition is ready.

9. Be sure to cover our product with a finishing varnish at the end of the painting, dry it. If the product is intended for decoration, then we also cover the back with paint and varnish. A wonderful handmade product must be shown to loved ones by inviting them to a home holiday. Autumn is the time for harvest, treats and fairy tales!

Artist: Aelita Rada

You are in the pumpkin coloring page. Coloring page you are looking at is described by our visitors as follows "" Here you will find a lot of coloring pages online. You can download pumpkin coloring pages and also print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of the child. They activate mental activity, form an aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the theme of pumpkin develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps to learn more about the world around us, introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. Every day we add new free coloring pages for boys and girls to our website, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by categories will make it easier to find the right picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new interesting topic for coloring every day.
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