What is the Earth's hydrosphere: description, diagram, components and human influence. Types of hydrosphere waters

All parts of the hydrosphere are interconnected by the already known process of the water cycle in nature.

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Natural science grade 5

summary of other presentations

"Rocks and minerals" - Granite. Rocks and minerals. Coal. Mathematic teacher. Natural gas. Heavy breed. Clay. Oil. Billions of years ago. Think and decide. Find out the description of the mineral. Questions to review. Fizkultminutka. Peat. Sandstone. Rocks. Limestone. The story is a mystery. Iron ore. A stone for literates. Minerals have a homogeneous composition. Sand. Rubles are made from it.

"Planets" - Make up a word. Distance from the Earth to the Moon. Mars. An integrated lesson in natural history and mathematics in the 5th grade. Venus. Start. Ship Vostok. Planets of the solar system. Earth. Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova. Temperature. The name of the planet. German Stepanovich Titov. Planet Venus. Secrets of outer space. Distance to the sun. The earth was formed from the solar nebula. Write it down in your piggy bank.

"Sky with stars" - 26 are considered navigational. Goals and objectives of the lesson. Star map. Orion, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Hare. What are stars. Constellation Ursa Major. Star evolution. Stars. Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Andromeda and the whale. Dragon in the starry sky. In the sky, the constellation Cygnus represents Zeus. In constellations, not all stars are the same brightness. What is a star. People have been observing the starry sky since ancient times.

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"Invertebrates" - Shell protozoa. Malarial Plasmodium. difference between animals. Invertebrates. common amoeba. Arthropods. Test on the topic "The simplest". Animal classification. The role of protozoa in nature. The simplest in the history of the Earth. Arachnids. Difference between protozoa and bacteria. Echinoderms. Familiarize yourself with the classification of invertebrates. The simplest. Have the learning objectives been achieved? Animal. Shellfish. Insects. Worms. Guess what these animals are and what groups they belong to.

"Animals of Africa" ​​- Elephant eats leaves. Antelope. Zebras. Hippopotamus. Feeds on fish. The presentation was prepared on the topic AFRICA. The hippopotamus is the largest animal. Rhinoceros. The elephant has a long trunk and large ears. Antelopes have large horns that look like tree branches. The giraffe feeds on tree leaves. Giraffe. And they defend themselves with a horn. Nosorg. Elephant.

Water types


Volume, mln.km 3

Quantity in relation to the total volume of the hydrosphere,%

sea ​​waters

Ground (excluding soil) water


Ice and snow (Arctic, Antarctica, Greenland, mountain ice regions)

Surface waters of land: lakes, reservoirs, rivers, swamps, soil waters

Atmospheric waters



In the hydrosphere, there is a constant and systematic interaction of its constituent parts, which determines water cycle in nature- continuous movement of water under the action of solar energy and gravity.

The oceans and its parts

The term “World Ocean” was proposed by the Russian geographer and oceanographer Shokalsky Yu.M. The area of ​​the world's oceans is 361.1 million km 2, which is 70.8% of the earth's surface.

The World Ocean is conditionally subdivided into its constituent parts - the oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic (Table 10). The main difference between the waters of the oceans and the waters of land is salinity - the number of grams of substances dissolved in 1 liter of water. Salinity is measured in ppm. The average salinity of sea water is 35‰ (35 g per 1 liter), the maximum salinity of water is observed in tropical latitudes, in temperate and equatorial latitudes its value approaches the average, in subpolar regions it is less saline -32-33‰.

Table 10

World Ocean

Oceans are divided into seas, bays, straits.

The sea is a part of the ocean, isolated by land, differing in salinity, water temperature, and currents (see Table 11). The shallowest sea is distinguished - Azov (Atlantic Ocean basin), the deepest - Philippine (Pacific Ocean basin), the most salty - Red (Indian Ocean basin), the largest in area - Philippine, the smallest - Marmara (Atlantic Ocean basin).

According to the degree of isolation, the sea is divided into:

    internal (deeply flowing into the land) - Red, Caribbean, Bering;

    marginal - slightly isolated from the ocean, adjacent to the mainland (Barents, Norwegian).

Bay - part of the sea (ocean) deeply flowing into the land (see table. 12).

Depending on the causes of occurrence, size, configuration, among the bays there are:

    bays - small water areas with isolated coastal capes, islands, convenient for mooring ships;

    estuary - funnel-shaped bays formed at the mouths of rivers under the influence of sea currents;

    fjords - narrow and deep bays with rocky and high shores;

    lagoons - a shallow bay, separated from the sea by sandy spits and connected to it by a strait;

    estuaries - bays formed when the widened mouths of lowland rivers are flooded by the sea;

    lip - a sea bay at the mouth of a river.

The waters of the oceans are in constant motion. There are sea currents (horizontal movement of water masses along permanent paths) and waves. Tidal waves cause fluctuations in the surface of the oceans, caused by the attraction of the Earth by the Moon and the Sun. The maximum value of tides of 18 m in the world is observed in the Bay of Fundy (part of the Gulf of Maine of the Atlantic Ocean), off the coast of Russia - Penzhina Bay (part of the Shelikhov Bay in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk (13 m).

A strait is a narrow body of water bounded by land on both sides. The widest strait is the Drake Passage, the longest is Mozambique. The largest straits of the world are presented in table 13.

Islands A piece of land that is surrounded on all sides by water. About 79% of the insular land is occupied by 28 large islands (Table 14). The largest island in the world in terms of area is Greenland, in Russia - the island of Sakhalin.

Archipelago- a group of islands lying at a short distance from each other and having a common base.

Table 11


Area, thousand square meters km

Wed depth, m


Major flowing rivers

Major ports

Pacific Ocean



Yukon, Anadyr

Anadyr, Providence, Nome

East China


Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Jilong, Nagasaki



Huanghe, Haihe, Liaohe, Yalujiang

Tian Jin, Qingdao, Dalian, Luishun, Nampo, Chemulpo



Cairns, Port Moresby, Noumea



Magadan, Okhotsk, Korsakov,




Sydney, Brisbane, Newcastle,

Auckland, New Plymouth

South China


Mekong, Hongha


Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City,

Hai Phong, Hong Kong, Guangzhou,

Manila, Singapore



Vladivostok, Nakhodka,

Soviet Harbour, Niigata, Tsuruga, Busan






Don, Kuban

Taganrog, Yeysk, Mariupol,




On the 3 west - 11,

in the center - 6–8

Neva, Zap. Dvina, Neman,

Vistula, Oder (Odra)

St. Petersburg,

Kaliningrad, Tallinn, Riga, Ventspils, Gdansk, Gdynia, Szczecin, Rostock, Luebeck,

Copenhagen, Stockholm,

Turku, Helsinki, Kotka



Maracaibo, La Guaira,

Cartagena, Colon,

Santo Domingo, Santiago de Cuba



in the North -20,

in the South -25-26



Elbe, Rhine, Meuse, Thames

Antwerp, London, Hamburg, Bremen, Wilhelmshaven, Gothenburg, Oslo, Bergen



In the West -36, in the East - 39.5

Nile, Rhone, Ebro, Po

Barcelona, ​​Marseille, Genoa, Naples, Venice, Thessaloniki, Beirut, Alexandria, Port Said, Tripoli, Algeria



Danube, Dnieper, Dniester, Southern Bug

Novorossiysk, Tuapse,

Odessa, Ilyichevsk, Poti,

Batumi, Constanta, Burgas, Varna, Trabzon



Bombay, Karachi, Aden,



Suez, Port Sudan, Massawa,

Jeddah, Hodeidah




Murmansk, Varde



Northern Dvina,

Mezen, Onega

Arkhangelsk, Onega, Belomorsk, Kem, Kandalaksha

East Siberian





Longyearbyen, Barentsburg,




Ob, Yenisei, Pur, Taz

Dixon, Dudinka, Igarka



in the North -34,

Lena, Khatanga, Yana



Amguema, Kobuk,

Question 1. What is the hydrosphere?

Question 2. What is the oceans?

The World Ocean is the main part of the hydrosphere, a continuous, but not continuous, water shell of the Earth, surrounding the continents and islands, and characterized by a common salt composition. The oceans cover almost 70% of the earth's surface.

Question 3. Can separate parts of the hydrosphere exist independently of each other?

The hydrosphere is formed by all types of natural waters, regardless of their state: liquid, solid and gaseous. All of them are interconnected by the water cycle.

Question 4. What is the hydrosphere?

The hydrosphere is the water shell of the Earth. The totality of the waters of the seas, oceans, continental reservoirs, rivers, underground sources, swamps and ice sheets of the Earth.

Question 5. List the components of the hydrosphere.

The hydrosphere is formed by all types of natural waters, regardless of their state: liquid, solid and gaseous.

Question 6. What part of the hydrosphere are the waters of the oceans?

Most of the water is concentrated in the oceans. 97% of all the waters of the planet are salty waters of the seas and oceans.

Question 7. What are the properties of the hydrosphere?

The hydrosphere unites all types of natural waters. Separate parts of the hydrosphere are connected into a single shell by the process of the water cycle.

Question 8. How does the hydrosphere affect the life of our planet?

Water is the basis of life on our planet. The role of water in the life of our planet, the individual components of nature, each living being is enormous. It is present in all organisms. The richness and diversity of nature directly depends on the availability of water.

Question 9. Give reasons in favor of the statement: "The hydrosphere forms a continuous shell of the Earth."

Separate parts of the hydrosphere are connected into a single shell by the process of the water cycle. Its main elements are the evaporation of water, the transfer of water vapor by the wind, precipitation, water runoff along river beds, and underground runoff.

Question 10. Why is water called the basis of life on Earth?

It is present in all organisms. Cell sap - cytoplasm - is an aqueous solution of various salts. All organisms on the planet are made up of cells. This means that water is the basis of life.

Question 11. Using the textbook illustrations, prove that all parts of the hydrosphere are connected by the water cycle.

Water evaporates from the surface of reservoirs. The salty waters of the World Ocean, like the fresh waters of rivers and lakes, turn into water vapor, which, concentrating, forms clouds. By the way, only water evaporates. The salts contained in sea water remain in the ocean. Therefore, water vapor and clouds are composed of fresh water. Clouds are carried by winds for hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Sooner or later, precipitation falls in the form of rain or snow. Part of the precipitation seeps into the soil and becomes part of the groundwater, while the other part flows into rivers. Melt waters formed during the melting of snow or mountain glaciers also partially seep and enter the groundwater, and partially enter the rivers. Rivers return water to lakes, seas and oceans.

The hydrosphere is a discontinuous water shell of the globe, which occupies more than 70% of its surface. Its main element is water, which is presented in three states of aggregation: gaseous, solid and liquid. We learn what is part of the hydrosphere and what is its purpose.

Components of the hydrosphere

The hydrosphere is an open water system that occupies 3⁄4 of the planet's surface. This scale is amazing: in total, the volume of the hydrosphere is 1.5 billion cubic meters. km of water.

The hydrosphere includes the following large and small objects:

  • oceans;
  • seas;
  • all water bodies on land (reservoirs, swamps, lakes, rivers);
  • The groundwater;
  • snow cover and glaciers.

The most important part of the hydrosphere is the World Ocean, which occupies 96% of all water resources of the planet. Its main distinguishing feature is stability over time and constancy.

Rice. 1. Waters of the oceans

Scientists are still struggling with an amazing mystery of nature - in any part of the World Ocean, at any depth and at any time of the year, the salt composition of ocean water is constant and unchanged.

Due to the high heat capacity of water, it became possible to accumulate a large amount of heat. As a result, the most comfortable conditions for the growth and development of living organisms have been created in the waters of the World Ocean.

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It is here that more representatives of the plant and animal world live than on land.

Rice. 2. The underwater world of the ocean

In addition to sustainability, the distinctive features of the oceans include:

  • continuity;
  • intensive water circulation;
  • the presence of ebbs and flows;
  • full population of representatives of flora and fauna, and the absence of lifeless zones.

Fresh water on the planet is much less salty - only 0.5% of the total volume of the hydrosphere. It is concentrated in rivers and reservoirs, and is the most important natural resource. Its importance is also great in maintaining the balance of the ecosphere on the globe. Despite the small amount, there is enough fresh water distributed around the planet to satisfy all the needs of people.

Rice. 3. Rivers and lakes are the main source of fresh water

The main functions of the hydrosphere

The importance of the hydrosphere for the Earth is difficult to overestimate. Consider the main, most important functions of the hydrosphere:

  • Accumulating . The waters of the World Ocean accumulate a large amount of heat, thereby ensuring a stable temperature on the planet.
  • Oxygen production . Phytoplankton living in ocean waters produce the main volume of oxygen in the atmosphere, which is necessary for the full life of living beings.
  • The oceans are a huge resource base , capable of providing mankind not only with water, but also with food and mineral resources.

The most important process in which all objects of the hydrosphere take part is the global water cycle in nature. Under the influence of solar heat, water evaporates from the surface of the land and the oceans. In the form of vapor, it penetrates into the atmosphere, where, under the influence of air masses, it is transported over long distances. Then atmospheric moisture falls to the ground in the form of precipitation, which later evaporate again. Further, this pattern is repeated in a circle.

Water forms the water shell of our planet - hydrosphere(from the Greek words "gidor" - water, "sphere" - a ball). It includes water in three states - liquid, solid (ice, snow) and gaseous (steam). Currently, water occupies 3/4 of the Earth's surface.

The hydrosphere includes three main components: World Ocean, sushi water and water in the atmosphere. All parts of the hydrosphere are interconnected by the process of the water cycle in nature already known to you.

The oceans account for over 96% of all water on our planet. Continents and islands divide it into separate oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic. In recent years, the maps highlight the Southern Ocean - the body of water surrounding Antarctica. The largest in area is the Pacific Ocean, the smallest is the Arctic Ocean. The parts of the oceans that jut out into the land are called seas. There are a lot of them. The largest seas of the planet are the Philippine, Arabian, Coral.

Water in natural conditions contains various substances dissolved in it. In 1 liter of ocean water, on average, contains 35 g of salt (most of all table salt), which gives it a salty taste, makes it unsuitable for drinking and use in industry and agriculture.

Land waters are rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers and groundwater. Most of the waters of the land are fresh, but among the lakes and groundwater there are also salty ones.

You know what a huge role rivers, lakes, swamps play in nature and people's lives. But here's what is surprising: in the total amount of water on Earth, their share is very small - only 0.02%.

Much more water is contained in glaciers- about 2%. Do not confuse them with the ice that forms when water freezes. Glaciers are formed from snow. They occur where there is more snow than it has time to melt. Gradually, the snow accumulates, compacts and turns into ice. Glaciers cover about 1/10 of the land. Where are they located? First of all, on the mainland Antarctica and the island of Greenland, which are covered with huge ice shells. Blocks of ice that break off along their shores form floating mountains - icebergs. Some of them reach enormous sizes. Large areas are occupied by glaciers in the mountains, especially in such high places as the Himalayas, the Pamirs, and the Tien Shan. The beauty of the mountain peaks, covered with ice and snow all year round, is unique!

Glaciers are formed by fresh ice, and therefore they can be called pantries of fresh water. So far, it has hardly been used, but scientists have long been developing projects to transport icebergs to arid regions in order to provide local residents with drinking water.

The groundwater also make up about 2% of all water on Earth. They are located in the upper part of the earth's crust. These waters can be salty and fresh, cold, warm and hot. Often they are saturated with substances useful for human health and are medicinal (mineral waters). In many places, for example, along the banks of rivers, in ravines, groundwater comes to the surface, forming sources(they are also called springs and keys). Groundwater reserves are replenished by precipitation that seeps through some of the rocks that make up the earth's surface. Thus, groundwater is involved in the water cycle in nature.

Water in the atmosphere is water vapor, water droplets, ice crystals. Together they make up fractions of a percent of the total amount of water on Earth. But without them, the water cycle on our planet would be impossible.

Test your knowledge

  1. What is the hydrosphere? List its constituent parts.
  2. What oceans form the World Ocean of our planet?
  3. What is called the sea?
  4. What makes up land water?
  5. How are glaciers formed and where are they located?
  6. What are ground waters?
  7. What is water in the atmosphere?


  1. How is the ice in the Arctic Ocean different from the ice in Antarctica?
  2. What is the difference between a river, a lake and a swamp?
  3. What is the danger of an iceberg?
  4. Are there salt water bodies on our planet other than seas and oceans?
  5. What is the importance of water in the atmosphere?
  6. Find on the map the seas washing the shores of our country. Name them.
The water shell of the Earth is called the hydrosphere. It consists of the waters of the oceans, land waters and water in the atmosphere. The oceans account for over 96% of the world's water. It is divided into separate oceans: Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, Southern. The parts of the oceans that jut out into the land are called seas. Land waters include rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, groundwater. The atmosphere contains water vapor, water droplets and ice crystals.
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