We draw a vase. How to draw a vase with a simple pencil step by step

At all times, flowers have been the personification of spring, purity and light - the most beautiful and perfect creation on earth. In ancient religions, many flowers were attributed a divine origin, as told by various legends and myths. For example, bright spring Flower adonis in ancient Greek mythology was considered the blood of the beloved goddess of love Aphrodite, a young man named Adonis, who died from the fangs of a wild boar. In the place where the drops of blood of Adonis fell, at the behest of Aphrodite, beautiful bright flowers. According to legend, the rose is the queen of flowers. Ancient Rome personified sensual love, and during the feasts of the nobility, it was customary to wear wreaths of roses on their heads. So, flowers create a special atmosphere of celebration, joy and warmth - these gifts of nature have long been sung by poets. And what unique paintings of flowers left behind many famous artists! Such immortal canvases catch the eye, bewitching with colors and a unique combination of colors. How to draw beautiful drawing flower? We have selected several master classes with step by step photos for children to draw a bell and other flowers - in a vase or just a bouquet. With the help of our step by step lessons on drawing flowers with a pencil and a video for beginners, you can get an idea about the basics of drawing and soon create your own artistic masterpiece.

A beautiful drawing - a flower with paints for children from 3 years old, a simple master class with step by step photos

Flowers are the most favorite theme of children's drawings. Indeed, having barely learned to hold a pencil or a brush in his hands, a three-year-old kid with pleasure draws the first uncomplicated lines with circles on a sheet of paper. If you look closely, in this creation of a young "artist" you can recognize the head of a flower and a stalk with leaves. Our today's master class with step-by-step photos is devoted to drawing watercolor paints marvelous beautiful flower- tulip. With the help of such a simple lesson for children from 3 years old, you can quickly master drawing a flower in watercolor and prepare great gift mother by March 8 or Mother's Day.

Materials for the master class of drawing "Tulip flower" with paints:

  • honey watercolor paints
  • synthetic brush №5 - 6
  • watercolor paper
  • container with water
  • simple pencil
  • eraser

A step-by-step description of a master class with a photo on drawing a flower using paints:

  1. To begin with, we draw the kennels of tulip flowers, trying to make a sketch with thin, slightly noticeable lines, which are then easily erased with an eraser.

  2. With the help of a brush, we apply lilac paint to the flowers of tulips, carefully drawing the shadows.

  3. We add green color for the leaves, not forgetting to shade the places of the bends with dark ones.

  4. Now you need to mix green and black paints and draw the flower stems with the resulting shade.

  5. The beautiful color of tulips can be created from two shades - lilac and burgundy.

  6. We paint over the flower buds with the resulting mixture of shades. Individual petals, as well as the lower part of the flowers, can be shaded green.

  7. We apply a little yellow paint to the buds at the base.

  8. Leaves need to be drawn light green, and touch their tips a little brown tint. On the "empty" places of the leaves we apply dark green paint. To create smooth color transitions, the buds in some places need to be “washed out” with clean water.

  9. We draw green pedicels and carefully shade the leaves.

  10. With a mixture of brown and green, you need to show the shadows on the stems, and with the help of burgundy color, outline the contours of the flowers.

  11. Apply a little to the buds of blue color which makes the colors look natural.

  12. With blue and lilac color we set off a vase in which there is a bouquet of tulips.

  13. We paint over each petal and petal in the upper part with white watercolor. Everything, our drawing with a flower is ready!

We draw a flower - a bell with a pencil, a step-by-step master class with a photo

A bell is a simple drawing that does not require special skills to complete. In children's drawings different ages the image of these spring flowers in bright blue often appears. We bring to your attention a step-by-step master class with a photo on drawing a bell with a pencil - following our recommendations and advice, even a beginner little artist can create a beautiful drawing.

The list of materials for drawing a bell:

  • simple medium hard pencil
  • colored pastel pencils
  • drawing paper
  • pastel tinted paper

Drawing of a flower - a bell according to a master class with a photo:

  1. First, draw the stem - on the surface of the drawing sheet, a curved line is drawn from top to bottom. AT different sides from the stem we draw several inclined arcs, to which we will add flowers a little later.

  2. Now, from the bottom up section, you need to draw three gently curved lines - the middle of the future sheets turned out. On each of the previously drawn arcs, draw circles (flowers) so that the lines of the arcs run in the center. At the tips of the upper arcs, you also need to draw oval buds.

  3. We draw green petals like this - we draw a curved line at the base of large circles. In the middle of the circles, we draw lines in the form of an oval, pointed at the edges, and its tip will “peek out” a little. On each side of the “tip” of the petal we draw along a sharp triangle - these are the curved edges of the side petals.

  4. We draw the vertical lines of the leaves, giving thickness. Bell flowers are more clearly outlined with a pencil. Inside the "cup" of the flower we draw stamens.

  5. Then you need to transfer the drawing to tinted paper. To do this, you need to shade the wrong side of a sheet of paper with the image of a flower, and then attach this side to a sheet of tinted paper. We outline the outline of the drawing and a “transfer” image appears on the tinted sheet. It remains to color green pencil bell leaves, purple - buds and flowers.

  6. Completeness of the flower pattern will give more saturated shades, which can emphasize the contours. Then you need to shade a little and add orange stamens. That's it, our bell drawing is ready! How to draw a flower with a pencil in stages for beginner artists - a master class with a photo

Chamomile is a touching flower, the drawing of which we will master with the help of a step-by-step master class with a photo. How beautiful to draw a flower with a pencil? We suggest going through a simple step by step lesson drawing for beginners.

So they will prolong their freshness and beauty. And even painted flowers need such a necessary household item. Therefore, today we will draw a vase with flowers in stages with colored pencils.

Necessary materials:

  • eraser;
  • paper;
  • black marker;
  • simple pencil;
  • colored pencils in yellow, orange, red, pink, green and brown.

Drawing steps:

1. Mark the middle of the vase with a ruler and pencil. Then we denote the lowest and highest point of the object, as well as the sides.

2. Now we begin to draw a vase from the neck. At the top, at the highest point, draw an oval. This will be the neck. Then draw another oval. He will be the headband. Then we draw small lines downward at an angle to represent the neck of the vase.

3. We draw lines from the neck of the vase to the sides.

4. Draw general form vases. It is also necessary to draw a base, which will be small for us.

5. We draw circles on the base, in the middle of the vase, on the neck.

6. We remove unnecessary details of the picture.

7. We draw a bouquet of flowers placed in our vase. Some leaves and flowers will be on the neck of the vase, so some parts of the item will not be visible.

8. Outline the silhouette of the vase with a black marker. Also draws a bouquet of flowers.

9. We begin to decorate the vase. Take a light pink pencil for this.

10. Let's complement the vase with pink tones of a more saturated tone.

11. Now we will paint the penumbra with a red pencil. At this stage, the vase became much brighter.

12. We will apply strokes to the shadowy places with a brown pencil.

13. Let's move on to the bouquet. We paint the leaves with green pencils of different tones. This is in order to give volume to the picture, and to the bouquet itself.

14. Let's make the flowers bright and saturated. We take for this pencils yellow and orange color. If they are made pink or red, they will merge with the vase.

15. This completes the drawing lesson. Complement finished drawing uncomplicated patterns on a vase and let this item become unique and inimitable in its own way!

Lesson "How to draw a vase" in the technique of a simple pencil, sometimes with fresh flowers inside the vase, all students pass art school. The pictures of the vase are good educational material to explore symmetry and perspective, and to create volume in a 2D flat image.
Let's try step by step draw a vase and learn how to draw three-dimensional objects. And to make it more interesting to draw, you can put a rose flower or any other flowers and even a bouquet in a vase.
For greater attractiveness of the vase pattern, add patterns on its walls, you can in the form of flowers.
In the future, you can come up with or draw a vase of a different shape, but only after this lesson.

1. Initial layout of the drawing

The vase looks very simple in the picture, but to draw it correctly you need to have a good eye, know the complex rules of symmetry, proportions, perspectives and techniques for adding volume to objects using shadows. That's why I came up with for you a simple circuit drawing symmetrical, correct form vases.

First you need to draw the main marking lines for the future drawing of the vase. In other words, you need to draw horizontal lines, which define the upper and lower bounds, as well as its widest part. The neck opening lines should be slightly narrower than the bottom support line. Also, make sure that all lines are located symmetrically from the line dividing the vase in half.

2. Height limit lines

Now you can also use a ruler to draw such lines as in my drawing. Just do not press hard on the pencil, these lines are temporary. You see how easy it is to draw a symmetrical and regular vase outline.

3. Preliminary outline of the vase

On the previous contours, draw the approximate shape of the vase. You may have to fix this outline, so you need to draw it with barely pressing the pencil. Please note that you will subsequently "put" flowers in the vase and therefore the neck behind the flowers will be almost invisible in the drawing, but now you need to draw this part completely. At the same time draw the base of the vase.

4. Refine the contours of the vase pattern

Now let's refine the neck and the main shape a little. vase drawing and you can already think about what kind of pattern you will draw. You can choose a pattern as you wish, my pattern does not have to be drawn. When you come up with a drawing of a pattern, first draw with a pencil only the main contours, along which you will later draw flowers or an ornament.

5. How to make a large vase

In this step, you need to create the volume for the vase. Take soft simple pencils and determine from which side the light falls on the vase. The illuminated side will have no shadows, and the shadow side will be shaded according to the principle - the further the object is from the light source, the thicker the shadow will be. I didn't do the shadows because I drew on a tablet, but I think you can do it yourself.

Always, before applying shadows on an object in a drawing, imagine from which side the light will fall. In places more distant from the light source, the shadows will be "thicker" and vice versa. Pay attention to the neck of the vase. The inside of the neck should be shaded so that the hole stands out sharply, since little light enters it, you need to shade it more. Well, after the vase drawing is completely finished, you can draw a flower, a rose for example. On our site there is a lesson on how to draw a rose.

6. Drawing a vase with paints or colored pencils

Please note that the pattern should be simple and not "striking" to the eye, since it is not the main element of the vase design. Now you can color the pattern pencil and start applying shadows on the walls of the vase to make the two-dimensional image three-dimensional.

In this lesson we will be able to draw a rose in stages. To begin with, remember that a rose consists of petals adjacent to each other. This is the biggest difficulty in drawing. Try to draw a vase with a rose, with just one flower, and the vase pattern will change. She will become much more attractive.

In the drawings, flowers can be displayed as colorful bouquets with a complex combination of varieties. The more varieties of flowers in the bouquet, the brighter and more diverse it is. In this lesson we will learn how to draw flowers in a bouquet in stages with a simple pencil. To complete the drawing, place the bouquet in a vase.

Chamomile will perfectly decorate any vase. Her simple design can be used to create a pattern on a vase. Drawing in stages, first with a simple pencil, and then, coloring with colored pencils or paints, you will definitely get a real bouquet of chamomile flowers.

It would seem that it is so easy to draw a star, but try to draw it evenly, in the correct form without reading this lesson. You are unlikely to succeed. Drawing a star is the easiest lesson on how to use shadows to make a two-dimensional image three-dimensional.

Nowadays, graffiti is very popular among young people, but not everyone can draw graffiti in a beautiful and stylish way. Let's try to learn how to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil, then coloring the resulting inscription with paints or colored felt-tip pens.

What flowers have we already painted:

  1. - I did pretty well, I recommend to look;
  2. - the lesson is difficult, and not everyone can do it

Try to draw them all! And today, at the request of our reader Dmitry Istomin, we will study, how to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil. Here's what should happen: So, let's start.

How to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil

Step one. We draw the outline of the vase. First, a circle in the center of the sheet. Leave a place on top to place the neck of the vessel and the flowers themselves. Step two. Now let's imagine that our circle is a ball similar to Smesharik Krosh, only without ears, we need to place a cylinder on top. Let's draw from our ball up its edges. And then draw the upper and lower bases of the neck. It is clear that we do not see the lower base, but for now we will leave all our auxiliary lines. Step three. Now let's show how stems of flowers stick out from the neck of our vase in different directions. Some are shorter, some are longer, some are more curved and some are straighter. Next, draw the outline and shape of the bud. It can be any flowers: irises, carnations or poppies. In our example, . Step four. We carefully look at the picture. Now we need to shape the vase. At the same time, we circle our circle, show the neck and the horizontal base. Step five. Now responsibly draw the flower itself. We already had. I suggest that you carefully look at it in order to beautifully draw the petals of a tulip. The buds will be collected. Step six. Well, we got the base. It is necessary to carefully erase the invisible auxiliary lines. Now you can color. We will try to color the vase, drawing lines along its contour to emphasize the shape and add volume. Consider the drawing carefully: the left side is darker, and the right side is lighter, since light falls from this side. The transition must be gradual. There are darker lines at the base of the vase itself and at the neck. We will also draw them along the contour, continuing the shape of the vase. And it remains to paint the flowers themselves. See also a video about how to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil:
On this, perhaps, everything. I look forward to your comments and new ideas for writing lessons. Join our Facebook group and show off your work!

Special for DayFun

A vase filled with fresh and fragrant flowers is a classic subject for a still life. Many painters, who knew perfectly well how to draw a vase of flowers, created magnificent canvases that adorn the halls of museums to this day. Of course, a vase of flowers, the drawing of which is easiest to make from life, can also be made a plot for any greeting card.
Before you draw a vase of flowers in stages with a pencil, you need to have the following items at hand:
one). Pencil;
2). Colour pencils;
3). Eraser;
four). A piece of paper;
5). Black gel pen.

If all those things that are listed a little above are already ready, you can proceed to learning how to draw a vase of flowers in stages:
1. Draw a vertical line and outline the vase in the form of a rectangle;
2. Draw a vase;
3. Draw a massive handle to the vase. Outline the outline of the table;
4. Sketch the flowers with light lines;
5. Draw the middle of the daffodils;
6. Draw the petals of daffodils. Of course, it is most convenient to draw flowers from nature, having familiarized yourself with their structure in detail. But you can use a high-quality photo as a source;
7. Draw tulip flowers;
8. Draw stems and leaves;
9. Draw circles on the vase;
10. Of course, now you know how to draw a vase of flowers with a pencil. But in order for the image to look really beautiful, it is recommended to make it in color. Outline the sketch with a pen;
11. Using the eraser, erase the sketch;
12. Shade the surface of the table with gray and blue shades of pencils. Color the vase in red, except for the circles, and paint the strip on it with yellow;
13. Yellow and orange color the centers of the daffodils. Shade flower petals with blue and lilac tones;
14. Color three tulips with pink, lilac and purple pencils;
15. Color the fourth tulip with yellow, orange and red hues;
16. Green and dark green paint over the stems and leaves;
17. Darken the vase with a brown pencil.
The drawing is ready! Now you know how to draw a vase of flowers! Such an image will look no less beautiful if you choose paints instead of colored pencils for coloring it, for example, watercolor or gouache. The main thing is to carefully color the flowers, and then the bouquet will be simply charming!

Watch the video: "How to draw a vase of flowers"

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