Definition sketch general meaning and concept. What is a sketch

Sketches are for one-time use. According to the sketches, working drawings are made, and in some cases parts are made.

Sketches are usually done with a soft pencil on checkered paper. Lines, inscriptions and numbers must be clear. All constructions must be done by hand. On the sketch, it is necessary to observe the proportionality of the linear dimensions of the elements of the details and the projection relationship.

The working drawing of a part differs from a sketch in that it is performed with drawing tools or using a drawing program on a computer (for example, in AutoCAD, Compass, etc.) on a standard scale, on standard formats, with strict observance of line types and their thickness. On the working drawing, as well as on the sketch of the part, all the information necessary for the manufacture of the part must be placed, i.e. the shape of the part and its dimensions must be transferred, the permissible deviations from the nominal dimensions are indicated.

Sketches and drawings made by students on the course "Mechanical Drawing" can be considered as a design document drawn up for a specific educational task. Each drawing must have a main inscription, which is located in the lower right corner of the drawing. The form of the main inscription for engineering drawings must comply with GOST 2.104-68.

Applying dimensions to sketches and drawings

Before applying dimensions, we recommend that you carefully study GOST 2.307-68 on the application of dimensions and maximum deviations in the drawings. When setting dimensions, one should take into account the requirements of the design, the technology of processing the part and the possibility of control. Therefore, before dimensioning, you should select the surfaces or lines of the part, from which the part will be measured during its processing on the mills. These surfaces are called bases. Bases can be design and technological. The mutual position of different surfaces of the part is specified by linear or angular dimensions. The points and lines of a part drawing, in relation to which the designer orients other parts, are called design datums. The surface from which it is best to measure during the manufacture of a part is called the technological base.

Dimensioning in such a way that the requirements of design and technology are taken into account is a very difficult task, since often sizing from structural bases will not coincide with sizing from technological bases. Dimensions should be set in such a way that it is convenient to control them with a specific measuring tool, so that the worker, when manufacturing a part according to a drawing, does not make any calculations and uses only those dimensions that are marked on the drawing.

The application of dimensions from one base (surface of the part) of holes located on the same axis is shown. In the figure, the axis is taken as the base, since the holes are located in a circle.

In practice, three methods of applying dimensions are used: chain, coordinate (from one base) and combined. When applying dimensions in a chain, one of them is not indicated, since it is determined by the overall size of the part. The main disadvantage of this method is the summation of errors that may appear during the manufacturing process of the part. With the coordinate method, dimensions are applied from the selected base. With this method, any dimension is independent of other dimensions of the part. The combined method combines the features of the chain and coordinate methods. This method is the most common.

The total number of dimensions in the drawing should be minimal, but sufficient to manufacture the part. It is not allowed to repeat the dimensions of the same element in different images. The dimensions of several identical elements can be applied once, indicating the number of these elements on the callout.

Each size corresponds to a specific technological operation. It is recommended that the dimensions related to the inner surface be applied from the sides of the cut, and the outer dimensions - from the side of the view.

When making sketches of parts from nature, as well as when making working drawings of parts, you should use the normal linear dimensions established by GOST 6636-69.

The requirement to use normal dimensions applies to those surfaces that are manufactured according to the tolerance system. Normal dimensions are recommended to be rounded, if possible, giving preference first of all to numbers ending in zero, and then in zero and five, and finally in 2 and 8. The use of normal linear and angular dimensions in the manufacture of machine parts significantly reduces the number of required measuring gauges and cost of products.

esquisse) - a preliminary sketch that fixes the idea of ​​a work of art, structure, mechanism or a separate part of it. In design documentation: a sketch is a drawing made by hand in an eye scale.

A sketch is a quickly done freehand drawing, not intended to be the final work, often consisting of many overlapping lines. It can be made in various techniques.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try out other ideas before turning them into a painting. Pencil or pastel is preferred for sketching due to time constraints, but a quick watercolor sketch, or even a quick modeled layout in clay or soft wax, can also be considered a sketch in the broader sense of the word. Graphite pencils are a relatively new invention, Renaissance artists made sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

When working on a sketch, an eraser can be used to remove construction lines or to soften lines that are too sharp.

Sometimes a sketch is called a sketch (not to be confused with a sketch - a one-act comedy play). "Sketch" (from the English "sketch" - a sketch, a sketch) - a quick freehand drawing, usually not considered a completed work. A sketch can serve a variety of purposes - it will help you quickly capture what the artist sees. To write down or develop an idea for the purpose of its further use, or to serve as a convenient form of graphic demonstration of a picture, idea or principle.

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Sketch (fr. esquise) - a preliminary sketch, fixing the idea of ​​a work of art, structure, mechanism or a separate part of it. Sketch- fast executed freepicture, not intended as a finished work, often consists of many overlapping lines.

Sketches are inexpensive and allow the artist to sketch and try out other ideas before turning them into a painting.Pencilorpastelmore preferred for sketches due to time constraints, but a quick sketchwatercolorsor even a quickly modeled clay or soft wax model can also be consideredsketchin the broader sense of the word. graphite pencils relatively new invention, artistsrenaissance did sketches using a silver pen on specially prepared paper.

Contrary to popular belief, artists often use erasers when drawing. The eraser can be used to remove construction lines, or to soften lines that are too sharp.

Sketch- a preparatory sketch for the work, reflecting the search for the best embodiment of the creative idea. Sketch can be made in various techniques.

A sketch is a sketch that captures the intention of a literary orartwork, structure, mechanism or its separate part. In literature sketch can be seen as preparatory work in the creationartwork, can be considered as something independent.

in a literary sense sketch accompanies almost any literary work. This is evidenced by the writers' drafts at our disposal. Pushkin used to put on paperpreliminary work plan. ManuscriptsDostoevskystore severalsketchesfor one novel.

Sketches writers testify that at the time of their creation the idea of ​​the work was not yet sufficiently clear: they display numerous alterations and changes. Although sketch, in the sense of preparatorysketchto a work, it must inevitably already have some artistic merit, but, in essence, it belongs rather to the field of psychologycreativitythan to the theory of verbalart.

Sketch, as an independent piece of art, and has independent purely artistic features. Works of this kind are most characteristic of our day, and the spread of this literarygenreis undoubtedly related to the principlesimpressionism.

In the field of literary research example of this kind sketches the "Book of Masks" by Remy de Gourmont can serve, where the general outlines of a number of modern poets are given in a few main lines. In Russian literature, Aikhenwald's book "SilhouettesRussian writers" (where even the title itself emphasizes this sketch character of the letter). Proceeding from the idea that a literary work exists only in perception, that its effects are born from the contact between the writer and the reader, Eichenwald asserts the inevitable subjectivity of any critical study. Thereby,criticismand can never claim a final, unchangeable meaning. A consciously applied subjective method bringsoutlineEichenwald to typeartistic sketches. This closeness is also emphasized by the form itself.silhouettes': counting workcriticismcontinuation of the work of the poet, Eichenwald uses, as a material, not onlyideas, but also with images and vocabulary, which he finds in one or another of the authors in question. This is the most tried and testedreceptionart-criticalsketch .

In the field of artistic prose, a model sketch can serve as impressionistic constructed poems in the prose of I. Annensky ("Posthumous Poems", 1923).

sketches Verlaine show an obvious predominance of static: the poet's perception lingers on the same lines andpaints. His most distinct example is the play: Dans l’interminable ennui de la plaine, we have a purely pictorial task before us - a plain covered with snow, above it - dull, with coppershadethe arch of the sky, on the horizon the dull gray outlines of the forest, and above everything the pale face of the dying moon drooped:landscapemotionless, frozen.

Sketch found in fiction and as part of a major work: sketch you can name some descriptions and characteristics, for example, Gogol.

Sketches Leonardo da Vinci and Edgar Degas are two examples of artists sketches which have become objects of art.

How are ideas for new models born? Everyone is different. Someone is inspired by their favorite films, someone is glossy magazines, someone is fascinated by the colors of nature. But no matter what inspired fashion designers, all their ideas that are born in the process of creativity find their expression in artistic sketches of new models.

This is natural, because in order to start the process of modeling patterns, it is necessary to think over each new model to the smallest detail - the silhouette, design solution, color and texture of the fabric, finish - everything affects how the finished product will look like. At the stage of creating an artistic sketch, you can make any changes to the product, experiment with color, length, show your imagination, give freedom to creativity, imagination and create a real masterpiece!

Advice! Keep a separate album for your artistic sketches and sketch all new ideas into it.

School of Sewing Anastasia Korfiati
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Keep a separate album for your artistic sketches and sketch all new ideas into it. Even if some of them do not find an instant embodiment, none of the sketches should be thrown away, because they may be useful to you in the future. Adding new models to the album, sometimes return to previous, unrealized ideas. Perhaps, after some time, you will look at them in a new way, and bring them to life.
And now a few words about what an artistic sketch should be.

What is an artistic sketch of a model?

First, you can do a fore-sketch or sketch to capture your idea on paper. It can be fuzzy, disproportionate, not having accurate drawings. These are the sprouts of an idea, the initial stage when you can depict a flight of fancy in the way you consider necessary, understandable only to you. Experiment at this stage without limiting yourself in anything.

Rice. 1. Fore-sketch of the dress

This is followed by the creation of an artistic sketch of the model.
An artistic sketch of a model is a drawing made in any drawing technique. You can use gouache, watercolor, colored or monochrome pencils, felt-tip pens and whatever is at hand for drawing. An artistic sketch is performed on a figure in an arbitrary pose. The main thing is that the model you draw should betray the mood, match the image that you have in mind, be aesthetically pleasing and comfortable to wear. All this must be considered at the stage of creating an artistic sketch.

Rice. 2. Artistic sketch of the model - watercolor, ink

Rice. 3. Artistic sketch of the model - graphics

After completing the artistic sketch, it must be translated into a technical sketch, according to which it will be necessary to model the patterns.

Technical sketch of the model

The technical sketch of the model is a drawing of the product on a conditionally typical figure, with a clear definition of all the design features of the model, using a grid of base lines - the base of the neck, chest, waist, hips, and the central axis. This will allow you to make a more accurate calculation of the location of structural seams, parts, pockets, etc.

Rice. 4. Technical sketch of the model - front and back

Make a rule for yourself: always accompany the technical sketch of the model with a detailed description and calculation of the required amount of fabrics and applied materials for its tailoring. This will greatly simplify your work and allow you to more accurately estimate the cost of the finished product, make it possible to optimize the process of modeling and cutting and get a more accurate result. And that's exactly what we're aiming for!

In the description of the technical drawing of the product, be sure to specify the following parameters:

1. A brief description of the product in free form.
2. Silhouette, product design features, size.
3. Calculation and description of the required amount of fabrics for the product.
4. Description and calculation of the required amount of additional materials for the product (gaskets, fittings, threads, etc.).
5. Features of the model.

Rice. 5. Description of the technical drawing

If artistic sketches, as mentioned above, are best sketched on landscape paper, a checkered notebook is ideal for technical drawing. You can easily enter a technical sketch into it and fill out a table with a description of the model.
After you have done all the preparatory work and created a technical drawing, it will be much easier for you to build a basic pattern for a product and develop patterns.

Ready-made templates for your sketches

Rice. Template for artistic sketch

And now - the most interesting! We have prepared for you a template with silhouettes of female figures for artistic sketches on A4 format. Just download the pdf file, print it on a black and white printer and draw your sketches directly on the silhouettes.

So you don't have to waste time drawing figures - after all, we have already drawn them for you! By the way, it is very convenient to store ready-made sketches in a binder folder.

Limitless creativity!


Sketch A sketch is a preliminary sketch that captures the idea of ​​a work of art, a structure, a mechanism, or a separate part of it. In design documentation: a sketch is a drawing made by hand in an eye scale.



1. Preliminary sketch for a drawing, painting. ott. Initial design of a sculptural work (usually on a reduced scale). ott. A sketch of a literary or musical work.

2. Drawing, according to which something is created (theatrical costume, scenery, architectural work, etc.). ott. A technical drawing made by hand, in compliance with the basic drawing rules and containing all the data necessary for the manufacture of the objects depicted.

Big modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language


(fr. esquisse) preliminary sketch.

New dictionary of foreign words



New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


husband. initial, light outline of the picture being composed, outline, salary. Sketch sketch.

Dictionary Dahl


[fr. esquisse] preliminary sketch.

Dictionary of foreign expressions


preliminary, unfinished drawing, sketch Exhibition of sketches. E. to the picture. E. scenery, costumes (drawing, according to which the scenery, costumes will be made). E. bridge design.

Dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegov


(French esquisse), a preliminary sketch that fixes the idea of ​​a work of art, structure, mechanism, or a separate part of it.

Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB


sketch m.
1) a) A preliminary sketch for a drawing, a picture. b) The initial design of the sculptural work (usually on a reduced scale). c) A sketch of a literary or musical work.
2) a) Drawing, according to which smth. is created. (theatrical costume, scenery, architectural work, etc.). b) A technical drawing made by hand, in compliance with the basic drawing rules and containing all the data necessary for the manufacture of the depicted items.

Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova


sketch, m. (fr. esquisse). Preliminary, cursory Sketch (picture, drawing; painting). Exhibition of sketches. In the middle of a canvas streaked with charcoal and chalk... a sketch of a woman's head would stop the attention of a connoisseur. Gogol. || Sketch, plan, preliminary edition of some. presentation, text (book). Story sketch. Report sketch.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov


(French esquisse), a preliminary sketch, fixing the idea of ​​a work of art or a separate part of it. In E., a compositional structure, spaces, plans, and basic color ratios of the future work are outlined. E. are graphic, pictorial, sculptural; usually they are distinguished by a free fluent manner of performance, but can be worked out in detail. In the work of major artists, E. are of artistic value and can have not only a preparatory, but also an independent character.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB


esk and per

Complete spelling dictionary of the Russian language


a preliminary sketch for a drawing, a painting a drawing used to create a theatrical costume, scenery, architectural work, etc. a technical drawing made by hand in compliance with the basic drawing rules and containing all the data necessary for the manufacture of the depicted products


Examples of 'sketch' in a sentence

This sketch or sketch is often much more lively than a finished canvas (for example, Ivanov's Appearance of Christ to the People and sketches for him; especially Ivanov's compositional sketches for other unrealized paintings).

Under the guidance of teachers, drawing from gypsum and copying other people's canvases, Perov independently wrote sketches of genre paintings, and in 1860 he proposed to the Academy Council a sketch of the Rural Way at Easter for the competition for the Big Gold Medal (the School did not have the right to award awards, only the Academy had this right) .

In a matter of minutes, real life events turned first into a blank sheet, then it all became a sketch, and the sketch turned into a picture.

At one of the exams, his sketch of Esther in front of Artaxerxes caused a sensation, so it was unique among the template student sketches.

“I should make a sketch,” he thought, “take a napkin and sketch it, but there is only a black marker in my pocket, and it’s better to sketch it right away in color, it’s pointless to draw an outline, color is important here, not shape ...”

I should make a sketch, he thought, take a napkin and sketch it, but there is only a black marker in my pocket, and it’s better to sketch in color right away, it’s pointless to draw an outline, color is important here, not shape ... "

In order to correctly draw a small sketch on an enlarged scale, it would be necessary, following the usual method, to draw a grid both on the sketch and on the surface on which it was to be transferred.

Sinopia is the term artists use when they draw a sketch of a fresco directly onto a dry wall, under the intonaco, the top layer of plaster - only a sketch that will then show through when the plaster is pierced with a steel needle.

I pinned a fresh piece of drawing paper to the drawing board, my fingers twitched a little - I was so eager to start the sketch.

For a lousy picture - a "sketch", which she herself approved in the department of architecture and urban planning.

Quotes with the word sketch

The picture unfolds before my eyes, revealing itself as a surprise in progress. This is what gives me a feeling of complete freedom, and for this reason I am not able to form a plan or sketch in advance.

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