Benefits of Indian dances. The role of dance in child development How young children learn modern dance

How to choose an occupation for the development of your children?

Known fact. The degree of self-realization of a person, the quality of life, and even his fate, largely depend on the base he received in childhood. Skills, knowledge, skills, manners, aesthetic preferences, physical data, habits - all this set forms the basis for the development of personality. Of course, only parents can make the greatest contribution to a child. And all of them most of all want their children to grow up healthy, smart, successful, with the prospect of a happy, interesting and eventful life.

In childhood, the body is actively developing. Bone and muscle tissue, respiratory, vascular and nervous systems are formed, the foundation of physical health is laid. From the age of three, children are accepted into professional schools of choreography, figure skating, hockey, and others, primarily involving the physical development of the child.

When choosing a section and circles for a child, one should first of all rely on the emotional and psychological predisposition of the child to one or another type of activity. And not on the dreams and unfulfilled ambitions of parents. However, in statistics, no one canceled gender predisposition. Most boys are interested in more active activities (martial arts, team sports). For girls, it is often gymnastics, dancing, figure skating, and other activities that are identified with aesthetic beauty, as such.

The most universal hobbies for children, involving physical activity in an interactive form, include dance clubs, and in general dance classes. Andthat's why:

  1. Compared to most types of active sections (sports orientation), dance art characterizes the least injury!
  2. Dancing does not require specific clothing, paraphernalia, and special facilities. A dance hall can be found in any urban area. Not to mention school gyms!
  3. You can start dancing at any age. Classes are perfect for preschoolers, teenagers and adults, and even the elderly. It would be a wish!
  4. And finally, the freedom to use the dance itself. Family holidays, corporate parties, parties with friends, trendy flash mobs and stage performances. Success in what active hobby can be so freely demonstrated?

Regular dance classes have a positive effect on all aspects of the emerging personality of a child, a teenager.

  • Physical health and appearance. Even the simplest dance involves the maximum number of muscle groups and joints, thereby stimulating the circulatory and respiratory systems, the digestive system. A person who regularly dances will have a straight posture, a proportional figure, a beautiful gait, agility, light, confident movements.
  • Development of cognitive functions. Execution, honing new dance movements and chords perfectly train thought processes, memory, logic, endurance, vestibular apparatus and body control, improving spatial orientation and coordination.
  • Communication. Dance as a way of self-expression is in itself a message to society. The dance demonstrates the personality of the performer in all respects (his appearance, plasticity, dynamics, reflects his creativity and aesthetic depth). Therefore, here you can take into account the next two, useful in life, skills.
  • Aesthetic development- forms visual and musical taste, sense of rhythm, grace of movements
  • Artistry, as the ability to improvise, determines the skill of speaking in public. Systematic performances in front of a large audience give a person self-confidence, determine his individuality and independence.
  • From point of view sociability. Dancing involves constant interaction with teachers, partners, teams. In dance schools, a child learns to communicate, including with the opposite sex, on an equal footing, overcoming complexes. Dances for girls develop in them the concept of feminine beauty and plasticity, for boys they give the concept of respect for a partner, team, the opposite sex and gentle treatment of him.
  • Purposefulness. For example, for children, systematic attendance at dance classes lays in the character the basics of competition, the desire to be better than themselves and those around them.
  • Psychology, emotional and mental state. In the process of dancing, repressed feelings are released (emotional expression), internal tension is relieved. Systematic dance classes help to gain and maintain psychological stability, to lay in the mind tolerance to stress. Increased psychological flexibility, adaptability of the individual. In dance, a person opens his soul, receiving positive energy in return from music, from a partner, from the team and the audience.

Together, dance classes are a universal means to achieve the quality and taste of a full, happy life. And this is true for both children and adults, and the sooner a person is immersed in the consciousness of dance, the sooner he will find himself.

... it is also no wonder thatpassion for dance art, and hence the aesthetics of oneself, greatly increases the likelihood of finding a soul mate and family happiness.

Dance school lessons

We invite children, their mothers, girls and women to the branches of the dance studio TWINS-DANCE. Get to know the teachers and the rooms. Try the child and yourself on free, introductory lessons. Feel the power of dance and its usefulness in personal and everyday life.

We teach different styles and directions. The school is attended by children, adolescents and adults from 1.5 to 50 years old.

You can apply for a trial lesson , or phone numbers listed in the contacts (at the beginning or at the end of the page).

When choosing an interesting activity for their child, many parents often opt for dancing. Children's dance clubs today are really quite popular and in demand, and their number continues to increase constantly. What are the reasons that push moms and dads to send their child to a dance school?

The benefits of dancing for a child

Children who are engaged in choreography have a well-developed muscular system, keep their posture correctly, do not suffer from scoliosis and have a beautiful gait. However, dancing is not only a means of prevention - with constant practice, they also contribute to the alignment of the spine.

In addition, the work of the lungs and heart improves, blood vessels strengthen, coordination of movements, motor skills, flexibility and plasticity, and physical endurance develop. It is important to note that dancing for a child is practically not traumatic compared to gymnastics, acrobatics and other sports.

Dance art stimulates the development of creative abilities, aesthetic taste and artistry.

Choreography is also an effective tool in improving your musical ear and sense of rhythm.

Dancing for children is a great means of communication. If your kid is closed and shy, if it is difficult for him to find a common language with peers, be sure to sign him up for a dance club. In a creative, fun atmosphere, it will be much easier for your son or daughter to communicate with other children and develop their abilities. As a result, the child will become more courageous, liberated and self-confident, get rid of complexes.

Choreography classes develop purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance in a small person. After all, it is far from always possible to quickly master new movements. And to get the result, you need patience and diligence. The child becomes more collected, disciplined, his memory and concentration improve.

Dancing for a child: at what age is it better to start?

According to choreographers, the most optimal age for starting dance classes is 6-6.5 years. This is especially true for sports dances, since the body and body of the child must be strong enough to withstand difficult physical exertion. If you are impatient to enroll your child in a children's dance club before the age of 6, the following questions will help determine his readiness.

  1. Can a child tolerate physical activity? How does he prefer to spend his free time: play active or passive games?
  2. Does he have well-developed coordination of movements and concentration of attention?
  3. Will the kid be able to understand the coach's commands and follow them?
  4. How well does the baby's memory and ear for music develop?
  5. Does he have a desire to dance?

A choreographic studio must have an excellent reputation. Read reviews on the Internet (preferably not on the website of the dance school), talk to the parents of the kids who are already attending this school. Find out the rates, read the documents of the institution.

Talk to potential educators for your child and ask them about the possibility of you attending one or more classes. As a result, you will have an idea of ​​how choreography lessons usually take place, you will see the behavior of the coach and his attitude towards children.

Find out what rules and regulations the children's dance school has, specify the start and end times of classes.

Be sure to find out in what conditions the training takes place: is the flooring of high quality, are the rooms warm and how often are they ventilated, what is the condition of the locker room and toilet, is there a shower.

An important nuance when choosing a dance circle is its location. It is better to give preference to those that are near your home or near the child's educational institution. Because long trips will tire both you and the child. Among other things, you may not have enough time for such trips, and the baby should attend dance classes regularly.

Consider several choreographic schools at once. If you are fundamentally unhappy with any of them, cross it off the list and move on to the next. Do not despair! There are quite a few dance studios, and you will certainly be able to choose an excellent option with the most suitable conditions.

Ballroom and sports dances for children

The positive impact of dancing on the physical and emotional development of the child, we have already considered in detail. Now let's dwell on the most popular types of choreographic art for children today - sports and ballroom dancing - and find out about their features and possible disadvantages.

Dancing for a child is one of the most expensive sports. You will have to fork out not only for the training itself. You need to buy suits and shoes (separately for training and performances), pay for travel to contests and competitions (if they are held in another city), as well as accommodation and food for the child. Think ahead if you can afford these costs.

Dancing takes a lot of energy from a child. Therefore, in addition to studying at school, it is better not to burden him with classes in other circles and sections, otherwise the baby will have a strong physical and mental overload.

Ballroom dancing has one significant drawback. Since children dance in pairs, it is not always possible to quickly find a replacement for a partner who, for whatever reason, has stopped classes. Moreover, in ballroom dance studios, as a rule, there are always more girls than boys. So your daughter may have to dance alone for a while.

If you can’t decide what to choose - sports or ballroom dancing for a child, there is an excellent option that combines exactly 2 of these types of choreographic art. So, sports ballroom dancing for children, unlike the usual ballroom choreography, includes Latin American and European programs. The child will learn to dance not only the waltz, tango and foxtrot, but also master the technique of samba, jive, cha-cha-cha and other incendiary dances.

Elena Danilina

Occupation dancing- this is not only an interesting and pleasant pastime. AT dance children can throw out all their stress accumulated during the day. This is extremely important, because children, like adults, experience a lot of negative emotions.

Dancing give the right load on the heart. This is such a non-traumatic type of physical activity that they can be practiced from the age of four. Besides, dancing is good for muscles, joints, blood vessels.

Occupation dancing well helps to form a person's correct posture, correct the back, straighten the spine. Most modern children have scoliosis and other back problems. But if the children dance, you can forget about these troubles. No other sport corrects the back and does not contribute to the improvement of the spine.

In addition, regular classes form a correct and beautiful gait, which is important for a girl.

dancing, children learn to understand the rhythm of music, listen to music, express their feelings and emotions to the music. At dancing children's ear for music improves.

Not all children go to kindergarten, but everyone has a need for communication, even the smallest children. When the kids dance, it is much easier for them to find a common language. Brings together beautiful rhythmic music and the atmosphere itself dance class brings together fun and competent work of the teacher. Besides, dancing is good for relaxing. If you have a modest and shy son or daughter - dancing make it bolder and more liberated. Dancing children quickly find a common language with their peers. Dancing remove all barriers in communication and not only.

Child doing dancing becomes much more mobile and open to communication.

When the children dance, blood flow to the main organs (heart, etc., including the brain) increases, the mood rises.

Many children become more beautiful in dance. If a child dancing from an early age, then he will have a beautiful figure, plasticity of movements and grace will appear.

Lessons dancing promote harmonious physical, emotional and aesthetic child development.

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The benefits of dancing for children- the positive effect of dancing on the health and inner world of the child.

Dancing is a way to introduce children to art, the benefits of dancing are not only in physical development, they help the child develop emotionally and intellectually.


Dancing is a magical world of music and art. When children dance, they throw out the stress and negative emotions accumulated during the day. Dancing is a great way to spend time, improve your child's health and introduce him to art. Regular dance classes calm children down, help them become more sociable, relaxed, and resilient. During classes, the child will learn to feel the rhythm of music, learn to understand and feel music, he will improve and develop an ear for music. Dancing will help the child to reveal his creative abilities, help to think more broadly and beautifully, instill a love of art. The health benefits of a child who regularly dances are also considerable: a beautiful figure, gait, correct posture, flexibility, mental development, improvement of the brain, muscles and blood vessels, general improvement of the child's body. Remember that in addition to benefits, the child will receive a huge boost of energy and pleasure from dancing lessons.

health benefits of dancing

Whatever type of dance you choose for your child, it still involves physical activity and activity, and in connection with this, endurance, strength and flexibility develop. Dancing perfectly corrects the back and helps to align the spine. Therefore, many doctors advise parents whose children have scoliosis and other back problems to send their children to dances that will help them forget about these problems - they will improve muscle tone, correct posture, coordination will appear, the child will learn to keep balance. Dancing is good for blood vessels and joints, as during exercise blood flow to all organs improves. Dancing gives the right load on the heart and respiratory organs, they are not as traumatic as rhythmic gymnastics and sports, so children from the age of 4 can easily do them.

The benefits of dancing also lie in the psychological development of the child: they teach children to cooperate, stay in a team, lose, endure failures, make children more resistant to stress, relieve tension and muscle clamps. Dancing improves mood, calms children, makes it easier to perceive the problems that concern them.

What do dance classes develop?

Strong physical health is a very important, but not the only reason why you need to send your child to dance. A child who dances regularly is different from his peers in that he thinks more deeply. It is much easier for him to communicate and get to know other children - such children are more self-confident, liberated, it is much easier for them to express their emotions, they develop a sense of trust and cooperation. Consider a few more areas of a child’s life that dance has a positive effect on:

  • Train coordination, balance and motor skills.
  • Develop an ear for music, a sense of rhythm, aesthetic taste.
  • Thanks to dancing, children learn to understand, listen to music and feel it.
  • Moral and moral qualities develop.
  • Talents and creativity are revealed.
  • Children become more disciplined, calm, responsible, attentive.
  • Develop intelligence, curiosity, purposefulness.
  • They form a beautiful figure, gait, there is grace and plasticity - the dance transforms the external and internal world of the child.
  • They instill good taste in clothes, elegance - there is such a pattern that children who are engaged in dancing from an early age have good taste.
  • Learn to control your body.
  • They help to raise self-esteem, not be afraid of difficulties, not to complex, get rid of insecurity and fears.

At what age should you send your child to dance

You have made the decision to send your child to dance. A logical question arises: at what age?

An unequivocal answer to this question cannot be given, because it all depends on the individual characteristics of your child. On the one hand, it is better to give the child to dance at an earlier age of 3-4 years, when they are flexible and active, but at this age children get tired and whiny faster, they have poorly developed coordination of movements and they concentrate their attention poorly. Experts also believe that it is best to send children to dance at the age of 6 - 6.5 years. But after all, all children are different, so before you take your baby to the dance, try to objectively assess his strengths and abilities so as not to injure the child, but help him find and reveal himself.

  • Can the child concentrate?
  • How is his coordination of movements developed?
  • Is the child active or vice versa likes to spend time more quietly?
  • Is the baby able to follow the coach's commands, listen to his advice?
  • Is the child capable of enduring great physical exertion?
  • Does he have a good memory and musical ear?
  • Does your child have a desire to dance?

If you scored 3 - 4 positive answers, then boldly lead your child to dances. If not, it’s better not to rush things - this will not bring much benefit to the baby.


  • Why dancing is useful for children, social network for parents "Country of Moms"
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