Literary heroes who erected monuments. Monuments to literary heroes in Russia

There are many in the world interesting monuments literary characters. These heroes are known for their resourcefulness or courage, optimism or unusual deeds, sense of humor or stupidity. In our country there are monuments not only to the characters of Russian classics, but also to the heroes of foreign literature. The main thing is not on what land the hero was born, but where he was loved with all his heart.

Andersen's Little Mermaid in Copenhagen

This monument was erected in seaport Copenhagen. This monument was created by sculptor Edward Eriksen in 1913. The little mermaid became a symbol and calling card Denmark - every anniversary of the Little Mermaid is celebrated at the state level. As much as this sculpture fell in love with the inhabitants of Denmark, this monument was subjected to vandalism. The sculpture was doused with paint, sawed off hands and head, blown up. The sculpture was invariably restored and returned to its place.
Today, the monument to the Little Mermaid is one of the ten most famous monuments peace. In 2013, the Little Mermaid will celebrate her 100th birthday.

Until recently, Vladivostok also had its own sculpture of the Little Mermaid.

A two-meter sculpture of the Mermaid was installed on the Sports Embankment in Vladivostok in June 2003. Went under water in April 2010.

It's nice to know that their sister, who is in Brazil, has a happier fate. That, in its original form, relatively recently celebrated its half-century anniversary.

Judging by the number established monuments Don Quixote is one of the most popular characters in world literature.

Wherever there is no monument to this glorious knight - in Cuba and Omsk, in Moscow and Gabrovo, in Varadero and Brussels - and this is far from full list. We will show some of the most successful, in different styles.

The most famous Don Quixote and Sancho Panza located at the foot of the monument to Cervantes in Madrid.

There is a copy of the same monument in Brussels, mounted on a high pedestal.

In Spain, you can find a lot of sculptures of the heroes of Cervantes.

And this is how the Cubans see Don Quixote, who erected a monument to the knight in the new park of Havana.

And his faithful squire.

And these statues of heroes are located near the Don Quixote Museum in the city of Guanojuato (Mexico)

And from Gabrovo.

Well, craftsmen from Omsk managed to create a monument to Don Quixote practically from scrap metal.

Another Don Quixote in Omsk (apparently, this noble character is very much loved there)

And in Izhevsk.

In Donesk.

And this is in Georgia.

The donkey in Kakheti is a sacred animal. The Kakhetians, who erected a monument to the hero of Cervantes, believe that Sancho Panza traveled on a Kakhetian donkey.

Sancho Panza in Moscow.

The next most popular characters may well be the heroes of the novels by A. Dumas "Three Musketeers"

This sculpture of D "Artagnan, the protagonist of the "Three Musketeers" by A. Dumas, has been towering over the citizens of his country since the beginning of the 30s of the last century. hometown Osh in the heart of Gascony.

D Artagnan in Paris at the pedestal of the monument to A. Dumas.

Monument to D'Artagnan, Maastrix, Netherlands.

The monument was erected directly at the Tonga Tower, the site of the death of a Gasgonian in 1673 during the Franco-Dutch War. And not the invented Dumas, but the real one, Charles de Batz-Castelmore d "Artagnan, the captain of the royal musketeers, who became the prototype of the beloved hero.

Musketeers in Gascony

September 4, 2010 in the old French town of Condom, in Gascony, on the square in front of the Saint-Pierre temple, a monument to Dumas musketeers by Z. Tsereteli was opened.

Tsereteli says: "Five years ago, a descendant of d'Artagnan, Count Emery de Montesquiou, contacted me. He heads the Armagnac Musketeers Society. And, by the way, it has more than four thousand members from all over the world. And some of them came to the opening of the monument"
The monument was opened in the most solemn way - with a parade of current musketeers and in the presence of VIPs, attended the ceremony CEO UNESCO Irina Bokova, Mayor Bernard Gallardo, Senator Emery de Montesquiou and others.
Together with Zurab Tsereteli, V. Smekhov and V. Smirnitsky were solemnly accepted into the society of musketeers. They were greeted by 650 colleagues in rank who came to Gascony from different countries.

Mary Poppins

The monument was solemnly opened on March 13, 2004 in the suburbs of Sydney, in the park of the city of Ashfield. The author of "Mary Poppins" P.L. Travers was originally from Australia (from the city of Maryborough).

Romeo and Juliet - the heroes of the most romantic and tragic history love told to the world English playwright W. Shakespeare.

The sculptural image of Romeo and Juliet is located in New York's Central Park. The sculpture was installed in 1977. Its author is the sculptor - Milton Hebald. The statue represents Shakespeare's lovers in an embrace before a kiss. Bronze figures of Romeo and Juliet, made in human growth, are installed on a granite pedestal in front of the entrance to the Delacorte Theatre.

In 2008, in Bataysk, a small town near Rostov-on-Don, in front of the Palace of Culture, a monument to Romeo and Juliet was erected by the famous local sculptor Anatoly Sknarin

And this is the most famous monument Juliet

The monument to Juliet is located in Verona (Italy), directly opposite "his" house (tourists are shown this house as Juliet's house), under the balcony.

On the wall of the courtyard, a couple in love should leave their initials, and then stroke Juliet (according to one version - on the arm, according to the other - on the chest, both places are polished to a shine), and then their love will be stormy and happy.

Nottingham, UK
Robin Hood as an archer.

The people of Nottingham love to throw folk holiday in honor of Robin Hood. There are shooting competitions, funny battles, ceremonies in Sherwood Forest.

Gollum seems to be in New Zealand

Harry Potter platform, London

And here are our heroes.

Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov in Odessa.

The district leader of the nobility in a yellow tie, worn-out shoes and a hat thrown out in the dust, according to the script, seems to be asking for alms: Don’t ma pa se Zhur, I haven’t eaten the Lord for 7 days, give it to the former deputy State Duma. Tourists are happy to throw coins and banknotes into the hat of the marshal of the nobility. They say in order to once again return to Odessa.

sculptural composition"Gnu Antelope".Opened: April 1, 1999.
Sculptor: Honored Artist of Ukraine A. Tokarev.
The crew of the "Antelope-Gnu" are the main characters of the satirical novel "The Golden Calf" by I. Ilf and E. Petrov.

This is also a monument to the 12th chair in Odessa.

Ostap Bender is a very popular literary hero and his figure adorns many cities.

Starobelsk, Luhansk region

Krasnodar, near the cafe-restaurant "Golden calf"

Original Monument to Ostap Bender in Kharkov.

Kisa Vorobyaninov is there.

A bronze sculpture on a small marble pedestal depicts the figure of Vorobyaninov with a hat stretched forward and begging for alms. In Vorobyaninov's left hand is an old, worn-out leather briefcase, in which a huge through hole is visible. Initially, under the monument there was a sign with a comic inscription: "Give him a hand, otherwise he will stretch his legs."

Kitty and Ostap in Pyatigorsk.

It is also worth showing the composition of Ostap Bender and Kisa Vorobyaninov in Yekaterinburg.

And one more composition from Berdyansk. In Balaganov's hand is a glass of beer, and next to Ostap is an empty chair with an inscription on the seat "Beer is sold only to members of the trade union."

Ostap Bender. Elista, Kalmykia

The key to the apartment where the money is, in Vinnitsa

On the sign - the cities where Ostap visited

Ellochka-cannibal from Kharkov

I think imagineMonument to Ellochka the Cannibal, another heroine of the novels of Ilf and Petrov, it is rather difficult to do better than this. Behind Ellochka you can see the figure of Panikovsky. There is also a monument to Father Fyodor in Kharkov

The monument is installed on the 1st platform of the South Railway Station in Kharkov. It serves as an illustration for the episode of the novel in which Father Fyodor writes a letter to his wife in county town N from the Kharkov railway station, as well as to the mention of how Fyodor's father was seen on Donetsk railway: "He ran along the platform with a kettle of boiling water ...". Father Fyodor is depicted in the image embodied by the Soviet film actor M. Pgovkin in the film adaptation of "12 Chairs" directed by L. Gaidai (1971).

Probably because many of these characters have done for us no less than real celebrities who once lived. They give happiness to readers all over the world every day, teach us to be faithful and kind, noble and courageous.

The installation of monuments to the heroes of works of poetry and prose is a tradition that dates back more than one decade. In many cities, on the streets and squares, in squares and parks, there are sculptures dedicated to various characters.

Every monument literary heroes has its own destiny, its own history. Most interesting sculptures, installed both in Russia and abroad, we will describe in this article.

Monument to the heroine of the fairy tale about the golden fish

The goldfish is one of the most auspicious and strong symbols that bring prosperity, good luck and well-being to the house. Every kid from books knows that she is the main performer of any desires.

Fish are present in many folk tales. literary tale about a goldfish was reworked for the first time by the Brothers Grimm. In our country, A. S. Pushkin created his work. It's called "The Tale of the Goldfish". As the analysis of these works shows, the fish is not so much a fulfiller of desires as it represents the opportunity to start new life, is a symbol of enlightenment. The image of an unfortunate old man hiding a wise old man is a "spiritual" part of human consciousness, while a greedy old woman is our insatiable ego, which is immersed in worldly fuss. The ego demands various pleasures.

The monument to the golden fish is installed in many cities (Donetsk, Saransk, Berdyansk, Mamonovo, St. Petersburg, Adler, Lvov, Astrakhan,

Interestingly, psychologists have singled out a group of people who are afraid of goldfish. Of course not literally. The point is that a person prefers being afraid to let something unknown and new into his life.

You can add to the list of merits of the goldfish that today she has become the heroine of numerous anecdotes, as well as the main participant in the Simoron rituals.

The monument, located in Astrakhan, is a goldfish embodied in bronze, which appears lying on the waves, also made of bronze. The sculpture is a publicity stunt for Megafon. The emblems of this operator adorn the pedestal of the monument.

The crown on the head of the fish is polished to a shine. According to a belief that has already taken root among the inhabitants of Astrakhan, one should make a wish and rub it. Then it will surely come true. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the Fisherman's Day. It took place in 2011. The author of the sculpture is Marat Jamaletdinov.

Monuments to a lady with a dog

At the end of the 19th century, when human morals were not yet as loose as in the 21st century, but the culture of the world already foresaw the breath of revolution, it was written famous work Chekhov. Resorts, including the Crimean ones, where a person, torn from the vicious circle of everyday life, fell into the enveloping aroma of freedom, become the first places where husbands, fathers, mothers, wives could feel the taste of life. Of course, the heralds new era the masters literary word, who embodied the trends of new times in life with their pen.

The story "The Lady with the Dog" is one of the most bright works which have become classics of the resort-romance genre. This happened thanks to the skill and talent of A.P. Chekhov (1860-1904). The work was first published in 1899 in the Russian Thought magazine.

It is not surprising that in order to perpetuate the memory of the writer and main character of this work, the center of the Yalta embankment was chosen. In 2004, as part of the centennial anniversary of Anton Pavlovich, a monument "Lady with a Dog" was erected. Its authors are Gennady and Fedor Parshins. The sculpture depicts a slender female silhouette, dressed in a modest elegant dress with lace. The girl has an umbrella in her hands. She froze in dreamy thoughtfulness, fixing her eyes on the horizon. And nearby is a faithful dog with a smart, sharp muzzle. He looks with devoted eyes at his mistress.

The figure of Anton Pavlovich, located in the background, is also very remarkable. He watches in a relaxed pose for the creation of his own thought, for a moment descended from literary pages. The finished appearance of this sculpture is complemented by a cloak thrown carelessly on the openwork of the fence, as well as a tablet with the phrase from the work "... a new face appeared on the embankment: a lady with a dog", which is located at the feet of the writer.

Also in the city of Khabarovsk, on Amur Boulevard, there is a monument to this heroine of Chekhov's story. This is a bronze bench on which a woman sits in a dress with a deep slit and no straps. She has a hat on her head and high heels on her feet. She strokes the dog sitting next to her on the bench with her left hand.

This sculpture adorns the square near the fountain, located next to the Druzhba cinema on Amur Boulevard. It was installed for the 150th anniversary of the city.

Monument in Voronezh to White Bim

We are now transported to Voronezh in order to look at the next monument. There are sculptures that make passers-by stop and feel anxiety, tenderness, excitement. It is to them that the monument to White Bim belongs. It was opened at the beginning of 1998.

G. N. Troepolsky (1906-1995) - Voronezh writer, author famous book called "White Bim Black Ear", published in 1971. Bim's sculpture is located at the entrance to the puppet theater. It was installed on an autumn day when residents celebrated City Day.

Today, the monument to White Bim is one of the most popular among children. Beam cast in metal. He sits in a position in which faithful, intelligent and kind dogs are waiting for the owner, who has departed for a while. This sculpture has no pedestal: Bim is just on the ground. And the children love to pet him, as if this dog is alive.

He really does seem alive. When you see this sculpture, it is as if you feel the devoted and anxious look of a dog on you, as if asking: "Where is my master now?" However, Bim could not wait for him. The owner died and the dog was orphaned. Now Bim was left all alone in the huge city.

Troepolsky's book about the fate of Bely Bim was a huge success. Sometimes the writer said jokingly that he had set him free in Voronezh, and since then the dog has been running. He ran, probably already half the world. This story was translated and published in dozens of countries. For example, the program of American colleges without fail includes this work. In our country, a film based on the story was made, which also had a great success.

The authors of the monument are Ivan Dikunov and Elza Pak. The author of the work often came to them during work, gave advice, consulted. Gavriil Troepolsky, unfortunately, was not destined to see his beloved Bim in the metal: he died before he could see the installation of the sculpture.

Monuments to Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is literary character, which was created by A. Conan Doyle (1859-1930). The works dedicated to his adventures are rightfully considered classics. detective genre. Societies of admirers of Holmes and his deductive method spread throughout the world. This detective is the most popular movie hero in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

In March 1990, the Holmes Flat Museum opened on Baker Street in London. There are a lot of monuments to this hero.

The first monument to Sherlock Holmes

Monuments to Holmes in Japan and Great Britain

In 1988, on October 9, a statue of the great detective was opened in Japan (in Kariuzawa). Nobuhara Ken, the Japanese translator of Holmes, lived in this city. Just a month later than in Switzerland, this monument was opened.

The turn came to Edinburgh in 1991. In the homeland of Conan Doyle, on June 24, the third monument to Holmes was unveiled. It is installed on Picardy Place.

In London, a monument to Holmes was opened in 1999, on September 24, near the Baker Street tube station. Sherlock looks thoughtfully into the distance. He is dressed for London weather - in a hat with a small brim and a long cloak. Holmes has a pipe in his hand.

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: a monument in Moscow

In 2007, on April 27, in Moscow, on Smolenskaya Embankment, a monument to the work was opened. This is the first sculpture depicting Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson together. A Russian actor participated in the creation, who was awarded the Order of the British Empire by Elizabeth II for the embodiment of the image of the main character of the work. The monument to the literary heroes Holmes and Watson today is very popular with Muscovites and visitors. Many people like to be photographed against its background.

Monument in Moscow to the frog princess

In Moscow, in 1997, an imitation of the Neglinnaya River was created to decorate Manezhnaya Square near the Kremlin. It was she who flowed here in ancient times, but was enclosed in a pipe in the 19th century. Zurab "settled" the heroes of various Russian fairy tales along the banks of the river. Among his creations is a monument to the frog princess.

Other sculptures in honor of the frog princess

Another monument to the character is located in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region). The sculpture represents a sitting on a stone female figure. Her lips are pressed together for a kiss.

In Kaliningrad, there is also a sculpture of the frog princess ( children's park"Youth"). The frog is very cute and fabulous.

Monument to the literary hero Pinocchio

In honor of the 130th anniversary of the author of the story "The Golden Key" Alexei Tolstoy in Samara, a monument to Pinocchio appeared at the gates of the literary museum. Its author is Stepan Korslyan. The triumphant Pinocchio made of bronze holds a golden key in his hand held high. A large book lies at his feet. Dmitry Iosifov, the actor who played the main character in the film "The Adventures of Pinocchio", was present at the opening ceremony. It was on the basis of the image from this film that the sculpture was created.

Monument to Josef Schweik

More recently, in 2014, on August 24, a monument to Schweik was erected in the Czech Republic, described almost 100 years ago in the work of Yaroslav Hasek "The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik" (1921). It is located near the town of Pisek, in the village of Putim. Some adventures of this hero took place here. Made by F. Swatek. Soldier dressed in military uniform times of the First World War.

Earlier, monuments to this brave soldier were erected in Slovakia (photo below), Russia, Poland and Ukraine. A total of thirteen monuments are known.

Monument to Gulliver

It was installed in St. Petersburg in 2007, on November 2. The sculptor is Timur Yusof. The hero of the famous story by Jonathan Swift called "Gulliver's Travels" is located on the University Embankment. The monument depicts a whole series of title characters of the work, decreasing in size. Each subsequent Gulliver is several times smaller than the previous one.

Monuments to Baron Munchausen

On May 11, 2004, the first Russian one was opened. It is located in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the Munchausen Museum. The author of the project was a descendant of the baron Vladimir Nagovitsyn. This is a storyteller who creates works under the pseudonym Vladi Nagov.

A monument to literary heroes can be very original. In Kaliningrad, for example, in the Central Park is one of the funniest monuments. It is also dedicated to Baron Munchausen. There is a sculpture next to the church of Queen Louise. It was a gift to Kaliningrad on its 750th anniversary from Bodenwerder, the German city that is the birthplace of the baron.

It is known that the real prototype of Munchausen visited Koenigsberg twice on the way to St. Petersburg, and also on the way back. The author of the sculpture is Georg Petau. The monument to Munchausen is a steel wall, in which the silhouette of this hero flying on the core is carved. On one side, the inscription "Kaliningrad" is embossed on the pedestal, and on the other - "Koenigsberg" to emphasize historical connection Russian and German peoples.

At the height of the tourist season, Russians often try to travel to European countries, despite the high exchange rate of the euro. At the same time, someone has seen traditional sights before, and someone does not want to watch just because of the large influx of tourists. decided to supplement the guidebooks and talk about unusual statues erected in honor of literary and fictional characters.


Perhaps the most famous monument to a literary hero is “ Mermaid". It is located in Denmark, in the homeland of the great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. The heroine sits alone in the port of Copenhagen near the shore on a granite stone washed by waves. Full of thought, she seems to be thinking about her fate, which was very sad. Having abandoned the fish tail and lost the power of speech, the heroine never achieved the reciprocity of her beloved prince. This sculpture, cast in bronze, is not only the personification pure love and devotion, but also a symbol of Denmark. However, the innocence of the image of the little mermaid does not touch the local hooligans, who either paint or even throw the unfortunate figure into the water.

Monument to the Little Mermaid in the port of Copenhagen. Photo:


In 1931, a monument to the famous hero of the novel was unveiled in Paris. Alexandra Dumas"Three Musketeers" - D'Artagnan. Few people know that the brave Gascon had a real prototype - Ogier de Batz de Castelmore, who lived in the 17th century and also served in the guard troops of the king. But despite this, the monument was erected precisely to the hero of the work, whom the author endowed best qualities guardsman. The hero, as if sitting down to rest for a moment, keeps order with a keen eye and is ready to rush into battle at any moment.

Monument to Alexandre Dumas in the 17th arrondissement of Paris, pl. General Catroux, rear view, the pedestal is decorated with characters from Dumas' novels, from this side the most famous of them is d'Artagnan. Photo: / Marimarina

The Bremen Town Musicians

This sculptural composition is installed in the German city of Bremen. It was the heroes of the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm that brought fame to this city. Few people know that the Bremen town musicians were called that not because they were from Bremen, but because they were heading there, but never reached it. Not a single tourist passes by the monument, as there is a legend that if you rub the leg of a donkey and make a wish, it will certainly come true. That is why all four of his limbs shine, as if polished. The fabulous donkey, dog, cat and rooster can be found in many parts of the city, especially in souvenir shops.

Bronze statue " Bremen Town Musicians» near the building of the Bremen City Hall. Photo:

Alice in the Wonderland

In the English city of Guildford in the castle park on the lawn is unusual sculpture bronze and glass. Alice girl, crouching on one knee, as if passing through a mirror. The monument was erected near the house where he spent last years life writer Lewis Carroll, author classic books for children "Alice in Wonderland" and "Alice Through the Looking Glass".

Erecting monuments to literary heroes is a tradition that dates back more than one decade. And not only in our country, but also in other countries.

Surely you know the name of Robinson Crusoe, even those who have not read the book of the same name by Daniel Defoe. Did you know that Robinson has a prototype - the Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk, who spent more than four years on the uninhabited island of Mas-a-Tiera, which is part of the Juan Fernandez archipelago in pacific ocean, 640 km off the coast of Chile?
On February 2, 1709, Selkirk was picked up by the English ship Duke. After returning to England, journalist Richard Steele found out about him, who told about the sailor's stay on a desert island in a magazine. Later, in 1719, Daniel Defoe's book appeared claritin on sale this week Life and amazing Adventures Robinson Crusoe." Thanks to the stories of his adventures, Alexander Selkirk became so popular that a monument was erected in his homeland in Scotland, presumably on the site of the house where he was once born. And his island was renamed Robinson Crusoe Island, and it also has a monument to Selkirk.
A literary character - Robinson Crusoe - set sail from the English port of Hull. For the citizens of Hull Robinson - a real man that glorified their city. So they erected a commemorative plaque at the spot where Robinson's ship is believed to have sailed.
And how many of you have read The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, in which the hero sets off on a new journey and on the way back crosses Russia from the border with China to Arkhangelsk? The hero spends the winter in Tobolsk. There is also a monument to him in this city. A decision was made to erect a monument to Robinson in Arkhangelsk as well.

In 1844, Alexandre Dumas père's novel The Three Musketeers was published. And this means that the famous musketeers have an anniversary, and even what - 130 years! The book has been made into many films. different countries peace. And in France, you can find monuments to literary heroes beloved on the whole planet.
The very first, opened in 1883 in the capital of France, Paris, - latest work Gustave Dore. On a high pedestal sits in an armchair the author " Three Musketeers with a smile on his lips, a pen in his hand. And below he sits in a defiant pose and with a naked sword main character Dumas - dArtagnan.
As you know, d'Artagnan was born in the tiny village of Loupyak, not far from the capital of Gascony, the city of Osh. In generic keflex 500mg in the 30s of the last century, a sculpture of a musketeer was installed in the city of Osh. And in the city of Maastricht, in the southeast of the Netherlands, there is another monument to the famous Gascon. It is installed at the Tonga Tower, at the site of the death of d'Artagnan in 1673 during the Franco-Dutch War. And not the invented Dumas, but the real one, Charles de Batz-Castelmore dArtagnan, the captain of the royal musketeers, who became the prototype of the beloved hero.
On September 4, 2010, in the old French town of Condom, in Gascony, on the square in front of the Saint-Pierre temple, a monument to Dumas musketeers by our Zurab Tsereteli was unveiled. The sculptor gave the Musketeers a portrait resemblance to the Russian actors who starred in the film The Three Musketeers - Veniamin Smekhov, Valentin Smirnitsky, Igor Starygin and Mikhail Boyarsky.

Winnie the Pooh is a teddy bear, a character in stories and poems by the English writer Alan Milne, one of the most famous heroes children's literature of the XX century, which, thanks to the generic itraconazole translation of Boris Zakhoder's "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All", and then the famous cartoons, became very popular in our country. The book about Winnie the Pooh has been translated into all the major languages ​​of the planet, including Latin and Esperanto. In the USSR, an opera about Winnie the Pooh was written and staged. Its author is the daughter famous composer Andrey Petrov. There is the Order of Winnie the Pooh, which is awarded " kind people". Winnie the Pooh received his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. In Warsaw, there is Kubusya Puhatek Street, as this bear cub is called in Polish.
The prototype of the fabulous Vinnie writer Alan Milne was a real Teddy bear his son Christopher Robin. In turn, the plush toy was named after a bear named Winnipeg (Winnie), who lived at the London Zoo in those days. As an adult, Christopher Robin immortalized the memory of the bear by installing a sculpture of her by Lorne McKean in 1981 at the same zoo.
In the Canadian town of White River (Ontario) there is a monument to the bear cub himself, sitting on a tree with a barrel of honey. Every year in August, the Winnie the Pooh Festival takes place here. After all, it is believed that his "mother" - the Winnipeg bear - came to the London Zoo from here.
And in 2005, the sculptural composition by Oleg Ershov "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" appeared on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street in the town of Ramenskoye near Moscow.

In May 1971, a wonderful film-performance directed by Valentin Pluchek "The Kid and Carlson Who Lives on the Roof" was released on Soviet television screens. A year before, Boris Stepantsov's cartoon "Carlson is back" appeared. Since then, Carlson, the hero of the fairy tale by the Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren, has been so fond of Soviet children and adults that he was depicted on stamps, badges and calendars, and his sculptures appeared on playgrounds in many cities of the country.
The fountain "Carlson" was opened in Odessa: the fountain was made in the form of a roof with a pipe, from which "a moderately well-fed man in voltaren prescription in full bloom" flies out. Not without Carlson in Yalta, in the famous meadow of Fairy Tales, and in Moscow, in the All-Russian Exhibition Center. However main monument located in his home country, Sweden. In the capital of the country, the city of Stockholm, there is children's museum Junibacken, conceived and created by Astrid Liindgren based on classic Scandinavian and her own fairy tales. There are separate houses of various characters of Scandinavian legends, and a whole city of Malysh and Carlson, where you can climb roofs and climb into the windows of houses. Above these roofs, the favorite of all the children of the planet Carlson “flies”.

Who is Robin Hood, it seems everyone knows, except ... historians. For more than a century they have been puzzling over where the legend of a robber who robbed the rich and distributed money to the poor in the English county of Nottinghamshire came from.
It was first mentioned in 1362 by the preacher William Langland. In The Vision of Peter the Ploughman, Langland reproached his compatriots for not firmly remembering prayers, but they knew the songs about Robin Hood by heart. From folk tales and the ballad Robin Hood migrated to literature. Remember at least "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott, "Robin Hood - King of Thieves" by Alexandre Dumas, "Robin Hood. Rogue" by Donald Angus, "Robin Hood. The Raven King" by Stephen Lowhead and many other works.
A few years ago, Sherwood Forest, where Robin Hood and his “green brotherhood” hosted, was proclaimed a nature reserve and national treasure.
Great Britain. And the Robin Hood Staircase Oak, one of four giant thousand-year-old oaks that have survived to this day, is considered a monument to the legendary hero.
In Nottingham itself there is a street, a tavern and even an entire district named after Robin Hood. In 1952, the inhabitants of the city solemnly opened a monument to the glorious defender of the oppressed. The famous English sculptor D. Woodforth depicted a hero with a drawn bow, which Robin Hood directs towards Nottingham Castle.
There is another monument to Robin Hood in Nottingham, which stands in the park in front of the Thoresby Hall estate - evidence that this place was once part of Sherwood Forest.
In our country, in the city of Ukhta, there is also a monument to Robin Hood.

Exactly 43 years ago, the last cartoon from the series directed by Roman Davydov “Mowgli. Return to the people. An animated series about an Indian boy who was raised by a family of wolves was watched by your moms and dads, grandparents. And a book about him, written English writer Joseph Rudyard Kipling, children all over the world read and even longer - from late XIX century.
In many cities of our country and in Ukraine, monuments to Mowgli have been erected. In 1969, in the Petrovsky Square of the city of Priozersk, on the shores of Lake Ladoga, a sculptural composition of Mowgli and the Panther Bagheera appeared. Sculptor - V.M. Karagot. And in 1977, a monument to the same literary heroes was erected in front of the zoo in Ukrainian Nikolaev. Its author is a well-known sculptor in the city, Inna Makushina. There are monuments to Mowgli in Kazan, in the small Ukrainian town of Dokuchaevsk ...
And in the Russian village of Lazarevskoye on the Black Sea coast there is an artistic and landscape complex "Vataginskaya Gorka": around the order caverta online pump room with cold spring water figures of characters from the Jungle Book are located. Here is the bear Baloo, and the panther Bagheera, and the wolf Akela, and, of course, Mowgli himself. After all, not far from this place lived the animal painter Vasily Vatagin, who was the first in the USSR to create a collection of drawings for the famous Kipling fairy tale. The sculptures were made of tinted concrete exactly according to the sketches and paintings of the painter by local craftsmen V. Sobol, M. Minosyan, B. Pashtov and O. Yampolsky, artists K. Veselov and N. Solovyov.

Information prepared by Ch. bibliographer TsGDB im. S.Ya. Marshak
Mokhovoy N.A.
Used literature: Magazines "Why?" - 2014 - No. 2, 3;
2012.- №2, 3, 9; 2011 — № 5, 6.

Of course, these are not so much monuments to the characters of films, but a tribute to the great actors who played wonderful roles.

Monument to the Soviet and Russian actor Yevgeny Leonov, in the role of Yevgeny Ivanovich Troshkin and the criminal recidivist Associate Professor.

The monument was erected in 2001 in Moscow opposite Mosfilm, Kyiv metro station.
Monument to the Soviet Russian actor Evgeny Leonov, in the role of Evgeny Ivanovich Troshkin and the criminal recidivist Associate Professor. The monument was erected in 2001 in Moscow opposite Mosfilm, Kyiv metro station.

The characters of the serial television film "The meeting place cannot be changed" Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov, performed by Vladimir Vysotsky and Mikhail Kononov.

On October 5, Russia celebrates Criminal Investigation Day. And in Volgograd, near the building of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Volgograd region(Krasnoznamenskaya Street, 17) in honor of the professional holiday, a monument was unveiled to the heroes of Stanislav Govorukhin's cult series "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed", MUR employees Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov.

Once again, the characters of the serial television film "The meeting place cannot be changed" Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov, performed by Vladimir Vysotsky and Mikhail Kononov.
The monument was erected on April 15, 2009 in Kyiv near the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, at 10 Bogomolets Street, in honor of the 90th anniversary of the police department. The monument was made of bronze with money public organizations and is a symbol of legality and the inevitability of punishment. A thief should sit in jail.

Yaroslavl, a monument to the characters of the Soviet comedy "Afonya", Evgeny Leonov as the plasterer Kolya and Leonid Kuravlev as the plumber A. Borshov (Afoni). The film was shot in Yaroslavl in 1975. The monument captured the episode at the beginning of the film, where the characters of the comedy "drink well." Under the sculptures there is an inscription: "Let the people admire." According to the townspeople, Athos is a typical resident of Yaroslavl, simple, ironic and cheerful.
The monument was opened in May 2010 at the address of Yaroslavl, Revolutionary passage, 21A.

Monument to the Characters of the Comedy "Diamond Hand"

The monument to the characters of the comedy film "The Diamond Hand" in Sochi can be found near the Marine Station, st. Voykova, 1. This sculptural composition captures the main characters of the comedy at the moment when Semyon Semenych Gorbunkov and Gennady Petrovich Kozodoev go on a sea cruise.

The sculptural group was solemnly opened in August 2010. The opening ceremony was attended by Gazprom President Alexei Miller, who came up with the idea of ​​creating a monument.

Another sculpture of Gesha Kozodoev from the film comedy "The Diamond Hand" performed by Andrey Mironov is installed in Novorossiysk not far from the embankment right in the water.

The sculpture represents the character of Andrei Mironov with a stick on which Lelik's underpants dangle. The monument was opened on November 6, 2010 near the Sudzhuk Spit beach and the Novorossiysk Dolphinarium.

In France, in the city of Condom, there is a monument to the Musketeers.

But these are not just musketeers, but the characters of the famous Soviet film "Dartagnan and the Three Musketeers" performed by Mikhail Boyarsky, Veniamin Smekhov, Valentin Smirnitsky and Igor Starygin. The fact is that Zurab Tsereteli presented this sculptural composition to the descendant of the Dartagnan family, Mr. Montesquieu, he, in turn, donated it to the city of Condom, which is considered the capital of the musketeers of Gascony. The monument stands on the main square Saint Pierre.

Monument to the character of the comedy movie "Beware of the Car" Yuri Detochkin

November 9, 2012 in Samara was solemnly opened a monument to the character of the comedy film "Beware of the Car" Yuri Detochkin, performed by Innokenty Smoktunovsky. The monument was erected in honor of 85 summer anniversary Eldar Ryazanov, a native of Samara, at Komsomolskaya station square. Sculpture noble robber Detochkina depicts the moment the hero returns from places not so distant from famous phrase: "Hello Lyuba, I'm back!".

Gentlemen of Fortune, a monument to the characters of the film

Gentlemen of Fortune, a monument to the characters of the film Associate Professor (Evgeny Leonov), Kosoy (Savely Kramorov) and Vasily Alibabaevich (Radner Muratov) in Dzhambul (modern Taraz). The exact address of the monument is Kazakhstan, Zhambyl region, Taraz, Market Square. According to the script from Dzhambul, there was the character of Radner Muratov - It's warm there, my mother is there. The sculptural composition was opened in 2011 on the day of the 35th anniversary of the painting.

Another monument to the famous trinity from the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" was erected in Yerevan

The monument is installed near the restaurant of the same name
on Amiryan street

Another monument to the famous trinity from the Caucasian captive performed by Yuri Nikulin, Evgeny Morgunov and Georgy Vitsin is located in Perm.

The figures of the Coward, the Dunce and the Experienced are made in human height.
The monument was erected in front of the cinema (Komsomolsky prospect, 53,) in 2010

The authorities of Irkutsk erected in the center of the city a monument to the Soviet director Leonid Gaidai and the heroes of his films: Coward,

Monument to the Soviet director Leonid Gaidai and the heroes of his films: Coward, Dunce and Experienced. Gaidai was born in 1923 in Ukraine, but soon his family moved to Irkutsk. The future director studied at the Irkutsk railway school, graduated theater studio at the Irkutsk regional drama theater, where he later worked as a lighting engineer and actor. In 1949, Gaidai entered the directing department of VGIK.

And this is a monument to the epochal or, as it is now fashionable to say, the cult Soviet film "Officers".

The sculptures of the main characters of the film depict the finale of the picture, when comrades meet at a certain building of the Ministry of Defense many years later. This episode was filmed on Sparrow (Lenin) Hills at the entrance to the building of the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University.
The monument was opened on Frunzenskaya Embankment next to the building of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on December 9, 2013. The opening of the monument was attended by the performer of the role of Ivan Varrava Vasily Lanovoy, the performer of the role of Lyuba Trofimova Alina Pokrovskaya and the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Shoigu, who owned the idea of ​​creating the monument.

Two monuments to the national film hero comrade Sukhov.

One sculpture of this character of the Soviet "militant" "White Sun of the Desert" is located in Samara on Volzhskaya embankment, between Nekrasovsky and Leningradsky descent. Not far from this place lived the playwright Valentin Yezhov, who came up with this character. The monument was unveiled in December 2012.

Source: angarsk.vipgeo.ruThis monument to comrade Sukhov is erected in Donetsk
Another monument to the Red Army soldier Sukhov, performed by Anatoly Kuznetsov, is located in Donetsk near the restaurant "Tovarishch Sukhov" ( Voroshilovsky district, st. Rosa Luxembourg, 54a).

Another character of the "White Sun of the Desert" customs officer Pavel Artemyevich Vereshchagin

One more character white sun desert" customs officer Pavel Artemyevich Vereshchagin performed by Pavel Luspekaev is immortalized in a monument unveiled in Lugansk at Oboronnaya Street, 34 A. The monument was solemnly opened on June 21, 2011 at the main entrance to the customs building of the Lugansk region.

Monument to the film "Love and Doves" in Cheremkhovo.

In 2011, in the Siberian town of coal miners, a monument was opened to the heroes of Vladimir Menshov's comedy film "Love and Doves" ( Irkutsk region, the city of Cheremkhovo). The author of the play based on which the film was made, Vladimir Gurkin, was born here. By the way, the heroes of the film are real people who lived in this city and the events described in the film actually happened.

Monument to Leonid Bykov in the image of the Maestro from the movie "Only Old Men Go to Battle"

It was built in Kyiv on the Dnieper steeps in honor of the 58th anniversary of the liberation of the capital of Ukraine from the Nazis.
The monument was opened in November 2001, not far from the alley of heroes Krut (Arsenalnaya metro station).

Monuments to the characters of the film “Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik. Obsession” Shurik and Lida are in Moscow and Krasnodar.

The monument to Shurik and Lidochka in Moscow is located at st. Artyukhina, d. 6, k. 1 (Metro Tekstilshchiki) near the entrance to the Moscow Economic Institute. The sculptural composition was opened on January 25, 2012 on Student's Day (Tatiana's Day).

The monument to Shurik and Lida in Krasnodar was opened on April 30, 2012 on the alley in front of the Kuban State Technological University (address Krasnaya street 135, Faculty of Economics, Management and Business). The pedestal for the monument is the hatch through which Shurik (Alexander Demyanenko) and Lida (Natalya Selezneva) pass in the film.

To date, as many as three monuments to the main characters of Georgiy Daneliya's comedy "Mimino" have been erected.

The first monument is in Tbilisi. It was opened on October 14, 2011 in the center of Tbilisi in the Avlabari square (Avlabari metro station).
Auto sculptural composition of course Zurab Tsereteli. The monument is a bronze figure of the film's heroes - Vakhtang Kikabidze ("Valiko"), Frunzik Mkrtchyan ("Rubik"), Yevgeny Leonov ("Ivan Volokhov") and the film's director Georgy Danelia.
At the opening of the monument was not without politics. Several people came with banners saying "Zura Stop". The protest was directed against Tsereteli as a representative of Moscow and Russian politics generally. As a result, the posters were torn by the townspeople and the ceremony continued. Performer attended the opening main role, beloved in Russia, and in Armenia, and of course in Georgia, Vakhtang Kikabidze, as well as the mayor of the city of Dilijan.

The second monument to the film Mimino is installed in the homeland of Rubik Khachikyan (Frunzik Mkrtchyan), in Armenia, in the city of Dilijan.
The opening of the monument was attended by a delegation from Georgia, which included Mimino (Vakhtang Kikabidze).
The monument was erected in Dilijan at the central intersection with roundabout in July 2011. There is a fountain with drinking water in front of the monument, “it occupies the second place in the world, after San Francisco”, so tourists with empty bottles to check if this is indeed the case. It is interesting that the Georgian Mimino, the Armenian Rubik and the Russian Volokhov were never in the film at the same time, but the monument symbolically united them.

In Moscow in 2007 in the courtyard of the Museum Contemporary Art on Petrovka Street, 25, there is another monument to the heroes of the film Mimino, which is a copy of the monuments erected in Tbilisi.
Sculptor t - Zurab Tsereteli.

Man from the Boulevard des Capucines, Monument.

A monument to Andrei Mironov in the image of Mr. Fest from the comedy "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines" was installed in Astrakhan in 2006 near the Illusion cinema, st. Akhmatovskaya, 9. The initiator of the idea of ​​a monument to Andrei Mironov was director Alla Surikova.
Vandals attempted several times on the monument, first they tore off the handle of the film projector, then they broke off a finger from the hand. Today the square where the monument is located is under video surveillance.

The monument to the character of "The Twelve Chairs" Father Fyodor performed by Mikhail Pugovkin is located in the city of Kharkov.

The hero of the novel by Ilf and Petrov stands on the platform of the railway station. According to the plot of the film, it was in Kharkov that the unlucky priest lagged behind the train while he was collecting water. Therefore, the monument represents Father Fyodor running along the platform with a teapot in his hand. The monument was unveiled on August 3, 2001.

Monument to the characters of the film "Wedding in Malinovka".

Sculptures of the characters of this film comedy bandits Popandopulo and Smetana are installed in Ukraine on central square Malinovka village, Kharkiv region. The monument was opened on August 3, 2013 during the festival of ritual and modern wedding performance Wedding in Malinovka-plus.

Monument to Faina Ranevskaya in Taganrog.

The sculpture of Faina Ranevskaya in the image of Lyalya from the film "Foundling" is installed in her homeland in Taganrog, next to the house where she spent her childhood and youth (Frunze St., 10).
The monument to Faina Ranevskaya was solemnly opened on May 16, 2008, on the day of the opening of the first international theater festival them. Faina Ranevskaya "The Great Province".
Unfortunately, the monument is constantly attacked by vandals. They are constantly trying to tear off either an umbrella or a purse.

Monument to the characters of the film "Chasing Two Hares"

Svirid Golokhvastov (Oleg Borisov) and Pronya Prokopovna (Margarita Krynitsina) is installed in Kyiv next to St. Andrew's Church, where the final scene. The sculptural composition was opened on August 23, 1999 (address - St. Desyatinna, 10).

Monument to the characters Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson

The monument to the main characters of the Soviet serial film "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson" performed by Vasily Livanov and Vitaly Solomin was opened on April 27, 2007 during the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the release of the first book by Conan Doyle about the adventures of the British detective.
The monument is located in Moscow near the British Embassy, ​​Smolenskaya embankment, building 10, Smolenskaya metro station.
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