Clean Monday what is love. The composition “The theme of love in the work of I

The tragic Bunin story about love is the basis of the story "Clean Monday". Two people suddenly meet, and a beautiful and pure feeling flares up between them. Love brings not only joy, lovers experience great torment that torments their souls. The work of Ivan Bunin describes the meeting of a man and a woman, which made them forget about all the problems.

The author begins his story not from the very beginning of the novel, but immediately from its development, when the love of two people reaches its culmination. I. Bunin perfectly describes all the details of this day: the Moscow day was not only winter, but, according to the author's description, dark and gray. The lovers dined in different places: today it could be Prague, and tomorrow they ate at the Hermitage, then it could be the Metropol, or some other institution.

From the very beginning of Bunin's work, the premonition of some kind of misfortune, a great tragedy, does not leave. The main character tries not to think about what will happen tomorrow, about what this relationship can lead to in general. He understood that it was not worth talking about the future with the one that was so close to him. After all, she simply did not like these conversations and she did not answer any of his questions.

But why didn't the main character, like many girls, want to dream about the future, make plans? Maybe this is a momentary attraction that should end soon? Or does she already know everything that should happen to her soon in the future? Ivan Bunin describes his heroine as if she is a perfect woman who cannot be compared with other beautiful female characters.

The main character is studying at the courses, not understanding how she has to do it later in life. The Bunin girl is well educated, she has a sense of sophistication and intelligence. Everything in her house must be perfect. But the world around her is not at all interested, she moves away from him. From her behavior it seemed that she was indifferent to theaters, and to flowers, and to books, and to dinners. And this indifference does not prevent her from completely immersing herself in life and enjoying it, reading books and getting impressions.

A wonderful couple seemed perfect for the people around them, they were even seen off with their eyes. And there was something to envy! Young, beautiful, rich - all these characteristics fit this couple. This happy idyll turns out to be strange, since the girl does not want to become the wife of the protagonist. This makes you think about the sincerity of the feelings of the beloved and the man. For all his questions, the girl finds only one explanation: she does not know how to be a wife.

It can be seen that the girl does not understand what her purpose in life is. Her soul rushes about: a luxurious life attracts her, but she wants something else. Therefore, it arrives constantly in thoughts and reflections. The feelings that the girl experiences are incomprehensible to herself, and the main character cannot figure them out.

She is attracted by religion, the girl goes to church with pleasure, admires holiness. The heroine herself cannot understand why this attracts her so much. One day she decides to take an important step - cutting her hair as a nun. Without informing her lover, the girl leaves. After a while, the main character receives a letter from her, where a young woman reports her act, but she does not even try to explain.

The main character hardly survives the act of his beloved woman. Once he was able to see her by chance among the nuns. It is no coincidence that Bunin gives his work the name "Clean Monday". On the eve of this day, the lovers had a serious conversation about religion. The protagonist was first surprised by the thoughts of his bride, they were so new and interesting to him.

External contentment with life hid the depth of this nature, its subtlety and religiosity, its constant torment, which led the girl to the monastery of a nun. Deep inner searches help to explain the indifference of the young woman, which she showed to secular life. She did not see herself among all that surrounded her. Happy and mutual love does not help her find harmony in her soul. In this Bunin story, love and tragedy are inseparable. Love is given to the heroes as a kind of test that they have to go through.

The love tragedy of the main characters lies in the fact that they could not fully understand each other and could not correctly assess the individuals who found their soul mate. Bunin, with his story “Clean Monday”, affirms the idea that every person is the largest and richest world. The inner world of a young woman is spiritually rich, but her thoughts and reflections do not find support in this world. Love for the main character is no longer salvation for her, and the girl sees this as a problem.

The strong will of the heroine helps to get away from love, to leave it, to abandon it forever. In the monastery, her spiritual search stops, the young woman has a new affection and love. The heroine finds the meaning of life in the love of God. Everything petty and vulgar now does not concern her, now no one disturbs her loneliness and peace.

Bunin's story is both tragic and sad. The moral choice is before every person and it must be done correctly. The heroine chooses her life path, and the main character, continuing to love her, cannot find himself in this life. His fate is sad and tragic. The act of a young woman towards him is cruel. They both suffer: the hero because of the act of his beloved, and she of her own free will.

>Compositions based on Clean Monday

The theme of love in the story

The story "Clean Monday" was written in May 1944, when the writer was already at an advanced age and was in exile. The story was included in the Dark Alleys cycle, entirely dedicated to love. Thus, the main theme of the story "Clean Monday" is also love, multifaceted, enigmatic and mysterious. There are only two characters involved in the story: he and she. Even though their names are hidden, we can see how their relationship develops. The author portrays his characters as young, beautiful, rich and full of energy, which involuntarily arouses sympathy in the reader. However, external similarities are emphasized by internal differences.

He is a passionate young man blinded by his love. It does not have the depth that is characteristic of the main character. Visiting her every evening, visiting restaurants, concerts with her, he does not even notice how absorbed she is in other values. In his eyes, this is just her mystery, strangeness and originality. He spends all his time recklessly, as he is quite wealthy and does not have to think about anything. The only thing that absorbs his thoughts from the moment they met is the uncertainty of the relationship. This love sometimes seems to him “strange” or “not love” at all.

She, in turn, is silent and restrained. There is something strange in her behavior that defies logic. Sometimes she attends some lectures and says that she likes history. He never thought about why she came to Moscow and rented an apartment overlooking the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. For him, it's just "quirks". Namely, this was the main secret of the girl. The heroine was seriously fond of religion, church rituals, admired monasteries, loved to visit cathedrals. Perhaps that is why she liked Moscow - the city of cathedrals and Kremlin towers. After living there for some time, she became even more convinced of her desire to take tonsure and go to a monastery.

However, the hero did not fully understand what was going on in the soul of his beloved. They spent the night of Pure Monday together, and then she disappeared from his life forever. After some time, he received a letter from Tver, in which she explained her act with love for the church and asked, if possible, not to look for her and try to forget. For a young man who sincerely loved and believed in reciprocity, this was a difficult test. He tried to pass it with the help of visiting taverns and alcohol. Over time, the pain subsided, but did not leave him. Once it even seemed to him that he saw her among the singing nuns of the Martha and Mary Convent.

In almost all the stories of the Dark Alleys cycle, love is doomed. It does not grow into real earthly happiness. So in the story "Clean Monday" love is a great mystery, an incomprehensible mystery that brings both happiness and torment. This story is considered one of the best in creativity.

The story "Clean Monday", written in 1944, is one of the author's favorite stories. I.A. Bunin recounts the events of the distant past on behalf of the narrator - a young wealthy man without much work. The hero is in love, and the heroine, as he sees her, makes a strange impression on the reader. She is pretty, loves luxury, comfort, expensive restaurants, and at the same time she walks around as a “modest student girl”, has breakfast in a vegetarian canteen on the Arbat. She has a very critical attitude towards many fashionable works of literature, famous people. And she is clearly not in love with the hero the way he would like it to be. To his marriage proposal, she replies that she is not fit to be a wife. "Strange Love!" - the hero thinks about it. The inner world of the heroine is revealed completely unexpectedly for him: it turns out that she often visits churches, is deeply passionate about religion, church rites. For her, this is not just religiosity - this is the need of her soul, her sense of homeland, antiquity, which are internally necessary for the heroine. The hero believes that these are just “Moscow whims”, he cannot understand her and is deeply shocked by her choice when, after their only night of love, she decides to leave and then go to a monastery. For him, the collapse of love is the catastrophe of a lifetime, an unthinkable suffering. For her, the power of faith, the preservation of her inner world turned out to be higher than love, she decides to devote herself to God, renouncing everything worldly. The author does not reveal the reasons for her moral choice, which influenced her decision - social circumstances or moral and religious quests, but he clearly shows that the life of the soul is not subject to reason. This is especially emphasized in the episode of the last meeting of the heroes in the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. The heroes not only see how much they feel each other, they do not control their feelings: the hero “for some reason” wanted to enter the temple, the heroine internally feels her presence. This mystery, the mystery of human sensations is one of the essential properties of love in the image of Bunin, a tragic and powerful force that can turn a person's whole life upside down.

    • The story "Clean Monday" is included in Bunin's cycle of stories "Dark Alleys". This cycle was the last in the life of the author and took eight years of creativity. The creation of the cycle fell on the period of the Second World War. The world was collapsing, and the great Russian writer Bunin wrote about love, about the eternal, about the only force capable of preserving life in its high destiny. The cross-cutting theme of the cycle is love in all its diversity, the merging of the souls of two unique, inimitable worlds, the souls of lovers. The story "Clean Monday" […]
    • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a famous Russian writer and poet of the late 19th - early 20th century. A special place in his work is occupied by the description of native nature, the beauty of the Russian region, its catchiness, brightness, on the one hand, and modesty, sadness, on the other. Bunin conveyed this wonderful storm of emotions in his story “Antonov apples”. This work is one of the most lyrical and poetic works of Bunin, which has an indefinite genre. If we evaluate the work by volume, then this is a story, but with […]
    • The story, composed by I. Bunin in April 1924, is straightforward. But it does not apply to those that we all know by heart and are used to discussing, arguing about them and expressing our own (sometimes read from textbooks) opinion. Therefore, it is worth giving a 2-line retelling. So, winter, night, detached, away from the village, farm. It's been snowing for almost a week, everything is covered with snow, it's impossible to send for a doctor. In the house - a lady with a young son, and several servants. There are no men (for some reason, the reasons are not clear from the text). I'm talking about […]
    • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered literature as a poet, created wonderful poetic works. 1895 ... The first story "To the End of the World" is published. Encouraged by the praise of critics, Bunin begins to engage in literary work. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is the winner of various awards, including the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933. In 1944, the writer creates one of the most wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and lofty, […]
    • The story "The Gentleman from San Francisco" is the result of the writer's reflections on the meaning of human existence, the existence of civilization, the fate of Russia during the First World War. The story appeared in print in 1915, when a worldwide catastrophe was already taking place. The plot and poetics of the story Bunin describes the last month of the life of a wealthy American businessman who arranged for his family a long and "pleasure" trip to Europe. Europe was to be followed by the Middle East and […]
    • The writer's individuality of V. Bunin is marked to a great extent by such a worldview in which a sharp, hourly "feeling of death", constant memory of it is combined with a strong thirst for life. The writer might not have confessed to what he said in his autobiographical note: "The Book of My Life" (1921), because his work itself speaks of this: "The constant consciousness or feeling of this horror / death / haunts me a little not from infancy, under this fatal sign I live all […]
    • Many stories by I.A. are devoted to the theme of love. Bunin. In his image, love is a formidable force that can turn a person’s whole life upside down and bring him great happiness or great grief. Such a love story is shown by him in the story "Caucasus". The hero and heroine have a secret romance. They must hide from everyone, because the heroine is married. She is afraid of her husband, who she thinks suspects something. But, despite this, the heroes are happy together and dream of a daring escape together to the sea, to the Caucasian coast. AND […]
    • “All love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided” - in this phrase, the pathos of Bunin's image of love. In almost all works on this subject, the outcome is tragic. Precisely because love was "stolen", it was not complete and led to tragedy. Bunin reflects on the fact that the happiness of one can lead to the tragedy of another. Bunin's approach to describing this feeling is somewhat different: love in his stories is more frank, naked, and sometimes even rude, full of unquenched passion. Problem […]
    • After the 1905 revolution, Bunin was one of the first to feel the changes in the life of Russia, namely the mood of the post-revolutionary village, and reflected them in his stories and novels, especially in the story "The Village", which was published in 1910. On the pages of the story "The Village" the author paints a horrifying picture of the poverty of the Russian people. Bunin wrote that this story was "the beginning of a whole series of works that sharply depicted the Russian soul, its peculiar interlacings, its light and dark, but almost always […]
    • Bunin's cycle of stories "Dark Alleys" includes 38 stories. They differ in terms of genre, in creating characters of heroes, reflect different layers of time. This cycle, the last in his life, the author wrote for eight years, during the First World War. Bunin wrote about eternal love and the power of feelings at a time when the world was collapsing from the bloodiest war in the history known to him. Bunin considered the book "Dark Alleys" to be "the most perfect in terms of skill" and ranked it among his highest achievements. This is a memory book. In the stories […]
    • The theme of the village and the life of the nobles in their family estates was one of the main ones in the work of Bunin the prose writer. As the creator of prose works, Bunin declared himself in 1886. At the age of 16, he wrote lyric-romantic stories, in which, in addition to describing the youthful impulses of the soul, social problems were already outlined. The process of disintegration of noble nests in the work of Bunin is devoted to the story "Antonov apples" and the story "Dry land". Bunin knew the life of the Russian village well. He spent his childhood and youth on the […]
    • The theme of criticism of bourgeois reality was reflected in Bunin's work. One of the best works on this subject can rightly be called the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco", which was highly appreciated by V. Korolenko. The idea to write this story came to Bunin while working on the story "The Brothers", when he learned about the death of a millionaire who had come to rest on the island of Capri. At first, the writer called the story that way - "Death on Capri", but later renamed it. It was the gentleman from San Francisco with his […]
    • The story "Easy breathing" was written by I. Bunin in 1916. It reflected the philosophical motives of life and death, the beautiful and the ugly, which were the focus of the writer. In this story, Bunin develops one of the leading problems for his work: love and death. In terms of artistic skill, "Light Breath" is considered the pearl of Bunin's prose. The narrative moves in the opposite direction, from the present to the past, the beginning of the story is its finale. From the first lines, the author immerses the reader in [...]
    • Throughout his creative activity, Bunin created poetic works. Bunin's original, unique in artistic style lyrics cannot be confused with the poems of other authors. The individual artistic style of the writer reflects his worldview. Bunin in his poems responded to the complex issues of life. His lyrics are multifaceted and deep in philosophical questions of understanding the meaning of life. The poet expressed moods of confusion, disappointment, and at the same time knew how to fill his […]
    • In the work of I. A. Bunin, poetry occupies a significant place, although he gained fame as a prose writer. He claimed to be primarily a poet. It was from poetry that his path in literature began. When Bunin was 17 years old, his first poem "The Village Beggar" was published in Rodina magazine, in which the young poet described the state of the Russian village: It is sad to see how much suffering, And longing, and need in Russia! From the very beginning of his creative activity, the poet found his own style, his themes, […]
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    • It was a beautiful day - June 22, 1941. People were going about their usual business when the terrible news sounded - the war began. On this day, fascist Germany, which had conquered Europe up to this point, attacked Russia as well. No one doubted that our Motherland would be able to defeat the enemy. Thanks to patriotism and heroism, our people were able to survive this terrible time. In the period from 41 to 45 years of the last century, the country lost millions of people. They fell victim to relentless battles for territory and power. Neither […]
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  • Ivan Alekseevich Bunin - the greatest writer of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. He entered literature as a poet, created wonderful poetic works. 1895 ... The first story "To the End of the World" is published. Encouraged by the praise of critics, Bunin begins to engage in literary work. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is a laureate of various awards, including the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1933.

    In 1944, the writer creates one of the most wonderful stories about love, about the most beautiful, significant and lofty thing on Earth - the story "Clean Monday". About this story, Bunin said: “I thank God that He gave me to write, Pure Monday.”

    In the story "Clean Monday", the psychologism of Bunin's prose and the features of "external pictorialism" were especially clearly manifested.

    “The Moscow gray winter day was getting dark, the gas in the lanterns was coldly lit, the shop windows were warmly illuminated - and the evening Moscow life, freed from daytime affairs, flared up, the cab sledges rushed thicker and more vigorously, the overcrowded diving trams rattled harder, - in the dusk it was already clear how green stars hissed from the wires - dully blackening passers-by hurried more animatedly along the snowy sidewalks ... ”- these are the words the author begins his story, taking the reader to old Moscow at the beginning of the 20th century. The writer with the greatest detail, without losing sight of the slightest detail, reproduces all the signs of this era. And already from the first lines, the story is given a special sound by the constant mention of the details of deep antiquity: about ancient Moscow churches, monasteries, icons (Church of Christ the Savior, the Iberian Church, the Martha and Mary Convent, the icon of the Mother of God of the Three Hands), about the names of prominent personalities. But next to this antiquity, eternity, we notice signs of a later way of life: restaurants Prague, Hermitage, Metropol, Yar, known and accessible to the most affluent strata of citizens; books by contemporary authors; "Motl" by Ertel and Chekhov... Judging by how the action unfolds in the story, we can judge that the past for the characters is extremely clear, the present is vague, and the future is absolutely unclear.

    There are two characters in the story: he and she, a man and a woman. The man, according to the writer, is healthy, rich, young and handsome for some reason with southern, hot beauty, he was even "indecently handsome." But the most important thing is that the hero is in love, in love so much that he is ready to fulfill any whims of the heroine, if only not to lose her. But, unfortunately, he cannot and does not try to understand what is happening in the soul of his beloved: he "tried not to think, not to think." The woman is depicted as mysterious, enigmatic. She is mysterious, as the soul of a Russian woman is mysterious in general with her spirituality, devotion, dedication, self-denial ... The hero himself admits: "She was mysterious, strange to me." Her whole life is woven from inexplicable contradictions, throwing. “It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city,” the narrator narrates, but immediately adds: “Although, nevertheless, flowers were her favorite and unloved, all books ... she always read, she ate a whole box of chocolate in a day, she ate no less than me at lunch and dinner ... who, how and where to spend time.

    The writer quite fully tells us about her origin, about her current occupations. But in describing the life of the heroine, Bunin very often uses vague adverbs (for some reason, a portrait of barefoot Tolstoy hung over her sofa).

    All the actions of a woman are spontaneous, irrational and at the same time seem to be planned. On the night of Clean Monday, she gives herself to the hero, knowing that in the morning she will go to the monastery, but whether this departure is final is also unclear. Throughout the story, the author shows that the heroine does not feel comfortable anywhere, she does not believe in the existence of simple earthly happiness. “Our happiness, my friend, is like water in a nonsense: you pull it - it puffed up, but you pull it out - there’s nothing,” she quotes Platon Karataev.

    The spiritual impulses of the heroes of Clean Monday often defy logical explanation. It seems that both the man and the woman have no power over themselves, are not able to control their feelings.

    In the center of the story are the events on Forgiveness Sunday and Clean Monday. Forgiveness Sunday is a religious holiday revered by all believers. They ask each other for forgiveness and forgive their loved ones. For the heroine, this is a very special day, not only a day of forgiveness, but also a day of farewell to worldly life. Clean Monday is the first day of fasting, on which a person is cleansed of all filth, when the fun of Shrovetide is replaced by self-contemplation. This day becomes a turning point in the life of the hero. Having gone through the suffering associated with the loss of a loved one, the hero experiences the influence of surrounding forces and realizes everything that he did not notice before, being blinded by love for the heroine. Two years later, the man, recalling the events of bygone days, will repeat the route of their long-standing joint trip, and for some reason he will really want to go to the church of the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. What unknown forces draw him towards his beloved? Does he aspire to the spiritual world into which she goes? We do not know this, the author does not lift the veil of secrecy for us. He only shows us humility in the soul of the hero, their last meeting ends with his humble departure, and not the awakening of his former passions in him.

    The future of the heroes is unclear. In addition to everything, the writer nowhere even directly indicates that the nun met by the man is his former lover. Only one detail - dark eyes - resemble the appearance of the heroine. It is noteworthy that the heroine goes to the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent. This monastery is not a monastery, but the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God on Ordynka, in which there was a community of secular ladies who took care of the orphans who lived at the church and the wounded in the First World War. And this service in the Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God, perhaps, is a spiritual insight for the heroine of Pure Monday, because it was the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin that warned the world against war, death, blood, orphanhood ...

    Option 1 2012: 02/25/2012: 21.41

    Option 6: 02/25/2012: 21.38

    Option 7: 25.02.2012: 21.38 The theme of love in I. Bunin's story ""

    The theme of love is an eternal theme. Poets and writers of different times turned to her, and each tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in his own way.

    He gives his vision of the topic in the cycle of stories "Dark Alleys". A. Bunin. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repetition, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of exhaustion of the topic.

    In the center of the story "Clean Monday" is a mysterious and mysterious love story. Its heroes are a young couple of lovers. Both of them are "rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts, those around them saw them off with their eyes. But the inner world of the characters is not so similar.

    He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday he brings flowers to his beloved, every now and then pampers her with boxes of chocolate, tries to please her with new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then to some party. Completely absorbed in the feeling of adoration, he cannot and does not really try to understand what a complex inner world lies behind the beautiful appearance of the one he fell in love with. Repeatedly he thinks about the unusualness, the strangeness of their relationship, but he never puts an end to these reflections. “Strange love!” he remarks. Another time he says: “Yes, after all, this is not love, not love .... He wonders why she “once and for all diverted conversations about their future, is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, how he behaves in moments of rapprochement.Everything in her is a mystery to him.

    The image of the hero is devoid of the psychological depth that the heroine is endowed with. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Every day visiting those institutions where the young lover invites her, she once notices that she wants to go to the Novodevichy Convent, because "all taverns and taverns. The hero has no idea where such thoughts come from, what they are for, what suddenly happened to his chosen one. But a little later she declares that there is nothing to be surprised at, that he simply does not know her... It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin cathedrals, and this happens when her lover "does not drag her to restaurants. There, and not in places of entertainment, she finds a sense of harmony and peace of mind. She loves "Russian annalistic, Russian legends and her stories about this are full of depth. She says that she is not fit for a wife. Thinking about, she quotes Platon Karataev. But the hero still cannot understand what is happening in her soul, he is "indescribably happy with everyone an hour spent near her and everything.

    As in the rest of the stories in the "Dark Alleys" cycle, Bunin does not show in "Clean Monday" love that develops into a state of lasting earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and we do not find the image of a woman-mother here. The heroine, having entered into a physically close relationship with her beloved, silently leaves, begging him not to ask anything, and then informs him by letter of her departure to the monastery. She rushed between the momentary and the eternal for a long time, and, on the night of Clean Monday, surrendering to the hero, she made her final choice. On Pure Monday, the first day of fasting, a person begins to cleanse himself of all evil. This holiday was a turning point in the relationship of the heroes.

    Love in Pure Monday is happiness and torment, a great mystery, an incomprehensible mystery. This story is one of the pearls of Bunin's creativity, captivating the reader with rare charm and depth.

    Pure love in the story of I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday"

    Man, like no other earthly creature, is lucky to have a mind and a choice. A person chooses all his life. Having taken a step, he faces a choice: to the right or to the left, where to go next. He takes one more step and chooses again, and so he walks to the end of the path. Some go faster, others slower, and the result is different: you take a step and either fall into a bottomless abyss, or you get your foot on the escalator to heaven. A person is free to choose work, passions, hobbies, thoughts, worldviews, love. Love is for money, for power, for art, it can be ordinary, earthly love, or it can happen that above all, above all feelings, a person puts love for the motherland or for God.

    The story "Clean Monday" tells us about a completely different love, thanks to which this story, as it were, stands apart, differing both in subject matter and in meaning from all Bunin's love-romantic works.

    The story takes place in 1913. A kind, handsome and frivolous young man shares his memories here. Young people met once at a lecture in a literary and artistic circle and fell in love with each other.

    In this story, the heroine is nameless. And this also makes sense for the writer: the name is not important, the name is for the earth, and God knows everyone even without a name. Bunin calls the heroine - she.

    From the very beginning she was strange, silent, unusual, as if a stranger to the whole world around her, looking through it, “I was always thinking something, everything seemed to be mentally delving into something; lying on the sofa with a book in her hands, often put it down and looked inquiringly in front of her. She was like from another world.

    And at the same time, she indulged in secular entertainment, allowed the man to caress. Even more strange was the parallel fascination with restaurants, theatrical skits. She read a lot, went to the theater, dined, dined, went for walks, attended courses.

    But she was always drawn to something lighter, more immaterial, to faith, to God, and just as the Savior's temple was close to the windows of her apartment, so God was close to her heart. She often went to churches, visited monasteries, old cemeteries.

    But at the beginning of Lent, on Clean Monday, the heroine finally succumbs to the young handsome man who is passionately in love with her. But what's next? And then - all the same: it will not be better. The fullness of happiness in earthly life is unattainable, the ideal of love is impossible - then everything will go on as the extinction of what has been experienced. There is only one way out: to cut off everything on takeoff, anticipating the fall. The monastery, the pacification of passions, apparently not comic.

    In the last days of worldly life, she drank her cup to the bottom, forgave everyone on Forgiveness Sunday and cleansed herself of the ashes of this life in Clean Monday.

    "No, I'm not fit to be a wife." She knew from the very beginning that she could not be a wife. She is destined to be the eternal bride, the bride of Christ. It seems to her that she has found her love, has chosen her own path.

    But, even hiding in the monastery, she continues to suffer there unattainable. Nothing is said about this in the story, but in its final lines we feel it when, describing young nuns in white robes, the young man's gaze fell on one of them - on the one who "suddenly raised her head, covered with a white kerchief, blocking the candle with her hand, fixed her dark eyes on the darkness." Why into the darkness? After all, the temple was lit with candles. Apparently, Bunin's darkness is emptiness, this is the wrong path.

    And now we understand: this is not faith, or rather, not only faith, but, most likely, fear of reality. After all, love is not just a passion, not just a feeling, but also a responsibility, a heavy burden. "No, I'm not fit to be a wife." The heroine of the story runs away to the monastery, because she cannot, does not know how to bear all the hardships of life that love imposes. Therefore, the monastery for her is an escape from life.

    The story is virtuously and concisely written. Each stroke has an explicit and hidden meaning. What is the last, refined secular, black and velvet dressing of the heroine with her hairstyle of the Shamakhan queen worth! An unexpected and revealing combination. The girl constantly follows different paths, vividly reminiscent of the differences surrounding her. This is the symbolic meaning of the female image. He combined a craving for spiritual achievement and for all the wealth of the world, doubts, sacrifice and longing for an ideal.

    There is another meaning of the author's reflections in the story. The eternal contradictions of human, more specifically, female nature, love, sublime and earthly, sensual, determined the trials of the heroine. Her courage, ability to go through all the prohibitions and temptations help to discover the mysterious, irresistible power of instinct. But the warmer, the more sympathetic the author's attitude towards the young woman, the more she resists quite natural, although painful for her, inclinations.

    / / / The theme of love in Bunin's story "Clean Monday"

    One of the most frequent themes raised in Russian and world literature is the theme of love. The theme of the relationship between a man and a woman, the theme of their feelings and emotional experiences. Many writers and poets wrote about love, and each in his own way tried to show and explain this multifaceted feeling. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was no exception and also shared with us his thoughts on this issue.

    The love work of the author is reflected in the collection "Dark Alleys". This collection consists of 38 stories dedicated to the theme of love. Each of the presented stories is original in its own way. When reading them, we will not meet two identical stories, but after reading them all, we understand that the theme of love is so diverse and many-sided that you can write about it forever.

    The story "" reveals to us the love story of two people. Bunin does not name them, simply saying - He and She. The heroes of this work were young people who lived in abundance and prosperity. They had everything you want. They dined in restaurants, attended theaters, secular evenings, were in the center of everyone's attention and admiration. But with such external similarity and unity, the main characters of the story differed from each other in their inner world.

    He was "blind" to his beloved. Every day he tried to please her, inviting her to restaurants, to social evenings, to the theater. On weekends, He spoiled her with "fresh" flowers, sweets, and new literature. He was blinded by his feelings for her. Feelings of love did not allow him to look into her inner world, to understand its versatility. She remained a mystery to him. He was more than once at a loss from her behavior, from their relationship, never once trying to figure it out. About their relationship, he once said: "Strange love!". He is surprised by her behavior in moments of intimacy, he does not understand why she constantly rejects talk about their future.

    Bunin does not endow his hero with the depth of emotional experiences that he gives to his heroine. She indifferently accepts all gifts, visits entertainment establishments. One day, She decides to declare that she wants to visit the Novodevichy Convent, because the restaurants are already extremely tired. The main character does not understand such thoughts and conversations of his beloved. It turns out that He does not know her at all. Her hobbies for Russian legends, Russian chronicles become a real discovery for him. In her free time from entertainment events, She goes to the Kremlin cathedrals. But all these stories are alien to him, it is important for him to be close to his beloved and enjoy every minute spent with her.

    Bunin's love lyrics are characterized by the fact that the author does not show us the further development of the love relationship between two people. They do not end in a happy marriage, a strong family. The main character of "Clean Monday", having shared a bed with the main character, left without saying a word. She sent him a letter in which she asked him not to look for her and said that she had gone to the monastery. For a long time she could not make a choice between pleasure and harmony. And only Clean Monday finally predetermined the choice of the main character and became decisive in their relationship.

    In Clean Monday, Bunin showed us love as a feeling, as a test, as a great mystery of the universe.

    Direction "Love"

    "Love" 1. Love is a huge country 2. Parents and children 3. Love is the highest beginning 4. Husband and wife 5. Love for work (business, hobby) 6. Love for animals 7. The power of love A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", "The Captain's Daughter", "The Bronze Horseman" A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet", Olesya" I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday", "Sunstroke" I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" A.P. Chekhov "The Cherry Orchard", "Lady with a Dog" M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" S. Yesenin "Letter to a Woman", "We are now leaving little by little ...", "Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes ..." , "I have never been so tired ...", "I have only one fun left" M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" M.Yu. Lermontov "Borodino", "Monologue", "Duma" (I look sadly at our generation ...), "Hero of our time", "Elegy" ("Oh! If only my days flowed ...") L.N . Tolstoy "War and Peace" M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Flows the Don" F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights", "Humiliated and Insulted" A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" B. Vasiliev "Do not shoot white swans" I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", "Ordinary History" I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", "Asya" V.V. Mayakovsky "Lilichka", "Letter to Comrade Kostrov from Paris on the Essence of Love" W. Shakespeare "Romeo and Juliet" Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" W. Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral", The Man Who Laughs "Colin McCullough" The Thorn Birds "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", Troepolsky G.N. "White Bim Black Ear" O. Henry "Gifts of the Magi" The direction makes it possible to look at love from different perspectives: parents and children, men and women, a person and the world around him. We will talk about love as a high phenomenon that ennobles and elevates a person, about its bright and tragic sides. Love is a priceless gift. This is the only thing that we can give, and yet you still have it (L.N. Tolstoy). To love means to see a person as God intended him (F.M. Dostoevsky). There is no sight in the world more beautiful than the face of a loved one, and there is no music sweeter than the sound of a beloved voice (J. La Bruyère) Love is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only it, only love holds and moves life (I.S. Turgenev).

    Sample essays in the direction "Love"

    No. p / p Essay paragraphs word count Notes
    Introduction to essay.
    Love is a high, pure and beautiful feeling that ennobles and elevates a person. Love cannot be counted or calculated. Love is the eternal theme of world fiction. Today we can turn to many works to comprehend what love is. More words are possible - from 60 to 80.
    The first literary argument (analysis of the story by A.I. Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet").
    I would like to recall the wonderful work of Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet". The story is based on a story that happened to Kuprin's mother, who was in the same situation as the heroine of the Garnet Bracelet. Vera Nikolaevna Sheina receives gifts from relatives for her birthday. On the same day, her secret admirer Zheltkov sends her a letter and a garnet bracelet. This is a young man, thirty - thirty-five, a petty official. His feeling for Vera Nikolaevna lasts eight years. The author shows unrequited love. The hero collects things that belonged to his beloved, they are very dear to him. Lyubov Zheltkova is impulsive, passionate, very strong. He can't do anything with himself, he can't get Vera Nikolaevna out of his head. The only way out of the situation is only death. After the death of Zheltkov, the soul of Vera Nikolaevna awakened, she felt that this was the very person she needed. Symbolizes the love of the hero of Beethoven's sonata. Love, just like music, is unpredictable and exciting. What is Kuprin's concept of love? What kind of love does he show in "Garnet Bracelet"? The author is interested in such love, for the sake of which one can perform a feat, even give one's life for it. The husband of Vera Nikolaevna, seeing his rival, says: “Is he to blame for love, and is it possible to control such a feeling as love?” The strength of love feelings and maximum spiritual openness made Zheltkov vulnerable, defenseless. A.I. Kuprin reverently and chastely touches the theme of love. The author himself lamented over the manuscript of his story.
    Mysterious and mysterious love in the story of I.A. Bunin "Clean Monday". The second literary argument (analysis of the story).
    I. A. Bunin wrote many works about love. Among them is the story "Clean Monday" from the collection "Dark Alleys", in which there are thirty-eight works. A.P. Chekhov wrote: “What a great happiness it is to love and be loved.” Love gave Bunin's hero moments of jubilant joy, made it possible to understand what it means to be happy. He forever remembered how he “closed his eyes in happiness, kissed the wet fur of her collar, and in what enthusiasm he flew to the Red Gate. And tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will be ... all the same flour and all the same happiness ... ”The hero and heroine are young, healthy, rich. They are so good-looking that everyone in the restaurant and at concerts sees them off with their eyes. The main psychological state of the hero is dazzling love. But he does not try and does not want to understand his beloved, does not want to see what kind of internal struggle is going on in the female soul. He tried not to think and not to think. The hero does not understand the character and nature of his beloved. She does not believe in the possibility of happiness and marriage. On a clean Monday, the heroine makes a decision, very important for herself - to move away from worldly life and become a nun. What is Bunin's concept of love in this story? In love, there must be complete mutual understanding, lovers must subtly feel each other and fully trust each other.
    Conclusion on the topic of the essay
    A.P. Chekhov correctly remarked: "All love is a great happiness." And A. S. Pushkin correctly stated: “All ages are submissive to love.” Therefore, I really want to believe that among our contemporaries - old and small and young there will be more people in love and happy people "

    The writing

    The theme of love in I. Bunin's story "Clean Monday"

    The theme of love is an eternal theme. Poets and writers of different times turned to her, and each tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in his own way.

    I. A. Bunin gives his vision of the topic in the cycle of stories “Dark Alleys”. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repetition, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of exhaustion of the topic.

    In the center of the story "Clean Monday" is a mysterious and mysterious love story. His characters are a young couple of lovers. Both of them are “rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts” others followed them with their eyes. But the inner world of the characters is not so similar.

    He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday he brings flowers to his beloved, every now and then pampers her with boxes of chocolate, tries to please her with new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then to some party. Completely absorbed in the feeling of adoration, he cannot and does not really try to understand what a complex inner world lies behind the beautiful appearance of the one he fell in love with. Repeatedly he thinks about the unusualness, the strangeness of their relationship, but he never puts an end to these reflections. "Strange Love!" he remarks. Another time he says: “Yes, after all, this is not love, not love ...”. He wonders why she "once and for all averted conversations about their future", is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, how she behaves in moments of rapprochement. Everything about her is a mystery to him.

    The image of the hero is devoid of the psychological depth that the heroine is endowed with. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Every day visiting those institutions where the young lover invites her, she once notices that she wants to go to the Novodevichy Convent, because "all taverns and taverns." The hero has no idea where such thoughts come from, what they are for, what suddenly happened to his chosen one. And a little later, she declares that there is nothing to be surprised at, that he simply does not know her. It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin cathedrals, and this happens when her lover "does not drag" her to restaurants. There, and not in places of entertainment, she finds a sense of harmony and peace of mind. She loves "Russian annalistic, Russian legends" and her stories about this are full of depth. She says she is not fit to be a wife. Reflecting on happiness, he quotes Platon Karataev. But the hero still cannot understand what is going on in her soul, he is “indescribably happy every hour spent near her” and that’s all.

    As in the rest of the stories in the Dark Alleys cycle, Bunin does not show love in Clean Monday, which develops into a state of lasting earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and we do not find the image of a woman-mother here. The heroine, having entered into a physically intimate relationship with her beloved, silently leaves, begging him not to ask anything, and then informs him by letter of her departure to the monastery. She rushed between the momentary and the eternal for a long time, and on the night of Clean Monday, surrendering to the hero, she made her final choice. On Pure Monday, the first day of fasting, a person begins to cleanse himself of all evil. This holiday was a turning point in the relationship of the heroes.

    Love on Clean Monday is happiness and torment, a great mystery, an incomprehensible riddle. This story is one of the pearls of Bunin's creativity, captivating the reader with rare charm and depth.

    The theme of love is an eternal theme. Poets and writers of different times turned to her, and each tried to interpret this multifaceted feeling in his own way.

    I. A. Bunin gives his vision of the topic in the cycle of stories “Dark Alleys”. The collection includes thirty-eight stories, all of them about love, but none of them creates a feeling of repetition, and after reading all the works of the cycle, there is no feeling of exhaustion of the topic.

    In the center of the story "Clean Monday" is a mysterious and mysterious love story. His characters are a young couple in love. Both of them are “rich, healthy, young and so good-looking that in restaurants, at concerts” others followed them with their eyes. But the inner world of the characters is not so similar.

    He is blinded by his love. Every Saturday he brings flowers to his chosen one, every now and then pampers her with boxes of chocolate, tries to please her with new brought books, every evening invites her to a restaurant, then to the theater, then to some party. Completely absorbed in the feeling of adoration, he cannot and does not really try to understand what a complex inner world lies behind the beautiful appearance of the one he fell in love with. Repeatedly, he thinks about the unusual, strangeness of their relationship, but he never puts an end to these reflections. "Strange Love!" he remarks. Another time he says: “Yes, after all, this is not love, not love ...”. He wonders why she "once and for all averted conversations about their future", is surprised at how she perceives his gifts, how she behaves in moments of rapprochement. Everything about her is a mystery to him.

    The image of the hero is devoid of the psychological depth that the heroine is endowed with. There is no logical motivation in her actions. Every day she visits those places where the young lover invites her, she once notices that she wants to go to the Novodevichy Convent, because "all taverns and taverns." The hero has no idea where such thoughts come from, what they are for, what suddenly happened to his chosen one. And a little later, she declares that there is nothing to be surprised at, that he simply does not know her. It turns out that she often visits the Kremlin cathedrals, and this happens when her lover "does not drag" her to restaurants. There, and not in places of entertainment, she finds a sense of harmony and peace of mind. She loves "Russian annalistic, Russian legends" and her stories about this are full of depth. She says she is not fit to be a wife. Thinking about happiness, he quotes Platon Karataev. But the hero still cannot understand what is going on in her soul, he is “indescribably happy every hour spent near her” and that’s all.

    As in the rest of the stories in the Dark Alleys cycle, Bunin does not show love in Clean Monday, which develops into a state of lasting earthly happiness. Love here also does not end with a happy marriage, and we do not find the image of a woman mother here. The heroine, having entered into a physically close relationship with her beloved, silently leaves, begging him not to ask anything, and then informs him by letter of her departure to the monastery. She rushed between the momentary and the eternal for a long time, and on the night of Pure Monday, surrendering herself to the hero, she made her final choice. On Clean Monday, the first day of Lent, a person begins to cleanse himself of all evil. This holiday was a turning point in the relationship of the heroes.

    Love on Clean Monday is happiness and torment, a great mystery, an incomprehensible riddle. This story is one of the pearls of Bunin's creativity, captivating the reader with rare charm and depth.

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