Why do they say manuscripts do not burn. "Manuscripts do not burn" - Riddles of famous books


The darkness that came from the sea covered the city. Vladivostok disappeared, as if it did not exist in the world. Only the taxi lights, trembling and mystical, are carried away along the main street of the city. And with them appear before me strange images, as if descended from the pages of the book that I hold in my hands. Here is a clean-shaven, dark-haired man, with a sharp nose, worried eyes, and a tuft of hair hanging over his forehead, about thirty-eight years old. He is dressed in hospital clothes: shoes on his bare feet, a brown robe thrown over his shoulders, a beret on his head with the letter “M” embroidered on it - the master. Behind him is his eternal companion. She carries yellow flowers, and I am struck not so much by her beauty as by her extraordinary, unseen loneliness. Her name is Margarita. Suddenly, a gust of cool summer wind opens the slightly closed window, cools my overheated head, and it seems that the visions have disappeared. But no, here's an even scarier group. In front - a man of about forty, carrying under his arm a cane with a black knob in the form of a poodle's head. If you look closely, you can see that his left eye, green, is completely insane, and his right eye is empty, black and dead. A huge black cat appears, swearing and making noise, holding in his hand a fork on which he had just stabbed a mushroom, and a long "checkered" one, on whose nose a pince-nez with broken glass. A red-haired, small, but terribly broad-shouldered monster jumps out with a fang that disfigures an already strange physiognomy. The last to rush in is a red-haired naked girl, carrying dampness and the smell of a cellar behind her. Here is Woland with his retinue. Suddenly a window slams, and all the creatures that filled the room disappear as instantly as they appeared. Their silhouettes dissolve into the darkness, and a lunar road appears in the sky, along which two people walk and talk. In a white cloak with a bloody lining, the fifth procurator of Judea, the equestrian Pontius Pilate, walks with a "shuffling cavalry gait". Next to him is a young man in a torn chiton and with a disfigured face - the condemned Ha-Notsri. Those who are going talk about something with fervor, argue, want to agree on something. And so they leave, and I am left alone with the book, the title of which is The Master and Margarita.

Why is the novel named that way? Let's try to trace the semantic thread by referring to the history of the creation of this work, covered with even more darkness than the book itself.

In 1928-1929, in one of the most difficult periods of his life, Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov almost simultaneously begins to create three works: a novel about the devil. Plays called "The Cabal of Saints" and comedy, which will soon be destroyed along with the novel begun. Yes, at the beginning of 1920 the author will burn the first edition of his work.

Only two notebooks of drafts and outlines of individual chapters have survived. However, such an outcome could be expected. A novel about the devil, like a novel about God, could lead the author to the most tragic consequences. But despite everything, he continues to write his book. On the margins of his manuscripts, one after another, variants of names appeared: “Tour ...”, “Son ...”, “Hoof of the Consultant”, “Hoof of the Engineer”, “He Appeared” and others. Most often met - "Black Magician".

In 1930-31, the writer tries to resume work on the novel, but severe physical and mental overwork interferes with him. Bulgakov defines the cause of his illness as follows: "Many years of persecution, and then silence." In the autumn of 1932, the author returns to his idea again, and now for the last time. New characters are introduced into the novel: first Margarita, then the master. The appearance in the novel of the image of Margarita, and with it the theme of the great and eternal love, researchers of Bulgakov's work are associated with the arrival of Elena Sergeevna Shilovskaya in his life. Love for her dictated to the author best pages novel - pages of love. Yes, with the birth of the image of Margarita the main driving force romance becomes love.

Undoubtedly we associate the image main character romance with E.S. Shilovskaya, but the name of Margarita gives us a sign of inseparable connection with Goethe's Faust. The fate of Bulgakov's heroine is by no means similar to the fate of Goethe's Margarita. Death brings her not eternal oblivion, but peace, as a reward for all her suffering. The close associative connection of Bulgakov's work with the tragedy "Faust" runs through the entire novel. The image of Goethe's Gretchen haunted Bulgakov, and the author introduces a character - Frida, in which the fate of the heroine of Faust is clearly traced. Even the name is chosen in such a way that it reflects Goethe's motif. After all, Frida means "free."

But back to the heroine of our novel. Bulgakovskaya Margarita fell in love with the master at first sight, without any help from the devil, and was ready for anything to always be with her master. She even gives her soul to Woland (which Faust did with Goethe) in order to return her beloved.

However, not only the Goethe tragedy served as a source of inspiration for Bulgakov, perhaps the entire history of literature, life itself entered the book, dictating images, scenes, names to the author ... Yes, Bulgakov attaches special importance to names.

But let's turn to the master, who remained "nameless". Undoubtedly, this image is based on the image of Dr. Faust - the eternal seeker of truth. But this is only a reflection, a shaky shadow of the hero. In the fate of the master is clearly seen life path Bulgakov himself, and not just him, but many writers, poets, artists, scientists who dared to show freedom of thought in an era of no freedom.

The autobiographical details embedded in the storyline of the novel once again make the reader see the close connection between the author and his hero. The fate of the novel created by the master is, to some extent, the fate of the book of Mikhail

Bulgakov, who saw his creative duty in restoring a person's faith in lofty ideals, in goodness and justice, and calling him to a tireless search for truth. The novel about the all-conquering power of love and creativity nevertheless made its way to the reader, as if confirming Bulgakov's innermost thought: "Manuscripts do not burn." Hounded pack literary critics in his earthly life, the master finds forgiveness and shelter in Eternity.

But why did Bulgakov change the draft versions of the titles? After all, the main, it would seem, hero, who moves the whole novel, is Woland, the devil. It is with his light hand Margarita becomes a witch, the master breaks out of the hospital, and together they find eternal peace. And it is Woland with his retinue who "terrorizes" the Muscovites. Yes, and the fate of Yeshua can be traced to the influence of the Lord of Darkness. Woland is the cause of all troubles and their consequences. Philosophical and realistic beginnings, mystical and comic roles are intertwined in his image. One of his countless names could very well be the title of a novel.

Do not forget about another storyline, diametrically opposed to Woland's line. This is the theme of the biblical chapters - the theme of Pontius Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri. It's not even one of the storylines, it's a novel within a novel. And not so much because the master wrote a novel about the fifth procurator of Judea, but more because the breadth and separateness of this narrative is amazing. Imitation biblical story, the execution of Jesus Christ (here - Yeshua Ha-Nozri), although it occupies four chapters out of thirty-two, is of great importance.

The storylines of the two novels end, intersecting at one space-time point - in Eternity, where the master and his hero Pontius Pilate meet and find forgiveness and shelter. Collisions, situations and characters of biblical chapters contribute to the completion of the plot and help to reveal philosophical meaning novel. But all these storylines recede into the background, yielding to the onslaught carried out under the influence of the most powerful force - the force of love. As Elena Shilovskaya supported life in Bulgakov, so Margarita became an end in itself for the existence of the master. Only thanks strong love, one master finished the novel "about God", and the other - "about the devil". And only this almighty power enabled the master to receive a well-deserved recognition and peace in Eternity. What other name, if not "The Master and Margarita", could the author in love choose for his masterpiece!

Bulgakov, who began every day of work on the novel with a spell: “Finish before dying,” nevertheless achieved his goal largely thanks to his wife, assistant, muse. All this was reflected, as in a mirror, in his grandiose work. Bulgakov's "sunset" novel reflected both the writer's hardships and the author's heavy dying thoughts.

"Manuscripts do not burn" - with this belief in the imperishable power of art, the writer passed away. These words served him as a spell against the destructive effects of time. Surprisingly, the spell worked. Almost a quarter of a century later, the novel was published and, in the words of V. Lakshin, “among other books more relevant on the topic of recent times, it turned out to be a vital, unfading work ...”

Today we can say with confidence that time has no power over the novel!

Unwritten books or manuscripts do not burn.

They say that manuscripts do not burn. But is it really so? What is the real meaning of this expression?

This question arose for me at the moment when, not so long ago, on the forum of one of the well-known sites, we began a small discussion of the story of the second volume burned by Gogol " dead souls".

How do manuscripts not burn? And how they burn! - the authors of the remarks wrote, pointing precisely to the fate of the second volume of "Dead Souls", the work of the brilliant Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

The controversy was not very lively, but the question of the burned manuscript and the lost work is indeed complex and tragic. And it seems that the blatant injustice of Bulgakov's famous "winged" phrase on this example revealed to the world in its entirety.

Indeed, the manuscript of the brilliant work of the great writer burned down. And there is no way to restore it, it disappeared in the fire forever. Burned without a trace, but how many of these manuscripts have disappeared forever? Do not count. And that "manuscripts don't burn"? Burning and burning. And what happens then? Bulgakov wrote beautiful nonsense, and people repeat this nonsense for so many years? It seemed strange to me. Bulgakov was never perceived by me as a frivolous person. There was clearly something wrong here.

So for the first time I thought about the meaning of this "winged" expression. What is the true meaning put into it by the author of The Master and Margarita? Indeed, the author clearly laid a serious semantic charge in these words. Otherwise, this expression would not have become "winged".

Having asked this question, I began to browse the Internet in search of explanations for materials dedicated to Bulgakov and his novel The Master and Margarita. After digging around on the Internet, I found out that this issue was of interest to many people before me.

Yes, there have been many answers to this question.

The answers were different, but if you reduce them to no one common sense, we get something like the following statement. The meaning of the expression: a word, a living human thought can neither be destroyed nor forbidden. In any case, until now the words "manuscripts do not burn" have been and are interpreted equally by Bulgakov scholars and readers quite unambiguously: if, they say, literary work written with real talent, but for one reason or another it has not yet seen the light, it will not disappear under any circumstances, it will not die.

In this regard, the critics in various ways expressed the conviction that the stubborn force of the creative spirit will make its way and triumph; that history will sooner or later put everything in its place and the truth will come out; that everything will come true for the one who knows how to wait; that Bulgakov himself ardently believed in the undoubted triumph of justice, in the fact that real art would eventually win recognition for itself. It seems to be a very plausible version, or rather beautiful and life-affirming.

But these interpretations, which caught my eye on the Internet, seemed to me inconsistent with some logic of the work itself, and indeed with normal logic in general.

It so happened that I had my own idea about this "winged expression", which I want to tell you about now.

To begin with, let's remember the place in the brilliant novel "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov in which this expression appeared, which spread as a result of the popularity of the novel among the reading public and became a fairly stable figure of speech.

- A novel about Pontius Pilate.

Here again the tongues of the candles swayed and jumped, the dishes rattled on the table, Woland laughed like a thunder, but did not frighten anyone and did not surprise with this laughter. Behemoth for some reason applauded.

About what, about what? About whom? said Woland, ceasing to laugh. "Now?" This is amazing! And you couldn't find another topic? Let me see, - Woland held out his hand, palm up.

I, unfortunately, cannot do this, - answered the Master, - because I burned it in the stove.

Forgive me, I don’t believe it, Woland answered, it can’t be. Manuscripts do not burn. - He turned to Behemoth and said: - Come on, Behemoth, give me a novel.

The cat instantly jumped up from his chair, and everyone saw that he was sitting on a thick stack of manuscripts. The cat bowed the upper copy to Woland. Margarita trembled and screamed, agitated again to the point of tears:

Here is the manuscript!

The question is, why did the novel, which the Master burned, turn out to be unscathed in the end?

In fact, the manuscript was put on fire, burned, and in the end turned out to be unburnt! Amazing and magical. But it seems that what is there to talk about Satan is free to create a miracle beyond the control of a mere mortal, in order to introduce a person into doubt, there should not be any surprise in this. The question then is why this expression has become so popular and has become so widespread among the people?

Of course, one could simply agree with the basic opinion that has already been formed, which I wrote about above, but there are things that cast doubt on its correctness. First of all, let's pay attention to who the Master receives his manuscript back from. And who pronounces these very words. Woland. Messier of dark forces.

What happens? Does Satan speak of the power of the creative spirit, which will always overcome all obstacles and achieve truth and recognition? Doubtful.

It was not for nothing that Bulgakov put this remark into the mouth of Woland. It is certainly bright and to the point in accordance with the plot of the novel, but how justified is it as a manifesto implying some kind of fig in your pocket?

Like, all the same, my creation will become the pinnacle of literature, how can you not prohibit my work there. It is unlikely that Woland spoke about this. It is unlikely that Bulgakov himself was convinced that his book would become the property of general reader and become as popular as it later became. Bulgakov bears little resemblance to Blok, who could write "that Caesar and I will both be equal before fate for centuries." Here, in my opinion, a slightly different idea was expressed than a statement about the invincibility of human creativity.

But what is the real reason behind it? famous words? Agree, it is not entirely clear, based on the generally accepted interpretation. And having understood this, I began to search for my own answer to these questions.

At first, I just twisted this expression in my head, continuing to watch the fading discussion on the forum, and then I suddenly remembered an interesting discussion.

Once upon a time, in some thick literary magazine, I read the controversy of front-line writers about books, about the Great Patriotic War.

The question there was considered approximately the following.

Why is there still no that great book about the war?

About the War of 1812 great romance"War and Peace", oh civil war have a great romance" Quiet Don". Why didn't that great novel about the war of 1941-1945 appear?

Sholokhov tried, he began to write "They fought for their homeland", but he never created a novel, only chapters from the novel remained. And although many books have been written about the war, no one has come close to the level of Tolstoy and his epic.

The versions were different, and what the writer may have crushed, and that there is still too much unclear in this war, true story about the war is not yet complete, etc.

Of course, I don’t know whether all the reasons for the absence of a great novel about the war were then considered by front-line writers, or were there some other reasons that they decided to keep silent about? For me even then young man this controversy itself is a great discovery. Many books have been written about the war. We mostly read books about her. Then it would never have occurred to me that there might be some kind of most great book about war. So I then got acquainted with the material of the discussion with great interest.

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Where did the phrase "manuscripts don't burn" come from? Who said, "Manuscripts don't burn"?

May 10, 2016

"Manuscripts don't burn..." Who said this famous phrase, which has become winged? Every person familiar with the cult novel by Mikhail Bulgakov knows that this is nothing more than a replica of one of the characters. But it is no coincidence that the book "The Master and Margarita" has been studied by critics and literary critics for more than half a century. It contains allusions to the past, symbols of the present and predictions of the future.

Manuscripts don't burn?

Who said paper can't be destroyed by fire? The veracity of this phrase could be confirmed, perhaps, only by literary character, representative underworld. History knows many cases when writers and poets burned their creations. Some of them have remained a mystery to posterity. The second volume of Nikolai Gogol's poem, full version"Russian Trianon" by Anna Akhmatova, Pasternak's novel "Three Names" - all these are works that have not reached the modern reader.

Symbolism of the phrase

And yet the manuscripts do not burn. Who said that the flame does not destroy labor true artist, he hinted at the machinations of envious people, mediocre criticism and authoritarianism of power. Because it is they who become the enemies of the truthful author.

So it was at all times. Books that did not meet the imposed ideology were banned, confiscated, burned. In a word, they did everything to ensure that they did not fall into the hands of the reader. But there were works that no force could destroy. These include those who keep wisdom and truth in themselves, relevant at all times. That is, books that are of interest to posterity. Immortal books.

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A novel about the devil

Bulgakov's book has millions of fans. But even today it is subject to harsh criticism. Satan is depicted as a too charming and fair hero in the novel The Master and Margarita. There is an opinion that a true believing Christian should not read Bulgakov's work. An unconventional image of Satan can have an effect on fledgling minds Negative influence. Perhaps the whole point is that there is always something supernatural in talent. That is why he scares ordinary people.

Enemies of the Master

"Manuscripts do not burn..." Who said this phrase and what role does it play in the plot of the novel? As you know, Bulgakov's work is autobiographical. He, like his hero, became a victim of attacks by members of the Union of Writers. Aggressive criticism of Latunsky and Lavrovich was fatal for the Master. The impossibility of publishing a novel about the devil became obvious to Bulgakov after his wife took several chapters to the editor. The manuscripts were brutally rejected. The author, like his hero, experienced nervous exhaustion, which comes after a long journey that leads nowhere.

Harsh criticism and unwillingness to publish a novel whose artistic value cannot go unnoticed by professional editor, were based on envy, fear of losing their place under the sun. And also on many human vices, stronger than which only otherworldly forces.

Almighty protector

Being on the verge of despair, the author of the novel about Pilate did not conclude an agreement with Satan, like the hero Goethe. The woman he loved did it for him. And after Woland said: "Manuscripts do not burn." Bulgakov did not have such a powerful intercessor. And like his hero, he burned an unfinished novel. But the book survived. After years work on the restoration of the text, improvements and with a deep conviction that the novel would be read only many years after his death, Bulgakov completed his work. And so, there is truth in the words "manuscripts do not burn."

Who said: "The meaning of life is in life itself"? This phrase belongs to one ancient sage. But it only applies to ordinary people. Those who are obsessed with the thirst to tell the truth, and also have the ability to clothe it in art form They don't know how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Such was Bulgakov and many other authors before him. However, the strength of the Master and Margarita novel lies not only in the abundance of symbols pointing to the past. There is an amazing amount of prophecy in this book.

In Russian and foreign literature and after Bulgakov, authors were born who were unfamiliar with the phrase "manuscripts do not burn." Who said whose words it was, they especially did not know. But the truth of wisdom, which Bulgakov's character expounded, they would certainly have appreciated.

A book about life and destiny

The novel, which was declared anti-Soviet, was written by the writer Vasily Grossman for almost ten years. It was published thirty years later. The work "Life and Fate" is worth remembering when answering questions related to deciphering the phrase of Bulgakov's character "manuscripts do not burn." Who said? Whose words are these? And can they be taken literally?

These words belong to the hero of the novel The Master and Margarita. Woland's phrase should not be taken literally. The author put into it all the hopes and hopes that his offspring will someday reach the descendants. Grossman, perhaps, experienced similar feelings. Soviet writer dedicated the book "Life and Fate" to his mother, relatives, friends and, most importantly, millions of victims of Hitler's and Stalin's aggression.

About what is worse than fire

Grossman never burned the manuscript. She was seized by the KGB. He never dreamed of publishing it. One of the prominent figures, a contemporary of the writer, argued that this could happen no earlier than in two hundred years. This man had not read Bulgakov's novel, but he seemed to know Woland's prophetic phrase "manuscripts do not burn."

Who said "The Master and Margarita" is a novel about Soviet society in the thirties? Bulgakov's work is a book about human vices that have been, are and will be at all times. They do not have a national or state affiliation. And they are capable of ruining the fate of a person. But they can't destroy true work art.

Burning manuscripts is not uncommon for a writer. Solzhenitsyn used to burn every chapter of his novel In the First Circle. But before that, he memorized what he had written. Akhmatova, fearing a search or arrest, regularly destroyed her unfinished works. Pasternak sent a whole novel into the oven, which subsequently could not be restored.

All these authors burned their creations primarily to save their lives. famous phrase Woland from the novel "The Master and Margarita" could serve as a slogan for the masters artistic word. It would give strength to a writer who, even being in exile and risking his life, is not able to give up literary creativity.

Manuscripts do not burn

Manuscripts do not burn
From the novel (Ch. 24 "Extraction of the Master") "The Master and Margarita" (1928-1940) by Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov (1891-1940). Woland became interested in the novel about Pontius Pilate:
“Let me see,” Woland held out his hand, palm up.
Unfortunately, I cannot do this, - the master answered, - because I burned it in the stove.
Forgive me, I don’t believe it, Woland answered, it can’t be. Manuscripts don't burn. - He turned to Behemoth and said: - Come on, Behemoth, give me a novel.
The cat instantly jumped up from his chair, and everyone saw that he was sitting on a thick stack of manuscripts. The upper copy was given by the cat with a bow to Wo-land.
The meaning of the expression: a word, a living human thought can neither be destroyed nor forbidden.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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In the belly of the fireplace again
I burn my poems
Soul wounded in blood
Thorns of love...

Like a hungry dog
The flame opened its mouth...
It crunched - like a bone ...
God, do not let the abyss!

Ashes remained only -
Snik between the coals
Heat, but silence torments
A new range of stanzas...

Again in the chest - alarm,
Pen in hand again...
Manuscripts don't burn*
Heart burning to dust!
* Manuscripts do not burn: “Let me see,” Woland held out his hand, palm up.
“Unfortunately, I cannot do this,” the master replied, “because I burned it in the oven.
“Forgive me, I don’t believe it,” Woland answered, “it can’t be.
Manuscripts do not burn. - He turned to Behemoth and said: - Come on, Behemoth, give me a novel.
The cat instantly jumped up from his chair, and everyone saw that he was sitting on a thick stack of manuscripts. The cat bowed the upper copy to Woland. ("Master and Margarita" Bulgakov.)

Two versions of the origin of this maxim:

Version #1
Here is how it was:
Here is Spain, and the Inquisition, and the 15th century, and they burn Morans and non-Morans, and
keep the purity of the faith. And they come, among others, to one learned and venerable
Rav, and all the scrolls and parchment are raked out from him, and they arrange an auto-da-fé, and
let them rejoice that so far they are not burning him, but only his books.
The square, the crowd, the fire, the sparks, the executioner stirs up the burning sheets. And
the driven Jews stand at the platform, take an instructive lesson. And
the enlightened gray-haired rabbi, surrounded by his disciples, looks aloofly into the fire,
silently whispers and smiles sometimes.
And one of the students, unable to stand it, asks:
- Rabbi, why are you smiling? After all, your manuscripts are burning, all meaning and work
of your life? To which he replies:
- Manuscripts do not burn - paper burns ... and words return to God.

Version #2
In the ancient Roman Empire, during the persecution of the Jews, one of the teachers of the law was sentenced to terrible execution: it was supposed to be wrapped in a Torah scroll and burned. A special mockery of the executioners was that, according to Jewish laws, the parchments on which the Name of the Almighty was written should in no case be set on fire.

And so, when the fire was blazing, the rabbi smiled. The students asked him why? And he answered:
"The parchment burns, and the letters return to God."


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