Top 10 interesting monuments of architecture. Famous architectural monuments of Russia

While people involved in construction and design are celebrating their professional holiday - World Architecture Day, we will present the most interesting and unusual works of modern architects and their predecessors.

Blocks Habitat-67, Montreal

The unique residential complex was built in 1967 for the Expo. The 354 interconnected houses are not arranged randomly, but in such a way that all apartments receive maximum sunlight. The style of this object - brutalism, by the way, became popular in the USSR.

Projects by Friedensreich Hundertwasser

It is very difficult to choose any one work of this iconic architect, because they are all amazing in their own way. His "fabulous" style does not fall under any of the classical concepts - the great Austrian designed "good" and even "kind" houses. Here, for example, is an ordinary residential, which everyone simply calls the Hundertwasser house. It is not surprising that the author of such architecture has always fundamentally worn different socks.

Ideal Palace, France

The unremarkable town of Hauterives glorified the local postman at the beginning of the 20th century. Ferdinand Cheval spent 33 years building his own palace from improvised materials - stones that he collected while working. Ferdinand had absolutely no understanding of the canons of architecture and used every style he could see. Therefore, in the "Ideal Palace", as the author himself called it, there are elements from the Ancient to Gaudi.

Lotus Temple, India

In 1986, one of the most unusual buildings in the world was built in New Delhi. Giant marble lotus leaves seem to be about to bloom. They even created almost natural conditions for the flower - the temple, like a real lotus, rises from the water. Although this is a religious building, there are no icons, no frescoes, no murals inside: these attributes are not important in the Bahá'í teachings.

Cologne Cathedral, Germany

The canonical example of Gothic, known far beyond the "architectural circles". Of course, we will not describe the numerous details of the huge building. Let's limit ourselves to one fact: in 1880, when the next stage of construction was completed, the cathedral became the tallest building on the planet for four years - 157 meters. But even today, surrounded by low-rise buildings in the center of Cologne, the cathedral still looks impressive.

Burj Khalifa, UAE

In recent decades, the title of the tallest building in the world has been literally a passing banner: then Taipei, then Kuala Lumpur. Of course, the emirates could not pass by such a competition and decided to set their own record. Along the way, "" won more than ten nominations, for example, as the owner of the fastest elevator and the highest located nightclub (on the 144th floor).)

Temple of the Dancing God, India

The famous Indian temple of Brihadeshvara, which recently celebrated its millennium, is dedicated to Shiva. In total, there are 250 statues of this god inside the temple, and they all depict different poses of magical dance. Previously, the temple was also a fortress, therefore, in addition to graceful statues, there are also serious defensive structures. The moats and walls guard the legendary riches that pilgrims carried to Shiva for centuries.

Bird's Nest Stadium, Beijing

The Olympic Games for architects is a great chance to make their dreams come true: the authorities do not skimp on bold and expensive projects. From the 2008 Olympics, we got a stadium for 80,000 people of a completely unusual shape. Although not even the form is remarkable, but the execution of giant iron beams - the airy translucent structure can withstand an eight-magnitude earthquake.

Chrysler Building, New York

One of the best examples of Art Deco and the tallest skyscraper in the middle of the 20th century was built by order of the Chrysler automobile company. It became the tallest thanks to the irreconcilable rivalry of the two architects: the author of this building at the last moment before the completion of construction agreed on the installation of a 40-meter spire, thereby overtaking the new Trump Building. And unusual arcs on the facades of the upper floors imitate car wheels.

Capsule House, Japan

The combination of Japanese minimalism and love for new technologies gave the world a unique project - a capsule residential building. All modules (apartments and offices) in this building are completely replaceable and are attached to the metal base with just four bolts. Despite the visual fragility of such a system, there have been no accidents since its construction in 1974.

Ring houses, China

Unusual round houses-fortresses appeared a long time ago, and they stopped building only in the 1960s. Prior to this, dwellings on the principle of a closed system were erected in many areas. The lack of land and the ability to defend together pushed people to settle in communes in several such houses. And the microclimate inside protected from heat and cold.

Southernmost Orthodox Church

This building differs not in design or size, but only in the place where it is located. Not far from the Russian Antarctic station Bellingshausen in 2004, the wooden church of the Holy Trinity was consecrated. And the logs for the church have probably come the longest way in the history of building materials logistics: Gorny Altai-Kaliningrad-Antarctica.

The most secret office building, USA

The most inaccessible office building in the world is also the largest. This is the famous Pentagon - the building of the Ministry of Defense. In a huge pentagonal building - 28 km of corridors, and the area of ​​​​all five floors - 604,000 sq.m. This giant was built in the 1940s, so there was a small incident: the toilets in the building were twice as large as necessary - separately for blacks, separately for whites. True, by the end of construction, the old order was canceled and they did not even have time to hang signs.

Pool in the sky, Singapore

The three towers of the Marina Bay Sands high-rise hotel support a truly unique architectural structure - a huge platform shaped like a ship. On the "deck" is a living garden and a giant swimming pool. By the way, the entire design of the hotel is officially approved by Feng Shui experts.

City on a rock, Sri Lanka

A real fortress city was erected by ancient architects on a sheer 300-meter rock of Sigiriya. King Kasapa I ordered to build his residence at such a height for protection, but did not forget about comfort. Covered terraces, benches, trees, and even an artificial pond made Sigiriya a luxury retreat. In addition to official historical monuments, the tradition so loved by our compatriots is also interesting: starting from the 7th century, guests of the palace left inscriptions on the rocks like “Vasya was here, 879”, only in verse.

Russia is a large and beautiful country, rich in various architectural monuments that have a long history. In our article, you can get acquainted with the most famous and beautiful architectural structures of the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries.

16th century

In the 16th century, urban planning was actively carried out in Russia, so this period can be safely called an “architectural upsurge”. Moscow expanded, new cities, cathedrals, temples were built. Let's look at the most famous architectural monuments built in the 16th century.

Ivan the Great belltower

The Ivan the Great Bell Tower is a white brick church located on Sobornaya Square of the Moscow Kremlin. The date of construction is 1500-1508. The project of its creation was carried out by the well-known at that time Italian architect on the estate of Bon Fryazin. The structure of the main ensemble of the bell tower includes 3 objects:

  • tower of "Ivan the Great" (the head structure of the bell tower);
  • belfry "Assumption";
  • extension "Filaretovaya".

The belfry holds 34 bells of various sizes and sounds. The main ones are: "Uspensky" (67 tons), "Roaring" (33 tons) and "Lenten" (12 tons).

Ivan the Great belltower

Cathedral of the Archangel

Arkhangelsk is a Christian Orthodox cathedral, which can be seen on Cathedral Square, located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. This building has five domes, six towers, a necropolis (a place for the burial of the dead, and separate rooms are provided for men and women), a special inner choir tier. The cathedral is finished with white stone. Inside there are paintings by famous artists - Fedor Zubov, Stepan Ryazants, and Joseph Vladimirov.

Cathedral of the Archangel

China town

Kitay-gorod is one of the historical districts of the capital, located on the territory of the Kitaygorod fortress wall, which was attached to the corner towers of the Kremlin in 1539. Kitay-Gorod stretches from Red Square to the Moskva River, borders on Okhotny Ryad, Theater Square, and the Lubyanka. Currently, the metro station of the same name operates in this direction.

China town

St. Basil's Cathedral

Perhaps one of the most famous churches in Russia is St. Basil's Cathedral, which is located on Red Square. The date of its construction is 1556. The structure of the cathedral includes 10 annexes, each of which was erected in honor of a particular saint. The central part is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, the side buildings "belong" to the Holy Trinity, Nikola Velikoretsky, Alexander Svirsky, St. Basil the Blessed, as well as the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem.

St. Basil's Cathedral

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

The Kremlin is the main historical fortress of Nizhny Novgorod, which is located on the Volga-Oka Spit on the highest right bank. This building was erected in 1508 by order of Ivan the Terrible. The walls of the Kremlin are made of red brick. Their total length is about 2-3 km. The fortress also has 14 towers, 5 of which are rectangular and 9 are round. The “Stone City” (as the Kremlin is sometimes called) is surrounded by dry moats, which were created to protect against enemies.

Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin

Novodevichy Convent

Novodevichy is an Orthodox convent located on the territory of Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street in the very center of Moscow. The date of construction is 1525. The Novodevichy Convent was built by order of the Grand Russian Prince Vasily III. This building has one belfry, two round observation towers, cells for the nuns, as well as free-standing churches where a daily prayer service took place.

Novodevichy Convent

Tula Kremlin

The Tula Kremlin is considered one of the oldest buildings in the city of Tula. It is located in the very central part. The date of construction is approximately 1514. The Tula Kremlin was built by order of Ivan the Terrible. The Kremlin walls are made of red brick. The structure includes several round as well as rectangular observation towers. There are 2 cathedrals on the territory: Assumption and Epiphany.

Tula Kremlin

17th century

The 17th century is the era of architecture, during which a huge number of different significant events took place that greatly influenced the life of Russia, including its architecture. Most houses began to be built of brick or stone, but wooden structures still did not lose their former popularity. Let's look at the most famous architectural monuments of the 17th century.

Kolomna Palace

The Kolomna Palace is a royal estate located in the Moscow region in the village of Kolomenskoye. The approximate date of construction is 1667. This building is a whole complex of various wooden buildings, which are interconnected by endless passages and tunnels.

Kolomna Palace

Church of the Intercession in Fili

The Orthodox Church of the Intercession of the Virgin is located in the Filevsky Park area, Moscow. The modern building of the temple was erected in 1690 with funds donated by the brother of Queen Natalia Naryshkina. The temple has five tiers, one bell tower, and 3 wide porches.

Church of the Intercession in Fili

Dormition Divine Church

The marvelous church is located in the city of Uglich. It is one of the outstanding monuments of ancient Russian architecture of the 17th century. The approximate date of construction is 1628. This temple has a different name - "Assumption". The structure has a rather original appearance: three hipped domes forming a “trident” crown; a refectory adjoins the main part of the building, as well as a front porch decorated with decorative elements of white stone.

Dormition Divine Church

Church of Elijah the Prophet

The Church of Elijah the Prophet is located on the central (Soviet) square of the city of Yaroslavl. This temple was built in 1647. According to legend, it was founded along with the city itself by Prince Yaroslav the Wise. The Church of Elijah the Prophet can be recognized by the snow-white stone walls and grassy green domes.

Church of Elijah the Prophet

Church of John the Baptist

The Church of John the Baptist is one of the main and ancient architectural monuments of Yaroslavl. This building was built in 1687 according to the design of Fyodor Ignatiev and Dmitry Plekhanov. For the construction of the temple, molded red bricks were used, as well as tiles. The church has 15 domes of various sizes.

Church of John the Baptist

18 century

The 18th century is the time when Russia “breathed” in a new way, because it was then that new cities began to be built, objects that are still considered historical monuments of architecture. The first half of the 18th century is closely associated with the name of the great Russian Emperor Peter I. It was he who brought many innovations and changes borrowed from European countries. Let's look at the most beautiful buildings and structures of this era.

Winter Palace

The Winter Palace is the main imperial building in St. Petersburg. The date of construction is 1754. The building was built in the style of the Elizabethan Baroque, decorated with rich monograms, columns covered with gold leaf. Currently, the Winter Palace houses a historical museum - the Hermitage.

Winter Palace

Admiralty building

The Admiralty consists of a complex of buildings located on the banks of the Neva on the Admiralteysky Island. Initially, this building played the role of a shipyard (place of construction, as well as repair of ships, ships, boats), but a little later it was somewhat modernized and given the title of an administrative center, which housed the command of the Russian Navy. Date of construction - 1704.

Admiralty building

Pashkov House

One of the most famous buildings in Moscow, built in the style of early classicism, is the Pashkov House. This building was designed in 1784 at the request of the captain of the Semenovsky regiment Peter Pashkov. This house has an impressive appearance, which is partly related to the place on which it stands - Vagankovsky Hill. The main facade of the building faces the sunny side.

Pashkov House

Alexander Nevsky Lavra

The Alexander Nevsky Lavra is a male monastery located at the end of Nevsky Prospect in the city of St. Petersburg. It is considered the largest monastery in the northern capital. Date of construction - 1710. According to the assumptions of local historians and historians, this building was erected by order of Peter I. The emperor allocated almost 5,000 sq.m. for construction. On the territory of the Lavra there is a wooden Church of the Annunciation, the Trinity Cathedral, the Feodorovskaya Church, the Gate Church.

Alexander Nevsky Lavra

Volkov Theater

The Volkov Theater is one of the oldest drama stages in Russia. This institution was built in 1750 in the city of Yaroslavl. The theater got its name in honor of its founder Fyodor Grigoryevich Volkov, the son of a wealthy merchant. The young man very often arranged various theatrical performances with his friends, from which the idea arose to open his own place for their display.

Volkov Theater

19th century

The architectural monuments of Russia, built in the 19th century, are distinguished by a new unconventional style for our country - eclectic (a combination of the incongruous, that is, a mixture of the most diverse and unimaginable trends). Eclecticism "imitates" ancient Russian art, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Classicism. Let's look at the most popular buildings of the 19th century, built in an eclectic style.

Tsarskoye Selo

Tsarskoye Selo is a museum-reserve, which was established in 1811 in the city of Pushkin, Leningrad Region. This complex includes a palace and park ensemble, a suburban royal residence, Catherine's Park, the Hermitage Garden, the Grotto, the Alexander Garden, the Military Chamber and the Chinese Theater. At the moment, millions of tourists from all over the world come to this place of extraordinary beauty.

Tsarskoye Selo

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior is one of the main shrines of Russia, which was built in 1812. On the walls of the temple are depicted (sculpted from clay) Russian soldiers who laid down their lives for their homeland during the Patriotic War of 1812 with Napoleon Bonaparte. During the Stalinist reforms, the temple building was destroyed, but in 1994 it was rebuilt.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Triumphal Arch

The triumphal arch is an architectural monument built in 1829 in Moscow, which is a huge arch. Most often, triumphal arches are installed at the entrance to the city, at the end of major streets, avenues, bridges.

Triumphal Arch


Manege is a historical building located in the central part of Moscow. This building was built in 1817 by architect Augustine Betancourt. Currently, the arena is the main museum and exhibition site of the capital, but it was built for drill training of troops guarding the Kremlin and Moscow borders. A little later, balls and royal receptions began to be held here.


Saint Isaac's Cathedral

Cathedral of St. Isaac Dolmatsky - one of the largest churches in St. Petersburg, built in 1858 by the famous architect Antonio Rinaldi. The main dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral is made of gold leaf, the facade is made of gray stone, and the columns of the main entrance are cast in bronze.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

In our article, you got acquainted with the most famous and beautiful architectural monuments of Russia. Temples, churches, palaces, reserves were described. The Russian Federation is a country of rich history, which is why here you can see unusual and unique buildings that are not found anywhere else.

This ancient Inca city, built in the 15th century, sits atop a mountain range above the sacred Valley of the Incas. Archaeologists believe that it was conceived as the residence of the Inca emperor Pachacutec.

2. Sheikh Zayed Mosque, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

It is the largest mosque in the United Arab Emirates and the eighth largest in the world. It was built between 1996 and 2007.

3. Taj Mahal, Agra, India

The majestic marble mausoleum was built by order of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife Mumtaz Mahal, who died in 1632.

4. Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain

The Mosque-Cathedral in Cordoba is an ancient Roman temple that became a church, then a mosque, and in the present it is the Cathedral and a grandiose monument of medieval Moorish architecture.

5. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican

St. Peter's Basilica is the largest church in the world and a recognized work of Renaissance architecture.

6. Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

This Buddhist temple is the largest religious monument in the world. The Khmer king Suryavarman II built it at the beginning of the twelfth century.

7. Bayon Temple, Siem Reap, Cambodia

This Khmer temple is called the Temple of a Thousand Faces, built at the end of the twelfth century and is known throughout the world for its massive stone faces on many towers.

8. Church of the Savior on Blood, St. Petersburg, Russia

The temple was built in the period from 1883 to 1907 in the place where Tsar Alexander II was mortally wounded. The cathedral is dedicated to his memory.

9. Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania

The city of Gettysburg is closely associated with the history of the American Civil War. The green field of the park was covered in blood during the decisive battle that led to the victory of the allied forces and claimed the lives of more than 50,000 American soldiers.

Architectural monuments are objects that were created, as a rule, in honor of a significant event or an important person. The age of some is calculated in tens of years, while others still remember the Egyptian pharaohs. This review contains the most famous architectural monuments about which you can write the history of mankind.

1. Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram)

The Kaaba (Masjid al-Haram) is a cube-shaped building located in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered the most sacred place in Islam, as well as the oldest and most famous cultural monument in the world.

The Qur'an states that the Kaaba was built by Abraham (Ibrahim in Arabic) and his son Ismail after the latter settled in Arabia. A mosque, the Masjid al-Haram, was built around this building. All Muslims around the world turn to face the Kaaba during prayers, no matter where they are.

One of the five basic laws of Islam requires every Muslim to make the Hajj - a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life. In this case, the Kaaba must be circumvented seven times counterclockwise (when viewed from above).

2. Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal ("Crown of Palaces") is a white marble mausoleum located in the city of Agra, India. It was built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is widely regarded as "the jewel of Muslim art in India and one of the world's recognized masterpieces of world heritage". The area of ​​the Taj Mahal is about 221 hectares (38 hectares are occupied by the mausoleum itself and 183 hectares by the protected forest around it).

3. Egyptian pyramids

A total of 138 pyramids have been discovered in Egypt. Most of them were built as tombs for pharaohs and their wives during the Old and Middle Kingdoms. These are one of the oldest famous cultural monuments.

The earliest known Egyptian pyramids were found at Saqqara, northwest of Memphis. And the oldest of them is the Pyramid of Djoser, built in 2630-2611 BC. e., during the third dynasty. This pyramid and the complex surrounding it were designed by the architect Imhotep and are generally considered to be the world's oldest monumental structures made of bricks with facings.

4. Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, rammed earth, wood, and other materials built along China's historic northern borders to protect the country from incursions by various warlike peoples.

Several walls were built as early as the 7th century BC and were later added to form what is today known as the Great Wall. Particularly famous is the part of the wall built between 220-206 BC. the first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang (very little remains of her).

By the way, there are many more in China

5. Angkor Thom (Greater Angkor)

Angkor Thom is a 3 square kilometer walled royal city that was the last capital of the Khmer Empire. After Jayavarman VII retook Yashodharapura (the previous capital) from the invaders from Champa in 1181, he built a new imperial capital on the site of the ruined city. He started with existing surviving structures such as Bapuon and Thimeanakas and built a majestic walled city around them, adding a moated outer wall and some of the greatest temples of Angkor. There are five entrances (gates) to the city, one for each cardinal direction and the Gate of Victory leading to the area of ​​the Royal Palace. Each gate is crowned with four gigantic faces.

The Acropolis of Athens, also called "Kekropia" in Athens, is the most important site of the city and one of the most recognizable monuments in the world. This is the main landmark of ancient Greek culture, as well as the symbol of the city of Athens itself, since it represents the apogee of artistic development in the 5th century BC.

7. Chiang Kai-shek National Memorial Hall

The Chiang Kai-shek National Memorial Hall is a famous monument and local landmark erected in memory of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, former President of the Republic of China. It is located in the Chinese city of Taipei. The monument, surrounded by a park, was built in the eastern part of Memorial Square. To the north is the National Theatre, and to the south is the National Concert Hall.

The Potala Palace is located in the city of Lhasa in Tibet. It is named after Mount Potalaka, the mythical abode of Chenrezig or Avalokiteshvara. The Potala Palace was the main residence of the Dalai Lama until the 14th Dalai Lama fled to Dharamsala, India, during the Chinese invasion of Tibet in 1959.

Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, the fifth Grand Dalai Lama, began construction of the Potala Palace in 1645 after one of his spiritual advisors, Konchog Chopel, noted that the location between Drepung and Sera monasteries and the old city of Lhasa was ideal for the seat of government. The Potala was eventually built on the remains of an earlier fortress, called the White or Red Palace, built by King Songtsen Gampo of Tibet in 637. Today the Potala Palace is a museum.

When a person realized himself as a creator and he had the talent to depict using various materials, he embodied this skill in sculptural art. We can only admire the fruits of human creation and praise the most famous monuments of the world, which we will gladly do in this article. Next, we will talk about the most popular and exciting monuments, which to this day attract millions of tourists from all over the world.

Sphinx (Gize, Egypt)

This enigmatic monument raises more questions than it answers. Many scientists of the world are still at a loss and cannot understand how people could create such a monumental creation around 2400 BC. There is an opinion that a man with the body of a lion is the embodiment and symbol of the reign of the ancient pharaoh Khafre. The Egyptians, in a completely unimaginable way, managed to carve a sculpture 20 meters long and 72 meters long from limestone rock. But the main secret lies in the name of the sculpture - the Sphinx. Scientists have calculated that the word "sphinx" itself is of Greek origin, and it was assigned to the monument long after it was built.

Jesus Christ the Redeemer (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

The monument to Jesus Christ the Redeemer has long become the hallmark of the Brazilian capital Rio de Janeiro and the unchanging main symbol for the Brazilians themselves. Such an amazing pulling together effect of the monument was due to the solidarity of the citizens of Brazil, who donated their hard-earned money to finance its creation. Thus, the largest charitable project in Brazil managed to collect 2.5 million flights, for which the 38-meter monument was built. Work on the monument to Jesus Christ the Redeemer lasted ten years from 1921 to 1931. Now this monument is not only a symbol of the country for the Brazilians, but also the most impressive sculptural creation of mankind, which millions of tourists from all over the world come to see with their own eyes.

Genghis Khan (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia)

A fifty-meter monument depicting Genghis Khan was built near the desert of Ulaanbaatar, which is located in Mongolia. The pedestal of this giant monument is surrounded by 36 strong columns and contains not only one of the largest historical museums in Mongolia, but also an entertainment complex for tourists. The monument has a significant historical character for the people of Mongolia. The monument itself was built relatively recently, already in the 21st century, but due to its impressive scale and excellent workmanship, it has gained great popularity among tourists and has already made it to the list of the most famous monuments in the world.

Buddha (Leshan, China)

The Leshan Buddha Monument is one of the oldest and most important monuments dedicated to the Buddhist religion. The Leshan Buddha sculpture was built in 713 AD. The gigantic 70-meter figure of the Buddha is hard to miss, because the monument is carved right in the middle of the rock in Lingyunshan Mountain. This world monument was created over a long 90 years and was opened to the eyes of people only in the 17th century, after the temple on the river bank near the rock was completely destroyed.

Statue of Liberty (New York, USA)

Few people know that the famous American symbol of freedom in New York is not the work of Americans at all. The Statue of Liberty is only a gift to the entire American people from the French government in honor of the centenary of the signing and promulgation of the US Declaration of Independence. The 93-meter-long Statue of Liberty, located near Manhattan, is not only the embodiment of will and democracy, but also acts as a symbol of human rights and the rule of law.

Motherland on Mamaev Kurgan (Volgograd, Russia)

Perhaps the main and most significant monument in Russia, built in honor of the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamaev Kurgan. The monument personifies the Motherland, which calls her sons into battle with the ruthless enemies. That's why her mouth is open. The Motherland is one of the most complex monuments in the world in terms of technical calculations regarding stability and reliability. The monument is a brilliant creation of the monumental sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich.

Moai stone statues (Easter Island, Chile)

These famous stone statues of Easter Island, reaching up to 9 meters in length, along with the Egyptian Sphinx, are among the most mysterious monuments in the world. In total, there are 887 statues on the Chilean island, many of which were not even completed. All statues were made between the middle of the 11th and 14th centuries. That is why the statues are made in four completely different styles. And the later the statue was built, the more difficult it was made. Scientists around the world are still arguing among themselves about how such heavy statues were moved and placed in the right places.

Of course, there are still a huge number of monuments around the world, but, believe me, the monuments listed above are the most famous monuments that we wish every person on Earth to see with our own eyes.

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