Summary of excursions to the museum in kindergarten. Abstract of the lesson-excursion to the local history museum of the kindergarten

Target: To acquaint children with the history of their native city, what Alekseevka was like several centuries ago, what great achievements were in this era. What has happened in this century, how the city has been transformed. Develop curiosity, mindfulness, observation. Raise interest and love for your city, pride in its achievements.


Group pre-talk

Guys, what is the name of the city in which we live? And in what area? What is the main city in the region?

There are many small towns in our region - these are Shebekino, Stary Oskol, Valuyki, Alekseevka and others.

Today we will talk about our hometown, get acquainted with its history, find out how it arose and what happened in it until our time. To this end, we will go to the Museum of Local Lore, which is located on Nekrasov Street. You need to behave very quietly and calmly in the museum. Listening to a guide is a person who will talk about our city.

Guide's story

Guys, we are in the local history museum, where we will get acquainted with the history of our region and city. You all know very well that our city is called Alekseevka. And earlier, a long time ago, when your grandparents were not in the world, Alekseevka was a very small village - Alekseevka settlement, patrimony (ownership) Count Sheremetiev. He was a very rich man, and Alekseevka was his property. Then in Alekseyevka there were no such high-rise buildings in which many of you live. Look here guys (photo show)- this is Count Sheremetyev himself and his wife. You see, before people wore other clothes, camisoles embroidered with gold, luxurious dresses with ruffles and jewelry - this, but they lived in such houses (show photos). You will probably recognize many of these houses. They have survived to our time. Their houses were distinguished by the strength of stone buildings and beauty. But the houses of ordinary residents of the then settlement of Alekseevka did not differ in such beauty (showing pictures, photos), see how they were miserable, almost dug into the ground shacks and their clothes were not so rich. Look at their torn shirts. People were mostly peasants: they plowed the land, sowed bread. But they plowed the land not with tractors, as they do now, but with the help of a plow on cows, horses (showing paintings, reproductions) At that time there were no plants, factories, or shops in the Alekseevka settlement. There were only shops where artisans (people who practiced their craft) sold their product. Someone sewed boots - shoemakers, someone made pottery - potters, someone made horseshoes - blacksmiths.

There was a very famous event in Alekseevka. For the first time in our settlement, a method for obtaining sunflower oil from sunflower seeds was invented. It was invented by Daniil Semenovich Bokarev - our countryman.

You all know with sunflowers, you have seen sunflower seeds. And now sunflower oil is also obtained from them. Your mothers and grandmothers use sunflower oil to fry and bake. Now it is obtained with the help of special presses. Then Daniil Bokarev received it with the help of such a wooden device (show).

Currently, sunflower oil is in great demand not only in our country, but also in other countries.

Then courtyards appeared in the Alekseevka settlement, streets began to form. Some of the street names have survived to this day. For example,

New street, Goncharovka. Pobedy Street used to be called Bolshaya Torgovaya, part of Karl Marx Street was called Mostovaya.

Do you know what kind of river we have? Yes, Silent Pine. Who knows why it's called that? Yes, that's right, it flows very quietly, there are no whirlpools or large rapids on its way. Why Pine? Because earlier in our settlement there was a large pine forest. It was cut down and built sea vessels. Now the river has become dirty, overgrown with reeds.

(The guide told the children about the flora and fauna of the region, the Great Patriotic War, the factories of the city)

This is where our tour ended. What needs to be said for an interesting story? Thank you.

Guys, in the group we will draw the houses that used to be in the Alekseevka settlement.

The Museum of Archeology of Moscow offers Moscow schoolchildren a series of visiting lectures and demonstrations with the opportunity to touch the ancient history of Moscow without leaving the classroom.

Exit program "Museum at school"


Traditions and life of medieval Moscow (for grades 1-4)

The lecture-demonstration is dedicated to everyday life in medieval Moscow. Schoolchildren will get acquainted with the internal structure of the house and the features of the Russian costume. For a deeper immersion in history, two children will try on traditional men's and women's clothing. Also, attention will be paid to the dishes that make up the daily and festive menu of a medieval Muscovite.

What is archeology?(for grades 1-4)

At the lecture-demonstration, schoolchildren will get acquainted with the basic archaeological concepts, the variety of ancient settlements and burials, as well as the rules for organizing their excavations. They will learn about where and when archaeological research was and is being carried out in our capital. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to hold genuine finds in their hands and create a three-dimensional model of the cultural layer, alternately pouring layers of sand, sawdust, coal and household waste into a glass jar.

Get it on your nose(for grades 1-4)

At the lecture-demonstration, the children will learn about what length measures were used by medieval Muscovites, how counting was born, what an abacus is and how to use it. In addition, schoolchildren will get acquainted with how they wrote and what they studied in medieval Moscow. Separately, it will be told about the "nose" and why it was hacked to death. And all this is based on real archaeological finds. Participants will be able to “scratch” various signs on the tser and birch bark on their own.

Leisure of medieval Muscovites(for grades 1-4)

The lecture-demonstration is dedicated to how people used to relax and what they played in ancient Moscow. First, students will get acquainted with ancient clay toys, including authentic ones. The guys will take part in entertaining games and fun, learn about what "grandmothers" and spillikins are. Then we will talk about ancient Russian musical instruments. A visual presentation will allow you to see fragments of old pipes, rattles and even jew's harps. At the end, the participants will try to recreate the sound of such instruments by organizing a small orchestra.

The ancient past of the Moscow region(for grades 4-7)

The lecture-demonstration is devoted to the history of our region in the Stone and Bronze Ages. Listeners will find out when people came here, where the oldest Ice Age site is located. They will find out what the Stone Age industry is, how tools were made and how they are distinguished. They will get answers to questions about what can be done with a flint flake, whether it is possible to drill a stone and how they hunted the giants of the Paleolithic era - mammoths. Schoolchildren will be able to hold some ancient finds in their hands.

Moscow treasures(from grade 7)

At the lecture-demonstration, students will learn what treasures are from the point of view of the science of archeology, what they are and how often they are found. Children will get acquainted with the largest treasure found in Moscow, see photographs of the items it consisted of. Other valuables once hidden by Muscovites will not be left without attention. At the end, the participants will try to determine the date of concealment of the “treasure” proposed by them, having previously analyzed its composition.

Archaeological dating methods(from grade 5)

At the lecture-demonstration, the children will learn how archaeologists determine the time of the things and buildings they found, how the stratigraphic method differs from the radiocarbon method, how, in the conditions of archaeological excavations, one can roughly determine the age of the find. In the practical part, schoolchildren will distribute authentic objects by time and independently sell the hoard of coins.

Age of Moscow(from grade 7)

The scientific discussion lecture is devoted to the problem of determining the true age of our capital. Students will be introduced to the basic scientific views on the subject. They will also learn when the first people appeared on the territory of Moscow, how they lived, what they did, what they wore. Schoolchildren will get acquainted with how the age of the city is determined on the basis of archaeological material. The lecture is accompanied by a display of authentic finds and models of objects belonging to different historical eras.

Duration of each demonstration lecture: 1 academic hour (45 minutes).

Required equipment: computer, TV/screen/interactive whiteboard

ICT: Microsoft Power Point presentation/slide show.

The price of one lecture-demonstration for schoolchildren: 7000 rubles. 100% prepayment. Both cash and non-cash forms of payment are possible. The lecture-demonstration is designed for one class.

Synopsis of the GCD "Excursion to the Clock Museum" in the educational field "Cognitive Development" in the senior group

Purpose: familiarization with the variety of watch mechanisms and ways of their application in human life.


1. Introduce children to the history of watches; different types of watches (pocket, wrist, alarm clocks, wall, sand, electronic);

2. Introduce children to the dial and two hands - minute and hour;

3. Fix the names of the parts of the day by type of activity and the position of the sun in the sky.


1.Develop logical thinking;

2. To develop a cognitive interest in the past and future of watches.


1. To cultivate the ability and ability to save your personal time and the time of others.

Preliminary work: acquaintance with the clock, reading encyclopedias, didactic game "What time is it?" work on cards, learning poems.

Equipment: a mini-clock museum was created by a group of parents, which contains clocks of various shapes and sizes (wall, wrist, alarm clocks, oil, electronic, floor clocks), pictures depicting clocks, pictures depicting activities and the position of the sun in the sky.

Lesson progress

Educator: - Hello, dear visitors!

Do you want to know something interesting?

Educator: Today we invited you to our mini-museum,

Get comfortable quickly.

What will our conversation be about?

Find out if you solve the riddle.

Day and night they go.
Never get tired.
Whisper monotonously to the beat:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
Arrows, like a mustache.
Are called…

Educator: YES, today we will talk about hours. In our mini-Museum, together with my parents, we have collected various types of watches. What clock do you see?

Children: wall, wrist, electronic.

Teacher: You are absolutely right. It even has an alarm clock. And what is it for?

Children: To wake up, show the time, so as not to be late, etc.

Educator: Cuckoo clock, sundial. Of course, without watches, people would be late for work, for planes, for trains, get lost in activities ... Listen to N. Chuprov's poem "Clock"
All night long the clock is ticking.
Not a minute is silent!
I ask: "Watch, wait,
You don't bother me
Let me sleep some more
I don't want to get up!"
And the clock answered: “Tick-tock,
Wake up, weirdo!
The night is somewhere far away
The sun is high in the sky
Nice day is waiting for you
Open your eyes, my friend!

Educator: And now I suggest you see what types of watches are collected in our mini-museum. Here are various clocks. There are alarm clocks on the top shelf. Do you know what an alarm clock is? Probably, each of you has alarm clocks at home. The alarm clock helps me a lot, I have it by the bed and wakes me up every morning for work. Guys, raise your hands, who has alarm clocks at home? I am very glad that every house has an alarm clock. This is a very useful thing. Guys, what do you think, which alarm clocks should be purchased large or small? (Answers of children). I think the ones that people like.

Educator, pointing to the wall: What clock should be here? LISTEN.

G. Tereshkova "Clock"

On the wall in the room watch,
They hang not for beauty.
And in the rhythm of knocking: tick - so, tick - so.
Everyone is given a sign.
Day - night change outside the window.
Dawn is wonderful. And then
Man all year round
The time has come for daily worries. (Wall). What other types of clocks do you know? (solar, sand, outdoor, etc.

Educator: Guys, what watch do you choose for yourself? (beautiful, large, practical, sandy) And of course, so that the owners like the bell, and the hands show the correct time. Look, every clock has two hands. Guys, do you know what the big hand on the clock is called? (Children's answers) Correct It shows minutes and is called minute. Does anyone know what the little arrow is called? (children's answers). Correct. This is the hour hand. From it we find out how many hours. Guys, what do you think, which arrow moves faster, small or large? (Children's answers.) Well done, they answered everything correctly.

But now I want to tell you a little about the history of watches. What do you guys think, was there a time when there were no clocks? (Children's answers)

Educator: I agree with you, in ancient times there was such a time. In those days, people determined the time by the sun. The sun would rise and people would wake up, the sun would set and people would go to bed. Guys, what do you think, when people slept longer - in winter or summer?

(Children's answers)

Educator: Right. People slept less in the summer, because the nights are short in summer, and people have a lot of work in the fields and gardens. So they tried to sleep less and work more. No wonder they said a summer day - the year feeds. Why do people sleep longer in winter?

Children: Because the night is longer and the day is short. People rested more in winter, and ate what they had prepared in summer, and animals were also fed with summer preparations.

Mustachioed Sun
Hidden behind glass.
Moves his mustache, his name is ...

Children: for hours.

Educator: Guys, what shape is our watch: (answers) what people did before, until there were clockwork. You can tell time by the sun. When the sun shines, shadows leave the trees. Look at this picture. Here a shadow falls and in the old days a person determined the time from it. Guys, do you know when the shadow is longer, in the morning, afternoon or evening?

(Children's answers)

Educator: When the sun rises or sets below the horizon, the shadow is longer, and during the day the shadow is shorter. When a person noticed the properties of the shadow, then he came up with a sundial. Look, in our museum there is a picture with such a clock. But these watches did not always help a person, since such watches work only in sunny weather. And man invented the hourglass. Here they are on the shelf. They come in different sizes. These are for three minutes, and these are for ten minutes. But even these watches were not very convenient, because they had to be turned over all the time.

Let's play with you while the sand is pouring, we will walk around our museum, and then sit down in our seats. Let's go to the cuckoo clock.

Physical education minute

Tick ​​tock, tick tock

Who in the house can do that?

This is the pendulum in the clock

Beats each beat (tilts to the right, to the left).

And the cuckoo sits in the clock,

She has her own hut (sat down in a deep squat).

The bird crows time

Hide behind the door again (squats).

The arrows move in a circle

Do not touch each other (torso rotation to the right).

We will return with you

Anti-clockwise (torso rotation to the right)

And the clock goes, goes, (walking in place),

Sometimes they suddenly lag behind (slowing down the pace of walking).

And sometimes, a little in a hurry,

As if they want to run away (running in place).

If you don't get out,

Then they completely get up. (Children stop).

Educator: We walked for 2 minutes, and now we will rest and then we will talk about the clock. People decided to pour oil into the clock instead of sand and turned out to be an oil clock, such clocks did not show time accurately. And this, guys, is it good or bad when the clock does not show the exact time. (Children's advice)

Educator: What can happen when we do not know the exact time?

(Children's answers)

I. Shimko
I teach my watch to walk:
- In the morning you better not rush.
After all, people want to sleep so much,
And you: "It's time to get up, get up!"
I'll sneak away to the beach -
Turn the arrow-antennae,
Please slow down
To dry the forelock and panties.
But when in the garden
You run faster!
And then you look at you
And you seem to be sleeping.
And if suddenly punished
For anything me -
Let the arrows so flash
Like sparks of fire.
For me to leave the corner
As soon as possible
And I could still with the guys
Get to play hockey.

Educator: And now I will show you a very unusual clock - this is a clock-flowers. These are the most common fresh flowers. The buds of some of them open in the morning and close during the day, while others open only at night, and are always closed during the day. They can also tell the time.

Educator: Guys, in our wonderful built mini-museum there is a candle clock. Look, there are divisions here. The candle burns out, decreases in size, and by divisions it was possible to determine what time it is. Over time, a person came up with a special mechanism, and various watches appeared. Now I will show you the most important clock in our country. Such a clock is located in Moscow on the Spasskaya Tower, we are all anxiously waiting for the arrows to connect and everyone listens to the chimes.

Educator: There are different watches in our museum. And raise your hands those who do not have a clock at home. I do not see a single hand, because each person values ​​​​his time and tries to do everything in his time. During the opening of shops, kindergartens and schools. Airplanes fly and ships sail.

Educator: Let's check if you know all the watches that are in our museum.

What is the name of the clock that hangs on the wall? (wall)

What is the name of the clock on the table? (desktop)

What is the name of the watch worn on the wrist? (wrist)

What is the name of the clock that wakes us up in the morning? (alarm clock). Waking up always on an alarm clock, you will have time to do all the things that you have planned.

Educator: Friends, but on this shelf there is an electronic clock. I also want to draw your attention to the wall where we have a cuckoo clock hanging. They're really pretty, but they're also accurate. They help us to do everything on time and according to the regime. During the time they feed you, put you to classes, take you for a walk.

Listen to E. Cotillard's poem, which is called "Watch-watch".

There are no clocks in the world!

And each has its own secret.

There is a clock on the floor

Bass speakers: Bom, Bom, Bom.

For the whole house.

It's a street clock on a pole

Are you familiar?

They are needed here:

Arrow giants

Visible from afar.

And walkers in the hut!

Cuckoos live in them.

The window will open

The cuckoo will wake up "cuckoo", "cuckoo"

Like in the forest on a bitch.

And you'll set the alarm clock in the evening

And you will go to sleep peacefully.

The alarm clock will not forget to wake up.

Educator: Now, guys, guess riddles. Let's summarize what interesting things we learned, what new things were given to you?

1. We do not sleep for a day,

We don't sleep at night

And day and night

Knock, knock (Clock)

2. Two sisters one after another

Run round and round

Shorty - just one time

The one above - every hour (Arrows)

3.On the arm and on the wall,

And on the tower above

They walk, they walk in the same way,

From sunrise to sunrise. (Watch)

I have little ones.

They are called minutes.

If you put them together

You will know about me. (Hour)

Educator: So our excursion has come to an end. Thanks to everyone who visited our mini-clock museum. What was interesting for you? What do you remember?

Everyone has been to the museum

We learned a lot

And about the arrows, about the minutes

We can't forget history.

See you soon in an interesting place.

E. Krylatov's song "THE SONG ABOUT THE BELLS" sounds

"The clock strikes on the old tower,

Continuing yesterday,

And the bells are ringing...

Completed by the educator
MADOU DSCV "Ryabinushka"
Gorbunova A.G.

Pokachi 2014
"Welcome to the museum!"
(summary of the excursion to the local history museum)

Purpose: creation of conditions for the correction and development of cognitive activity
the tenacity of pupils.
- to form an idea about the local history museum; expand and deepen the knowledge of pupils about the history of their native city;
- develop logical thinking, curiosity, the ability to conduct a comparative analysis;
- to cultivate love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in the inhabitants of the city.

Course of the tour:

Which one of you has been to the museum?
What does the word "museum" mean?

The museum is engaged in collecting, studying, storing and exhibiting objects.
There are many different museums in the world.
- What types of museums are there?
(military, historical, applied arts, local history)
What is local history?
Local lore - a complete study of a certain part of the country, city or village, other settlements.

Today we will make a trip to the local history museum of our city.

Story about the history of the museum.
The local history museum of the city of Pokachi was established in 1994. This year, the local history museum celebrated its 20th anniversary. This is a real cultural center of the city.
More than five thousand people come to its halls every year. Guests of the year also visit the museum. The museum has interesting, unique exhibits that reflect the life of the Khanty people. Many exhibits are devoted to the history of the city.
- How many of you know what an exposition is? (Exposition - exhibiting art objects). The museum has many collections:
Collection "Ethnography". The museum contains interesting, significant exhibits that tell about the life, way of life, traditions of the Khanty people. The collection includes more than 400 items, part of which consists of items made by indigenous people, taking into account national traditions and characteristics.
Collection "Archaeological". The collection is represented by fragments of ceramic dishes, women's and men's bronze jewelry, and leather goods.
Collection "Photography". Basically, these are photographs showing the history of the construction of the city, the development of oil production, they are the main witness to the cardinal change of the city, a link between time and generations.
Collection "Historical". The collection consists of items from the 70-80s of our century, which help to recreate the life, culture, lifestyle of the first builders.
Collection "Natural". The collection is represented by animals and birds of our region: bear, fox, wolf, sable, mink, marsh birds, upland game, birds of prey.

How should one behave in a museum?
What do you think we can see there?
- Guys, who conducts excursions in museums?
- That's right, tour guide. I give the floor to the guide.
First, we will remember our feathered friends - birds.
- Who are these birds?
- How do birds differ from other flying animals, for example, from bats.
- How many birds do you know? (we call one by one, in turn).
- Look around, what is the biggest bird you see?
- And the smallest one?

Solve riddles.
a) Red-breasted, black-winged,
Likes to peck grains.
With the first snow on the mountain ash
He will appear again

b) Arrives at the feeder,
Smartly pecks seeds,
And before spring
He sings a song loudly.

How to distinguish a titmouse from a bullfinch?
- Look at the birds and say which bird you see for the first time.
- (pointing to the crow) What kind of bird is this? What color are her feathers? Which beak - big or small? What do crows eat? Did you know that a crow can repeat sounds it hears and even words?
- And what birds stay with us for the winter?
What do winter birds eat?
Animals mean alive. All animals have four legs, a tail, a muzzle, and the body is covered with hair.
- And now let's get to know what animals live in our forest.
- Animals that live in the forest, what do we call them? (wild)
Do all animals have their own home?
Bear - ... in a den.
Fox - ... in a hole.
Hare - ... under a bush.
Squirrel - ... in the hollow.
A wolf's house is called a lair.

At the fox in the deaf forest
There is a hole - a safe house.
Snowstorms are not terrible in winter
A squirrel in a tree hollow.
Under the bushes prickly hedgehog
Heaps up the leaves.
Sleeping in a lair clubfoot,
Until spring, he sucks his paw.
Everyone has their own home
Everyone is warm, cozy in it

Listen to the riddle and come up with the answer.

Who lives in the forest deaf,
Clumsy, clumsy?
In the summer he eats raspberries, honey,
And in winter he sucks his paw. (Bear)

Higher cat growth,
Lives in a hole in the forest
Fluffy red tail
We all know ... (Lisa)

What kind of animal is cold in winter
Walking through the woods hungry?
He looks like a dog
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs, baring his mouth,
Ready to attack the sheep. (Wolf)

Rushing without looking back
Only heels sparkle.
It rushes that there is a spirit,
The tail is shorter than the ear.
All animals are scared
Saved under a bush
Yes, the wolf comes across the tooth. (Hare)

Who deftly jumps on the trees
And flies up to the oaks?
Who hides nuts in a hollow,
Dry mushrooms for the winter? (Squirrel)

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears - brush-horns.
In appearance meek, but do not believe:
Terrible in anger this beast! (Lynx)

Water craftsmen building a house without an axe. (Beavers)
Now we offer to see the ethnographic collection.
- How did the Khanty live before?
What clothes do the Khanty wear?
- What do the Khanty like to do?

This concludes our tour. Summarizing.
- In what year was our local history museum founded? (1994)
-Who took us to the museum? (guide)
- What did the tour guide say?
- Guys, after we got acquainted with the animal world of our region, we moved to another room. In which?
- What did they introduce you to there? (with life, how people used to live, what clothes they wore, with folk crafts).
- Guys, what did you like the most in the museum?


Summary of excursions in the preparatory group

in the section "Child and the world around"

on the topic: "Excursion to the local history museum"

using interactive learning technology and information technology learning.

Prepared by a teacher of the 1st qualification category

Dikovich Elvira Vladimirovna

Blagoveshchensk 2016

When we want to touch history,

Ile into the beautiful world of hunting to plunge

We go to the museum, we walk through the halls,

And for ourselves we find a lot of interesting things.

To give knowledge that the local history museum is the custodian of true values, material and spiritual culture of our city, region;

To acquaint children with the life of our ancestors;

To cultivate a sense of pride in one's land, love for it, the desire to preserve and increase its history.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance of children with the history of the emergence of the city of Blagoveshchensk and the Amur Region.

Vocabulary replenishment:

Exposition, exhibits, etc.

Course of the tour:

Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. Look at these photos, which of you recognized what they depict.

Children's answers.

Correctly these photographs depict our Museum of Local Lore. Today we will make an excursion to the local history museum. The museum contains exhibits - real objects that existed in ancient times. We will learn with you the history of the museum, get acquainted with the halls of the museum, of course, we will do all this without leaving the group. Guys say: "Which of you went to the museum"

Children's answers.

And now, let's remember the rules of conduct in the museum. (We must be quiet in the museum, because other sightseers come there and we must not interfere with them. You cannot touch anything in the museum with your hands without the permission of the museum staff). We know the rules of conduct and can begin our acquaintance with the museum.

Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore. G.S. Novikov-Daursky

one of the oldest in the Far East - founded on August 16 (28), 1891 at the initiative of the Blagoveshchensk City Duma. This year the museum will celebrate its 125th anniversary. Its opening was preceded by an exhibition organized by gold miners in honor of the arrival in Blagoveshchensk of Tsarevich Nicholas, the future Emperor Nicholas II. The museum was named after the outstanding local historian, author of numerous scientific works Grigory Stepanovich Novikov-Daursky, who worked in the museum for 34 years.

The museum is located in an old two-story brick building in Blagoveshchensk (an architectural monument of federal significance), where in the late 19th and early 20th centuries there was a shop of the German trading company Kunst and Albers. The museum has 2 floors, 26 exhibition halls.

The Amur Regional Museum of Local Lore has departments: stock, exposition and exhibition, excursion.

Stock is a department where museum valuables are stored.

Exposition-exhibition - these are the halls where the expositions of the museum are located. One of the expositions is dedicated to the village of Albazeno.

Excursion - these are the halls of the museum where visitors can see all the exhibits of the museum.

The largest museum collections: numismatic (coins), archaeological, natural science - more than 8,000 books, ethnographic (household items of the peoples who inhabited our region). Many museum items are unique: costumes and attributes of the Daurian and Evenk shamans (late 19th century), a music box (Germany, late 19th century), Ust-Nyukzhinsky meteorite (beginning of the 20th century), bones of fossil animals, etc. .

When visiting the museum, we pass through the halls where various exhibits are placed corresponding to a particular topic.

In the foyer of the museum there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of the Home Goods store.

In the next room there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of the development and emergence of the Amur Region.

There are many exhibits dedicated to the history of the development of our region at different times. During the years of the Civil and Great Patriotic War, an exhibition dedicated to the 1980 Olympic Games, exhibitions dedicated to the builders of BAM.

Visiting the museum you can learn a lot of interesting things. There are always a lot of children in the hall where the expositions of birds and animals of the Amur Region are located - this is the place where you can see the inhabitants of our region in real size.

Currently, the museum is a major center for the preservation, study and promotion of the historical and cultural heritage of the Amur Region.
Every year, the museum arranges over 40 exhibitions covering the past and present of the region, serving more than 130 thousand people. (during the story, the children are shown photos)

At the end of the tour, the teacher asks:

What is the name of the museum?

Children's answers.

What new did you learn from my story?

The museum keeps our history. The exhibits that are stored in the museum are collected not only by the museum staff. Many people, residents of our city, took part in the creation of the museum: they brought objects, documents that reflect the history of our city, the collection is constantly updated with new exhibits.

And now you will watch a short film dedicated to the history of the development of our region. This is a film about the Albazinsky prison, the first settlement founded by the Cossacks on the territory of our region.

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Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...