Who composed the fairy tale Bremen town musicians. "The Bremen Town Musicians": who wrote this tale? Video: Bremen town musicians - Bremen town musicians

Which of us did not watch a cartoon or read a book about the Bremen town musicians as a child? Almost everyone at least once somehow came into contact with a wonderful story about traveling animals, but not everyone knows who the author of the fairy tale is. The Bremen Town Musicians».

Introduction of the main characters

The story begins with how four future friends met. First, it comes to the Donkey, which was very old and not suitable for ordinary work, so the owner decided to starve him to death. The donkey, being a smart animal, decided to run away in search of better fate. On the way, he meets the Dog, whom the owner wanted to kill, because he is no longer as nimble as before, and is not suitable for hunting.

Livio Valentin Livio Valenti, Sinzia Coracesi, Lorenzo Bacini, Andrea Vitali and Roberta Sotsky, dolls by Roberta Sotsky, dolls by Pinuccio Bocchi, music by Lorenzo Bacini, Camillo Gazzaniga. In a house of fairy tales where stories intersect and mingle, Pinocchio and Red Cappuccietto decide to play new game: The world's most famous doll in the world is wearing a red coat and cap and will enter her friend's fairy tale by becoming the main character.

Drama and direction by Simone Martini, scenes and costumes by Eva Sgru, design by Marco Santambrogio, original music by Humberto Foddis, animated illustrations by Andrea Rauch, with Luca Avagliano and Enrica Peccioli. The project is set as a path where pictorial, multimedia and sonic habitats inhabit actors that contribute to the creation of three stories taken from the work of the Brothers Grimm: the musicians of Bremen, Biancaneve and La Luna. The show is based on the resurrection of these three stories, and on the assumption that it involves the use of various languages ​​such as masks, shadows, theater actors, video projections, and real scenographic installations.

They decide to become musicians together and go to the city of Bremen. Along the way, they “pick up” two more comrades, whom the owners also wanted to get rid of: the Cat and the Rooster. This is how the Bremen town musicians met. The author then submits friendly company in search of a home.


At first, all the animals were going to settle down right in the forest, but it was terribly uncomfortable there, and one of them noticed a house nearby, where it was decided to go. It turned out that robbers live in this forest hut, but this did not frighten the “musicians”, who immediately gathered and began to “play” their melodies. The cat meowed, the donkey roared, the rooster crowed, and the dog barked loudly. The robbers were very frightened and immediately ran away.

The show begins with the story of the musicians of Bremen, at the end of which the voice of the narrator, accompanied by a sound environment, introduces the story of White White, who appears behind the illuminated back panels. At the end of the second frame, the play of lights and sounds will take the viewer to a third habitat made from video projections and landscapes, where animated graphics, accompanied by a narrative voice, will bring the fairy tale of La Fiesta to life. The fourth and fifth habitats are again dedicated to the story of Snow White and are the House of the Seven Dwarfs and Snow White's Tomb, where actors impersonating various characters will guide viewers to the end of the journey and the story.

The "musicians" were not at a loss and settled in a comfortable house for the night. Later, the main robber - the ataman - sent his henchman to see who had driven them out of the dwelling. The messenger, once in the house, was only subjected to new attack residents: the Cat scratched him, the Dog bit him, the Donkey kicked, and the Rooster began to scream loudly. The robber returned to the chieftain, told him about all his adventures, and it was decided that witches lived in the house, and the passage was ordered there. After that, the Bremen town musicians remained the only residents of the house in the forest.

The Brothers Grimm are more than simple game for children or families, and this is the result of intensive research work dedicated to the concept of experience. The project has a very intensive relationship with modern fairy tale and extracts from this and from the work of some of his most important Italian exhibitors a part of the narrated imagination, which is then developed by modern theatrical devices in the form of descriptive illustration. This feature makes the viewer immediately descend on different languages but, nevertheless, precluding the possibility of adding with the help of one's own imagination, small bits of connection, deliberately left suspended and indefinite.

Who wrote the story

The authors of such a not quite childish fairy tale were the brothers Jacob and Oni, known not only to every adult, but also to many children, in the city of Hanau (Germany) in the family of an official, with a difference of one year, Jacob was born in 1785, and Wilhelm in 1786. Future writers grew up in a wealthy family, they were brought up in an atmosphere of kindness and love.

Piero Cerici, freely written by Cervantes, with Piero Cerici, Filippo Mugnai, Andrea Rosellitti, screenwriter Piero Cerici and Filippo Mugnai, project of the Permanent Laboratory of the Social Theatre. Rip your character apart on paper pages to catapult him into new worlds, new dimensions, new frames. The Wonderful Adventures of the Chevalier Don Quixote of La Mancha and His Trusted Squire Sancho Panza. And that scene turns into Pooh, an empty space that becomes a crazy space of poetry where the wind is spoken of and dreams are preserved, doors open for wandering knights and travel stories.

Together they graduated from the gymnasium in just four years, instead of the prescribed eight, and went to get a law degree.

Both brothers worked as professors at the University of Berlin, jointly wrote the German Grammar, compiled a dictionary.

Books, stories and stories have Don Quixote "cursed". The show is a tribute to the imagination and applause for poetry and brings young viewers in touch with the value of stories and fairy tales. On the stage we met the author and his characters; Reality is shaped and transformed by multiple objects, music and an often surreal language of actions and words that make theater a place of adventure: they communicate what they don't see and say they create it. Don Quixote, a knight with not too many possessions, needs Sancio Panza to live and touch his adventures.


But to this day they remain famous for their unusual hobby, which was carried away during the student days. They studied folk tales and adapted them in their own way. One of them was history, the main actors which were known to us Bremen town musicians. Who wrote this tale? The answer is simple: they created their stories together. But this is far from the only famous work eminent authors. They also wrote "Puss in Boots", "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Snow White" and many others, among which one of the most famous is the fairy tale "The Bremen Town Musicians".

Sancio Panza backs his lord with the promise of becoming the island's governor, the first to know inconsistency, but it gives him the power to imagine, create and hope for a different world for himself and his family. Illustrations and photographs by Nicoletta Costa with Chiara Bittti and Anna Chiara Castellano Visions, puppets, puppets, backgrounds by Manuel Trimboli, adapted and directed by Paolo Compental.

The puppets and scenes reproduce settings and characters drawn by him. The show alternates magical and fantastic atmospheres with scenes of pure pleasure and, through storytelling, touches on topics of great symbolic value such as the fear of rejection and loneliness. Emotions that will appeal to the protagonists of the story in a beautiful case of knowledge and growth: two children will actually find the courage to face great difficulties. The tale highlights some childhood fears even if they are eaten; but the finale of the liberator is due to defeating the most dangerous enemy: the evil witch.

Who wrote these fairy tales, what is their basis? This question was asked by researchers, because some of them believe that the Brothers Grimm just processed and retold already existing folk tales.

Now, after so many years, it is difficult to say how they wrote their own, but the fact is undeniable that now one of the most famous stories the tale "The Bremen Town Musicians" remains. Who wrote this work, now you know.

The show alternates between large animated puppets made with unique colors, soft and colorful figures, puppets. Genre combines features and functions classic fairy tale and puppet jokes that arise from unexpected and funny situations. Homer said Blue lives in an old attic full of items, books, memories, recorders, memories. Blue is isolated from the world and doesn't remember very well who she is or what she has done in her life. Time is spent occupied with daily habits. A magical event appears in his attic to Athena, the goddess of Ulysses, who invites him to tell a story: the Odyssey.

A very versatile artist. He works a lot not only in the theater, but also in cinema, as well as on the stage.

He can often be seen on television as a presenter (for example, the program "Home Library") or an artist (the filmography includes a dozen films where he starred as an actor and also recorded soundtracks for films). He participated in the "Blue Lights" several times, was the hero of popular children's programs.

The show goes through the whole story of the Odyssey. With Amina Kovacevic, Uberto Kovacevic, Silvia Martini, live performances by Ettore d'Andrea imitating animation by Uberto Kovacevic. Drawing lights by Maurizio Giornelli. Assistant director of Ilaria Skripnregion Amina Kovacevic. The atmosphere is underscored by the memoirs of Ettore D'Andrei, illustrator and set designer. Because in order to remember, you need to know. Survived in the camp, a friend of Giovanni Paolo Vtoro, a healed Padre Pio, Wanda Pöllawska, born at 21 in Lublin, during the German occupation was arrested by the Gestapo and locked up in the Ravensbrück concentration camp, where he and other young Poles were subjected as a guinea pig to inhuman medical experiments.

When Inessa Kovalevskaya began work on the animated musical film The Bremen Town Musicians, Oleg Anofriev brought her recordings of his songs. The authors of the cartoon liked them so much that Anofriev entrusted to sing not for one character, but for all the heroes, except for the female part of the princess. The cartoon turned out so wonderful that it won the love of viewers of several generations. And few people know that several such different characters as the chieftain, the king, and finally the Bremen Town Musicians themselves were created by one artist.

The memories are black on white to keep them out of the public eye, but to overcome the trauma of this attack, inhuman experience. Memories are terrible, but desperate. Upon returning from the camp, Wanda Poltavskaya was exhausted and devastated. He was terribly guilty that he was alive and his companions did not survive. He was looking for an answer to the question: "What is a person?" He wanted to understand how humanity could create such horror. He studied medicine and psychology. He became a psychiatrist to study the human psyche. But medicine was not enough, psychiatry didn't even have philosophy.

After The Bremen Town Musicians there were others no less interesting work in animation: “How a lion cub and a turtle sang songs”, “The Tale of the Russian Soldier”, “The Tale of the Priest and his worker Balda”, “Katerok” and others. Oleg Anofriev- the author of the disc with epics "Danube Ivanovich as a matchmaker at Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko", which included an old Russian fairy tale and a Russian epic.

He met Andrzej Poltavk, also a doctor, who got married. At that time, Karol Wojtyla was a college chaplain and organized prayer and meditation groups. Wanda was struck by her way of teaching humanitarian and religious ideals, but above all by her angry and clerical demeanor. Together they talked for hours of faith, God, but also practical life. From then until the end of his life, until last day, Wanda Poltavska was Karol Wojtyla's mother, sister, friend. And it is very difficult to recreate the reluctance of a peasant and a simple woman without the risk of misunderstanding.

"The Bremen Town Musicians" was not the only work Oleg Anofriev where he sang for several characters. He sings in almost all films and performances where he plays. Oleg Anofriev- author of dozens of songs and romances. He writes music for films, cartoons, as well as performances and musical fairy tales. Music written Anofriev sounds in films such as "Shadow", " magic apple”, “Senor Juan”, “June 31”, “Twelfth Night”, “Toto's Adventure”, “Being in Love” and others.

Dr. Poltavska, a member of the Pro Vita Pontifical Academy, has been known throughout the world for decades as the founder of the Institute of the Family and a constant advocate for life. Today we will find out where the roots of these inspirations and beliefs were, and where the doctor took strength. Four generations of instrument makers followed, each contributing to the development of instruments for extremely dynamic small formations as well as for band members: woods and brass were the first items produced, but also violins and mandolins.

The focus is on music composed in the ghetto years by Ilse Weber and the story of Terezin's unique experience. They alternate, unite and merge, read and music. Through some numbers, you will be able to question the meaning of truth and how to seek it when everything around it is crumbling. Even when life is in great danger. Word and music create a little time in a growing dialogue, between emotions and smiles.

Oleg Andreevich released 8 discs with his works. These are songs for films and performances, music for favorite children's fairy tales and cartoons, songs and romances that were performed by Oleg Anofriev on stage. The disc called "...And you loved me" is a collection of romances and songs dedicated to loved ones. The Symphony of Love CD is a collection of romances dedicated to women. One more disc Street musicians from the city of Bremen" - a modern, or better to say, just another option musical fairy tale"The Bremen Town Musicians". Prolific music writer and songwriter Oleg Anofriev He also writes poetry, parodies and epigrams with inspiration.

The orchestra consists of 15 international musicians that come from the experience of the Arezzo multi-ethnic orchestra. On-demand shows can be held in schools in the respective premises. Text and director Livio Valenti, with Livio Valenti, scenography and puppetry by Leonardo Lepri, original music and songs by Marco Canadchini, lights by Camillo Gazzaniga.

The dark elephant was beating up to plentiful. This is a simple and exciting work of tolerance, acceptance of their shortcomings and friendship. This is the story of an elephant who had a little lousy and smelly problem. As long as she was small, she was fine and her puzzle was well tolerated, but when she got tall, she became a big problem: they were lionesses, licked hippos and strangled monkeys and chimpanzees. The elephant, saddened by all the trouble he had unintentionally gathered, decided to move to the city.

Songs performed by Oleg Anofriev

Oleg Anofriev performed and recorded over two hundred different songs, including for animated films and films. These are just some of them:
1962 - "Song of a Friend" (music by A. Petrov, lyrics by G. Pozhenyan) for the film "The Way to the Berth".
1965 - "Song of Nothing" for the film "Rooster".
1964 - “Tired toys are sleeping” (music by A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by Z. Petrova) for the program cycle “ Goodnight, kids!
1969 - Voiced the cartoon "The Bremen Town Musicians" (performed the parts: Troubadour, Atamansha, Robbers, King, Rooster, Cat, Dog, king's guards); sang G. Gladkov's songs to verses: “There is nothing better in the world” (with A. Gorokhov, as well as with E. Zherzdeva and A. Gorokhov in the finale of the cartoon); duet of Troubadour and Princess (with E. Zherzdeva); song of the royal guard (with A. Gorokhov); “They say we are bullies” (with A. Gorokhov); the song of robbers disguised as the Bremen Town Musicians (with A. Gorokhov); Troubadour's song ("Where have you, the path, led me?").
1970 - "Wind and Weathercocks" for the film "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase".
1972 - “Point, dot, comma”, scoring of the disc “The Tale of the Russian Soldier” (music by G. Gladkov).
1973 - “Song of the Goldfish” (music by N. Bogoslovsky, lyrics by M. Tanich) in the TV movie “Three Bachelors Lived”.
1973 - “There is only a moment” and “Everything was” (music, lyrics by L. Derbenyov) for the film “Sannikov Land”.
1975 - "The Woman with Green Eyes" (music by A. Zatsepin, lyrics by L. Derbenev) for the film "Captain Nemo".
1985 - song for the film "Caution, Cornflower!" (music by A. Ikramova, lyrics by E. Agranovich).
2001 - "Friendly Family" (music and lyrics by Y. Volodarsky).
2009 - "Gramophone" (lyrics by K. Maksimyuk performed by the "Pidzhaki" group).
2013 - wrote and performed an introductory song for a series of audio performances for children - "Developing Audio Encyclopedia", Alexander Lukin.

And with Piero Cerici, Livio Valenti, Lorenzo Bacini. From travel, from displacement as a universal necessity, to the "hope" of travel for those who move because of war, famine, persecution and the desire for better economic conditions. What is the map of Lampedusa? The boat was carrying hundreds of migrants and its sinking caused almost 400 deaths. Following these tragic events, many Italian and European associations began to unite and think along a common path to develop a project dedicated to "a new political, territorial and existential geography".

Oleg Anofriev - songwriter

Oleg Anofriev wrote more than 50 songs, romances and melodies, many of which were heard on radio, television, including movies. Some of them:
"The River is Destiny"
"What is a song without an accordion"

Multifaceted creativity in the songs of Oleg Anofriev updated: June 14, 2016 by: Elena

Amina Kovacevic with Amina Kovacevic, Uberto Kovacevic, Stefania Pace, Ilaria violin. Two little girls become heroines to save a country far from condemning life without a smile. The ban on dancing, singing and playing the evil king has changed the life of the kingdom, where he now operates apathetically, without harmony. Show aimed at children primary school, which includes a small audience in the first place, forcing them to actively participate in the history of the story. Through the use of recovery tricks, accessories and musical instruments children are called to play some roles along with the actors.

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