Composition of the auditor of the order of the county town.

The work of one of the most outstanding literary talents - Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol - fell on the dark era of Nicholas I. These were the 30s XIX years centuries, when reaction reigned in Russia after the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, all dissidents were persecuted, the best people were persecuted. Describing contemporary reality, N. V. Gogol creates reflections of life that are brilliant in depth literary works. Not only provincial officials and landowners fall into the field of view of the writer. The whole of Russia becomes the theme of his work - on the example of the customs and life of a small county town.
Gogol wrote about the idea of ​​his wonderful comedy The Inspector General: “In The Inspector General I decided to put together everything that was bad in Russia, which I then knew ... and laugh at everything at once.” Gogol made officials of the county town the heroes of the comedy. Thanks to a seemingly simple plot move (a passing petty official is mistaken for an auditor), the author fully reveals the characters of the characters, their manners and habits.
What is Russia in miniature - a city from which “if you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state”? “There is a tavern on the streets, uncleanness! "Near the old fence," which is near the shoemaker, ..heaped on forty carts of all sorts of rubbish. A church at a charitable institution, “for which five years ago an amount was allocated, ..began to be built, but burned down” ... And how do “merchants” and “citizenship” live? Who is robbed, who is flogged, who has bruises on his cheekbones from the zeal of Derzhimorda; the prisoners are not fed, there is a stench in the hospitals, and the sick "are getting better like flies."
Having learned about the upcoming visit of the state inspector, city officials immediately try to restore order in their city. But what are their efforts? To the observance of external decorum (removal of a hunting rapnik hanging in the presence, cleaning the street along which the auditor will go). “As for the internal order and what Andrei Ivanovich calls sins in the letter, I can’t say anything. Yes, and it is strange to say: there is no person who would not have some sins behind him. This is how it is arranged by God himself, ”says the mayor.
Thus, Gogol shows that the life of a provincial town is determined by the attitude of officials to their service. We see that those who, by virtue of their public duty, are called to resist lawlessness and look after the welfare of the citizens, are mired in bribery, drinking, card games and gossip. The mayor, for example, proudly announces: “I have been living in the service for thirty years! Three governors deceived! ” The judge echoes him: “I tell you frankly that I take bribes, but why bribes? Greyhound puppies. It's a completely different matter." The postmaster, after listening to the instruction (“to print every letter a little bit”), naively admits: “I know, I know, don’t teach this, I do it not so much out of precaution, but more out of curiosity: I like to know death, what is new in the world” .
All the images of officials created by Gogol in the comedy "The Inspector General" embody typical features, characteristic for civil servants of Nikolaev Russia.

How much do we have good people,
but how much there is and tares, from which
there is no life for the good...
To their stage! Let him see all
people! Let them laugh!
Oh, laughter is a great thing!

N.V. Gogol

It is known that the only time Gogol had the opportunity to observe a Russian provincial town was in Kursk, where he had to stay for a week due to a breakdown in the carriage. By the power of the writer's talent, these impressions turned into images that were mysterious for the whole of Russia during the time of Nicholas I. It is curious that Nicholas himself confirmed this. On the way from Penza to Tambov, the tsar was injured and was treated in Chembar for two weeks. After recovering, he wished to see local officials. They say that the emperor closely examined those who came and said to the provincial marshal of the nobility: “I know them ...” And then he added in French that he had seen them at the performance of Gogol’s “Inspector General”. Indeed, Gogol made officials of the county town the heroes of the comedy. Thanks to a seemingly simple plot move, a passing petty official is mistaken for an auditor - the author reveals the life and customs not only of a provincial state town, but of all of Russia.
What is Russia in miniature - a city from which “even if you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state”? “There is a tavern on the streets, uncleanness!” Near the old fence, "which is near the shoemaker, ... heaped on forty carts of all sorts of rubbish." The church at a charitable institution, “for which five years ago an amount was allocated, began to be built, but burned down ...” A depressing picture.
And how does the “merchants” and “citizenship” live? Who is robbed, who is flogged, who has bruises on his cheekbones from the zeal of Derzhimorda; prisoners are not fed, in hospitals there is a stench, uncleanliness and the sick "everyone recovers like flies."
And everything is to blame for the extreme cynicism of actions and the arbitrariness of the “pillars of the city” - those who, by virtue of their public duty, are called upon to resist lawlessness and take care of the welfare of the townspeople. However, the conical effect in the play is precisely based on the discrepancy between the actions of the characters and their social vocation. The mayor, for example, proudly announces: “I have been living in the service for thirty years! He deceived three governors!” The judge echoes him: “I tell you frankly that I take bribes, but why bribes? Greyhound puppies. It's a completely different matter." The postmaster, after listening to the instruction: “to print every letter a little bit,” naively admits: “I know, I know, don’t teach this, I do this not so much out of precaution, but more out of curiosity: “I love death to find out what is new in the world” .
So, completely unscrupulousness, selfish calculation, abuse of official position - this is what forms the basis of the consciousness and activity of the “masters of life”. But most importantly, Gogol will remove the veil of secrecy from bribery - the most dangerous and widespread vice of the huge bureaucratic apparatus of Russia. No wonder during the monologue of the Governor “What are you laughing at? Laugh at yourself!” the actor Shchepkin came close to the ramp and threw these words into the prim stalls, where many prototypes of Gogol's heroes sat, among which, according to Mikhail Semenovich himself, were half the "takers" and half the "giver".
And yet embezzlement, bribery, robbery of the population - all these inherently terrible phenomena - are shown by Gogol as everyday and quite natural. According to Anton Antonovich's deep conviction, "there is no person who would not have some sins behind him," who would miss that "that floats in his hands."
And now, in the city, the auditor "incognito" is an unexpectedly looming danger for all officials, but especially for the Governor. Indeed, the first demand is from the father of the city, and his sins are more impressive: “not only fur coats and shawls, but coolies of goods from merchants, but also the state treasury, funds allocated for the improvement of the city, social needs float into the hands. And you can’t fix this with a quick order: “you won’t take out the mountains of garbage, you won’t cover voids and ruins with a straw milestone, you won’t build a church, and most importantly, you won’t silence all the offended.”
But the whole point is that it is not the inspector who lives in the hotel, but a miserable “Elistratishka” who squandered money in St. Petersburg. According to the laws of the conical, Gogol endows his hero with a frightening surname, formed from the word whip - to beat backhand. And officials tremble. The Governor himself did not recognize the “wick”, “dummy”. Each remark of the frightened Khlestakov is perceived by the even more frightened Anton Antonovich in a completely different sense. However, everything was decided by a repeatedly tested remedy - a bribe. She confirmed the idea that the game went according to all the rules. Now to get the guest drunk and explore everything completely. Which of the auditors refused a delicious treat!
In the end, events turn out in such a way that the auditor "field marshal" is already Anton Antonovich's son-in-law and the patron of the family. The viewer is convinced that unusual lightness in thoughts is characteristic of more than one Khlestakov. She takes the Governor and his wife to St. Petersburg, where Anton Antonovich is going to "knock out" the rank of general, eat vendace and smelt. And Anna Andreevna should have in her room “such an amber that it was impossible to enter.” And the newly-minted general is already triumphant, before whom everyone trembles and trembles: titular, mayor ... Despite the fact that the Governor has just experienced panic fear, having learned that the merchants complained about him, he is immensely happy. After all, now this fear will pierce others in front of his special. It is tempting to see those trembling and trembling! Contempt for the lower and servility to the higher ranks - this is what is the basis of relationships in the bureaucratic world. Therefore, the scene of congratulations to the Gorodnichiy family on their happiness is drawn by Gogol as a parade of hypocrisy, envy and swagger.
Gogol promised Pushkin that the comedy would be “funnier than the devil”, laughter permeates every episode, every scene of the comedy. However, having shown not private, but officials, in whose hands is power over people, Gogol deduces stage action beyond anecdotal. His cheerful, but sharp and stern word fights for the high vocation of a person, a smart, noble life. Chernyshevsky's words come to mind: Gogol "was the first to introduce us to us in our present form... The first taught us to know our shortcomings and to abhor them."

The work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol fell on the dark era of Nicholas I. These were the 30s. 19th century when reaction reigned in Russia after the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, all dissidents were persecuted, the best people were persecuted. Describing the reality of his day, N.V. Gogol creates a poem of genius in terms of the depth of reflection of life “ Dead Souls". The basis of "Dead Souls" is that the book is a reflection not of individual features of reality and characters, but of the reality of Russia as a whole. Gogol himself defined his creative task in such words: “The whole city, with all the whirlwind of gossip, is the transformation of the inactivity (that is, vulgarity) of the life of all mankind in the mass ... How to reduce all the worlds of idleness in all kinds to resemblance to urban idleness? And how can urban idleness be raised to the point of transforming the idleness of the world?

Describing the life and customs of the provincial city, Gogol first of all speaks of idleness, as a result of which gossip arises, general deception becomes possible, credulity reigns in relation to any deception that hypnotically acts on the vulgar - “when it seems to us not what it really is deed…” The theme of abnormality everyday life runs throughout the poem. City life in Dead souls”, consists of idle talk and idleness. Officials of the county town are busy with anything, but not with their direct duties. They are a bunch of idlers. The head and father of the city, the governor, is busy with embroidery on tulle. The whole merit of the governor of the city of NN is that he planted a "luxurious" garden of three miserable trees. It is worth noting that the garden as a metaphor for the soul is often used by Gogol (remember Plyushkin's garden). Three stunted trees are the personification of the souls of city dwellers. Their souls are as close to death as those unfortunate landings of the governor.

Vulgarity and insignificance of interests also characterize women's society. Gossip, empty talk about city news, heated arguments about outfits are combined with pretensions to taste and education. The ladies strove to imitate the metropolitan society in the manner of speaking and dressing; they do not utter a word without antics.

The chapter on the commotion that swept the city at the very first strange news about Chichikov most fully reveals the mores of the provincial city. The vulgarity of the inhabitants is shown as mass madness. Gogol carefully analyzes the behavior of society. Here "there was absolutely no ... order ... everything was somehow callous, uncouth, wrong, worthless, not good, and in the head there was confusion, turmoil, confusion, slovenliness in thoughts." Increasingly ridiculous guesses follow each other with lightning speed. Chichikov is the kidnapper of the governor's daughter! He is the robber Rinaldo Rinaldini! He's a counterfeiter! He is a veteran of the war of 1812, besides one-armed and one-legged, besides the ataman of a band of robbers! Finally, the absurdity of fiction surpasses itself, and Chichikov becomes Napoleon, released by the British from St. Helena. All this perfectly characterizes the mores of provincial society. This thirst for unusual, improbable occurrences, caused by boredom, idleness and ignorance.

The scandal goes beyond the chosen bureaucratic and noble society. The merchants got drunk and torn themselves to death. The disaster continues to grow. City inhabitants are frightened by peasant unrest in suburban villages. All incidents are associated with officials with the riddle of Chichikov: “Is this the kind of person who needs to be detained and seized as unintentional, or is he such a person who himself can seize and detain them all as unintentional.” An independent thought process is so alien to this society that a person can die from a thought - the rumors about Chichikov affected the prosecutor so much that when he came home, he began to think and suddenly died.

The city of NN with its way of life and customs is one huge deception of everyone and themselves. Deception is the peaceful hibernation of the city. The revival in society on the question of Korobochka and Chichikov is itself an image of madness and a shameful parody of life - an expression of absurdity social order in which all normal human relationships are lost.

Gogol N.V.

Essay based on a work on the topic: Life and customs of provincial Russia (based on Gogol's comedy "The Government Inspector")

How many good people we have

But how much is there and the chaff, from which

There are no good lives.

To their stage! Let him see all

People! Let them laugh!

Oh great thing!

N. V. Gogol

It is known that the only time Gogol had the opportunity to observe a Russian provincial town was in Kursk, where he had to stay for a week due to a breakdown in the carriage. By the power of the writer's talent, these impressions turned into images that were mysterious for the whole of Russia during the time of Nicholas I. It is curious that Nicholas himself confirmed this. On the way from Penza to Tambov, the tsar was injured and was treated in Chembar for two weeks. After recovering, he wished to see local officials. They say that the emperor closely examined the visitors and said to the provincial marshal of the nobility: “I know them.” And then he added in French that he had seen them at the performance of Gogol's The Government Inspector. Indeed, Gogol made officials of the county town the heroes of the comedy. Thanks to a seemingly simple plot move, a passing petty official is mistaken for an auditor - the author reveals the life and customs not only of a provincial state town, but of all of Russia.

What is Russia in miniature - a city from which “even if you ride for three years, you won’t reach any state”? “There is a tavern on the streets, uncleanness!” Near the old fence, “which is near the shoemaker,. piled on forty carts of all sorts of rubbish. The church at a charitable institution, “for which a sum was allocated five years ago, began to be built, but burned down.” A depressing picture.

And how does the “merchants” and “citizenship” live? Who is robbed, who is flogged, who has bruises on his cheekbones from the zeal of Derzhimorda; prisoners are not fed, in hospitals there is a stench, uncleanliness and the sick "everyone recovers like flies."

And everything is to blame for the extreme cynicism of actions and the arbitrariness of the “pillars of the city” - those who, by virtue of their public duty, are called upon to resist lawlessness and take care of the welfare of the townspeople. However, the conical effect in the play is precisely based on the discrepancy between the actions of the characters and their social vocation. The mayor, for example, proudly announces: “I have been living in the service for thirty years! He deceived three governors!” The judge echoes him: “I tell you frankly that I take bribes, but why bribes? Greyhound puppies. It's a completely different matter." The postmaster, after listening to the instruction: “to print every letter a little bit,” naively admits: “I know, I know, don’t teach this, I do this not so much out of precaution, but more out of curiosity: “I love death to find out what is new in the world” .

So, completely unscrupulousness, selfish calculation, abuse of official position - this is what forms the basis of the consciousness and activity of the “masters of life”. But most importantly, Gogol will remove the veil of secrecy from bribery - the most dangerous and widespread vice of the huge bureaucratic apparatus of Russia. No wonder during the monologue of the Governor “What are you laughing at? Laugh at yourself!” the actor Shchepkin came close to the ramp and threw these words into the prim stalls, where many prototypes of Gogol's heroes sat, among which, according to Mikhail Semenovich himself, were half the "takers" and half the "giver".

And yet embezzlement, bribery, robbery of the population - all these inherently terrible phenomena - are shown by Gogol as everyday and quite natural. According to Anton Antonovich's deep conviction, "there is no person who would not have some sins behind him," who would miss that "that floats in his hands."

And now in the city the auditor "incognito" is an unexpectedly looming danger for all officials, but especially for the Governor. Indeed, the first demand is from the father of the city, and his sins are more impressive: “not only fur coats and shawls, but coolies of goods from merchants, but also the state treasury, funds allocated for the improvement of the city, social needs float into the hands. And you can’t fix this with a quick order: “you won’t take out the mountains of garbage, you won’t cover voids and ruins with a straw milestone, you won’t build a church, and most importantly, you won’t silence all the offended.”

But the whole point is that it is not the inspector who lives in the hotel, but a miserable "Elistratishka" who squandered money in St. Petersburg. According to the laws of the conical, Gogol endows his hero with a frightening surname, formed from the word whip - to beat backhand. And officials tremble. The Governor himself did not recognize the “wick”, “dummy”. Each remark of the frightened Khlestakov is perceived by the even more frightened Anton Antonovich in a completely different sense. However, everything was decided by a repeatedly tested remedy - a bribe. She confirmed the idea that the game went according to all the rules. Now to get the guest drunk and explore everything completely. Which of the auditors refused a delicious treat!

In the end, events turn out in such a way that the auditor "field marshal" is already Anton Antonovich's son-in-law and patron of the family. The viewer is convinced that unusual lightness in thoughts is characteristic of more than one Khlestakov. She takes the Governor and his wife to St. Petersburg, where Anton Antonovich is going to "knock out" the rank of general, eat vendace and smelt. And Anna Andreevna should have in her room “such an amber that it was impossible to enter.” And the newly-minted general is already triumphant, before whom everyone trembles and trembles: titular, mayor. Despite the fact that the Governor has just experienced a panic fear, having learned that the merchants complained about him, he is immensely happy. After all, now this fear will pierce others in front of his special. It is tempting to see those trembling and trembling! Contempt for the lower and servility to the higher ranks - this is what is the basis of relationships in the bureaucratic world. Therefore, the scene of congratulations to the Gorodnichiy family on their happiness is drawn by Gogol as a parade of hypocrisy, envy and swagger.

Gogol promised Pushkin that the comedy would be “funnier than the devil”, laughter permeates every episode, every scene of the comedy. However, by showing not private, but officials in whose hands power over people is, Gogol takes the stage action beyond the framework of an anecdotal incident. His cheerful, but sharp and stern word fights for the high vocation of a person, a smart, noble life. I recall the words of Chernyshevsky: Gogol “was the first to introduce us to us in our present form. The first taught us to know our shortcomings and abhor them.”

gogol/revizor6 The history of the people and the laws of language development. Questions of method in linguistics. How to write school essay. Book prefaces - a collection of essays and

The period of creativity of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol coincided with the dark era of Nicholas I. After the suppression of the Decembrist uprising, all dissidents were severely persecuted by the authorities. Describing reality, N.V. Gogol creates literary works of genius, full of life's realities. The theme of his work is all layers of Russian society - on the example of the customs and everyday life of a small county town. Gogol wrote that in The Inspector General he finally decided to put together everything that was bad in Russian society which he saw and laugh at everything at once. Gogol made the officials of an ordinary county town the heroes of the comedy. Thanks to a seemingly simple plot move (a petty official passing by is mistaken for an auditor), the author vividly and colorfully describes the types and heroes, their habits - in general, a description of Russia in miniature - a city from which you can ride for three years, but so no state to reach. "On the streets of a tavern, uncleanness!". Near the ancient fence, which is located near the shoemaker, "heaped on forty carts of all sorts of rubbish." Even the church, which is located at a charitable institution, for the construction of which money was allocated five years ago, began to be built, but then burned down, but it still stands. How does the “merchants” and “citizenship” live? Here who is robbed, who is flogged by an official, who is beaten from Derzhimorda's hard work. In prisons, prisoners are not fed, hospitals are filthy, and the sick "recover like flies." Having learned that the arrival of the auditor is coming, officials immediately try to restore at least some order in the city.

Their actions are reduced to showing off, to observing only external decorum (removing a hunting rapnik that hung in the presence, cleaning and cleaning only the street along which the arriving auditor will drive). “As for the internal order ... I can’t say anything ... There is no person who would not have some sins behind him. This is how it is arranged by God himself, ”the mayor says so. Gogol shows the reader that life in a single city directly depends on the attitude of officials to their service. Those who, by virtue of their duty, are called upon to resist the violation of the law and take care of the welfare of the townspeople, are mired in bribery, drunkenness, gambling and gossip. The mayor proudly declares: “I have been living in the service for thirty years! Three governors deceived! The judge does not lag behind him: “I tell you frankly that I take bribes ... Borzoi puppies. It's… a different matter." Even the postmaster is ridiculed by Gogol.

When he is instructed to open all letters slightly, he naively admits: “I do this not only out of precaution, but more out of curiosity: I love death to know what is new in the world.” All the images created by Gogol in the comedy "The Inspector General" embody the typical features characteristic of officials from Nikolaev Russia. Vulgar, two-faced, low-educated - the most "educated" of the comedy characters is Judge Lyapkin-Tyapkin. In his entire life, he read as many as five or six books, therefore he is considered the most "well-read" and "somewhat free-thinking." Unscrupulousness, self-interest, various abuses of official position - these are the mores of the county officials. It is interesting that embezzlement, bribery, robbery of the population are all terrible public vices- are shown by Gogol as everyday and even natural phenomena.

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