A large playground in Gorky Park - "Salut. Schedule of the festival "90 years of Gorky Park Dance floor, stage with jazz music

The Salyut playground in Gorky Park is the country's largest public playground. The creation of the site was timed to coincide with the 90th anniversary of the park. The project was implemented with the active participation of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art.

The site occupies an area of ​​2 hectares in the immediate vicinity of the main entrance to Gorky Park. Near the complex are Pioneer pond and the club of young naturalists "Green School". To get to the site, you need to turn left from the main entrance.

The site is divided into 9 locations: water, sand, color, height, depth, texture, shape, size, sound. Psychologists and scientists helped the architects in the development of play areas: playing on the Salyut site, the child gets a new tactile and visual experience, develops motor skills, creative imagination, and strategic thinking.

Since the opening of Gorky Park, the territory on which the Salyut site is located has always been connected in one way or another with children's recreation. In the 1930s, this area was occupied by a large nursery and a town of wooden sculptures. Later, Luna Park and a summer stadium were opened here.

A new page in the history of this part of Gorky Park began in 2012, when the park management and the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art presented a project for a radical redevelopment of the territory near Pionersky Pond.


A complex of 29 varieties of swings with a variety of swing patterns, with rotational functions and original lighting. The swing has a single oval-shaped metal frame.

Children will be able to ride round swings, rope swings, swings in the form of a carriage for horses, etc. The territory of the complex is strewn with small, clean pebbles.

An obstacle course 20 meters long, with significant elevation changes, ladders, walkways, gutters, nets. The complex "Towers" is intended for children aged 7 years and older. The passage of all obstacles will require diligence and determination from the child.

The goal is to climb the main tower of the complex, which is 9 meters high. The tower offers an excellent view of Gorky Park. The system of networks and intercepting partitions ensure the complete security of the complex.

Children's playground for water games. Archimedes screws and water machine guns are installed in a special pool. Channels with dams and fountains lead to the basin.

"Water Station" meets all safety standards: the maximum water level on the site does not exceed 10-15 cm.

A place ideal for relaxation. Special lanterns-kaleidoscopes are installed here, throwing multi-colored reflections on the ground. While the children are chasing sunbeams, parents can relax in comfortable hammocks.

It will be interesting to play in a huge sandbox not only for small children, but also for older children. Young archaeologists will be able to make their first discoveries: many “artifacts” are buried in the sand, including a dinosaur skeleton. On a site with wet sand, you can create interesting compositions.


"Ravage" - a playground for children aged 3-10 with a safe climbing wall and slides. The play area has an original design: red balls embedded in a matte gray surface make you think of contemporary art.

» - countless workshops, concerts, games, lectures and other activities related to a healthy lifestyle, gardening, picnics on the grass and other pleasant things. The program even contains such intriguing items as "aroma journey through the chakras" and children's graffiti "Animal Path". The most interesting will happen on Saturday and Sunday. On May 19, the park participates in the Night at the Museum campaign, so it will be open until the morning.


Right at the entrance to the park there will be a “Wind Zone”, where everyone will fly kites and soap bubbles. Next to it is the “Free Photography Zone”, where visitors will be filmed in a booth woven from flowers. There will be a lot of surprises on the territory of the park: 70 wooden water lily boats will float in the central fountain, in which you can sunbathe, read and make dates, and among the trees you can find old pianos overgrown with flowers. On one - apparently not so old - a pianist will play. On the lawn near the Green Stage for one week there will be a "Sensory Garden" - a path with stones and streams, on which you must only walk barefoot. In addition, two wooden spa houses will be located on the main alley, where you can go for aromatic oils, massages and organic ice cream. Throughout the park will be free classes in hatha yoga and Chinese qigong gymnastics.

11.00-21.00 Aroma Chakra Journey, Organic Ice Cream & Massage, Aveda Spa Lodge

11.00-21.00 Braiding, make-up and beauty treatments, Yves Rocher spa house

21.50 Sunset, embankment

11.00-21.00 Biomarket, children's area

22.00-3.00 Night in the Park: Flora and Fauna carnival, live music, video projections and installations, main alley and fountain square

19.00 Nordic walking lesson, sports center


To the right of the central alley, there will be a "Garden in the Pocket": visitors will buy seeds, seedlings and plant them all on beds on wheels. Then, as the organizers advise, you can take your cabbage or basil for a walk by driving around the park. And flower beds will be launched into the Golitsyn pond, where they will swim all week.

21.00 TED x Gorky Park Cinema, Pioneer Cinema

22.00 Eco-cinema night: "If a Tree Falls", "Truck Farm!", "Disappearance of Bees", On The Way Playground

12.00-17.00 Hockey master classes from BBDO, On The Way site

21.30 Lecture on the origin of FixedGear in Russia, On The Way platform

22.00 Bike Movie Night, On The Way Playground

19.00 Discussion "Ethics in the big city", cinema "Pioneer"

19.00 Performance "P.O.V.S.dantsy", cinema "Pioneer"


The children's area is tents and huts on the lawns to the right of the main alley. Children will learn to draw in the sand, cook candles and paint ceramic animals. A pasture will be located nearby - it will be possible to add spots, eyes and horns to cows cut out of plywood with crayons. Nearby will open the rental of balance bikes - bicycles without pedals. On Saturday and Sunday, young designers will cut paper Indian costumes with their children. In addition, a “Green School” will open on the embankment in a former skate rental pavilion — children under the supervision of gardeners and botanists will plant cucumbers, build sculptures from plastic bottles and discuss poisonous mushrooms. And the Zoological Museum will bring a terrarium with snakes and reptiles to the park. It will also be possible to launch paper boats and airplanes (made from environmentally friendly paper). In front of the stage on the fountain square there will be a place for nostalgic games: bungee jumping, hopscotch and dodgeball.

12.00-20.00 Sand Painting Lessons, Sand Pro Tent, Main Alley

13.00, 15.00, 19.30 Children's workshops, creating postcards on the theme of nature, children's glades

16.30 Creation of an ecopolis, children's meadows

12.00 General drawing lesson, fountain square

12.00-20.00 Sand painting lessons, Sand Pro tent, main alley

14.00 Lecture from the Polytechnic Museum, children's glades

16.00-20.00 Plane launch, embankment

14.00 Master classes in drawing, gardening, braiding, English lessons, children's meadows

14.00 Stories about animals, children's glades

14.00 Master class on creating monotypes, children's meadows

15.00 Children's graffiti "Animal Path", children's glades

15.30 Drawing lesson, plein air, children's meadows

16.00 Production of "flying trees", children's meadows


On May 19, the park will host Food Revolution Day, an action invented by Jamie Oliver, the essence of which is that people gather in large groups and cook dishes from local products and talk about healthy eating. Therefore, the cooks in the park will cut, boil and fry organic food right on the street. A huge picnic table will be placed nearby, to which any visitor can join. The park will host a market where you can buy farm products, handmade sweets and natural cosmetics.

10.00-20.00 Large table: food court with tasty and healthy food, herb beds and live geese

12.00-13.00 Master class on drawing a picture on coffee, food court

18.00-19.00 Organic coffee making class, food court

19.30-20.30 Chocolate making class, food court


Two stages will work in the park throughout the week: they will play on the academic square on the fountain square from 19.00 to 21.00, and on the jazz one next to the Pioneer - from 21.00 to 23.00. From 19 to 20 May, both stages will be occupied all night: you can listen to the chamber orchestra, the Arfa Sound project, which combines classical and club music. Nikolai Voronov, the same one who composed the White Dragonfly of Love, will open the “Night in the Park” by playing the piano. The Green Week will close with a concert by Yevgeny Grinko with an orchestra of 15 musicians.

Fountain Square

22.00 Nikolay Voronov

23.30 Arfa Sound by Yana Khurumova

0.45 Moscow Chamber Orchestra of the Russian Academy of Music Gnesins

2.00 Leggiero-Trio

Dance floor, stage with jazz music

22.00 Performance by ½ orchestra

23.30 Esh group

0.45 Violin Jazz by Denis Shulgin

2.00 Ensemble "P.R.E.T."

From August 25 to September 2, the capital's Gorky Park is waiting for a large-scale festival in honor of its ninetieth birthday, the Swedish singer Neneh Cherry, Luna, Derevo, Liquid theatre, Garage, Uppsala Circus, as well as many other groups and artists, will take part in it, according to the press service of the park.

The program consists of more than 150 events: 90 hours of audio performances, 1680 square meters of a pedestrian pontoon, a performance by a choir of 200 people, a movie night dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, more than 140 hours of lectures and master classes, the creation of outdoor art objects, a charity flash mob and poetry battles.

Festival opening on Saturday. Site-specific performance by the Liquid Theatre, a chamber orchestra in the clearing near the Observatory, the Lipa poetry salon in the Openwork Pavilion, a break-dance battle on Pushkinskaya Embankment - a rich program awaits guests from noon. On August 26, the Salyut playground will open for visitors - the largest public gaming complex in Russia.

The main events on August 27 will be: the audiovisual play "MetaMoscow", a course of lectures at the Pioner Summer Cinema, as well as the program of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, which includes group mediation sessions as part of the exhibition "Unlimited Hearing" and a lecture by Tatyana Bortnik "How relax and start understanding contemporary art.”

On the kindest and most attentive day of the festival on August 28, zones and activities from the leading charitable foundations and organizations of Russia will appear in Gorky Park: the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, the Anton is Right Here Center, the Need Help and Naked Heart foundations. The guests will also be treated to a performance by the Uppsala Circus social and cultural project and a program from the charity shop.

August 29 - Sports Day. The program for the festival was prepared by adidas base and the circus school "Trapezia Aktual", and Nike Box MSK will host a stretch with gymnast Aliya Mustafina that day.

August 30 - Theater Day. The program of the day included productions from Teatr.doc, Creative Union 9, performances by Gogol School, lectures, a round table with the participation of Teresa Mavika, Zelfira Tregulova, Marina Loshak and Anton Belov on contemporary art.

The headliner of the Theater Day will be the Derevo project with the performance "Midnight Balance", which will be held at Pionersky Pond. From Derevo with Anton Adasinsky, an icon of the Russian theatrical underground, they always expect something unusual, difficult to understand and requiring much thought. This performance will be no exception.

The program of the musical day on August 31 brought together the best of the sound of Gorky Park: a performance by the BadOrchestra neo-symphony orchestra, master classes and a concert by the ADMI * Lab music laboratory for children and parents, DJ sets, lectures at the Summer Pioneer and a night concert from the musical archaeologist, resurrecting forgotten rarities and valuables, Piotr Aidu.

September 1 will be dedicated to the Day of Knowledge, and on September 2 the closing of the festival will take place, which will bring together music, sports, children and art.

From August 25 to September 2, Gorky Park will host a large-scale festival in honor of his ninetieth birthday.

The opening ceremony will take place on the Golitsynsky Pond on the last Saturday of August, and on the first Sunday of September, Neneh Cherry will perform on a large stage installed right in the fountain bowl on the central square. In her entire career, a performer from Sweden played a concert in Moscow only once.

Also, the guests of the festival will hear the performances of the singer Luna, who is compared with Lana del Rey; the Nizhny Novgorod band the Soul surfers, who have just recorded an album with the cult American Sean Lee; On-The-Go, who rarely perform in the capital, and charming Musya Totibadze.

During the festival, guests of Gorky Park will have more than 150 events: lectures, theatrical performances, performances, master classes, divided according to the directions of the park's life and combined into themed days. For the final concert, a stage will be built in the fountain bowl on the central square, on which the most beloved musicians and performers from Russia and other countries will perform. And after the concert, guests of Gorky Park will be treated to fireworks on Pushkinskaya Embankment.

The festival will open on August 25 with a multimedia show on the Golitsyn pond, which will be dedicated to the history of the park - from its opening in 1928 to the present day. Especially for this event, a pontoon in the form of the number "90" with a total area of ​​1,680 square meters will be erected here. The show will combine elements of classical and immersive theatre. Guests will see the teaser from the shore, and then, having moved to the pontoon, they will be able to choose and watch any of the scenes they like in full. The show involves a choir of 200 people, dramatic actors, as well as opera and ballet dancers, among them Anna Aglatova, soprano of the Bolshoi Theater.

One of the main participants of the festival will be Liquid Theater - a team of performers who interact with space and people in their performances. For the 90th anniversary of Gorky Park, the artists are working on the Liquid Theater & The Volunteers project: on August 25 and 26, together with volunteers, novice performers, they will show a unique street performance at the Main Entrance.

Seven festival days will be devoted to art, children, kindness, sports, theater, music and knowledge. On Theater Day, August 30, Golden Mask laureate Anton Adasinsky and his DEREVO troupe will perform in the park with the play "Midnight Balance". Artists come to Russia infrequently - for 20 years now they have been based in Dresden and have been touring all over the world. In his performances DEREVO mixes elements of dance, pantomime, clowning. On Theater Day, the impromptu stage for artists will be the sandy beach and the water surface of Pioneer Pond.

The event of the musical day, August 31 - a piano concert on three pianos at dusk on Pioneer Pond. The program will be curated by pianist and composer Petr Aidu.

On the Day of Knowledge, September 1, there will also be a lot of music - a festival of the creative agency Stereotactic will be held on Pushkinskaya Embankment: the most notable electronic musicians from Moscow and St. Petersburg will play their sets. A separate surprise will be the performance of the Madrid indie rock band Hinds.

The festival will end with a concert, which will take place on September 2 at the most unusual open area of ​​Gorky Park - in the bowl of the Central Fountain.

September 2 - the finale of the celebration, it will take place in ... the bowl of the Central Fountain. Guests will be surprised by technological innovations, a virtual reality music festival, and a quest to the most interesting places in the park.

Schedule of the festival "90 years of Gorky Park" 2018

A site-specific performance by the Liquid Theatre, a chamber orchestra in the clearing near the Observatory, the Lipa Poetry Salon in the Openwork Pavilion, a break-dance battle on Pushkinskaya Embankment - a rich program awaits guests from noon. But the main event of the day will take place in the evening: at 20:30 at Golitsynsky Pond there will be a premiere of a multimedia show about the history of the Park, timed to coincide with the opening of the festival. The action will take place on a 1680-meter luminous pontoon in the form of the numbers "90", which the audience will also be able to get on. Special guest - soprano of the Bolshoi Theater Anna Aglatova.

On this day, the Salyut playground, the largest public playground in Russia, will open for all visitors. Guests will be the first to try 29 types of swings, launch a boat on a 100-meter water station or dig out a dinosaur in a huge sandbox. The site is located near the Main entrance to Gorky Park - next to Pioneer Pond.

You can continue the children's day at a family picnic at the Green School, at the plein air at the Observatory or at the disco for young DJs in the Openwork Pavilion.

For moms and dads, the Pioneer summer cinema will host a lecture from the Mel online media. Guests will learn what a child's emotional intelligence is, how to develop creative thinking in him, and whether it is possible to teach kids to conscious consumption.

What to do and where to go if a loved one is lost? This will be discussed at the Garage Screen summer cinema at the Lisa Alert School. Experts from "Beeline" and a well-known search organization will hold an open event for parents and children, and at the end they will issue a diploma of completion of the "School". At 18:00 at the Observatory there will be a concert from the participants of “Voice. Children".

Every day in Gorky Park there are events and events related to contemporary (and not only) art, so the task of the festival is to surpass ourselves.

The main events will be: the MetaMoscow audiovisual performance, a course of lectures at the Pioneer Summer Cinema, as well as the program of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, which includes group mediation sessions as part of the Boundless Hearing exhibition and a lecture by Tatyana Bortnik "How to relax and begin to understand contemporary art"

Art historian and Garage course teacher Tatiana Bortnik insists that the main thing in the perception of contemporary art is relaxation, since it is important to accept that it is very different from the art of previous centuries. The lecturer will try to answer the questions why we need new types of art, practices that focus on something completely different, not the aesthetic characteristics of the work, and how the very concept of aesthetic has changed.

On the kindest and most attentive day of the festival, Gorky Park will host activity zones from the leading charitable foundations and organizations of Russia: the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, the Anton is Right Here Center, Need Help and Naked Heart foundations. The guests will also be treated to a performance by the Uppsala Circus social and cultural project and a program from the charity shop. On Good Day, each guest of the park will have the opportunity to participate in a charity flash mob. On August 28, all the funds raised from rentals in the park will be transferred to help the child to the Life Line Foundation.

Gorky Park goes in for sports every day: functional training, yoga, marathons and presentations of leading sports brands at the festival will be complemented by a lecture hall about exotic areas - for example, Taoist qigong or sports journalism. Also, the program for the festival was prepared by adidas base and the circus school "Trapezia Aktual", and at Nike Box MSK on this day there will be a stretch with gymnast Aliya Mustafina.

Site-specific, performance and immersiveness - for Gorky Park, the terms of modern theater do not sound intimidating and incomprehensible: the theater day program included productions from Teatr.doc, Creative Association 9, performances by Gogol School, lectures, a round table with the participation Teresa Mavika, Zelfira Tregulova, Marina Loshak and Anton Belov about contemporary art.

The program of the musical day brought together the best of the sound of Gorky Park: a performance of the BadOrchestra neo-symphony orchestra, master classes and a concert of the ADMI * Lab music laboratory for children and parents, DJ sets, lectures at the Summer Pioneer and a night concert from the musical archaeologist, resurrecting forgotten rarities and valuables, Peter Aidu.

On the last thematic day of the festival and the World Day of Knowledge, we are waiting for a series of public talks: from the technique of memorizing foreign words to the history of circus art; also - an excursion into the process of creating the exhibition "Gorky Park: Factory of Happy People" at MMOMA and the lecture hall of the Summer Cinema "Pioneer" about education. It is worth paying special attention to the program of the Artmossphere festival on Pushkinskaya Embankment.

The last day of the festival will bring together music, sports, children and art. Nike offers the Rest Through Sports program and a long run, children will learn how to make ice cream at master classes at the Green School, at the Pioneer Summer Cinema they will discuss contemporary art at a lecture by Katya Bochavar. And all day long on the big stage in the fountain bowl on the central square we listen to a live concert, among the headliners are the singer from Sweden Neneh Cherry and Luna.

August 26 in the main park of the country - children's day

Schedule of "Children's Day"

10.00 - Opening of the playground "Salute"

10.00 - 16.30 - Competitions on balance bikes on the square near the Central Fountain

12.00 - 17.00 - Lecture hall in the summer cinema "Pioneer"

12.00 - 13.30 - Plein airs in the clearing near the Observatory

13.00 - 22.00 - "Day of disobedience" in the Openwork gazebo:

13.00 -16.00 - Creative laboratory

16.00 - 17.00 - Audio performance "A girl with whom nothing will happen"

20.00 - 22.00 - Disco from children DJs

13.00 - 18.00 - Picnic at the "Green School"

13.00 - 18.00 - School "Lisa Alert" in the summer cinema Garage Screen

16.00 - 20.00 - Master classes at Nike Box MSK

FROM 25-th of August on September 2 Gorky Park is waiting for a large-scale festival in honor of its ninetieth anniversary, which will be held with the support of Beeline. The program consists of more than 150 events: 90 hours of audio performances, 1,680 sq.m. a pedestrian pontoon, a performance by a choir of 200 people, a movie night dedicated to Viktor Tsoi, more than 140 hours of lectures and master classes, the creation of outdoor art objects, a charity flash mob and poetry battles. As a constructor, the festival program can be assembled into a unique, inimitable holiday that is relevant for every guest of the Park.

The festival venues were the most beloved and significant locations of Gorky Park: Golitsynsky Pond, Pushkinskaya Embankment, Openwork Gazebo, Observatory, Pioneer Summer Cinema, Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, Green School and the area of ​​the central fountain. Seven themed days will be devoted to art, children, kindness, sports, theater, music and knowledge. Each day has a headliner, and all events of the festival program will be free.


25 August — Opening of the Festival

Site-specific performance by Liquid Theatre, chamber orchestra in the meadow near the Observatory, Lipa Poetry Salon in Openwork Pavilion, break-dance battle on Pushkinskaya Embankment - A rich program awaits guests from noon. But the main event of the day will take place in the evening: at 20:30 on the Golitsyn pond will take place premiere multimedia show about the history of the Park dedicated to the opening of the festival. The action will take place on a 1680-meter luminous pontoon in the form of the numbers "90", which the audience will also be able to get on. Special guest - soprano of the Bolshoi Theater Anna Aglatova.

26 August - Children's Day

On this day for all visitors playground will open"Salute"the largest public gaming complex in Russia. Guests will be the first to try 29 types of swings, launch a boat on a 100-meter water station or dig out a dinosaur in a huge sandbox. The site is located near the Main entrance to Gorky Park - next to Pioneer Pond.

You can continue the children's day at a family picnic at the Green School, at the plein air at the Observatory or at the disco for young DJs in the Openwork Pavilion.

For moms and dads, the Pioneer summer cinema will host a lecture from the Mel online media. Guests will learn what a child's emotional intelligence is, how to develop creative thinking in him, and whether it is possible to teach kids to conscious consumption.

What to do and where to go if a loved one is lost? This will be discussed at the Garage Screen summer cinema at the Lisa Alert School. Experts from "Beeline" and a well-known search organization will hold an open event for parents and children, and at the end they will issue a diploma of completion of the "School". At 18:00 at the Observatory there will be a concert from the participants of “Voice. Children".

Evgenia Chistova, Head of Corporate Social Responsibility Projects at VimpelCom PJSC:

« Behind everyday affairs, other people's troubles often elude us. It seems that we cannot help in any way, that someone else - stronger and more courageous - will respond ... But then an orientation about a missing person comes across with the call "Volunteers are needed!" and, finally, the realization comes: really everyone can help and our children need special knowledge about safety. In solving the problem of missing people, Beeline primarily focuses on the development of technological solutions that can systematically change the situation. But we also see a very strong demand from society for the development of prevention and education programs that will increase the overall level of parental literacy and help reduce the number of tragic cases with children. The Liza Alert school in Gorky Park is a great opportunity to start doing this right now: useful knowledge and skills will be perfectly complemented by graduation diplomas and keepsakes!».

27 August - Art Day

Every day in Gorky Park there are events and events related to contemporary (and not only) art, so the task of the festival is to surpass ourselves.

The main events will be: the MetaMoscow audiovisual performance, a course of lectures at the Pioneer Summer Cinema, as well as the program of the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art, which includes group mediation sessions as part of the Boundless Hearing exhibition and a lecture by Tatyana Bortnik "How to relax and begin to understand contemporary art"

Art historian and Garage course teacher Tatiana Bortnik insists that the main thing in the perception of contemporary art is relaxation, since it is important to accept that it is very different from the art of previous centuries. The lecturer will try to answer the questions why we need new types of art, practices that focus on something completely different, not the aesthetic characteristics of the work, and how the very concept of aesthetic has changed.

28 August - Good Day

On the kindest and most attentive day of the festival, zones and activities from the leading charitable foundations and organizations of Russia will appear in Gorky Park: the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation, the Anton Is Right Here Center, the Need Help and Naked Heart foundations. The guests will also be treated to a performance by the Uppsala Circus social and cultural project and a program from the charity shop. On Good Day, each guest of the Park will have the opportunity to participate in a charity flash mob. On August 28, all the funds raised from the rentals in the Park will be transferred to help the child to the Life Line Foundation.

Faina Zakharova, President of the Life Line Foundation:

“Our flash mobs not only draw attention to charity, but also help their participants feel involved in a good deed, because empathy is a moment of one's own happiness. At the action "The Longest Line of Life" we extend a helping hand to the family of one-year-old Daniil Ivashkin from Moscow, who needs an urgent operation. We chose this baby not by chance - the right treatment will allow the boy to grow up healthy and delight his parents with a happy smile.» .

29 August - Sports Day

Gorky Park goes in for sports every day: functional training, yoga, marathons and presentations of leading sports brands at the festival will be complemented by a lecture hall about exotic areas, such as Taoist qigong or sports journalism. Also, the program for the festival was prepared by adidas base and the circus school "Trapezia Aktual", and at Nike Box MSK on this day there will be a stretch with gymnast Aliya Mustafina.

  • Nike

30 August - Theater Day

Site-specific, performance and immersiveness - for Gorky Park, the terms of modern theater do not sound intimidating and incomprehensible: the theater day program included productions from Teatr.doc, Creative Association 9, performances by Gogol School, lectures, a round table with the participation Teresa Mavika, Zelfira Tregulova, Marina Loshak and Anton Belov about contemporary art.

The headliner of the Theater Day will be the Derevo project with the performance "Midnight Balance", which will be held at Pionersky Pond. From Derevo with Anton Adasinsky, an icon of the Russian theatrical underground, they always expect something unusual, difficult to understand and requiring much thought. This performance will be no exception.

“In the DEREVO system, in his wordless performances, images of dreams and fantasies turn into quite tangible and a little frightening objects and objects,” says Anton Adasinsky. - So in the "Midnight Balance" the City of Memory will appear on the sand: unspoken sins, human mistakes will fill the beach, and their owners - people, will meet with the dark, garbage side of their lives. And no matter how great the desire to bury, hide these terrible fragments of life under the sand, the wind will not give. This means that an ideal body and a clean shirt are not enough, something else must be done, very correct and unexpected, in order to start your journey anew, so that the memory becomes “tabula rasa” again. And then you will enter the water clean, and the skeletons and fragments of the past will become a museum, and the children will mess around among them, and their voices and laughter will become the only music that will never get bored.

31 August - Music Day

The program of the musical day brought together the best of the sound of Gorky Park: a performance by the BadOrchestra neo-symphony orchestra, master classes and a concert by the ADMI * Lab music laboratory for children and parents, DJ sets, lectures at the Summer Pioneer and a night concert from the musical archaeologist, resurrecting forgotten rarities and valuables, Peter Aidu.

Petr Aidu, pianist and composer:

« It is impossible to imagine a large-scale festival without a worthy musical program with different trends and styles. The last evening of summer, Pionersky Pond of Gorky Park is the best time and place to hear Three Pianos at Twilight live. I am glad that music has become a prominent part of the Gorky Park birthday festival, along with art and theatre.”. at beelineup.ru. You can relax and watch films about famous musicians in a free summer cinema, thanks to « Beeline TV » .

1 September - Knowledge Day

On the last thematic day of the festival and the World Day of Knowledge, we are waiting for a series of public talks: from the technique of memorizing foreign words to the history of circus art; also - an excursion into the process of creating the exhibition "Gorky Park: Factory of Happy People" at MMOMA and the lecture hall of the Summer Cinema "Pioneer" about education. It is worth paying special attention to the program of the Artmossphere festival on Pushkinskaya Embankment.

Artmosfera presents the 30 Edges of Movement festival as a special project of the Street Wave Art Biennale. The movement is a symbol of continuous development and an active lifestyle, the epicenter of which has become the park in recent years. Every day at the festival site there will be a special program that reveals the basic elements of hip-hop culture: graffiti jam, DJ sets, rap and breakdance battles, master classes in graffiti, street dancing and beatboxing" — press service of the festival Artmossphere.

The last day of the festival will bring together music, sports, children and art. Nike offers the Rest Through Sports program and a long run, children will learn how to make ice cream at master classes at the Green School, at the Pioneer Summer Cinema they will discuss contemporary art at a lecture by Katya Bochavar. And all day long on the big stage in the fountain bowl on the central square we listen to a live concert, among the headliners are the singer from Sweden Neneh Cherry and Luna.

© WORLDPICS | photo by Dmitry Verteshin

The big seven-day holiday will end with a grand fireworks display (we will watch it from Pushkinskaya Embankment, and “light it up” from a barge on the Moscow River). You have probably already heard about the full concert line-up:

20:35 — 21:50 Neneh Cherry
19:05 — 20:05 Moon
18:05 — 18:35 Musya Totibadze
16:50 — 17:35 On-The-Go
15:45 — 16:20 Soul Surfers

For a detailed schedule and more information about the festival of the 90th anniversary of Gorky Park, please visit the website 90pg.com.

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First mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...