Biography of Herbert Wells.

Herbert George Wells - English writer and publicist, researcher, Ph.D. in biology, political activist and supporter of social and scientific movements. Representative of the methods and theory of Marxism called critical realism. For a long period of time he was a supporter of the socio-economic trend - Fabianism. Prose writer, author of novels preferred to publish scientific and fantasy literature. Posted by famous work"War of the Worlds".

Childhood and youth

Born in the UK, London Borough of Bromley, in autumn - September 21, 1866. H.G. Wells' parents were also interesting people, Pope Joseph Wells owned a store and was engaged in the sale of products, figurines and porcelain items, which at that time were sold. Mom is a housekeeper in a mansion of strict owners.

Portrait of HG Wells

Despite the best efforts of the family, cricket was the main source of income. His father was a good gamer, so he turned his hobby into an income. Professional skills in cricket and the desire of the father to win worked for the whole family.

Happened at the age of eight crucial moment in the boy's life, both directly and figuratively. When, through negligence, he broke his leg, the doctors put him on bed rest. I had a lot of time not to leave the room, only books saved me from boredom. Therefore, he was so interested in the science fiction style of writing books and literature.

After some time, he became a student of Mr Thomas Morley's commercial academy. Herbert George Wells was supposed to study as a merchant, however, by a terrible coincidence, the only breadwinner in the family broke his hip. Cricket was over, it was quite difficult for my father to recover from illness and at first, even move independently.

From the age of 13, the guy began independent life He began to earn his own living. An irresistible desire to improve, to be better, to know more, independence and diligence brought him to the threshold of the college from the University in London. Already in 1888, at the age of 22, the guy received a diploma of education.


The young man was attracted to books and literature, so he life path turned out to be very diverse. At the beginning, he studied the skill of trade, then worked in a pharmacy as a pharmacist, taught in schools and various educational institutions. He also earned recognition from a well-known zoologist, animal rights and ecology advocate, as he was his assistant and “ right hand". Herbert George Wells was a versatile person, he traveled a lot and his store of knowledge was constantly replenished.

The literature of this man was so popular and entertaining that, due to numerous requests and recommendations, it was translated into 17 languages.

"Time Machine" - is considered the first novel in the writer's work. The work was written in 1895. In those days, it was fashionable to read science fiction, so the book about the fact that the inventor is in the future, how he behaved and what he thought, fell in love with readers of all age categories.

It was a merit that after some time he was elected president of a non-political club for protection in matters of assistance and cooperation to writers and poets. Uniting with like-minded people, brothers "by word", the expression of his opinion and points of view indicated to him in which direction to move on.

Behind him was 6 years of practice in the society of the Fabians. After that, the source of his income and the main occupation was lecturing and seminars. Since 1903 main goal Wells was the enlightenment of people that politics, science and creativity need a plan and gradualness, no spontaneity.

From the 1890s, he became interested in journalism and publishing. Creativity was an important period of life, which the biography speaks of today.

It is worth noting that the prose writer has a significant publishing past, because not everyone in those days managed to write about 40 stories and stories in 30 volumes in just half a century, not counting novels, essays and essays. Works about the political situation, the economic situation, sociology, etc. were popular. Among the famous creations included children's books, as well as an autobiography.

Many years later, they took an example from him, developed the topics that he had touched on earlier, studied writing styles and all the nuances of authorship. Few people know that long before the hypotheses put forward and other researchers in this field, Herbert, he made a huge scientific breakthrough.

Using his knowledge and capabilities, the scientist found an application for science in literary publications. It is about very controversial issue about four-dimensional space was raised by him in the previously mentioned creation "Time Machine".

Wells Jr. had a socialist outlook, and although he used Marxism in some way, he was neutral and even skeptical about this trend. He soon expressed his point of view on this matter in one of his works, which spoke about what his new plan on the organization of actions in society and the team.

This person correctly chose the approach to the environment, acquaintance with, then unknown to anyone politician changed the course of events. Even then, questions began to arise in his society due to the sudden support of Churchill and his political campaign in such a difficult period for the Fabiants.

The Englishman was considered a truly pacifist, and violence, physical and moral, caused him complete disgust. However, despite such life views, he did not stand in the way of the British war and provided assistance.

After the revolution, the writer came to Russia, became a guest in the house and met with the leader of the peoples -. Then the work of 1920 - "Russia in the Dark" was written.

In 1898, work took place on the description of military operations using modern technologies, hazardous gases, technology and quantum sources. The retold "War in the Air" and "The Atomic Bomb" were among the works that received the most recognition from readers.

His supporters were surprised by another story called "The Kingdom of Ants", written in 1905. It described the system of the subconscious and the civilization of ants as the smartest insects.

Since Herbert George Wells was still related to the scientific field, he used the terminology of physics as main idea works. The category where parallel worlds were touched upon included several stories and books. Successful books are The Invisible Man and The Newest Accelerator.

Personal life

The twice-married writer did not find peace either with his first wife - 1891 - Mary Wells, or with Amy Catherine - 1895, who died in terrible agony after being diagnosed with Cancer.

Later, another girl won the heart of the publicist - Maria Ignatievna Budberg. Despite numerous requests and persuasion, the woman neglected Herbert's proposal until his death. From his second marriage, the writer had two sons, the heir Philip and Richard.


Based on the prose writer, more than ten films of London and even Russian cinematography were shot. From 1919 to 2010, films continued to be made, where the works of HG Wells became the basis of the script. 1977 was a prime example of this. At that time, 2 films were released. The most popular was called "The Islands of Dr. Moreau" by director More Taylor.

In 1976 and 1989, the screenwriters presented the premieres of two brilliant films, Food of the Gods.

This list is joined by:

  • 1919 - "The first people on the moon", directed by B. Gordon
  • 1932 - "The Island of Lost Souls", a director's group led by Earl Canton
  • 1933 - The Invisible Man, directorial staff with James Whale
  • 1936 - The Face of the Future, directed by William Cameron Menzies
  • 1953 - "War of the Worlds", by Byron Haskin
  • 1960 - "Time Machine" by George Pal
  • 1964 - "The first people on the moon", the work of Nathan Yuran
  • 2010 - "The first people on the moon", the work of Mark Gatiss

Herbert George Wells, Herbert George Wells; Great Britain, London; 09/21/1866 - 08/13/1946

The worlds of H. G. Wells have long been a source of multiple interpretations for contemporary writers science fiction writers. His books have been filmed more than once, and the works of H. G. Wells are put on the same level as fantastic, and. This writer in his works was able to predict not only the appearance atomic bomb but also World War II. Thanks to this, the books of H. G. Wells are still popular to read today.

Biography of H. G. Wells

HG Wells was born in London in 1866 to a gardener and maid. Subsequently, his parents opened a small shop selling porcelain. But he brought little profit, and the main income of the family was playing cricket. In this game, Herbert's father was a real master. The boy became addicted to reading at the age of 8, when, in his own words, he was “lucky” to break his leg.

At the age of 8, he entered the "Commercial Academy", but in 1879 he was forced to leave it due to lack of money. Only in 1888 he managed to graduate from college at the University of London. And by the age of 25, HG Wells already had two academic titles in biology. After that, he was interrupted by teaching activities. Until in 1893 he became interested in journalism. It was the choice of this profession that contributed to his formation as a writer.

The first H. G. Wells book can be read in 1985. It was in this year that his novel "The Time Machine" appeared. It was enthusiastically received by readers and in the future literary career writer HG Wells went up noticeably. Also in 1895, Herbert divorced his first wife and remarried. He had two sons from his second marriage. After H. G. Wells' novel The Time Machine, his next novel, The Wonderful Visit, was published in the same year. In total, during his career, HG Wells wrote about 40 novels, many short stories, many political and social forecasts, and 3 books for children.

By the way, the works of H. G. Wells only at first had fantastic direction. In later writings, he became increasingly absorbed in writing social and political forecasts. To this end, he visits post-revolutionary Russia several times. Here he lives and meets with Lenin and Stalin. Subsequently, this resulted in the writing of the book "Russia in the Dark".

HG Wells died in 1946. According to his will, his sons scattered his ashes over the English Channel. But after himself, the writer left a very significant mark in world literature, which is difficult to overestimate.

H. G. Wells Books at Top Books

The works of HG Wells "The War of the Worlds", "The Time Machine", "The Invisible Man" have forever become classics of fantastic works. Therefore, their periodic appearance in our rating is quite natural. At the same time, the popularity of H. G. Wells' books to read is quite stable, which proves their importance in the best possible way.

hg wells book list

Science fiction novels:

  1. In the days of the comet
  2. War in the air
  3. croquet player
  4. ant empire
  5. When the sleeper wakes up
  6. People are like gods
  7. Mr Blettsworthy on Rampole Island
  8. sea ​​maiden
  9. The face of the future
  10. Liberated World
  11. Island of Doctor Moreau
  12. First people on the moon
  13. Food of the gods
  14. star born
  15. Mr. Parham's Autocracy
  16. Wonderful visit

Other works:

  1. Anatomy of disappointment
  2. An Englishman looks at the world
  3. Anna Veronica
  4. bilby
  5. God is the invisible king
  6. God's Punishment
  7. Brunnhilde
  8. Bulpington Blup
  9. Pending
  10. Washington and the hope of the world
  11. great quest
  12. Joan and Peter
  13. Bishop's Soul
  14. Sir Isaac Harman's wife
  15. Mr. Polly's Story
  16. The story of the late Mr. Elwesham
  17. Kipps
  18. wheels of fortune
  19. Short story peace
  20. Brief history of mankind
  21. Speaking of Dolores
  22. legal conspiracy
  23. Love and Mr Lewisham
  24. Little Wars
  25. The World of William Clissold
  26. Mr Britling drinks the cup to the bottom
  27. Morality and civilization
  28. floor games
  29. life science
  30. Caution needed
  31. Undying fire
  32. New human rights
  33. New Machiavelli
  34. New world for the old
  35. New world order
  36. Autobiography experience
  37. Christina Alberta's father
  38. History essays
  39. First and last
  40. Perspectives for Homo Sapiens
  41. The conquest of time
  42. After democracy
  43. Postscript to the Experience of Autobiography
  44. insights
  45. Mind on the edge of its tight rein
  46. Russia in the dark
  47. Modern utopia
  48. Modern Utopia
  49. Contemporary memoirs
  50. passionate friendship
  51. Destiny of Man
  52. Secrets of the heart
  53. Tono Bengue
  54. Labor, wealth and happiness of the human race
  55. What are we doing with our lives?

Starting to study the work of the writer - pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the arrows - up and down, if you think that some work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including, based on your ratings, we will get the most adequate rating of HG Wells books.

    The famous novels of H. G. Wells, written at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, influenced world literature no less than Poincaré for mathematics, Freud for psychology, Planck for physics, Mechnikov for biology, Tsiolkovsky for astronautics. But Wells, a gifted writer and thinker, out of luck with the reader in Russia. From him, a brilliant storyteller, author of many philosophical works, scientific and poetic essays, Soviet ideologists made a “social science fiction writer”, and Wells’s essays were reduced to the only work “Russia in the Dark”. Readers did not understand that “The Time Machine” is not only a philosophical, but also a poetic story, but “ The Island of Doctor Moreau” is not a gloomy fantasy work, but a philosophical and religious pamphlet, colored with unobtrusive humor. Vitaly Babenko's masterful translation, which was first published in 1996 by the Text publishing house, brings us back to the literature created by the excellent stylist and consummate master of prose Herbert Wells.... Further

  • Ordinary citizens before the fact of the collapse of the former patriarchal world, the invasion of a terrible future, the complete dehumanization of human psychology. "First Men on the Moon". A bright, fascinating novel about the adventures of two enthusiasts who managed to reach the Moon on a ball made of a special substance and get acquainted with the life of its inhabitants, the Selenites. The perfect combination of fantasy, humor, and subtle social observations make this a work that continues to be interesting and loved by readers of different generations.... Further

  • Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) - English writer and publicist, author of the world-famous science fiction novels "The Time Machine", "The Invisible Man", "War of the Worlds" and others. His work had a significant impact on the development of the genre science fiction.A significant part of Wells' legacy is stories. In them, as in the novels, his concern for the fate of a person in a world that is being changed too quickly was reflected. scientific discoveries and new technologies. The organic combination of bold fantasy, good humor and breadth of social observation made Wells's work interesting and meaningful for readers of several generations. Here are audio versions of the writer's most fascinating stories. The name of the collection was given by the narrative with an unpredictable adventurous plot. Transportation of ostriches for the auction is organized. Before being loaded onto a huge sea liner, one of the birds swallowed a large and very expensive diamond. What kind of ostrich did this, no one knows ... The man who could work miracles Crystal egg Red mushroom Triumph of taxidermy Deal with ostriches From the window Harringay's temptation Flying man Reading Fedor Stepanov, performer, director, winner of the Silver Microphone award from the New York Radio Play Festival in the category "Best Drama Special Project 2010", screenwriter of projects for TV channels "Russia" and "Culture" Sound engineers Pavel Bruskov and Anton Lushev Producer Elena Likhacheva © & ℗ 1C-Publishing LLC... Further

  • Imagine that the moon is inhabited. Yes, yes, you heard right. It is only at first glance that its surface looks cold and deserted. But as soon as the Sun rises, the Moon thaws, and giant plants begin to grow on it, forming a real impenetrable jungle. Moreover, living creatures similar to large insects live in these thickets, which most time is spent in dungeons, the so-called "sublunar" caves, and radio is used to communicate with each other ... All this was revealed to the surprised eyes of two unlucky travelers from the Earth, who made an exciting and dangerous flight from Earth to the Moon. Performed by: Alexander Bordukov Publication producer: Vladimir Vorobyov ©&℗ IP Vorobyov ©&℗ SOYUZ Publishing House... Further

  • Performance "The Invisible Man" by novel of the same name H. G. Wells, written in 1897. The English physicist Griffin invented a machine that makes a person invisible. True, for complete invisibility, a person had to be an albino, which Griffin was. scientist I did not want to publish my discovery ahead of time in order to create a greater sensation later. However, circumstances developed in such a way that due to financial difficulties, he could not continue his work. He had the idea to "disappear" and start completely new life as invisible. Director: Elshevskaya Irina Composer: Artemyev Eduard Characters and performers: Griffin - Podgorny Nikita; Kemp - Yury Puzyrev; Hall - Kazanskaya Alla; Kass - Tseits Sergey; Teddy - Fedorov Evgeny; Constable - Yuryev Alexander; Thomas Marvel - Muravyov Vladimir; Ann - Khanaeva Evgenia; Colonel Eday - Osenev Vladimir; From the author - Polevoy Alexey. © IDDC... Further

  • Probably, as long as humanity has existed, it has been dreaming of a meeting with an extraterrestrial civilization, with aliens. Most often, our imagination draws to itself good-natured creatures, endowed with a much higher intelligence than we are, who can give us some new knowledge, teach new technologies, in short, make our life better and more comfortable. But another scenario is also quite likely, such as that described in H. G. Wells' novel The War of the Worlds. When far from friendly alien creatures landed near London, but aggressive Martians full of hatred, whose goal is to destroy all life on our planet. Performed by: Alexander Bordukov Publication producer: Vladimir Vorobyov ©&℗ IP Vorobyov ©&℗ SOYUZ Publishing House... Further

  • Herbert George Wells (1866-1946) - English writer and publicist, author of the world-famous science fiction novels "The Time Machine", "The Invisible Man", "War of the Worlds" and others. The satirical novel The Wonderful Visit (1895) is the story of an angel who descended on earth. Straight to Sidderford, a town in England. The angel is unaware of human passions and vices, he knows nothing about the troubles and fears of people - about hunger, illness, death. But gradually he himself acquires those features of human nature, which at first were alien to him. What will come of it, will the angel become a man, you will find out by listening to the audio version of the novel. Performer Maxim Suslov Music - Vyacheslav Tupichenko Translation - M.F. Likiardopulo ©&℗ OOO 1C-Publishing... Further

    AT late XIX century English gentleman falls into Sopor and wakes up two hundred years later, turning into the richest man on the planet. Thus begins H.G. Wells' novel, one of the first dystopian science fiction novels, The Sleeper Awakens. ... Further

  • We bring to the attention of fans of science fiction the famous novel by H. J. Wells "The Island of Dr. Moreau". The publication is addressed to students of language universities, as well as to all lovers of English-language literature and, in particular, science fiction. ... Further

  • Two scientists discover a unique substance that affects the growth of living things, and conduct scientific experiment. Chickens and hens are growing by leaps and bounds on the new feed. Yes, but the trouble is, rats and wasps get to the "food of the gods", which grow to the size of a dog and catch up horror for all the inhabitants of the district. But this is not enough for scientists, the next plan is an experiment on people ... Producer of the publication: Vladimir Vorobyov ©&℗ IP Vorobyov ©&℗ SOYUZ Publishing House... Further

  • In this collection you are collected audio versions of selected stories from the science fiction classic H. G. Wells. His writings had a powerful influence on 20th century science fiction literature, stating some of its founding themes: alien invasion, travel in time, a socialist utopia. Armageddon Butterfly Apple Spider Valley Sea Pirates Croquet Player Star In the Abyss Epiornis Island Inexperienced Ghost... Further

  • The Time Machine is the first science fiction novel by H. G. Wells, describing a journey into a future world inhabited by two kinds of creatures that man has become: the Morlocks, who live in underworld and serving machines, and fragile Eloi, absolutely not adapted for work. The book also includes stories from different years.... Further

  • The collection includes two fantastic works by the English writer HG Wells (1866–1946): The Invisible Man (1897) and The Time Machine (1895), in which he tries to predict the future achievements of science. Despite some naivety, the works are read "in one breath" to this day. The book contains unadapted texts in the original language.... Further

  • We so often want to be at least for a moment in the future, at least with one eye to see how people will live a hundred or two hundred years after us. What if we don't like what we see? After all, it is likely that scientific progress and social inequality in ultimately lead to the degradation of humanity. So, for example, the world of the future appeared to the hero of the novel "The Time Machine" not at all the way he imagined it in his dreams. It turned out that man has changed beyond recognition and now the Earth is inhabited by two types of creatures: Morlocks that live in the underworld and serve machines, and fragile Eloi completely unsuitable for work. Over the millennia, both of them have practically lost their minds, turning into semi-animals. Producer of the publication: Vladimir Vorobyov ©&℗ IP Vorobyov ©&℗ ID SOYUZ... Further

  • "Time Machine" Main character, a genius inventor, travels on his wonderful machine through 800,000 years and observes the final stratification of the society of the future into classes: rich, pampered Iloi and underground Morlock monsters engaged in hard labor. But the Iloi have to pay a very high price for their well-being ... "The Island of Dr. Moreau" ordinary person who accidentally landed on a small island in the South Seas - an island that turned out to be the kingdom of the brilliant and half-mad Dr. Moreau, who dared to violate the laws of nature and start creating people from wild animals.... Further

  • "The Invisible Man" by H. G. Wells is one of the most screened and most modern novels of the great English science fiction writer, both in terms of plot and philosophy, in which the fascinating adventures of the protagonist, a crazy and brilliant young physicist, are naively dreaming about supreme power over the world, but hunted and crushed by society, is just a frame for Wells' main thought - the thought of the scientist's deep responsibility for his discoveries, which can bring both blessings and countless troubles to the world.... Further

  • Amazing discoveries, brave heroes, mysterious worlds and incredible, exciting adventures - all this you will find in fantastic works Herbert Wells. Heroes fearlessly descend into the depths of the sea, fight monsters, speed up the passage of time and even travel to the future. The book includes the novel "The Time Machine" and short stories.... Further

  • The legendary novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau" is a gripping story of a talented scientist who conducts frightening biological experiments on a lost island. ... Further

  • The novel describes terrible tragedy in the history of the earth. The war between Martians and earthlings ends in tears for the inhabitants of both planets. The reason for this can be understood by reading the book. Book to read in English. ... Further

  • One of the most famous and popular novels by the English writer HG Wells. A dynamic fantasy story about a young scientist who managed to realize a man's old dream - to become invisible. Having received such an ability, he falls into terrible and exciting situations, but how will the "course" of the invisible man's survival end?... Further

  • From one look at his patients, the blood runs cold. The operations he performs are worse than torture. From under his scalpel come beasts that are able to think, have the gift of speech and are eager to get even with their creator. But Doctor Moreau is guarded by a bloody A law that keeps the whole Island in fear. Who will prevail - the cruel experimenter or his victims? Written at the dawn of the sci-fi genre, this gripping drama is still the ultimate fantasy thriller.... Further

  • "War of the Worlds". One of the largest paintings in the history of world science fiction, which has no analogues in literature, is extremely realistic picture confrontation of humanity with the unknown. The attack of the Martians on Earth is shown as a large-scale cataclysm that put hundreds of thousands ordinary citizens in front of the fact of the collapse of the former patriarchal world, the invasion of a terrible future, the complete dehumanization of human psychology.... Further

  • The collection includes the most terrible and mysterious mystical stories about the exorcism of demons, the spell of evil spirits, stories about shocking incidents with human souls and their owners. The power of influence of ancient cults, settling in the body of a foreign evil entity, impudent ghosts and chilling otherworldly creatures in the stories of H. Wells, M. James, J.K. Bangs, E.F. Benson and other masters of the genre of mystical stories.... Further

  • "The Island of Dr. Moreau" is H. G. Wells' scariest novel, balancing on the verge between science fiction and "horror literature". The story of an ordinary person who accidentally ended up on a small island in the South Seas - an island that turned out to be the kingdom of a brilliant and half-mad Dr. Moreau, who dared to break the laws of nature and start creating people from wild animals. "First Men on the Moon". A bright, fascinating novel about the adventures of two enthusiasts who managed to reach the Moon on a ball made of a special substance and get acquainted with the life of its inhabitants, the Selenites. The perfect combination of fantasy, humor, and subtle social observations make this a work that continues to be interesting and loved by readers of different generations.... Further

  • "…- My God! said Mr. Vincey. - That's it! My God, my God! He had no other words. His amazement, of course, knew no bounds. In great confusion, he looked from the wrecked room to the porter - and then back. Mr Vincey suggested that Mr. Bessel would probably return soon and explain everything, but the conversation did not go further than this and soon dried up. “Perhaps he’s got his teeth stuck,” remarked the porter. “It happens that the jaw hurts so brutally - for no reason at all, even climb the wall ...”... Further

  • In 1920, the English writer Herbert Wells came to the USSR. He was among the first Western writers who dared to visit the country of the Soviets. Travel essays were commissioned by The Sunday Express newspaper. The writer had already been once in Russia, in 1914, so with joy agreed to the offer. He was interested to see how the country has changed over the years. In the autumn of 1920, H. G. Wells, after a stay in Soviet Russia and upon his return to England he published the book Russia in the Dark, in which he spoke about his impressions. Probably no other book before has caused so much noise in the West. Read and be surprised!... Further

  • We invite you to listen to the audio version of the two most famous works Wells in an abridged retelling, which preserves the author's style and all the main events of the books. "No one would believe in last years nineteenth century, that behind everything that happens on Earth vigilantly and beings more advanced than man, though as mortal as he, are watching closely; that while people went about their business, they were examined and studied, perhaps as carefully as a person studies ephemeral creatures teeming and multiplying in a drop of water through a microscope. the privileged class, and the Morlocks their labor servants, but that is long gone... The Eloi were reborn into beautiful nonentities. They still owned the surface of the earth out of mercy ... but the implacable Nemesis silently approached the pampered lucky ones. Many centuries ago, man deprived his neighbor of happiness and sunlight. And now this neighbor has become completely unrecognizable! Eloi got it again initial lesson life. They are reacquainted with the feeling of fear…" from "Time Machine"... Further

  • From 1917 to our time, interest in the personality of V.I. Lenin. Despite the sometimes polar assessment of his policies, no one denies that it was statesman on a global scale. Revolutionary, founder of the Soviet state, chairman of the board People's Commissars(government) of the RSFSR, the ideologist and creator of the Third (Communist) International, Lenin already aroused close attention among his contemporaries. In the book now presented to readers, his impressions of meetings with V.I. Lenin is shared by the Swiss socialist F. Platten, who came to Russia with Lenin in 1917, the American journalist D. Reed, a witness of the October Revolution, and the English writer G. Wells, who made a trip to Russia in 1920. They bring a lot interesting details about V.I. Lenin, evaluate his activities as the leader of the Russian and world revolution.... Further

  • The novel by HG Wells (1866-1946) "The War of the Worlds" has long and firmly entered the treasury of world literature, having withstood a lot of reprints, film and television screenings, giving rise to thousands of imitators in different genres. However, the novel goes far beyond science fiction, becoming for generations of readers with a novel-warning. The narration is conducted in the first person, which creates the effect of presence and immeasurably enhances the impression of scary pictures enslavement of the Earth by mechanized beings. Fully assuming that for modern reader much in it may seem naive and outdated - the novel appeared at the end of the 19th century - it nevertheless remains deep and excitingly interesting.... Further

H. G. Wells was born in 1866 in Bromley, Kent. Wells' career may have been defined by an accident - as a child he broke both legs, and spent all the time at home, due to which he read a lot. Then Wells graduated from high school and received further education at the Teachers College in London. It was at the College of Education that Wells studied under the famous biologist Tomasz Huxley, who had a strong influence on him. Wells' "science fiction" (although he never called it that) was clearly influenced by his studies at the Normal College and the interests he developed in biology.

Wells became famous with his first work, The Time Machine, in 1895. Shortly after the publication of this book, Wells wrote the following: The Island of Doctor Moreau (1895); The Invisible Man (1897), and his most famous work, The War of the Worlds (1898).

Over the years, Wells began to worry about the fate of human society in a world where technology and scientific development are moving very fast. During this period he was a member of the Fabian Society (a group of social philosophers in London who advocated caution and gradualism in politics, science and public life). Wells wrote less science fiction now, and more works in social critical analysis.

After World War I, Wells published several scientific works, among them A Brief History of the World (1920), The Science of Life (1929-39), written in collaboration with Sir Julian Hooksley and George Philip Wells, and Experiments in Autobiography (1934). During this time Wells became a popular celebrity and continued to write extensively. In 1917 he was a member of the Research Committee of the League of Nations and published several books on world organization. Although Wells had many doubts about Soviet system, he understood the broad aims of the Russian revolution, and had a rather pleasant meeting with Lenin in 1920. In the early 1920s, Wells was a Labor candidate for Parliament. Between 1924 and 1933 Wells lived mainly in France. From 1934 to 1946 he was international president of PEN. In 1934 he had conversations with Stalin, who disappointed him; and Roosevelt, trying, however, unsuccessfully, to offer him his own scheme for maintaining peace. Wells was convinced that Western socialists could not compromise with communism, and that best hope the future lies in Washington. In The Holy Terror (1939), Wells described psychological development modern dictator, exemplified by the careers of Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler.

Wells lived through the Second World War in his Regent's Park, refusing to leave London, even during the bombings. His latest book Mind on the Edge (1945), expressed pessimism about the future prospects of mankind. Wells died in London on August 13, 1946.

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