Theta Healing is a destructive sect! Atomic "bomb" or what is ThetaHealing.

What is ThetaHealing® (theta-healing) and what is the essence of theta-meditation? What are beliefs and how do they appear in the subconscious, how do they differ from each other? Can Theta Healing be harmful and is it possible to influence a person against his will and download negative beliefs? I will answer these questions in the article.

1. What is ThetaHealing® (theta-healing)?

ThetaHealing® - a method of instant healing on the spiritual, physical and psychological levels through the transformation of beliefs and concentrated prayer to the Creator of All That Is. The method was discovered by American Vianna Stibal, a healer, naturopath and psychic. With his help, she was cured of cancer.

Over the years of practice, Vianna has created a system in which she has invested all the knowledge and experience gained. She has written several books and taught the method (and still teaches it) to people from all over the planet.

The method uses theta-waves of our brain, on which we come into contact with the Creator and reveal the depths of the subconscious. We rise to the 7th plane of being - the place where everything is created, where everything is the energy of the Creator, the energy of Unconditional Love.

2. The essence of theta meditation

You can do theta meditation on your own - rise to the 7th plane and manifest or express an intention, a request. And also use guided meditations with the Master - listen to the recording or participate online.

On the project "The Power of Thought" every month I spend. School students, experienced theta healers and beginners take part. Thanks to the synergy of a large number of conscious people, the effect of meditation is enhanced.

3. Can ThetaHealing hurt?

ThetaHealing® - a system of training courses in which future healers (healers) pass safety precautions when working with different cases.

The method itself is based on a deep faith in the Creator and the laws of the Universe. Working on theta waves and the 7th plane of existence, we are in the energy of Unconditional Love. So we can't do any harm. We act for the Good through the Creator and only with the permission of man. Yes, we always ask permission for everything.

In any case, it is worth remembering that on Earth we all get experience. And if a negative event occurs, ask yourself:“Why do I need this, what does it teach?” Also remember about purity of thought and that like attracts like. Because the negativity coming from the outside is always attracted by the inner negativity.

And this is where work begins with negative beliefs that provoke unpleasant or even deplorable situations.

4. What are beliefs?

Beliefs are also called programs, blocks. Belief- it is an element of the worldview. Together they create a belief system, your vision of the world, and reality itself. Everyone has a different belief system.

For example, what is the difference between the worldview of a rich and a poor person. The rich have the beliefs “big money - this is good”, “I earn money in large quantities, they come to me easily” and the like. The poor are hostile to the rich and believe that "a lot of money spoils a person" and "it is not so easy and legal to earn it."

Beliefs cling to each other and create a big brick wall, which is the belief system. It shapes your worldview, on the basis of which reality is created. There are no similar belief systems, and the reality and life of everyone is different.

Beliefs can be negative (destructive) or positive (promoting). The negative ones were originally good and contributed to the survival of the family and the person himself.

For example, the belief that “one must fight and kill for food and goods” helped primitive ancestors survive. These beliefs live in many even now, pushing them into an endless struggle for a “place under the sun”. Today there is enough food and there is no need to seize new territories, the belief is not relevant. But, being deep in the subconscious, it provokes external discomfort and stressful situations.

Positive beliefs include “love is beautiful”, “my body radiates youth, health and beauty” and others.

You can learn how to work with beliefs on the course« » .

5. How do beliefs appear in the subconscious?

Beliefs - it is a decision or conclusion that occurs at the moment of psychological trauma or in a situation where a person has experienced a shock. The power of emotion and feeling fixes this decision in the subconscious. And most of the time it happens unconsciously.

For example, an ancestor was robbed, he experienced great fear and shock. At the genetic level, the belief is laid down: "carrying money with you is life-threatening." And subsequent generations unconsciously avoid having money.

6. How do beliefs differ from each other?

In ThetaHealing®, beliefs are classified into levels:

  1. Root - level of this life. At this level, there are the beliefs of parents and relatives, from kindergarten, school, institute, from your educators and teachers, society, society, country and all the people and factors that have been in your life from the moment you were born until today.
  2. Genetic - programs and beliefs of the Family, ancestors.
  3. Historical - beliefs that have developed in past incarnations.
  4. Soul level - programs, decisions and beliefs that the Soul has accepted.

By working on beliefs at any of the levels, you change your worldview. And also cleanse the Family from negativity, past incarnations from pain and change the fate of your children, subsequent generations and incarnations. What you transform now will no longer interfere with them in the future.


This article came about for a lot of reasons. And perhaps it will cause you a double understanding. And yet it is filled with love and understanding. Many of the valid points in this article are valid and that means there is ALWAYS a positive solution since you are already reading it.

First of all, the article was created for the awareness of people, especially those who use energy practices in their lives. It is possible that in some events you will notice that you yourself once did the same and most likely unconsciously. It is possible that you know such people who created consciously similar situations.

Perhaps you will find answers to your previous questions in this publication. Write them in the comments at the end of the page! Or vice versa, there will be new questions. Ask them in the comments at the end of the page!

And yet, I, and you, and other people, we all follow the path of evolution of our Soul, so let's go along this path joyfully, happily, feeling safe, bringing goodness and love to this world! After all, even now, reading this publication, our paths have already crossed!

With love and gratitude, Galina Malin.

A huge need to share your thoughts, they have been overpowering me for the second day, sorry, for the intrusion ... I decided with you. I just need help to figure out what's going on? ... I wrote out and that's what happened.

And so, a little experience of a practitioner, consultant, healer, healer (4 months, not every day, weekly) caused not so much enthusiasm as questions.

The TX method (thanks to the author) is strong, but! The question is, how can you give certificates, as permission for healing and the use of this method in relation to other people (not yourself!) To thousands, hundreds of thousands, and at the same time not be responsible for their activities. Go and aim, and what you aim - answer for yourself)), not a teacher, much less an author. At the same time, nothing is required: neither knowledge of psychology, nor knowledge of anatomy, nor special talents and abilities (there are no random ones here!?) pay - study (after 3 days of the basic one !!!) - you will receive !!! certificate and purpose.

Surprisingly... Any method can not only help, but also harm - one wrong word can be enough... Then how much responsibility, understanding, upbringing, tact, positive, elementary knowledge should be - those who are given the right to heal? From the side - as if another new "chip" went to people: whoever is faster and more enterprising drives, the rest also "want" to steer. At the same time, everyone praises himself, well, a little bit of others, well-educated people. Someone speaks frankly - about competition, about working off money (the costs are the same! They climbed into loans while studying, and are still in debt to this day, as it turns out from personal communication). And the wave is already coming ... There are a lot of ideas for making money, TX is very successful. With a tearful and heartbreaking story, with miracles and other, other trapping attributes on the way to the Creator Himself. And if something is NOT THAT WRONG (you don’t heal, or there are problems in relationships, or you get fat, or the food in the refrigerator is rotten and the gasoline in the car is over, etc. etc. etc. - there is one answer to everything (and why bother, the simpler - the more reliable!) — you don’t believe in the Creator…… and in addition of darkness, and darkness, and darkness of all sorts of already printed variants. Dig!!! with the Creator and still - dig !!!

TH- the road to mass charlatanism? A new idea for pumping money? But everything is voluntary! Who doesn’t want a miracle? - everyone wants it, but in Russia it’s in the mentality - to do nothing and lie on the stove, whether it’s a pike, or the Creator - commands to give and receive what you want!

And also - for the first time I encountered how spiritual people striving for knowledge do not comply with agreements(the disks are pooled, the materials are pooled ... you talk about agreements with them, but they pretend that they don’t understand, and then they just stop communicating with you ...), and if somewhere someone lowered the price by a rate - contempt for him and Divine censure and again, digging.

Who is this method for? Here, with us. Probably TX - this is for the especially chosen ones - who lives there - FOR. i.e. in a different civilization or in Russia, but a very large city (it doesn’t matter what - FOR) ...

I communicate daily with neighbors, friends, acquaintances - real, true people of the Earth, with a huge Soul, they live simply, work, raise children, grandchildren, they go to the forest, and to fishing, and to the garden - all with Soul, with faith and love ! But for courses in TX - it will be difficult (and there are no guarantees),

(?) Vianna, does she know how people live in Russia, not in Moscow or St. Petersburg? And in the most ordinary towns, villages, cities (hundreds of thousands of them). Hardly... Do you know?

Sadly. I'm sad. And when a person comes to TH with faith in a miracle (he read about it, heard about it), then I really want a miracle to happen.

Perhaps everything.

If someone responds, I will be glad and grateful.

Kuprinova Svetlana.

Without judgment, with reasoning for experience, I will share my thoughts, observations, situations, and the like.

I have been asked many times: “How to understand which instructor to go to study with? Whom should or can I turn to for help in conducting the session?” Svetlana's post clearly shows where such questions were born. I think the time has come to answer these questions in detail.

Thank you, Svetlana, for your post, for the opportunity to tell people your opinion. It is in a conversation that a person can see, hear himself and other people from the outside. And having heard, it is easier for him to feel his intuition (conscience) and make a decision.

After the first courses, I looked at the world through rose-colored glasses… After the seminar on Intuitive Anatomy, I realized that when working with clients, I can only help a little bit, “pointwise” and in a small amount, considering how much time is needed for a session, and if several sessions are needed…

It's like an Eastern proverb says: “You can feed a hungry man with fish once and the feeling of hunger will leave him for a while. But to help him actually get rid of hunger, he should be taught to fish (fish).

So I decided to go to Vianna for instructor training. And I am grateful to the Creator that he led me by showing how experienced instructors work ...

Svetlana, many times I had such moments of not understanding, surprise: “How so! After all, ThetaHealing is such a “clean” technology. So pure energy! And at the same time, there is so much “aggression” and “irritation” even among the “experienced” thetaheelers, not to mention the “beginners”!

I agree with you, Svetlana, that there are people striving to master ThetaHealing technologies with such thoughts: “It is important for me to work off the invested finances later.”

I will not scare you with all the "horror stories", but I went through very "hard" lessons. Like many of the thetaheelers, I said to myself: “these are the “lessons” of my life path; these are programs; these are beliefs; he (she) "mirror" me; etc.

All THIS is nonsense!!! By this we justify "fraud", "shamanism", "arrogance", "rudeness", "hypocrisy", "manipulation" and the like. I have a lot of examples with facts about this.

As soon as I removed any “curses”, thought forms, psychic attacks, many of my surroundings “disappeared” somewhere. And disconnecting from egregors and removing “shamanic” slander surprised me at all with the removal of my profile from many social groups ...

What is it for? And this is ALWAYS not your own beliefs !!! This is “envy”, “pride”, “aggression” of people who, in turn, do many things consciously and purposefully.

A couple of examples.
I was given information from one piece of jewelry given as a gift. Many theta healers, due to their beliefs, are not always able to read information. So much “dirt” was “thrown off” on him… And then they told me the name of the Person who presented this jewelry and he is a theta healer (instructor) with great experience. And if you, trusting a Person, take such a gift and immediately put it on, then everything that was thrown off goes to you.

This is how they try to get rid of "competitors". Of course, you will say that the pier itself attracted such a Person and such a situation! Yes, and you will be right. But then where do we “roll down” in this way ...

Yes, the Man “pulled” this situation, of course, because he came to the theta healer for help to remove the “programs”, “beliefs” that give rise to such situations. So why does the theta healer take advantage of the moment to "get rid" of the "easy" way to solve their questions and problems in this way? After all, the client at this moment "stands" in front of the theta healer completely "naked". The client trusts theta healer!

For example, in my understanding, there are inconsistencies with such a theta practitioner (instructor), because training based on the teachings of Vianna Stibal broadcasts other goals and objectives.

There is also a very rather “dangerous” moment. These are "downloads" and "uploads".

Once I was so “cleaned” that I was a forty-year-old woman and became a five-year-old child. Yes, yes ... In the flesh to the point that when I came home I could not plug the electric plug from the wire into the socket, where there are rivets from children, so that they would not fit with my finger. And this is the Woman who assembles computers herself, repairs radio and television equipment! At night, I was so "sausage", panic, animal fear of dying ... Friends said that it was "scary" to look at me ... They did not understand what was happening to me ...

Of course - this happened with my consent ... But more on that below ...

I thank the Creator that there are other theta healers who work with love and kindness, are open to the world and generously share their experience, ready to help at any time of the day. They helped me get back most of my experience through the Seventh Plane from the Akashic Records. Recovery continues to this day...

I also observe how everyone is unloading “in a crowd”, while ONLY one word is pronounced aloud “are we unloading?” client: "yes"... And then when you look at the historical level of this client, and it is empty... What does this mean? And the fact that the client AGAIN will have to go through this experience. It was in his Divine timetable. There is an excuse for “theta-practitioner” I mentally (to myself, not out loud) had other words in mind too ... You forget that the client must hear and realize everything that you do about “uploads” and “downloads” …

Or else how with "ease" they "unload" and "load" each other. I hear this sometimes: “Come on, upload it, if I upload something later.” Hmm... Man is not a computer! Loading and unloading is the formation of neural connections on the physical manifestation. Unloading is the interruption of these connections, loading is the birth of these connections. These are new receptors of the nervous system, this is the transformation of stem cells into those cells that are needed in one or another Human organ, etc…

Another important point that some theta practitioners "lose" from sight, while others use it "for their own good." It is the compilation of thousands of lists of beliefs and feelings. I also "rushed" to buy them for my work, like saving time during the sessions. But strange things began to happen to me regarding the deal. I asked the Creator: “What is it about?”… And the answer is in author Vianna Stibal's book Advanced Theta Healing on pages 108-109.

And yet I will quote, perhaps not Everyone has this book:

“Many Theta Healing practitioners and teachers make long lists of feelings they would like to install for themselves and others. Some spend many hours working through thousands of beliefs but neglect the technique of excavation. However, removing beliefs at random, without revealing a core belief, only leads to confusion.

The same is true for diseases. Some people come to me and say that they have removed from themselves all the beliefs that they think are somehow related to their disease, but did not get the desired result. The truth is that they most likely have not removed the core belief responsible for the disease, and moreover, they do not want to spend time discovering it. They limited themselves to a list of beliefs compiled by someone else and most likely not suitable for them themselves. It should be understood that all people are unique, and in the same way our illnesses and beliefs are unique. And although the beliefs associated with any particular disease may be similar in different people, nevertheless, each person is different from everyone else and we should never start from the assumption that core beliefs will be the same for everyone.

Be that as it may, beliefs associated with a particular disease can be easily overcome. It is more difficult to help a person develop the ability to communicate with the Creator when his disease has already been healed.

In essence, the point of all Theta Healing techniques is to teach a person to heal himself using belief work. Also, their meaning is that your connection with the Creator should be extremely pure and not distorted. You must realize that all diseases and all problems in your life can be easily eliminated. With a little work of belief, you can change your life and the lives of your clients forever.”

I have been living in a theta state for a long time without the need to climb the roadmap to the 7th plane of Being and do not conduct muscle tests, the need for this “disappeared” by itself. (See author Vianna Stibal's book Advanced Theta Healing on page 102 for more details.)

And the “deeper” I work on myself, with clients and course participants, the more I understand what ThetaHealing is.

And in short it looks like this:

ThetaHealing is atomic energy.

And many of you know that in life atomic energy is used both for peaceful purposes, for example, using the forces of nature to build a hydroelectric power station and receive electricity, heat, light ... So ... build an atomic bomb with the mind of a Man and everything around will be like Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945…

An example not from the field of ThetaHealing, but on the topic:

The Slavs consider their practices and Vedic knowledge to be the most “pure”, “bright”, “safe”, “effective” ... And yet, even they are used by people for various purposes to this day. For example, Hitler studied them in great detail and used them in practice, we all know about the results of these practices. And yet the Slavs became winners by the same results.

And why? Yes, because the words “know” and “know” have different meanings and have different images and understanding behind them. It is understanding, experience, family support and much more that gives the Slavs the power of freedom. Man strives for freedom! It is freedom that he so vehemently defends in his life. And there are no freer Slavs in this world now! The Aryans KNEW the 7th Plan of Existence.

ThetaHealing® DNA-3 is still in use among the Slavs to this day, there are few such people, but they still exist.(“Games of the Gods” 13th episode, starts at the 58th minute with a duration of 7 minutes…).

So (below) Vianna Stibal says she hasn't "invented" anything new. What she “broadcasts” is known to many and this is not a secret. She was simply shown the way how to carry this knowledge in the "current" social world. Indeed, for many, many people, the connection with the family is interrupted. In the past, this knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. How to “secure” this knowledge from “persecution” and “attacks”. So that people can easily build their lives and live in the same environment.

Now about the main thing.

When a Person turns to a theta healer for help, he initially TRUSTS him… This refers to “downloads” and “unloads”… and there are such theta healers who VERY “press” and if the client’s “boundaries” have not been worked out, then the theta healer will “cleanse » it at your discretion.

In my case: I worked a lot with building “boundaries”, since at my five years old, my whole family took me by the arms and crucified my legs and “tried to sew up my pip” so that I would not write. With such a “psychological focus” they wanted to solve one problem, and thereby “spawned” a lot of others. For example, my stepfather’s pedophilia towards me… So, what kind of internal borders can such a client be talking about?!

Respect the client, love him! He does not know anything about thetahealing at all, he is “naive”, he is “suffering”, he is “awakened” and is looking for help, compassion, he wants changes in his life ...

Improve through love and kindness!

Briefly about Spirituality.

EVERY Person is initially SPIRITUAL from the very birth, as it has a Soul and a Spirit.

Spirit is our character, made up of beliefs. Beliefs consist of a combination of different emotions that led to a particular conclusion.

The soul evolves with the help of the Spirit. Everything is pretty simple. From this it follows that "spirituality" is determined by the evolution of the Soul.

So forgive people for their "weaknesses" and help them build on their "strengths." Love them and give them joy. The laws of the Universe work in any case, whether the Man recognizes them or not. This is the choice of the Man and be indulgent!

And now it's time to tell you about Vianna Stibal's training.

Vianna Stibal provides training for INSTRUCTORS. Why am I focusing on this? Because many instructors call themselves "teachers". And these are different concepts, therefore, the approach too. For a long time I have been tracking the energies and images of words, what actions are performed under these words, concepts.

Teacher- this is a Person who teaches knowledge and belongs to the category of teachers, and "pedagogy" refers to the exact sciences. For example, this is a school. Where the teacher on books gives information. And yet, people consider the best and choose for themselves and their children those teachers who bring their experience to teaching.

Instructor is a Person who has received instructions and, based on his experience, shows how to use them. Often the instructor teaches exactly what is not in the instructions. Which therefore is the opposite of the exact sciences.

The simplest example driving instructor. And in my life (at the age of 16) Victor was the best instructor, who taught us to pack the “reserve” of the D-5th parachute. He said that your life depends on it. And that no one will pack it the way you yourself ... We even argued for 2 kg of chocolates in order to pull out the check in the air in time. Otherwise, the reserve will open and "extinguish" the main parachute ... And this is life-threatening. Some still descended on two parachutes, fortunately safe and sound ...

Vianna issues certificates based on the knowledge gained from the THINK Institute. Since the student received textbooks, he took a certain course. In the Intuitive Anatomy course, Vianna even administers an exam.

The courses are training instructors (Vianna even says so in the schedule), who bring Love and Kindness to the WORLD. Vianna constantly emphasizes this. To do this, she was given, to help students, the opportunity to formalize all this knowledge in franchising.

Vianna also says that she hasn't "invented" anything new. What she “broadcasts” is known to many and this is not a secret. She was simply shown the way how to carry this knowledge in the "current" social world. Indeed, for many, many people, the connection with the family is interrupted. In the past, this knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. How to “secure” this knowledge from “persecution” and “attacks”. So that people can easily build their lives and live in the same environment.

Vianna Stibal relentlessly reiterates the moral and ethical relationship between theta healers and in her work with clients. Guy Stibal spends a lot of time explaining the ethics of running a ThetaHealing franchise business.

Vianna gives LOTS of examples from this area. He even talks about how he DESERVES (licenses-certificates) the RIGHT TO PRACTICE THETAHEALING.

Vianna frequents (energetically) many classes. She "came" to me for a course in Intuitive Anatomy. Some students and instructors also confirm that they observed the presence of Vianna Stibal in the classroom during the courses.

But people are arranged in such a way that their Worldview and Worldview directly depend on their evolution of the Soul. And even if several people look at the same object at the same time, they will give completely different information about it.

Therefore, whom should we choose as mentors, which healer, instructor, teacher, etc. We decide for ourselves! The choice is made by the Man himself! And thank God that now there is a CHOICE! When I started, there was no such choice... And here neither beliefs nor intuition play any role. And I thank the Universe for the opportunity to express thoughts HERE AND NOW, which will help many people navigate their life path.

I thank Svetlana and all those who directly or indirectly influenced the birth of this article. I wish you, Dear Reader, to find your way and make your choice!

Vianna's mission is to give the World as much goodness and love as possible. And she is shown the way through teaching people kindness and love. One kind word ALREADY heals the souls of people. And she constantly repeats this in the courses: “Remember, if your Ego is silent, the Creator will help you in everything.” “Words have power! Think what you say! (See author Vianna Stibal's book Advanced Theta Healing on pages 100-101 for more details.)

Thanks to Vianna for the chance she gives to every Human through education. Someone is moving fast, and someone is slower, but in any case, they all carry rays of the Divine Light of Kindness and Unconditional Love!

Key to the 7th plane of existence:

“The basis of ThetaHealing® technologies is KINDNESS and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!” — Vianna Stibal.

“Live as if there are no secrets in your life and nothing is hidden. Live as if you were an open book so that anyone can be told what you did today.” — Vianna Stibal

PS: As for me personally, all my life I intuitively lived with faith in the support of the Creator, developing, thereby allowing my Soul to evolve and move to higher vibrations. And this was facilitated by the fact that despite the hardships that fell to my lot, I kept kindness and love in my Soul. And now I do it consciously with the help of ThetaHealing.

I am happy that I am doing what I love. I live in Love and Abundance! I am happy that I have many different sources of income and this allows my Higher Self (my Ego) to be my friend (it is always on the sidelines, as an observer) and work with clients and listeners without interfering with session processes.

And I wish you the same 🙂 With love and gratitude, Galina Malin 🙂

The Theta Healing technique was created by American Vianna Stibal in 1995 to cure herself of hip cancer.

By that time, she had already lost faith in

Vianna Stibal

recovery and healing from traditional and alternative medicine.

After her recovery, Vianna began working with scientists to find out how she was able to recover.

Scientists have found that practitioners of this method are dominated by theta - the wave activity of the brain.

This is what makes it possible to interact with the Energy of Unconditional Love, the energy of the Creator.

In addition, being in theta state is ideal for working with the human subconscious. With the help of this, we can instantly change the Negative Programs and Feelings that are the cause of illnesses and ailments.

Since then, Vianna Stibal has consistently used the ThetaHealing technique in her sessions with truly amazing results. The methodology is constantly being improved and supplemented.

Vianna spreads her knowledge around the world by teaching ThetaHealing masters.

The incredible results of this technology have aroused great interest in it around the world.

To date, thousands of people in all parts of the world have learned the ThetaHealing technique, and successfully apply it in life, freeing people from diseases and problems.

Scientific research

After Vianna Stibal turned to scientists in search of a scientific justification for a new technique, an experiment was conducted.

The electroencephalograph testified that during her sessions, Vianna's brain worked at the theta frequency.

The founder of Theta Healing began to scrupulously examine all the scientific and esoteric works available at that time, which contained information about the theta state.

Vianna practiced her meditation all the time, which makes it possible to reach the theta state and interact with the miraculous energy of the Creator of all things. Subsequently, she developed a methodology for teaching thetahealing to everyone.

Theta Healing Training

The Theta Healing technology training is available to everyone who is interested, while the level of a person’s study and experience in other spiritual disciplines does not matter.

It is as simple as it is effective, and anyone can master it.

By practicing theta meditation, everyone, regardless of the amount of knowledge, age, education and physical form, is able to quickly transform their lives: meet a loved one, improve their financial situation, recover from diseases, etc.

For personal development trainers, practicing psychologists and psychiatrists, masters of Reiki and other esoteric practices, ThetaHealing ™ will be an excellent tool for a deeper and more complete understanding of the problems being worked out.

The combination of ThetaHealing(tm) and other healing techniques
will help you rise to a fundamentally new level and achieve excellent results. You can find information about self-studying thetahealing in our article.

Theta healing method

As I have already said, the basis of the technique is the ability of people to achieve a special state in which the brain operates at the Theta frequency.

In it, we interact with the Energy of the Creator of All That Is or the Energy of Unconditional Love.

Being in the Theta state, we receive unlimited power, because we are reunited with the Creator: You can instantly heal diseases and ailments, remove destructive beliefs on four levels, scan the human body from the inside, see what will happen, bring what you want to life ...

It turns out that the possibilities of the theta state have been known to people since antiquity. For example, in the Hawaiian Islands, Kahunas used theta frequencies to walk barefoot on fiery lava.

In this state, your consciousness changes and the perception of the world becomes different. We are freed from the frames and boundaries of our ego when we unite with the Creator, the assessment of the surrounding “black and white”, the collective unconscious, we are freed from illusions, the need to feel suffering and sacrifice ourselves.

With ThetaHealing, we are able to identify the key destructive beliefs that prevent our prosperity, financial well-being, causing diseases or problems.

Many understand and realize what kind of phobias and programs, negative thoughts hinder their success.

But conscious beliefs are just the tip of the iceberg. As can be seen in practice, very rarely do people realize the true causes that are the root of the problems.

Negative Beliefs

When the underlying destructive belief is revealed, the healer enters the Seventh Plane of Being and takes action to change the negative belief into a positive one.

After that, the person conducting the session testifies that the previous belief has been eliminated and a replacement has been made for the best one. It is at this moment that momentary changes occur.

The occurrence of ailments and diseases is not only due to malnutrition or environmental conditions.

In almost all cases, physical illnesses are related to our negative emotions or thoughts.

All of our beliefs, including deep root ones, are written on 4 levels.

Basic level of belief. These are programs related to early childhood and the characteristics of our upbringing. We received them from our parents, kindergarten teachers, teachers and teachers in schools, other children in the yard, friends and as experience, as confirmation of some situations.

There is a saying: "We all come from childhood." This is exactly what this saying is about. In childhood and adolescence, there is a process of perceiving many attitudes, guided by which we subsequently live.

genetic beliefs. These include all the programs that we inherited from our ancestors. They were passed down to us by our parents. During the whole period of our family life, our great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfathers gradually formed a system of beliefs that corresponded to their lives.

Many of them are not destructive and negative. Some of them give a sense of security, security, help in life.

But there are programs that saved the lives of our predecessors a long time ago, but in our time are a strong obstacle, since the world has become different. And now there are no those dangers that were before.

For example, if the relatives of our ancestors were dispossessed, then they developed programs that the possession of wealth PRESENTS A THREAT TO LIFE. And they passed this belief to their children with genes to ensure safety.

The historical level of beliefs is usually associated with traumas that happened to us in past incarnations. Theta Healing accepts the theory of reincarnation, i.e. that after death we can be reborn in other bodies. And each incarnation leaves its mark on all subsequent lives.

Just in previous incarnations, all sorts of oaths, vows, vows, oaths, contracts, promises are revealed, whose action does not stop with death, but continues and affects subsequent lives.

After all, vows made in the past are almost never completed. And they follow us like a heavy load

As an example, if in one of the past lives a person was a monk, and took a vow of poverty, in subsequent lives there may be significant problems with financial well-being.

And if in a past life you swore love and fidelity to someone, then in this life the effect of this oath will also manifest itself. But not on a conscious level. And it may not be immediately clear why there is a craving for a certain person, no matter what.

And the deepest level Soul level. These are our own programs. Those that our soul has created, based on all our experience. Moreover, the experience gained not only on our planet, but also in parallel realities.

Now a lot of techniques make it possible to restore in memory and work out negative programs of the basic and genetic level (the so-called generic programs). But none of them reaches the historical level and the level of the soul.

Moreover, when changing any negative program, it is equally important to give a person knowledge of how to live without him. After all, his whole being has become so accustomed to this energy that, without knowing how it could be otherwise, the negative belief can return again.

All subconscious blocks (beliefs, programs, thoughts) that prevent our realization, our dreams, are identified using a special technique called muscle testing.

This test has been widely and for a long time known all over the world. It is used in many technologies, the lie detector works on the same principle. Since all our thoughts and feelings in the form of a certain energy are stored in the cells of our body.

After the belief is revealed, and you agree to part with it, voice your consent - the program changes to the best one.

How do you know if you need courses?

If you are happy, and all areas of your life make you happy, then you should probably enjoy life and give joy to loved ones. But the question is, how many such people are there in the world?

There are several main signs that you should take the course

  • Do you have negative thinking?
  • changes in life scare you;
  • sincerely sure that you know everything about the world around you;
  • undecided who to be in life;
  • place the blame for everything in your life on others;
  • don't define your goals.

You may be wondering what will you get if you go to the thetahealing courses?

So, you have already learned that in reaching a special state, our brain is most successfully able to control the chakras, or energy flows, to contact with them. That is, to manage both the physical and spiritual state of oneself.

In this way, you will achieve a great emotional and physical state, which gives you many opportunities for fulfillment. For example, correct the material component of your life, improve relationships with others and with yourself. That is, to direct your life in a positive direction.

We all want to be in harmony, find peace of mind, happiness. But in order to feel happy, you need to feel satisfied in life.

What is ThetaHealing? This concept consists of two words: from the English healing (healing) and the term "theta", denoting a special, higher state of consciousness. This name denotes a new method of meditation, which is aimed at the spiritual, emotional and physical cleansing of a person.

A bit of history

The creator of the technique is Vianna Stibal, an American healer, writer and artist. The woman claims that since childhood she had a unique ability to see information inside a person and read it. She used her gift to help people in need.

What led the woman to this path? A serious illness that rapidly destroyed the right thigh and ate it from the inside. Vianna decided that she would not let the disease take her life, and began to study the art of massage, naturopathy and Taoism in order to help herself.

But the disease progressed. Neither traditional, nor alternative, nor traditional medicine helped. But then Vianna discovered that the technique she developed and applied to clients to help healed many instantly. Then she tried it on herself, thanks to which she immediately went on the mend.

The essence of the method

So what is ThetaHealing? This is a method of meditation and thinking that involves sincere faith in the inexhaustible source of love. Many still call him the Creator or the Creator. It is thanks to the radiated energy of unconditional love that the technique works.

Many are skeptical of this claim. But even science has proven that negative thinking has a negative impact on a person’s well-being. Often it is this that provokes the occurrence of various diseases.

ThetaHealing is a modern, popular and effective way to deal with bad thoughts, inner limitations and unfounded fears. This method is believed to help:

  • Heal the soul, mind and body.
  • Discover and develop unconditional love.
  • Look at the world with new eyes, meet a spiritual partner and friend.
  • Get rid of worries and fears.
  • Break the stereotypes that interfere with life. Change the beliefs that prevent a happy and fulfilling life.
  • Unleash your talents, potential and abilities.
  • Find your calling and life purpose.

As you can see, the promised action has a lot of benefits. Not surprisingly, many are interested in the ThetaHealing method. How does it work?


So, what is theta-healing is clear. But what underlies its action?

The technique itself was developed taking into account knowledge of quantum physics. It is believed that it helps to activate the hidden resources of the human brain, the main of which are intuition and healing.

With the help of modern technology, it has long been established that the brain constantly creates electromagnetic waves. But only the impulse of one type always prevails. It can be alpha, beta, gamma, delta or theta. It is the last type that is the most valuable.

Theta waves are formed in the right hemisphere - at the moment when a person is in borderline consciousness. Somewhere between the subconscious and the conscious. They say that if you tune in to this frequency, then paranormal abilities and previously unfamiliar emotions will manifest.

The easiest way to do this is for creative people. Others benefit from listening to music, which activates the theta frequency. But, of course, it doesn't work all at once. Special training is required, which will be discussed later.

Benefits of brain stimulation with theta waves

It is difficult to overestimate it. The ThetaHealing method, based on brain wave stimulation, usually leads to the following improvements:

  • Feelings of anxiety are reduced, stress sensations are minimized. This is due to a state of relaxation, a decrease in the state of nervousness and a positive effect of theta waves on mental health.
  • Mind and body are healed. Recovery from spiritual and physical illnesses is faster.
  • The immune system is strengthened. Stress and anxiety are harmful because they trigger an overproduction of cortisol and adrenaline. And the relaxation that Theta Healing gives contributes to the appearance of a good mood. As a result, there is a production of neurotransmitters and hormones that have a beneficial effect on the body.
  • A sense of carelessness, giving a sense of comfortable connection with others.
  • The intensity of emotions increases. Theta Healing awakens the sensual component. Many people after meditation are surprised to find how their emotional sphere has been detached, even blocked.
  • Intuition is enhanced. People who practice ThetaHealing say they are able to "hear" and "see" beyond the physical senses. And the perception of reality is guaranteed to expand. After all, this method is brain training.
  • Connecting with the subconscious is being established. This is important because it is also creativity. After all, it is in the subconscious that experience is stored, and it contains long-term memory and opportunities for creativity.
  • The "mental block" is eliminated. It is also known as "stupor" - a state when a person cannot do anything. They say it is associated with an increased number of beta waves. The production of theta impulses, in turn, leads to a state of flight and inspiration.
  • A connection is established between the astral and physical body, characterized by a feeling of happiness, bliss and peace.
  • They will "reprogram" themselves. Eliminate an undesirable type of thinking, for example, change your behavior, attitude towards something. This is also called subconscious programming.
  • Increase learning ability. When a person enters the theta wave range, he becomes subject to a 300% more effective assimilation of any information.
  • Long-term memory is strengthened. By doing thetahealing practice, a person also trains his brain to quickly restore and subsequently retain memories.

paranormal experience

It is impossible not to touch upon this topic by talking about what theta healing is. People who are in this state of meditation are said to be especially open to paranormal experiences. If you believe their statements, then most often they experience:

  • OOVE - astral flights, the exit of the soul from the body. They are not available to everyone. In one of the layers of the astral world (of which there are only three) only people with high-quality, pure energy are able to rise.
  • Remote vision. Collecting information through extrasensory perception. People seem to be transferred to a particular situation, time and place, becoming outside observers of what is happening right at that moment.
  • Psychic abilities (communication with the spirits of the dead, for example).

Of course, the reality of the existence of such phenomena has always been disputed, and the denial of the possibility of the above will continue. But meditators are sure that everything is possible if theta waves prevail. And the real masters, the gurus of this method, assure that they are able to establish contact even with divine forces.

How is the meditation session going?

Many people, having studied the topic under discussion in detail, realize their desire to try ThetaHealing. The involvement of an appropriate specialist - a medium, becomes necessary. At least at first.

First, a person voices his problem. The healer listens to her, and then asks for permission to enter his physical space.

This is how the session begins. Theta healer asks clarifying questions. This is not a psychological consultation. It asks completely different questions. Other topics are raised at the session, since the situation itself is not seen as usual.

Along with the client's responses, the medium receives information "from above". By continuing to ask questions and use the information received, the theta healer helps a person to realize the root installations - the reasons why his problem arose. He seems to “unload” them from the mind of the client. And after that it downloads alternative emotions, feelings and beliefs.

What is needed from a person? Believe in the ability to change your state. Here the principle is similar to sessions with a psychologist. Some people believe in the result, and it really appears. Others are skeptical about everything, thereby closing their minds from the perception of new information that may be useful. They just block themselves from getting help.

The essence of ThetaHealing is actually very simple. The medium must believe that he is able to change the state of the person who came to him. He, in turn, must believe that everything will work out. And for people who begin to practice meditation in order to demonstrate the inconsistency of the method, nothing will help.

How to start a newbie?

The benefits of ThetaHealing are plentiful. No wonder so many want to start practicing it. And it's not that hard to get started. The most important thing is the right, inspired attitude.

To start the practice of ThetaHealing at home, you need to prepare the appropriate environment, create an atmosphere. What is, in essence, meditation? This is the process of concentrating a person on some object of concentration. Nothing should distract him. It is necessary to choose a place in which there will be a minimum of extraneous things. After all, anything can be a distraction - sounds, smells, harsh light, extra furniture.

Having created an atmosphere conducive to meditation, you need to take a comfortable, relaxing posture, close your eyes and try to enter your subconscious. You don’t need to think about anything - you just need to look for the roots of existing problems, the sources of negative blocks and heartache. Already at this stage, theta waves begin to develop, helping to get rid of aggression, complexes, hidden anger, resentment.

If you believe the reviews, the ThetaHealing method is easy to learn with due desire and regular training. Many recommend that you first read the books of Vianna Stibal, study the practical recommendations of mediums. This will give more knowledge about the technique, which will definitely help in successfully mastering it.

Attracting a soul mate

The desire to meditate does not just happen. Usually people pursue some goal, they want to get something. Most often it is love. In Theta Healing there is such a thing as a soul friend. The one for whom a person feels love, and this is mutual. The one who is able to understand without words, surrender without a trace and is ready to help in any situation. A person who seems to be drawn to by a magnet.

Of course, theta-healing cannot “conjure” such relationships. But to move the process of finding a spiritual friend off the ground is quite.

Before starting meditation, a person needs to designate gender and at least four important character traits that the desired soul mate should have. Then note your key personal qualities. And of course, to determine - to build what kind of relationship, the search for a spiritual friend is being conducted.

It is necessary to manifest exclusively in the present tense, to avoid the “not” particle and any negation in general. They say that after such practice, a lot of new acquaintances appear in life, and the heart begins to suggest which choice is better to make.

By the way, in ThetaHealing, attracting love is not just a practice that helps to find a soul mate. Often it is also learning how to re-experience this feeling for your current partner, with whom the relationship is no longer the same as before.

Abundance Manifestation

Another concept that includes theta-healing. It means deepening the participants in the topic of creation and fulfillment of desires, which is achieved thanks to the energy of unconditional love.

What is the working method of ThetaHealing meditation here? It is believed that people, being in the previously described state, are able to send their desires and thoughts to the Universe regarding prosperity, success and wealth. For their appearance, a person creates conditions even at the level of contemplation - the world only reflects the implementation of the desired.

A dream come true gives him what he asked for from the Universe. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the formulation of desires. As a result, the manifestation of abundance leads to material well-being.


There is much more to be said about the ThetaHealing technique. Yes, there are a variety of opinions about this, most of which are skeptical. But be that as it may, theta-healing is a method of self-development accessible to every person, which trains intuition and opens up various internal abilities.

This is an interesting practice, because with its help you can try to heal at all levels, attract a soul mate, open up to love and get rid of the blocks that interfere with a fulfilling life. This meditation is a way to unleash your potential, to come to well-being.

There is no need to approach this meditation ironically. Theta Healing is not magic, but a practice. Having dealt with it, it is worth trying to delve into the subconscious and “dig out” your beliefs, values, attitudes, programs. This is not a useless pastime, but a way to literally put things in order in your soul and in your head.

Theta Healing- a method of self-knowledge and healing, discovered and developed by an American, which has received recognition in many countries of the world.
This is a technique that uses intuition, allowing you to quickly and painlessly heal the mind, soul, body, everything that makes up our lives.
ThetaHealing® (Theta Healing), is able to solve any physical or psychological problem, and moreover, it is able, when used correctly, to influence the extra-material planes of our being in the direction we need.
With the ThetaHealing technique, it is possible almost effortlessly and instantly to transform life, improve health, improve financial situation, attract a soul mate.
You can change everything as you wish!

How does ThetaHealing work?

Our brain operates at different wavelengths - alpha, beta, THETA, delta and gamma waves.
ThetaHealing is based on a way to enter a state of functioning of the brain at Theta wave frequencies from 4 to 8 Hertz. This is the state of REM sleep with dreams. ThetaHealing is different in that it allows you to be in Theta State consciously. You can always agree with what is happening or refuse what is happening.
Theta state has been known to mankind since ancient times. Hawaiian Kahunas used it to walk on hot volcanic lava. Shamans, Yogis and other spiritual practitioners used this state to describe it as a state of connection with the Higher Consciousness, God, the Creator or the Universe.
The Theta Healing masters have a brain that operates at frequencies from 4 to 7 hertz, due to which an exalted state of effective interaction with the Universe is achieved.

What can you do at ThetaHealing?

Being in a state of brain work in the Theta range, you will be able to change reality on the spiritual and material levels.
It will become possible for you to diagnose and treat diseases of the soul and body, to see the past and predict the future, to find and change negative programs in yourself and others.
Applying Theta Healing, you can adjust both your own reality and the reality of your environment in the necessary direction.
ThetaHealing® is an easy-to-understand and practical technique that really changes lives for the better.
Mastery of ThetaHealing is obtained through meditative practice, and the first results are achieved on the very first day of using ThetaHealing®.
By studying ThetaHealing®, you will understand that all people have the potential to be used for healing on all planes of existence. By applying ThetaHealing, you will help yourself, your family members and loved ones. You will reveal your abilities. Your energy and intellectual potential will increase many times over.

Who can learn ThetaHealing?

The ThetaHealing® method can be learned by anyone. For those who wish, there are no restrictions related to religion, education, financial situation or level of spirituality.
With the help of ThetaHealing, anyone, absolutely anyone can improve their lives, find a happy family, solve financial difficulties, gain health, and so on ...
For trainers, healers, psychologists and doctors, teachers and service workers, entrepreneurs and businessmen, adherents of Reiki, NLP and other practices, ThetaHealing® is an organic continuation and deepening of their skills. The combined use of the ThetaHealing technique and other therapies allows you to enhance the impact and achieve excellent results.
Even if you are just a parent, child, husband or wife, brother or sister, you will be interested in positively changing relationships in your family. If you are still alone, you will forever be freed from this false feeling.
Being engaged in personal growth, ThetaHealing will be an excellent tool for quick and comfortable transformations.
Having mastered ThetaHealing® you will be able to:

  • Find and remove barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals and dreams.
  • Create a material basis, increase income, sales, find an ideal home, etc.
  • Attract and create a relationship with a partner that is ideally compatible with you or improve an existing relationship. Surround yourself with positive people, form a team.
  • Improve personal and business relationships. Overcome limitations in business, personal affairs or career.
  • Heal diseases in yourself and be able to offer help to loved ones and others.
  • Develop your intuition and be able to foresee and shape the events of your future.
  • Change your body as you wish.

and much more that will allow you to present your Imagination!

What is Theta Healing

Theta Healing (TetaHealing) is a technique, knowing which you will be able to shape your life every moment. Since our life consists of small events, actions, thoughts, feelings and emotions, by influencing the small, you will change your life globally!
Value yourself and your time for happiness!
If you have any questions, please join our Open Meetings "Go your way with TETA"

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