Michelangelo's "Last Judgment": description of the painting, features and interesting facts. The Last Judgment painting fresco by Michelangelo

The theme of death in the work of the deeply religious Michelangelo occupied a huge place: the rupture of the shell of the mortal body and the breakthrough into Eternity interested the artist. Fresco " Last Judgment» Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel develops and embodies this idea in a completely new way.

A Brief History of the Creation of the Altarpiece

In 1534, the brilliant creator received an order from Pope Clement VII to paint the huge wall of the Sistine Chapel, which was 13.7 m long and 12 m high. He did not start work, but when Clement VII died, his successor Paul III called in 1537 Michelangelo in Rome. Work did not begin until the slope of the wall was changed and the artist received ultramarine, which cost more than gold. At this time he was no longer young, he was 62 years old. The grandiose work on the scaffolding on wet plaster required colossal not only moral, but also physical efforts, with which, having created the Last Judgment, Michelangelo plunged his contemporaries into reverent horror on October 31, 1537.

Fresco unveiling ceremony

The higher clergy, headed by the pontiff Paul III (Farnese) and the invited laity were shocked by the cosmogonic spectacle they saw. The Last Judgment by Michelangelo had no analogues. The shock was so great and the soaring tension so strong that Paul III fell to his knees, begging God not to remember his sins on the day of the Last Judgment.

Contemporaries perceived the fresco with fear and admiration, marveling at the skill and strength of Michelangelo and the grandiose picture of the end of time. This should be emphasized, because the second coming of Christ is a universal catastrophe, in which the earth will regain its original state. Humanity, as a historically existing one, passes into a new quality from temporary and mortal life to eternal life. Some will be saved and eternal life in heaven, while others will end up in hell for their sins.

Vatican. The Sistine Chapel

The Last Judgment by Michelangelo fits into the entire program of the Sistine Chapel. On the vault - the creation of the world and man and his fall into sin, the beginning of civilization, on the walls - Moses and Christ as life under the laws, life under grace, and, finally, the Last Judgment is depicted on the end altar wall.

This was exceptional for the iconography of the time, because the Last Judgment was depicted on the western wall. When leaving the church, the believer saw a warning about what awaits him at the end of time. The location of the Last Judgment on the altar further enhances its significance. Now we proceed to consider Michelangelo's fresco "The Last Judgment". Description begins.

Punishing and Merciful God

In the center of the composition is Christ-Helios, that is, Christ as light, as Apollo. Initially, this is an early Christian idea. Around him are the saints and martyrs who are in heaven. Those closest to him: Mary, St. Peter, St. John the Baptist, St. Lawrence and St. Bartholomew. Christ in heaven in a completely unusual image without a beard as a giver of light and surrounded by this light. It's quite new look Savior.

His posture simultaneously expresses mercy and anger. Because with one hand he blesses. It is directed to the left towards the righteous. The other, pointing to the right side, is at the sinners, he punishes. The figure of the Savior is imbued with power and unearthly beauty. It must be remembered that Michelangelo was a Neoplatonist. Therefore, he had one body, mind and soul. The gesture of the right raised hand pacifies the excitement and allows you to start a slow rotational movement of all the characters in the fresco.


The most amazing thing in the fresco is the image of Bartholomew sitting at the feet of Christ. He keeps his skin, which was flayed from him by the pagans. So Michelangelo depicts his self-portrait.

That is, he makes himself involved in the end of time, becomes a participant in this universal cataclysm. In this way, he prays to God for forgiveness, appearing before him in a strange guise. This is what the central part of the fresco "The Last Judgment" by Michelangelo looks like.

Taking the righteous to heaven

The resurrection of the dead and the acquisition of bodies is decided in an unusual way. There is nothing like it in the history of art. The righteous, having lost their material weight, overcome the gravity of the earth and slowly soar upward.

Saints and martyrs help them, supporting them on this path. There are even rosaries here, for which they grab: that is, we will be saved only by prayer and asceticism. This image invites you to think about how scary it is to stand before the court and not give an account of your right and wrong deeds. An inexorable impassive wheel of samsara arises before us, when a person will receive what he deserves only for earthly deeds. This is how Michelangelo Buonarroti saw the Last Judgment.


Above, in two lunettes, Michelangelo depicts angels carrying instruments of passion. This is a cross in one, which is a symbol of martyrdom and humiliation, and a scourging post in the other. It means transient earthly power. Wingless angels against the background of ultramarine are painted in very complex poses and remind of the terrible sacrifices of Christ. This is how the upper part of the Last Judgment created by Michelangelo Buonarroti, created by a gloomy genius, looks like. The description of creation continues.

original version

It should be borne in mind that initially Michelangelo depicted all the saints, Christ and the Mother of God naked. He came from the text of St. Paul that when all are resurrected, they will have new celestial bodies destined for eternal life.

Therefore, for Michelangelo, it was not important for a specific person, a specific martyr or saint, whom he depicts. All of humanity is united together in this moment of the end times. Humanity is one in its nakedness. This has nothing to do with the concept of earthly nakedness, but on the contrary, nakedness equalizes everyone in the face of God. We are different only in clothes, and when they are not, then we are all equal. This idea was important to Michelangelo.

Pope Paul IV demanded that all the characters, and there are more than four hundred of them, be "clothed". The work was done by Daniele da Volterra.

Dive into Hell

Below, angels trumpet the beginning of the Last Judgment. They are holding two books.

The little book of life, which is directed towards the righteous, and big book death that looks towards sinners. There are many more of them: many are called, but few are called. And on the one hand, we see sinners being thrown down, there is a cycle, then the resurrected righteous slowly rise up. The whole composition is given an epic pathos.

For sinners, Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" (we continue to present the description of the picture to your attention) is truly terrible. They are dragged by the devils to the boat of Charon, who will transport them forever to Hell. Malicious faces look out of it, which will bring torment to people as punishment for sins. The Last Judgment by Michelangelo is an eternal reminder that one must live according to the ten commandments that Christ proclaimed when he descended from Mount Tabor.

One of many

It is enough to look at the figure of a sinner covering his mournful face with his hand. An expression of fear and hopelessness is written on his face: the mask frozen on his face shows longing and despair. The devils firmly grabbed him by the legs and, smiling joyfully, dragged him along. His powerful athletic body makes no attempt to free himself. Only now did he realize that the Last Judgment had entered his sinful existence. Michelangelo captures the inevitability of punishment.

  • The Sistine Chapel was named after Pope Sixtus IV. It was he who ordered its construction in order to protect himself from the encroachments of the Medici and the Turkish sultans.
  • For the painting of the chapel from Florence, the best painters arrived from former enemies.
  • Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the chapel twenty-five years before working on The Last Judgment. He quickly completed the work in four years.
  • For writing naked bodies, some called the painter a heretic. In response to this, the caustic artist depicted Cardinal Cesena in Hell in the form of King Minos with long ears donkey. His nakedness is hidden by a coiled snake. Highly difficult character was with Michelangelo.

  • The Last Judgment (the fresco of the Sistine Chapel) might not survive to our times, since one of the pontiffs in 1596 wanted to destroy the work of art.

In the very center of the Roman Vatican, along with significant sights, there is a beautiful museum - the Sistine Chapel ( ital. Capella Sistina) in which Michelangelo himself had to create his masterpieces.

Created originally as house church- that is, a consecrated building located in a building - it was fortified and turned into a chapel. It was named so in honor of Pope Sixtus.

Chapel address: Viale Vaticano, Cappella Sistina
Opening hours: Monday-Saturday from 9.00-18.00
Ticket price: from 8 to 16 euros
Official website: www.mv.vatican.va

History of the Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel by Michelangelo Buonarroti has undergone several restorations and rebuildings. The very first of them took place in 1400. It was then that the house fortress was rebuilt into a chapel. Later, as a result of subsidence of the soil, restoration was carried out with the erection and strengthening of walls.

Along with its museum purpose, it is here that a solemn, charitable event takes place - the election of the Pope. There is nothing surprising in this choice: spacious, decorated with frescoes - paintings made on wet plaster and unusually durable - from the times of Botticelli and Michelangelo, the room gives everyone a feeling of solemnity and the constant presence of Christ.

In total, there were about 16 paintings, but only 12 have survived to this day. They decorate the walls, the altar and the ceiling of the chapel. As for the bottom of the chapel, it was previously pristine. Tapestries by Raphael's hand were hung here. The most interesting thing is that those frescoes that are on the sides tell about the life of two prophets at once: Christ and Moses. Between the windows, however, are portraits of all popes.

The ceiling of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel also has its own characteristics and history.

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Description of the painting by Michelangelo “The Last Judgment”

It is impossible to imagine a detailed description of Michelangelo's painting "The Last Judgment" - this is such a chaotic and numerous arrangement of many naked bodies that it is impossible to count it exact amount- the approximate one is about 400 people - not to convey the whole gamut of feelings on their faces.

However, the greatest achievement of this picture is that all the emotions of the characters are displayed in their poses. There are no repeating shapes in this image! This phenomenon can neither be explained nor repeated.

Another fact: the depressive state of Michelangelo played an unkind joke with him. The Last Judgment itself is, according to the Bible, the victory of Christ over Lucifer. However, Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" - a fresco of the Sistine Chapel - portrayed as the fear of all mankind before the inevitability. In other words, the description of the Last Judgment by Michelangelo does not reflect the joy of victory, but shows the whole horror of this event. This is due to the fact that, as a time interval, Michelangelo chose not the end, but the beginning of this action.

This explains such details as:

  • Young Christ.
  • Angels without wings.
  • A piece of skin collected from the leg of a saint, and so on

The creation of this painting took Michelangelo as much as 6 years. It was the “Last Judgment” from Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel that took away the last of his strength and caused severe mental anguish, but perhaps it was these emotions that made this picture so amazing and exciting.

Photo of Michelangelo's painting "The Last Judgment"

Sistine Chapel from above

Fragment of the painting The Last Judgment - the devils drag the martyrs to Minos Fragment of the painting The Last Judgment - Charon ferrying the martyrs

The Last Judgment fresco by Michelangelo Buonarroti is one of the greatest works all times and peoples. She still adorns the altar wall in the Sistine Chapel. The Last Judgment, created by Michelangelo, is a description and illustration of not just a religious plot, but a catastrophe on a universal scale. For your interpretation Holy Scripture the artist was revered and condemned at the same time both during his lifetime and over the next several centuries.

The Sistine Chapel

Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) lived long enough even by today's standards. During this time he created many brilliant works. great sculptor and the artist in the Sistine Chapel worked twice. The first time, from 1508 to 1512, he worked on commissioned by Pope Julius II. The biblical tales written by Michelangelo from the creation of the world to the flood, decorating the vault of the chapel, are among the most famous works author.

The next time the master was here much later. The Last Judgment by Michelangelo was created from 1534 to 1541, when he was already an elderly man. Karina reflected not so much the traditional understanding of the plot as the author's rethinking of a person with his fears and hopes and his complete subordination to fate.

The fresco was originally ordered from the master by Pope Clement VII, who died during preparatory work to painting. He was succeeded by Paul III, like his predecessor, who wished to perpetuate his name in history with the help of a great work created by Michelangelo. It must be said that he succeeded quite well. The Sistine Chapel is considered today the best repository of Renaissance masterpieces, and along with the name of Michelangelo, the names of his customers often sound in its halls.

Departure from the canon

Written by Michelangelo Buonarroti "The Last Judgment" - a description of the biblical ending human history, which is very different from the usual medieval pictorial images. Christ is depicted at the moment of dividing people into righteous and sinners. He is not like an all-forgiving God, but an inexorable punisher, a mighty formidable Zeus. He embodies not hope and salvation, but law and retribution. This is the only static figure that is the center of the picture. The rest of the depicted characters create a cycle. The illusion of movement occurs every time you stare at the center of the fresco.

However, the main point in the work of the great master was the nakedness of all figures, including Christ. The chief judge, angels, sinners and saints were all depicted naked, endowed with clearly drawn bodies. Through the study of poses, Michelangelo achieved an extraordinary expressiveness of the picture. And it was these two moments, naked bodies and the presentation of the Last Judgment in the form of a catastrophe, that caused the most criticism from the contemporaries of the master and in subsequent eras.

Michelangelo "The Last Judgment": a description of the painting

Compositionally, the picture is divided into several parts. In the center is the figure of Jesus Christ. His hand is raised in a punishing gesture, a formidable face is turned towards the sinners. Next to Christ the Virgin Mary, she turned away in dismay. Madonna cannot interfere in the court, but she is also unable to reject her selfless love for all mankind.

The central figures are surrounded by two rows of bodies. In the first, near, are the prophets and apostles. The second circle is formed by the bodies of sinners who fall and are dragged by demons into the abyss of hell, and the ascending righteous.

At the bottom of the fresco are written seven angels proclaiming the coming last day. Under them, graves open, the dead again receive bodies, Charon drives sinners from his boat into the hellish abyss with an oar.

Circle one

Among the saints surrounding Christ, many figures are well recognizable. Here are the apostles with in their hands. The holy martyrs are depicted with objects that led to their suffering and death. This is St. Sebastian with arrows, St. Lawrence holding the grate on which he was burned, St. Bartholomew with a knife. Some researchers see in the distorted face on the flayed skin that the martyr holds in the second hand, a self-portrait of Michelangelo.

However, many figures in this circle remain unrecognized due to the lack of characteristic details that would help to identify them.

Circle two

The Last Judgment by Michelangelo is a picture that makes a rather strong and even somewhat difficult impression. Here there is no place for triumph and rejoicing The joy of the righteous, close to Christ, drowns in the cycle of bodies, where even those going to heaven seem dumbfounded and frightened. Sinners crying out for justice, angels overthrowing the cross and column (symbols of martyrdom and transient power) in the upper part of the fresco, the righteous rising into the sky - it is difficult to distinguish them from each other, the cycle can sweep away everyone. Only Christ, as the basis and core, is able to lead it.

Michelangelo depicted in the fresco, first of all, people with their passions, deeds, fears and hopes. In some figures, contemporaries of the master are well recognizable. Here you can see Pope Paul III and Clement VII, master of ceremonies Biagio da Cesena (he is depicted as the king of souls Minos with donkey ears) and one of the ardent opponents of the painting, Pietro Aretino.


Controversy surrounding the fresco erupted immediately after its completion. According to some, it was a great masterpiece. Their opponents said that the master treated the images of holy men and Jesus himself completely inappropriately, painting them naked, desecrated the chapel with such a fresco. They even tried to accuse Michelangelo of heresy.

The new Pope Paul IV was one of the opponents of the work. Initially, he intended to completely knock the fresco off the altar wall, but later changed his mind. He demanded to write clothes and draperies that would hide the nakedness of the characters in the picture, which was done. Later, such an indication will be given several more times. During such improvements, the fresco suffered in terms of visual integrity. During the restoration process in the last century, it was decided to wash away all later sketches and leave only the records of the 16th century in order to reflect the spirit and contradictory nature of the era.

The Last Judgment by Michelangelo still amazes all visitors to the Sistine Chapel to the core. It occupies a significant place both in religious and in the art world. Despite numerous attempts to refine, remove or “ennoble” it, the masterpiece still conveys the power of thought of the great Michelangelo. The Last Judgment, a photo of which is available on many art history resources, is rightfully considered one of the symbols of the Renaissance.

The Last Judgment is a fresco by Michelangelo on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. The artist worked on the fresco for four years - from 1537 to 1541. Michelangelo returned to the Sistine Chapel twenty-five years after he completed painting its ceiling. A large-scale fresco occupies the entire wall behind the altar of the Sistine Chapel. Its theme was the second coming of Christ and the Apocalypse.

Sistine Chapel, back wall, painting "Last Judgment" (Michelangelo Buonarotti, 1539, when he was 87 years old).

Center "Last Judgment". Here the main figure is Christ, who decides the fate of the human race. With a gesture of his hand he curses most humanity and poisons them to hell, but some of them are saved and go to heaven. Even Madonna, being near him, seems to have sat down with fear.

Above Christ on the left, angels overturn the cross, a symbol of martyrdom and humiliation.

Above Christ on the right, angels are throwing down a column, a symbol of passing earthly power.

Christ, with a fiery lightning in his hand, inexorably divides all the inhabitants of the earth into the saved righteous, depicted on the left side of the composition, and sinners descending into Dante's hell (the right side of the fresco).

Bottom right: Saint Bartholomew holds a piece of his own skin in his left hand, and in right hand knife. It symbolizes terrible fate Bartholomew, who was flayed alive:

Seven angels trumpet the doomsday.

Saved souls rise up, tombs open, the dead rise, skeletons rise from the ground.

The man being dragged down by the devil covers his face in horror with his hands.

Devils in a joyful frenzy drag the naked bodies of the proud, heretics, traitors ... men and women rush into the bottomless abyss:

In the lower part of the fresco, Charon, the ferryman across the infernal river, savagely drives those condemned to eternal torment from his boat into hell with blows of the oars.

In The Last Judgment, Michelangelo somewhat departed from traditional iconography. Conventionally, the composition can be divided into three parts:

    The upper part (lunettes) - flying angels, with the attributes of the Passion of Christ.

    The central part is Christ and the Virgin Mary between the blessed.

    The lower one is the end of time: angels playing the trumpets of the Apocalypse, the resurrection of the dead, the ascent to heaven of the saved and the casting of sinners into Hell.

The number of characters in The Last Judgment is a little over four hundred. The height of the figures varies from 250 cm (for the characters in the upper part of the fresco) to 155 cm in the lower part.

"The Last Judgment" is considered a work that completed the Renaissance in art, to which Michelangelo himself paid tribute in the painting of the ceiling and vaults of the Sistine Chapel.

Work Michelangelo "Last Judgment" , now being a masterpiece, was previously subjected to extremely harsh assessment and criticism. It was called frankly obscene painting, which served to betray the truth in the Gospel. The papal court did not accept the result in the form of a huge fresco that occupied the entire wall for Sistine Chapel. The basis of the "Last Judgment" was the Second Coming of Christ, which in general is the fundamental idea on which Christianity is based. This implies the return of Jesus, followed by the coming of the Apocalypse. He worked on his grandiose work for more than five years.

"The Last Judgment" acted as one of the main ideas implemented as huge church frescoes. Traditionally, such frescoes found their place above the main entrance to, on their back side. The fact that the painting was placed above the altar made it even more unusual. This is not surprising, because in this way traditional canons were ignored, in connection with which this became a reason for indignation, not to mention the devastating criticism of the Last Judgment painting.

Michelangelo's painting was inspired by the Bible, where, in particular, the future Apocalypse was reflected. Played its role The Divine Comedy», famous work Dante. However, despite such factors influencing the essence of the result, The Last Judgment still reflects its own vision of the fate that awaits humanity.

The characters of Michelangelo's fresco "The Last Judgment", by the way, turned out to be more than recognizable on it. So, the background for her is the blue sky, in the center is the Virgin Mary. As a judge, as is clear, Christ, who decides people's destinies with a gesture of his hand. According to some researchers, the face of Jesus on the fresco "The Last Judgment" is a portrait of Michelangelo's beloved disciple. It was Tomasso Cavalieri.

Michelangelo's Last Judgment: Heinrich William Pfeiffer

The artist for the first time portrayed unrecognizable Christ. It is not clear how this could happen, even practically near the church? After all, it was in it that they worshiped the truly existing image. Apparently finished work more like Apollo Belvedere, whose bust was often recreated during pagan times.

Near Christ, as noted, is the Virgin Mary. His mother sits with her face down, which allows her not to see how her son administers justice. Moreover, otherwise any of her intercession will not take effect. It is generally accepted that the master Michelangelo depicted his own admirer and close friend, Vittoria Colonna. The latter was the daughter of one of the noblest families in Italy, Agnes di Montefeltro and Fabrizio Colonna.

The similarity of St. Bartholomew with Italian writer Pietro Aretino

When considering Michelangelo's fresco "The Last Judgment", historians also revealed the similarity of St. Bartholomew with the Italian writer, Pietro Aretino. Concurrently, he was a blackmailer and satirist. In addition, he had in his time the strongest influence on the field of art as a whole. And finally, Aretino is considered to be the progenitor of modern examples of erotic literature.

On the fresco "The Last Judgment" he is holding a flayed skin, on which, in turn, you can see a self-portrait of Michelangelo. It is likely that the master In a similar way pointed out how he sees Aretino's slander against him. The reason for this was Michelangelo's rejection of the advice that the writer gave him regarding his work The Last Judgment.

Saint Peter, who returns the keys to the church to Jesus, recalls Paul III, who ruled from 1534 to 1549, that is, at the time when the fresco was created.

Trumpeting angels on the fresco "Last Judgment"

bottom painting

At the bottom of the painting of this work by Michelangelo from among the bodies that are resurrected after death, upon closer examination, you can see a person half emerged from the ground. In this case, we are talking about Girolamo Savanrola, a religious preacher of Italian origin. He was a member of the Dominican Order and was later charged with schismatics.

As a result, Pope Alexander VI excommunicated him from the church, after which he was sentenced to death by hanging and burning as a heretic. It happened in 1497. In Michelangelo's work The Last Judgment, Savanrola's beatification was practically predicted. Remarkably, it took place in Florence in 1997, that is, after many hundreds of years.

If you pay attention to the lower right corner, then in the work of Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" you can see the master of ceremonies under Paul III, Biagio da Cesena. Here he appeared in the form of the chief judge in the underworld - Minos. The latter was in complete surprise and shock from the twisted and naked bodies depicted by the artist. Michelangelo's fresco "The Last Judgment" succumbed to his hand harshest criticism, in which he focused on the fact that such a shameful sight is simply unacceptable in a sacred place. In his opinion, the maximum where Michelangelo's The Last Judgment will successfully fit is a tavern or a bathhouse.

The reaction of master Michelangelo was not long in coming, therefore, as a hint at special mental capacity, he completed the donkey's ears at the master of ceremonies in his image on the fresco "The Last Judgment". Having been subjected to such humiliation, he, it was, turned with a complaint to reigning pope. The latter, in turn, replied to Cesena that he had no power at all, whether it was hell or hell itself, and therefore it was better if he himself could negotiate with Michelangelo.

The secrets of the fresco "The Last Judgment" as its property

Needless to say, Michelangelo's work The Last Judgment, scandalous in many ways, caused fierce disputes between critics representing the Catholic Reformation and those who considered the artist a genius. Michelangelo was accused of not following the truth dictated by the Bible, and, moreover, endowed Christian themes with the mythology of the pagans. Cardinal Caraffa reacted extremely negatively to the presence of naked characters in the chapel at the main Christian church. This led to the fact that he organized a whole campaign adhering to censorship and demanding the destruction of the fresco "The Last Judgment", in their opinion, indecent. Despite this, Michelangelo had a very high authority. For this reason, no one dared to correct the scandalous painting flaunting over the altar while the master was alive.

covert nudity

In 1564, and this is more than 20 years since the death of Michelangelo, the Congregation of the Council of Trentia decided to hide the nakedness of the figures depicted on the fresco. Painting over the genitals was entrusted to Daniela da Volterra, a fierce and sincere admirer of the great master Michelangelo. Considering who the performer was, the changes were kept to a minimum while preserving the original mural as much as possible. However, the story of Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" does not end there. The death of Pius IV, the then pope, which happened in December 1565, made it necessary to free the chapel from scaffolding. Here the funeral was to be held, and after that the meeting of the conclave was appointed.

The fresco by Michelangelo often became a topic of discussion under Pope Pius V. In particular, the ideas for it were reduced to a new painting, that is, the Last Judgment should have been replaced. The same idea arose under Gregory XIII, as well as under Clement VIII. One way or another, no one dared to completely destroy the fresco. Only a few fragments in it were subject to correction. In total, forty figures were to be repainted, for which the fresco secco technique was used, which involves making changes on dry plaster.

Thanks to such an impact on the surface of the picture, it was possible to restore the Last Judgment in the original, which happened during the restoration of the chapel that began in 1990. It was decided to remove those edits that were made to the painting "The Last Judgment" after 1600. Only those changes that da Volterra made were left.

The Sistine Chapel is the sanctuary of the human body

Michelangelo's work The Last Judgment, devoid of layers of dust and soot and noticeably updated, was presented by John Paul II as part of a solemn mass that fell on April 8, 1994. Thus, a line was drawn to them in a dispute that had simmered for many centuries. Speaking about the appropriateness in the chapel of naked bodies depicted in the work "The Last Judgment", the pope pointed out that in itself

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