Petr Listerman where is now. Interview Listerman: "Profession - to introduce people"

The story began in October 2015, when in an elite club "KM-19" 48 girls who provided services of an intimate nature were detained. The average cost per hour of leisure was about 20 thousand rubles.

Petr Listerman

Petr Listerman started from work ski instructor in Dombay. Then in the 90s he lived in France. In the late 90s, he worked at the Mademoiselle agency, headed by Alexander Borodulin, founded the industry of escort services for the rich. In particular, he supplied 14-17-year-old girls to big businessmen. Listerman personally selected youngsters for Boris Berezovsky. In addition, according to him, Listerman also profited from his ex-wife, whom, when I was married, he sold for $ 1 million.

Alexander Borodulin

Model photographer Alexander Borodulin is known among the Moscow rich. But he is known not only for shooting girls for magazine covers. It was Borodulin who, after returning from New York, opened was the first modeling agency in the post-Soviet space in Moscow. And then he got the fame of a pimp: they say, under the guise of a modeling business, he introduces beautiful girls to rich men. Now Borodulin speaks quite openly:"I don't sell girls, I just introduce them to rich people."

Mark Kaminsky

Listerman's right-hand man is Mark Manisky, who calls himself a luxury car salesman. In the light Mark actively promotes a peculiar way of life, his motto: sex, drugs and rock and roll. Particular attention to his person was attracted by the suicide of the Russian model Ruslana Korshunova in New York. Mark was the last person to see his girlfriend alive.

Anton Dubrovsky

The former Stavropol deputy no longer offers his services in finding girls for Russian oligarchs, as he is behind bars, but in the past he was famous for his victories. So, for example, to When Dubrovsky was detained, the investigators seized his personal computer with a large number of folders with files of many girls. However, he ended up in prison after he fraudulently photographed a 17-year-old girl in the nude, and then, with the help of blackmail, persuaded her to have sex, and then to prostitution.

Tanya Blair

The oligarch and hedonist Mikhail Prokhorov buys not only profitable stocks and basketball teams, but also female attention. And in this he is helped by a whole team, a member of which is the owner of the modeling agency Tanya Blair. According to one of the models who participated in such castings for Prokhorov, the selection of girls takes place in two stages: the first is carried out by the confidants of the millionaire, including Blair, and Prokhorov himself is already participating in the second part. Girls lined up and asked to wear bathing suits, and then the businessman chooses the beauties he likes.

Spouses Tatyana Antonenko and Igor Kim

The owner of the modeling agency Tatyana Antonenko does not hide the true intentions of her business. According to her, she intends bring young provincial women and oligarchs to a new level. In order to set conditions and not turn out to be a one-night stand, the girls will have to thoroughly “tuning” both their brains and their appearance, her husband Igor Kim noted.

Don "Magic" Juan

The most famous pimp in the United States is Don "Magic" Juan. He lives in Chicago and began by trading in three Norcoman prostitutes. After he managed to unwind, Juan, in addition to his main job, began to release a clothing line and rap. In particular, he became famous all over the world after filming a Pimp video with 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg.

Victor Emmanuel

The head of the Savoy royal house, the 69-year-old prince Victor Emmanuel recruited prostitutes from Eastern European countries, whose services were used by clients of the Campione d'Italia casino. The mayor of this city was arrested in the same case. Bedjetu Pacoli , who took part in the renovation of the Kremlin. However, Italian justice is not going to bring any charges against Pacoli.

Dennis Hof

One of the most famous brothels in the state of Nevada in the USA- "Moon Bunny", owned by 69-year-old pimp Dennis Hof. He often visits talk shows and shares his experience with the American. In particular, a documentary series was filmed about the life of an elderly pimp at the initiative of HBO, where Hof shares professional secrets with the audience and shows a little behind-the-scenes life of his brothel.

The main matchmaker of Rublyovka and its environs told OK! about how he almost married Monica Bellucci to a Russian rich man and why he never found a groom for Sati Kazanova

Photo: Vadim Zholobov/Natalia Rodionova

In one of his interviews, Philip Kirkorov said: “Even if one of the readers hates me, he will read the interview with me first of all. I can arouse interest." By no means comparing Philip Bedrosovich with Peter Listerman, we dare to note that Peter also knows how to arouse interest. And so much so that everyone forgives him. He derogatoryly calls the girls "chicks" and "chicks", but they send him 200 letters a day. He calls the richest oligarchs “boys” and “dudes” without fear, but they first rush to him for valuable advice, and even pay. This is because Petya Listerman can easily arrange a date with the best beauties for any of them. He is the owner of the world's largest online dating agency. His grooms are from the Forbes list, and his brides are models and actresses of the first magnitude. They say that Olga Kurylenko's acquaintance with the producers of the new James Bond film, thanks to which the Ukrainian model got the main role, is also his work. Recently, Peter reveals the secrets of pandering in his show "Beauty and the Beast" on the Muz-TV channel. But he left something for OK!

Wondering what are you dreaming about?

Even in a dream, I introduce girls to the oligarchs! And I get money in a dream. I have special sleepy girls - more romantic ones. They fly, they have wings there.

And after you marry them off, they fall to the ground? I'm not talking about sleep...

They either descend to the level of an oligarch if he is down to earth, or they take him to the sky with him if he also likes to fly. And then, five years later, they both fly back, he gives it back to me and says: “Give me a new one, this one’s wings are worn out.”

Don't they get used to each other?

If the girl has become attached, and the oligarch is embarrassed to explain to her that her time with him has expired, then I take on this mission. I told her: “Listen, in six months your love will end and the war will begin. Let me take you back in advance - you will be secure, happy. With yours, you will remain friends for life, and I will find you an even better groom. Half agree, half disagree, and end badly.

How do you find beautiful girls?

Well, for example, an Italian calls me, a rich dude from Monte Carlo. He needs to find a bride. He wants a beautiful, incorruptible, decent, back and forth and gives a selection criterion. And I have 2,000 mobile phones of all the most beautiful models in Moscow. And I send them a mailing list on behalf of a non-existent oil company. For example: “The president of an oil company, Italian, lives in Monaco, saddened by loneliness, lost the meaning of life. Looking for a blonde, 25-30 years old, slim, 175 cm, speaking good English. Let me know if you're interested in getting to know me." The girls answer. Then I ask them for pictures, which I send to the groom. But there are also difficulties. For example, the groom is 57 years old. And no one will bite at 57, who needs this?! The same models will say - we, like, everything is in order in our personal lives, give us only modeling work. So I have multiple options for capturing these chicks. For example, you can simply invite a girl to a modeling job in Monte Carlo, force an Italian to hire a photographer and pretend to shoot, or actually shoot a New Year's calendar for his oil company. We don’t say to the model that they want to meet her, we just technically make it clear that there is such a dude, but all the time we continue to talk with her only about the calendar: “How awesome you turned out, what a beauty you are!” In general, we technically push her to him. I came up with this 20 years ago when I lived in Paris. I had a hundred girls there in a modeling agency, all beautiful and happy, and I began to understand their psychology. Then they all wanted to live abroad, I offered to introduce them to the oligarchs, and they said: "No, I'm shy." They want, but they are afraid. And I came up with this cartoon. Then everything is in the hands of the oligarch. He communicates with the girl, invites her to dinner, asks who her father, mother, what she loves. It is revealed, for example, that she loves scuba diving. The next morning - wow! - a scuba boat swims up to the house, an awesome instructor in a killer suit, a mask on him with a snorkel ...

Are oligarchs generally frivolous?

Drunkards! Loafers! Everything that he earned during the day, he skipped at night.

Which of the girls who went through you do you remember the most?

About 15 years ago in Paris, Russian oligarchs came to me - the boys were engaged in gas. I tell them: "Let's go, I'll technically introduce you to some superchick." We go to the agency, and there is Monica Bellucci. She worked as a model. One of the dudes says: "I like this chick, there is something in her." I say: “Yes, she’s a terrible, stupid Italian!” She really was terribly ugly, fat, she was kicked out of the agency. She hasn't acted in any film yet. I suggest: “Let me pick up Russian chicks for you!” And he: "No, this one for me." So I introduced them, Bellucci was 25 years old, he was 50, he looked after her for two weeks. I was very surprised how he fell in love, got stuck, gave her flowers. I told him all the time: "Get away from this terrible aunt, I'll find you better." I thought they would end up getting married. But then they parted, he disappeared, and she disappeared. And so I still, by the way, do not know who is with her now. Vincent Cassel? Should I ask them, who is her first child with? Maybe from that "gas" dude.

Do you have days off? Or solid weekdays?

Weekdays! So a dude calls me and says: “I will be in Australia from January 1 to January 5, I’m going to a conference and I want to meet a girl.” I immediately send letters to all Australian agencies - they say, I'm coming with the NTV channel to shoot a film for Russia about their business and make them awesome free advertising. I am writing this letter on NTV-Plus letterhead.

Have you got everything on NTV?

I don't really know anyone there, but for different programs I give them exclusive interviews every week. So I'm almost like a staff member with them... In general, in Australia I say that I need to interview the directors of agencies and, of course, interviews with several Russian girls who work for them. Under this pretext, they send me all the portfolio, I send them to an interested dude, he tells me that he wants to meet these five girls in person ... And by the way, I can take the form of the OK magazine! and do everything on it! Why do we need NTV?

And it was such that the oligarch opens the magazine OK! and points his finger: “I want this one”?

It was. He calls and says: “So and so, divorced, find me a new wife, the budget is unlimited.” I answer: “Old man, go to the cinema, watch a few Russian films, choose any actress for yourself. If you don’t choose, go buy yourself all the glossy magazines and choose any girl for yourself.

And if, for example, he wants your wife?

15 years ago, my wife was a Yakut top model, a beauty. Love, all things, she even gave birth to my son Ruslan. And one Russian oligarch fell for her. “I want,” he says, “only her, I can’t think of anyone, introduce me!” I could, in principle, pull out any award from him. On the one hand - the wife, love. On the other hand, love passes, but money is money. In short, I decided that I would introduce them for 200 thousand dollars. If he starts courting, I’ll take another three hundred, and if everything is serious there at all, then half a lemon, my wife after all! As a result, I introduced them beautifully, my wife really fell in love with this oligarch, and six months later they got married. I'm left with broken love and... a million bucks!

With your current wife, you also recently quarreled. Because of which?

Because of my transmission. He says you bring too many chicks to castings, and you, they say, will leave your family. I won't leave my family! And she said: “I forbid you these castings! Or me, or Beauty and the Beast. I said: "Choose a career."

How long, on average, did you live with each of your wives?

Roughly five years. Then - to hell!

But Begbeder wrote a book about you...

Well, yes! For two years he collected information about me all over the world - in Hollywood, Paris, London, Monte Carlo, Tokyo, in the ass ... They called me and said: “Some shaggy, stoned dude is asking about you.” For two years he collected - and wrote a book, making me a prototype. For the first time in my life I met him recently in Kyiv, he didn't even know me by sight. I came to his press conference. There were many journalists, I started asking him questions, and after one of them he asked: “Are you by any chance Petya?” - "I". "Damn, I knew it!" That's how we got to know him. He lived in the Hyatt Hotel in Kyiv, I held a casting in it - I drove 120 Ukrainian chicks. The owner of the hotel shouted: “Fuck, we have not seen this!”

Did you have misses?

Yes! For example, I liked one girl, and I wanted to breed her personally for myself, so that she would be my bride. She came from the provinces, and I had to impose on her from all sides. First, of course, I had to show her the delights of her life: let's say she becomes a star in Hollywood, and before that - in Moscow, if I follow her career. I told her: “Let's make a musical film about you, I have an order from the TV channel. 30-minute, about how you arrive at the station, go to the agency, take pictures, go to the shooting, and eventually become a model. I ask her what is her favorite actress. She replies: "Anfisa Chekhova." I'm calling Anfisa. Anfisa breeds her. Then I ask which of the singers do you like? She replies, "Enrique Iglesias." I call the promoter of Iglesias, I say that I have two busty blondes, like Anna Kournikova, and ask Enrique to give me a pipe. I tell him: “Old man, a heifer will come to you, you will give her advice on how to become a singer.” That is, everything that a girl does not want, I give her! The girl in my head is already a superstar! And at the end I tell her: “Listen, and now I want you to be my bride, leave everything that you had before and hang out with me.” And I look at her, and she has tears in her eyes. “I can’t,” he says, “you are old, and I am young, beautiful, how is it?” I answer: “Fool! I’ll make you an awesome career in 3 years!” “Well,” he says, “I can’t trade love for a career. I do not agree". Here is my failure. It was real yesterday. I even felt sorry for the girl.

Are you very worried?

Exactly three minutes! Because three minutes later someone else calls me from Australia or Japan, and I immediately forget all my failures, open my notebook ... By the way, I’ll show you now. (Brings a thick notebook. - Note. OK!) I get two hundred letters a day from girls. And I have 20-30 suitors who are divorced and are asking to find them a new one. Yesterday I sent pictures of one to a Brazilian who lives in Rio. And today - here I have it written down - they have a meeting. Next - another divorced dude is now flying to Madrid. He liked one Ukrainian girl who lives in Italy, and I specially send her to him in Spain so that they get to know each other.

Do you have any complaints?

I'm a wizard, but how can you sue a wizard?! The girl would rather call and say: "Wizard, give me something good in return." And I will. The wizards live in one world, the courts in another, and the girl in a third. If she comes to me, it means that she has chosen the magical world, and not the world of courts, and she will always be under my hypnosis. And if she is unhappy, she will first of all tell me about it - not even mom, not dad, and not her dog.

I see Sati from the "Factory" in the photo with you in an embrace. Did you help her arrange her personal life?

Sati did not have time to help - Britney Spears arrived, I began to deal with her.

Did Robski and Sobchak turn to you for help?

This is another corporation, they are my competitors! I wrote the book "How to confuse the oligarch", they - theirs. That is, we hunt the same animal. Sobchak and I have an agreement: she offers me as a groom to oligarchic widows, and I offer her to Hollywood. Grandpa Hilton already called me, and we agreed with him that he would give me his granddaughter Paris for re-education, and I would give him Sobchak. She will manage two hotels.

Nemtsov said that many cool moments in his life are connected with you. Which?

Oh, a lot of episodes: Boston, Washington, Davos... We've been friends for ten years, we meet every three months in different parts of the world. The coolest episode was when Boris spoke at an economic forum in London and said from the podium to the participants: “Your forum was a success because Listerman came to you.”

Did you take acting lessons before the show on Muz-TV?

I do not have the talent of an actor, Konchalovsky told me about this. He first gave me a role in Gloss so that I could play myself. But I was too lazy to learn the text. I went to audition three times, and as a result, Konchalovsky tells me: “You don’t pull on Listerman.” I was confused: “Wow! It's me! But to learn lyrics, to play emotions, to cry, to laugh - I can't do any of this. And I decided to show my life on Muz-TV. There is a profession called a janitor, there is a fireman, and there is, like mine, a magician.

Did your five wives have anything in common?

Yes. They all wanted to have a son from me. Three succeeded, two did not - they gave birth to daughters. They all also think that I am a cheerful crazy person, that I am a kind bespectacled cow! They understand that I only play the role of evil, but in fact I am the kindest.

What are your children doing?

They are all great stars, actors, singers, dancers. They live all over the world - in New York, Stockholm, Moscow, Kyiv. All are very wealthy, all hurt them, all are already adults. Petka doesn't speak Russian at all. He is now 20 years old. I tried to attract him to my business, but he loves something completely different. He flies around the world with the Swedish national football team. They have a group of fans there, a hundred people. So, they fight with other fans. In short, football hooligans!

Could you find a groom or a husband for your children?

Of course! We will arrange a competition: the sons are looking for me, and I am looking for them. Who will find it faster?

Do you have a favorite joke?

The Jew found money. Counted - not enough.

Irina Vinogradova

By nationality - a Jew. According to Novaya Gazeta, Listerman was born in 1957 and spent his childhood in Iskitim near Novosibirsk (Listerman himself says he was born in Kyiv). Later, the family moved to Saransk, Mordovian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Listerman studied at the Mordovian State University at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, also engaged in petty speculation (selling chewing gum, music records, jeans). He worked as a ski instructor in Cheget and Dombai.

In Moscow, Listerman married a French woman and left the USSR for France before the start of Perestroika. In Paris, he tried to engage in various commercial activities. According to Novaya Gazeta, in 1995 in France he was arrested by the police on charges of illegal use of stolen cars. Listerman spent about a year in prison. After his release from prison, Listerman married Russian fashion model Kristina Semenovskaya, who was then 16 years old. Semenovskaya at that time represented Christian Dior, receiving large fees. In the late 1990s, their daughter Sasha was born.

Information about Listerman's activities and his own words are contradictory. Many of Listerman's own claims have been questioned or refuted by the media, who believe that Listerman is trying to draw scandalous attention to himself and advertise his business. According to Listerman, he has extensive connections among Russian millionaires, show business figures.

In 2007, Listerman was mentioned in connection with the Courchevel scandal, when the head of Norilsk Nickel, billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov, was detained in France, whom the police were checking for possible ties with minors.

Host of the show "Beauty and the Beast" on the Muz-TV channel, author of the books "How to confuse an oligarch" (2007), "How to confuse Listerman" (2009). Together with Trash-Chapiteau KAC he recorded the album "Expensive" (project "KACH & Li$terman").

In works of popular culture

Listerman is the prototype of the hero of the film "Gloss" by Andrei Konchalovsky. Listerman also became the prototype for the main character in the film Plato, which was released in November 2008. The main role, Plato himself, was played by Pavel Volya.

In the story “The Hall of Singing Caryatids” from the collection “P5. Farewell songs of the political pygmies of Pindostan” (2008) by the writer Viktor Pelevin, one of the characters is “Uncle Petya”, who oversees the recruitment of girls to work in an elite brothel for the oligarchs. In Boris Nemtsov's book Confessions of a Rebel, there is an episode where the author claims that after the 2000 presidential election, he himself, newly elected President Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Potanin were vacationing at a ski resort in the Austrian Alps. According to Nemtsov, Listerman met them at the hotel with several girls: “We go downstairs, and here I see long-legged girls - about ten people. Potanin and I pass by in shock. It turns out that Petya Listerman brought the girls.” Later, Nemtsov told reporters that "we did not use Petya's services, I can tell you one hundred percent."

Petr Listerman organization of speeches on the official website of the agency. Ordering a presenter or tour, as well as invitations to a holiday. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the agent Petr Listerman. He was born in 1957. His parents were teachers at the school. Peter graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Mordovian State University. Already in his student years, he stood out among fellow students with a "commercial streak" - he speculated in chewing gum, jeans, and even worked as a ski instructor.

Creative achievements

In Moscow, Peter Listerman met a French woman and married her. Even before perestroika, the young family moved to his wife's homeland. In France, Peter Listerman began to engage in commercial activities. However, due to suspicion of financial fraud, Peter was sentenced to a year in prison. Listerman's second marriage was to a Russian model, who at that time was only sixteen years old.

In the late 90s they had a daughter. In Russia, Petr Listerman became famous as a "procurer" of Russian beauties and successful businessmen. The showman often acts as the host of private parties, and is invariably surrounded by dazzling, long-legged beauties. Petr Listerman is the founder and head of an export agency in Russia. He is a regular participant in secular parties and the most fashionable parties. Today, the name of Peter Listerman regularly appears on the pages of the press, in connection with scandals. Peter Listerman was the host of the popular TV show Beauty and the Beast. Together with Trash-Chapiteau KAC Petr Listerman recorded the disc "Expensive". The outrageous presenter is also the author of several books that have gained great popularity. Petr Listerman served as the prototype of the hero in Andrei Konchalovsky's popular film Gloss.


Witty, expressive, bold showman is one of the most sought-after presenters in the country. Read more about Petr Listerman on the official website.


Petr Listerman host order, contacts. Organization of performances, participation of the artist at your holiday, corporate party. With an application, you can contact us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40, on the official website of the agent, write to the mail, in the contacts menu.


In France, he worked as a ski instructor and in 1992 it was Listerman who brought the first Russian oligarchs to Courchevel.

Since 1992, Listerman worked as a manager in Parisian modeling agencies and it was at this time that he met and got acquainted in Paris with all the main Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs.

In 1997, Listerman married Russian fashion model Kristina Semenovskaya, who at that time represented Christian Dior, receiving large fees. Soon their daughter Sasha was born.

Information about Listerman's activities and his own words are contradictory. Many of Listerman's own claims have been questioned or refuted by the media, who believe that Listerman is trying to draw scandalous attention to himself and advertise his business. According to Listerman, he has extensive connections among Russian millionaires, show business figures.

In works of popular culture

Listerman is the prototype for the owner of Petya's modeling agency (played by Gennady Smirnov) in the film The Gloss by Andrei Konchalovsky. Listerman also became the prototype for the main character in the film Plato, which was released in November 2008. The main role, Plato himself, was played by Pavel Volya. He starred in the clips of the pop groups "HOLLYWOOD" and "Soldering Panties" - as well as in 2008 in the video of the Russian metal band ANJ about Gorbachev.

Also mentioned in the song "Big Life" on the group's self-titled album "Voice of Omeriki" (18+).

Also, the name of Petya Listerman is mentioned in Andrey Shirman's (DJ Smash) composition "Orange Bentley".

Television and radio appearances

In 2007-2009 - the host of the show "Beauty and the Beast. Everyday life of Petya Listerman "on the Muz-TV channel. In September 2012 - the host of the show on the NTV channel marked 18+ "Call of Fate". He is also the host of a radio show on Radio City FM.

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  • // Free Press, November 24, 2009

An excerpt characterizing Listerman, Pyotr Grigorievich

A week later, there were already fifteen thousand inhabitants in Moscow, after two there were twenty-five thousand, etc. Rising and rising, this number by the autumn of 1813 had reached a figure exceeding the population of the 12th year.
The first Russian people who entered Moscow were the Cossacks of the Winzingerode detachment, peasants from neighboring villages and residents who fled from Moscow and hid in its vicinity. The Russians who entered devastated Moscow, finding it plundered, began to rob too. They continued what the French were doing. Convoys of peasants came to Moscow in order to take away from the villages everything that had been thrown along the devastated Moscow houses and streets. The Cossacks took away what they could to their headquarters; the owners of the houses took away everything that they found in other houses and transferred it to themselves under the pretext that it was their property.
But after the first robbers came others, third ones, and robbery every day, as the number of robbers increased, became more and more difficult and took on more definite forms.
The French found Moscow, albeit empty, but with all the forms of an organically correct city, with its various branches of trade, crafts, luxury, government, and religion. These forms were lifeless, but they still existed. There were rows, shops, shops, storehouses, bazaars - most with goods; there were factories, craft establishments; there were palaces, rich houses filled with luxury items; there were hospitals, prisons, offices, churches, cathedrals. The longer the French remained, the more these forms of urban life were destroyed, and in the end everything merged into one indivisible, lifeless field of robbery.
The robbery of the French, the more it continued, the more it destroyed the wealth of Moscow and the strength of the robbers. The robbery of the Russians, from which the occupation of the capital by the Russians began, the longer it lasted, the more participants it had, the faster it restored the wealth of Moscow and the correct life of the city.
In addition to the robbers, the most diverse people, attracted - some by curiosity, some by duty, some by calculation - homeowners, clergy, high and low officials, merchants, artisans, peasants - from different sides, like blood to the heart - rushed to Moscow.
A week later, the peasants, who came with empty carts in order to take away things, were stopped by the authorities and forced to take the dead bodies out of the city. Other peasants, having heard about the failure of their comrades, came to the city with bread, oats, hay, knocking down the price of each other to a price lower than the previous one. Artels of carpenters, hoping for expensive earnings, entered Moscow every day, and new ones were cut down from all sides, burnt houses were repaired. Merchants in booths opened trade. Taverns and inns were set up in burnt houses. The clergy resumed service in many unburned churches. Donors brought looted church things. Officials arranged their cloth tables and filing cabinets in small rooms. The higher authorities and the police ordered the distribution of the good left after the French. The owners of those houses in which a lot of things brought from other houses were left complained about the injustice of bringing all things to the Faceted Chamber; others insisted that the French from different houses brought things to one place, and therefore it is unfair to give the owner of the house those things that were found from him. They scolded the police; bribed her; they wrote ten times the estimates for burnt state things; required assistance. Count Rostopchin wrote his proclamations.

At the end of January, Pierre arrived in Moscow and settled in the surviving wing. He went to Count Rostopchin, to some of his acquaintances who had returned to Moscow, and was going to go to Petersburg on the third day. Everyone celebrated the victory; everything was seething with life in the devastated and reviving capital. Everyone was glad to Pierre; everyone wanted to see him, and everyone asked him about what he had seen. Pierre felt especially friendly towards all the people he met; but involuntarily now he kept himself on guard with all people, so as not to bind himself in any way. He answered all the questions that were put to him, whether important or the most insignificant, with the same vagueness; Did they ask him where he would live? will it be built? when he is going to Petersburg and will he undertake to bring a box? - he answered: yes, maybe, I think, etc.
He heard about the Rostovs that they were in Kostroma, and the thought of Natasha rarely came to him. If she came, it was only as a pleasant memory of the past. He felt himself not only free from the conditions of life, but also from this feeling, which, as it seemed to him, he had deliberately put on himself.
On the third day of his arrival in Moscow, he learned from the Drubetskys that Princess Marya was in Moscow. Death, suffering, the last days of Prince Andrei often occupied Pierre and now came to his mind with new vivacity. Having learned at dinner that Princess Marya was in Moscow and living in her unburned house on Vzdvizhenka, he went to her that same evening.
On his way to Princess Marya, Pierre kept thinking about Prince Andrei, about his friendship with him, about various meetings with him, and especially about the last one in Borodino.
“Did he really die in that evil mood in which he was then? Was not the explanation of life revealed to him before death? thought Pierre. He remembered Karataev, his death, and involuntarily began to compare these two people, so different and at the same time so similar in love, which he had for both, and because both lived and both died.
In the most serious mood, Pierre drove up to the house of the old prince. This house survived. Traces of destruction were visible in it, but the character of the house was the same. The old waiter who met Pierre with a stern face, as if wanting to make the guest feel that the absence of the prince did not violate the order of the house, said that the princess was deigned to go to her rooms and was received on Sundays.
- Report; maybe they will," said Pierre.
- I'm listening, - answered the waiter, - please go to the portrait room.

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The junior and senior detective differ in the complexity of the puzzles. For those who play the games for the first time in this series, it is provided ...