Nadezhda Matveeva: “The second husband said when I was leaving for Kyiv:“ I know that everything will be fine with you there. Nadezhda Matveeva - biography, television career and personal life Nadezhda's personal life

Every day, Nadezhda Matveeva invites famous people to her studio to open them to the audience from a new perspective. Viva!, in turn, tried to find out 10 interesting facts about the popular TV presenter.

1. Failed ballerina.“My children's circles began with failure - I was not taken to the ballet. Rather, I was a bit like classes, and then the teacher asked my mother to pick me up from the studio so that I would not suffer. Then I went to folk dances, and danced for seven years. Along the way, I visited the pool, then tennis. There they hit me on the head with a racket, I figured out what would happen next, and decided to go to basketball. There were cutting and sewing courses, a theater group ... "

2. Nadezhda Matveeva is afraid of heights.“When I first went out onto the balcony of the 14th floor, I grabbed the railing and was afraid to move - my head was spinning, and my voice became thin and trembling. Although I’m not afraid to fly on an airplane, I’m afraid to even think about skydiving until I’m ready.”

3. As a child, I wanted to be like Margarita Terekhova in the role of Milady from the movie "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers".“Her manner of speaking and chic curls seemed irresistible to me. Later, I learned how the actress had to “mock” her hair in order to achieve such an effect. Since then, I have become even more appreciative of my natural curls. They, of course, are not as luxurious as those of the movie Milady, but I like them.

4. At school I sewed panties for my dad.“I know how to sew and knit and theoretically love doing it. But the whole question is time. To be worthy, you need to fully concentrate, delve into the process and its subtleties, pay attention to every detail. And I am focused on the details of another - television - process. In high school, I made most of my own clothes, even my prom dress. Dad - family cowards, sorry for being frank. Then to the son - undershirts, shirts. And she rarely knitted, because in this business my mother is an unsurpassed master!

5. Beats dishes.“When I’m angry, I don’t hit. But I have periods when I accidentally break plates or cups. This happened intermittently, I eventually tried to figure out why this is happening?! And I came to the conclusion that this is how I act in a situation that seems hopeless to me. When I lived with the parents of my first husband, I broke the dishes so often that I was even ashamed. At that time it seemed to me that we would never live separately, and internally, apparently, I resisted this. It’s good that the mother-in-law was a wise and kind woman, she forgave me.”

6. Admire doctors.“Even as a newborn, I suffered lobar pneumonia, being on the verge of life and death. A young doctor, still quite inexperienced, literally took me out, despite the sad forecasts. A doctor from God, low bow to him and endless gratitude.

7. Impatient.“I can’t stand it very well when at the checkout in a supermarket someone slowly stacks the purchased goods, not paying attention to the queue lined up behind him. Perhaps I find myself in such situations to learn patience. I even convince myself: “Imagine that this person bought a dozen more goods, and at that time the cashier punches the check ... Don’t watch him sleep near the checkout, think about good things ... Nadia, you are not in a hurry, you just stand there in the store, enjoying the opportunity to buy everything you need ... "

8. Nadezhda Matveeva loves cats.“Our family has cats, pets. This choice was made by the son, and we fully supported him. In childhood, we lived with a dog, a hedgehog, fish, a hamster, a guinea pig, a talking jackdaw. At different times, of course."

9. Favorite actor -.“He’s just handsome, talented and smart. Over the years, he becomes more and more beautiful, and I, as a woman, cannot be indifferent to him. Moreover, if suddenly, by some miracle, we ended up in the same room, my plan is to quickly run away from there! Firstly, in his presence, I would not have connected two words, and such admirers, I suppose, are already tired of the hell out of him. And secondly, I would not be able to adequately perceive a man whom I consider so beautiful, and I would be terribly upset if he were not ideal. I'm almost serious about this."

10. Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.“And not only in them, but also in the predictions are different. Only I understand that they may not come true due to circumstances. Therefore, I focus on the positive aspects of the horoscope and act in this direction. And there - how it goes. If it didn’t come true, the horoscope is not to blame.”

The host of the programs "Everything will be kind!" and “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB channel, he is going to celebrate his 45th birthday for several days

Nadezhda Matveeva admits that she is happy to be part of the large team of the STB channel's television family. An invitation to become the host of the project “Everything will be kind! "Coincided with a difficult period in Matveeva's personal life. She broke up with her second husband, deciding to start a new life. She says that she did it perfectly, and her favorite work helped to overcome the mental pain. Now Nadezhda is the host of two popular projects of the channel “Everything will be good!” and “Everything will be delicious! ". She is happy to use the advice she receives from the experts of the two shows. Nadia signed up for a gym, regularly visits a beautician's salon and monitors her diet. The only exception is on birthdays. Nadya is going to celebrate her 45th birthday for several days by arranging home gatherings for relatives and friends.

- As the heroine of Vera Alentova said in the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears": "At forty years, life is just beginning" ...

“Now I know for sure. I am an adult, independent, doing what I love, my son has grown up. I am full of hope and I know for sure that there is something to strive for. Therefore, with full responsibility I can confirm the words of one of my favorite movie heroines.

- They say that you can only succeed at the age of 30, but you broke the stereotypes.

- I had success even at the age of 30, only fewer people knew about them. I gave birth to a son, worked on the radio in Kremenchug, took care of the house. But over time, there was a feeling that she had stopped both in the profession and in relationships. She changed her occupation, moving to Cherkasy and becoming the editor-in-chief of an advertising and information newspaper. But due to problems in the family, she left this job and returned with her son to Kremenchug. The next step was regional television, I again comprehended the profession from the basics. It was difficult, but, I must admit, my ex-husbands believed in me. The first spouse sent radio DJs to the casting. And the second husband, when I was leaving for Kyiv, said: “I know that everything will be fine with you there.”

- And what, never gave up?

- I'm quite emotional, in the family I even got the nickname Miss Panic. Small failures I could develop to the size of catastrophes. In this sense, it is good that life provided an opportunity to train endurance, calmness and patience. In the most difficult moments, I remember my mother, who really had a hard time in her life. Because of her father's drunkenness, she literally did not see the white light. At the same time, my mother always managed to be an optimist. I am sure that many of our women have been taught by life not to give up, believe in themselves and move on.

- Directly the words from your program “Everything will be kind!”.

- I remember how worried I was when they called the hosts of the television magazine “Everything will be kind!” on the STB channel. I liked the idea of ​​the project very much, I was delighted to learn that I was approved. A year and a half later, I am already participating in three projects: “Everything will be kind!”, “Everything will be delicious!” and "The Battle of Psychics" (I am present as one of the judges).

Experts come to visit you every day and share various useful tips. Do you follow them yourself?

- Oh yeah! I radically changed the recipe for syrniki after Alla Kovalchuk's master class. Now I cook them without adding flour. For the winter, I froze greens in foil in the form of sausages. I was approached by a mask-scrub with grape seeds from Lilia Rebrik and a wrap with algae from cosmetologist Olya Metelskaya. Hector Jimenez Bravo taught how to properly peel an avocado, and Taras Shpira showed how to quickly extract the seeds from a pomegranate. The most effective exercises for the press from Anita, and Igor Obukhovsky demonstrated how to get rid of a headache. Better stop me, otherwise I will spend hours listing the tips of our experts that came in handy in life.

- Recently you have also become the host of a culinary project.

— I love to cook, and my relatives praise my cooking. Friends order pilaf and pasties. Now I have expanded my culinary horizons with chocolate-sea buckthorn dessert, bean cake, beef burgundy ... Only one thing is not enough for me to enjoy success in the home culinary field - time.

What gift will you give yourself for your birthday?

- I will give myself a set of spa treatments. I'll relax, absorb the energy and get back to work. For many years in a row I have been thinking about a gift that I would very much like to receive. I love pugs. The cutest dogs in my opinion. But I don't have time to walk my dog. In addition, we have two cats in our family. So this gift is delayed for several years. But the car would be very happy. Although something tells me - not this time.

- But happiness is probably in something else?

“Happiness for me is a conscious movement through life. I learn it, I make mistakes, I keep going...

With an ironic smile, bursting laughter or sad notes in her voice, Nadezhda Matveeva in a frank interview with Viva! about divorce, relationships with ex-spouses and son, money and success.

Parents almost never punished little Nadia. The girl only once flew hard when she, without warning her mother, went with her older friend to sign up in the library. Curiosity is an innate trait of the TV presenter "Everything will be kind" and co-host of the morning radio show Nadezhda Matveeva. In her work, she appreciates the opportunity to satisfy her curiosity and thirst for communication with interesting people. Nadezhda has two educations behind her, in her passport there are two marriage marks. Nadezhda Matveeva, TV presenter of the project “Everything will be good”, spoke about how to survive a divorce, her family experience, patches on her heart and the ability to believe in herself.

Nadia, we were not the first to note how sincerely you are surprised and laugh fervently at every little discovery, every joke in the program “Everything will be kind”.

It was while working on the program that I discovered with joy that with the acquisition of life experience my curiosity does not fade away, and I do not get tired of meeting new interesting people. But they say that with age, a person's social circle narrows. And then, literally in every issue of the TV magazine, funny stories happen. Recently, Hector Jimenez-Bravo and I prepared an anti-hangover soup for a culinary column. And they tried to communicate without an interpreter. "According to the legend" Hector's translator Aleksey celebrated the New Year with a storm and did not come to work, so we had to use the Russian-Spanish dictionary and Ector's knowledge of the Russian language. It was a lot of fun because Hector spoke Russian quite well, and I didn't understand Spanish at all. Of course, we joked in the frame, saying that Hector no longer needs a translator. Immediately after this story, Alexei’s mother, who, by the way, is excellent at simultaneous translation, called her son and anxiously found out what he was doing on New Year’s Eve, how he could leave Hector without help and what would happen to his work now. The power of TV! (Laughs)

You always have a good mood! But you have a very busy work schedule, and then - most recently you went through a divorce.

Indeed, sometimes a couple of hours of sleep is the limit of my dreams. As for my personal life... It was my second marriage, but it ended in separation.

You talk so calmly about it. Did you manage to remain friends with both your first spouse and your second?

You know, my psychologist friend says about this: “You don’t want to be my dog? Come on, will you be my cat?” (Laughs) According to her, initially people met for certain roles in each other's lives - husband and wife, lovers, but with friends it's a completely different story. With my first husband, we remained the parents of a son, with the second - we had a plan to part as friends ... Today we communicate, but I would not call it friendship.

Did divorce decisions come easily to you?

Once a friend said: “If something doesn’t go well in family life, you need to get a divorce - and that’s the point!” I was perplexed: how is it that we got married in order to live life together? I saw the divorce of my parents, but I connected it exclusively with my father's drunkenness, domestic violence. Therefore, I thought for a long time: if there are no such serious problems in the family, life together can continue. As a result, my friend still lives with her husband, who did not suit her, and I already broke up with two spouses ...

It seems to me that problems between people arise from the realization of their own incompleteness. We are trying to find in another person something with which we could patch up the gaps in ourselves, but this does not work, because we initially have everything. I like the saying: “The main thing we should strive for is to find ourselves, know ourselves and love ourselves.” And I am now at the stage of “love yourself”, and the rest, I think, will follow. So in my husbands, I was looking for what I lacked at that particular moment - the ability to stand firmly on the ground, and not hold on to the air.

Our relationship with Valera, my second husband, was initially filled with tenderness and romance. He gave me songs and poems. We worked together on the radio, we had a tradition - I went on the morning air at six, and at five minutes to seven I called and woke him up. In one of his songs, the words appeared: “... wake me up at five to seven, stretch out your voice from afar, I can’t change anything if you don’t want to fly ...” It seems to me that people who have such beauty in relationships should not cling to the last hopes, when it becomes clear that the relationship has reached an impasse. We shouldn't torture each other. You have to be able to let go.

What attracted you to these men, do they have similar features?

In many ways they are not similar. The first is reliable, calm, balanced. I thought that I would be behind him like behind a stone wall, that is, in the literal sense, “behind my husband.” I had complete confidence that this person, with his “earthiness”, his ability to solve problems, would give me a sense of security. The second, on the contrary, is a man of creativity and a true intellectual. I had a joke when I studied at the institute, the girls always said: “Of course, Nadia, it’s easy for you with men! The main thing for you is to be smart, but this alone is not enough for us. When I met Valera, I thought: “So this is the same smart guy that I dreamed of! My girlish dreams were embodied in him.

You met your first spouse at the institute, but what about your second?

It was an office romance. We met on the radio, where my first husband sent me. Initially, it was just a professional passion for each other.

That is, when you started a relationship with Valery, you were not yet divorced?

I lived in a family with certain problems, but I didn’t think about divorce yet. From the outside, this marriage probably no longer looked perfect. Our mutual friends tried to warn me about something, they said: “Nadya, don’t you notice anything?” And I didn’t notice anything, I was already carried away by another person. It later turned out that while I was contemplating what to do, my husband was preoccupied with a similar problem. Nobody was offended.

Did he have another woman?

We didn't talk about it. I did not seek to find out from our mutual friends. I felt guilty.

From your first marriage you have a son, did he have any claims to his mother, to his father?

Naturally, he experienced our divorce in his own way. I lived with my first husband for 7 years, with my second for twelve. When we parted, the son just went to school. Both I and his dad tried to convey the idea - nothing has changed, we love him as before. It is clear that for a child this thought is ephemeral, he wants mom and dad to be together. But I was lucky - my son and my second husband became friends.

How close are you to your son? Does he share details of his personal life with you?

We are in touch daily. Of course, I would like him, like me to my mom, to tell everything, everything at once. But he's a man, and they don't do that. Over time, I realized: you have to wait, he will come and tell everything himself. There is trust between us. I want him to know that I am the person who will support him in any situation. Vlad is already a completely independent person, and his tastes may not coincide with mine. With all my heart I want my son to be happy, and therefore I am ready to accept his choice, even if it will be difficult for me. Once the son said: “Mom, I communicate with you, and it’s hard for me to find a girl with whom I would be just as interested in talking.” On the one hand, I am pleased to hear this, on the other, I understand that this is indeed a certain difficulty, and on the third, I am calm: in choosing girls, he is not guided by purely external criteria. I even wonder when and who managed to put all this into his head? But he was very independent from childhood. Even in matters of clothing, for example, he had favorite brands earlier than me.

You're probably just indifferent to brands.

I buy clothes as needed. And this applies to almost everything.

What do you hate spending money on?

I am very careful about shopping. Perhaps because I understand that money did not fall from the sky, you have to earn it. I never spend money on "dust collectors". I believe that investing in yourself is the least risk of going bankrupt.

Did you save money for anything as a student?

I was one of those happy girls who did not have to earn extra money during their studies. I received a scholarship for an excellent student - 60 rubles, and every month my mother sent me 60 rubles from the money that my grandmother specially left for my education. Of course, I didn’t skate like cheese in butter, but I always had money. To this day, I believe that finance does not tolerate a frivolous attitude and needs planning and proper distribution. Perhaps because in our family they never really showed off - dad drank, and mom sometimes had to fend off his annoying drinking companions, who always lacked dozens to drink.

By the way, you have two educations that have nothing to do with either journalism or announcer's art - technical and economic.

(Smiling) I entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute because I’m doing well with mental arithmetic (no one in the store has yet managed to cheat me), and the math teacher was my idol - moderately strict and demanding, she managed to convey her passion to us , students. On my graduation ribbon, she wrote: “I want you to become a mathematician!” That is why it was important for me that later she would find out that I had passed the entrance exam in mathematics with excellent marks in Moscow! And so it happened.

In any profession, there comes a moment when you think: where to grow next? It seemed to me that if I went into commerce, I could make more money. At that time, I already managed to work as a journalist. The company paid for my economic training. I worked on the radio and got a second degree. And if I actually didn’t have time to use my first education - I got married as a student, went on maternity leave, was engaged in raising a child, then in my second specialty I even worked in an advertising and information magazine, where I headed the sales department. But sales are not my thing. (smiling)

Which of your professions brought you the first money?

Work at the radio station in Kremenchug. My first husband and I found a time when students, upon graduation from the university, were assigned to work at their place of residence. His parents lived in Komsomolsk, near Kremenchug. My husband worked in his specialty, and I sat at home with the child. I had a red diploma, but had no work experience - with such a “diagnosis” it is difficult to get a job now, and it was not easy before. Moreover, my maternity leave coincided with the difficult 90s, when everything fell apart before our eyes. One day my husband heard an announcement about a competition for the position of a local radio station host and said: “Nadya, go, you can do it!” And I took a chance among twenty other applicants. I had to tell about myself, explain why you are applying for this position and what you expect from it, and tell a joke. The day before, I heard a terrific anecdote about an accountant.


A young accountant comes to get a job at the Clara Zetkin plant. In the personnel department they ask him: “What can you do? Can you keep accounts?" He: “I can’t do anything. I can only count money. He is denied. A year later, in America, a respectable man walks into a jewelry store, asks about the price of the most expensive necklace, then opens the suitcase, and a lot of money falls out. The seller is perplexed: “Why so much cash? Much easier to write an invoice! - "If I could write, I would now work as an accountant at the factory of Clara Zetkin." (Laughs) I passed the competition!

In Kremenchug, where you worked on the radio, you moved from Moscow. Not embarrassed by the change: from the metropolis - yes to the province?

I had a fear of staying in a small town, but I did not suffer from the fact that Kremenchug, where we moved from Komsomolsk, was not a metropolis. Well, what exactly is the difference? Less cars? (Laughs) History repeats itself with my son. He is an independent young man, he studies at the automotive department of the Polytechnic University in Kremenchug and does not rush to Kyiv.

How did Kyiv appear in your history?

Once a friend called me, she also once worked on the radio in Kremenchug, and then she married a metropolitan DJ and moved to Kyiv. She said that one of the metropolitan radio stations could not find a co-host for the morning show. I thought, does this happen to everyone? What kind of person would not accept such an offer? And I went to the casting, and successfully passed it. I had a similar story with casting on television. I heard about a new project on STB, came to the competition, and for almost a year I have been hosting the TV magazine “Everything will be kind”, so Kyiv today is like my own.

Was it easy for you to leave your son and husband in Kremenchug?

I did not leave for Kyiv with a light heart, but inspired by the fact that I had a new job. My husband agreed that I took part in the casting. I think deep down he hoped I wouldn't go. But we agreed: I start working, get used to it, and then he will come. My son was already in college at the time. He said: “Mom, you can’t refuse, go!”

Does he follow your progress?

It's not really his format. Sometimes I tell him a joke from the air, he comments: “Mom, you are Petrosyan!” (Laughs) But, on the other hand, it would be strange if a young twenty-year-old man, who is fond of boxing and cars, was also interested in a women's TV magazine ... Different "weight categories". Even as a child, in response to my proposal to try himself on the radio, he shrugged his shoulders: “Am I going to sit and trynd into the microphone?” He doesn't think it's a job for a man. But when his friends say that they saw me on TV, I notice that he is bursting with pride.

Do you follow competitor programs?

Now there is not enough time. A beginner just needs to do this. It is good that ideas and forces for their implementation come from within, but in addition to this, it is important to absorb someone else's positive experience from outside. Personally, I am inspired by the work of the best presenters. From colleagues - Dima Tankovich, Lilya Rebrik,. I look for inspiration not only in people, but also in books, movies. I always strive, no matter how late I return from filming, to take some time for myself. It is extremely important for me to feel like an independent person, including from work, even if it is dearly loved.

Today you quoted beautiful lines about how important it is for a person to strive to fly. What gives you the feeling of flying today?

There has always been a question of benefit in my life. Previously, I often wondered: I work on the radio, am I useful? Whether it's a matter of profession - doctor, teacher, baker. To which my wise husband replied: “The benefits can be of different levels and in different areas.” The desire to be useful has driven me all my life. Now I am sure that I am doing a useful thing - I give people a good mood and inspire them to do good deeds. And I enjoy it, it gives me the feeling of flying!

Nadezhda Matveeva is a vivid example of what a modern woman should be. She is successful and independent, bright and smart, sociable and cheerful, and most importantly, she is a true professional in journalism and is always focused on self-improvement.

Nadezhda Matveeva is the permanent host of the TV magazine “Everything will be kind” and the program “Everything will be delicious!” on the STB channel, beloved by millions of Ukrainians. She also lives an active public life and enjoys interacting with fans on social media.


Nadezhda (real name Lyudmila) Matveeva was born on November 15, 1968 in Kerch and fell in love with this cozy town and the warm Black Sea for the rest of her life. Little Luda was a diligent student and graduated from school with a gold medal. Already at that time, the girl had big plans and significant ambitions, but it was not possible to realize them in a small town. Therefore, Nadezhda went to study as an engineer at the Moscow Power Engineering Institute.

The life of the capital completely captured the young provincial, but even before completing her studies, she met her first husband. Matveeva followed him to Kremenchug, where he had a job. From this marriage, Nadezhda is raising a 20-year-old son, Vladislav.

There, Nadezhda continued her education in a completely different direction at the Kremenchuk University of Economics, Information Technology and Management. At first, she was content with the role of a homemaker and an office worker, but neither an engineer nor an economist came out of her, and it was difficult to work in her specialty in a small town.

It was then that the girl remembered what she does best - to speak and be the center of attention. She got a job as a DJ on the radio and began working as a presenter on a regional TV channel in Kremenchug. Then Nadezhda worked as a newspaper editor in the city of Cherkassy, ​​and then moved to Kyiv, where she began working at Russian Radio. In journalism, Nadezhda felt like a fish in water and her career was rapidly rushing uphill.

In 2012, Nadezhda was cast in the show "Everything will be kind" on STB, after which she turned from a good editor and presenter into a real TV star. From the first issues of the popular women's TV magazine, Nadezhda Matveeva has become one of the most recognizable presenters on Ukrainian TV. She knows how to present any information in a fascinating way, and she communicates easily and naturally with experts and guests of the program. As a result, Nadezhda Matveeva has become a real adviser for a whole generation of women who do not want to be content with the role of ordinary housewives. From release to release of the show “Everything will be kind” on STB, the presenter asks the experts of the program about how to be a beautiful wife and a caring mother at the same time, achieve success at work and remain a good housewife, as well as maintain true independence and the ability to learn about yourself every new day and the world around is something new. By her own example, she inspires women to move forward and become better day by day.

Having decided to achieve even greater heights in her career, Nadezhda Matveeva became the host of the show “Everything will be delicious!” and a judge of the "Battle of Psychics" project at STB. With all the workload, she does not forget about her first media passion - conducting morning broadcasts on the radio.

“My main passion is work. Plunging into it with my head, I get so many impressions that it will last for several lifetimes. Friends even joke that I have more information in my head than in an encyclopedia.”

But even in her free time, a woman amazes with her activity and irrepressible energy. She goes in for sports, relaxes in the sauna, visits the cinema, cooks something delicious, and also spends time with her friends and her son Vladislav.

Personal life

Hope has been married twice. She met her first husband at the university when she was studying in Moscow, and from this marriage her beloved son Vladislav was born:

“When I got married for the first time, I was sure that it was up to old age and the tombstone. My husband was a real man, but sometimes I did not understand him. For example, he left with friends for regular work, was absent from home for more than a month. And then I accidentally met him on the street when I was walking with a child. It turns out that he returned, but did not immediately go home to see us, and also decided some business at work. Then it really annoyed me. Although now I understand that it is possible to argue in different ways. However, thanks to my first husband, I got into radio work. He heard about an ad for a local GM station and advised me to go. I didn't even think I could work there. I went - and it turned out ... "

It was on the radio that the future television star met her second husband:

“Because of this, we can say that we divorced our first husband. After all, on the radio I met a man whom I soon married. And again for a good person - talented, intelligent, decent. When trouble happened to his first wife, my husband rushed to the rescue of her and her son. For almost three years he was torn between two families so as not to offend anyone. But, of course, I still felt offended. It was hard to get through this time. We parted ways after eleven years, when I moved to Kyiv to work on Russian Ya Radio.

Now Nadezhda Matveeva prefers not to talk about her personal life and whether her heart is free now, fans still do not know.

Nadezhda Matveeva periodically appears in public with her son Vladislav, whom she is very proud of and rejoices in their mutual understanding:

“Vladislav does not like it when I talk about him, and the desires of people, especially the most beloved ones, must be taken into account. Therefore, I will not go into lyrical details. My son graduated from a technical university and lives separately. Works as a promoter for a household appliances company. Independently cooks, cleans, erases, cares for the cat. He is engaged in boxing, mastering driving a car. In men, he respects the mind and strength, in women - the ability to look attractive and interesting to communicate. I completely trust my son and feel his support.”

Interesting Facts

  • Real name is Ludmila. Having moved from Kremenchug to Kyiv, Matveeva changed her name, hoping that it would help her cope with the difficulties in the new place. According to the TV presenter, with the name Nadezhda, changes came into her life, and she herself changed - she became more decisive and confident that "all good things will definitely happen."

    “I think the strength to believe in it is in my name Nadezhda,” Matveeva shared.

  • Favorite actor is George Clooney.
  • Nadezhda Matveeva believes in horoscopes.
  • Matveeva loves cats.
  • As a child, she dreamed of being a ballerina.
  • Hope is afraid of heights.

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Popular presenter Nadezhda Matveeva starred in a gentle photo shoot

How Nadezhda Matveeva takes care of herself

Almost every woman in Ukraine knows her by sight. Smiling and cheerful TV presenter Nadezhda Matveeva gives useful advice every day in the TV magazine “Everything will be kind”, which airs on the STB channel. And on weekends, she also helps to learn new and simple recipes in the program “Everything will be delicious!” In an exclusive interview with Vityam, Nadezhda told how she got on television, why she changed her name, what funny situations happen during filming and, of course, revealed the secret of how she always manages to be positive.

"Miss Panic"

- Nadezhda, how did it happen that, having the profession of an economist and engineer, you became a radio host?

- Having received engineering and economic education, I could not realize myself in any of these areas. It was the end of the 90s, I had just come out of maternity leave and there were no vacant places where I would like to work. Then the husband, having heard the advertisement for the recruitment of DJs on the radio, convinced me to try himself in this position. They took me.

How did you get into television from radio?

- A colleague advised me to try myself on television, and I am very grateful to him for this. I came to the casting of the STB channel and soon I was offered a job in the women's TV magazine "Everything will be kind."

- You once admitted that your family calls you "Miss Panic", why?

- When my husband and I first rented an apartment, one day we could not open the door with the keys given by the owners. I then imagined various horrors: we were deceived by swindlers, our money was gone, we now have nowhere to live ... Then it turned out that the lock had simply broken. In situations where I started to get nervous for no reason, my husband began to call me "Miss Panic."

Luda and Nadia

- Tell us why many people know you as Nadezhda, and some as Lyudmila Matveeva?

- Indeed, at birth I was given the name Lyudmila. But at an early age, I contracted lobar pneumonia, which in those days was an almost fatal diagnosis. And when they managed to save me, my grandmother said: “You should have called her Nadezhda.” I remember my parents called me Nadia for several months. When my mother told this story, I thought that if I was able to overcome such a terrible disease then, maybe this name will bring me good luck? Arriving in Kyiv, she began to call herself Nadezhda.

Have there been any changes in your life since then?

I have become more determined and confident. But these changes are more related to what is happening in my life. My name is in harmony with the spirit and idea of ​​"Everything will be good."

- What is your life motto?

- Mom often told me: "Act according to the circumstances." Here and the ability to be flexible in different situations, and trust in yourself and life. This instruction is akin to the motto: "Do what you must, and come what may." That's what I try to do.

Starch on the face

- Do you follow the advice given by experts in the program “Everything will be good”?

- Of course! Our experts often give practical advice in cooking and personal care. I am happy to use recipes for masks with kelp and starch. They are affordable and effective.

What advice surprised you the most?

— Just the use of starch as a face mask. It turned out that potato or corn starch has a lifting effect, but for me this is important.

- On the set of "Everything will be kind" do any funny things happen?

- Of course. For example, when I had to go out to the audience with a jar filled with huge cockroaches, I literally laughed, it was creepy. And then it became even funnier when I saw the frightened eyes of my guests, in general, they relieved stress together. I was touched by the boy who was sitting in the hall with his mother, watching how we prepared the cake, and then suddenly ran out to us because he wanted to try.

— Tell us about the most exotic dish that you have tried and prepared yourself?

“Probably morel mushroom jelly.” We cooked it once in the kitchen "Everything will be kind." I prefer dishes from traditional products. I will not try crocodile meat, fried cockroaches or rotten eggs.


How do you manage to always be smiling and cheerful?

- The habit of remaining cheerful and smiling, even in a bad mood, has remained with me since the days of working on the radio. People need to hear the cheerful voice of the host, so you need to speak with a smile. So I'm used to it.

— Do you believe in omens, horoscopes, divination?

- I try not to rely on signs and fortune-telling. Attempts to look into the future distract from the present. I listen to a horoscope or an omen, but I act on the basis of personal circumstances at the moment.

Do you have any extreme hobbies?

- No extreme. I have enough emotions and experiences in life. I am happy for my friends who can't sit still: sometimes they want to jump with a parachute, sometimes they go down from the mountains on skis.

— What is real rest for you?

- I like to travel. Having visited the Carpathians, she discovered thermal springs. This is a pleasant relaxing type of holiday, optimal for me. I like to walk a lot and then feel pleasantly tired at the end of the day.

Good wishes

— I wish joy, health and peace to the creators and readers of the News of Prydniprovya!

Strokes for the portrait:

According to the horoscope: Scorpio and Monkey.

Favorite movie: The Shawshank Redemption.

Favorite actress: Meryl Streep.

Favorite artist: Whitney Houston.

Anastasia Nefretova,

photo of the press service of the STB channel

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