Drawing programs - what to choose? List of the best free products. Drawing on a computer - necessary programs and devices

Many are mistaken that a powerful processor is required for normal drawing on a computer. For optimal functioning, you will have enough processor frequency of 1.5-2 GHz. The choice between manufacturing companies is not fundamental, the amount of your funds is the decisive factor.

Main parameter your iron for creating illustrations - the number random access memory . Work applications like Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas, or even 3d graphics applications require large amounts of RAM.

If your goal is to create complex, multi-layered sketches, then you need to purchase as much RAM as possible for your computer (you can work more or less optimally with from one gigabyte free RAM).

video card from the latest current lines, you also do not need. The manufacturer also does not play a special role, only your personal preferences. Among people involved in illustration from a computer, design, etc. there is an opinion that best graphics cards for this, Matrox creates, but this, of course, is exclusively subjective.

Drawing equipment

Next, we should move on to one of the most important aspects this kind art- basic equipment. It's worth starting with scanner, it performs one of the key roles, namely, it transfers the picture depicted on paper into digital form.

I will give a simple example, you have depicted a tree and you need to transfer this tree to the forest. Scan the illustration, do a little stylization under the general image of the picture and transfer it as a separate layer, everything is ready, now your tree is in the right place.

The next essential part of being a good graphic artist or designer is tablet. Such equipment is created most often of two types - graphic and drafting. A little more about this.

Graphics tablet- has a small working area, creates a point rougher than the drawing one and reacts to the force of pressure on the pen, which greatly facilitates the work. Using professional software by type Adobe Photoshop, it is more convenient to handle chiaroscuro and brushes on such a tablet.

Drawing tablet- created for CAD programs such as AutoCAD, 3DMAXStudio, etc. Such a gadget does not feel pressure on the pen, the dot is either there or it is not. It differs, often, very pleasant and high resolution and positioning accuracy.

In the case we are talking about, a graphics tablet is more suitable. Of course, it is better to buy more expensive ones, since they have a wider range of features than cheap ones, but the usual one can quite cope with its functions.

Another important, but not mandatory gadget - uninterrupted power supply unit. None of us is protected from interruptions in the supply of electricity, and we do not want to lose our many hours of work. That is why it would be better to get yourself such an assistant, so that later you do not grieve over the lost hours.

How to draw with a mouse

You can realize your creative urges without special gadgets, managing only mouse. This option is quite economical and simple, but then the task becomes hundreds of times more complicated, the lines become less even, and the operating time increases significantly.

This option has a place to be only if you set yourself the task of fulfilling simple drawings , or you are unable to purchase the required equipment. Or you just need to correct the scanned drawings.

As you can already understand, you can’t become the right artist on a computer with just a mouse, except in rare cases. People involved in graphics usually say: “You can draw with a mouse, but you don’t need to.”

But to work with a tablet, it will also come in handy, here are the requirements for it standard- it should lie well in the hand, and be comfortable, it would be nice to have a third button on the side, but this, one might say, is already surplus.

Drawing applications

There are many specialized software packages, from the simplest ones, like the standard Paint in Windows, to the more complex ones, like Adobe Photoshop. We'll cover a few of the most popular.

painter- one of the most functional. All known and required this moment he quite simply imitates materials for art, which allows him to expand the range of his possibilities. Is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- software created more for editing and processing photos than for art. But it has a huge storehouse of functions and materials. It has a huge number of filters, brushes and other additions. Also paid.

Corel Draw- a vector editor, less functional than the last two reviewed, but free and has normal, no frills, functionality.

open canvas- an editor similar to the leading programs in their field, but greatly simplified. It is recommended to start your acquaintance with computer drawing right here. Pretty strong inferior"flagships" in its field, but still has good features and is completely free.

Sets for computer graphics

Minimum set- mouse, computer, scanner, sheet of paper, pencil and graphics editor.

A very time-consuming set, but allows you to create relatively high-quality work. A sketch is created on paper, scanned, and processed. In the end, with enough diligence, a good job is obtained.

Comfort set- mouse, scanner, computer, good graphic/vector editor and drawing kit.

With the help of a vector editor, any curved lines can be correctly outlined. Also, with the normal ability to use drawing packages, you can already create good work. Relevant for the most part only for vector editors.

Good setnormal computer, high-quality mouse (you can use a trackball) with a mouse pad, a scanner, a graphics tablet and paid programs (at least one, preferably Photoshop)

With such a set, you can reach a fairly high level, the restrictions are only in your skill.

Probably, anyone who has ever entered the simplest graphic editors, for example, the built-in Paint, tried to draw the simplest ideas with the mouse. Most likely, he either abandoned the work, or an unsuccessful image was obtained. And it's not at all that a person draws badly. And the fact that the computer mouse they are trying to draw with is not quite adapted for creating illustrations. The mouse is not able to accurately convey those hand movements that are transmitted to paper through a pen or other instrument. Then the question is brewing: "How to learn to draw on a computer with a mouse?". You can learn, but you need to find your own approach to such a computer device.

Graphic tablet and computer mouse

Nowadays, a graphics tablet is not nonsense at all. He appeared in hardware stores a long time ago and managed to fall in love with many artists, designers, architects and lovers of just painting. But, however, many are not ready to pay money for a device that they may stop using in the future due to loss of interest or inspiration. To test their abilities, novice artists think about how to draw with a mouse on a computer. Sometimes there are cases when a person masters the art of drawing with a mouse so well that he no longer wants to switch to a graphics tablet.

Programs that are best for drawing

In fact, any editor is quite suitable, even the same Paint. In order to draw on a computer with a mouse, like some professionals who handle it wonderfully, you need to decide in what format you will work. Either it will be raster graphics or vector graphics. For the first case, Adobe Photoshop is suitable, and for the second, you can use programs such as Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. The main difference- the graphics itself and the format in which the programs will function, and the tools are the same everywhere.

How to learn to draw with a mouse on a computer?

The main tool for the user will be the "Brush" with all its settings and subtleties. In addition to this tool, you will need the "Eraser", "Fill" and "Increase / Reduce" modes. In order to learn how to draw with a mouse on a computer, you need to have patience and desire, since this process is quite laborious.

most main problem there will be a rotation of lines when drawing. For example, if you want to make a smooth rounding, then you may end up with an angular bevel. This can be corrected by a strong increase in the area in order to draw each pixel better and more accurately. Therefore, it is worth working on an enlarged scale so that the lines appear smooth and accurate.

Try to use the "Line" and "Curve" tools to make the drawing more precise. If you need to draw a long line, then on an enlarged scale, make separate strokes instead of a continuous command with the mouse.

Small subtleties and nuances

It is worth paying attention to working with layers. This is very convenient when drawing with the mouse, as the user will not be able to go beyond the edges of the layer when painting. If you wish, you can delete unnecessary layers and avoid unnecessary work with the eraser.

If it is difficult for a beginner to learn how to draw on a computer with a mouse, like some artists, then you can draw an image on paper, then take a picture / scan and upload it to a graphics editor, and then draw over the drawn image. In the same way, you can load any picture into the program and draw based on it.

There are some computer mouse accessories that can make your drawing process easier. They can be ordered from online stores. Watch video courses with topics similar to this one: "Learn to draw with a mouse on a computer." Thanks to them, you can quickly learn how to work with the mouse and, in general, improve your creative data.

computer graphics in recent times is gaining a lot of popularity. Even if you are not going to make money on it, many people just want to learn how to draw on a computer. It's one thing to draw on paper, and quite another to draw on a computer. This process has a number of undeniable advantages, but do not forget about the difficulties.

Most artists use special graphic tablets connected to a computer for this purpose. Drawing on such a device is very simple, almost the same as on a sheet of paper. Many beginners and just amateurs are scared away by the high cost, so they want to learn how to draw with a mouse.

How to do it right? What is needed for this? What features can be encountered? You will receive answers to these questions by reading the prepared material.

Why, at all, draw on a computer? After all, you can safely do with a piece of paper, and then scan the drawing. But computer graphics has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Availability of working tools. All you need is a computer and special program- graphics editor. Here you do not need to take into account the features of paints or pencils, buy them, make sure that they do not end at the wrong time.
  • The ability to quickly correct any shortcomings. If you notice some kind of defect on a paper drawing, it is often almost impossible to fix it, so you have to draw everything from the very beginning. In a digital drawing, everything is fixed with just a few mouse clicks.
  • non-susceptibility external factors. The digital drawing will not fade in the sun, it will not be spoiled by a child or a pet.

How to prepare for drawing with a mouse

Before you start drawing with a mouse on a computer, you should prepare a little. To do this, you will need to purchase a reliable mouse, a high-quality mousepad and install a graphics editor. Let's look at each of the points in more detail.

  • Mouse. It should ideally be large and massive, with very precise cursor positioning. It should react to your every movement instantly. Since drawing is a long process, the mouse should sit comfortably in your hand and not create inconvenience. Naturally, you should not count on the fact that a quality accessory will be cheap. If you want to achieve high results, be prepared to spend more.
  • Mat. Many manufacturers have a series of professional mats for graphic designers. The slip coefficient is carefully calculated in them, and the material is used such that over time it does not rub off and looks like new for a long time.
  • Graphics editor. There are professional graphic editors for entry level. In addition, there are programs for vector and raster graphics. Some are completely free, while others cost a significant amount. Some are pre-installed in operating system, while most need to be downloaded and installed. The most famous editors are Microsoft Paint, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp, Paint Tool SAI.

Fundamentals of the basics

As already mentioned, drawing with the mouse has a number of features. Let's highlight some of them.

  • It is best to choose the Brush tool to create a drawing. Perhaps someone will say that this is not the best choice, but it is with its help that it is easiest to achieve the desired results. By the way, most editors have the option to adjust the hardness and degree of pressure, as well as transparency. For example, this function can be used without problems in Photoshop and Paint Tool SAI. Thanks to this, it is much more convenient to draw with a mouse than with the same pencil, which produces much harder lines.
  • Since, unlike a tablet, there is no way to adjust the pressure of the drawing tool, to soften the edges and outlines of the picture, it is better to use an eraser set to a low opacity level. This will reduce the sharpness of the lines. Most graphics tablets are supported by both Photoshop and AIS.
  • Do not try to draw contours with one long line. Use many small clicks to apply short strokes. Also, keep in mind that you will often have to switch between tools and their settings, as well as menu items. In order not to waste time, try to bring this skill to automatism. And if you really need to draw a long straight line, use a special tool, it will greatly facilitate your fate.
  • If you have already tried to create drawings on a computer in AIS or another editor, then you probably noticed that drawing lines is very difficult. They are constantly bent, made uneven, and if necessary, to paint on something - it is not at all easy to get to the right place. In such a case, feel free to use the zoom tool. The larger you zoom in, the more accurately you can fit the edges of the pattern. Switch between normal view and magnification to bring the image to perfection.
  • Where to start learning? It's clear that complex paintings in AIS you will not succeed the first time, you need to fill your hand. First of all, try to draw simple drawings for which it will be sufficient to use ordinary geometric shapes. For example, draw a Christmas tree or a snowman. Having coped with the symmetrical arrangement of elements and contours, proceed to fill with color. It is better not to use the fill tool for this, but to paint over with a brush manually. Then you can enter finishing touches, in also add shadows and all sorts of little things. There are many tutorials on YouTube for beginners.
  • You will experience much less complexity, if you sketch out your drawing at least approximately in advance on a regular sheet of paper. In addition, the experience of ordinary drawing will also come in handy.
    In order not to go beyond the boundaries of the picture when painting, select the area in which you want to change the color, and then start painting.
  • If nothing happens manually at all, there is an alternative, and quite convenient. Draw the contours on paper, then scan the picture or take a high-quality photo and open the finished file in the graphic editor AIS or Photoshop. Then move the lines, change their thickness and add colors. By the way, in many editors, such as Photoshop or Paint Tool SAI, you can make good drawings this way, since all changes are applied in the form of layers that can then be easily deleted.

How to draw in different graphic editors


  1. To create a drawing in Photoshop, download and install the program if it is not already on your computer. We encourage you to purchase a licensed copy, but if the high cost puts you off, look online for hacked versions. Just keep in mind that if the repack is of poor quality, the program will malfunction, and some functions may be missing.
  2. After running the program, create a new file. This can be done either through the menu File - New, or by pressing the key combination Ctrl + N. In a pop-up window, you will be prompted to select the size and resolution of the image. The higher it is, the longer and more difficult it will be to create a drawing in Photoshop.
  3. Look at the work area: on the right side you will see several toolbars where you can select a color, background, and also work with layers. On the left side you will see a menu for selecting working tools. In the upper part, under the program menu, you can use some options of the selected tool.
  4. On the right side of the screen, click the "Create Layer" button, on the left side select the brush or pencil tool, and at the top select the type and thickness of the line.
  5. Create a picture in Photoshop, then save it to a folder on your computer's hard drive.

Paint Tool SAI

  1. Download and install Paint Tool SAI. The program is paid, so either buy it or download the hacked version if you can't pay.
  2. Launch Paint Tool SAI and create new drawing. This function is no different from other image editors, so you can either press File - New or press Ctrl + N on your keyboard.
  3. Paint Tool SAI will ask for the desired image size and file format. Depending on your desires and needs, select the necessary options.
  4. Create a new layer on the panel Paint tools Tool SAI on the left side of the screen, then select essential tool to draw and start the process.
  5. Save the image to a directory on your hard drive.


Working with this editor is the easiest, however, it has a minimal set of functions. The program has an undeniable advantage - you do not have to worry about finding and installing a working version, since the editor is standard and is built into the system by default. How to draw in Paint?

  1. Find the program in the Start menu on a Windows computer.
  2. When the working window opens, you will see a small white rectangle, and special markers on the side and in the corner.
  3. Drag these handles to resize the image. The actual size will be displayed at the bottom of the screen.
  4. Select right tool for drawing, such as a brush or pencil, in the top menu bar on the Home tab.
  5. Save the file after you've finished making changes.


Drawing with a mouse on a computer can be quite difficult at first, but with practice, you will get carried away with this process and be able to create real masterpieces in Photoshop or AIS. Let us know in the comments what program you are using.

Drawing on a computer is a very exciting and interesting activity. In order to immerse yourself in the process as much as possible and not be distracted by various trifles, it is best to use a graphics tablet. If there is no such gadget, but you want to draw, then you can get by with a mouse. This tool has its own characteristics that interfere with the quality of your work. We will talk about how to use the mouse for drawing in this article.

As we have said, the mouse has some features. For example, with its help it is almost impossible to draw a smooth line if it is not an arbitrary stroke, but a contour drawing. This is what makes our job difficult. There is only one thing left: to use some tools of graphic programs. Consider different variants we will take as an example how the most popular drawing software. However, most of the techniques can be transferred to other programs.

Actually, we will engage in a little deception, since in pure form"Drawing" it can be called only with some stretch.

Shapes and selections

These tools will help you draw the correct geometric shapes, such as the character's eyes, various spots and highlights. There is one trick that allows you to deform the created ellipse without resorting to transform tools. You can read about the figures in the article below.

The selection tools also help to create correct geometric objects.


Using Photoshop, you can create lines of any configuration, both straight and curved. In this case, we will use the mouse quite a bit.

Outline stroke

Since we cannot draw a smooth contour line manually, we can use the tool "Feather" to create a foundation.

By using "Pera" we can already simulate real brush pressure, which on the canvas will look like a stroke made on a tablet.

  1. First, let's set up the brush. Select this tool and press the key F5.

  2. Here we check the box next to the property "Form Dynamics" and click on this item, opening the settings in the right block. Under parameter "Size Fluctuation" select from the dropdown list "Pen pressure".

  3. Click on an item "Brushprint Shape" in the header of the list. Here we set the required size.

  4. Now we take "Feather" and create an outline. Click PKM and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

  5. In the dialog box that opens, check the box next to "Imitate pressure" and choose "Brush". Click OK.

  6. As you can see, the stroke is very similar to hand drawing.


In order to increase your level of mouse proficiency as a drawing tool, you can use ready contours. They can be downloaded on the Internet by entering the appropriate query in the search engine. Another option is to draw the outline on paper, then scan it and upload it to Photoshop. Thus, by tracing the finished lines with the mouse, you can learn more even and precise movements.


As you can see, there are tricks to smooth out Negative influence mouse on the drawing process. It should be understood that this is only a temporary measure. If serious work is planned, then you still have to purchase a tablet.

Text: Viktor Bespaly

The computer has changed its role more than once during its evolution. If earlier it was bought in order to create, now it has turned into a multimedia entertainment center. On a computer, you can watch movies, listen to music, play games - and for most people this is enough. But not for those who want to create. Today we will talk about how you can draw on a computer - and at the same time draw beautifully.

A real designer is inconceivable without art education, must be fluent in the technique of drawing (pencil, charcoal), graphics (watercolor, gouache, pencil, ink, etc.), painting (gouache, watercolor, tempera, acrylic, oil). But everyone can master computer graphics. Computer in hand ordinary person can turn into an obedient instrument of its realization artistic thought- the very one that he cannot put on paper.

The first thing to remember is that there are two types of graphic files: vector and raster. The set of tools and programs you need will depend on which graphics you prefer. In vector files, the picture is formed by a set of curves and shading functions. Each time you open this picture, the editor program draws the image from scratch. In raster files, a picture is a set of dots with a color parameter, and the picture is universal, but takes up more space.


One of the most important parameters of a computer is the amount of RAM.

Contrary to many claims, a very fast processor is not needed to draw on a computer. A real frequency of 1.5-2 GHz is quite enough, it will be Intel or AMD - it doesn't matter, it all depends on the means and preferences you have. The most important parameter of a computer working with graphics is the amount of RAM; the more it is, the better. Our working applications, such as Photoshop, Painter, OpenCanvas (or even 3DS MAX), are very fond of having a lot of RAM. And if you are going to create complex multi-layer compositions (and you are definitely going to?), then you can’t get away with standard 512 MB DDR. You can recommend to put at least 1 GB; the speed of RAM affects performance less noticeably.

An ultra-modern video card is not needed for drawing, the brand also does not have special significance. However, there is an established opinion that best cards for drawing and graphics is released by Matrox.

Now the main thing: the periphery. And we'll start with the good old scanner- without it, the artist will have a very difficult time, but he is needed, first of all, to enter background blanks into the computer. For example, you have drawn a palm tree, and now you need to place it on an island by the sea. Take a similar illustration on paper, scan it, style it like a painting and place it as a layer under a palm tree. Compensate for the lack of a scanner digital camera, but in this application it will cope with the task for C grade. You can make sketches by hand on plain paper, and then correct them on the computer, having previously scanned them. A decent scanner will cost you 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles.

And finally, the main thing peripheral device for computer artist - digitizer or tablet. They come in two main types - drawing and graphic. Drawing tablet designed for CAD applications such as AutoCAD, 3DStudioMAX and their analogues. Such tablets have a pen without a degree of pressure - it is either pressed or not, details are not provided here. The main advantages of these tablets - a high resolution and positioning accuracy; old model with large area will cost approximately 1,800 rubles.

Graphics tablet differs in the following: a small platform (the areas of the graphics are small compared to the drawings); it positions the point rougher, but it feels pressure on the pen, and this is a big plus. If you use Adobe Photoshop, then working with chiaroscuro and brushes of different thicknesses will be much easier. Additionally, you can use a function that makes the stroke brighter or paler, depending on the force of pressing - as a result, we get the opportunity to draw a lighter or darker "spot" without changing the brush.

For our case, graphic tablets are best suited. Prices for non-professional models start at 800 rubles; as you understand, the more expensive the tablet, the better it is and the more convenient it is to work on it. However, even on a small A6 matrix, everything can look quite tolerable.

Another useful device - uninterrupted power supply unit. Better to play it safe than later grieve over the loss of a brilliant creation, over which you pored over for a week. Estimated price depends on the desired capacity and the number of connected devices. In order to have time to save the drawing at the right time and turn off the computer correctly, a UPS worth 1,000 rubles is enough.

Mice are ordinary

A rather exotic input method is trackball- an inverted mouse with a big ball. The user rotates this ball with his fingers. The advantage of the trackball over the mouse is the high accuracy of cursor movement at low speeds. For everyday use, the trackball is inconvenient.

In choise mice everything is quite simple: whether it sits comfortably in the hand, whether there is scrolling or a 3rd button, etc., all this is entirely up to your taste. A separate conversation about rugs, carpets must be bought specifically, and not use those that come as a bonus to a new computer.

A mechanical mouse pad needs to be slippery and grippy at the same time. This means that the mouse should not stick to the carpet, but the ball should literally bite into it. For optics, it is better to choose such a rug so that the mouse does not jerk the cursor while standing still. The size of the rug should also be optimal - too large ones take up a lot of space on the table, and too small make the user often move the mouse away from the edge of the carpet.

You can also draw with a regular mouse. But not necessary.


There is a wide range of software - from simple tools for drawing on the computer to professional packages. The Windows shell includes one of the simplest packages - Paint. Using the example of working with this package, you can compose initial view how to create graphic files. There are also more serious packages, for example, Adobe Photoshop. Let's try to briefly go through the main programs and highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Painter is one of the best drawing software.

painter - the best program for a computer artist. Version 8 is now out, called Corel Painter. Don't be fooled by phrases like "Procreate Painter is better than Corel Painter" - it's the same program. Painter easily simulates all currently known real materials for drawing and painting, and even the styles of individual famous artists. The interface is intuitive, the only drawback of the program is that it is paid.

Adobe Photoshop- a package focused more on photo processing than on drawing. However, it contains many essential tools for an artist. Painting in it is not very convenient, but coloring pictures of comics is the very thing, but apply to them various styles and filters are even better. The great advantage of Photoshop lies in the fact that it was created for great amount filters, brushes and other add-ons. You can easily convert all sketches into a single gallery with a recognizable style. Photoshop is paid and expensive, but it's worth it.

Photoshop is the most powerful graphic editor for all occasions.

OpenCanvas- absolutely free program for artists, very light and comfortable, but in terms of functionality it is very inferior to expensive counterparts. In many ways it repeats the flagships, but greatly simplified. The project is developing, new updates are released periodically. Would recommend to all budding artists.

OpenCanvas is free and functional - that's what it's good for.

Ambient Design ArtRage- a special program that allows you to draw almost works of art using a tablet computer or tablet. You can draw either yourself, or use any digital photo as a substrate; you can draw not only on a tablet computer, but also using an ordinary mouse or tablet. Very useful and absolutely free program.

Ambient Design ArtRage is designed specifically for tablet computers.

Corel Draw- vector graphics editor. For a long time it was considered a toy for amateurs, professionals disdained the program, preferring Adobe Illustrator. But the Canadian company Corel did not stand still - the situation changed after the release of the 10th series. The program has grown so much that today we can already recognize it as a very serious vector graphics tool. Everyone will like it - from a green beginner trying to draw “in Corel” for the first time, to a pro who, in no time, makes some fashionable trademark or label for a new beer with it.

Corel Draw is a powerful vector editor.

Combining these editors together, you can achieve almost any result. The only thing to remember is that the vector editor is always primary, and the raster editor is secondary. That is, having edited the file in a raster editor, it can no longer be converted to vector format, it will only be possible to overlay the next layer.

Summarize. The required set of a computer artist is Painter or Photoshop. Optional - Flash, Corel Draw, OpenCanvas. A vector editor will allow you to create an image from scratch, while a raster one works better with blanks. This, of course, does not mean that in the same Photoshop it is impossible to draw something decent, or even brilliant. But it is more convenient to draw in vector programs.

Options for practical application

Budget. Mouse, pad, bitmap editor.

If you have invested a little more than the standard $ 10 in a mouse pad and mouse, and if you have a lot of patience and no less time, then, of course, you will draw something. Sadly, drawing with a regular mouse is very difficult. At best, drawings are obtained in the style of children's primitivism.

Minimum. Scanner, sheet of paper, pencil, mouse, raster or vector editor.

This method is quite laborious, but allows you to get good results. The meaning is simple - you make a sketch on paper, scan it and process it in a graphics editor. The better the software, the better the drawing will be.

Comfortable. Mouse, scanner, Corel Draw, quality mouse pad.

It is very convenient if the mouse polling frequency is high, and with the help of vector editors you can draw any curved lines correctly. But this method is good only for vector editors.

How to. Graphics tablet, scanner, trackball, Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop.

With this set, you can draw on high level You are only limited by your skills and imagination.

Graphics tablet

A tablet is the perfect drawing device.

Probably, almost everyone who has ever picked up an electronic pen and tried to draw something on a graphics tablet has experienced bewilderment and disappointment. It looks so much like regular pen but the feeling of drawing is completely different. And the results, frankly, are not brilliant. Perhaps the result will be better if you understand the principle of operation of these wonderful plates.

A special grid is installed inside the tablet. These are conductors made of the thinnest copper strips. Each of them can be compared to a receiving antenna that receives a signal from an electronic pen. They allow special microcircuits to track the position of the pen on the tablet and transmit its coordinates to the chip. Further, the driver and the drawing program are included in the work.

When we draw a pen over the active area of ​​the tablet, then on the screen, if we have a graphics editor loaded and a drawing tool selected, a trace remains. Many tablets have a transparent plastic cover that can be removed and you can put a picture or photo under it. This will allow you to trace the image while copying it. At the pen itself, one end is for drawing, the other is for erasing. The device and principle of operation of all tablets are almost the same.

Successful work!

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