Are virtual reality glasses harmful to the eyes? VR devices are better for the eyes than regular screens

Virtual reality glasses create a sense of presence while playing a game or watching a movie. They allow you to abstract from the world around you and go on a 3D journey. Many people ask whether virtual reality glasses are harmful to vision. This question is very relevant for parents. Let's look at how this gadget affects eye health.

This device is very popular among children and adults. With the help of such glasses, a person can become a full-fledged participant in the events taking place in virtual reality: feel like a character in a game, film or video. Modern models of devices create not only a visual, but also an acoustic (sound) effect of presence, which allows you to abstract from the surrounding reality and plunge into the exciting world of adventure. The device has a fairly simple, but at the same time carefully designed design. Its body is often made of plastic or cardboard. Inside, the device is equipped with aspherical lenses, behind which there is one or two screens. To ensure that each eye can perceive the image from the correct angle, the glasses are equipped with a special partition. In addition, the gadget is equipped with a gyroscope - a special sensor that tracks the movement of a person’s head and rearranges the picture so that it does not move. This creates the illusion of presence and allows you to find yourself in the depths of the virtual world. With this device you can watch videos and movies, as well as play games and view 3D photos with complete immersion. Therefore, it is not surprising that the device is so popular among lovers of modern technology. At the same time, there are disputes that virtual reality glasses damage vision. Let's look at what types of these devices there are and what impact they have on eye health.

What types of virtual reality glasses are there?

There is currently a wide selection of virtual reality glasses available. The principle of operation of all devices remains similar: the eyes perceive different images due to the presence of a partition and aspherical lenses, which are subsequently combined by the brain into a single 3D image. This happens unnoticed by a person, so a full-fledged effect of presence is created. VR glasses designed to work with a smartphone are very popular. They do not have their own screen, so the quality of the resulting image directly depends on the quality of the phone's display. At the same time, these devices have a significant advantage: they are portable and allow you to enjoy a 3D journey anywhere. Teenagers often use them while playing games and watching videos on their smartphones. Virtual reality glasses designed to work with a personal computer are also very common. To connect them, preliminary installation of special software (drivers) is required. Such devices are not portable. They are designed for watching 3D movies next to your PC. The most modern option is considered to be stand-alone glasses, equipped with their own processor, RAM and flash memory, as well as a battery and a display. This gadget is presented in the form of a helmet, which is put on the head and works autonomously (without a smartphone and PC). There are also 3D glasses for set-top boxes (consoles). They are not portable as they are connected to the set-top box using a USB cable.

Types of virtual reality glasses:

    VR models for working with a smartphone (portable);

    Devices designed to work with a PC (not portable);

    Standalone devices presented in the form of helmets (do not require connecting a smartphone, computer or console);

    Glasses for the console (connected using a USB cable).

Are virtual reality glasses harmful to vision?

According to the manufacturers, these gadgets are safe for human eye health, provided that the operating rules are followed. Ophthalmologists agree with this and claim that irregular use of virtual reality glasses does not have a negative effect on human vision. At the same time, the duration of 3D travel should be no more than 30 minutes per day. Many people wonder whether such glasses contribute to the development of myopia in children and adults, because the picture is quite close to the eyes. Ophthalmologists claim that the appearance of refractive error in a person with a healthy visual system is possible only with prolonged and systematic immersion in virtual space. This significantly increases the risk of myopia.

Many people are interested in whether virtual reality glasses spoil the vision of people with various refractive errors. Astigmatism is a contraindication to the use of these devices. This is due to the fact that this disease is accompanied by curvature of the spherical shape of the lens or cornea, which does not allow the full formation of a 3D image. As a result, visual aberrations occur, which contribute to dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, etc. Patients with near and farsightedness can use these glasses without restrictions, but it is recommended to first consult with an ophthalmologist.

It is impossible to say for sure whether virtual reality glasses damage vision or not, since the visual system of each person reacts differently to the perception of a 3D image. Most experts claim that the device is completely safe, but there is an alternative opinion. Scientists from the large British ophthalmological company Focus say that such glasses contribute to the appearance of dry keratitis and lead to rapid eye fatigue. It should be remembered that these symptoms are also observed when standing in front of a TV or monitor, and the gadget in question is the same monitor, and therefore it affects vision in the same way as a smartphone or computer. To prevent dry eyes during high visual loads, it is recommended to use special moisturizing drops.

Are virtual reality glasses harmful? What you need to know about this gadget:

    The device does not have a negative effect on the organs of vision if used irregularly;

    The gadget does not provoke the development of refractive errors in people with a healthy visual system when worn for up to 30 minutes a day;

    A contraindication to immersion in virtual reality is astigmatism;

    People with myopia and farsightedness should consult an ophthalmologist before using the gadget.

At what age can you use virtual reality glasses?

Glass manufacturers set age limits to 12 years. The use of such a gadget by a younger child can lead to the development of visual pathologies (mainly myopia), as well as other negative consequences: disruption of the vestibular apparatus and all kinds of mental disorders (overexcitement, stress). This is due to the fact that the child’s nervous system cannot quickly adapt to a large volume of virtual content. After wearing glasses, a small child may experience symptoms such as disorientation in space, dizziness, nausea and other unpleasant sensations. Therefore, it is recommended that children under 12 years old not purchase a device. It should also be taken into account that autonomous helmets create a feeling of complete immersion in the virtual world thanks to visual and acoustic effects. Because of this, a person may partially lose his perception of reality, fall or hit an object. To prevent these unpleasant phenomena, children over 12 years of age and adolescents are recommended to use helmets only in the presence of adults.

How effective are virtual “gymnastics” for the eyes?

Some manufacturers claim that such devices do not spoil, but only help improve vision. For this purpose, special applications have been developed that allow people suffering from strabismus and amblyopia to train the eye muscles. In the near future, it is planned to release software for “treating” myopia and farsightedness using special exercises in VR glasses. Currently, ophthalmologists find it difficult to answer how effective such “gymnastics” are for the eyes. Research in this direction continues.

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Virtual reality is attracting more and more people, especially young people. The game captivates with the authenticity of events and sensations. And to immerse yourself in the mysterious world, all you need is a smartphone and glasses to convey the plot. But, no matter how interesting the game is, a reasonable question arises: are glasses harmful for virtual reality? To answer this, you should consider the main characteristics of the device.

Are virtual reality glasses harmful to vision?

Device weight

Apart from the wires, the weight of the device itself, at first glance, is small, about 300 grams. This is about the same as monitor headphones weigh. And here we should draw a parallel and remember what the headphones feel like after sitting in them for an hour. Not only the ears begin to hurt, but also the head, crown, and neck. This occurs due to tension in the neck muscles. The same symptoms also occur after wearing glasses for a long time.

In addition, the helmet is put on the head and covers its entire volume. Despite the presence of elastic straps that are designed to alleviate pressure, the helmet puts pressure not only on the head, but also on the bridge of the nose. As a result, in addition to headaches, pain also appears in the nose area.

Of course, it is impossible to judge the dangers of glasses based on this parameter. After all, it all depends on the time spent in them.

Interesting! Within half an hour the discomfort will not be noticeable, but within an hour the first signs of fatigue will appear.

Detachment from the real world

Increasingly, stories appear in the news about young people who are completely detached from reality while playing in virtual reality. They forget to eat, drink, sleep. Losing track of time has serious health consequences. This manifests itself not only in moral and physical fatigue, but also in exhaustion. In some cases, it is not possible to save a person who has played until he loses his pulse. He dies from dehydration or starvation.

But it is also impossible to talk about the specific harm of glasses in this case. After all, it is not the device itself that is to blame, but the exciting plot of the game, the receptive and captivating nature of the player.

Harmful effects

Back in the 80s of the last century, after playing with virtual glasses, not only headaches appeared, but also dizziness, nausea, and even vomiting. Despite the technological breakthrough and improvement of glasses, the problem is still relevant today. All these are consequences of psychological and physical stress.

In addition, disorientation often sets in after prolonged play. This is due to the fact that the brain actually receives signals for various actions from several senses. All of them are consistent with each other, and therefore no failure occurs. In virtual reality, the senses do not work synchronously, and therefore discord occurs. Cases have been recorded when, during or after a long game, a person poured a drink not into his mouth, but, for example, into his eye.

From the point of view of scientists, this is due to the low resolution and frequent frame changes in the game.

Important! Scientists and doctors do not recommend the use of glasses for children under 13 years of age.

Damage to vision

But the most important question: are glasses harmful to vision? Here, the opinions of not only players, but also many experts differ. Most believe that a helmet is no more dangerous to the eyes than a medium-sized computer monitor.

The other half is sure that glasses put a lot of strain on vision, as a result of which it deteriorates. And there is data confirming this fact. Sitting for a long time and often in a virtual helmet, as well as at a computer, will eventually lead to a deterioration in visual acuity.

Spending a long time in the virtual world can also lead to refractive error. In this case, eye diseases occur in which the image is focused in front of the retina, and not on it.

It is impossible to say unequivocally whether virtual reality glasses are harmful to health and vision. Here everything depends on many factors: the length of stay in the fictional world, the psyche and emotional state of the player, the quality of the device.

One thing is for sure: the main thing is to know when to stop, and then you can enjoy the plot without harming your health.

While fans and opponents of VR argue about whether virtual reality glasses are harmful to the eyes, scientists are testing a mechanism for restoring vision using VR helmets.

James Blaha, owner of Vivid Vision, tested the possibilities of using virtual reality technology for vision correction. His example proves that VR is not just for entertainment.

The company has created an application for virtual reality helmets called Vivid Vision for Amblyopia. The program should help users fix . The application provides game exercises for training the eye muscles, tests to check the condition of the eyes and individual functions for the treatment of identified diseases.

What will a virtual reality system help combat?

Strabismus is often caused by weakness of the eye muscles. As a result, the pupil shifts away from its natural position, and the patient loses the ability to three-dimensional visual perception. With strabismus, it is difficult to determine the distance between objects, the eye becomes confused. The whole complex of symptoms is called “impaired binocular vision.”

With strabismus, the brain is not able to process visual signals normally - the eyes transmit too contradictory information. In an attempt to compensate for the discrepancies, the brain “turns off” the processing of signals from the diseased organ, amblyopia occurs.

Specialized projectors are used to treat “lazy eye” (amblyopia) and strabismus. When operating, the devices transmit two different images (individual to each eye), forcing weakened muscles to work. James Blaha, who suffered from the same problems, used similar devices for some time. According to some users, their eyes hurt from virtual reality glasses. Discomfort arises from overstrain of the eye muscles. This conditional can also be put to good use.

After entering the market with a set of developer tools, Blaha decided to improve the medical technology using a new product. The result of his work was the Vivid Vision for Amblyopia program. As with projectors, two images are shown to the user. In this case, the brain forces the weakened eye to work on transmitting the image in volume. Having become accustomed to transmitting signals normally in a VR device, the eye continues to function fully in reality.

Blaha used his own development for two years. According to the entrepreneur, before starting training with the application, visual acuity in his damaged eye was 20/70, and the ability for three-dimensional perception was almost lost. A year later, the indicator improved to 20/40, and James could already see the volume in the helmet. Two years after the start of training, visual acuity was 20/25, and the ability to see three-dimensionally remained in everyday life.

The program has not yet officially left the beta stage; the technology is being tested in specialized ophthalmological institutes in the United States.

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Information about virtual reality and accessories related to it comes from everywhere. The Internet and the media constantly talk about virtual reality technology and VR glasses in particular. A natural question arises about the safety of using such devices.

Maximum immersion into a non-existent world until recently remained only a dream for gamers. At the end of March last year, a mass-produced VR device went on sale.

The helmet manages to create an incredibly strong illusion of being in a fictional reality. Previously developed accessories could not even come close to matching it. These do not include special VR systems made for special services and the military.

Throughout all previous years, virtual reality remained outside the consumer sphere and was not on sale. The people who took part in the experiments were constantly monitored by specialists. One of the reasons for this is the enormous cost of equipment.

After VR devices went on sale, buyers began to have certain questions that for some reason remain unanswered. For example, the harm and benefits of virtual reality.

This behavior of manufacturers is understandable, because profit and attracting the maximum number of customers depend on the speed of production. In response to questions from regulatory authorities, suppliers of VR glasses have prepared a saving phrase that formally virtual reality accessories have been produced for more than 10 years and during this period no serious problems have been found among consumers.

In fact, all previous versions of virtual reality system helmets had no demand in the market. Their maximum circulation was several thousand, and in this case it is impossible to talk about the experience of mass use. Their impact on people cannot even be approximately compared with the new generation of glasses.

When using the device, the brain begins to relate itself to the fictional protagonist. Such an association provokes a number of problems. For example, every owner of a gadget experiences nausea or dizziness. This is only the least of the unpleasant consequences. Long-term use of the device in a violent game can cause mental disorders.

According to neurologists, videos, computer games, books and films have different effects on individual personality types. The time spent in the virtual world also has an impact on players. The most accurate image transmission compared to a PC is undeniable, but this needs to be proven scientifically. The manufacturer's list shows the most likely side effects. This is nausea and dizziness. Much less often (1 case out of 4 thousand) attacks of epilepsy or convulsions may occur.

The user manual for virtual reality gadgets contains general rules. In particular, when wearing glasses, walking up stairs, approaching an open window, or interacting with sharp objects, there is a high risk of injury. As for harm to health, vague language is used here. Doctors also cannot comment on this point, explaining their unpreparedness by the lack of statistics.

According to information in the manufacturer's instructions published on the official Oculus website, the use of accessories by persons under 13 years of age is strictly prohibited, since their visual system is not fully formed.

Adults should supervise teenagers until they reach adulthood. This is necessary to comply with the regime and take action in the event of side effects caused by the use of the gadget.

Consultation with a doctor is necessary for pregnant women and those users who have visual diseases, mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases.

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Another reality: is VR suitable for children?

One of the most high-profile film premieres of this spring was Steven Spielberg's film Ready Player One, based on the novel of the same name. The action takes place in the near future, where the economic crisis has led to a sharp decline in living standards. The only place where people can forget about the hardships of reality is Oasis - a large-scale game in virtual reality.

The film is certainly fantastic, but is it so far from reality? Research shows that in the United States, more than 20% of households have virtual reality (VR) devices in their homes. The number of devices on the market is growing, and they themselves are becoming more sophisticated: today their range ranges from cheap cardboard headsets, like Google Cardboard, for the use of which a simple design of cardboard and two lenses must be supplemented with a smartphone, to expensive VR helmets, in which you can play the latest games on computers and consoles. The amount of content is also growing: in VR you can watch The Simpsons, take a walk in natural parks and museums, chat with people in a virtual chat, or fight with virtual enemies in shooters.

Perhaps your son or daughter also wants a VR headset, and you are wondering whether this technology is suitable for a child.

For very young children (up to seven years old), buying a VR headset seems unjustified: these children still have a lot to learn about the real world, and we believe that immersion in the virtual world can wait. As for slightly older children, there is no consensus among researchers: VR is too new a technology, and there is no scientific evidence that VR is harmful or not. There are two arguments against buying VR devices at this age: firstly, leading device manufacturers (Samsung Gear, Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR) set the minimum age level at 12-13 years. Secondly, the amount of content that is designed for such a young audience is still small, and a child who is passionate about VR may accidentally stumble upon more mature content.

Risks of VR

So, you have decided that your child, who is eager to play VR games, is already old enough for virtual reality. What can you do to make this new reality useful and safe for him?

First, research shows that everything that happens in VR is perceived by children (and adults too) as more “real” than what happens in books, films and regular computer games. Common Sense Media researchers offer this advice: Don't let your kids have experiences in VR that you wouldn't want them to have in real life. Do you want your child to take part in a bloody battle? Or the hero of a horror short film where he becomes a murder victim? So it’s better to avoid modern photorealistic war games and videos with a high age rating in VR. Before letting your child play a game, try it yourself and decide if it is suitable for him. This, by the way, also applies to regular games.

Multiplayer games and VR chats carry an even greater risk - they involve the threat of cyberbullying from other participants. As we have already said, children feel what happens in VR much more acutely than what happens in regular games. Single-player games are much more suitable for children. Remember that if in the case of a computer you can at least look at the child’s monitor, in VR he is face-to-face with the display.

Finally, many parents wonder how VR can affect health. Let's start with the simplest thing: banal injuries. When we were testing VR games, we fell several times and touched objects around us at unexpected moments. Make sure your child plays sitting down, there are no heavy objects around him and he is under your permanent supervision.

When it comes to other effects on health and well-being, the most common concern is the impact of VR on vision: in this case, we are dealing with technology in which the screen is located a few centimeters from the eyes, and vision is focused on one point. While the research in this area varies, our advice is not to spend a lot of time in VR in one day and take regular breaks. Another problem is dizziness and headache. Its source is the fact that in the case of VR, the sensations from our eyes are very different from the sensations from the vestibular apparatus and the position of parts of our body in space. To minimize these unpleasant sensations, we recommend choosing games and applications in which you are at one point in space and exploring the space around you (for example, repelling an enemy attack from a space station or standing in the middle of a museum hall), and we also recommend taking breaks.

Where to begin?

For those who have a Cardboard-type helmet and a smartphone on Android or iOS, we have compiled a mini-selection of interesting applications for getting to know VR:

  1. Official Google Cardboard app ( , will introduce the basic concepts of VR through beautiful and interesting demonstrations with cute animals.
  2. InCell(, ) and InMind ( , from Nival will introduce you to the structure of human cells and the nervous system.
  3. Our game Kaspersky Virus Hunters ( will allow you to fight viruses that attack your phone.
  4. Google Arts & Culture VR ( , will allow you to wander through the best of the museum (pay attention to the 12+ rating - sometimes works of art contain “adult” elements).
  5. Google Spotlight Stories ( , - the best VR cartoons and short films (also check out the content yourself first - it may not always be suitable for children).

And in order to protect children from dangerous and unpleasant content in VR on smartphones, such as adult sites with VR videos and games inappropriate for children, you can use parental control programs with an application monitoring function, for example, Kaspersky Safe Kids.

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