The largest in area of ​​the country. The largest countries in the world

Ten states with the largest area in the world are listed. They are in different parts of the planet, and economically they are too different.

10. Sudan. With an area of ​​2,505,815 sq. km. Sudan is the tenth largest country in the world and the largest in . It is located in the northeastern part of the continent, on the shores of the Red Sea. Most of Sudan is predominantly dry and barren desert.


9. Kazakhstan. The former Soviet republic covers an area of ​​2,717,300 sq. km. in the western part of the continent. The country has access to the Caspian Sea. Most of Kazakhstan is occupied by steppes and deserts.

Despite this, there are large mineral deposits in the bowels of the earth, which turn Kazakhstan into a country with a bright future.

7. India. With an area of ​​3,287,263 sq. km. seventh largest country in the world. It completely occupies the Indian subcontinent in Asia. The country is surrounded by the waters of the warm Indian Ocean, and in the north it reaches the Himalayas.

Despite its large area, India is an overpopulated state as it is home to over 1 billion inhabitants. One of the richest and most exciting cultures on our planet flourished in what is now India.

Carsten Frenzl

European Union. Despite the fact that it is not a state, it is a highly integrated community, which is united by economic and political principles. The European Union is one of the most influential organizations in the world.

If the EU were a state, it would be the 7th largest country in the world after Australia, and even economically superior to the US. The EU covers an area of ​​4,325,675 sq. km, but it continues to expand.

Nam Nguyen

6. Australia. With an area of ​​7,682,300 sq. km. the sixth largest country in the world and at the same time one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world. The average population density is about 2 people per square kilometer.

The reason is that the interior of the country is extremely sparsely populated. Australia is the only country that completely occupies the territory of one continent.

5. Brazil. With an area of ​​8,574,404 sq. km. largest country in the southern hemisphere and in Latin America. It occupies the middle of South America, and on its territory there are the most abundant river in the world and the most extensive equatorial forest on the planet.

The country has a wide outlet to the Atlantic Ocean. Due to its large area and wealth of resources, Brazil is now among the fastest growing and promising economies of the 21st century.

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2. Canada. With its area of ​​9,970,610 sq. km. second largest country in the world. Similar to the US, Canada also has access to three oceans. The country is the largest in the western hemisphere and is known worldwide for its beautiful scenery.

Some of the most extensive pine forests on the planet stretch here. Since Canada is a northern country with a harsh climate, most of the population lives in the southern border regions.

1. Russia. covers an area of ​​17,075,400 sq. km. It is the largest country in the world. Russia occupies vast territories in Asia, and stretches from the Baltic Sea to the Pacific Ocean.

In the north, the coast of the Arctic Ocean stretches for a thousand kilometers. On its vast territory, Russia has inexhaustible natural resources, which are the basis of the Russian economy.

Here are the most extensive coniferous forests on the planet. Huge areas of the Russian Federation are almost uninhabited due to harsh climatic conditions.

Unfortunately, the largest countries in the world in terms of territory and population have different positions, since the largest state does not always have a large population.

Initially, it is worth imagining how vast our Planet is and what part of it belongs to dry land:

  1. The total area of ​​the globe is approximately 510,073,000 sq. km;
  2. Water occupies an average of 361,132,000 sq. km, which corresponds to 71.8% of the earth's surface;
  3. Land gets 29.2% or 148,940,000 sq. km and 50% of it is occupied by 12 of the largest states on the planet.

This beautiful Kingdom is located on most of the Arabian Peninsula, Saudi Arabia is located on 2,218,000 square meters. km, which is 1.4% of the earth's land. The state consists of 13 provinces and is a neighbor of many states, such as:

  • Jordan;
  • Iraq;
  • Kuwait;
  • Qatar;
  • Yemen;
  • Oman;
  • United Arab Emirates.

25% of all earth's oil reserves are stored on its territory.

This state is the 2nd in terms of territorial size on the African continent and occupies an average of 2,345,000 sq. km, in percentage terms, the figure is 1.57 of the total land mass of the planet. The state consists of 26 provinces and has access to the Atlantic coast from the southwest. Adjacent to:

  • Angola;
  • South Sudan;
  • Uganda;
  • Rwanda;
  • Burundi;
  • Tanzania;
  • Zambia.

The state is a real storehouse of a very extensive list of deposits and deposits:

  • Cobalt;
  • Gold;
  • Germanium;
  • Tantalum;
  • diamonds;
  • Uranus;
  • Tungsten;
  • Copper;
  • Zinc;
  • Tin;
  • Coal;
  • Manganese;
  • Silver;
  • Oil;
  • Iron.

Among other things, it has impressive reserves of hydropower and wood material.

He owns the 1st position in terms of area in Africa. The size of the territory of the People's Republic is 2,381,000 square kilometers. km, which means 1.59% of the total terrestrial land. Neighbor country:

  • Morocco;
  • Mauritania;
  • Mali;
  • Niger;
  • Libya;
  • Tunisia.

80% of its area is located under the Sahara, formed from a group of smaller deserts. Deposits are stored on the territory of the state:

  • Ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals;
  • manganese;
  • Phosphorite.

But in economic terms, the country is supported by gas and oil, since they make up 30% of GDP. Gas fields have brought the state to the 8th position in the world economy, and in terms of its exports, it is in the 4th position. In terms of oil deposits, the republic is 15th in the ranking, and 11th in terms of the export of this raw material.

The republic is located in Central Asia and extends to the east of Europe. Its area covers 2,725,000 sq. km, when translated as a percentage of the earth's landmass, this is 1.82. The state does not have access to the ocean, despite its size, but it is located on the shores of two seas - the Caspian and the Aral. Its neighbors are:

  • Uzbekistan;
  • Turkmenistan.

Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions.

Despite the fact that the country's area is mostly covered by steppes and deserts, it is the leader in deposits of 10 minerals.

All this promises considerable benefits for the population in the future.

The country is the 2nd largest in South America and is located on 2,767,000 sq. km or 1.85% of the earth's land. It is a federal republic and has 1 district of the capital, as well as 23 provinces. Adjacent to:

  • Chile;
  • Paraguay;
  • Bolivia;
  • Brazil;
  • Uruguay.

Uranium ores bring the country to the top 10 leaders, in addition, it stands out with enviable volumes of such ores as:

  • Copper;
  • manganese;
  • Lead;
  • Zinc;
  • iron;
  • Tungsten;
  • Beryllium.

It also owns some of the most fertile soils on the planet, which in the past made it one of the richest and most influential.

It is located in the south of Asia and completely covers the Hindustan peninsula, it is 3,287,000 square meters. km or 2.2% of the total land area of ​​the Earth. The whole republic - 25 states and 7 republics of the union. Adjacent to:

  • Pakistan;
  • Butane;
  • Nepal;
  • China;
  • Bangladesh;
  • Myanmar;
  • the Maldives;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Indonesia.

India is famous for its ancient religion, it has become home to many civilizations.

Her wealth is:

  • Rich soil that can be cultivated;
  • Deposits of precious metals and stones;
  • Mineral.

The basis of export is:

  • Textile;
  • Jewelry;
  • Software tools and engineering developments.

This is the only country on the planet, spread over a whole continent and a certain number of adjacent islands, located in the southern part of the world with a size of 7,692,000 square meters. km or 5.16% of the dry part of the planet. It consists of 6 states, 3 mainland areas and is adjacent to:

  • East Timor;
  • Indonesia;
  • Guinea;
  • Vanuatu;
  • Caledonia;
  • Zealand;
  • Solomon Islands.

The country is sparsely populated, since its center is practically unoccupied, it is provided with natural resources 20 times more than the average for the planet. She owns the 1st position in terms of deposits:

  • bauxite;
  • zirconium;
  • Uranus.

Not the last role is played by deposits:

  • Coal;
  • manganese;
  • Gold;
  • Diamonds.

The center of South America on the Atlantic coast and has the largest area of ​​the Southern Hemisphere - 5.71% of the earth's land mass, consists of 26 states and 1 federal district. The most abundant river in the world flows through the republic and the largest equatorial forest on the planet is located, in addition, it has several archipelagos. It borders with all countries of South America except Chile and Ecuador. 40 types of minerals are mined on its territory, which enables the country to develop at a rapid pace and makes it a fairly promising state.

This is one of the largest countries in North America, its area corresponds to about 9.519 million square meters. km. Due to favorable climatic conditions, huge natural wealth, it has a well-developed infrastructure, it is among the most influential world states in economic and political terms, it consists of 50 states and the District of Columbia, and several islands adjoin it. It lies on the shores of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, borders with Canada and Mexico, and along the Arctic Ocean with Russia.

Third largest 9,597,000 sq. km or 6.44% of the total land area of ​​the country. It is rich in its landscapes, which is not surprising for such a huge area, its population occupies a leading position in the world. Neighbors with many Asian countries, including:

  • North Korea;
  • Russia, in its Asian part;
  • Mongolia;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Tajikistan;
  • Afghanistan;
  • Pakistan;
  • India and others.

It has access to the Pacific western seas. The state has huge resources of fuel and raw materials.

On the territory of China is the world's oldest civilization and religion, it has become the birthplace of a huge list of colors, invented here:

  • Compass;
  • Salute;
  • Ice cream;
  • Crossbow;
  • toilet paper;
  • There are suggestions that football came from here.

The country is not only the richest, but also has the most trading infrastructure in the world. Thanks to the huge resources of gas and oil, it is the 2nd exporter after Saudi Arabia. Its area occupies 6.7% of the planet's land mass. The state is divided into 10 provinces and 3 territories. Has a neighbor:

  • The USA is the largest border on the planet;
  • Denmark;
  • France.

It has access to 3 oceans - Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic. Due to the harsh northern climate, most of the inhabitants settled in the southern regions.

Thanks to the huge forests of coniferous trees, it is rich in indescribable landscapes.

The largest country on the planet, it occupies 11.5% of the planet's land area, which is almost twice the size of Canada. The state consists of 85 administrative territories. Its borders are in contact with 18 territories:

  • Ukraine;
  • Latvia;
  • Lithuania;
  • Estonia;
  • Poland;
  • Belarus;
  • Norway;
  • Finland;
  • Abkhazia;
  • Georgia;
  • South Ossetia;
  • Azerbaijan;
  • Mongolia;
  • North Korea.

Since the state has the largest gas resources, it is the leading producer.

In terms of oil exports, it occupies the 2nd position in the world economy.

In addition, it has huge reserves of other natural resources, for example, gold, ores, diamonds, platinum, lead.

Due to the harsh climate, large areas of the state are empty.

But in terms of population, the top 10 has the following arrangement of countries

  1. China - about 1.375 billion;
  1. India - 1.284 billion;
  2. USA - about 322 million;
  3. Indonesia - 252 million;
  4. Brazil - 206 million;
  5. Pakistan - 192 million;
  6. Nigeria - 174 million;
  7. Bangladesh - 160 million;
  8. Russia - 146 million;
  9. Japan - 127 million.

Hello my dear explorers! Not so long ago we found out on earth. In continuation of the topic, we are making the top ten, which will include the largest countries. We will focus on the territory, but do not forget about the population.

Let's start from the end.

Lesson plan:


The honorable tenth place in the world among the giant countries in terms of area is occupied by the Algerian People's Democratic Republic, or simply Algeria. The largest country in North Africa covers 2,381,740 square kilometers. This is approximately 1.59% of the entire land area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe earth's surface, while about 80 percent of the state is covered by the Sahara Desert.

In translation, the name Algiers means "islands". He became famous for the extraction of gas and oil, occupying the 8th and 15th places in the world in terms of the reserves of these natural resources, respectively. There are also ferrous and non-ferrous metals and ores.

In Algeria, there is an ink lake, which got its name due to the special water composition. Nature arranged it so that two rivers flow into the lake, one of which is rich in iron salts, and the other collects organic matter from peat bogs on its way. As a result of their combination, a chemical reaction occurs, and ink is formed.


In ninth place in terms of square kilometers of area, one of the youngest states on the planet is Kazakhstan, approaching the figure of 2,724,902, or 1.82% of the land. Most of it is located in Asia, and the smaller part belongs to Europe. At 7,512.8 kilometers, the Russian-Kazakh border is considered the longest continuous land border.

More than half of the country (58%) is covered by deserts and semi-deserts. The world's second largest salt lake Balkhash is located here, which has half fresh water and half salt water, and scientists cannot explain why this is so.

Kazakhstan became famous throughout the planet for the Baikonur cosmodrome, from where and launched for the first time in the world.


2,766,890 square kilometers, or 1.85% of the land, is occupied by the Argentine Republic. The second largest country in the South American continent and the eighth in the world.

Argentina means "land of silver". There is a lot of uranium and copper, lead and iron ore. The Argentinean capital has the longest street in the world, 9th of July Avenue, with 20,000 houses.

Argentina is also the birthplace of tango dance.


The South Asian state - the Republic of India ranks seventh due to its area of ​​​​3,287,263 square kilometers, which is 2.2% of the earth's land. Home to such ancient civilizations as Buddhism and Hinduism, India is also the second most populous country in the world, second only to China. According to 2016 data, 1.3 billion people live here.

It was here, where long ago, between the rivers Indus and Ganges, the oldest earthly civilization was born, the first chess appeared and the first cotton fabric was made.


In sixth place is Australia, which occupies the entire mainland and several more islands from the southern hemisphere. Its area is 7,686,850 sq. km, or 5.16% of the earth's land surface. Its name has been carried by both the country and the continent at the same time, since 1824.

The former territory of the Aboriginal people who settled here about 70,000 years ago, today Australia is an economically developed country, occupying 13th position in the world standard of living, actively mining uranium, coal and zirconium.

Also, koala bears, kangaroos and marsupial wolves live here, which you will not find in other parts of the world.


The top five includes the largest state in South America, the Federal Republic of Brazil with an area of ​​8,511,965 square meters, which is equal to 5.71% of all land land. Brazil has several archipelagos within its territory.

It used to be called Terra da Vera Cruz, which translated as "the land of the true cross", then it became known as the "land of the holy cross" from Terra da Sana Cruz. Later, according to one version, the country received its modern name from the name of the PauBrasil mahogany species.

Every Brazilian is a footballer and carnival participant. The Amazon River, the largest on the planet, flows through Brazil, on the coast of which significant gold reserves have been found.

The jungles of Brazil are called the "lungs of the Earth", and this country is also considered the largest producer of apples.

In addition, Brazil is the fifth largest country in terms of population, which has already exceeded 207 million.


America ranks fourth in the list of the largest with a territory of 9,518,900 square meters, occupying 6.39% of the earth's land, slightly inferior to the Chinese, and also third in terms of the number of residents with a population of 322,762,000 people.

The United States is desperate for a unique legal system: adopted back in 1787, the basic law - the Constitution is still in effect to this day, replenished with only a few amendments. Despite this, America has the palm in terms of the number of crimes.

There are 6 time zones in one country, and its 50 states are so different that the smallest Roy Island is located on 4,000 square kilometers, the area of ​​​​the largest Alaska is 1,717,854 square kilometers.


Bronze in terms of area goes to China with a territory of 6.44% of the total land area of ​​9,598,077 sq. km. But no one has caught up with the People's Republic of China in terms of the number of inhabitants.

The population of China is 1,410,550,000 people! That is, every fifth inhabitant of the planet is a Chinese citizen!

Together with Indian, Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient. The Chinese have one of the most complex languages, containing 50,000 characters in the form of hieroglyphs. There are more than 7 completely different language dialects in the country, so it is not surprising that the northern Chinese do not understand the inhabitants of southern China.


Silver goes to Canada. It is located in most of North America on an area of ​​​​6.7% of land, or 9,976,140 sq. km, and 75% of its territory is the northern zone, 31% of the total area is forests, so most of the country is not inhabited by climatic conditions .

The Indian word "kanata" meant "settlement", "village". Heard by the researcher-founder from France Cartier in 1536 among the local inhabitants of the Iroquois, it took root and began to designate the name of the country.

Canada has the longest coastline with 202,080 kilometers. And here is the largest number of lakes than in all countries combined - more than 3 million. They provide 1/5 of the world's fresh water supply.

On Canadian territory is the northernmost point on earth - Alert Station, where the Canadian Armed Forces are located.


From the first guess, who is on the top step of the pedestal with gold?

We can be proud of our country also because it is the largest in area! Russia has 17,125,191 square kilometers, located on 11.5% of the earth's land surface simultaneously in Europe and Asia, having common borders with 18 other states at once. You can compare the Russian territory with the area of ​​Pluto, and the silver champion of Canada, Russia, is 1.7 times larger.

In addition, with a population of 146,544,700 Russians, our country is among the ten largest and in terms of numbers, ranking 9th.

On the territory of our country there is the largest plain in the world - the West Siberian.

Here passes the longest railway on the planet - the Trans-Siberian Railway, connecting the distance of 9,298 km between Moscow and Vladivostok, overcoming 87 settlements and crossing 16 rivers, passing through 8 time zones.

Russia is the only country washed by as many as 12 seas! And the most multinational state on earth is the largest supplier of natural gas and is one of the top three oil leaders.

This is how the top ten giant countries turned out.

By the way, did you know that the area of ​​the Earth is 510,072,000 square kilometers, of which 148,939,063 square kilometers are land. In the entire history of states, the largest in terms of territory was the British Empire, which by 1921, together with all its colonies, totaled 36.6 million square kilometers.

That's all for today. With wishes for a successful school finish, your ShkolaLa.

This list presents the 10 largest countries in the world solely by area. Keep in mind that the countries are listed in descending order, and only the area of ​​​​the territory is estimated, without taking into account the population, standard of living, gross domestic product and other factors. Of course, the largest country in the world in terms of territory is Russia. Each country will be accompanied by a photo with the most popular attraction, or just a beautiful view.

1. Russia

The largest country in the world, with an impressive area of ​​17,098,242 square kilometers. The photo shows a cult landmark - St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow.

2. Canada

The second largest country in the world and the largest in the Americas with 9,984,670 square kilometers. Canada is a country with a huge water cover (8.93% of the country's territory is covered by water bodies). Pictured is the skyline of the city of Toronto with the famous CN Tower.

3. China

China - The third largest country in the world and the largest in Asia: 9,706,961 sq. km. Shanghai is one of the most densely populated metropolitan areas in the world.

4. USA

The United States of America is the fourth largest country in the world, with an area of ​​9,629,091 sq. km, the US is only slightly inferior to China.

5. Brazil

Brazil is the 5th largest in the world and the largest country in South America and the southern hemisphere, with an area of ​​8,514,877 sq. km. The photo shows a statue of Christ the Redeemer.

6. Australia

Australia is the sixth largest country on Earth, and the largest in Oceania. It is also the largest country without any land borders. The area of ​​Australia is 7,692,024 square kilometers. Pictured is the Sydney Bridge.

7. India

India ranks seventh on this list. The country is almost half the size of Australia and covers 3,166,414 square kilometers. km. You probably recognized the Taj Mahal in the photo, one of the most beautiful palaces in the world.

8. Argentina

Argentina, with an area of ​​2,780,400 sq. km., occupies the eighth place in this list. It is one of the largest countries in South America.

9. Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is only slightly inferior to Argentina, and ranks 9th among the largest countries in the world, with an area of ​​2,724,900 kilometers. In the photo - the city of Astana.

10. Algiers

Closes the top ten countries Algeria, which is the largest country in Africa, covering 2,381,741 square kilometers.

If you are not a fan of statistics and all sorts of numbers, we hope you did not get bored admiring the breathtaking photographs. In continuation, read also about the smallest countries in a separate tape.

There are many different countries on the map of our planet. Some of them are small, which does not prevent them from being interesting places for travelers.

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Other tourists visit large countries where you can see more beautiful and interesting places. Consider the largest countries by area in the world.

State classification

According to the area classification, giant countries are distinguished as large, large, medium, small, small countries and micro states.

Giant countries have an area of ​​​​more than 3 million km2 There are 7 of them in the world
Large countries have an area of ​​​​1 million to 3 million km2 This is 21 countries
Significant countries - from 500 thousand to 1 million km2 21 countries
Medium - from 100 to 500 thousand km2 56 countries
Small - from 10 to 100 thousand km2 56 countries
Small - from 1 to 10 thousand km2 8 countries
Micro states - less than 1 thousand km2 24 countries

Top 10

  • Russian Federation;
  • Canada;
  • China;
  • Brazil;
  • Australia;
  • India;
  • Argentina;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Algeria.

If you look at the territories of countries, you can immediately see that Russia is in first place. Almost two times less - Canada, USA, China and Brazil.

The area of ​​each state is very large, which can exceed the volume of the entire continent of Australia.


This state has the official name of the Russian Federation. The abbreviation RF is also often used.

Russia has a large territory of 17,098,242 km, and is located on the Eurasian continent. The capital of the Russian Federation is the city of Moscow.

In terms of its territory, the Russian Federation is beyond competition with the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceans. Our state is located in Europe and Asia at the same time.

Only the territory of the area of ​​Europe of this state significantly exceeds the size of the territory of any of the European countries.

Russia occupies approximately 12.5% ​​of the land of our planet where people live. Our country is distinguished by a large number of natural resources. The population of the Russian Federation is more than 146 million people.

The collapse of the Soviet Union did not affect the situation, Russia remained in a leading position, occupying 11.5% of the entire land mass.

A significant part of its area is located on the Asian part of the continent, where people cannot live. In the western part is the East European Plain, which is separated from the Asian part by the Ural Mountains.

The country is rich in resources in the world. Russia is the longest country that spans 11 time zones.

The number of neighboring states is also large - the Russian Federation shares a border with 18 other states. The total length of the border is almost 61,000 km, of which 38 pass by sea.


This country is in second place with an area of ​​9,984,670 km2. Everywhere, except for the extreme southern territories, taiga prevails in this country.

There are glaciers in the Arctic part of the state and coastal mountains. On the steppe plains of Canada, you can favorably engage in agriculture.

A significant part of the country's population lives in the southeast of the plains, where the St. Lawrence River is located. The center of Canada is Ottawa, which occupies 42% of the continent.

Canada holds the record for the area of ​​borders due to the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. A significant part of the territory is not suitable for life, so the density of inhabitants is not large, one of the smallest on the entire planet.

34 million people live in the country - the same number lives in Tokyo. This has its positive aspects - clean ecology makes it a desirable place for many people to visit and live.


The full name of the country is the People's Republic of China. It is sometimes referred to as China. China is located in East Asia and is considered the second largest country on this continent.

This state is in third place in the world, and has an area of ​​9598962 km2. On the territory of this country, different forms of relief coexist - mountains, desert plateaus and large flat areas.

The nature in China is very different, and traveling around this country, you can visit cold deserts, subtropical forests, and plains.

The climate in different parts of China is also different - in the southeast there are possessions of a subtropical climate, in the northwest - sharply continental (arid), and on the southern coast of the country monsoons prevail.

Shanghai is considered the most populated among all large cities. China is the most populous state in the world, the Chinese make up one sixth of the world's population, in the future this ratio will lean even more towards China.

At the same time, the country's population occupies 10% of its area - cities and villages are located along rivers and the seashore. In recent years, the country has occupied a leading position in the global economy and industry.


The United States of America (USA) is also called simply America. The area of ​​this state is 9519431 km2.

On the territory of the country, such landforms as plains, lowlands, plateaus and mountains are combined. The main metropolis of the USA is Washington.

This state has the most technologically advanced army, a large level of income and occupies a leading position in the global economy.

A large area is located between two oceans, and a significant part of it is occupied by plains, which are surrounded by mountains in the west, forests and swamps in the east. In the north of the state there is a large system of lakes.

In addition to part of the continent, the state includes various islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Near the border with Canada is Niagara Falls.


The full official name of this country is the Federative Republic of Brazil. The territory of the state is 8,514,877 km2, thanks to which it is in first place in South America.

In the north of the country is the Amazonian Lowland - a large valley that surrounds the Amazon River. Also, this state is one of the most populated in the world.

The relief of the country is heterogeneous. The lowland in the Amazon Basin occupies most of northern Brazil.

This area is the largest lowland in the world and the least populated area on the planet.

The south and east of the country is a highland - a large Brazilian and separated from the main massif by the channel of the Amazon Guiana.

The narrow Atlantic Plain at the junction with the ocean forms beaches, lagoons and natural harbors. The main attraction of the country is the Amazon and the tropical jungle, which is decreasing due to deforestation.

The country is famous for its carnivals in Rio de Janeiro and sporting achievements, and is home to a large number of world football stars.

Organized on a federal basis, the country comprises 26 states plus the capital district. Each of the administrative units of the state is endowed with broad powers in different areas. In addition, there is a division into regions, of which there are five.


The official name of the country is the Commonwealth of Australia. The territory of this country is 7692024 km2. A significant part of the state is desert and low-lying areas.

Australia has its own continent. It is the largest country in Oceania. In terms of quality of life, this state is in second place in the world.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, an artificially created city. Thanks to a well-thought-out layout that takes into account the peculiarities of the landscape, the city is a model of urban planning. 380 thousand people live in the capital of Australia, you can see the city in a day.


The official name of the country is the Republic of India. The area of ​​the state is 3,287,263 km2. India is in second place in the world in terms of the number of inhabitants.

More than 1.3 billion people live on the territory of the country, and according to statistics it continues to grow There are 357 people per km2 in India.

Different parts of this state are dominated by different climates - tropical dry, tropical humid, subtropical monsoon and alpine.


The full name of the country is the Argentine Republic. The area of ​​this state is 2780400 km2.

The nature of the state has a huge variety, because this country has a large extent from north to south and there are different reliefs on its territory.

Plains are located in the northern and eastern parts of the state, and hills are located in the western and southern parts.


The official name of this state is the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, the abbreviated version of the Republic of Kazakhstan is sometimes used as the name of this country.

The state has an area of ​​2,724,902 km2. 36% of its area is desert. 35% of the state is the steppe.

Semi-desert is located on 18% of the area of ​​Kazakhstan. Forests are located on 5.9% of the state's territory.


The full name of this state is the Algerian People's Democratic Republic or ANDR.

Video: important aspects

The area of ​​this country is 2381740 km2. 80% of the area of ​​this country is occupied by the Sahara desert, which consists of separate rocky and sandy deserts.

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Fish is a source of nutrients necessary for the life of the human body. It can be salted, smoked,...

Elements of Eastern symbolism, Mantras, mudras, what do mandalas do? How to work with a mandala? Skillful application of the sound codes of mantras can...

Modern tool Where to start Burning methods Instruction for beginners Decorative wood burning is an art, ...

The formula and algorithm for calculating the specific gravity in percent There is a set (whole), which includes several components (composite ...
Animal husbandry is a branch of agriculture that specializes in breeding domestic animals. The main purpose of the industry is...
Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...