What musical instrument is easy to learn to play. The simplest musical instrument

Music brings joy, relaxation and good mood into our lives. Many people dream of learning how to play a musical instrument so that they themselves will touch the process of creating music.

However, statistics show that for the most part children play, adults do not risk learning this science, mistakenly believing that it is already too late. In fact, it's never too late! There are many instruments that anyone can play. You can not refuse music, because it allows you to show your creativity and helps to cope with stress and tension.

The editors of InPlanet have prepared the TOP 10 best musical instruments for beginners!

1 Guitar

Perhaps the best musical instrument that is ideal for a beginner is the guitar. First of all, there are a great many online guitar lessons on the Internet along with chords. Another advantage is that the guitar is very affordable and easy to carry around. There are several varieties of this instrument - bass, acoustic or electric. But it's best to start with an acoustic guitar, a little practice and you can become the soul of the company!

2 Piano or synthesizer

Another accessible instrument for the beginner is the piano. Most children begin their education with him. Of course, not everyone can afford to buy a classical piano for their home, but now there are many convenient and compact options. For example, a synthesizer or an electronic piano. It does not take up much space, and in terms of sound it is in no way inferior to a traditional instrument.

3 Violin

For those who do not have a lot of free space to store a musical instrument, a violin is perfect. It is ideal for those who love classical music and dream of learning how to play their favorite tunes. Learning to play the violin is quite simple, you can start at the age of six. It is worth noting that experts do not advise starting training with an electric violin.

4 Drums

This musical instrument will definitely not please your neighbors and is not very suitable for a child. Also, drum kits take up a lot of space in the house and are expensive. But, having learned to play the drums, you will feel a real drive, learn a sense of rhythm and feel like a rock star. For those who do not like noise and are worried about their neighbors, acoustic drums are not suitable, the walls will tremble from their sound. But compact electric drums make very little noise, have a volume control and a sound amplifier.

5 Saxophone

This interesting tool is great for those who like to experiment. It is often used in classical music, military bands and jazz, so you can get another profession. The saxophone helps develop fine motor skills, memory and attention concentration skills, perseverance and increased creative activity. By the way, there are eight different sizes of saxophone in the world!

6 Cello

Another violin instrument, only much larger. It is suitable for beginners who want to take part in the creation of classical music. The cello is often used in orchestras and also in solo parts. Musicians believe that you can start learning to play the cello from the age of six until old age. Conveniently, unlike the violin, this musical instrument is played while sitting.

7 Clarinet

This unusual musical instrument belongs to the wind family. It is made of wood, and the sound directly depends on the skills of the musician, the quality of the instrument and the mouthpiece. Experts advise starting learning to play the clarinet at the age of 10 and older. An interesting fact from the history of music - Mozart was the first composer who wrote music specifically for the clarinet.

8 Banjo and mandolin

Another not too popular type of musical instrument, which is great for a novice musician. The banjo resembles a guitar, but has a resonator on the back and the number of strings varies from 4 to 9. It is often used to create ethnic, Irish and bluegrass music. Also, this musical instrument became the basis for African folk music. Learning the banjo and mandolin is pretty easy!

And, finally, the most beautiful and unusual of all instruments is the harp. It is recognized as one of the most ancient musical instruments and consists of two frames, between which strings are stretched. The harp has been the national symbol of Ireland for many centuries and is even depicted on modern coins. Despite the frightening size, training on it can be started from the age of 8.

In general, you can learn to play musical instruments at any age. Do not give up on your dream, especially in the 21st century there are a lot of teaching lessons that will help you become a musician for the soul!

You can learn to play any musical instrument, but some of them are a little easier to master than others. For example, the difference between learning to play the drums and playing the piano is more than noticeable. Therefore, for neophytes, the following remarks about the nuances in mastering various tools may be useful.


The instrument is rhythmic and therefore does not require deep theoretical knowledge and absolute pitch from the student. Even with dubious initial data, with daily exercises, you can learn to maintain a rhythm. In order to join a punk rock band, a couple of lessons with a tutor and a month of daily practice will be enough. If the soul is attracted to complex and broken rhythms, you still have to learn a little. You can do this either at an evening music school, or by regularly visiting a teacher. In elementary schools, as a rule, drumming is taught for only five years. Mastering other tools will take several years longer.

In addition to the ability to keep the rhythm, a music school or college will teach you how to play the xylophone, tambourine and triangle. In general, if there are no global aspirations and plans to become a virtuoso, and if there is a task to learn in a short time, then drums will be the best option.


Let's start with classical, acoustic and electric guitars. In fact, these are tools that could be safely put in the first place in terms of ease of development. The point is that most guitar learners do not set themselves the goal of reaching the level of some Katsuhito Yamashita, on the contrary, a couple of pieces they have learned are enough to sign themselves up as musicians. For this category of people, making friends with the instrument will not be difficult. Indeed, a lesson or two is enough to learn not the most difficult song, and after a dozen lessons it will be possible to smoothly move on to analyzing solo parts in hard’n’heavy style compositions.

The bass guitar is a special and often neglected case. As a rule, they learn to play it at home, chasing scales and learning parts of an average degree of complexity. Not every musician knows about existence. In addition, bass players, due to their outstanding abilities, often become the heroes of jokes. I would like to say that all this is undeserved, but I will not say anything, because I do not consider it necessary to lie.

Those who are interested in a deeper acquaintance with the instrument will have a lot of painstaking work in the learning process. That's why I put the guitar in second place instead of first.

Of the benefits - public accessibility. You can buy a guitar even in the outback remote from civilization. The price of the tool does not bite, unless you start chasing brands. You can do it anywhere: at home, with friends, on the street, on trips and hikes.

Cons - high competition. Thousands of people go to learn to play the guitar every year, and therefore, if there is a desire to become a real professional, you will have to try your best to stand out from the crowd. As practice shows, this is not so difficult to achieve.

wind instruments

Flute, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, horn, oboe, bassoon, trombone, tuba - their name is Legion. In addition to classical instruments, there are also ethnic ones (sopilka, trembita, and so on). The choice is so great that it is sometimes quite difficult to decide on the type of instrument. In music schools, for such cases, preliminary training on the recorder is provided with a further opportunity to move on to the trumpet, saxophone and further down the list. There are two options for mastering wind instruments: under the guidance of a tutor and at school. The second option is preferable, since solfeggio lessons will be held in parallel, and they are extremely important for the development of a musician's ear.

Now to the cons. If relatives or housemates are not able to appreciate your zeal, then it will be difficult to practice wind instruments at home. The instruments are actually very loud, and in "Khrushchev" every note of the played etude will be heard in neighboring apartments, even if you play extremely quietly. In addition, you will have to practice every day - regression with wind instruments is much more tangible than progress. Therefore, it is important to plan in advance how classes will be held outside the school or tutor's apartment.

Of the pluses, albeit doubtful, one can mention the loyal attitude of teachers to the theoretical base of their students. It is not for nothing that trumpeters turned out to be the second heroes of jokes after bass guitarists. It is not uncommon for college graduates to get confused about things learned by other musicians in the first months of training.


In a good way, this tool should have been moved to the end of the list, since it is easier to wipe your fingers into dust than to master it at a high level. But thanks to such a phenomenon as the pop-jazz direction, hellish torments in learning could mutate into an unpretentious pastime. That is, if someone decides to learn a couple of pop songs, then doing it on the piano will not be difficult. You can learn the instrument using a tutorial, video tutorials or with the help of a tutor. True, there may be problems with landing and setting hands, but for the game "Chizhik-Pyzhik" this is not critical.

Of the positive aspects, one can note the possibility of replacing a bulky instrument with a synthesizer when learning. Of course, only in cases where the student is focused on pop music, jazz, soul, electronic genres, and so on. There are a lot of offers from tutors, courses and circles. Where to study.

Of the minuses, we can recall that when learning to play the piano, in fact, you will have to purchase an instrument. If you study at home, then you can bring the “Dog Waltz” of relatives and neighbors to mental insanity. But most importantly, if a person intends to become a master, then thousands of hours of endless playing of scales and careful study of hundreds of pages of theoretical material await him.


Violin, cello, double bass, viola - one beauty. But all the listed tools are among the most difficult to master. If you study from childhood, then you can bypass all the difficulties without even noticing them, but for adults, learning will most likely turn into severe torment. The fact is that string instruments require absolute pitch, and it is simply unrealistic to have it at home. Tutors, as a rule, do not teach from scratch, but help those who are lagging behind in learning. Tutorials and tutorials are useless. There are more sound extraction methods on these instruments than there are stars in the sky. Doubters can look through the notes and scores of works by contemporary composers.

The learning process is a continuous overcoming of oneself. If you don't have enough motivation, you may not be able to play elementary plays when you leave school. I don’t see any advantages for those who want to quickly learn how to play an exotic instrument. The cons can't be listed. From the price of good tools and the need to care for them, to crazy training loads. Conclusion: go only if called.

In general, as in any other kind of activity, to achieve some heights in music, you will need to work hard. But if you want to master the instrument for yourself in order to be able to play a couple of tunes on boring winter evenings, then you should pay attention to the first positions of the list. In addition, I have neglected such instruments as a pocket synth jew's harp, spoons, rattles and castanets. As you can see, the choice is huge - it remains only to make it.

1. Xylophone.
The xylophone is a wonderful tool for learning music and certainly one of the easiest to use. The bars of a xylophone are similar to the arrangement of notes on a piano and are struck with special mallets to produce sound. Plastic xylophones are one of the most common toys for children.

2. Autoharp.
If you have knowledge of chords and are willing to learn, the autoharp is for you. The big plus is that all the strings, except for those involved in the chord, are muted, so you won't be out of tune while playing.

3. Comb.
This musical instrument is not only easy to learn to play, it is also easy to make. All you need is a comb and tissue paper. Wrap the comb in paper and go.

4. Kazu.
Kazu is a small metal or plastic cylinder tapering towards the end. A metal cork with a tissue paper membrane is inserted into the middle of the cylinder from above. It is very easy to perform music on the kazoo - you just need to sing into it, and the paper membrane will change your voice beyond recognition.

5. Bongo.
Learning to play the bongo is very easy. A bongo is a combination of two drums that are connected together. To play on it, it is clamped between the knees. The surface of the bongo is struck with the palms and fingertips.

6. Tambourines
Tambourines are small drums that are held in the hand. Some varieties of tambourines have metal bells suspended from them, which begin to ring when the performer strikes the membrane of the tambourine, rubs it, or shakes the entire instrument. You can shake it, hit the surface of the tambourine with your fingers or knuckles, or use any other method that suits you best. This is a very simple musical instrument.

7. Drums
Although the drums seem very complex, they are easy to learn to play if you have a sense of rhythm. You don't have to start with a complete drum kit when you start learning. Just learn how to play us bass drum or hi-hat. The most important thing in this case is the sense of rhythm.

Music is food for the soul. But you can not only listen to it, but also create it yourself. No time to learn notes and scales? No problem. There are several instruments that are easy to learn to play even without special training. The main thing is to feel a sense of rhythm.


This is a portable tube with a special membrane inside. You just need to blow into one end of the device, singing your favorite tune. And kazoo, thanks to the membrane, will change the sound beyond recognition. You will get an interesting melody that will appeal to others.


Simple design tool. It's easy to play on it. But you need to get the hang of creating sounds of different tonality and duration.

Bongo drums

These are two percussion instruments connected to each other. Bongo drums are played without the use of additional sticks - with palms and fingertips. It's easy to master them. The main thing is the feeling of a sense of rhythm.

Classic drum kit

This musical instrument looks voluminous and complex. But in fact, for people who feel the rhythm, learning to play them will be easy. The main thing is to understand the tonality of the sound of each component of the installation.


This is a compact drum, on some varieties of which bells are provided. During the game, the tambourine must be held in one hand, and the other should be struck on the sensitive membrane with the palm of your hand or fingers.


This is a smaller version of the guitar. To start playing this instrument, it is enough to master three basic chords. The ukulele looks like a toy. Therefore, often this tool is chosen for teaching children. After all, learning to play the ukulele is easier than learning to play the classical guitar.

Shop addresses
How, without wasting time, to find everything that a musician needs to buy or purchase a specific device, accessory, components? First you need to correctly approach the issue of choosing a salon and having decided where to visit today, we will only have to find the addresses of musical instrument stores, and then go there and buy everything you need. When planning a purchase, it is also important to be aware that the more clearly you imagine what you want to purchase, the less likely it is to make a mistake by giving money for a thing you do not quite need. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to prepare well by studying the maximum of the materials available to you from open sources of information.

The modern market of musical instruments offers customers any relevant products for the realization of their creative ambitions, equipment and accessories. The brainchild of the rapidly growing industry of products for musicians, the emergence and development of the latest technologies, which few even a dozen years ago could have even imagined, opened up new horizons for everyone who is craving to create beauty.

With this device in hand, a musician who has the skills to play it can work wonders. This is especially true of modern digital accordions - musical instruments endowed with functionality that allows you to make it sound like a synthesizer, violins, guitars, etc.

The maximum coverage of the field of application, the most diverse in terms of timbres and unlimited frequencies of reproducible sounds provide electronic musical instruments, thus opening all the doors of all kinds of arts. Consider the questions of their choice, interesting facts and the most important items in the list of functions.

You will never confuse this loud bass representative of the wind family with something else. A powerful low sound is the distinguishing feature of the bassoon. Its dimensions are impressive. The main element of the device is a curved tube, if straightened it will be 3 human heights long.

Modern keyboards are primarily associated with an electronic device, which is known as a synthesizer. It is the musical instrument of choice for many musicians and composers. The fact is quite understandable, since the functionality is great and allows you to do a lot in a creative way.

How to choose a guitar
Going shopping, a professional musician is unlikely to wonder how to choose and buy a guitar. It will be quite enough for him to experience and test several samples according to a number of important criteria well known to him. But for a beginner to choose it correctly, a minimum of informational assistance is needed.

There are keyboard musical instruments according to the method of sound production, divided into percussion, plucked, wind and electronic, from piano to organ. In addition, for studios and use, for example, at home, these will be different models in terms of functionality, range and, of course, prices. The widest sound range of any classic piano keyboard.

Many stringed bowed musical instruments are known not only to those whose activities are related to concerts, rehearsals and sound recording. It is also no secret to anyone that the main way to extract sound in them is with the help of an object from which the name of this group comes - a bow. It is generated by rubbing a stretched hair against the strings.

Ringing metal disks beaten by members of the gallant regimental bands marching through the city square at the festival, single musical cymbals and paired hi-hats included in the drum set, their small finger varieties are known more than others. The technology of their manufacture is interesting, which is not limited only to the casting of a round-shaped part from a special alloy.

Where could I buy
The fact that today is absolutely accessible to every person who is burning with the desire to play or compose music quite recently could not afford it, but they hardly even dreamed of having professionals and recognized talents at their disposal. Sound recording at home today will not surprise anyone. How to quickly find a suddenly needed album of a particular team, sheet music, training materials with videos and instructions, where to buy musical instruments without even leaving home is also not a question.

electric guitars
The very first electric guitars and those that can be seen for sale today are, of course, different. Although rarities, of course, are also in use. Let's dispel the myths and clarify the picture of what electric guitars are made of, how to tune them, which of the modern manufacturers is leading the market.

Shining with a golden tint, invariably making a strong impression on listeners and spectators at parades, carnivals and city holidays, metal musical instruments make it possible to play amazingly beautiful versions of composers' compositions. These are the pride of the members of brass bands. It is impossible not to love their incomparable sound, the volume and timbre are the fantastic power and beauty of music.

There are many extravagant and simply unusual for many appearance and, of course, the sound of devices on which music is performed. These are very simple objects, but often intricate inventions, sometimes at first glance, which do not even look like unusual musical instruments. A no less unexpected modern version of them is the single-string bass guitar.

In kindergarten, school and acquaintances, there is always a keyboard musical instrument - a piano. Learning to play on it, starting from primary school age, for many was the start of a career and an entrance ticket to the wonderful world of creativity. In our time, you can buy not only classical pianos, but also technologically advanced ones, turning on the machine to listen to well-known works of the novelty in a brilliant performance.

From guitar to harp - all types and a huge number of models of famous brands, as they say, here and now - not a store, but simply a paradise for creative people!

Whatever plucked musical instrument you need, it is no problem to buy for every taste and budget.

The sound in timbre is similar to a human voice, the wings are like a calling card and the history spans more than one century from the start of use in European church orchestras to modern pop concert shows - all this is a trombone. This large pipe is a real gem, because the composition of the metal alloy from which some of them are made even includes silver.

Drums and cymbals are something that is strong and everyone associates with drums. However, there is still a very small, simple in appearance, but very important for the works of a symphony orchestra, a musical instrument, a triangle, and it also belongs to the category of percussion. And in fact, the sound with its help is extracted by means of a blow.

Moving with a guitar in hand from room to room is one thing, but delivering it safe and sound to the venue of the planned concert is a task that, without reliable protection from possible damage caused by accidental blows, bad weather, and simply drops temperature with the inevitable detrimental effect of humidity cannot be solved. Protect it by first finding out which cases for musical instruments that you can buy today in a store or order in a workshop are better and more affordable.

metal strings
There are quite a lot of different types of strings made using unique technologies, from materials from nylon to metal, giving them certain properties, advantages and disadvantages. Metal guitar strings, like others, are designed for a limited time of use and need care. Do you know which ones are considered the best?

Everything for musicians in the Fonofaktura store / site 3live.ru

Many parents tend to send their child to a music school from an early age. But, not all children want to sit in class and learn notes. Also, not all parents are aware that there is a big difference between all musical instruments, even elementary school. A child should learn not just classical music, but this art as a whole.

All instruments of the melodic world are conditionally divided into three categories, they can be:

  • all-encompassing;
  • auxiliary;
  • soloists.

It all depends on the main function of the musical instrument. Among the universal melodic instruments, one can single out the keyboard piano and grand piano, as well as strings: guitar, violin or cello. With their help, various musical works or individual sound parts are created. Similar attributes can be used for both group and solo performances.

Percussion paraphernalia is all-encompassing. It is used in orchestras, ensembles or groups. Solo sounding attributes are intended for solo parts. Among such paraphernalia are: flute, bassoon, trumpet.

Selection rules

Which melodic instruments are best suited for teaching a child is an ambiguous question. Only the child can answer it. But, due to their age, preschoolers cannot always determine the easiest object or process for perception, so parents need to do it for them.

Looking at music theory in general, almost any piece of music can be made up of piano sheet music. This is the most versatile musical system, which in the future can be used to learn how to play other sound instruments.

You can send your child to a music circle for playing the piano from 3-4 years old. It is better to start classes from an early age, as the child will better perceive new information for him and he will have an interest in music.

Music circle and its relevance

At the melodic circle of the Elena Chernyavskaya preschool children's center, each child will have an individual approach. Our teachers conduct each lesson in a playful way to introduce children to music. At the first lessons of the circle, the kids will dance to cheerful melodies, learn the rhythm and show their level of musicality.

Gradually, preschoolers will be taught the basics of playing musical instruments, including the piano.

The child learns how to sit in a chair correctly, hold the body of the back and correctly place the handles on the keys. He will also gradually understand how to press the keys correctly and with what.

The musical circle is an excellent base for the future admission of the baby to the music school. The main thing is that the child shows a desire to learn. In addition, children show their musical preferences at the music circle. They master the basic skills of vocal mastery and specific speech. They develop industriousness and show creative initiative. Indeed, in a friendly and cheerful company, it is much more interesting to discover something new and useful for yourself.

As mentioned earlier, it is better for children to make their own choice in favor of one or another melodic instrument, but the piano is definitely recommended to advise them. Do not forget that music is a specific transmission of information, so it is best to start your first steps in this art with simple and understandable things.

Many parents send their children to a music school just to keep their children busy and learn to play an instrument. But playing for the sake of playing is not the way to go. Classical music has a beneficial effect not only on the psyche of the child, but also contributes to the development of intellectual abilities, develops creative skills, and also teaches to feel beauty and harmony, and most importantly, to create in them. And none of this will work if the child is engaged in an instrument that he does not like. Which musical instrument is right for your child, we will try to figure it out below.

But children often find it difficult to decide what they really like. And the task of parents here is to figure out not just “want or don’t want”, but which musical instrument suits the child’s character.

Percussion instruments

We put percussion instruments at the top of the list because they can be practiced by children of the earliest age - literally from the age of three. Percussion instruments require a sense of tact, rhythm, perseverance and a great deal of attention - especially when it comes to playing in a band or orchestra, as

the percussionist (drummer) needs not only to adapt to other instruments, but often to lead them. But that's later.

And when a child has just started playing percussion instruments, this is a way to throw out energy, tune in to the rhythm of the heart, learn to listen and hear. Interestingly, percussion instruments are suitable not only for energetic children, they are also able to open closed children.

In addition, percussion delights with its diversity: drums, xylophones, castanets, djembe and other ethnic instruments that have come into fashion.


The guitar is interesting in that even the simplest chords and not complicated picking or fighting can result in a very beautiful melody. Therefore, to start the musical path, it is suitable for those children who are very dependent on a quick result.

And when your child gets a taste and feels all the possibilities of this tool, perseverance, perseverance, and determination may appear. Who knows, maybe your child will play you the melodies of Fausto Papetti, Ennio Marricone or even Mozart in some 3-4 years after the start of classes.


The piano is very suitable for inquisitive, patient and attentive children, as it has an incredible variety of sounds. However, the piano can help a restless child develop such missing qualities.

By the way, if you got a piano from your parents, which has been standing as furniture for 20-30 years already and everyone is trying to play a “dog waltz” on it, then before you put a child who went to a music school for him, you need to set up the instrument. And piano tuning, unlike guitar tuning, requires the hands and ears of a master.

Which stringed musical instrument is suitable for a child

We have already talked about the guitar, but as for the violin or cello, these are complex instruments, and you should not expect a quick result here.

The violin requires discipline and nerves of steel, including parental ones. at the beginning of the journey, not the most pleasant sounds will fly out from under the bow of the child.

In addition, bowed string instruments, unlike plucked instruments, require an ideal ear. And, again, discipline. You should not think that the violin is for a mega-energetic child who dreams of running around the stage with an instrument after watching Alexander Rybak or Vanessa May concerts. Especially when it comes to the cello.

wind instruments

If we talk about young children, then, perhaps, only the flute and others can be named from wind instruments. It is easy to learn and melodic, the result will not keep you waiting too long.

As for the rest of the wind instruments, they can be practiced only from the age of 10, or even from the age of 12, due to the physiological characteristics that require the development of these instruments (lung capacity, lip strength, condition of teeth and fingers).

Music is wonderful, especially when you know how to do more than just listen. We hope you will be able to choose the right musical instrument for your child, and we wish you success on this beautiful, but not very easy path.

P.S. Remember that music requires not only ear and perseverance, but also good physical fitness - whether it be healthy lungs, trained fingers, or good posture, i.e. muscular corset. It is worth thinking about this from early childhood. Learn how to take care of your fingers here.

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