RAM. How much RAM is needed for normal computer operation

Good day to all. Today we will talk about how to choose RAM.

This next note owes its appearance to our esteemed readers, because it was from them (i.e. you) that the call came that I want to see everything and more from the category of "heavy artillery", that is. Well, since we are a project that can not only write, but also read in places (in particular, your comments :-)), then in fact, here’s another iron article for you about the “brains” of your PC, namely, RAM .

As I said, initially it was a whole article, which was divided into two. You can find the first part, which talks about RAM in general (i.e., the principles of operation, why it is needed, and so on).

In the introduction, I also want to say that this creation will take its place of honor in our "iron pantheon" of articles. Whoever forgot (or even hears for the first time, i.e. hello to the newcomers ;-)) what was discussed there, I remind you - the materials talk about what you need to pay attention to when buying individual "spare parts" for your computer. Here are some of these works of art: “Intel or AMD. Problems of choice“, “How to choose the right fan (cooler) for the processor“, ““ and all that different from the “Selection Criteria“ tag.

I don't dare to detain you any longer, let's start..

Basic introduction to the characteristics and not only

How to choose the right RAM so that the PC performance increases and it quickly processes those applications / games that I could not even think of before? I think this question is asked by a huge number of users of our (and not only) vast country.

And they are right in what they ask, because only at first glance it can be said that everything is simple and clear, but there are a lot of subtleties that we will tell you about now.

So, the first thing to keep in mind (before buying) is that choosing the "right" memory is the key to success in further overclocking your iron friend and, to some extent, allows you to avoid unnecessary material injections into the newly released piece of iron.

Those. memory (for example, "overclocker"), allows you to keep the user's PC in a "peppy" mood for quite a long time, due to the overclocking potential built in by the manufacturer.

It was not in vain that we said above that the processor uses RAM and cache to process data (and through the motherboard it consumes RAM resources). Not in vain, because it’s impossible to choose a separate RAM from the same processor or motherboard (because they are interconnected).

When describing the characteristics of the motherboard, we refer to the processor, considering the RAM, we also take into account the characteristics of the above elements, because. they are the main "thinking" part of the computer. The operational interconnection of these components allows your iron assistant to quickly carry out the necessary operations.

Therefore, the choice of memory must be approached based on these considerations of the relationship, otherwise it will turn out that you have acquired a "cool" memory, and the motherboard does not support it, and then lie to her dear and wait for her "finest hour" :).

To find out which processor your motherboard supports, as well as which memory module is required for it, you need:

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  • go to the manufacturer's website
  • find, by alphanumeric marking, your model (for example, manufacturer gigabyte GA-P55A-UD4P)
  • see the supported processor guide and the list of recommended memory modules (i.e. those manufacturers and models that are 100 % are compatible with your board).

To remove all questions, I will give a specific example (no need, do not thank me :-)).

Go to manufacturer's website 1 ) and look for the motherboard model by marking, for simplicity, we drive the data into the search ( 2 ).

Marking (model / manufacturer of the motherboard), for example, can be found through the diagnostic tool DirectX(invoked by the command line key combination " Win+R» and input dxdiag, then remember the lines - the manufacturer and model of the PC).

Determine the type of processor ( 1 ) (assume Core i5-760) and memory model ( 2 ) (assume Kingston KHX1600C9D3K2/4G).

That's it, nothing complicated!

Now we know that our motherboard and processor will not conflict with this memory, and with the combination of these three components, we can squeeze the cherished 10-15 % increase in overall computer performance and avoid, say, terrible and terrible .

Now let's go directly to the technical parameters themselves.

Memory type

First of all, you need to decide on the type of memory. At the time of this writing, the market is dominated by memory modules DDR (double-data-rate) third generation or DDR3. Memory type DDR3 has higher clock frequencies (up to 2400 megahertz), reduced by about 30-40 % (compared with DDR2) energy consumption and, accordingly, less heat generation.

However, until now, you can meet the standard memory DDR2 and obsolete (and therefore terribly expensive in places) DDR1. All these three types are completely incompatible with each other both in terms of electrical parameters (for DDR3 less voltage), and physical (see image).

This is done so that even if you make a mistake with the choice - you would not be able to insert an incompatible memory bar (although some are very diligent, and therefore it happens.. uh.. boom! :)).

It is worth mentioning a new type of memory DDR4, which differs from previous generations in higher frequency characteristics and low voltage. It supports frequencies from 2133 before 4266 MHz and will go into mass production presumably in the middle 2012 of the year. Also, don't confuse RAM ( mentioned DDR) with video memory (namely GDDR). The last one (kind of GDDR 5) has high frequencies reaching 5 GHz, but are used so far only in video cards.

Form Factor

When choosing, always pay attention to form factor- a standard that specifies the overall dimensions of the device, or in a simple way - the type of construction of the bar itself.

DIMM (Dual Inline Memory Module, means that the contacts are located on both sides) - for desktop PCs, and SODIMM- for laptops (recently, laptop memory can be found in monoblocks or compact multimedia PCs).

As you can see in the picture above, they have different sizes, so it's hard to miss.

Bus frequency and bandwidth

The main parameters of the RAM that characterize its performance are the bus frequency and data transfer rate.

The frequency characterizes the potential of the memory bus to transfer data per unit of time, respectively, the higher it is, the more data can be transferred. Bus frequency and bandwidth are directly proportional to each other (for example, memory has 1333 MHz bus, which means theoretically it will have a bandwidth 10600 Mb / s, and on the module itself it will be written DDR3 1333 (PC-10600)).

The frequency is denoted as " DDR2(3 )-xxxx" or " PC2(3 )-yyyy". In the first case, "xxxx" indicates the effective memory frequency, and in the second, "yyyy" indicates the peak bandwidth. In order not to get confused, look at the table (it lists the most popular standards: DDR (1 ), DDR2 (2 ), DDR3 (3 )).

What frequency to choose?

As mentioned above, you need to build on the opportunities that your system provides. We recommend that the frequency match the frequency supported by the motherboard/processor.

For example, you connected the module DDR3-1800 into a slot (connector) that supports a maximum DDR3-1600, as a result, the module will operate at the slot frequency, i.e. 1600 MHz, not using its resource in full, while failures and errors in the system are also likely. I must say that now the most common and recommended for purchase are modules of the type DDR3 clocked 1333 and 1600 MHz.

For a comprehensive assessment of the capabilities of the RAM, the term memory bandwidth is used. It takes into account the frequency at which data is transmitted, the bus width and the number of memory channels (this is a rather important performance parameter of the OP).

Memory modes

In modern computers, motherboards support special modes of operation of RAM. It is in these modes that the speed of its operation will be most effective, therefore, in order to achieve the best performance, you should take into account the operating modes of the memory modules and their correct installation.

What is the mode of operation of memory? - this is similar to the operation of multiple cores CPU, i.e. theoretically, the speed of the memory subsystem in dual-channel mode increases in 2 times, three-channel - in 3 times, respectively, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the types of modes:

  • Single channel mode(single-channel or asymmetric) - this mode is enabled when only one memory module is installed in the system or all modules differ from each other in terms of memory size, frequency of operation, or manufacturer. It does not matter in which slots and which memory to install. All memory will run at the speed of the slowest memory installed.
  • dual mode(dual-channel or symmetrical) - the same amount of RAM is installed in each channel (and theoretically there is a doubling of the maximum data transfer rate). To enable dual-channel mode, memory modules are installed in pairs in 1 and 3 and/or 2 and 4 slots.
  • Triple Mode(three-channel) - the same amount of RAM is installed in each of the three channels. Modules are selected by speed and volume.
    To enable this mode, the modules must be installed in 1 , 3 and 5 /or 2 , 4 and 6 slots. In practice, by the way, this mode is not always more productive than dual-channel, and sometimes even loses to it in data transfer speed.
  • Flex Mode(flexible) - allows you to increase the performance of RAM when installing two modules of different sizes, but the same frequency. As in the dual-channel mode, memory boards are installed in the same-named connectors of different channels.

Usually the most common option is dual-channel memory mode.

There are motherboards on the market that support quad-channel memory, which is supposed to give you maximum performance. In general, for effective organization of memory operation, it is necessary to install an even number of memory modules ( 2 or 4 ), and in pairs they should be of the same volume and preferably from the same batch (or the same manufacturer).

Does the amount of memory or size matter?

Another important parameter about which they say that the more the better is the volume. I note right away that although this is an essential characteristic, almost all laurels are often attributed to it in the difficult task of increasing PC performance, which is not always true, but it does happen.

I wrote a few words about large amounts of memory in the note "".

For those who are too lazy to read the note itself, I’ll just say that, as for me, the volumes from 6 GB reasonable, especially in cases of a weak disk subsystem (fortunately, memory now costs a penny). Yes, and the reserve for the future will be good, because, as practice shows, programs and operating systems begin to consume more and more memory.


In it, in addition to the fact that you can find out general information about memory (tab Memory), so also see (tab SPD), is your "baby" capable of overclocking, i.e. is she friends with the profile XMP or EPP.


Most of the elements during the operation of the PC heat up rather "robustly" and the memory is no exception here (I will not say that you can fry fried eggs on it, like on a video card, but it’s quite possible to get burned :)). To remove heat from microcircuits, manufacturers equip their dies with special metal plates / radiators, cooling casings. In high-speed models (pre-designed for overclocking), sometimes it comes to a full-fledged separate cooling system (with a large number of various tubes and elements, as in the image).

Therefore, if you are planning, let's say, to "tightly load" your RAM and also engage in overclocking (in the future), think about a normal cooling system for it. Globally, even for an ordinary user, I recommend buying memory at least in some kind of heatsinks.

ECC error correction

Modules with this marking have on board a special controller designed to detect and correct various memory errors. Theoretically, such a system should increase the stability of work RAM. In practice, the difference in work between the "normal" and more expensive ECC- memory is almost imperceptible. Therefore, it makes little sense to purchase specially such modules. In addition, the use ESS in memory modules can reduce the speed of its operation by 2 - 10 %.

Actually, we are done with the parameters, but the most delicious is left as always for dessert! Well, let's start to absorb it :).

Correct memory installation after selection and purchase

It would seem that there is nothing to tell about the correct installation of the OP (it seems like everything is simple - stuck it in, pressed it and order), but this is not entirely true and now we will study this issue with all seriousness :).

So (before installation), remember the basic rules:

  • be careful
  • carry out all work with the computer completely disconnected from the mains, with dry hands
  • do not apply excessive force - the memory modules are very fragile!
  • place the system unit on a solid and stable surface.

Let's move on to the process itself.

Step 1.
First of all, open the side cover of the system unit (for a standard vertical case, this is the left cover when looking at the system unit from the front). Locate the motherboard inside the block - the largest board located directly in front of you. On this board you will see a block of connectors for installing RAM modules.

The number of OP slots is usually 2-6 connectors for most motherboards used in home computers. Before installing, pay attention to the video card - it may interfere with the installation of RAM. If it interferes, then temporarily dismantle it.

Step 2
On the free slot selected for installing the RAM, unfasten the special latches on the edges.

Carefully remove the new "brains" (do not bend them, handle them carefully but firmly by the edges) from the antistatic package.

Inside each connector there are small jumper keys, and on the contact part of the memory modules there are cutouts corresponding to them. Their mutual combination excludes incorrect installation of memory or installation of modules of a different type. Each type has a different location and number of slots, and therefore, keys on the motherboard connectors (we already mentioned this when we talked about memory types).

Step 3
Align the notch on the memory with the key on the motherboard slot (as shown in the image).

If you cannot combine the keys on the memory bar and on the motherboard connector, then most likely you bought the wrong type of memory. Check everything again, it is better to return the purchase to the store and exchange it for the desired type of memory.

Step 4
Insert module DIMM into the slot by pressing on its top edge.

Step 5
Gently press until the module is fully seated in the slot and the retaining clips on the edges of the slot are in place.

Step 6
Make sure the retaining clips are in place and fully closed.

Everything, the memory is installed correctly! Replace the system case cover and connect the computer to the mains. After installing a new RAM, be sure to test it with special utilities to detect errors.

It is worth saying a few words about the operating modes of RAM.

Motherboards allow memory to work in n-channel (two/three/four) modes. To do this, the slots differ in color and are divided into pairs.

For example, in order to enable the two-channel operation mode of the OP, it is necessary that the modules (of the same frequency / volume) be inserted into the same-named connectors (with the same color, 1 and 3 ) from different channels (see image).

This procedure allows you to achieve an increase in performance 5-10 % (compared to single channel mode).

Everybody is here!

Following this installation instruction, you will not only easily install the memory (even if you have never done it before) in the “right” place, but also get the maximum performance from it in the system.

User's choice memo

Since there is quite a lot of information, let's highlight the main points that you need to learn:

  • Find out in advance the type of memory supported (recommended) by the manufacturer
  • Install memory modules with the same timings / volume / frequency of operation and from the same manufacturer. Ideally buy a set. kit- these are two modules with the same characteristics from the same manufacturer, already tested in collaboration
  • The bandwidth of the RAM bus must match the bandwidth of the processor bus
  • To achieve the best performance, consider the operating modes of the modules and their correct installation
  • Look for memory with minimum stock timings (less -> better)
  • Choose the amount of memory based on the tasks being solved by the PC and the type of operating system
  • Choose well-known (proven) manufacturers, for example: OCZ, Kingston, Corsair, etc.
  • The overclocking potential of the memory directly depends on the chips on which it is produced. Therefore, make sure that the memory was made by a well-known manufacturer, then it is most likely that the chips will provide more reliable power, will have greater noise immunity, which will favorably affect the operation of the memory in abnormal modes.
  • If you plan to overclock your system or want to get maximum performance (for example, build a gaming PC), then you should pay attention to special overclocking memory with enhanced cooling.

Based on this information, you will be able to correctly select the appropriate memory module, which will ensure that the native piece of iron keeps (and does not drop) a high performance bar for a long time.

I would also like to say that if you hope that somewhere between the lines we will say a few words about overclocking, then do not hope (:)), because a separate (even more delicious) article will be devoted to this issue, in which all the subtleties of overclocking will be and "squeeze" the maximum out of their "brains". However, that's a completely different story..

Where is the best place to buy RAM?

10 minimum (since when they were part of Ultra Electronics), which advises you;

  • , - one of the oldest stores on the market, as the company exists somewhere in the order 20 years. Decent selection, average prices and one of the most user friendly sites. In general, a pleasure to work with.
  • The choice is traditionally yours. Of course, everyone there Yandex Market"No one has canceled, but among the good stores, I would recommend these, and not some MVideo and other large networks there (which are often not just expensive, but flawed in terms of quality of service, warranty work, etc.).


    I hope that this material will take its rightful place on the shelf with the baggage of your "iron knowledge" and more than once (but two or even three :)) will help with advice in the difficult task of buying a "thinking stuffing" for a computer fellow.

    Stay on our IT wave and you will learn a lot more interesting things. As always, if you have something to say, then the comments patiently wait for their turn.

    PS: In addition to dancing with tambourines over the RAM in order to increase computer performance, you can use another very good tool - the swap file. You can learn how to create / configure it correctly from the note located at .

    PS2: For the existence of this article, thanks to a member of the team 25 FRAME

    A computer is a versatile device on which you can perform a huge number of tasks. Some users use its features for study, others prefer to watch movies on PC, and others require powerful "machines" for games and professional activities. In each of these cases, you need to know how to choose the right RAM for a personal computer or laptop. The performance and speed of the assembled system largely depends on this component. In this article, we will figure out which memory is better to buy depending on your needs and what you should pay attention to in the first place.

    Budget and memory requirements

    The memory on the market for a computer or laptop varies greatly in cost. A huge number of parameters affect the price of the trims, including additional features such as heatsinks or customizable RGB lighting. As for the requirements, they depend on whether you are building a new system or upgrading an existing one. For example, if you decide to add RAM to a computer or laptop, you will need to select brackets whose characteristics correspond to the parameters of the RAM installed in the PC. Experts often recommend even choosing the same manufacturer, but it is not necessary to follow this rule.

    Criteria for choosing RAM

    When planning to add memory to an existing PC or wanting to purchase RAM for a new computer, you will definitely come across a number of important criteria. Among them, the most important are frequency and timings. Also, the system performance is affected by the volume and number of slats included in the kit. Additional RAM capabilities usually do not bring practical benefits to the average user. So the backlight will be appropriate mainly for gaming PCs, where a similar feature is implemented in other components. Radiators, which were also mentioned above, may be required only for high-frequency RAM and compact assemblies, where there may be problems with high-quality ventilation of the case.

    Memory types

    Usually it is necessary to select the memory for the motherboard. There are 4 of them in total: outdated DDR and DDR2, which still retains the popularity of DDR3, capable of operating at frequencies up to 2400 MHz, as well as the most modern DDR4, the theoretical maximum of which is 4266 MHz.

    Despite the fact that some stores still have stocks of DDR2 strips, it is almost impossible to find a motherboard for this type of RAM on sale. Only used versions of such boards are presented on the market, and new devices have not been produced by manufacturers for a long time.

    For the remaining two types of motherboards are offered in a wide range. But for a gaming computer, it is better to choose DDR4 RAM, because the new Ryzen processors from AMD and Coffee Lake from Intel, which can fully unlock the potential of modern projects, no longer support DDR3.

    However, you will not be able to install the wrong RAM into your computer, because they are incompatible with each other due to the different number and arrangement of contacts. For this reason, a board with slots for DDR4 brackets does not support DDR3, and vice versa.

    The exceptions are motherboards, where it is possible to install both DDR3 and DDR4 memory at the same time. However, such solutions are rare and there is no point in buying them, because both types of strips differ only slightly in price when DDR4 surpasses its predecessor by several times in terms of parameters.

    When buying memory for an office computer, you can stop at the DDR3 type. If you are building a powerful gaming PC, then purchase DDR4 brackets to avoid frame loss.


    Deciding how much memory to choose should be based on the tasks that will be performed on the computer. So office systems aimed at working with text and surfing the Internet, it is enough to equip 2-4 GB. Volume from 4 to 8 GB must be installed already in multimedia and basic computers for games. But powerful gaming machines should be equipped with 16-32 GB of RAM. This amount of RAM is now enough for any modern project.

    If you plan to take a larger amount of RAM for your computer, then this will be justified in two cases: a reserve for the future or specialized tasks. It is likely that in 2-3 years there will be games that will require 24 or more RAM to run stably at high graphics settings. If during this or a longer period you do not update the PC, then you can immediately take the appropriate strips. Also, 32 or more gigabytes of RAM will be required for the operation of professional programs.

    You also need to take into account the bit depth and version of the system that is installed on your computer. So 32-bit Windows will not see more than 4 GB of RAM, and if we are talking about Windows 7 Starter, then it can only work with 2 gigabytes. At the same time, 64-bit operating systems use about twice as much RAM for their needs, which also needs to be taken into account when assembling the system.

    The maximum version of Windows 7 can run with 192 GB of RAM, while the professional versions of Windows 8 and 10 support up to 512 GB. You can find out the exact information about the amount of RAM that can be installed in your system on the official Microsoft website.

    If you install more memory into the computer than the operating system installed on it supports, then the “extra” amount will simply not be used.

    What frequency to choose

    As in the case of processors or graphics adapters, the frequency of RAM determines its performance. The higher this figure, the better performance the PC will show. However, you should not immediately run after the most advanced RAM that is only in the store. Before buying, you need to make sure that the selected option is supported by the motherboard and processor.

    Of course, if you get better memory performance than what your hardware can reveal, then there will be nothing wrong with that. When you install such strips in your computer, they will simply start working at the maximum frequency supported by the system. But the disadvantage in this case will be higher costs, because good RAM at 3000 MHz will cost more than its counterpart from the same series at 2400 MHz.

    Again, looking for bars whose frequency corresponds to the maximum values ​​\u200b\u200bsupported by your computer is also not worth it. For office tasks, simple models at 1333 MHz (DDR3) or 2133 MHz (DDR4) will suffice. A balanced solution for a wide range of tasks will be RAM with a frequency of 2400 or 2666 MHz. But progressive gaming PCs and professional assemblies are already better equipped with RAM at 3000-3600 MHz or more.

    Developed by Intel, XMP technology and its counterpart from AMD called AMP allow high-frequency RAM to work at its maximum capabilities even if the declared frequency is not supported by the processor. However, this technology must be implemented not only in the "stone" itself, but also in the motherboard, which automatically raises its price.


    This parameter in the characteristics is indicated by a number-alphabetic (for example, CL15) or numerical (15-17-17-35) designation. Both in the first and in the second case we are talking about the delay of the RAM between the execution of various operations. If you want to choose the right RAM, then you should definitely pay special attention to this parameter, because at high timings and high frequencies you will get about the same performance as in low-frequency RAM with small delays.

    For the DDR3 type, CL9 will be excellent timings, and in slower models that are popular on the market, this parameter is equal to CL11. Standard delays in DDR4 strips are CL15, and in cheaper memory modules you can see CL16 or CL17 timings. For this type of RAM, you can find smaller delays, but they are extremely rare on sale.

    Note. The designation CL corresponds to the first number in the block of digits. So the above numerical designation of timings 15-17-17-35 can be written as CL15.

    Important! Buying RAM with high timings is not recommended. According to reviews of such memory on the forums, you can understand that it has poor performance and significantly worsens the performance of the PC.

    Operating modes

    Many users forget that not only the choice of the amount of RAM is important, but also the number of slats from which it is typed. This is due to the fact that in modern computers RAM operates in multi-channel mode, which significantly improves system performance in professional applications, demanding games and other tasks. When installing a single 16 GB memory module into a computer or laptop, you will get worse performance than when choosing a pair of 8 GB sticks.

    In total, 4 modes of RAM operation are allocated today:

    1. Single channel.
    2. Dual channel.
    3. Three-channel.
    4. Four-channel.

    The first is considered obsolete and is only present in older PCs. Its essence lies in the fact that all data is written sequentially to each module, regardless of their total number. Modern computers can work in this mode if the user has installed only one bar of RAM.

    Most motherboards released in recent years work in dual-channel mode. However, boards with support for three- and four-channel configurations are also on sale. However, the cost of such models is quite high, and the advantage of the indicated modes can not always be seen.

    At the same time, it should be taken into account that the dual-channel mode works when using 2 or 4 memory bars, the three-channel mode - 3 or 6, and the four-channel mode - 4 or 8. Another important nuance is the need to install modules with the same volume, frequency, timings and other parameters.

    However, if the characteristics of the bars do not match, then this will not affect the performance (with the exception of voltage). At different frequencies, the system will be able to operate at the frequency of the slowest module. A similar rule applies to timings. If the volumes do not match in the PC, the multi-channel mode will simply not work.

    Separately, it is also worth noting the Flex option. It allows you to deviate from the specified rule and use memory strips of different sizes for dual-channel mode. In this case, the matching volumes will be used in dual-channel mode, and the remaining one will be used in single-channel mode. For example, when choosing modules for 8 and 4 GB, 4 GB from each bar will work in dual-channel mode, when the remaining 4 GB from the first module can operate in single-channel mode.

    When buying, you need to take into account that one RAM module will cost a little cheaper than a set of brackets with similar parameters and the same total volume. However, the purchase of all the strips separately from each other will cost you a significantly larger amount. Therefore, if you have enough budget, it is better to immediately purchase a set of the required volume.

    Important! Flex Mode is not supported by all motherboards, so you should read the instructions for your board before selecting RAM for expansion.

    Form Factor

    Also from the characteristics of memory modules for users, the form factor is important. It happens DIMM or SO-DIMM. The first are standard PC brackets, which, depending on the type, can contain from 168 to 240 pins. The SO-DIMM form factor refers to memory for laptops or small computers with Mini-ITX motherboards. On such strips there are from 72 to 200 contacts.

    Supply voltage

    This characteristic is especially important when choosing an additional memory bar for a PC or laptop. Despite the fact that most modern sticks operate at standard voltages (2.5V for DDR, 1.8V for DDR2, 1.5V for DDR3, 1.2V for DDR4), solutions for enthusiasts with increased power and lower models are also on sale. It is strictly forbidden to install bars that are incompatible with this parameter in a PC, because unstable operation of RAM is possible (if the bar does not receive enough voltage) or even its failure (when a higher power is supplied to the RAM than it needs to work).

    Before buying an additional RAM module for your computer, first of all, make sure that the power it requires matches the voltage of the RAM installed in your PC.

    Deciphering the marking of RAM

    For labeling bars of any type, standard designations are used, including the letters PC and a number indicating the transfer rate in Mb / s (bandwidth). But it is not very convenient for an ordinary user to navigate through them, because it is much more convenient to know the frequency and timings.

    Usually the seller indicates all the information about the memory, but if you pick up a used RAM on an ad site, then an inexperienced user may well indicate something like a PC2-8500. This means that we have DDR2 RAM with a frequency of 1066 MHz and CL5 timings.

    DDR3 sticks are designated PC3:

    • 10600 - 1333 MHz;
    • 12800 - 1600 MHz;
    • 14400 - 1866 MHz;
    • 16000 - 2000 MHz.

    In the first case, the timings are CL9, and in the other three, CL11.

    DDR4 strips are marked, respectively, PC4:

    • 17000 - 2133 MHz;
    • 19200 - 2400 MHz;
    • 21300 - 2666 MHz;
    • 24000 - 3000 MHz;
    • 25600 - 3200 MHz.

    For the first type of memory, the latency is usually CL15, and for the others - CL16.

    What brand of RAM modules to buy

    Speaking about which RAM to choose, it is also necessary to mention its manufacturers. This market has its own undisputed leaders with rich experience and factories equipped with the latest technology. Well-known brands guarantee that the trims you purchase can last for many years without breakdowns and failures. If you want to get high quality RAM and have enough funds, then you should take a closer look at the following popular manufacturers of RAM modules:

    1. Kingston.
    2. Crucial.
    3. Corsair.
    4. G. Skill.
    5. GOODRAM.

    With a limited amount of money allocated to RAM, budget firms such as Team Group and AMD, which offer excellent value for money for their memory, are also excellent choices.

    Try to avoid little-known and inexperienced RAM manufacturers, even if they offer a very "delicious" price. Also read the reviews of the memory kits you are interested in before purchasing them.


    Modern PCs can perform a wide range of tasks, from processing photos and playing movies to running modern games and demanding graphics programs. And if simple tasks can be performed on simple hardware, then “heavy” applications require a powerful processor, a modern video card and, of course, fast RAM. You can choose for your computer thanks to our detailed recommendations. If you have any questions, we are always happy to answer them. Enjoy the shopping!

    If you decide to buy additional RAM for your computer, read the article with interesting information.


    Random access memory (RAM) is needed for a PC to store data. With its help, the OS and all programs installed on the device work. The volume of this block should be enough, if it is not enough, then the device will “fail” and “slow down”. RAM for a PC is the same as RAM for a laptop, so when purchasing this unit, you should consider the same recommendations that will be given in the article. How to choose the right RAM, read below.

    How to choose the right and what kind of RAM for a computer?

    Buy memory from well-known brands in the IT field:

    In addition, consider the following:

    • For office PC buy one 4 GB DDR4 block with a frequency of 2400 MHz.
    • A PC with high-capacity games and programs installed, will work fine with a single 8 GB DDR4 block at 2400 MHz.
    • Powerful PC You will need 2 blocks of 8 gigabytes.
    • On an old model PC (32nd OS version) do not install more than 3 gigabytes. Of course, you can put 4 gigabytes, but support will be provided only for 3 "gigabytes", that is, the OS will be comfortable only with this volume.
    • For old model PC (64-r. OS version) you can install any amount of memory. But, if you have an outdated printer with a PC, then you will not buy drivers for this OS for it.

    Important: Before buying additional memory for an older PC, install 64-p. OS version. Then check the functionality of all devices and utilities. It is also worth remembering what modular systems and amount of RAM the motherboard supports. This is easy to see on the manufacturer's resource.

    There are such types of OZ devices for PC:

    • DDR SDRAM is a modern block. It is still updated by the creators. It adds new technological elements for excellent functionality.
    • Blocks DDR, DDR2 and DDR3 are obsolete types. They are not installed on updated computer operating systems.
    • RAM DDR4 is a powerful memory with good characteristics.
    • DDR2 memory has a higher price than DDR3 or DDR4, almost four times. Therefore, it would be more expedient and economical to purchase a new motherboard and memory unit.

    Remember: Each type of OZ device must be placed in a separate compartment. DDR3 RAM is installed only in a motherboard with DDR3 and 4 bays.

    Memory features include:


    • Influences the high-speed operating mode.
    • Now, mostly users buy DDR4 2400 MHz blocks.
    • They have good support for cutting-edge processors and motherboards.
    • Today, manufacturers offer blocks with high frequencies from 3000 MHz to 3600 MHz. The motherboard should also support this speed. But there are still few boards that are ultra-modern, even those that are on the shelves of IT stores today.
    • Buying an expensive high-frequency unit and an ultra-modern motherboard is worth it if you use a gaming or professional PC with a powerful processor.


    Timings are pauses between reading, writing and copying data in the PC memory.

    • These delays should be small, but the speed of the memory is affected not by these indicators, but by the frequency.
    • Another important indicator is latency.
    • It should be 9 for DDR3 1333 MHz, and 16 for DDR4 high frequency OZ device. These numbers are indicated, as shown in the figure above, after the CL latency.
    • Low-latency RAM costs a lot more, but this is a case where you don't need to skimp.

    Power supply voltage

    This indicator can be different - standard or increased. It is important if you want to insert multiple OZ device blocks into a PC. In this case, the voltage readings should be the same as those of the already installed RAM blocks on the device. Otherwise, there may be difficulties with the functioning of the equipment. The standard voltage should be:

    Marking memory blocks

    Memory marking marks indicate its type and frequency. This is how the marking of obsolete and new memory looks like:

    Memory modules for laptops

    Such modules for a laptop will be almost the same as modules for a regular PC. The only difference is the size of the module. It is marked like this: SODIMM DDR. As for a PC, laptop memory can have the following types: DDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L, DDR4. There are no differences in other parameters. It is worth remembering that only 1 or 2 slots are installed in laptops. This device has a limited capacity. Therefore, before buying memory, check all the necessary parameters.

    Memory packaging

    It is better to buy this unit in an individual sealed package from the manufacturer. Due to this, the probability of damage will be low, which means that the memory will be of high quality.

    How much free RAM and hard disk space do you need to function correctly on a Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 computer?

    The Windows system itself can be located on 250 MB. But in order for all programs to work normally, videos to load, or even capacious games to fit, then much more megabytes will be needed. It all depends on the OS version. For correct operation, you need free memory:

    • Windows XP- 1 GB is the minimum. If you want to install capacious games, then you need at least 2 GB of free disk space.
    • Windows 7- Minimum 2 GB, and for optimal performance - 4 GB.
    • Windows 8 and 8.1- at least 2 GB. This volume is enough to use browsers on the Internet, watch videos. If you also want to download modern games and programs, then a minimum of 4 GB is required. But it is better to put 8 GB, there will be a good speed of the PC or laptop.
    • Windows 10, as well as previous modern models of this OS, will fit in 2 GB. But it is unlikely that with such a Windows you will only want to watch movies and read blogs on the Internet. Games, programs and much more will fit perfectly if there is at least 4 GB of memory. But so that there are no “brakes” at all, then put 8 GB or better 16 GB.

    Now you can choose the amount of memory you need for your device. Pay attention not only to the price, but also to other parameters, as mentioned above. Good luck!

    Video: Everything about RAM in one episode!

    If you want to build a powerful computer, then you should consider purchasing many components. In this article we will talk about RAM for a gaming computer. It is very important for storing executable code and data that the processor processes. If you do not go into details, then without good RAM you will not be able to play modern games. Below are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying.


    Different purposes will require different volumes. Processing standard applications requires about 4 GB, RAM for a gaming computer - at least 8 GB. If you are engaged in modeling, video editing, work with graphics, 16 GB will come in handy.
    Please refer to the manual for the capacity supported by the motherboard. Standard units have four slots with the ability to install up to 32-64 GB. But do not forget that more than 3 GB of RAM requires a 64-bit operating system.

    Currently, there are two types: DIMM and So-DIMM. The first option has large dimensions, the second is more compact, but with a lower frequency. When choosing a motherboard, consider the importance of module size.


    DDR4 RAM for a gaming computer is the best option. DDR3 modifications are still being made today, but for gaming, it's better to fork out and buy DDR4, because the new generation has an improved operating frequency and is one third more economical than DDR3 in terms of electricity. And this has a significant impact on the maximum speed during data transfer. Gaming components are usually resource-intensive in terms of electricity, so opt for DDR4, because this RAM for a gaming computer will be the best choice.
    Each type of memory has a different connector, pay attention to this.


    New DDR4 operate at a frequency of 2133 to 3200 MHz. Mobile systems such as So-DIMM are only overclocked to 2133 MHz. The higher the frequency, the better the throughput.
    Integrated graphics are a separate case. Replacing low-frequency RAM with a higher one affects the increase in frames per second in games.

    Number of modules

    Modern processors are designed with a dual-channel memory controller, but four and eight-channel modules are also available. To activate the multi-channel mode and unleash the full potential of the system, you must follow a certain sequence when filling the slots. This can be identified by color coding, but not everywhere you can see it. Before doing this, read the manual that came with your motherboard.
    It is recommended to use memory modules from the same manufacturer and with the same characteristics of each of them, but nothing bad will happen if you install RAM sticks from different companies on your computer.


    Timing is indicated as a set of numbers on the label, for example "15-17-17-35". This means how many cycles it takes for the system to get ready to send data. This parameter is not as important as the clock frequency, so you should pay attention to it in the second place. But in short, the lower the delay, the better.

    Manufacturers' Choice

    At the moment, the largest memory companies on the market are: Samsung, Micron, Toshiba, Hunix. If value for money is important to you, trust companies with extensive manufacturing experience.

    For me it's Kingston. As far as I dare myself, all the memory bars for a gaming computer were from this particular company.

    Cooling system

    It is desirable to equip the memory of a gaming computer with a passive cooling system. The design of radiators can be different: aluminum plates and even massive structures with a liquid-type cooling system with tubes of various diameters.
    DDR4 has additional heatsinks available even when operating at minimum frequencies. But cooling in this case is practically not needed, but for lovers of experiments that allow overclocking memory, it is worth thinking about lowering the temperature.
    Be mindful of free space, because if you install radiators, then a large CPU cooler simply does not fit.

    About overclocking

    All modern modules have a technological margin, since they can accelerate several times above the specified frequency. DDR3 and DDR4 will have small delays during overclocking.
    There is another way to "pamper" - reducing timings until the system loses stability.
    Speeding up RAM is not so much an important event as more of an additional gift. Experiments with possibilities are pranks for those who like to try something new.

    Register type of memory

    This view is intended to correct some errors that occur in the system, and are used to solve server issues, but not for gaming computers.
    Buffering data at runtime contributes to latency, plus additional hardware needs to be installed, which affects the price. Yes, and standard motherboards are produced without suitable connectors for a register type.

    Waters actually and the whole article, we hope that it will help you choose the right memory for your gaming computer.

    Video: How to choose memory for a gaming computer

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