Temperature of the processor and video card - how to measure? The best programs for monitoring the temperature of the processor and video card.

In this instruction, we will consider in detail how to find out the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 (the methods are similar for the "seven" and "eight") using the BIOS, free utilities and the means of the operating system itself.

Usually, the user does not need to know to what temperature the processor heats up. Such a need arises only in cases of suspicion that the temperature index of the probe exceeds the norm.

Let's start with how to view the temperature of the processor without using applications that display the data that the temperature sensor provides them.

Firmware (UEFI/BIOS)

The computer is able to provide the necessary information on its own, for this even the operating system is not needed. This information is contained in the BIOS (UEFI for new laptops and motherboards). The only thing you need to do in order to see this information is to go to the menu for changing the settings of the basic I / O system.

This is done during computer startup with the F2, Del, or other key specified after the hardware self-test. After visiting the system settings, you need to find the Hardware Monitor or PC Health Status section, where the required information will be found. Usually, this is a string called CPU Temperature or Temp.

On devices with UEFI, information can be contained directly on the main page, and if it is not there, the desired field is easy to find due to the fact that the menu will be Russified.

Checking temperature in BIOS

A significant disadvantage of the method is the inability to monitor the dynamics of changes in the temperature readings of the CPU.


This option displays the information in a PowerShell prompt after the corresponding request is made.

1. Through the search, open the PowerShell tool with administrator privileges.

2. Run the command:

get-wmiobject msacpi_thermalzonetemperature -namespace "root/wmi"

3. Find the "CurrentTemperature" field.

4. We extract the digital value and discard the last digit (divide by 10).

5. We subtract the temperature of absolute zero (-273 ° C) from the obtained value to convert degrees Kelvin to Celsius.

Be careful! The command does not work on all systems and may always output the same value.

Free Apps

Let's consider how the problem is solved with the help of freely distributed utilities and their free editions.

Core Temp

The utility is designed to visualize detailed information about the CPU on Windows 10, 8 and 7. It separately displays information for each core, they can be broadcast to the taskbar. A very handy tool for keeping constant control over the heating of the processor.

Also, the application can become a data provider for the All CPU Meter gadget. Several useful add-ons can be downloaded from the official source, for example, Core Temp Grapher - a tool for displaying graphs showing CPU load and temperature.


One of the most popular programs for displaying information about the hardware of a computer or laptop. Like the previous one, it contains separate graphs for showing the temperature values ​​of each of the CPU cores, additionally displays the voltage of each core and the speed of the cooler.

You can download it from www.cpuid.com/softwares/hwmonitor.html.


Another easy-to-use program that provides the necessary readings, and with them information about the hardware components of the system. The processor temperature is displayed in the main window as one of the fundamental values ​​along with the characteristics of the computer.


The software is used to monitor and control the rotation of coolers. It also displays the temperature of key hardware components. As for the processor, information is displayed separately for each core.

The utility, although more than 15 years old, is still supported, although it is updated infrequently.

The developer's official resource is located at http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php, from where the utility is recommended to be downloaded.


Similar to the previous program, with regard to solving the current problem. In all other respects, it outperforms its closest competitors. Contains detailed data about the hardware of the computer and operates in two modes:

  • "Only data from sensors" (to run HWInfo in this mode, check the "Only Sensors" option);
  • "Summary information" (just click "Run").

If you launched the utility in the second mode, and do not know how to check the temperature, click on the "Sensors" button in the toolbar. After a couple of seconds to scan all the sensors, the "Sensor Status" window will appear. In it we find the temperature in the "CPU" section.

The application installer is located at http://www.hwinfo.com.

When downloading, pay attention to the bitness of the operating system used (you can find it out from the "System" window launched via Win → X).

Open Hardware Monitor

A new product that is actually an analogue of HWMonitor in terms of visual style and functionality. It has not yet matured to the first version, but it copes with the tasks perfectly.

The program is located at http://open-hardware-monitor.en.lo4d.com.


Powerful software for testing the system and conducting stress tests of hardware (graphics and central processors). Everything you need is contained in the main window after you launch the application.

The utility is located at http://www.ocbase.com.


This is already paid software, a follower of Everest. For non-commercial use, a trial version is available with a limitation: it will work only for 30 days. The latest version of the program is designed for Windows 10, although it works fine in all previous versions of the OS.

You can download it from the official page https://www.aida64.com/downloads.

For general development

Often, users wonder what the CPU temperature should be or what is the limit of its acceptable values. Approximately the situation is as follows.

Up to 40 ° C is the normal value for a device operating without much load.

40–50° C - processor operation under load (watching a movie, working in a graphics editor).

50–65° C (70° C is allowed for some top models) - acceptable temperature when solving complex calculations (rendering, unpacking, working with 3D applications).

Manufacturers do not recommend warming up the CPU above 70–72 ° C. When this temperature is reached, you should pay attention to the cooling system or the number of running applications.

Upon reaching critical values, which for different devices can be quite different, the system automatically turns off in emergency mode - without proper shutdown.

or even buy a new processor.

It all depends on how really high this temperature is and how long this indicator lasts.

The state of the system is also important. when the temperature starts to rise - if the user has run several "heavy" programs, then there is nothing surprising in the temperature increase.

But if the user turns on Microsoft Word or some kind of browser and everything is already starting to freeze, and the temperature rises, this is already bad.

In any case, you need to know the temperature, and today we will look at all the simplest and most popular ways to help you do this.

A very simple way is to download the program from this link, open the downloaded archive, run it (you don’t need to install anything), go to the “ Computer" section on the left panel, then go to " Sensors"And see the processor temperature.

It is very convenient that you can see separately the t° of each nucleus. About its huge advantage is that the program does not need to be installed.

In general, AIDA64 is a very multifunctional a tool that allows you to see the temperature of various parts of the CPU.

So, in Figure 1 you can see that the program displays the temperature of the processor cover (package), graphics core (GT Cores), computing cores (IA Cores), as well as diodes.

As for the indicator we need, t ° processor, this program is one of the best tools that allow you to find it out.

In addition to temperature indicators, AIDA64 gives the user the opportunity to find out the values ​​of the following values:

  • processor core , battery and GPU voltage ;
  • the power of the components of the processor (graphics, computing core, and so on);
  • power supply and battery properties - capacity, type, operating time and much more;
  • processor properties - frequency, cache, name, version and the like;
  • all information about the computer itself - video adapters, chipset, motherboard, DirectX version, name, operating system, in general - everything that a user might need;
  • information about multimedia - what codecs are installed, how the audio system works, and so on;
  • information about all connected devices, Windows devices and devices that are in the computer itself;
  • information about the server, motherboard, network status, security, installed programs and much more.

AIDA64 allows you to perform various system tests and display information about drivers and software in the form of databases.

In general, such a program is one of those that must be on a computer.

Speccy program

In terms of tasks performed, Speccy is very similar to AIDA64. But this is a much less functional utility that allows you to find out only the most basic information about the computer.

It is best to download it on the official website.

The popularity of Speccy is due to the fact that it was created by the developers of the world-famous tool for cleaning your computer from garbage CCleaner.

Therefore, it is not surprising that despite the modest functionality, it still downloads a huge number of people every day.

Finding out the temperature of the processor using Speccy is very simple. You just need to download the program, run it and just look at what is written under CPU.

The processor model, frequency and its temperature will be indicated there.

You do not need to open any sections, this information will be indicated on the start page along with data on the operating system, motherboard, RAM and other components of the computer.

CPUID HWMonitor program

Another very popular program that allows you to find out a variety of computer data.

On the official website, you can click on the Setup English button to download the setup file.

The program has only an English version.

Using it is very simple - you need to install the program, run it, open the first section of the PC, open another section, the name of which depends on the name of the computer (in our example, it is ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.), then in the Temperatures subsection, find the line CPU.

Near it, the temperature will be written in the first column - Value. There are also Min and Max columns. These are the minimum and maximum temperatures, respectively.

It should be said right away that CPUID HWMonitor is a bit more complicated than the above programs . So you can say, if only because it does not contain the Russian language.

Of course, it is not difficult to find out the temperature of the processor with its help, but problems may arise with all other data.

Users say that sometimes some data is in completely unexpected and illogical sections.

On the other hand, it is convenient that there is information about the maximum and minimum value of each parameter.

This allows you to see if everything is fine with each parameter - if it reaches the maximum mark, then something urgently needs to be done.

Other utilities

Except everyone the above programs, you can also find out the temperature of the processor using the following programs:


Very easy to use - zd Here you do not need to go anywhere, open anything, but simply run the program and see the temperature values ​​\u200b\u200bof each core in the CPU section.

In HWInfo , by the way , there are also columns with the maximum and minimum value of each parameter .


The purpose of this program is to overclock the fans and display related parameters.

But in the Readings tab, you can also see the temperature of the processor cores - Core 0, Core 1 and so on.

A very powerful program for monitoring a variety of computer parameters, including processor temperature.

View in BIOS

The most proven way - programs can display this parameter inaccurately, and BIOS and, accordingly, UEFI (analogue of BIOS on new computers)

True, this data still needs to be found here. But there are few options in which BIOS and UEFI sections the processor temperature can be hidden:

  • PC Health Status ;
  • Status ;
  • Hardware Monitor ;
  • Monitor (may be in the "Additional" section);
  • power;
    on the home page .
    The latter is especially true for UEFI. In Figure 7, you can see several examples of where in BIOS and UEFI there is information about the t° of the processor.

Rice. 7. A few examples of displaying the processor temperature in BIOS and UEFI.

In this article, we will talk about how to find out the temperature of the processor in Windows 10 - an important indicator for both experienced users and those who simply take care of their devices. The fact is that despite the huge number of possibilities that are independently regulated by the processor, for example, lowering the frequency, increasing the fan speed, or turning it off altogether, there are times when this does not happen, and when certain, very high values ​​are reached, the processor can be damaged. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to view the processor temperature in Windows 10.

Find out the temperature using the OS itself - BIOS

It’s worth starting with the fact that Windows does not have built-in tools for how to measure this indicator. But that doesn't mean you have to look for software. Even before loading the operating system, each user has the opportunity to enter the BIOS - a kind of computer control panel that works regardless of the presence of the Windows system and the version of the device. It may vary, but it always works. To enter the BIOS, you need to use the F2 or Del keys, depending on the version of the device.

After logging in, a window will open on the screen where you can immediately see the temperature, or find the appropriate section:

  • status;
  • hardware monitor;
  • power.

The temperature indicator will be in the field called CPU Temperature.

The disadvantage of this method is that the value is shown at the moment, and it is impossible to find out what it is under load.

Programs that help you find out the temperature of the processor in Windows 10

This is where third-party Windows software comes into play. There are quite a few programs. Some provide the usual static information, others allow for a full analysis of the system. There are paid and free.


The simplest, free and Russian-language program is Core Temp to find out the temperature of the processor in Windows 10. It consists of one window and several settings, but in addition to displaying the degrees of the processor in the window, it can also be added using gadgets to the desktop or even to tray, so that the heating is constantly monitored.


The next solution - CPUID HWMonitor will tell you how to check the temperature of the processor in Windows 10. The program provides information not only about heating, but also about voltage, as well as about the operation of the fans.

With it, you can also find out information about the video card, motherboard and other components - a full-fledged monitoring of the temperature of the processor and video card in Windows 10.

Of course, both those already listed above and those that will be discussed later write the temperature of each individual core in the processor. Some of them may add , to always have access to information.

Speccy is similar to the programs above. Free, simple, but not very functional. The same goes for SpeedFan. Although, starting from the name, we can conclude that the main focus is still on monitoring and controlling the operation of fans, on which, in many respects, the heating of the processor depends.


Still free, but more functional and common program for Windows 10 is CPU-Z. It also gives information about the system, but it can be used to run various tests and so on.

AIDA and Everest

And the real harvesters in this area on Windows are two programs: Everest and AIDA64. They are paid, but they fully work out every cent, providing comprehensive information about all the components of the computer.

These programs will also come in handy if you decide to online solutions are powerless here.

In this manual, we will figure out how to view the temperature of the Windows 7 processor. The methods described here are also suitable for any operating system of the Windows family. To check the temperature of the CPU, we will use both standard PC capabilities and special free programs.

The main reason that pushes the user to check the temperature of the central processor is the unstable operation of the computer. Various freezes, reboots, . Therefore, let's proceed to consider various methods for checking the temperature of the processor.

If you, at the moment, do not have any software to view the CPU temperature parameters. This can be done using the Basic Input Output System (BIOS). Information about the temperature of the central processor is available to users in almost all BIOS versions, some laptops are exceptions.

In order to enter the BIOS, you need to restart the computer and press the Del, F2 or other key at startup.

Advice! The key configuration for different BIOS versions may differ, so if the standard buttons do not allow you to enter the parameters. See the manual for the motherboard of your computer or laptop.

After entering the BIOS, we are looking for the Temperature CPU or CPU Temp lines, these parameters can be in the following sections:

  • PC Health Status (Status);
  • Hardware Monitor (H/W Monitor, Monitor);
  • power;
  • On boards with UEFI, the CPU temperature is displayed in the main window.

The described method is not entirely convenient because we cannot see the CPU temperature under load.

How to see the temperature of the processor in Windows 7, standard tools.

This method does not work correctly on all computers. Therefore, we will consider it to broaden our horizons. You can run the check using Windows PowerShell or using the command line.

Windows PowerShell is an extensible open source automation tool from Microsoft that consists of a shell with a command line interface and an accompanying scripting language.

In order to find out the temperature, open Windows PowerShel and write the command .

Get-wmiobject msacpi_thermalzonetemperature -namespace "root/wmi"

If you want to know the temperature using , then open it and enter the following code:

Wmic /namespace:\\root\wmi PATH MSAcpi_ThermalZoneTemperature get CurrentTemperature

As you can see from above, on my computer it was not possible to find the answer to the question of how to view the temperature of the Windows7 processor. Therefore, we turn to the consideration of special programs.

We watch the temperature of the CPU using SpeedFan.

Many users have probably already heard about the SpeedFan program more than once. This utility is designed to determine the fan speed in the system unit, and also perfectly shows the temperature of the main components of the computer:

SpeedFan works with all versions of the Windows operating system. Therefore, suitable for all computers. The program, when working, is able to build graphs, thereby more clearly showing us how the temperature of the processor changes with an increase in the load on it.

CPU temperature in Core Temp

Core Temp is a simple program, in Russian, with which you can determine which processor is installed on your computer, as well as check the temperature of the CPU cores. The program is distributed free of charge and has support for all versions of the operating system.

This program has its own gadget for Windows 7, so if you want the temperature to always be displayed on the desktop, then install it in the side column. Thus, you will always know how to view the temperature of the Windows 7 processor.

We look at the processor temperature using CPUID HWMonitor.

CPUID HWMonitor is the most popular program among users, as it provides basic information about a computer or laptop, as well as temperature parameters of the processor and each individual core, for free.

CPUID HWMonitor has the following useful features:

  • the program shows the speed of rotation of coolers in the system unit;
  • shows voltage information;
  • shows the temperature of the motherboard chipset, video card; hard drive.

View CPU temperature for novice users.

If you are just learning about the computer and the operating system, then the wonderful Speccy utility is perfect for you. The program has a Russian interface, and everything is described in it in a fairly understandable language for any user. The utility will provide you with all the information about the configuration of your computer, and you can also use it to view the temperature of the processor and the main components.

What should be the temperature of the processor.

Let's consider the question of what is the normal temperature of the processor. We need this knowledge in order to know at what values ​​it is necessary to sound the alarm and solve the issue of improving CPU cooling.

  • 30 to 40 degrees Celsius - if the computer is idle. The Windows operating system runs without load, no processes servicing the system are running.
  • From 40 to 63 degrees Celsius, the temperature of the processor can reach when running various 3D games, archiving and performing heavy processes.
  • The maximum temperature to which an Intel processor can be operated is 72 degrees.

For AMD processors, the parameters indicated above are also recommended, with such parameters the processor will work stably and without failures. If the temperature exceeds the maximum, various failures in the PC will begin.

Prevention necessary to avoid overheating of the processor.

In the article, we discussed how to view the temperature of the Windows7 processor. If after the tests, you realize that your computer's processor is overheating. You need to perform the following steps to avoid overheating the processor and its failure:

Important! Thermal paste should be applied in a thin layer, otherwise it will not perform its function, but will lead to even more overheating of the processor.

  1. We check the integrity of the cooler. There are times when the cooler cooling radiator on the processor does not develop the required speed, so the cooling becomes inefficient. Check this moment with SpeedFan. If the program shows that the cooler speed is too low, replace it with a new one.
  2. If you have a laptop, and the standard cooling system does not cope with the task assigned to it, then I recommend purchasing a special cooling stand.
  3. Move the computer away from the battery. There are times when the system unit is standing nearby and, accordingly, the cooling system drives hot air, and this leads to overheating of all components.
  4. Check your PC for viruses. Perhaps some

The system unit is one of the main elements of the computer, which allows you to read and convert information. It also determines which programs, games and operating systems will be supported on your device. The processor (SP) has several main characteristics: the number of cores, frequency and model. It is especially necessary to monitor its temperature, since overheating will lead to a breakdown, which often cannot be repaired. Another important factor is processor power management. On Windows, this is not too difficult to find out, but first you need to understand the characteristics of the device.

How to find out all the information about the processor in Windows

There are several ways to find out the frequency, number of cores and processor model without resorting to third-party programs.

Using computer properties

  • While in Explorer, open the properties of the computer by right-clicking on the "My Computer" section.

    Opening computer properties

  • In the "System" block, find the line "Processor", which will contain all the necessary information about your power supply.

    We look at the basic information of your system

  • Using the command line

  • Using the Windows search bar, open a command prompt.

    Open command line

  • Write the systeminfo command and run it.

    Execute the command

  • After detailed information about your computer appears on the screen, find the Processor line, and in it - bit depth, frequency and other necessary data about the device.

    We look at the characteristics of the system unit

  • Using the BIOS

    This method is suitable for those cases when it is not possible to log into the system for some reason.

  • Start turning on the device.

    Turn on the computer

  • As soon as the first signs of system startup appear on the screen, press one of the buttons that allow you to enter the BIOS: Del, F2, F Which one to use depends on which company your computer and its components belong to. Other buttons can be used to enter the BIOS or Boot Menu, usually they are indicated during system startup.

    We enter the BIOS

  • On the main page of the BIOS in the Processor Type block, you can find information about the number of cores of your processor, the frequency at which it operates, and its model.

    Finding information about the system unit

  • Find out what temperature the processor has

    If your computer constantly turns off or slows down on its own, then the reason for this may be an overload of the system unit, which leads to its overheating. To make sure that the heating is above the permissible norm, you need to look at the temperature of the processor. How to do it:

  • The easiest way is to use a third-party program that can be downloaded for free on the Internet. For example, you can use the Core Temp application (http://www.alcpu.com/CoreTemp/ - the official website of the developer).

    Downloading the application

  • In the main window of the program, you can find detailed information about the processor itself, as well as separate data on the temperature of all its cores. The normal temperature range is from 30-40 degrees Celsius during normal operation and 70-80 degrees at heavy loads. If you see that your power supply is overheating too much, then you need to deal with this problem before it burns out.

    We look at the temperature of the cores

  • Computer power settings in Windows 7

    If you want to increase the power of your device to enjoy more demanding programs and games, then one of the options for doing this is to change the power settings. Please note that changing the settings in the direction of increasing the load can lead to overheating or reboot and, in the end, equipment failure. Therefore, if you decide to take this step, then always carefully monitor the state of the processor and try not to load it as much as it was not calculated.

  • Open the computer control panel.

    Opening the control panel

  • Go to the Power section.

    Open the section "Power"

  • Activate the "High Performance" option.

    Select "High performance" mode

  • Go to mode settings.
  • Now you need to set the following settings in order to optimize the power supply as much as possible:

  • Minimum Idle Cores: 99%.
  • Allow Power Down States: On
  • Idle Disable P: Enable the idle state.
  • Minimum condition P.: 0%.
  • System cooling policy: Active.
  • Performance kernel suspend kernel override P.: Enabled.
  • Maximum condition P.: 100%.
  • Maximum Idle Cores: 100%.
  • You can also select other power options for the processor to customize its performance for yourself.

    Keep a close eye on your processor, do not overload it. Do not forget that the system unit, like the rest of the computer components, must be manually cleaned of dust in order to reduce the chance that it will start to overheat. If you overclock your processor, then get ready for the fact that its performance will decrease, not increase.

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