The problem of man and society in the work of Oles. BUT

Kuprin in his story "Olesya" refers to the romantic theme of "natural man", which has a long tradition in Russian literature. Pushkin's "maiden of the mountains", "Zemfira" from "Gypsies", Lermontov's Bela from the story of the same name, which opens the novel "A Hero of Our Time", Maryana from Tolstoy's "Cossacks" - this is an incomplete list of female literary images associated with this topic. For all the dissimilarity of the named heroines, they are united by something in common: integrity of character, clarity of mind, moral purity. The heroines who grew up in the natural environment, not spoiled by the bad influence of urban civilization, are spiritually independent, internally free individuals. They are capable of strong feelings, of selfless love, but love turns into a disaster for them. A meeting with a representative of a secular society or, as in "Oles", the urban intelligentsia - destroys their lives.

In Kuprin, his heroine, raised by mother nature, is opposed not only to the “city” person - Ivan Timofeevich (on whose behalf the story is being told), (but also to the villagers. The consciousness of the peasants is entangled in age-old prejudices, they believe in damage, in the effectiveness of the spell, in reliability of divination. climb out..."

Ivan Timofeevich can't wait to get acquainted with the "sorceress" - after all, he came to this remote corner of the Volyn province in order to gain impressions for his future books. A visit to Manuilikha initially disappoints him. There is nothing unusual (“... neither an owl, nor a black cat”) in the atmosphere of her house, except that “two pockmarked respectable starlings” look from the stove, and on the steppes instead of “ordinary hunters with green mustaches and purple dogs and portraits of no one unguided generals” hanging bundles of dried herbs and roots. However, both the live starlings on the stove and the absence of “ordinary” decorations in the hut (about which the author speaks with a touch of irony) - these naive signs of belonging to “civilization” - were important flying, indicating the indifference of the hostess to the imaginary values ​​of culture.

There is nothing artificial, demonstrative, deceitful in Oles either. At first, Ivan Timofeevich hears her “fresh, sonorous and clear” voice, and then a tall, laughing girl appears, carrying hungry chicks in her apron: “Look, grandmother, the finches have followed me again ... look what

funny... Completely hungry.” In the portrait of the heroine, the author emphasizes the natural beauty of the girl, points out the features that make it possible to judge her character. Olesya "was light and slender; a spacious white shirt freely and beautifully wrapped around her young, healthy breasts," the special charm of her face lay in "large, shiny, dark eyes, to which thin, broken eyebrows in the middle gave a hint of slyness, imperiousness and naivety."

Olesya is endowed with a special power that allows her to shut up blood, predict fate, make a person stumble out of the blue or intimidate him from a distance. From the point of view of Ivan Timofeevich, Olesya’s abilities are explained by the fact that she “has access to those unconscious, instinctive, foggy, obtained by random experience, strange knowledge”, which, ahead of science, live among the people, “passed down as the greatest secret from generation to generation”.

Whatever the source of Olesya's "magic", she is endowed from birth with clarity of mind, observation, intuition - qualities that, in the natural environment where Olesya grew up under the supervision of a loving, wise grandmother, could not be obscured by bad upbringing, false foundations of society and received decent development. Perhaps it was intuition and observation that allowed Olesya to give an accurate description of Ivan Timofeevich, to “predict the fate” that awaits him. “Although you are a kind person, you are only weak... Your kindness is not good, not cordial. You are not the master of your word, ”the girl says to her interlocutor.

With Olesya, the Kuprin hero experiences the happiest moments in his life of "pure, complete, all-consuming delight." For the sake of her beloved, Olesya is ready to endure the most terrible test for her, the "witch", the test - to go to church. A situation occurs when Ivan Timofeevich must overcome the laziness of his heart, which Olesya spoke about, is obliged to predict the further course of events. But that doesn't happen. The brutal crowd beats the girl, and Olesya disappears forever from his life, leaving behind only a string of cheap beads - the memory of her "tender, generous love."

In the image of Olesya, the author expressed the ideal of a man, the ideal of a woman. The city dweller-intellectual, with his insensitivity, indecision and inability to hear the voice of his own heart, is opposed by the heroine, who is vitally connected with natural existence, drawing from the life of nature both enormous vitality and the wisdom of the soul.

Olesya Ivanovna Sedesheva
Conference "Man and Society"

Each human society

Each human unique and inimitable, but he can become a full-fledged personality only in society. Communication is the main condition and the main way of life human, only in communication and relationships with other people human can feel and understand himself, find his place in the world. Communication always directed at the other human. This other human acts not as a physical body or organism, but as a subject, as a person who is endowed with his own activity and his attitude towards others. Orientation to the activity of the other and to his attitude is the main originality communication.

Hence it follows that communication is always mutual, mutual activity, suggesting the opposite direction of partners.

In today's rapidly developing societies the most important is the ability to interact in the process of communication with the outside world. Well-developed communication skills are of particular importance at all age stages of an emerging personality.

First social experience human acquires very early. The child, having barely been born, already comes into contact with the people around him, and these relationships become more and more complicated and transformed over time, thanks to communication with adults and peers.

The kindergarten group is the first social association of children in which children occupy a different position, establish social contacts with adults and peers. Children of senior preschool age are able to coordinate their actions with their peers, correlate their actions with social norms of behavior.

According to Vartanyan G.A., at this stage of preschool childhood, changes occur in the emotional sphere, due to the emergence of new interests and needs, as well as the establishment of a hierarchy of motives.

Each new social environment makes serious demands on the child, and the task of an adult is to help the child understand the complex world of relationships with peers and adults, since a child who communicates little with peers and is not accepted by them because of the inability to organize communication, cannot be interesting to others.

The second important social association of children is the school.

Primary school imposes such requirements on speech training as the ability to answer questions, the ability to listen to the interlocutor and ask questions during the dialogue, to adequately select language means when answering, the ability to occupy oneself, the desire to join communication, caring attitude to the world of feelings of people and the objective world, the ability to arbitrarily control their behavior.

L. S. Vygotsky showed that the origins of a child’s voluntary behavior must be sought precisely in communication child with adults and peers.

Necessary conditions confirming the existence of this communication, are: the desire to interact with peers and adults for a long time, the ability for emotional empathy, the ability to identify oneself with another human willingness to accept a different point of view.

A person who has highly developed such communication skills is defined in psychology as a subject communication. The child does not become a subject immediately and not by chance. Its development, the formation of activity, consciousness and independence takes place together with parents and relatives, and then with the help of a teacher.

According to M. I. Lisina, the main factor influencing the formation of a preschooler - the subject of activity, is communication with adults and peers.

B. F. Lomov emphasized that the distinctive characteristic of subject-subject interaction in communication stands for his independence, individuality and activity. He believed that there are two forms of activity of the subject - activity and communication.

Communication and joint activities are important components of the life of a preschooler. Thanks to them, the child learns and evaluates himself, those around him, learns to build relationships with other people, and develops personally.

Ability to communicate positively affects: - on interaction with others; - on the child's self-esteem, its internal characteristics: adequacy of ideas about oneself and one's capabilities, self-confidence, emotional comfort, helps to learn the rules of behavior in different situations communication.

Child's inability to organize communication can provoke personality and behavioral disorders, contribute to the emergence of isolation or feelings of rejection.

At preschool age, four forms successively replace each other communication child with adults:


situational business;


extra-situational-personal (according to M.I. Lisina).

Content changes communication, his motives, communication skills and abilities. One of the components of psychological readiness for schooling is being formed - communicative.

It is known that communication carried out using various communication tools. An important role is played by the ability to externally express one's inner emotions and correctly understand the emotional state of the interlocutor, take into account the characteristic forms of the child's behavior in different situations, knowledge of the difficulties that arise in interpersonal communication. communication.

And the sooner you start getting familiar with the rules communication, the more conscious and natural will be those speech means (verbal and non-verbal, with the help of which the child will be able to express himself through speech and understand that he himself, his own thoughts, feelings, words and actions can be the path to success in life, to the opportunity win people's hearts.

In the context general Problems of speech development One of the topical aspects of its research is the formation of children's communicative readiness for school.

The communicative readiness of the child for schooling is considered as a basic characteristic of the personality of a preschooler, as the most important prerequisite for well-being in social and intellectual development, which includes the ability to recognize the emotional experiences and states of adults and children around him, to express his own emotions in verbal and non-verbal ways.

The urgency of this problem in our time is determined by the fact that the modern child is experiencing a strong psychological stress, so

as the number of his contacts with the world of peers and adults is increasing

(family, preschool, school, internet space, shops, public transport). A child in different life situations should be able to behave correctly, master the basics of speech culture, which greatly facilitates the creation of a friendly atmosphere communication and reduces the possibility of conflicts.

In modern conditions of preschool education, the communicative readiness of preschoolers for school often remains outside the attention of teachers, since more attention is paid to the development of cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking.

Low level of development of communicative abilities: development of skills to communicate, understand the feelings of other people, sympathize with them, respond adequately in difficult situations, find a way out of conflict, make the process of forming communicative readiness for school is socially necessary.

The reason for this:

Theoretical unpreparedness of teachers, the absence of the relationship between the main components in the methodological developments (emotional, cognitive, behavioral) communicative readiness of older preschoolers for schooling.

Pedagogical incompetence of parents on this problem:

1) parents mainly deal with the problems of everyday life and material support of the family and pay very little attention to children, communicate with them, are almost not interested in their inner world, their life in peer community;

2) children are at home the most "communicate" with a TV, smartphone and other devices;

3) parents themselves do not have pedagogical knowledge, on the problem of the formation of communicative skills

Communicative function communication, the most natural and familiar, not given man from birth. It is mastered as well as any kind of activity, in the process of interaction with a more experienced partner - the bearer of a communicative culture. Education and skill can be passed on to the next generation only through a system of living and direct communicate with them.

Communication includes the exchange of ideas, ideals, attitudes between people.

In domestic psychology, the term communication in the broad sense of this concept, expressing "semantic aspect of social interaction", and the term « communication» most often used as an equivalent.

“Such an approach presupposes, first of all, a clear awareness of the fact that communication ( communication, there is not so much a process of external interaction of isolated individuals as a way of internal organization and internal evolution society as a whole»

In the latest psychological dictionary, article "Communication" limited to reference « communication» . The closeness of the terms "communication" and" communication”is also confirmed by the presence in the psychological literature of many synonymous derivatives and phrases "means of communication" and" funds communication», "communicative need" and"need for communication».

Mass communication- message, transmission. Systematic dissemination of specially trained, socially significant messages, with the aim of meeting the information needs of a mass audience and influencing the behavior, attitudes, beliefs, opinions of people; technically carried out using various funds: social networks, TV, In social psychology, mass communication is understood as one of the forms of mediated communication. Most often, the following main functions of the mass communications:

1. Informational (providing information on various areas social activities);

2. Regulatory (formation public consciousness, public opinion, creating attitudes and stereotypes, manipulation, social control);

3. Culturological (acquaintance with the achievements humanity, preservation of cultural traditions, intercultural interactions).

Ideally, mass communication is aimed at optimizing social activities, consolidating societies and socialization of individuals.

AT "The Dictionary of Mass Communication" J. Fage the functions of mass communication are determined on the basis of the proposed by R. Jacobson approach: sender (addresser) expresses itself (expressive function, it makes the process valuable) communication(poetic, or aesthetic function, correlates with reality, context (communicative, or referential function, comes into contact with its interlocutor (phatic function).According to the Lasswell scheme, the analysis of the structure of the communication process consists of five elements:

1) who reports? (addresser, communicator);

2) what does it say? (content analysis);

3) what channel? (means analysis);

4) to whom does he tell? (analysis audience: addressee, recipient, communicant);

5) with what success? (performance analysis). Depending on the nature of the communication channel, recipients can act as listeners, readers, viewers, participants. The channel connects the sender and the addressee, and messages directed either to known addressees or their probable set,

Today in many psychological, sociological and philosophical works "communication" is considered as the most important factor of joint activity, which implies the activity of its participants.

Non-verbal communication is the most important means along with sound speech. communication of people.

Non-verbal communication is expressive movement (facial expressions and pantomime, gestures, use of objects.) Non-verbal communication tools greatly expand the possibility communication are often expressive and concise. In the process of education and training, each human masters a certain system of verbal and non-verbal communication, uses it in communication

Man is a part of the whole society. We are taught at an early age how to live in society. Society has its own rules by which we have to live. Man himself is formed from society, it is from there that he takes everything for his further development. There is a well-known saying: "Whoever you go with, that's what you get from."

Consider the concept of "man in society" in this work by Kuprin "Olesya". The main character of the work becomes a person whom everyone begins to condemn. Many people see her as a witch, and only because her house is in the forest, and she collects medicinal herbs for medicines. Society does not accept her, and only because she is not like everyone else. The heroine of honor tries to establish relations with people, they take the first step, but people do not perceive her. Society is ready to go even to murder, so that the girl does not live among them. And because of what? Just because she's not like everyone else. And she lives as she wants. Sometimes, because of such pressure from people, a person is forced to live by their rules. Few people have the courage to stand up for their opinion and live as they want.

Another example is in the work of Maxim Gorky "At the bottom". One of the heroes of this story was a very respected person in society. But one act radically changed his life. He punished his sister's offender and was put in jail. But even there he remained a worthy person, behaved as expected. When the man served his term and left, the society turned away from him. And only because people are used to seeing only the bad. Because of such actions, a person simply gives up and does not even try to defend his honor.

The same thing happens in real life. Sometimes it is better to agree with society than to defend your point of view. From all this I can draw only one conclusion. Our society needs to be improved, and it is worth fighting it. Do not be afraid to express your personal opinion and defend your point of view. Many people may not accept you, but never give up. You always need to go only forward. People have always spoken and will continue to speak. Always speak your mind, then there will be that person who will listen to him.

Option 2

What is a human unit in an endless labyrinth of common relationships? This is the main small particle that is in contact with him all the time. From childhood, we are in a social environment, we get used to and survive according to the provisions that the people around us impose on us. After all, even the ancient Greek thinker Aristotle gave man a second name - “social animal”. But at the same time, the surrounding people sometimes have a bad effect on a person, in some cases, under his influence, she remains without her own opinion.

For example, in the work of Kuprin "Olesya" the main character turns out to be the injured party in front of traditional public opinion. People believe that she is a witch, as she lives in the forest and uses useful herbs. People hate a beggar girl just because she is different from them. She wanted to get closer to the people, for the sake of her beloved, she leaves her homeland and goes to church. Then the people pounce on her, she miraculously survived. Consequently, if you want to enter the system of general relationships, it almost became a tragedy for the main character, and such a position often makes a person submit to the norms of society and become the same as everyone else. Olesya was protected from such a life by flight, but at the same time, not everyone can take this decisive step.

The inhabitants of the rooming house, the heroes of Gorky's story "At the Bottom", have no choice either. You look at each character and see that we have before us a not bad individual, and nothing in his reality spoke of the fact that he would be in such a position. And all together they created a garbage ditch and no one has a chance to leave this vicious circle. Here Satin was a successful and prosperous person, until he punished his sister's persecutor, and ended up in prison. However, all the same, he saved his pride and humanity, having served time, and in his free life, he realized that they did not see him and did not notice him, he became nothing for them, normal people turned their backs on him. In order not to die and somehow survive, he was destined to embark on a criminal path. Consequently, one social group broke him down with their disregard, and the second dragged him into their immoral labyrinths, preventing him from breaking out and starting life from scratch. Satin is an injured person, as society relies on traditions and rules.

It turns out that sometimes there are variations when a person does not have the opportunity to live normally in the existing system of social relationships. Sometimes he struggles with the points of view and antics of the majority, but at the same time, as a rule, he does not remember his own interests and recognizes social goals and orders. But, of course, people should strive to transform the public, while at the same time agreeing with his attacks and reproaches. This is how society can be improved and perfected.

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(356 words)

What is an individual in an endless network of social relations? This is the main element of society, which constantly interacts with it. From childhood, we socialize, adapt and live according to the rules that the public dictates to us. It is no coincidence that the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle called man a "social animal." But the society does not always have a beneficial effect on the individual, sometimes under its influence he loses his individuality and not only.

So, in Kuprin's story "Olesya" the heroine becomes a victim of social prejudices. The peasants believe that she is a witch, as she lives in the forest and collects medicinal herbs. People hate the poor girl just because she is different from them. In an attempt to get closer to the team for the sake of her lover, she leaves a secluded region and goes to church. Then the crowd attacked her and nearly killed her. This is how an attempt to enter the system of social relations almost ended in tragedy for the heroine, and such treatment often makes a person submit to pressure and become the same as everyone else. Olesya escaped from such a fate, but not everyone can apply this radical method.

The inhabitants of the rooming house, the heroes of Gorky's play "At the Bottom", have nowhere to run. If we consider each of them separately, then we have a good person, and nothing in his life foreshadowed such a fate. But all together, the people of the bottom formed a cesspool, from which none of them could get out. For example, Satin was a successful and prosperous person until he punished his sister's abuser, receiving a prison sentence as a result. Even there, the man retained his dignity, served time, but in the wild he found that he was no longer considered a person, and the society of normal people turned away from him. In order not to die of hunger, he could only continue to walk along the crooked path. So, one social group killed him with their indifference, while another dragged him into their vicious nets, preventing him from being cleansed. Satin is a victim of a society that thinks in prejudices and patterns.

So, situations often arise when a person is not able to live normally in the existing system of social relations. Sometimes he struggles with the point of view and behavior of the majority, but most often he forgets about personal opinion and broadcasts collective attitudes. However, of course, people should strive to change society for the better, while not being afraid of reproaches and censures on his part. Only then can progress be made.

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In literature in general, and in Russian literature in particular, the problem of the relationship of a person with the world around him occupies a significant place. Personality and environment, individual and society - many Russian writers of the 19th century thought about this. The fruits of these reflections were reflected in many stable formulations, for example, in the well-known phrase "Wednesday is over." Interest in this topic noticeably intensified at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, in an era that was a turning point for Russia. In the spirit of humanistic traditions inherited from the past, Alexander Kuprin considers this issue, using all the artistic means that have become the achievement of the turn of the century.

The work of this writer was for a long time, as it were, in the shadows, he was overshadowed by the bright representatives of his contemporaries. Today, the works of A. Kuprin are of great interest. They attract the reader with their simplicity, humanity, democracy in the noblest sense of the word. The world of A. Kuprin's heroes is colorful and varied. He himself lived a bright life filled with diverse impressions - he was a military man, a clerk, a land surveyor, and an actor in a traveling circus troupe. A. Kuprin said many times that he does not understand writers who do not find anything more interesting in nature and people than themselves. The writer is very interested in human destinies, while the heroes of his works are most often not successful, successful, satisfied with themselves and life people, but rather the opposite. But A. Kuprin treats his outwardly unsightly and unlucky heroes with that warmth and humanity that has always distinguished Russian writers. In the characters of the stories "White Poodle", "Taper", "Gambrinus", as well as many others, the features of a "little man" are guessed, but the writer does not just reproduce this type, but rethinks it.

Let's reveal a very famous story by Kuprina "Garnet Bracelet", written in 1911. Its plot is based on a real event - the love of telegraph official P.P. Zheltkov for the wife of an important official, a member of the State Council, Lyubimov. This story is mentioned by the son of Lyubimov, the author of famous memoirs, Lev Lyubimov. In life, everything ended differently than in the story of A. Kuprin, -. the official accepted the bracelet and stopped writing letters, nothing more was known about him. In the Lyubimov family, this incident was remembered as strange and curious. Under the writer's pen, the story turned into a sad and tragic story about the life of a little man, who was exalted and destroyed by love. This is transmitted through the composition of the work. It gives an extensive, unhurried introduction, which introduces us to the exposition of the Scheny's house. The very story of extraordinary love, the story of the garnet bracelet, is told in such a way that we see it through the eyes of different people: Prince Vasily, who tells it as an anecdotal incident, brother Nikolai, for whom everything in this story is seen as offensive and suspicious. Vera Nikolaevna herself and, finally, General Anosov, who was the first to suggest that here, perhaps, lies true love, “which women dream of and which men are no longer capable of.” The circle to which Vera Nikolaevna belongs cannot admit that this is a real feeling, not so much because of the strangeness of Zheltkov's behavior, but because of the prejudices that rule them. Kuprin, wishing to convince us readers of the authenticity of Zheltkov's love, resorts to the most irrefutable argument - the hero's suicide. Thus, the right of the little man to happiness is affirmed, while the motive of his moral superiority over the people who so cruelly offended him, who failed to understand the strength of the feeling that made up the whole meaning of his life, arises.

Kuprin's story is both sad and bright. It is permeated with a musical beginning - a piece of music is indicated as an epigraph - and the story ends with a scene when the heroine listens to music at a tragic moment of moral enlightenment for her. The text of the work includes the theme of the inevitability of the death of the protagonist - it is conveyed through the symbolism of light: at the moment of receiving the bracelet, Vera Nikolaevna sees red stones in it and anxiously thinks that they look like blood. Finally, the theme of the collision of various cultural traditions arises in the story: the theme of the east - the Mongolian blood of the father of Vera and Anna, the Tatar prince, introduces the theme of love-passion, recklessness into the story; the mention that the mother of the sisters is an Englishwoman introduces the theme of rationality, impassibility in the sphere of feelings, the power of the mind over the heart. In the final part of the story, a third line appears: it is no coincidence that the landlady turns out to be a Catholic. This introduces into the work the theme of love-worship, which in Catholicism surrounds the Mother of God, love-self-sacrifice.

The hero of A. Kuprin, a small man, faces the world of non-understanding around him, the world of people for whom love is a kind of madness, and, having faced it, dies.

In the wonderful story "Olesya" we are presented with the poetic image of a girl who grew up in the hut of an old "sorceress", outside the usual norms of a peasant family. Olesya's love for the intellectual Ivan Timofeevich, who accidentally drove into a remote forest village, is a free, simple and strong feeling, without looking back and obligations, among tall pines, painted with a crimson reflection of the dying dawn. The story of the girl ends tragically. Olesya's free life is invaded by the selfish calculations of village officials, and the superstitions of dark peasants. Beaten and os-meyannaya, Olesya is forced to flee with Manuilikha from the forest nest.

In the works of Kuprin, many heroes have similar features - this is spiritual purity, dreaminess, ardent imagination, combined with impracticality and lack of will. And they are most clearly revealed in love. All the heroes treat the woman with her sons pure and reverent. Readiness to fight for the sake of a beloved woman, romantic worship, chivalrous service to her - and at the same time underestimating oneself, disbelief in one's own strengths. Men in Kuprin's stories seem to change places with women. These are the energetic, strong-willed "Polesye witch" Olesya and the "kind, but only weak" Ivan Timofeevich, the smart, prudent Shurochka Nikolaevna and the "pure, sweet, but weak and pathetic" lieutenant Romashov. All these are Kuprin's heroes with a fragile soul, caught in a cruel world.

The atmosphere of revolutionary days breathes in Kuprin's excellent story "Gambrinus", created in the alarming year 1907. The theme of all-conquering art is woven here with the idea of ​​democracy, the bold protest of the “little man” against the black forces of arbitrariness and reaction. Meek and cheerful Sashka, with his outstanding talent as a violinist and sincerity, attracts a diverse crowd of port loaders, fishermen, and smugglers to the Odessa tavern. They enthusiastically meet the melodies, which, as it were, are a background, as if reflecting public moods and events - from the Russo-Japanese war to the rebellious days of the revolution, when Sasha's violin sounds with the peppy rhythms of Marseilles. In the days of the onset of terror, Sashka challenges disguised detectives and black-hundred "scoundrels in a hat", refusing to play the monarchist anthem at their request, openly denouncing them for murders and pogroms.

Crippled by the tsarist secret police, he returns to his port friends to play for them on the outskirts of the melody of the deafeningly cheerful "Shepherd". Free creativity, the strength of the national spirit, according to Kuprin, are invincible.

Returning to the question posed at the beginning - "man and the world around him", - we note that in Russian prose of the beginning of the 20th century a wide range of answers to it is presented. We considered only one of the options - the tragic collision of the individual with the world around him, his insight and death, but the death is not meaningless, but contains an element of purification and high meaning.

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