Show a picture of a hare. How to draw a hare

A small fluffy lump with long ears - this animal causes only tenderness in everyone. But at the same time, he is quite nimble and elusive. How to draw a hare if he is constantly on the move, running somewhere and hiding from people?

Everything is very simple - step-by-step diagrams with its image will help you easily cope with the task. Even if you have never held pencils and paints in your hands, if you have never seen a real live hare, you will really enjoy the fascinating process of drawing. After all, it uplifts the mood and helps to distract from worries.

Let's start the lesson with such a positive cheerful hero with a drum. He can become a decoration of any holiday, and his mischievous smile involuntarily makes you smile back. According to the scheme, it is clear how to draw a hare in stages, but if there are any questions and doubts, we will analyze it in more detail.

  1. We draw a circle, divide it into two equal parts, this will be the future muzzle of the animal. The ellipse is its body.
  2. Add legs, nose and eyes.
  3. Our bunny lacks long ears, a small tail, a cute face and an apron of paws.
  4. Outline all the strokes to get the full image.
  5. It remains to erase the extra lines and the drawing is ready.
  6. To make the fluffy look even more beautiful, we suggest coloring it with bright colors.

A cute little bunny is very loved by both kids and adults. It is a symbol of many gifts, postcards, souvenirs. Hundreds of children's poems have been written about him, adult songs have been sung. And of course, fairy tales and cartoons could not do without his participation.

In them, the hero sometimes appears as a coward, defenseless and helpless, and sometimes he is cunning, cheerful and mischievous. He dexterously leads large animals by the nose, constantly slipping out of their paws. You should definitely try to portray such a smart and funny cartoon character.

For example, who went on a trip on a skateboard with a flower in his hand.

If you analyze how to draw a hare with a pencil according to the following scheme, then you can understand that the process comes down to learning how to beautifully depict circles and ovals. It is from them that a small hare is obtained, which, as if frightened of something, hid under a bush, gently pressing its ears. I just want to take him in my arms under my protection, warm him and gently hug him.

Which bunny is your favorite? Cute smiling face? A mischievous man standing on his hind legs? Or a fluffy animal, ready to jump, to gallop far into the forest?

You can choose anyone, or try yourself as an artist and draw all three interesting drawings.

The following diagram shows how to draw and color with a simple pencil, while getting real works of art. The animal on it is as if alive and is about to jump on his hands to be stroked on the soft back.

Looking at this step-by-step instruction for drawing a hare, no one will say that it was performed by a simple person, without special creative skills and abilities. And everyone can add such a wonderful image to their collection of paintings.

And this is a simple step-by-step guide for creating a quick drawing. It is quite easy to depict such a hare and the drawing is carried out with almost continuous lines. Looking closely, it can be noted that all he lacks is a wide radiant smile.

Here it is worth connecting your imagination and independently figure out how to draw such a cheerful facial expression for a hare that will delight and amuse everyone around. If the idea reaches the goal, then you can safely put the "five" for the drawing lesson.

Greetings dear friends!

Today we will learn how to create drawings with very cute and fluffy creatures, which most of you will surely like very much. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a hare, we will analyze inspiring examples of the work of other artists with these good-natured little animals.

Before you start drawing, find some good photos of these animals to serve as nature, or see the examples collected at the end of this tutorial.


Hares are covered with a fairly dense layer of wool, so most of the anatomical features are securely hidden under a warm coat. Nevertheless, let's look at the angles in which the features of the structure of the bunny are clearly visible.

Line of motion and form

In order to draw an animal in motion, and correctly display its position and dynamics, it is best to start the drawing from a line showing this movement. If the animal's legs stand out strongly, it would be useful to outline their position with the same lines. In the illustration, these lines are shown in red.

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Pay attention to the fact that the head is slightly elongated, has an ovoid shape. Build the hare's body from primitive shapes, ovals will suffice. The head is the smallest, the thorax is larger and the back is elongated, the largest egg.


A hare or a rabbit can be thin and fit, or, conversely, soft and fluffy. Adding to the oval of the torso and head, long ears and legs, as well as a short tail, you get a completely recognizable silhouette.

Note that the movement emphasizes not only the direction of the paws and torso, but also the direction of the ears and muzzle. The bunny must look where it is going. Since the ears are long, and relatively light, they will succumb to the dynamics of movement, almost like human hair. If this is not taken into account, then perhaps your drawing will look somehow unnatural.


When creating a drawing with any shaggy animal, it is impossible to miss the theme of its fur. Be sure to take into account the direction of the pile, stiffness and, of course, color.

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The hair of all rabbit hares grows according to one general principle, from nose to heels. This is quite simple and clear. Length, stiffness and color may vary.

Young Hare, by Albrecht Dürer, 1507

In this illustration, the hare's fur is beautifully shown, and the paws are also clearly visible.


In order to understand how to draw a hare correctly, let's look at the simplified structure of his body, so that later it would be easier to draw these animals from different angles.

Hares and rabbits are arranged, like most other animals, on the same principle as a person: head, chest, pelvis (indicated in blue), all these parts are interconnected by the spine (red line). The front legs have a small foot (paw), the hind legs (the part that touches the ground) are very large. This structure of the hind legs helps these animals run very fast.

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Let's make some sketches and practice drawing a portrait of a hare. This is not difficult at all, the main thing is to draw out the muzzle and attach long ears, if a simple drawing is enough for us. If you need something more serious, you need to detail this primitive.

If you draw the head in three quarters:

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Rabbits are very similar in appearance to hares, but can have a wide variety of color variations. Therefore, when showing color, look at nature.

Full face

To draw a full face, you also need to outline:


The rabbit's head in profile is also placed in an ovoid shape. A little above the center of this oval, we outline a horizontal line and a vertical one (as in a three-quarter figure). At the intersection of these lines we outline the eyes.

Please note that the nose, eye and ear in this perspective are on the same line.

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The illustration below shows the stages of drawing the ears. Everything is quite simple here, the main thing is to correctly outline the direction inside the auricle.

Do not forget that the ears, nose and eyes should be on the same line. It is shown in red in the illustration.


The eyes of bunnies are large and expressive. The illustration shows the drawing steps and the shape of the eye. The eyes are most often framed by dark thin eyelids. They can also be distinguished by lighter-colored wool and small folds.

Here is an illustration in which all the eyes, ears and nose are very clearly visible. Excellent watercolor by Lucy Newton:


The muzzle will be easy to depict. It is necessary to outline a relatively large flattened nose, under it we outline a large upper lip, divided in the center by a vertical line. The lower lip is barely visible, it can be outlined with a thin line between the two halves of the upper lip.

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If you look at the muzzle in profile, then the upper lip can be outlined as a large oval under the nose.

Video lesson

Watch the video tutorial on how to draw a hare easily and correctly:

Works for inspiration

Shaggy rabbit, modern painting, oil painting

And again, let's draw an animal, I'll tell you how to draw a hare in stages with a pencil and for a beginner it will be a simple drawing, since the master class is very simple. If you learned to draw, or, then you will get the hare the first time. The most important thing is to correctly make the general shape of the animal, as well as draw the ears at the right angle.

Since we are learning, I increasingly suggest animals to you, because this is the basis, you train to draw lines correctly at a certain angle, train to think correctly and make the necessary strokes logically. There are many methods for drawing a hare in stages, but I chose the simplest method, side view, the eye is not too difficult, the tail is the most common and only two paws, front and back. It is planned that the other two paws are hidden behind these. The bunny will be in a sitting position and look straight ahead. Let's draw the eye and nose, the mouth won't do.

From the very beginning, we need to correctly depict ovals and circles, or rather, compare them with each other. We draw a large oval and in a lying horizontal state, but so that its left edge is slightly raised. Then in this large oval on the right we draw a circle, it is needed for the hind foot in the future. And on the left we make a head, an oval in a vertical position and intersects on one side with the main large oval.

Make two ears on the head, they are also almost like ovals, but the lower part is not finished. After that, on the right from the very edge you need to make a tail, it's just a small circle. As well as the back foot, an oval that crosses the main oval and the back circle, and the front foot, these are two small circles intersecting each other, one in a vertical position, the other in a horizontal one. Make an arc on the back, in the final version, the back of the hare should be slightly arched.

On the ears we make one arc. We erase an unnecessary line on the back so that it is bent. And also on the paws and on the tail we erase unnecessary and, accordingly, auxiliary lines.

And at the last stage, just draw the eye and nose. The eye is the most common, a bit like a. And the nose is at the leftmost point on the oval of the head. Be sure to look at the overall size of the hare and what eye to draw with a nose, so that it is not too big and not too small.

That's all, the hare drawn with a pencil is ready in stages, now you know how to depict it.

Step by step drawing of a hare in kindergarten

How to teach kids to draw a bunny? You need to start with the same thing as when drawing a chicken: the child should draw a small circle in the central upper part of the sheet, closer to the top of the sheet. Further, two symmetrical elongated ovals must be added to this small circle. This will be the head of a bunny with long protruding ears. To complete the drawing of the hare's head, it remains only to draw two dots (bunny eyes), a small triangle of the nose, from which two half-ovals of the hare's mouth extend, and three short lines on each side of the muzzle. This will be the bunny whiskers.

Now the child needs to finish drawing the body of the hare in the form of a small oval attached to the head. To this oval, four more smaller ovals must be drawn. These will be the rabbit feet. And that's it! Now we need to color our toy hare in any color, but red or gray is better. The hare wears these colors in summer, these are the camouflage colors of his skin. And in winter, the bunny wears a white camouflage robe.

The second way to gradually draw a hare

Having learned how to draw a toy hare, children should take the next step and learn how to draw a real hare, not so sketchy. It's a little more difficult, but much more interesting. We start, as always, with two ovals, of which the small oval is the head of the bunny, the large oval is his body. We add an elongated oval of the ear to the oval-head. We add a tail, an oval of the hind legs and lines of the front legs to the oval-torso. And also do not forget to smooth the transition from the head to the body with two lines denoting the hare's neck.

And at the end of their efforts, the children need to draw a clear line around the head and limbs of the beast, mark the mustache and lightly mark the hare's hair on the ears, tail, paws with strokes, and also do not forget to erase the unnecessary lines of the sketch.

Children really like bunnies - fluffy and cute harmless little animals. Therefore, everyone in childhood has so many toys depicting bunnies. But not everyone knows how to draw a bunny. Meanwhile, learning this is not at all difficult.

How to draw a bunny as a gift to a young man

If some holiday is approaching, then it is quite appropriate to do it. For a young man with a sense of humor, you can buy a glass on which to apply a picture and words of congratulations with acrylic paints. And there is nothing cooler than drawing a bunny: pop-eyed, toothy and a little ridiculous, but extremely charming and cute!

How to draw a bunnyas a gift to a girl

And the lovely ladies will be pleasantly surprised if they are given a photo frame as a gift, in which the donor inserts a picture with a cute bunny - embarrassed, in love and insanely charming. Of course, a tea cup decorated with a similar pattern will be a wonderful gift, and a T-shirt with a print. It will be especially pleasant for a girl to realize that this drawing was made by her lover herself, and only for her sake. Therefore, this fact can be emphasized: put a flower in the hands of a bunny, which the charmer prefers to everyone else, put on a charming vest, sweater or tie of the color that matches the subject the donor has.

Master class "How to draw a bunny in stages"

Anyone who absolutely does not know how to draw, but really wants to please their loved ones with a gift with a bunny drawing, needs to use the master class. Even a kid can draw such an eared one if he follows the developed scheme.

A kid can draw such a bunny for someone as a gift on an album sheet. And you can use a master class for which it is easy to apply prints on wallpaper in a children's room or bathroom. Yes, and as an application, this drawing will be very appropriate.

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