Proper placement of paintings in the interior. Schemes for placing pictures and how to hang pictures correctly

In stylish designs, paintings are increasingly used: photo galleries, one large canvas or a modular version. Images are selected according to the style of the interior: classic, romantic, etc. Such design ideas give a special charm and aesthetics to modern interiors.

Rules for posting pictures

For a beautiful placement of paintings or photos, there are a number of rules so that they fit organically into the interior.

How to choose the best places for paintings (panels and photos) on the wall?

To make a painting stand out on any wall, you need a room with good lighting, but avoid direct sunlight. Colors may fade over time.

In a dark room, it is better to make a backlight for the picture (preferably with a halogen lamp). Lighting choose uniform, and not too close to the canvas.

Choose the height where the canvas will hang on your own. The best location of the canvas is just above the eyes.

In the house, the frame is attached close to the wall, parallel to the floor. Details for fasteners can be different: chains, nails, cords, glue, buttons, etc.

Classic ways to hang a picture

Traditional methods are nails (screws) that are driven into the wall. But wall materials can be different, so classical techniques are not always suitable.

Brick wall

Brick walls are more common than others, they are the most durable, but the material is fragile and requires special attention. Instructions on how to hang a picture:

  • You can drill holes in brick for nails or screws, hooks. To do this, you need a dowel, you can do without it, but be careful.
  • First you need to drill a hole of the right size, where to pour the cement mortar. It prevents the formation of cracks in the brickwork.
  • Then a dowel (hook) is inserted. You can use special brackets for bricks, they are attached at the right distance for a particular picture.

Concrete wall

For a concrete wall, you will need a puncher or impact drill to securely fix the picture, especially large ones. A hole is drilled (usually 6 mm), then a plastic dowel is inserted. Then the desired screw (hook) is screwed in, on which the canvas is hung.

Drywall wall

Drywall is not resistant to heavy loads, so you can only hang small light pictures or photos. For strength, a special dowel called a "butterfly" must be inserted into the hole in the drywall. Its spacers will securely hold the mount.

wooden wall

The best material in which it is easy to fix anything. Drive an ordinary nail at the required height, any canvas is easily hung on a twine or chain.

Modular pictures

To understand how to hang modular picture, you must first determine the material of the walls. Measure the wall, choose the height and distance between the sections, make notes with a pencil.

How to hang a picture (panel, photo) without drilling?

Many live in rented housing or a newly renovated apartment. For those who don't want to disturb the neighbors or just don't have their husband around, there are excellent methods that you can use to hang any picture, photo or panel.

We will analyze various ideas on how to hang pictures beautifully in the house.

Liquid Nails

A special glue technology called liquid nails. They must be applied with a strip (dots) on reverse side picture frame, then press well against the wall for a minute.

polymer adhesive

Such glue perfectly connects any surfaces, like the previous one. Applied similarly liquid nails applied around the perimeter of the product, if the picture is small, then you can drip glue only on the edges of the frame. For good adhesion, it is necessary to firmly press against the wall with something for a day.

Clothes hook or paperclip

With wallpaper, you need to make a small cut and fill it with superglue. Bend the paper clip with a hook or place the hook for things and close it with trimmed wallpaper.


The method is similar to that described above, only the “hat” acts, which can withstand a rather difficult picture.

Spider Hook

This is a special hook, it is sold in construction stores. Perfectly fixed on the wall 4 sharp ends with a hammer. This mount can withstand weight up to 2 kg.

Pins for tailors

For light small-sized pictures or photos, you can use pins with “ears” or “head”. They are inconspicuous, the hole in the wall will practically not be visible. The needles (pins) are made of steel, so they are quite durable. But from the bottom, you can secure it with 2 more pins for complete confidence.

Velcro Command

Hanging a craft, photo or picture up to 2 kg on any surface will help Velcro Command. it great idea, they will not leave marks and there are kits for sale, where there are several stripes: the I-I is glued to the frame, the II-I - to the wall. The greater the weight of the photo or picture, the more stripes.

2 sided tape

To place a photo (picture) on a plasterboard partition or on a wall with paper wallpaper, double-sided tape is suitable. It should be noted that it can leave a mark, so it is better to hold it at an angle of 90 in relation to the wall when you shoot the picture.

Wine corks

It is easy to glue a cork from ordinary wine to the wall using Moment glue (BF-2). When the glue dries, drive a small nail into the cork, then hang a frame with a photo or picture.

Molding (ceiling plinth)

it best method who wants to do art gallery on 1 wall. You can glue the molding to the ceiling (wall). Fix the forest on it and hang pictures on it.

You can get acquainted with each method in more detail in the photo instructions on how to hang a picture quickly and without nails.

Photo of paintings on the wall

When you have furnished the room with basic furniture, it's time to choose original accessories and other decorative items. One of the most popular details that make the interior stylish are posters and photographs. As a rule, they store images of the most pleasant and significant moments in the life of their owners. But no matter how beautiful the pictures or other illustrations are, without proper placement on the wall, they can disrupt the harmony of the entire interior.

We hang pictures on the wall: basic rules

A room with well-hung paintings immediately acquires individuality and its own unique style. And placing them is not difficult at all - the main thing is to learn a few laws of proportion and symmetry.

Choosing the location of the painting

When you are going to hang a picture or a group of pictures on the wall, you will need to determine in advance at what distance from the ceiling, walls and floor they will hang. Designers advise you to place the picture at the level of your natural eye - high-hanging canvases are uncomfortable to look at, and low-lying images create the effect of heaviness. If you plan to hang only one frame over any piece of furniture, it is advisable that its width does not exceed 75 - 90% of the width of the sofa, bed or desk.


Those who want to hang on the wall not one canvas, but several illustrations, must adhere to simple rules symmetry. To do this, you need to select several paintings or photographs that are the same not only in size, but also in the location of the image - horizontal or vertical. Frames of identical parameters will be a big plus - they will give the composition stylistic unity and a sense of completeness. Depending on how many frames you will hang - even or odd - the starting points for hanging are determined. For an odd number of paintings on the wall, the middle is measured - it is along it that the center of the original canvas must pass. The rest are placed from him to equal distances. With an even number of canvases, the middle of the wall is also located - the first two samples are hung on both sides of it - the rest are parallel to them through the same gap.

How to hang pictures of the same size?

Identical in terms of parameters, square and rectangular images are always a win-win option for placement on the wall. The main thing here is to accurately determine the center of the wall. And from it you can already set any direction - hang pictures in one horizontal line, place them in a square - for example 2x2 or 3x3 (depending on the evenness of the frames). Pictures of the same size give a wide field for creativity. Here you can experiment and even place canvases on different levels.

central object

It is easiest to hang pictures when they are the same size. But what if all the posters or photos have a different scale? In order to cope with this task, it is necessary to choose the most big illustration. She will become the main element of the composition. It can be placed both in the immediate center on the wall and on the side. The remaining canvases - smaller - are hung around the central one. The most impressive pictures in such a composition look if you choose frames of a similar size and design for them.

round picture

If for artists a round picture is called a “tondo”, then for lovers of home design it can be called a “test”. Because it requires a good eye and knowledge of the laws of symmetry to correctly include a round frame in the overall wall composition. If you need to place several objects on the wall in a round frame, choose, as in the previous case, the largest image. This rule also applies when you have paintings or photographs in both round and rectangular frames in your arsenal.

Non-standard accommodation

For lovers of everything original, traditional methods of arranging paintings may seem too banal. Such lovers of beauty can try to place images on the wall in non-standard forms - for example, in the shape of a heart, tree, cloud - the number of options for creative people may be inexhaustible. Such a composition will immediately become a bright accent in the overall interior and emphasize its individuality.

If you feel sorry for the wall

Very often, apartment owners do not want to violate the integrity of the walls to decorate them with posters and photographs. In this case, small wall shelves will be a great alternative. You can place the desired images on them. To make them look especially advantageous, you first need to arrange the largest images, then arrange smaller photos in front of them. The main thing is that the illustrations do not overlap each other and are clearly visible from different viewpoints.

Paintings along the stairs

One of the most effective solutions for decorating the interior of a room with paintings is placing them along the stairs. In case you decide to decorate the space of the room in this way, you can choose a popular layout method. According to him, the first picture or photograph should be located at the very high point stairs, and each subsequent image should be placed just below the previous one. Ideally, you should get a line that runs parallel to the stair railing. In this case, you can also use the rules described above - determine the center, choose the largest picture, or select posters or photographs of the same size and shape.

By following these tips, you can create a truly stylish and cozy element in the interior of your home. Before hanging pictures or photographs on the walls, try to arrange them in the above compositions on the floor and take a picture. Photos will help you more objectively evaluate the most advantageous option for placing images in your room.

A buy beautiful pictures for your interior we recommend in our online store!

Natalia Petrovskaya

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Many owners of houses and apartments would like to turn one of the walls in the living room or dining room into a real art gallery. But because of the fear of hanging something wrong, they are often limited to one lonely frame. Posters, oil and watercolor paintings, children's drawings, vintage magazine clippings - the choice of images is huge. How to combine them into a harmonious and stylish composition, we tell today.

1. Determine the correct location of the paintings Before hanging pictures or posters, you need to determine the height and size of the composition. You should not place objects too high - otherwise they will be uncomfortable to look at. Stand in front of the place where the picture, photograph or panel will eventually hang. Mark the level where the naturally thrown glance rests (without raising or lowering the head). From the bottom edge of the canvas of the picture, mentally step back 2-3 cm. It is this part of the image that should be at the marked level. If the ceilings are low, then you need to retreat 6-7 cm from the bottom edge of the canvas. As for the size of the composition, be guided by the parameters of the sofa, table, bed, over which it is located. The optimal width of a picture or group of images is 75-90% of the width of the furniture.

2. We bet on symmetry The easiest solution is to decorate the wall with one picture. But with a whole series of images, things are somewhat more complicated. If you want to get a spectacular result with minimal effort, bet on symmetrical hanging of pictures. Mentally draw a line in the center of the wall and place one or two frames vertically on it. On both sides of them at the same distance, hang the rest of the objects. It's impossible to go wrong here.

3. We have paintings of the same size If you have several rectangular or square images of the same size in front of you, you are lucky. It will not be possible to harmoniously arrange such a composition great work. Pictures of the same size can be placed in one row at an equal distance from each other. But it is much more interesting when they hang at different levels. Such compositions look especially stylish with thematic cards or photographs.

4. Select the central object For a more cohesive poster or photo composition, choose the largest image as the centerpiece. Hang it on the side or in the center of the group. Place a few smaller paintings around. To balance the composition, use a baguette or frames of the same thickness or similar design.

5. Place the round element The easiest way is to beautifully hang a group of rectangular and square elements. What about, for example, a stylish mirror, round frame or other non-standard object? The easiest way is to place it in the center of the composition and surround it with smaller images. Keep in mind that in this case you cannot use frames of the same or larger size than the central element.

6. Think outside the box Try to create something non-standard and unusual, experiment with the sizes and shapes of the composition. Use a combination of photographs, drawings, art objects and souvenirs. Place them in the shape of a triangle, cloud or heart - let the decorative composition set the mood for the entire interior.

7. Arranging the paintings on the shelf If you are opposed to spoiling the wall decoration with extra holes, but you want to create a stylish composition of paintings and posters, use a long narrow shelf for this purpose, or maybe several. Arrange the largest works first - they will become the basis. Place smaller frames or small decorative items in front of them. Make sure the images are different size and did not close each other.

There are a lot of decorative techniques that modern designers use. These are various arches, colors, mirrors located in a special way and other little things in life that decorate the space of the room or completely change it. However, as in the relatively distant past, one of the most commonly used methods of decorating walls - paintings - does not lose its relevance.

Like the paintings themselves, so their arrangement is able to significantly create original decoration walls in any room. At the same time, despite the fact that the paintings were used as a way of decoration many centuries ago, they do not lose their relevance.

In this article we will talk about how, using the original arrangement of paintings on the wall, you can achieve an interesting effect.

Let's talk first about the size of the paintings that you decide to place. Often, in modern living conditions, about large sizes canvases are not even mentioned. After all, few people agree to place a picture in their room that will occupy the entire surface of the wall. Yes, and fastenings of such art will be quite powerful and complex structures. Today, compositions of more solid sizes are often created from several small or medium-sized art canvases, photos, posters. Such a design can take up even an entire wall, while looking easy and relaxed, giving you the opportunity to systematically bring something new to it.

There are a few simple rules about how to arrange pictures on the wall. The picture should be on a free section of the wall - not overlap with other interior items. Regarding the position on the wall, one thing can be said - do not hang too high (under the ceiling) or below the middle of the wall. And then in the matter of placement, be guided solely by your own taste and the concept of beauty. But it is worth remembering one nuance - a sufficient amount of lighting should fall on the picture so that anyone can see what is depicted there, and, at the same time, the sun's rays should not fall, as they will spoil the image.

The rules described above relate to the classic way of placing a picture - when one canvas is located on the wall. However, if we talk about whole compositions of paintings, then you can get a rather interesting effect that can bring zest to your interior.


When collecting pictures in a composition, it is necessary to assemble a group that will be suitable according to certain parameters. The most common options are:

  • Color or color range. When choosing paintings, pay attention that their colors match or complement each other.
  • Meaning. The semantic content or the motives of the paintings should be intertwined.

It's pretty easy to create similarities between paintings, on your own. You can do this by inserting them into the same frames or by adding a similar element to the design of each of them.

The next step in order to create a composition of paintings is to choose the form in which they will be located. In order to imagine how your creation will look like in the end result, you can initially draw a sketch. But here the most important point will be compliance with the scale. It is he who will help you in the future to arrange the pictures and other elements of the composition correctly. In addition, before placing the pictures on the wall, you can figure out how it will look - placing them in right order on the floor.

Most often, a composition of paintings is placed either in clear geometric shapes or in complete chaotic disorder. Straight geometric shapes are suitable for paintings of the same size or those that you have specially placed in the same frame.

Such square or rectangular shapes will be a wonderful decoration for an office or even office space. If you want to bring a little chaos here, in such a composition, you can move one extreme picture.

If the paintings you have chosen are similar in content or color scheme, but completely different in size, then it is worth remembering the basic rules of composition. The "weight" of the entire composition should be evenly distributed. It means that big picture in one corner, should match a few small ones in the other. The same goes for color saturation. If you have a rather dark picture on one side, then you should not place light ones on the other - everything should be balanced.


Quite often there are such paintings that consist of several parts. This original genre in art, allows you to create a feeling of lightness of the picture with its overall large size, as well as integrity with the actual separation. The simplest option - a triptych, is quite often found in the design of various kinds of premises - residential or even office. The picture itself will tell you how to hang the pictures correctly, of such a plan. It often consists of a series of pictures that must be placed together and hung up in much the same way as a puzzle is assembled.

A photo

Ideas for hanging pictures in the house:

People have always sought to decorate their homes. Figurines, decorative panels, all kinds of vases with bouquets sometimes do not have any practical value, but they create a feeling of comfort and stability. Paintings or framed photographs are still popular. It can be originals, copies, reproductions. How to hang pictures on the wall? Options may vary. They will be discussed in our article.

To hang or not to hang?

When you wonder how to hang pictures on the wall beautifully, you will be surprised at the very thought that it is not necessary to hang them at all. Frames with paintings can be placed in different ways:

  • hang;
  • put on the floor;
  • put on stretchers;
  • put on a large but shallow shelf.

We hang

The most popular option is, of course, the first one. It has a lot of advantages:

  • a picture hanging on the wall is quite difficult to damage;
  • the work of art hangs firmly enough;
  • you can draw the attention of guests to a certain wall.

However, this method also has disadvantages:

  1. It is necessary to determine in advance exactly the place where the masterpiece will hang.
  2. If it comes to your mind to change the interior, the paintings will have to be re-hung, and the places where they hung before will be repaired.

Important! If there are animals and small children in the house, the pictures, of course, need to be hung:

  • The canvas can inspire a young artist to creative achievements, so before you have time to look back, a completely different work will appear in the frame.
  • In cats and dogs, the picture standing on the floor also causes genuine interest. Often they perceive it as a scratching post or an object that can be chewed with pleasure.

We do not hang, but we put

If adults live in the house, other options are possible. How to hang a big picture? You can just put it on the floor. Small works can stand on stretchers.

This method of placement also has advantages:

  • decorations can be rearranged;
  • a kind of creative disorder is created in the room, indicating creativity hosts.

The negative points include the fact that both options are suitable only for large rooms. Stretchers are extra pieces of furniture that need to be put somewhere.

Important! The problem disappears if the picture is on the floor, but in this case, you need to be very careful in choosing color and plot - a well-chosen work can visually enlarge the room, unsuccessfully - vice versa.

Room style

The answer to the question - hang or put, largely depends on the style in which your apartment is decorated:

  • The fact is that the option with hanging on the walls is almost universal, it is suitable for rooms and in classical style, and for Provence, and for Minimalism. Basically, your kitchen or living room turns into small museum– works hang in rows or beautiful groups, they can be considered for a long time.
  • But the canvases on stretchers placed in the corners are suitable only for interiors decorated in a style that imitates an art workshop, when the room is something like a Parisian attic or looks like a room filled with random things bought from a junk dealer.

Painting on the shelf

This option, how to hang a picture, is extremely good if there is a shallow niche on one wall. This is just a gift - it can be laid out in thin slats from beautiful tree, turning one of them into something like a very narrow shelf, on which one or more paintings are placed.

But you can make a separate shelf. The main thing is that it should be high enough. It can be put as one relatively great job and several small ones.

Important! You can create and interesting composition, placing a large picture in the center and surrounding it with small ones hanging on the walls.

The third option is a shelf divided into several compartments, each of which contains a picture.

Types of artwork

Before you beautifully place pictures on the wall, it makes sense to think about what exactly you want to place:

  • painting;
  • graphics
  • straw panels;
  • panel of plants;
  • scorched picture;
  • embroidered canvas or patchwork panel;
  • icons;
  • Photo;
  • reproductions;
  • posters.

Let's figure out what options there are, how to beautifully place pictures:

  • It is better to insert paintings and graphics into frames, as well as straw panels or floristry.
  • A picture made on a board using the burning method does not need to be framed; it is best to beautifully arrange natural saw cuts to emphasize the texture of the tree.
  • If you want to hang a panel of fabric - here, as they say, options are possible.
  • An embroidered landscape or still life with roses or lilacs is essentially no different from a painting painted with paints, so it’s better to use a frame.
  • But a patchwork panel or a large tapestry will also look great on a bar, which is attached only from above and for which, in fact, the picture is hung.
  • Photos can be framed or unframed. A very large photo panel can be glued directly to the wall or placed on a tablet of the same size.
  • Posters are most often used in the manner of photo wallpapers.


Any element of the interior, be it a sofa, an armchair, a wardrobe, a vase or a landscape on the wall, must not only match general style but also to create a feeling of security among the inhabitants. Pictures should be liked first of all.

Bad Ideas

There are other things to avoid when choosing a plot:

  • there should be no aggressive scenes on your walls;
  • do not post images of very old people, if they are not your favorite relatives;
  • still lifes depicting broken dishes are not suitable.

Important! Scenes of murders, fires, natural Disasters, fighting wild animals create a feeling of anxiety, even if you do not realize it. Psychics call this negative energy, psychologists - the impact of negative phenomena on the senses. Be that as it may, such plots in a peaceful apartment are completely superfluous.

A portrait of an unknown old man, as well as a still life depicting a broken jug, can set you in a philosophical mood, but do you want your loved ones to constantly think about the frailty of everything earthly? The only exception is your beloved great-grandfather, good spirit that protects your hearth.

What stories are suitable?

A lot depends on where exactly you plan to hang the pictures:

  • in the living room;
  • in the bedroom;
  • in the nursery;
  • in the kitchen;
  • in the hall;
  • in the bathroom.

Living room and bedroom:

  • On the wall in the living room, in principle, everything can hang. Suitable genre scenes depicting gallant scenes, marine and mountain scenery, images of noble animals, still lifes with flowers. The depicted scenes can be dynamic, because here people are doing interesting things, talking, celebrating holidays.
  • In the bedroom, calm views of nature will look best. This room was created specifically for relaxation, there should not be anything disturbing or exciting unhealthy thoughts. In rooms for adults, abstract canvases are also appropriate.

Important! You should not place pictures next to each other that are very different in mood.


As for the children, then:

  • For a preschooler, illustrations for favorite books or scenes from interesting cartoons. In this case reproductions can be used. Developing panels are also suitable.
  • If a student lives in the room, there may be photo wallpapers and posters with sports scenes, space and seascapes dedicated scientific discoveries In a word, everything depends on the interests of the inhabitant.

Important! The only thing to avoid is abstractions.

Kitchen and bathroom

Water landscapes are just perfect for these rooms. By the way, they are recommended not only by psychologists, but also by those who follow the traditions of Feng Shui. It is believed that rivers and streams will surely attract cash flows to the house.

Genre scenes depicting a meal, still lifes with food and beautiful dishes will look good on the kitchen wall. In the bathroom - marine scenes, fish, dolphins and other inhabitants of the depths.

Important! There is high humidity in the bathroom, so it is better to hang not paintings, but decorative tile panels.

Big or small?

Before you hang pictures on the wall, decide if it will be one big picture or a group of small ones. There are several reasons why you should not abuse wall-to-wall paintings in a modern apartment:

  1. Such paintings have a rather large weight, which implies the use of powerful mounts.
  2. Originals, even if they were created by amateur artists, are quite expensive.
  3. As a rule, the plots of such canvases are heavy or aggressive, which does not contribute to the creation of a peaceful calm atmosphere in the house.

Important! If you absolutely need to decorate the entire plane of the wall, choose a few small or medium-sized elements. They can be hung close to each other, but the composition will still look light and elegant.

How to place pictures on the wall?

There are a few rules to follow, whether you have one painting or several:

  1. Everything that hangs on the walls should be in harmony with each other and with other objects.
  2. Groups of paintings or photographs are best placed close to the furniture, visually creating a square.
  3. If the ceilings are very high, you can make a group in the form of a rectangle of four, six or eight elements, placing them very close to each other.
  4. If you want to create a window effect, use thin, light-colored frames, wood or metal.

How to hang pictures on the wall if there are a lot of them?

The most difficult, but at the same time interesting option- hang a lot of pictures of different sizes. Two principles are possible:

  • symmetric;
  • asymmetric.

What to give preference?

With symmetry, everything is simple. Thinking about how to hang pictures of different sizes correctly, keep in mind that the asymmetric option is more difficult. You need to choose a central canvas, and hang works of the same size in pairs on both sides. In this case, size and color are more important than plots.

Another thing is asymmetry. Of course, in this case too great work often hung in the center of the group, but this is not at all necessary. For example, there may be the following options:

  • on the left - a large picture, on the right - several small ones, or vice versa;
  • a large picture above or below a group of small ones;
  • all the paintings are arranged in a “chaotic” order, which is actually carefully thought out).

Important! With an asymmetric arrangement, it is very important that the works are close in plot.

What to Consider

Having decided on the quantity, frames and plots, do not forget to take into account a few more points:

  • lighting;
  • height;
  • orientation;
  • grouping.


Probably, you have repeatedly visited museums and seen that a special lamp hangs over each painting or graphic work. It makes no sense to follow this principle at home. Provide good natural light.

Important! Backlighting is needed only if natural light gives glare or if you want to draw attention to specific work art. In this case, LED lamps should be used.


It is not necessary to hang all the paintings on the same wall. It won't be very good. It is best to distribute them evenly, but it is necessary to take into account the conditional “weight”:

  • If a large picture hangs in one corner, it should be balanced by several smaller canvases located on the other wall.
  • If a dark picture is located on one wall, the other should have the same color, and not a light one.

Important! You can also use a tapestry arrangement - when the pictures hang close to each other. This method is suitable for both works of the same size and different ones. Works of the same size can be hung in rows at equal distances from each other.

At what height should the painting be hung on the wall?

Any picture in the room should be clearly visible, that is, hang at such a height that it can be easily seen. It is also necessary to take into account the distance between the walls:

  1. Measure the long side of the canvas.
  2. Multiply it by three - this will be the distance to the viewer.
  3. Mark the desired distance on the tape measure.
  4. Determine the point where the viewer will be.
  5. Using a tape measure, find a place on the wall where the picture should hang - it will be approximately at the level of your eyes.


Most often, the paintings are horizontal. If you are not going to group them, consider two things:

  • vertical painting visually increases the height of the ceiling:
  • horizontal - is able to visually lengthen the wall.

Based on this, choose a place:

  • Vertical paintings are best hung in narrow walls or between pieces of furniture.
  • When thinking about how to properly hang pictures above the sofa, keep in mind that it is best to choose works in horizontal frames.

Tilt angle

There are two options for placing paintings on the wall:

  • close to the surface;
  • inclined.

Usually the first option is used. The second is acceptable if it is not possible to hang a picture at eye level. In the first case, the rope is tightly pulled, in the second, it is loosened.

Important! In a group of three paintings, the middle canvas is the main one.

We hang pictures

No need to immediately grab the drill:

  1. Arrange on the floor.
  2. Measure the distance between jobs.
  3. Determine the point from which it is best to view them.
  4. Mark on the wall a place where the center of the composition will be.
  5. Put a dot there.
  6. From this point, set aside the distances to the rest of the paintings.
  7. Place fasteners:
    • for small paintings, finishing nails will be enough;
    • large works hanging at an angle are best placed on brackets.

A few words about the background

It is also important how the walls that you are going to decorate look like. Their surface may be:

Having dealt with all the nuances and all the options for how you can hang pictures on the wall, you just have to look at your room, at the pictures, and then try to correlate all this into one artistic line, taking into account the received information. Creative success to you in decorating the interior of your apartment!

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