The largest paintings in the world from the artist Stan Hurd. Agro-painting

The largest painting in the world was presented at the Historical Museum, located in Moscow. This is a drawing that combines 48 portraits of women. The total size of the masterpiece is 3x16 m. Thus, the painting is a collective portrait of Russian women.

To create a unique installation, the artist used wood as a base and a pencil as a tool. Idea creative project- to show the world the true image of a Russian woman, opening the veil of stereotypes. The artist who painted the largest painting in the world is the Italian Omar Galliani. He is distinguished by a specific vision of the world and combines ancient techniques with the latest forms. The drawing was presented to the public at the exhibition "Face and Soul".

The artist painted portraits of ordinary women. The prototypes were photographs that were uploaded to the site of the master by everyone. Galliani selected portraits of women who work in the most different areas. 12 portraits were painted from the photographs. The remaining 36 the artist painted from nature. To do this, he needed to personally meet with all the selected ladies.

The capital's Historical Museum became the venue for the unusual exhibition. And this is no coincidence. After all, this museum has enough free space to fit the grand picture. In addition, the museum building is located in the very heart of Moscow, close to Red Square, which is considered the symbol of the country. In his interview, Galliani noted that he was not going to paint portraits of women from other countries. He devoted several years to his project. He showed the results to the public gradually. The installation in the museum is the final version paintings.

Canvas "Wave"

In addition to the painting by Omar Galliani, the painting “Wave” is considered the leader in size. It was created by Croatian artist Djuro Shiroglavic. The dimensions of the canvas are impressive: 6.5 km x 2 m. largest painting in the world as many experts say. Its weight is 6 tons. To make this masterpiece of painting, the author spent 2.5 tons of high quality paint.

The artist worked on unique pattern in 2007. To do this, he occupied the parade ground of one military unit in Zagreb. It was very difficult to find an exhibition hall for a giant canvas, since its dimensions exceed the parameters of an ordinary room. They wanted to present the "Wave" at auction, for which it had to be cut into pieces. The master planned to give the proceeds from the sale of the painting to the fund for helping children who lost their parents after the Balkan war.

Painting by Jose Roberto Aguilar

This is another huge picture that surprises with its size. The Brazilian artist Aguilar presented to the public the canvas "The Connection of the Past and the Present", which depicts a beautiful sky. The author spent more than 3720 liters of paint on the painting. The canvas area is 740 square meters. m. It is made of special plastic, which is not damaged when folding and folding. The painting weighs 4 tons. Its cost is quite high - 100 thousand US dollars. To fix the canvas, the artist uses a steel cable almost 900 m long.

most big picture in the world can also be considered a canvas exhibited in the Beijing Museum Chinese history. The picture was made by 400 best artists Tibet. It took them 4 years to create it. The canvas depicts the culture and history of the Tibetan people. The sides of the painting measure 619 m x 2.5 m. Some of its sections are incredibly thin. For example, on a miniature piece of 3 sq. cm skillfully written out 2500 different objects and figurines of people.

Unusual paintings

There are many great paintings in the world, but they are all made in different ways. Some drawings are made with paints, others are in 3D format, and others are made using special materials. For example, a coffee painting created in Gorky Park in Moscow can be considered a real masterpiece. Drawing from coffee beans occupied an area equal to 30 sq.m. Its total weight was 240 kg. Such a miracle was made using ordinary coffee beans, which were glued to the base. The largest painting in the world, created from coffee beans, got into the Guinness Book of Records.

No less ingenious is the 3D painting on asphalt, which was created by Chinese artist Qi Xinghua. The dimensions of the work are 23x32 m. The height of some elements of the painting reaches 6 m. The master worked on it for a whole month, after which he presented it in Guangzhou. The 3D canvas on the pavement was named Lion Gate Canyon. The main advantage of the drawing is that it looks amazingly real. admiring three-dimensional picture people feel dizzy. This is the largest 3D painting in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

What is the largest painting in the world? Every year, records are set one after another and immediately beaten by other masters. Some masterpieces hang in famous galleries world, others are part of contemporary art. But each time their size is impressive and fascinating.


The artist is known to world art for his great love for the sea. He himself founded the Museum of Marine Painting in Feodosia (Crimea). Huge collection works on maritime theme located in one place. The museum has 12,000 items, but the largest exposition is 282x425 cm in size and is called "Among the Waves".

It was written by Aivazovsky in 1898. This huge picture was ready in 10 days. Later, the artist admitted that it took him several decades to paint pictures in order to create this magnificent masterpiece by the end of his life. The canvas is remarkable in that it does not depict fragments of masts, people, beaches or dying ships. It has only two unknown and strong elements: the raging sea and the raging sky.


The square drawing room of the Louvre houses the largest painting in the history of art. The monks of an Italian monastery asked the artist Paolo Veronese to fill a huge canvas with figures. The painting is called "Marriage in Cana of Galilee." The composition is based on a biblical story. The artist managed to arrange about 130 figures in the 660x990 cm painting, among the guests were captured the great figures of that time.

The picture was written over two years. In the Italian monastery, she hung for a bit, until everything was plundered. The preserved canvas was transported to France, cut in half. Later painting went through the restoration process and was neatly stitched.

Tretyakov Gallery

The painting is in the Tretyakov Gallery. It was written by the artist Alexander Ivanov and is called "The Appearance of Christ to the People." The masterpiece was written over 20 years. Its total dimensions are 750x540 cm. The artist, as is typical of a real creator, painted it in solitude somewhere in his studio in Rome. He was inspired by the locals, who calmly walked along the Italian streets. The smallest details picturesque landscapes were drawn from the natural landscapes of the suburbs of Italy.

When the canvas was completely finished, the artist moved it to St. Petersburg and presented it to the imperial family. The picture did not cause much enthusiasm among the head of state and members of his family. After the death of the artist, he decided to buy a masterpiece and transfer it Rumyantsev Museum. Later, the canvas was given to the Tretyakov Gallery, where it still flaunts.

Life in Tibet

The Beijing Museum of Chinese History is lined with a canvas that was created by 400 artists over 4 years. The painting, measuring 618x2500 cm, depicts the history of Tibet, its religion, culture and locals. Each element of a separate human figure is written out in detail on it. In total there are 2480 small items on the canvas.

48 women

In the spring of 2013, an exhibition called "Face and Soul" was held in Moscow. AT historical museum was presented, which consisted of 48 portraits Russian women. The author of the work was the Italian Omar Galyani.

Fragment of the painting "48 women", Omar Galyani

All portraits were made in pencil on wood. Surprisingly, 36 women were painted from life, and the remaining 12 were selected by the artist from photographs. A special promotion was launched on the site, where every Russian beauty could upload her own photo and try her luck. The women were not connected in any way and had different professions and interests. The creator wanted to show the true face of the Russian female soul that is not shrouded in stereotypes.

Exactly 2 years Omar Galyani worked on this masterpiece. In the end, the canvas reached a size of 3x16 meters. It is impossible to answer the question of how the author selected the girls. Most likely, he relied on his inner instinct and aesthetic preferences.


Brazilian artist José Roberto Aguilara created a canvas with an area of ​​740 square meters, and it weighed 4,000 kg. The picture is called "The connection of the past and the present." It has clear blue skies. The author had to spend about 3,700 kg of paint on this masterpiece. The painting was valued at $100,000.

Gates of Lviv

The picture managed to enter. Its dimensions are 32 meters wide and 23 meters long.

three dimensional picture"Gate of Lviv"

The height of the canvas reaches a mark of 6 meters. A giant three-dimensional work was painted by several artists at once for six months.


The size of this picture breaks all records. It's hard to believe, but the canvas is 2.1 meters high and 6.4 kilometers long. And it weighs 6 tons. The author of the creation was the Croatian artist Djuro Shiroglavic. The artist called two of his assistants to help. In total, 2500 kg of paint was used to create the masterpiece, and the parade ground of the military unit of Zagreb was used as an easel.

Dzhuro Shiroglavic on the background of "Wave"

The artist and his assistants painted the canvas for 6 months. The painting was sold at auction, cut into several pieces. And all proceeds were sent to charity.

Agricultural painting. Most large paintings in the world from the artist Stan Hurd - this is proof of how diverse a person's fantasy can be, and especially a talented one. For example, Kansas farmer and celebrated artist Stan Hurd is fascinated by one of the most amazing art forms. It's called agro-painting, and in simple terms, these are crop pictures. But these are not just drawings, but real works of art the size of an entire field. Mr Hurd calls his hobby "earthworks".

However, to create such a portrait or still life, you need to be able to do more than just plow and dig up the ground. However, without this, Stan Hurd would not have succeeded.
Born into a family American farmers, future artist always loved to contemplate rural scenery. And he fell in love with them so much that after he became a certified artist, Stan began to depict his native fields and meadows on canvas, as well as harvesting and other paintings on the theme of agricultural activities. But soon he came up with an idea that allowed him to expand the scope of his work. So he took up agricultural painting.

Agricultural painting. The largest paintings in the world from the artist Stan Hurd. Story

Agricultural painting and the largest paintings in the world by artist Stan Herd arose in the mind of the artist at the time when he flew over the fields on a cornfield. So he decided to try field painting, making adjustments to the real rural landscape. Of course, such paintings cannot be exhibited in a museum, besides, they are short-lived, however, they are alive and are part of the nature around us. It has its own special romance.
Hurd used his fields as a canvas, and instead of a brush, he used various agricultural techniques. Basically, these are tractors, because the artist is also an experienced farmer and knows how to handle such equipment very well. In order to learn how to create paintings in the margins, the artist had to study this art for four years. Of course, in the process of learning, the artist could make a mistake more than once, and he had to erase everything and start work again. And it's hard work.

Painting a picture, so to speak, begins with a sketch. First you need to create the contours of the future drawing, which Stan Hurd lays out with bricks. Then he digs and plows the earth, creating the outlines of the picture. To dilute it with other colors, he brings earth of a different color and lays it in the right amount and in the right places.
In order to evaluate the result, the artist steps back a few steps and looks closely. However, it is often necessary to fly an airplane in order to accurately assess the result of the work. Today, Stan Hurd has thirty years of experience in creating field paintings so there is no need to fly frequently.

Agricultural painting. The largest paintings in the world from the artist Stan Hurd. Success

Agro-painting and the largest paintings in the world from the artist Stan Hurd are popular all over the world today. Tourists often fly above the spacious paintings painted in the margins, wishing to see with their own eyes the scale and beauty of these unusual works. Tours are also held even on the roofs of neighboring buildings. But Stan Herr is always happy to have guests, because he is trying to ensure that people can enjoy his work.
Today the artist has a lot of orders. He creates portraits, still lifes and landscapes to order in foreign fields. Most often, such paintings serve as a gift for someone or act as a spectacular advertising campaign.

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