Open on the construction market. Can be placed indoors

The indisputable truth is that a person must live somewhere, which means that housing construction will never stop. Yes, and housing is deteriorating, which means that it needs to be repaired from time to time. At my entrance only one of the newcomers is repairing. The elevator takes them out of action by transporting building materials. I go out onto the landing, and here are bags of cement, some cans and sheets of plywood or something else. Understanding people have long understood that the sale of building materials is in demand.

However, lately I often hear the dissatisfaction of buyers with low-quality building materials. Who does it depend on? Clearly from sellers. I think that people's demands for the quality of building materials will only increase in the future. Do you think that those who have been selling building materials for a long time are ready to improve the quality? I personally doubt it. Since they are already accustomed to high margins, they are unlikely to reduce their profits by supplying quality materials.

Here is a niche for you, which you can safely enter. I won’t say that the niche is simple, but it is in demand with a new approach. Time is changing, and people in this niche are in no hurry to change their views. You can start this business without investments, acting as an intermediary between customers and suppliers. Conduct a detailed analysis of the building materials market. If you seriously intend to enter this market, then one way or another it must be done. Make a list of all manufacturers of building materials in your area, as well as all sellers. I'm sure you'll find flaws in both.

In our city, bricks, for example, are brought from other cities, despite the fact that there is more than one brick factory in the city. What does this fact mean? So in your region there is not a very high-quality supplier, which can be replaced by a supplier from another region. The main thing is to find and agree on prices. Gradually studying the needs of the market, you will have a complete picture of where and what to take and at what prices you can sell. Profit can also be calculated in advance.

Now directly sale of building materials like a process. I don't know how this process is organized in your region, but my observations on our market speak of purely passive sales. The vast majority of sellers place ads in newspapers and sit by the phone waiting for a call with an order. Do you think this moment can be used? Definitely possible! You should move to active sales. We need several agents who would analyze the allotted territory for repairs or construction and immediately offer building materials with delivery.

It is worth noting that in the cities there are teams of builders who are engaged. As a rule, suppliers have a direct relationship with the foremen and interest them in bonuses for the order. Explore this opportunity in your area. Your trump card as building materials. Keep this in mind when talking to the foreman. Yes, and customers should explain these details. And if you can somehow prove the higher quality of your materials, then this will be crucial.

Along with agents, it is imperative to create an online store of building materials, as society moves towards computerization. The sooner you start, the sooner you will get results. Combining work "in the field" and on the Internet will give its results.

To increase profits, you can combine production of building materials and sale of building materials. For example, you can produce or paving slabs, and take all other items from suppliers. In any case, you will provide customers with building materials with delivery throughout the list.

An additional feature in your business selling building materials can be the sale of used building materials. Incorporating this topic into your business will require a constantly updated database of demolished buildings in your area. A brigade of "destroyers" is recruited and all building materials suitable for reuse are collected from the destroyed buildings. Floor slabs are especially in demand.

My friend, who is directly involved in construction, once had a database of all hangar buildings in the region. At any moment, he was ready to dismantle these hangars, move them and build them again at the indicated place. He offered a good price for these used hangars. It seems that his margin at the same time was not small.

At some point in your development, your sale of building materials will require the creation of a site for their storage.

Do not forget that this activity is regulated by section 14 of the Rules for the sale of certain goods (Decree No. 55 of 19.01.98 of the Government of the Russian Federation). This section deals with the features of the sale of building materials.

It is here that it is indicated how to sort the goods, how to sort and check the completeness, and then store. By adhering to the provisions of this decree, you will save yourself from problems.
If the idea seemed useful to you, please press the social media buttons and let someone else give food for thought.

If you believe experienced entrepreneurs, then opening a small outlet in this area will bring its owner more losses than profit. The reason for this conclusion lies in the fact that the cost of renting a trading area and a warehouse, wages, taxes and utilities take away almost all profits and do not give the business the opportunity to develop.

Is the possibility of creating a profitable business really inaccessible for an entrepreneur who wants to open a small building materials store without impressive investments? Let's figure it out.

Usually, in search of materials for repair and construction, a potential buyer is inclined to go to a large construction center, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich can be 1000 or even 2000 sq.m. The reason for this is several factors: the ability to buy everything you need in one place, a wide range, getting a free consultation with a specialist if you have any questions.

But there are also cases in which the buyer will rather go to a small construction pavilion: the addition of materials that have ended during the repair, the purchase of a small amount of building materials for cosmetic repairs, the location is not far from home.

The moment that determines the profitability of a business is the choice of a favorable location for sales. While large sellers are forced to sell their goods on the outskirts of the city, you can set up your business in a residential building, mall or local market.

How to choose and prepare the premises for the store

Where to start to building materials from scratch? To open a profitable point for the sale of building and finishing materials, experts recommend paying attention to the first floor of a residential building near new buildings, or a construction market located within the city.

When opening such a business in a residential building, make sure there is an emergency exit in the room - this will be needed to pass the fire safety inspection. If the apartment is located in a housing stock, for paperwork and legal trade, you will need to remove it from the housing stock.

The profitability of your business will increase significantly if you own the retail space, but entrepreneurs do not recommend rushing into this and working for the first 2 years in a rented space.

If, shortly after opening, you find that this place is not profitable month after month, then it will not be difficult for you to simply leave this outlet, without the need for a subsequent sale of real estate.

In the case of choosing a construction market, before purchasing products and renting premises, walk through the pavilions, study what your future competitors are selling and at what price.

Remember: you will be of the greatest interest to the buyer only if you offer a unique product that is not on the market, or the same one, but at a more attractive price.

Design of a building materials store

When preparing a trading and storage area, there is no need for expensive finishing materials. The finished room should be bright, clean and dry. Make inexpensive cosmetic repairs and take care of good ventilation. This is all that is required from the premises for successful sales of your enterprise. The preparation of the premises will require an average of $ 6,000 - $ 9,000.

Equipment for a building materials store

To trade building materials, it will be necessary to purchase a cash register, as well as counters, showcases and racks that will help in demonstrating finishing materials. Organize the lighting on the shelves in such a way as to create a good view of the products on offer.

If your business involves the sale of power tools, do not forget to equip the display cases with several outlets.

Registration of a business selling building materials

The sale of building materials, like any business, requires prior registration with the tax and pension authorities. For a small pavilion, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur, this will help to significantly save on taxes.

OKVED codes to register such activities, they present an impressive list, depending on the presence or absence of a trading platform on the Internet, courier delivery and other specifics. The main code you will need for registration is 47.52 Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialized stores.

What documents are needed to open a building materials store

Building materials, without passing inspections and paperwork is indispensable. You will need to obtain permission and a patent to trade. What you need to obtain a permit: you must submit the following documents to the trade department of the city administration:

  1. Conclusion from the fire inspection and SES;
  2. A certified copy of documents on registration of you as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  3. Lease agreement or documents confirming the ownership of retail and warehouse premises;
  4. Certificate of registration with the tax office;
  5. Document on the qualification or education of the founder;
  6. Information about the mode of operation of the enterprise.

As for the patent for trade, it can be obtained from the tax office. When applying for a patent, you will go through the procedure for registering a cash register. All these activities can take from two weeks to several months, and the cost of processing and preparing all the documents necessary to start the activity will be about $ 300.

Hardware store assortment

When choosing an assortment for your organization, it is very important to provide the buyer with goods of various price categories. As a rule, at least two thirds of products are presented in the middle price segment and one third is left for cheap and expensive representatives.

The range of the trading platform may consist of the following building products:

  • Paints, varnishes;
  • Cement;
  • Tile;
  • Wallpaper;
  • plinth;
  • Hand power tools;
  • Construction fittings;
  • Gypsum;
  • Parquet, linoleum, laminate;
  • Self-leveling floors;
  • Various primers;
  • Spatulas, brushes, rollers, etc.;
  • Drywall;
  • Glue;
  • Construction mixtures, etc.

building materials store staff

To open building materials, owners usually limit themselves to hiring one seller, or, in order to save money, stand behind the counter on their own.

The seller, working in a single person, must have sufficient knowledge in the field of construction, design and architecture, as well as a good knowledge of the range, purpose and features of each unit of goods.

If an experienced and knowledgeable person is standing behind the counter, your organization's sales will be 30% higher than otherwise, so it is recommended to treat this moment with great responsibility and attention.

Construction store profitability

Let's calculate the profitability and find out how much it costs to open building materials with an area of ​​about 100 sq.m.


  • Purchase of goods for sale - $ 10,000;
  • Registration, passing inspections and paperwork - $ 300;
  • Cosmetic repairs, preparation of the trading and storage area for work - $ 8,000;
  • Purchase of racks and cash register - $ 7,000.

Total: $25,300.

Monthly expenses:

  • Rent, utilities - $560;
  • Replenishment of stocks of goods - $ 4,000;
  • Salary to the seller - $ 280;
  • Accounting - $80;
  • Taxes - $130.

Total: $5,050.


Profit will be taken into account at the rate of trade margin - 45%.

The cost of sold building materials per month is $4,000.
Profit per month - $ 5,800.
Gross Profit - $750

Thus, with regular sales of at least 40% of the total stock of goods monthly, the investments made will pay off after 3 - 3.5 years of work.

Speaking about how to open a hardware store from scratch and make it profitable, it is useful to know a few from experienced entrepreneurs:

  1. Group products. Location matters a lot. It is important here that the buyer can get acquainted with all the goods of one category in one place. So same distribute products on purpose. Let brushes and rollers lie next to paintwork products, and screws and keys next to screwdrivers;
  2. Samples. Each product, which has a wide range of colors and textures, should have a catalog of samples that can be properly viewed and touched. Arrange the samples by color and indicate the article for each item;
  3. Access. Give customers the opportunity to turn on and see how a drill or any other power tool works. Open access to your goods;
  4. Don't stop at one outlet. One small pavilion will not be able to bring a sufficiently high and stable income. By developing and opening new outlets, you can protect your business from sudden surges in demand and significantly increase your income.
  5. Something that the buyer can forget. Small consumables, such as light bulbs and batteries, are best placed near the cash register. The buyer will definitely remember that he wanted to buy them, waiting for the calculation or his turn.

In this article, we made recommendations regarding building materials. Calculations and experience of entrepreneurs in this area have shown that under certain circumstances, this enterprise can be really profitable and effective.

To study all the features, of course, it is important to know the financial performance of the business. Even taking into account the fact that they are approximate, in any case, you can evaluate the approximate profitability and expediency of the business. Due to the fact that we are planning to open a building materials store, we will give the average figures for Russia.

So, this business plan involves opening a small store selling building materials.

The amount of initial investments will be 893 thousand 600 rubles.

Total earnings for one month: 1 million 168 thousand 333 rubles.

Maximum profit for one month: 147 thousand 800 rubles.

The breakeven period will be four months.

Total payback period: thirteen months.

Thus, the main points are indicated, so in the future you can proceed to the study of the details. Once again, we emphasize that these figures are approximate, that is, they are indicated for guidance only. In reality, these figures may differ slightly.

2. Description of the business

Almost every modern person at least once in his life faced with the need for repair or construction. This is due to various circumstances, but most often this problem appears after buying a new apartment. As you know, in many new buildings a rough finish is offered, therefore, the owners of apartments of this type also need high-quality materials. Of great importance here is the time spent on home repairs. When planning to start it, people want to receive everything that is necessary for this on time. There is not always time to go to a large hypermarket, but a small store located nearby will be most convenient. That is, our point of sale will fully meet the needs of the target audience. It is possible that some products will be even more expensive than in a hypermarket - this is unlikely to be a problem, since most people would prefer to save time and buy everything they need here. It turns out that high demand here will be provided with a high probability.

The main idea of ​​our business plan is to open a full-fledged outlet in an area with active development. This will allow you to get a solid number of customers in need of a large number of building materials. It is better to organize the opening of a store at the very moment when the housing has already been rented out and its owners are ready to do repairs. As a result, it will be possible to sell all the inventory balances quite quickly, which will allow you to get a very high profitability in general.

Perhaps, over time, the store will move to another quarter, in which new houses are also appearing. In this regard, the approximate period of business operation at one place will be three years - during this period it is planned to achieve very high results. In order to implement this idea and get the maximum profit in the specified time, it is necessary to minimize all financial costs. In this business plan, we will just consider all the features of this approach and indicate the most appropriate ways of development. Only first you need to study all the features of the products offered and various external factors.

As for the assortment of the store, it will be selected specifically for the interior decoration of the premises. That is, absolutely everything that is necessary for a full-fledged repair will be sold here - this will keep customers and not force them to go somewhere far for other building materials.

A significant part of the assortment is recommended to be displayed on the trading floor. Also, buyers will be offered to study supplier catalogs - this will allow customers to place orders. By the way, both foreign and Russian enterprises will be used among partner companies.

Here is a list of the main products:

  • building mixtures (plaster, putty, etc.);
  • drywall sheets;
  • tile adhesive;
  • paints of different types;
  • PVC pipes and metal-plastic pipes;
  • polypropylene type wires;
  • wallpaper;
  • construction tools;
  • electrical goods.

The limited size and small inventory will allow the store to quickly adjust to changing customer demand. As a result, it will be possible to avoid illiquid goods to the maximum and successfully sell almost all products received from suppliers. Thanks to this approach, all kinds of time costs in doing this business will be reduced.

3.Description of the sales market

The complexity of the market is due to the presence of similar companies offering a fairly large range of products. Large networks cover almost all stages of construction and repair at the expense of goods. It is rather difficult to compete with such companies, not only because of the price, but also due to the large difference in the scale of the business.

The solution to the problem will be precisely the right choice of location. The product range will also be carefully worked out and the process of delivering products to the client will be organized. As mentioned above, our store will appear among new buildings and in a place with good transport interchange. It turns out that the main target audience of the store will be residents of nearby houses. The presence of competitors within walking distance from this outlet is not expected. The store will be located on the first or ground floor in a new building.

4.SWOT analysis

The strengths of the project are understood as such points as:

  • store location;
  • quality of customer service;
  • variety and breadth of assortment;
  • the ability to change the product grid depending on demand;
  • proximity to the place of residence of potential buyers;
  • the possibility of selling goods under the order.
  • As for the vulnerabilities of the project, they are as follows:
  • small size of the warehouse;
  • no wholesale discounts from suppliers.

Opportunities and business prospects:

  • gradual settlement of the area will allow for higher demand over time;
  • after full settlement, the store will move to a more promising and new area.

Threats of the external environment:

  • increase in the cost of raw materials and materials;
  • failures in the supply of demanded products.

Thus, the solution to many problems is based on the flexibility of the business and the ability to quickly reconfigure in accordance with customer requests.

5.Marketing and sales

Flexibility and mobility are a significant advantage here. This approach allows us to provide the client with the most comfortable conditions for cooperation. Thanks to this, a very wide target audience is also captured.

Particular attention should be paid to the store sign - it should be bright and visible from afar. The cost of its manufacture will amount to 60 thousand rubles.

In order for the target audience to learn more quickly about the appearance of a new store, it is planned to distribute leaflets at the entrances of the nearest residential complexes. Having come to the store with a leaflet, the customer will be able to get a ten percent discount on the first purchase.

No additional events are planned as the buyer receives the following benefits: convenient location, low prices and professional service.

6.Production plan

The hardware store will be registered as an LLC, and the simplified taxation system will be chosen here with a rate of six percent of income. In the course of work, the 1C system will be used. The staff will include an accountant who will manage all related documents.

The store will be open from 9.00 to 22.00 and seven days a week.

Our hardware store is launched as follows:

Selection of suitable premises and conclusion of a lease agreement

It is important to take into account here that the premises should be from 170 square meters, and the retail area should be 100 square meters. At the same time, fifty square meters will be required to organize a warehouse, fifteen “squares” to organize an office, and five square meters to organize a bathroom.

It is imperative that the store is located in the most convenient area with good transport interchange. Naturally, there should be a convenient entrance nearby and at the same time it is desirable to organize parking. The premises must belong to the non-residential fund. It is also important to provide for the possibility of placing bright outdoor advertising.

It is worth emphasizing that the selection of a suitable premises is a rather serious issue, since it depends on its location whether the business will be profitable or not. Various permits are also of great importance here. In particular, it is very important to officially agree on the project, because it must comply with the requirements of firefighters and SES.


Much attention should be paid to the selection of personnel. They do not require special skills, but it is still important that a person is set up for long-term work. The priority here should be a decent salary, which will allow you to find and keep in place sincerely interested employees.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

To work, you need high-quality equipment:

  • metal racks - 70 pcs.;
  • counter - 1 pc.;
  • cash register - 1 pc.;
  • office tables - 2 pcs.;
  • office chairs - 6 pcs.;
  • computers - 3 pcs.;
  • aluminum ladder - 1 pc.;
  • laser printer - 1 pc.

A thorough search and selection of the most suitable suppliers will also be carried out. Various schemes of cooperation are expected, which will be discussed on an individual basis.

The store will use a landline phone, as well as internet and an alarm system. Employees of the company will use a cash register and programs for document management in their work.

It is planned to create an outdoor sign, which will be ordered at the most affordable cost. In the future, a sign will be installed above the entrance to the store.

Start of the store

At least one hundred square meters will be allocated for the trading floor. The warehouse will occupy an area of ​​​​fifty "squares". The most demanded goods will definitely be used as warehouse balances.

Due to the fact that the trading part of the store will not allow to lay out the entire range, part of the products will be sold through delivery. The maximum term of the latter will be two days (the goods must be in the supplier's warehouse).

7.Organizational structure

The minimum number of employees will be seven people. The company will have:

  • director;
  • purchasing manager;
  • accountant;
  • two cashiers;
  • two sales consultants.

The cashier, together with the sales assistant, will always work together, and at the same time they will be on the trading floor at the same time. During the period of active sales, they can be replaced at workplaces.

8. Financial plan

To make everything as clear as possible, we will break the financial plan into several components.

Investment spending

A significant part of the investment in our case will be for working capital. In order for them to be always available, it is important to carefully calculate the structure of the required capital. It is assumed that there will be a significant demand for materials necessary for finishing - these are, in particular, various building mixtures, drywall, plaster, metal profiles, putty, mounting foam and other primary materials. Based on customer demand, we will focus on these items in initial purchases.

Let's go directly to the figures characterizing the total amount of investments necessary for the legal registration of activities:

  • registration of a legal entity - 3000 rubles;
  • obtaining a permit from the fire service - 10 tr;
  • installation of 1C accounting - 5 tr;
  • obtaining permission from SES - 6 tr;

Thus, 24 tr. is needed to register a business.

Equipment that you need to buy to get started:

  • metal racks (70 pcs.) - 140 tr.;
  • shop window (1 pc.) - 3 tr.;
  • stepladder (1 pc.) - 4 tr;
  • office tables (3 pcs.) - 6 tr.;
  • office chairs (6 pcs.) - 4 tr;
  • laser printer (1 pc.) - 4 tr;
  • cash register (1 pc.) - 10 tr;
  • computers (3 pcs.) - 40 tr.

Total 211 tr. for the purchase of equipment.

First month expenses and working capital:

  • purchase of goods for sale - 350 tr;
  • salary for employees (1 month) - 130 tr.;
  • payment of taxes and social contributions - 30 tr.;
  • GAZelle rental (1 month) - 9.6 tr.;
  • stationery - 1 tr;
  • production of signs and leaflets - 70 tr.

Total: 658 tr.

So, for the opening and the first month of work, an amount of 893 tr is required. Next, consider the amounts that are planned to be earned and spent in the following months of work.

8. Income and expenses

It is assumed that about eighty potential customers will come to our store. Of this number, about half will be regular customers. The frequency of purchases of the latter varies from four to eight times a month (about fifty percent of regular buyers will be such buyers). Another thirty percent of regular customers will make purchases with a frequency of two to four times a month. The remaining twenty percent will come to the store only once or twice a month.

It is also important to consider that usually apartment renovation lasts from six months to one year. Thus, it is during this period that the client is most active in purchases.

The average check in our store will be about five thousand rubles. Based on this and the above indicators, let's try to calculate the approximate revenue per month.

Let's say for a month the number of potential buyers will be 904 people. Of these, 452 people are expected to be real buyers, of which: 226 people will make purchases 4-8 times a month; 136 people will make purchases 2-4 times a month and 90 people will buy goods in our store approximately 1-2 times a month. It turns out that the average monthly revenue will be 1 million 168 thousand 333 rubles. At the same time, in the first six months of work, the total revenue will be 584 thousand 166 rubles.

Settlement in nearby new buildings will occur within three years from the date of commissioning of houses. In accordance with this, the first six months, profits will gradually grow, as homeowners will not begin to repair immediately. In just eight months from the start, the store should reach maximum revenue. This level, most likely, will last for a year and a half, after which the settlement of apartments will come to an end, and as a result, revenue will noticeably decrease.

The markup on building materials in our store will be approximately from forty to seventy percent. Let's say the average markup is fifty percent. It turns out that the average monthly revenue (minus the cost of materials) will be 194 thousand 722 rubles. Maximum revenue with all expenses: 389 thousand 450 rubles.

Now let's move on to the structure of fixed costs:

  • rent of premises (170 sq.m.) - 68 tr.;
  • salary of employees (1 month) - 130 tr.;
  • taxes with social contributions - 30 tr;
  • renting a GAZelle for 1 month - 9.6 tr;
  • communication services - 600 rubles;
  • utility bills - 3 tr;
  • other expenses - 1 tr.

Total: 242 thousand 200 rubles per month.

Goods will be delivered three times a week. Owning a car will increase the initial investment, so an agreement will first be concluded with a transport company. Due to the fact that one hour of renting a GAZelle costs 400 rubles, and the minimum order in time will be approximately two hours, the payment for the services of a transport company will be 9,600 rubles. The cost of renting 1 sq.m.: 400 rubles.

Considering income and expenses, we can calculate that the period for reaching the break-even point here is four months. In other words, only on the fourth month of work the owner goes “in plus” and begins to make a profit. The payback period of investments in this case is thirteen months. The maximum earnings of an entrepreneur for a month (“net”) will be 147 thousand 800 rubles.

9.Risk factors

The main risk factor here can be called the fact that the real estate market today is showing a certain decline. This is due not only to financial crises, but also to the fact that many people are still buying resale properties. In this regard, it is obvious that new tenants in newly built houses appear for a long time.

At the same time, people who have bought apartments in new buildings, as a rule, have been engaged in repairs for a long time. Most potential buyers try to purchase building materials at the most affordable prices - this, in fact, will allow our store to receive a stable profit for several years.

Also, when opening a store, it is worth considering that in any million-plus city, new quarters do not stop appearing, which means that a stable flow of customers here is one hundred percent guaranteed. In order to be convinced of this, one should find out the plans of local developers for building up the city.

The key point here can be called the fact that you need to occupy your niche as quickly as possible. This will allow you to exclude competitors in your microdistrict to the maximum and become a “monopolist” in terms of the sale of building materials in the new quarter. To achieve this goal, it is recommended to open a store almost immediately after the delivery of the first house. As a result, it will be possible to confidently talk about the emergence of new customers, who will find it much more convenient to go to a store located within walking distance, rather than go somewhere for building materials to the other end of the city.

In any settlement in Russia there is always and will be a need for the construction of objects for various purposes. They wear out over time and need to be repaired. This means that we cannot do without building and finishing materials in our life. Hence the conclusion - the sale of such goods is a sought-after and profitable business.

Reconomica today will share with you, dear readers, the experience of a successful entrepreneur who combined the production of building materials with the sale of not only his own, but also similar products from other companies.

The main tool for the development of this business was the organization of an office for receiving orders from consumers for similar products. You will learn about the positive and negative aspects, the benefits and prospects of this business.

Greetings. My name is Mark. I am 37 years old. I am from Astrakhan. Now I am engaged in the sale of tiles, tiles, decorative mosaics and many more related products for the construction, renovation and decoration of premises.

I do not have a store, but an office for receiving orders. The trade turnover is from one and a half to two million rubles a month, from March to November inclusive.

Sales go with the onset of the construction season and until its end. I will briefly describe how I came to this type of activity.

My first steps in the construction business

It all started with the manufacture of paving slabs, I organized this business in 2014.

Production of paving slabs.

The production was not going well. There was only enough money to rent the premises, wages to the working staff and pay taxes.

Initially, he worked practically without profit. Orders were constantly available, but it was almost impossible to earn money on them.

There was a need to increase the volume of production of products and reach serious customers. This step required huge investments in production. There were no such opportunities.

The choice of the direction of the subsequent development of the case

The future path of business development was vague. It was necessary either to urgently solve something, or to stop business activities.

How did the idea come about

My friend, at that time, worked in a managerial position in a manufacturing company that specialized in the manufacture of bricks and concrete products. He showed me the way forward.

Finding ways to promote business

I thought that production is built first, and then the produced goods are sold, and the business flourishes. Maybe this happens on paper, in fantastic business plans, but not in reality. First you need to trade someone else's goods and replenish the customer base, and when there is a steady demand, you can open your own production, if it is profitable.

Opening without market knowledge and experience is a path to failure.

Proof of this is the many small businesses that opened and closed, while gaining large debts.

First mistakes

I was like that too. I read an amateurish business plan on some social network. Everything seemed easy and simple. But in fact, he almost said goodbye to the invested money and was ready to sell his car in order to pay off the accumulated debts.

Business is a science and a way of life. This craft can be mastered. The main thing is the correct setting of the goal and finding a short way to it.

Initially, I wanted to try a business with which I was unfamiliar. Business does not tolerate amateurism. Especially in the manufacturing sector. Getting out of the current situation was long and difficult. It is very good that there was an experienced person who told me what to do next.

Stages of opening and developing a sales office

Choosing a trading place and its goals

Even if there is no one to sit there, the sales office should be in order to:

  • receive clients;
  • present products;
  • conclude contracts.

Conditions for renting premises

On the territory where I rented a production workshop, there was a free room. Its area was 150 m², the rental price was 15 thousand rubles. per month, no utilities. The total amount of payments was approximately 18 thousand rubles. per month. I reluctantly took this step.

Equipping the office with everything you need

For a full-fledged trade, you need:

  • furniture;
  • racks;
  • a computer;
  • Printer;
  • various office supplies.

I spent 70 thousand rubles on the furnishings and equipment of the office.

The furniture was the cheapest. The printer was also included in this price, the computer had to be brought from home. The trading room was large, but there were no other options.

The equipment of a full-fledged office is a costly business.

Later, the area of ​​this office was not enough.

Methods for demonstrating products on the trading floor

The first thing he did was to exhibit his products. Since there was a lot of space, I laid out paving slabs in all sorts of ways. He combined two, and even four different colors of tiles of the same model, which could be laid in different colors.

Showing samples of paving slabs is a necessary attribute of sales.

Thus, he could not show his products in the conditions of the workshop.

Expanding the range of building materials

So I became a representative of a mini-factory for the production of building materials.

On the trading floor, he exhibited the bricks made by them, and posted catalogs of the rest of the products, which, due to their large dimensions, could not be placed in the office.

Display of samples of bricks and other products in the sales office.

I placed samples of floor slabs and foundation blocks near the gates of my workshop.

Product promotion activities

The next question concerned information support of trade - marketing.

The office was on the road. The administration allowed advertising banners to be placed on the building. I made two streamers measuring 1 by 4 meters to hang them on different sides of the building. Their cost was 8 thousand rubles.

And they also made a remote stand, which was located in front of the entrance to the building. Its price was 2 thousand rubles.

From 4 thousand to 7 thousand rubles were spent on the promotion of products in Avito, newspapers, the production of leaflets and business cards. per month.

How to make money selling third-party construction products

As a result of the increased demand for their products and the inability to satisfy the needs of consumers with the available production capacities, it was necessary to urgently make some kind of decision.

Reasons for contacting other manufacturers

There was no money to expand production, and I didn’t really want to increase it.

In the warm season, rent could still be paid, but in winter, when there were almost no orders, and the production facility needed to be heated, the cost of rent hit the pocket significantly.

The solution was to negotiate the sale of tiles from other manufacturers .

My advantages when choosing a partner

In the modern market, the problem of any manufacturer is the sale of products. In such an environment, with fierce competition, manufacturers who do not have their own distribution channels become hostages of sellers.

If I have a good client, then the company provides a minimum wholesale price for products.

A commodity producer always has a need for funds - these are salary, rent, debts for delivered raw materials, or just a person has a loan in a bank.

The manufacturer is always happy to sell, even with a minimal markup on the product. I took advantage of this position.

Very often on sales earned more than the manufacturer.

Positive shifts in business give impetus to further growth

When organizing any business, you need to constantly move forward. Otherwise - stagnation.

Significant progress in trade since the conclusion of the partnership agreement

It turned out to be easy to find a manufacturer for cooperation. The agreement was signed with him. The list of presented products far exceeded my output of goods. A quarter of the room was occupied by an exhibition of their products.

I started looking for suppliers who can provide exhibition samples, stands, catalogs and other promotional items for free.

Finding new ways to increase sales

And also revealed a certain style of work in such auctions. It was necessary that the manufacturer or wholesaler, whose products I represent, release the goods from the warehouse at the sales price in their office.

Not everyone agreed to such cooperation, but still there were entrepreneurs who wanted to expand. They also had conditions - if I represent their assortment, then I no longer work with anyone.

Samples of reinforced concrete products in an open area.

Retail Space Optimization

The trading floor began to be filled with samples of various goods. Then he divided the trading zones. On the production area, he placed the most dimensional specimens - reinforced concrete products.

Roofing samples.

They were joined by samples of wood, roofing, mesh, metal products - everything related to construction.

Samples of rolled metal.

I divided the office space into three parts - an office and two halls. The first hall served to display products for construction and landscaping, the second hall presented materials for interior decoration and bathrooms.

Trading room with samples of finishing materials.

I filled empty places in the trading floors with goods that fit the theme. For example, the trading floor was replenished with two stands - one with LED lighting, the second one represented manufacturers of swimming pools for personal plots, saunas, and baths.

Temporary setbacks are inevitable

Not all positions were profitable. Some goods or services have never been sold. For example, I have never accepted an order for the manufacture of a pool or a fountain. Bathroom mosaics sold very poorly and took up a lot of space, but bright and beautiful stands with such samples had a positive effect on buyers.

Not everything is for sale, but some products create a good atmosphere on the trading floor.

How much does the trade in building materials bring

I will briefly talk about the profit received from the sale of building and finishing materials.

Sizes of allowances for goods

On the goods sold, he cheated from 10 to 30%. The highest margin is for paving slabs and building materials.

And also tile, porcelain stoneware, tiles and countertops made of natural stone are going well. The average markup was 20%.

What does income depend on?

If the turnover that passed through my office amounted to 1 million rubles, then I have approximately 200 thousand rubles of profit left.

From there, taxes, deductions, rent, advertising costs and the salary of the seller, accountant are deducted.

Half of that amount remains. If at the height of the season it is possible to sell for 2-3 million rubles, then the costs are the same, and the profit increases. I wrote my turnover above. It is not difficult to calculate how much the business brings me net.

But do not forget that January and February are months of almost no revenue. However, it is necessary to pay money for rent, and pay salaries to employees of the enterprise. And for this, in a busy season, you need to work hard.

My trading method

Some, after reading the article, may think that I am an ordinary speculator, and buyers do not receive anything when purchasing goods through my sales office. If that were the case, then the customers wouldn't come here.

Advising customers on products

I relied on advice to consumers regarding the characteristics of the purchased building materials. In addition, he did not accept low-quality goods for sale.

Consumers did not have to run after sellers and ask for illiterate advice about the product I was selling, since I knew everything and could answer any question for customers.

Software application

He also mastered computer 3D modeling, and made projects for the repair of premises for free with the calculation of consumable material.

For example, the program calculated the number of bathroom tiles accurately, and customers did not have to purchase extra material, such as tiles and glue.

design service

Also, my salesperson provided designer services and helped buyers decide on colors, sizes and finishes.

This is very hard work.

The impeccable reputation of a businessman is an important component of a successful business

Reputation is another benefit. For three years of work, I did not let anyone down, so wholesale consumers established business relations with me.

It would seem that construction companies themselves can go to manufacturing plants, where they can purchase goods in large quantities.

But, apparently, there are problems that prevent such actions.

When words do not disagree with deeds, this is a reputation that is also paid.

In addition to the above, it is very important that the ordered goods are correctly packaged, counted, checked and delivered on time.

Future plans

Now I plan to open a wholesale warehouse office, working on the same principle. There are many manufacturers who want to sell their goods. Now I want to negotiate with large companies throughout the European part of Russia. I am sure that success will surely come.

Today's our article is about how to open a building materials store from scratch. You will learn how profitable this business area is and how to achieve rapid success in entrepreneurship.

Every year the number of new buildings is growing rapidly. In a short time, many new arrays and residential areas appear. For construction, of course, you will need a wide variety of materials, so we can conclude that the business of selling building materials is a profitable and promising business.

Advantages and disadvantages of the construction business

  • Great demand for the product. Building materials are in great demand in any region of the country. Their popularity is due to the fact that a person builds or repairs something throughout his life. For this, he needs materials, so the demand for this product not only does not fall, but also grows every year. Therefore, if you want to invest money profitably, then the construction business will provide you with a stable income and high profits.
  • Product range. If you believe the statistics, then opening a small hardware store is a hopeless undertaking, doomed to failure. The thing is that the competition in the construction business is quite serious. You have to fight for customers with large construction hypermarkets that offer a wide range of goods and favorable prices. Therefore, in order to interest visitors, it is required to provide a wide variety of goods or decide on the format of the store, for example, to sell a certain product in a large assortment.
  • Additional services. Do not forget that you can make a profit not only from the sale of goods, but also by providing additional services to customers. For example, not all buyers have the opportunity to independently deliver their purchases to their destination, and building materials are a fairly large product. Therefore, there is a need to organize a delivery service. You can earn good money by providing this service.

Building materials store: business plan

The chosen business idea needs competent implementation. A well-written business plan will help you with this.

The business plan should outline the profitability of the idea, the payback period and the expected profit from the business. As already indicated above, the cost of opening a hardware store depends on the region and sales volumes. It is difficult to determine the exact amount, but it is worth noting that you are unlikely to be able to open a hardware store from scratch. The only option is to find an investor who will be ready to finance your project. But finding a rich person who believes in the success of your idea is quite difficult, so you can count on this option only if you are a specialist in this field of knowledge.

Registration of a business selling building materials

If you have the necessary start-up capital to open a business, then you can safely proceed to register your activities.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the substantive form of activity. You can choose one of two options: register as an individual entrepreneur or establish a legal entity - a Limited Liability Company. When choosing a form of activity, consider the amount of investment. If you plan to open a small hardware store, you can safely register as an individual entrepreneur. In the case of organizing a large business, opening a hypermarket or a network of hardware stores, you will have to register a legal entity (LLC).

Having decided on the form of activity, you should select the appropriate OKVED codes. The most convenient option is to pay a single tax on imputed income.

It is also required to obtain permits for activities from the SES, the fire department, the city administration, the Chamber of Commerce, and even a certificate from the traffic police (in the case of parking on the territory of the store).

Collecting and processing all the necessary documents is a rather laborious process. If you are poorly versed in legal intricacies, then entrust this matter to an experienced lawyer.

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Location and rent

From the correct choice of the location of the store will directly depend on its profit. Therefore, it is very important to choose a profitable place in the city. Choose crowded areas with high traffic. It is desirable that there are no competitors nearby.

Sufficiently profitable places to open a hardware store are the areas of new buildings, the construction market, and the industrial zone of the city.

There are no special conditions for the premises of the store. The main thing is that it is in a non-residential fund. Near the store it is also desirable to equip parking and convenient access roads for loading and unloading goods.

Depending on the volume of sales, choose the right area for your store. As discussed above, small shops are unprofitable, so the area of ​​​​the premises should be at least 200 square meters. m. As for the repair, the expensive, designer interior in this case will not affect the number of sales. Therefore, I recommend that you do not bother with expensive repairs. It is enough to meet the minimum requirement: the room must be clean, dry, tidy, with good ventilation. In addition, the fire and sanitary services impose their own requirements on the premises, so you will have to comply with all standards (ventilation, storage conditions for goods, etc.).

Store Format

Before you start implementing this business idea, you should decide on the format of the store, choosing the appropriate direction. Building materials are sold in different ways. They are sold in small retail outlets, in stalls at construction markets or bases, in supermarkets or in narrow-profile, specialized points of sale.

  1. Small hardware store. The total area of ​​this outlet is from 20-50 sq. m. Naturally, in such a room it is impossible to place a large assortment of goods, so it is better to focus on one thing. For example, you can trade paint or wallpaper, drywall or flooring.
  2. Large stores with a total area of ​​about 150-200 sq. m. In such a room it is already possible to place a small assortment of goods. You can trade several types of building materials at the same time. It can be the same paint, wallpaper, glue, parquet, tiles, pipes and much more. It all depends on competition and demand for the product. You must analyze these nuances before deciding on the assortment of your hardware store.
  3. Building supermarkets. The area of ​​these outlets is from 1000 sq. m. In such stores, customers are given the opportunity to choose everything they need for construction and repair in one place. A large assortment, favorable prices and promotions attract a large number of people, so this business format is considered the most successful. The only negative is the large financial investment. It takes a lot of money to open a construction supermarket, therefore, as a rule, there are several owners of such points at once.
  4. Store-warehouse. This business format consists in the fact that two separate premises are rented. The first is a warehouse where the main part of the goods is stored. And the second department is a trading floor for buyers, where the entire range of products is exhibited in small quantities. This business format is quite profitable because you do not have to equip a large trading floor, hire a lot of staff. 2-3 sales assistants, several loaders and security guards will be quite enough.

Building materials store equipment

Special expensive equipment for the store is not needed. Therefore, this item will not be financially too costly for you.

Necessary equipment for a hardware store

  • Showcases and racks for displaying goods;
  • Cabinets with glass doors;
  • Trading nets for hanging goods on the walls;
  • Packing table;
  • Equipped place for cashier and sales assistant (table, chairs, cash register);
  • Shopping carts and baskets.

Hardware store assortment

As mentioned above, the assortment depends on the area of ​​​​the store. Therefore, first of all, decide on the format of your outlet and after that, proceed to the purchase of goods for sale.

Standard product groups for a hardware store:

  • Wallpaper and glue. If you sell this product, then the assortment should be large enough, as they say, for every taste. Today, the variety of wallpapers is pleasantly pleasing, you can choose from paper, vinyl, washing and original fabric wallpapers.
  • Dry building mixtures (sand, cement, gypsum);
  • Paint and varnish products (for external and internal works);
  • Incomplete coatings (tiles, laminate, tiles, linoleum, carpet, parquet);
  • Plumbing (sinks, toilets, showers, hydroboxes, faucets, faucets, bathroom furniture and much more);
  • Doors (interior, entrance, from materials - wooden, glass, or an economical option from fiberboard);
  • Electrical equipment (lights, lamps, chandeliers, lights, wires, LEDs);
  • Construction tools.

In general, a wide range of goods can be placed on a large area. If the territory of the store is small, give preference to the sale of a certain group of goods.


For any entrepreneur, finding suppliers is a very responsible task. After all, the wholesale price of the goods, its quality and profit from the business depend on it.

You can find good suppliers in your city or via the Internet. The most profitable option is to cooperate with manufacturers of building materials and purchase goods directly.

hired personnel

The number of sales, and, accordingly, profit will depend on the work of store employees. Therefore, finding experienced and responsible employees is a very important matter.

The sales assistant must have all the information about the product, be able to communicate with customers, skillfully and unobtrusively offer their assistance in choosing a product. It is desirable that each department has its own sales consultant, competent in this field of knowledge.

Employee salaries should be incentive, not fixed. Thus, you will protect yourself from lazy people who go to work just like that. An employee whose salary depends on sales volumes will work many times more.

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How much does it cost to open a hardware store?

As the practice of experienced entrepreneurs shows, opening a small construction stall with an area of ​​​​up to 50 square meters will cost you 400-500 thousand rubles. A small part of this amount will be spent on renting the premises, and the main part on the purchase of goods. On average, the markup on building materials is 20-30%, which is not so much. In addition, it is also required to pay salaries to employees, purchase a new batch of goods, and pay taxes. As a result, the net profit in the early stages is minimal. Therefore, opening a small hardware store is profitable only if the goods are purchased at low prices and the possibility of cheating by more than 30%. Otherwise, it makes no sense to trade building materials.

To open a construction supermarket, you need a fairly large amount of money from 3 million rubles or more. But, despite the rather solid investments, the payback of the outlet is pretty fast. Therefore, if you have money, then investing it in the construction business is quite profitable.

Advertising campaign

Opening a hardware store is not the most important thing; it is important to attract buyers to the outlet. How to do it?

Attracting customers is an important nuance, without which you will not see profit. Therefore, do not skimp on advertising, hire competent specialists in this field and the result will not be long in coming.

  • Advertising around the city. Posters, banners, announcements, leaflets, all this attracts people's attention. Therefore, use all possible ways to promote.
  • Internet advertising. Create a website for your hardware store, where all information about the assortment, contact numbers and address will be available, as well as the possibility of buying goods via the Internet.
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