What kind of work has kindness. We formulate specific topics of the essay

Good - the category is not particularly in demand today. The world has become cruel, and in order to survive in it, you have to accept its rules. But we ourselves have made the world so. Books about kindness and kindness will remind you why it is extremely important to remain human. Pragmatism, cynicism, ambition, desire for power and money do not make this civilization better. We must learn this ourselves and teach our children to be kind - and then we will have a chance to change the vector ...

The greatest novel of the 19th century about the fate of one man named Jean Valjean, who went from a convict who hates the entire human race to a respectable citizen who always showed truly amazing humanity and kindness to other people.

A tragic story about a prisoner sentenced to the electric chair for the murder of two little girls. A huge black man, with his appearance causing horror, in fact turns out to be the kindest person, to whom fate was not at all favorable.

19th century American novel that opposes the brutality of the slave system. This is the story of one man and the entire era of slavery in America. This story is about the fact that such qualities as kindness, mercy, humanity do not depend on skin color.

The diary of a Dutch woman named Etty Hillesum, in whose soul lived great strength and will to live. Here are her thoughts during World War II. Having experienced all the horrors of the concentration camp, she did not lose heart, but was able to light a flame of hope in the hearts of thousands of people.

Robbie, Otto and Gottfried are three friends who survived the war. Together with another girl named Pat, they are forced to learn to live in a new world - a world of devastation, grief and evil. Each of them must choose their own moral path, which will determine their future life.

The book based on the popular film "1 + 1". A story about a French rich man chained to a wheelchair and an unemployed Negro who survived by petty robberies. Two completely different, at first glance, people who found in each other what they lacked so much.

Atticus Finch has always tried to live up to his conscience. He brings up his two children - a son and a daughter - in the spirit of justice and humanity. When a black man appears in the city, who is accused of murder, Atticus, despite all the prejudices of those around him, becomes his defense.

From childhood to old age - the story of one priest who, like everyone else, experienced fears and doubts, like everyone else, was subject to negative emotions. But every day he tried to become better - he fought cruelty, intolerance, evil and helped everyone who needed it.

An instructive book about a girl Sarah, who saw no reason to rejoice in life. But one day, having met a wise talking bird who taught her to look at life from a positive point of view, she realized how important it is to show her love, kindness and mercy to everything.

A life-affirming story about old Elner, who always saw joy in the smallest details and never lost heart. She brought joy and love to everyone around her. And even at a venerable age, Elner does not manage to retire - there are still so many things to teach others.

A young woman, along with her daughter, moves to a provincial French town and opens her own chocolate workshop. Feeling her customers in a mysterious way, she presents them not only with sweets, but also with what they lack so much.

A story about different people and different generations, which will make you laugh, cry and be sad. In her real life. But life is not from the side we used to look at. This story is about always continuing to believe in good and never giving up.

A kind and bright book about nine-year-old Trill and his girlfriend Lena, who get involved in various adventures and always successfully come out of them. It is recommended for reading by adults who, in a pile of their problems, have forgotten about the most important thing - love, friendship, mutual assistance.

At the age of 11, the heroine of the novel, Pollyanna, has to leave her home and move to live with her harsh and strict aunt. But the girl does not despair, because her father taught her one game, which is to life situations see only the positive.

very kind and instructive story about two boys and about one wonderful summer. Incredible adventure, interesting situations, mysterious cases and ... summer, full of wonderful smells, bright colors that can take any reader back to childhood.

Fairy tale for children and adults. A crashed pilot in a distant desert meets a little boy who turns out to be an alien from another planet. The boy's amazing view of life, his thoughts and stories will not leave anyone indifferent.

How important, at any age, in any situation, never forget about your family. About my grandparents, and maybe about aged parents. The book is not just about an unusual grandfather, oh little boy and cherry tree, but about family, love and kindness.

A fairy tale, a story, or maybe a riddle? In the center of everything is the House with its unusual inhabitants. Incredible plexus fairy tales, thoughts on the topic eternal questions about good and evil, and an unexpected ending - this book will lead the reader into a fantasy world in which everyone can find what they have been looking for for a long time.

"35 Kilos of Hope" is a story about choosing one's own path, about love and faith, about family, about life values, about devotion and tolerance towards others. This book makes you laugh and cry, it motivates you to act and not waste a single minute of your life on trifles.

Captain Crewe is a very powerful and wealthy man. He sends his daughter Sarah to one of best schools. But after it sudden death, the girl is attacked by a bunch of misfortunes. A kind heart, tolerance and faith in the best will help Sarah find a way out even from this situation.

The lack of goodness adversely affects people. For example, Akaky Akakievich from Gogol's story "The Overcoat" died because those around him did not show any interest in him. Evil scoundrels robbed him, but the whole city remained indifferent to the trouble, it is in him that the author sees the source of evil, because a good person is never indifferent to the feelings of another.

In Andersen's fairy tale The Snow Queen"The main character saves Kai by the power of her kindness, melting his frozen heart. The author used a metaphor: in fact, he wanted to say that it is warm loving heart able to destroy the coldness of even the most arrogant person.

In Andersen's fairy tale ugly duck» an idea is revealed inner beauty which is expressed precisely in kindness to others. Society rejected the hero, but he did not become embittered and still went to peace with open heart. It was this quality of his that was rewarded with an external beauty, but worthless in comparison with the charm of the soul, called kindness.

In Pushkin's fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila", the princess chose only one of the knights - Ruslan - only because he did not wish harm to any of his rivals, he was kind and fair. The heroine did this not only out of the inclination of her soul: she understood that the ruler of the state must, first of all, have kindness in order to teach people to become better by her own example, and not just manage them.

Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky" also reveals the theme of kindness. Masha Troekurova, showing understanding and gentleness towards Vladimir, rejected by everyone, brings him back to life from the darkness of hatred into which circumstances have driven him. The hero responds to kindness with active and devoted love for the daughter of his enemy.

In Pushkin's story Stationmaster The hero dies from lack of kindness. His daughter ran away with a hussar and never made herself felt, and her fiancé pushed her father out of the house. The young did not have enough sensitivity for the old man, for whom the whole world consisted in a daughter. This is how kindness, restrained in the heart, can destroy someone whom it did not warm in time.
In Solzhenitsyn's story Matrenin yard» the heroine generously gave away affection. Out of the kindness of her soul, she only did what she helped others: she raised someone else's daughter, gave her everything she had, and always worked for the sake of other people's success. Her selflessness is a sign of holiness, without which, according to the author, not only the village, but the whole world will not stand.

In Griboyedov's play "Woe from Wit", the theme of kindness is touched upon by the main character. He calls famous society to mercy and compassion for the peasants, who are mercilessly oppressed by the landowners. His monologue convinces that it is impossible to treat people with condescension, whoever they are, because real nobility is not a title, but a virtue.

In Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin" main character neglected kindness and killed a comrade. From that moment began his real misfortune: nowhere did he find peace. But if he had not drowned out the voice of his heart in himself, his kindness would have found words for a peaceful settlement of the conflict, because it implies a readiness for dialogue and a desire for harmony.

In Green's work Scarlet Sails The heroine was a kind and bright girl. And as if in reward for this, the wizard predicted to her happy fate. It cannot be otherwise: only a kind person believes in a dream more than in harsh reality. Therefore, kindness attracts those who are ready to make her dreams come true despite the harsh reality.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. December is just around the corner, which means before writing final essay only a month left.

This is not so little, considering that in four weeks, with a lot of work, you can write from 5 to 10 trial essays.

This article is about one of thematic areas offered to graduates in 2018. It is formulated as follows: the essay "Kindness and". To successfully write a text on this topic, just follow a few simple steps.

We formulate specific topics of the essay

To begin with, we propose to comprehend the declared direction and formulate 5 approximate topics. This does not mean that you will get them on the exam. But, at least one or two of them, you will come closer to understanding the problem. For example take the following topics:

  1. - "How do kindness and cruelty coexist in the heart of a person?";
  2. - "Is a cruel person capable of a good deed?";
  3. - "Why kind people become violent?
  4. - "Where does kindness end and cruelty begin in a situation of war?";
  5. Why are children so cruel to each other?

Choose a topic that is closer to you and proceed to the next stage of work.

Looking for quotes

Quotes will help diversify the essay. They are best placed in the introduction to the essay. Well Chosen Quote makes it possible to build on it and formulate your own.

To link sentences, use expressions constructed:

“A well-known scientist suggested that yellow unicorns are quite rare creatures, and one cannot but agree with this / this idea is confirmed in fiction, / and life experience confirms this…”

or based on his rebuttal:

“The writer proposes to consider yellow unicorns as a normal phenomenon, but we will try to ... prove the opposite / argue with this point of view / reason differently ...”

For example, using the aphorism of Honore de Balzac:

"Cruelty and fear shake hands"

You can comment on the essay about the causes of cruelty.

A quote from Leo Tolstoy will become best start own reasoning:

"Most best qualities without kindness they are worth nothing, and the worst vices are easily forgiven with it ... "

Arguments from the literature on the topic of kindness and cruelty

A good illustration in the stated direction will be the behavior of Pugachev in " Captain's daughter » A.S. Pushkin.

Terrifying in their cruelty, the scenes of the rebels' massacre of the captain and captain are replaced by an episode of the inexplicable good nature of the rebel in relation to Pyotr Grinev. What makes the same person be either heartless or merciful?

The famous Gogol story " Taras Bulba” tells about the life of the Cossacks, whose goal of life is to defend in military combat. In a situation of war, the world is divided into “us” and “them”, therefore Taras Bulba, sincere and fair in peaceful life, becomes merciless to his son when it comes to loyalty to the Fatherland.

Believing that the right punishes the wrong, "one's own" - "alien", the father brutally kills his own son. The cruelty of Bulba is due to the era in which he lives, the culture and traditions of his environment.

M. Gorky in the play " At the bottom"draws images of heroes who find themselves outside the normal social environment. All of them, for various reasons, become inhabitants of a rooming house, in which cruelty, envy, and the desire for deceit reign.

Only Luke the comforter is kind. But in fact, his kindness is not enough to save them: it dissolves in words and is not confirmed by deeds. Such kindness is worse than cruelty: it becomes destructive for the characters.

In addition to the titles mentioned, it is permissible to refer for arguments to:

  1. the story of I. S. Turgenev "Mu-mu"
  2. his novel "Fathers and Sons"
  3. novel by I. A. Goncharov "Oblomov"
  4. poem by S.A. Yesenin "Anna Snegina"
  5. story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryonin Dvor
  6. novel by B. L. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago"
  7. epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don»
  8. and other literary sources.

Getting Started

We will try our best succinctly formulate main idea , illustrate it with logical, interrelated arguments and draw a conclusion corresponding to the main thesis voiced at the beginning.

Let's sketch plan: Kindness and cruelty. The writing". It must consist of three elements:

  1. - introductions;
  2. - the main part;
  3. - conclusions.

Additional Tips take here:

Let's take the third topic as an example: Why do kind people become cruel". On the draft, we will write arguments that will help illustrate the evil, aggressive behavior of a person who was previously in good standing.

To the two main arguments, it would not be superfluous to add a third (better - from Western European literature). Each paragraph should end with a mini-conclusion, and the entire text of the work should end with a generalizing conclusion.

An example of a final essay: “Why do kind people become cruel?”

The Chinese sage Confucius said: "All people are born good." It is difficult to argue with this: babies do not know envy, slyness, lies. They are defenseless before people and are equally open to good and evil. Why does it happen that kind people become cruel?

AT loving families calm sons and affectionate daughters grow up. And if the family is dysfunctional (parents quarrel, take care of themselves, disappear altogether), childhood collapses. What a person will be depends on the environment in which he grows up. If someone good-natured shows aggression and callousness towards others, it means that he was hurt, offended, insulted, forced to lose faith in people.

An example of this is the official Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin from the story of N.V. Gogol's "Overcoat". Serving honestly in my department, small man"did not dream of anything, but as soon as Akaky Akakievich wished for a new overcoat, providence laughed at him. The overcoat was perceived by the official as alive - he thought about her so much, he prepared for a new life, the symbol of which she became, for so long.

And when the overcoat finally passed into his possession, the unknown took it away. Bashmachkin died of shock. The ghost of Akaky Akakievich began to take overcoats from everyone he met. So N.V. Gogol described the model of the birth of cruelty: the offended becomes the offender. True, it occurs only after the death of the hero.

In the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", the problem reaches its climax. The murder of an old woman by a student Raskolnikov is a reaction to the cruelty of the world around him, which burdens the hero. Blood begets blood, evil cannot stop evil.

Only the sacrificial love of Sonya Marmeladova breaks this chain. Pride gives way to repentance, cruelty gives way to kindness, which lived in Raskolnikov's heart even when he was a child. Another example of the transformation of a kind person into a cruel one is illustrated by the beautiful girl Lorelei, recorded by the German romantic poet Clemens Brentano.

The river fairy Lorelain (or Lorelei) sits on top of a rock and sings sweet songs that drive everyone who hears them crazy. The beauty of Lorelei is destructive, but she does not please the girl, because her heart is broken by unrequited love. Having suffered from the cruelty of her lover, Lorelei indifferently destroys other young men, and then she herself dies. So cruelty destroys everything around and inside a person.

No matter how kind we are, life sends us severe trials, and not everyone has the strength to endure. Few people retain such qualities as cordiality and for life. People become cruel in order to protect themselves from new pain, to take revenge, to fight back those who offended them. Only love can break this cycle. It is she who gives strength to live on.

We analyze the results and prepare for the exam

The final essay will show how ready you are for the exam in the Russian language.

Even if the credit is successfully received, honestly ask yourself questions:

  1. - Is it a lot literary works have I read?
  2. — Do I know how to select quotes and arguments?
  3. Can I draw logical conclusions?
  4. Was it easy for me to write an essay?

If the answer to at least one of these questions is negative, it makes sense to continue writing trial essays, bringing this skill to perfection. Then part FROM your written exam will absolutely delight both you and the examiners.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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Kindness and cruelty - This direction encourages graduates to think about moral foundations attitude to man and all living things, allows us to think, on the one hand, about the humanistic desire to value and protect life, on the other hand, about the inhuman desire to cause suffering and pain to others and even to oneself.
The concepts of "kindness" and "cruelty" belong to the "eternal" categories; many works of literature show characters gravitating towards one of these poles or going through the path of moral rebirth.

Examples of essays in the direction Kindness and cruelty

Essays on this topic as a preparation for the final essay.

For a very long time, the problem of kindness and cruelty has remained relevant for discussion. In the world there is an eternal confrontation between good and evil. Kindness ennobles everything around, makes the world brighter and brighter, while cruelty brings chaos and disorder. The same can be seen in the behavior of people. Cruel person, ignoring the basic rules of morality, will commit dishonorable and heartless acts. Being cold-blooded, such a person ruthlessly treats the weak and the poor. However, quite different can be expected from a kind person.

From these considerations comes the question: “Who can be called a kind person?”. Kindness is always aimed at doing good and showing compassion towards the needy, at taking a selfless step. people with good hearts and pure soul sincerely help others, provide support when they need it most. Thanks to strong love to the whole world around them, such people are ready to commit a selfless feat, ready to give their lives for another. A good person can be called a person who is able to show courage, give all his strength to help the needy. Truly a kind and generous person can be called main character short story by Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor".

From early youth to extreme old age, Matryona was haunted by a difficult fate. She did not seek wealth by doing dishonest things, as the rest of the inhabitants of her village do, did not try to profit at the expense of others. All her time, Matryona devoted herself to others: she helped her neighbors, worked for the collective farm, while never asking for money in return. She even gave her last room adopted daughter, after which she died trying to help with transportation.

Matryona is a prime example a kind person, she tried to help everyone of her own free will, she took risks for the sake of others, sometimes without thinking about her health. Kind people are unique individuals who are able to sacrifice their own interests for the benefit of others. In my opinion, it is with such people that the world becomes better, it is thanks to them that it continues to exist. It is important in any situation to remain yourself, to remain human and to do good, despite the difficulties.

Composition on the topic: Kindness and cruelty

Kindness is responsiveness, sincere disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others. A kind person is always benevolent towards others, has a gentle character. Showing mercy and compassion, he will never pass by someone who needs help.

Rigidity is opposed to kindness, it is extreme severity, ruthlessness, ruthlessness. A cruel person is not touched by the suffering of those around him, on the contrary, he himself can inflict pain, both physical and moral, on his neighbor, he does not have mercy, sympathy, compassion and pity for other people.

An example of kindness can be found in V. G. Rasputin's story "French Lessons". The action takes place in the harsh, hungry post-war period, in 1948. The narrator reminisces about his childhood. He was the only one from the village who got the opportunity to continue his education after elementary school in the district center, where he was settled in an apartment with strangers. The boy was sad and lonely and very hungry. In order to somehow support himself, he began to play chica for money, winning a ruble a day and buying a can of milk with this money. But street boys have shown cruelty. They did not like that the boy won the ruble and left the game. For this he was severely beaten. The French teacher and part-time class teacher Lidia Mikhailovna did not complain to the director when she learned that her student was playing for money, because for this they would have been immediately expelled from school. After talking with the child, she realized that he was starving, and decided to help him by inventing additional classes in French after school at home. But the proud and shy country boy completely refused to sit down at the dinner table. And the parcel with food allegedly from the mother did not help Lidia Mikhailovna, the student guessed that it was a parcel from the teacher and indignantly returned it to the class teacher. Lidia Mikhailovna found the only way to somehow help the starving student in the game for money. Behind this lesson, the director caught the student and the teacher. Lidia Mikhailovna took all the blame on herself, protecting the boy. She was forced to quit and go to her home in the Kuban, and sent the boy a parcel with red Kuban apples, which the Siberian boy had seen only in the picture before. For the rest of his life, the hero remembered the lessons of kindness that the teacher taught him.

A cruel attitude towards a person is revealed in the story "Yushka" by A.P. Platonov, where a sharply negative opinion has taken root among the inhabitants of the settlement towards the title character, who was actually called Efim Dmitrievich. This thin, weak, emaciated forty-year-old man was disparagingly called Yushka, they despised, offended and humiliated him. And the children, imitating adults, pursued the blacksmith's assistant when he walked down the street, threw earth, stones, branches at him. Only after Yushka's death did everyone learn that this man, despised by them, who wore the same old clothes in winter and summer and never drank sweet tea, took all the money he earned during the year to the city with one family, where he placed the orphan. The girl grew up, received a medical education and became a doctor in order to help those in need just as disinterestedly as her benefactor Efim Dmitrievich. At first, only the carpenter asked for forgiveness from Yushka: "Farewell, Yushka, and forgive us all. People rejected you, and who is your judge!" But the realization of their injustice came to other people.

Summing up, let's say that kindness, mercy and compassion make both the person himself and the world around him better, cleaner and nobler. Cruelty is a disgusting quality that divides people, divides them, leads the world to destruction. Do good and avoid cruelty not only to your neighbor, but also to animals.

Composition on the topic: Kindness and cruelty

Kindness and cruelty. Not at all compatible concepts.
What is kindness?
It's positive moral quality person. Kind, compassionate person always ready to help others in Hard time without asking for anything in return. Such a person passes other people's troubles through himself, thereby understanding even more a person who finds himself in a difficult situation.
Good man is strong man. Kindness contributes to the inner prosperity of a person.
Speaking of cruelty, I can say that this is a negative quality.
A cruel person is often selfish, he is envious, he is led by malice and hatred. As a rule, cruelty is unfulfilled dreams unachieved goals and objectives. Cruelty makes a person unhappy, destroys him from the inside, does not allow him to love himself and others, to fully enjoy life.

Recall the story of N. S. Leskov "Lady Macbeth Mtsensk district". Main characters this work vicious, cold-blooded, cruel. Ekaterina Izmailova is the wife of a wealthy merchant, but since she does not feel real sincere love for him, she falls in love with her worker Sergei. Along with a wonderful, tender feeling of love, there is also cruelty and inhumanity in it. Realizing that the illegal connection can be severed, together with Sergei, he kills her husband and father-in-law, but this is not the end.

Catherine goes to kill Fedya's nephew in order to remain the sole heir to the state. Such actions personify indifference, selfishness, cruelty. Departing from the theme of cruelty, I would like to cite as an example the work of A. I. Kuprin " Miraculous Doctor", one of the main themes of which is kindness and responsiveness. In the center of the plot is an impoverished family whose children are sick and starving. Out of hopelessness, the father of the family wants to commit suicide, but at that moment he meets a man. He turns out to be a doctor who listens to the family's story Mertsalov Without a drop of doubt and reflection, he helps the family.

Such an act characterizes a person as sympathetic, kind, cordial. I want there to be more kind people in the world, because kindness can change the world for the better. it wonderful feeling, forcing to radiate brightness and warmth. Good and evil concepts, and as long as man exists, there will be good and evil. Evil helps us analyze actions, and good directs us to the right path of truth.

Composition on the topic: Kindness and cruelty

Why do good people become evil and cruel? As a rule, there are many reasons for this, which sometimes even force us to justify the person who made such a reincarnation. It happens that kindness was answered with ingratitude, or the blows of fate fell on him one after another, and he broke down under them. Consider typical examples from the literature.

In the epic novel by M. A. Sholokhov “Quiet Flows the Don”, the heroine faced a terrible test. She was raped by her own father. In front of her eyes, the man was killed by his mother and brother, but the trampled honor could not be returned, and the family was glad of any opportunity to marry the disgraced Aksinya. Such a chance turned up, because Stepan was struck by the bright appearance of the girl and did not delve into the details of her life. However, Aksinya herself did not fall in love with her husband, and conflicts began in the young family. As we remember, the wife took advantage of Stepan's absence and became the mistress of Grigory Melekhov. She was condemned in the village, and her parents young man and were completely furious. The husband returned and beat the heroine for infidelity. But can you be so strict with her? What she has gone through cannot go unnoticed. Her soul is wounded, faith in people is undermined. The closest relative abused her, how then to demand from her respect for strangers family ties? Thus, a person can become hardened against the world if he has been greatly offended by people close to him or dear to his heart.

In the story of I. S. Turgenev “Biryuk”, the main character was not liked in the district. He held the position of a forester and gave no concessions to anyone. He detained all those who felled the forest illegally. He never took pity on the poor, who encroached on trees out of need and hopelessness. He was even nicknamed "Biryuk", hinting at his unsociableness and severity. It was impossible to bribe this man, he was so principled. But the narrator accidentally got into the lair of this evil forester, and what did he see? Little children left to him by his unfaithful wife, who left him for a better life with a tradesman. They all huddled in a miserable hut, consisting of one room. Naturally, the man became hardened and stopped believing in people, because he was betrayed by the closest woman. However, upon closer examination, his kindness still did not disappear anywhere: he helped the traveler, released the thief, taken by surprise, at his request. He just hid his kind heart lest he be trampled again. This means that the one who seems cruel may not be cruel at all, but simply hides his kindness so as not to be deceived again.

Thus, kind people can change for the worse if they are very hurt by those from whom they did not expect it. A stab in the back will make a person lose all confidence, without which it is impossible to do good. But even if such a transformation has taken place, you should not put an end to the personality: perhaps she just needs time to open up to the world again from her best side.

Composition on the topic: Kindness and cruelty

Unfortunately, we often have to deal with it in our lives.
It might just be rude word, uttered by a person in our address. Or someone may intentionally push us into the subway, clearing their way. Aggressive behavior towards others can lead to more dire consequences such as death of people and animals or serious harm to their health.

Cruelty is a quality that is either inherent in a person or not. If a man or woman is by nature cruel, then this is already very difficult to correct, because given trait, most likely appeared in them back in early age. And such people may even experience pleasure in causing pain to another person.

It also happens that a person is able to show cruelty only in a certain state, for example, when he is very angry. Then you can simply learn to control your emotions on your own or sign up for anger management courses.

It always becomes very hard for me at heart when I encounter any manifestations of cruelty. Therefore, if I see that one of my classmates is being called names by other students, I immediately try to protect this person, because sometimes a word can hurt more than a rough physical action.

I do not like to watch the news, because they often talk about various tragedies and disasters. I always worry about people in trouble and for their loved ones.

I would really like to have as little cruelty as possible in our world. I always rejoice if any measures are taken at the state level to limit it, for example, the law on the protection of animal rights. I hope that in the future the situation will also change exclusively for the better.

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