Time capsules in which the most unusual things for these purposes were found. Accidentally found time capsule Scientists have found a time capsule

In the early 1990s, climber-guide Jose Luis Delgado Mamani, exploring the landscapes of Peru and Bolivia in the area of ​​Lake Titicaca, came across a huge stone slab 7 meters high.

It has a hollowed out niche resembling a keyhole about 2 meters high. What it was used for is unknown. But locals call this stone Arama Muru, and the niche in it is Puerta de Hayu Marka, or the Gate of the Gods, writes KP.

There are legends telling about people who allegedly fell into this opening. Or stories about strange creatures. For example, about "a tall man passing through an opening and surrounded by flaming balls of light."

The locals have no doubts that ancient gods walk near the lake. And ufologists call the opening a portal through which you can get into other worlds. If you know how.

And there is another legend about Lemuria. They say that at the time when this mythical continent plunged into the ocean, one of the seven great masters, Aram Moore, was instructed to transfer the sacred golden Sun disk and the scrolls to Lake Titicaca for safe storage. Aramu Muru built the monastery of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays to store relics. During the time of the Incas, the Sun disk was moved to Cuzco and was located in the main temple of the Sun, where it remained until the arrival of the Spaniards. Then he was returned to Lake Titicaca and placed in the Eternal City under the lake.

The solar disc gave an answer to any question, receiving information directly from the Universal Source of Knowledge. Based on modern ideas, it can be assumed that it was an artificial intelligence with a database of some kind of supercivilization. Perhaps the best gift to humanity than such a disk, and it's hard to come up with. Suddenly, it was he who was left as a "time capsule"?

… which is located on Lake Titicaca.

There is an ancient prediction that at the present time, which is called by the locals the era of the Tenth Pachacuti, the sacred solar disk should be revived, opening up access to cosmic wisdom. In other words, the time to extract the "time capsule" has come.

Now Pakhomov is preparing to release the fifth part of the book "The Secret of the Calendar - a Message to the Unborn". And he describes in detail in it how the place of storage of the heritage of an ancient supercivilization was found. At the same time, the publishing house assures readers: “The opening of the calendar message and the method of its decoding received positive feedback from mathematicians and computer scientists of the universities to which we sent the book. We have confidence in this book." It's time to pack your suitcase and fly to South America.

But what do other scientists think about Pakhomov's discovery? Here are some opinions.

Skeptic: “Everything there is tailored to entertaining answers”

I called a mathematician I know - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Chief Researcher of the Mathematical Institute. V. A. Steklov RAS to Viktor VASIL'EV, who also heads the Moscow Mathematical Society.

- I looked at the texts of Pakhomov, - said Viktor Anatolyevich. - Everything there is adjusted to entertaining answers: and the image of Orion can be seen only with a strong desire. And the melody there is no better and no worse than any other, not completely random code. And the fact that these tables are built by the author is not very random, no doubt. But what does the aliens have to do with it, or who allegedly left this “message” there?

All that, according to the wildest fantasy, these aliens or whoever could encode in the calendar is the one and only number 7, that is, the fact that our ancestors once chose a seven-day week.

Enthusiasts: “From the table we call a calendar, it is quite possible to extract both pictures and music”

Associate Professor of the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics, Moscow State Academy of Fine Chemical Technology named after V.I. M. V. Lomonosov Alexander SAZANOV:

- Ancient information can really be stored in the calendar, just like, for example, in Tarot cards.

The ancient book "Tarot Arcana" tells that when the sages of Atlantis predicted a planetary catastrophe, they began to think: in what monuments to store their rich information? And we came to the conclusion that it will best of all reach the descendants in the form of a game. And they created tarot cards. So the deck is a peculiar and not yet deciphered monument from the Atlanteans.

The Atlanteans knew mathematics well. They could process information related to the new calendar, which has 365 days, in their own way into some kind of images. Therefore, from the table that we call a calendar, it is quite possible to extract both pictures and music.

That is, the calendar is an artificial creation. But not the cosmic mind, namely the earthly sages.

The calendar itself seems to me an intellectual megalith. It reflects the desire to preserve for a very long period the message that intelligence on Earth once reached a high level. In general, to come up with such a “safe” is an amazing thing, because millennia bring their own distortions to everything. It would be possible to wall up the "safe" in the pyramids. But there is no guarantee that one day they will not collapse.

It seems to me that the information that Vladimir Leonidovich extracted from the calendar was indeed planted by someone.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Secretary of the ONTSKM, Senior Researcher of the State Astronomical Institute named after V.I. P. K. Sternberg, Academician of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics. K. E. Tsiolkovsky Lev GINDILIS:

- In the calendar, which is a matrix, amazing patterns really appear. They lead to the idea that only a highly developed civilization could create such a product. Whether they flew to us from outer space or the earthlings themselves contacted the aliens - this question remains open. But there are many examples when reflections reach us, evidence of very high scientific knowledge that exists both in the material and in the spiritual culture of mankind. Take, for example, the “astronomy” of the allegedly primitive African Dogon tribe, who, even before the invention of telescopes, knew that Sirius was a double star.

Many historical facts show that for several centuries our earthly civilization has been in contact with some more advanced civilization. Soon, I think, we must gather a wider circle of specialists in calendars, astronomy, and above all in the field of mythology. Because it is in myths that a lot of information about the history of our planet is hidden.


Sign of Roerich found on the Island of the Sun

After determining the storage location of the "time capsule" indicated in the Calendar message, Pakhomov looked at the photo of the island of the Sun many more times and noticed a strange spot there, similar to an ancient sign. For some reason, he had never seen or noticed this before. In order not to attribute this to a photo defect, he decided to look at other pictures of the island taken by different satellites at different times. These photos have been found. And they had that badge on them too.

This sign, according to the researcher, has been known since ancient times, long before our era. He was found by the Russian artist, philosopher, writer Nicholas Roerich. And he also suggested using it for an international pact for the protection of cultural property. In the countries of the East, it is known as the "Sign of the Three Treasures". Some authors call it the sign of the Trinity. The main thing in this symbol is three identical circles arranged in a triangle. The outer great circle may be missing.

“These are the same three circles, surrounded by radiance, as if they are illuminated on the island of the Sun in the place that is noted in the Calendar message as the place where the “time capsule” is stored,” Pakhomov told me yesterday. - It is in this place! And all the photos taken by different satellites and at different times show the same thing - the “Sign of the Three Treasures”. This means that this is not an image defect, but a real object.

I wonder what it is? What do cameras capture in this place? Is it the features of the terrain, or some kind of radiation from the earth?

“Perhaps the repository of an ancient highly developed civilization was made in such a way that it itself sends a signal that can be seen by a fairly advanced civilization,” Pakhomov suggests. Now this is our civilization.


People will lower their capsule to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean

In February of this year, the round-the-world expedition "Polar Ring" started from the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago under the flag of the Russian Geographical Society. Travelers are now moving on wheeled floating all-terrain vehicles over drifting ice to the North Pole. And at the end of April, they plan to lower the “Peace Capsule” in the very center of the pole to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, in which there will be an electronic carrier with information for posterity. In recent years, appeals of tens of thousands of inhabitants of our planet to future generations with their most important wishes, ideas and projects have been collected on this carrier. The capsule is equipped with a special system that will allow it to be detected and retrieved to the surface after 100 years.

Sometimes, instead of solemn greetings from the past, gloomy messages are also found in capsules. From strange prophecies to corpses, today we will tell you about the most unusual and terrible finds that were discovered in time capsules by the inhabitants of the "bright future".

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"I'm dead:" a scary letter from a ghost boy

In the summer of 2016, during construction work in a school in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a time capsule was discovered that was laid in 1968. The glass bottle contained letters from elementary school students. This has been practiced throughout the country for many years. As a rule, schoolchildren's letters contain many fantasies about the future. For example, about flying cars.

However, this time the content of one of the messages attracted close attention. Judging by the signature, it was written by a boy named Greg Lee Youngman. However, information about him has not yet been found. There is no record of such a student in the school archive. Even more strange and frightening is the text:

"I'm dead. I go to Montgomery School. This is the old name of the school. I was born in 1900. But now I'm dead. My favorite pastime is scaring the police. I play guitar. It's a board with strings if you don't know. I'm 10 years old. See you later, savages."

The frightening message could have been a dark joke from one of the students. Local journalists tried to find the mysterious boy or those who knew him, but their search was unsuccessful.

A grim hello from psychiatrists of the past

In 2015, on the grounds of an abandoned mental hospital in Indiana, USA, workers stumbled upon a time capsule left by psychiatrists from the 1950s. Inside were films recorded by doctors back in 1958. In the footage, experts of the last century talked about the bright prospects for electroconvulsive therapy, and also reflected on how to effectively treat psychosis through artificial insulin shock.

Of course, it is easy to understand the desire of psychiatrists of that time to share their experience with colleagues from the future, but in modern times such treatments cause shivers and only confirm the difficult path of development of psychiatry.

Time capsule in the form of a bomb caused a stir in Manhattan

And this surprise from the past has a completely harmless content, albeit a frightening form. It was discovered in early July 2017 during renovations in Manhattan. Emergency services and sappers were called to the scene, and nearby buildings were evacuated. Soon, however, experts found that the object found, which outwardly resembled a World War II bomb, did not pose any danger. As it turned out, a time capsule with a message to posterity was disguised as a bomb. More than 30 years ago, it was buried in the ground as a joke by the owner of the then popular Danceteria club.

In the 80s of the last century, Danceteria was one of the iconic places in New York. Stars such as Madonna, Billy Idol and Duran Duran performed there. Entrepreneur John Argento, the former owner of the club, admitted that in 1985 he bought a fake bomb in a New York military supply store, collected “messages to the future” from club visitors for three weeks, and then buried it in front of the entrance to the institution.

“It was kind of a joke. We thought someday someone would dig this thing up and think it was an unexploded bomb. Buried and forgotten - went to the next party.

The police carefully examined the contents of the capsule (only letters and photographs were found inside), and then handed it over to the ex-owner of the nightclub.

"Islamic threat and the rise of China": an Australian wrote very true prophecies for the sake of a joke

In the summer of 2017, a resident of Sydney accidentally found a "letter of the times" under the tiles in the bathroom wall. A plastic capsule, which contained photographs and a letter with amazing prophecies, was immured in the wall 22 years ago by a former resident of this house. The content of the letter quite accurately described many global events in the modern world.

Greg Wilkinson wrote his message on Easter Sunday 1995. First, he told the details of his biography and indicated the state of affairs and the cost of everyday goods at the time of writing the letter, and then moved on to predictions for the future.

According to his forecast, in the future China was to become a semi-democratic state, reach the level of a superpower and become the main partner of the United States. Interestingly, in 1995, China was inferior to many states in terms of the size of its economy, and now it has risen to second place in the world. Among Greg's predictions are the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He also wrote that growing Islamic radicalism will become a global problem that will develop into a big war that will end only when "both sides understand that their God does not want to continue it."

The journalists managed to find Greg Wilkinson, who is now 61 years old. According to him, after writing the letter, he argued with his wife when it would be discovered. He himself was inclined to believe that the letter would be found closer to 2060, while his wife pointed to 2020.

Greetings from Auschwitz: a message from the prisoners of the death camp

In 2009, during construction work to destroy one of the buildings that were part of the Auschwitz concentration camp system, a bottle was discovered with a note signed by seven prisoners. The bottle was immured in the wall of the building, which during the Second World War housed warehouses used by the guards of the death camp.

The note, written in pencil on a label from under a bag of cement and placed in a glass bottle, gives the names and surnames of the prisoners - six Poles and one Frenchman, their personal numbers and place - the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Auschwitz.

“All between the ages of 18 and 20,” says the note, which was handed over to the museum of concentration camp prisoners.

In 1940-1945, Auschwitz-Birkenau was the largest Nazi concentration camp, where people were massacred. The exact number of those who died in Auschwitz is still unknown, since before the onset of the Red Army, the Nazis destroyed all the documentation of the camp, and before leaving Auschwitz they carried out mass executions of prisoners.

It is assumed that millions of people died in the camp: some were tortured and poisoned in gas chambers, others died of starvation and as a result of medical experiments.

Peter Pan's dead brothers

In 2010, an American woman found a travel trunk in the basement of her Los Angeles apartment building that looked like it was at least 80 years old. At first, the woman was very happy, but when she opened the time capsule, her enthusiasm instantly subsided.

Inside were newspapers and other junk from the 1930s, a few books about the adventures of Peter Pan, a fan club membership card for this wonderful children's story, and a few Peter Pan-themed souvenirs. However, the most "bright" contents of the box were the embalmed bodies of two babies wrapped in newspaper.

The most interesting thing is that the name of Janet M. Berry was stamped on the box, which is strikingly consonant with J. M. Berry, the name of the author of everyone's favorite book. This discovery caused a great resonance, the police even conducted a DNA test. However, experts have not identified any relationship between the writer and the corpses in the basement, so the origin of the "dead brothers of Peter Pan" is still a mystery.

Strange sticky find in the garden: a curse or a blessing?

In 2016, a Reddit user from Costa Rica dug up a strange object in his backyard, which was a tightly closed metal container. At first he thought it was money, drugs, or a simple message to posterity from people who once lived here. But when he opened the vessel, it seemed to him that he was in some strange horror movie. The container was filled to the brim with a sweet-smelling, thick, sticky goo in which the photograph floated.

Many Latin Americans believe in brujeria, a special form of magic that uses natural elements. Therefore, the Costa Rican was sure that his find was connected with some kind of magical ritual. When the owner of the house came, he told his tenant that the woman in the photo lived in this house about 15 years ago. He also suggested that she was a victim of corruption or a curse. Then they decided to immediately burn the strange find.

However, some commentators on the Reddit post stated that it may not have been a corruption at all. Judging by the sweet smell of the contents in the jar, it could be honey, and the ritual itself was carried out more as a blessing, in order to “sweeten life” for the couple shown in the photograph.

Mothballed Parisian apartment as a time capsule

The next message from the past is different from the rest. This is a spacious apartment in Paris, full of dusty personal items, exquisite furniture and art that has stood untouched since 1939. When you look at this interior, you get the impression that the time machine has taken you to another era.

The owner of the apartment, a French actress, fled Paris at the very beginning of World War II and never returned there. For 70 years, she continued to pay the rent of the apartment, but she did not tell any of her relatives about her. Relatives learned about the abandoned housing after the death of a woman at the age of 91.

The experts described all the belongings in the apartment, among which many personal items were found, such as hairbrushes and letters. In addition to them, other interesting objects were also found: a life-size stuffed ostrich or Mickey Mouse. The media dubbed the unusual apartment a "time capsule".

“It feels like we are in Sleeping Beauty’s castle, where time stopped more than a hundred years ago,” said auctioneer Olivier Chopin-Janvie, who conducted the opening of the apartment.

Everything around was as if frozen - at one moment the experts seemed to have stepped into the past. The air was filled with dust and there were cobwebs everywhere. A heavy dressing table and curtains, huge mirrors entirely in curls, ornate armchairs - all this takes you not even to the beginning of the 1940s, but to the beginning of the 20th century.

Eyes and nails in a teapot: greetings from the Japanese at Expo 70 Capsule

In 1970, electronics giant Panasonic built a teapot capsule in the Japanese city of Osaka that was supposed to stay closed for 5,000 years. The main container was filled with a layer of inert argon gas to protect the contents, but project leaders have also built a second, "control" capsule, which will be periodically opened, inspected and cleaned to help keep the project alive.

The first discovery of one of the most famous time capsules in the world already took place in 2000, and the rest will occur at intervals of 100 years. In total, each capsule contains a cargo of 2,098 culturally significant objects. If the two modern-day capsules survive until their scheduled opening date of 6970 AD, their future owners will find an extensive collection of films, seeds, and microorganisms, as well as the glassy eyes and blackened fingernails of survivors of the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Do not open until 2957: MIT found a time capsule

The time capsule, which the authors of the message asked to be opened no earlier than 2957, was discovered on the MIT campus. The sealed glass container was buried in 1957 and forgotten until now. The capsule was discovered by workers who are building a new MIT.nano building. Inside is a letter to the next generation, plus historical artifacts, including prototype electronic components that marked the beginning of modern electronics.

According to the university management, the container is one of the last eight time capsules that were hidden at different times (usually "sending" the capsule to the future was timed to coincide with a specific event). The reason why this particular capsule was lost is not surprising, since more significant things are forgotten, documentation, archives, and artifacts are lost. For example, in 1939, a capsule was hidden at MIT in honor of the installation of a new cyclotron. It was planned to open in 50 years, in 1989, but they simply forgot about it. A little later, the capsule was remembered, but it was too late, since the burial place of the capsule was closed with 16 tons of reinforced concrete.

As for the current discovery, this capsule was dropped into storage on June 5, 1957 by MIT President James R. Killian and electrical engineering professor Harold "Doc" Edgerton. The professor was one of the pioneers of ultra-slow motion photography. The "launch" of the capsule is timed to coincide with the opening of the Electronics Research Laboratory (RLE), a computer center with an IBM 704 mainframe and a nuclear science laboratory. Unusual for this capsule is the estimated opening time. Instead of 50 or 100 years, it was planned to open the capsule in 1000 years.

The structure of the capsule is similar to the Westinghouse Time Capsule, which was buried in 1939, with a planned opening date of 5,000 years. To protect against the effects of time, the metal capsule, covered with glass from the inside, was shaped like a torpedo, filling it with nitrogen. True, the MIT capsule is somewhat smaller than its relative, and it was also decided to abandon the metal in favor of glass. The sealed glass cylinder was created at the RLE Glass Blowing Lab. After filling the capsule, argon was pumped into it and sealed.

Inside the capsule is a letter from the president of MIT explaining the contents. In particular, the document says that the capsule contains papers and memos designed to tell something about the state of science, technology, education, and MIT itself to descendants.

Also inside is a container of synthetic penicillin, an empty tonic bottle, then-issued First National Bank of Boston coins, and a carbon-14 sample. An isotope of carbon is included so that if the cylinder does crack, the age of the find could be estimated, even in the distant future.

Another interesting artifact is the cryotron, a not-so-famous electronic device invented at MIT in the 1950s. A cryotron is a controlled active resistance that uses in its work the phenomenon of the dependence of the temperature at which superconductivity occurs on the magnitude of the magnetic field strength. The advantages of the cryotron are small dimensions and very low control power. The disadvantages of the cryotron are the need for deep cooling and relatively low output power. The cryotron consists of a superconducting rod (for example, tantalum) placed in a vessel with liquid helium and surrounded by a control wire (for example, niobium). By changing the current through the control winding, it is possible to change the magnetic field strength and transfer the conductive rod from the superconducting state to the normal state and vice versa, thus changing its resistance in a non-linear manner.

The inventor of the cryotron, Dudley Allen Buck, believed that his system would greatly reduce the size of computers. He believed that thanks to miniaturization and printed circuit boards, a computer that occupied an entire room in 1957 could in the future be placed in a volume equal to the size of a briefcase, and the power consumption of this system would be similar to that of a New Year's garland ball.

A time capsule is a message prepared for posterity and embedded in buildings, monuments or other objects. The tradition of laying capsules came to us from ancient times: even the Sumerians left similar messages on clay tablets in the walls of temples. We bring to your attention the ten most amazing capsules-messages.

Legend of the city lion

The lion, located on the roof of the Boston Capitol, has long been a source of public attention: legend has it that the capsule is stored in the statue. In the fall of 2014, the golden lion was dismantled for repairs, and one of the restorers undertook to check the rumors. With the help of an optical camera inserted into the head of the predator, a copper box was revealed. Inside the box, the researchers found many artifacts: old photographs and newspaper clippings. The restorers were really surprised by the discovered badges depicting McKinley and Roosevelt. A wooden fragment of the former monument also aroused great interest.

Message from Steve Jobs

After speaking at the International Conference in Colorado in 1983, one of the founders of Apple planted a capsule with a computer mouse in the field. By the time of the opening in 2000, the capsule could not be found, the place of its laying was forgotten. However, 13 years later, a group of researchers from National Geographic was lucky enough to discover this place. In addition to the mouse, Jobs laid Moody Blues cassettes and the Rubik's Cube.

American Revolution and water accident

At the end of the 18th century, American revolutionaries Revere and Adams laid a capsule for posterity in the Massachusetts Capitol building. Interestingly, this message could have remained in place to this day if it were not for the accident on the water supply that occurred in 2014. A worker who was looking for a place from which water flowed opened the hiding place of the leaders of the revolution. Inside the capsule were found old coins, newspaper issues and a plate of real silver.

Capsule with a riddle

The keeper of the mysterious capsule turned out to be the Washington Monument in Baltimore. The capsule, which is over a hundred years old, is dated September 12, 1915. Unfortunately, no information was found about who left this message for posterity. Moreover, it is not even known what exactly lies in a small box of a hundred years ago: researchers have not yet opened the capsule for fear of damaging the artifacts that were laid inside.

"Canned" store

Of course, it is difficult to call the whole store a time capsule. However, by the will of fate, the American trade pavilion did not open for more than half a century. The heirs of an old abandoned house for several decades did not even remember their property. But when the house was opened, the owners saw a real store, which, according to historical information, worked in the middle of the 20th century. A huge number of old models of shoes found on the dusty shelves of a forgotten store are now valued at a large sum.

Capsule found using Google

Google took part in the search for this message quite by accident. One day, Colonel Konzman tried to find information about his regiment on the Internet. Among other information about the 13th Regiment of the National Guard, the search engine picked up information about a capsule planted at the beginning of the 20th century in the armory of a military unit. Very quickly, the soldiers found a box of copper. Inside the capsule, previously unknown information about the military unit was found. It is surprising that the cigars found in the same capsule during this time did not deteriorate at all.

hello from childhood

In 1978, young Rob Wright hid a letter for posterity in the wall of his home. After a couple of years, the boy's family changed their place of residence and Wright, who moved from California to Texas, decided that he had lost all connection with his capsule. After almost four decades, the new owners of the house, during the repair work, found a message laid down by the boy Rob. In addition to the letter, the capsule preserved for posterity old coins and newspaper clippings from that period.

Boarded up wardrobe

An interesting cabinet was found in the building of one of the former libraries of the state of Texas. The repair team, which carried out the reconstruction of the premises, discovered a dressing room in which many ancient documents were preserved. Among the two hundred artifacts, the most interesting were a Bible dated 1615 and photographs depicting America's difficult era of civil disobedience.

Capsule the size of an apartment

During the Second World War, Madame de Florian, a native of Paris, fled the city from the cruelties of the Nazi invaders. The hostess did not return to her apartment even when the horrors of the war were left behind. Living in the south of France, the woman continued to pay for her apartment. In 2010, the payment ceased to be made - the woman left the mortal world. Having received information about the apartment, the heirs found it and became the owners of many relics. In a strange apartment there was a place for good paintings, stuffed animals and even Mickey Mouse.

Hints from old posts

The capsule planted in the state of California in the Magnolia Bridge was discovered thanks to the archives of newspapers. The historian of the famous publication Larry Harnish found information about the 1959 capsule. The capsule, planted at the Burbank Television Center, contained film footage, photographs of the city's surroundings, and speculation about the future. According to these predictions, by the beginning of the 21st century, moving sidewalks and underground nuclear power plants should have appeared in America.

Memory of the development of the North

In the courtyard of one of the houses of a small Siberian village, a capsule was found, planted by workers of the power plant. Addressing their descendants in their message, Soviet builders shared their pride in their hard work and called on new generations to creative activity for the benefit of all living.

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website collected for you the stories of the most unusual caches of past times, some of which leave more questions than answers.

1 Steve Jobs Mouse

In 1983, Steve Jobs spoke at the International Design Conference in Aspen. At the end of the conference, attendees filled a time capsule with some items, including a Rubik's cube and a 6-pack of Ballantine beer. Jobs also took part and placed his mouse there, after which the capsule was sealed and buried. It was considered lost for many years, but was rediscovered and rediscovered in 2014. By the way, the mouse is still clickable.

2. Weapons for posterity - in 2064

Sheriff Rick Beseler of Clay County, USA, placed a stun gun in a time capsule that will be opened in 2064 to show people how we armed ourselves in 2014. Some critics note that this was a rather strange choice, given that the Beseler Sheriff's Department is accused of a crime involving a stun gun.

3. A whole Chevrolet Vega

Harold Davison, a Nebraska furniture store owner, wanted to show how people lived in the US in 1975. He dug a huge hole in the lawn of one of his shops and installed a 45-ton vault over it. Inside is a collection of items including bikini bottoms, fashionable polyester suits at the time, and a real Chevrolet Vega in working order. The opening of the capsule is scheduled for 2025. I wonder if Vega will still be good for something?

4. Piece of cake 1948

In 2013, during the renovation of the Niagara Falls funeral home, a time capsule was discovered in the masonry. Inside were not only the usual newspapers and documents from 1948, but also a piece of biscuit pie, which was probably forgotten by accident. The petrified dessert wrapped in wax paper, according to the owner, could have been a traditional treat prepared for the establishment's opening. I wonder what a 70 year old cake tastes like?

5 Possibly The World's Oldest Message Sent In A Bottle

In 2015, retiree Marianne Winkler found an old bottle washed up on a beach in Germany. Inside the bottle was a message from 1906 written by British marine biologist George Bidder. As part of an oceanic experiment, Bidder floated 1,020 bottles into the North Sea between 1904 and 1906, promising a 1 shilling reward to whoever found the bottle. Marianne sent a letter to the Marine Biological Association and - what do you think? - received its rightful award!

6. A grim hello from psychiatrists of the past

In 2015, on the territory of an abandoned mental hospital in Indiana, USA, workers unexpectedly discovered a time capsule. Inside were films recorded by doctors back in 1958. In these notes, physicians of a bygone era have high hopes for electroconvulsive therapy, and also share their thoughts on how to effectively treat psychosis through artificial insulin shock.

Of course, it is difficult to blame the inhumanity of the doctors of the past, who did not own the achievements of modern progress, however, from reasoning about such prospects for psychiatry, it becomes frankly uncomfortable.

7. Mexican jewelry and ruby ​​box

The house in Bel Air, California, built in 1926, has become not just a time capsule, but a real jewelry box. Most recently, during renovations, antique jewelry from Mexico was discovered hidden under the washbasin panel! When cleaning the fireplaces in the house, there were also other items that were not affected by the fire. Among them was an invitation to a party with a certain Roy Rogers and a small box containing three rubies!

8. Embalmed "brothers" of Peter Pan

In 2010, an American woman found an old travel chest in the basement of her house, inside of which were found books about the adventures of Peter Pan, a fan club membership card for this fairy tale, and themed souvenirs. However, the most unexpected discovery was the embalmed bodies of two babies wrapped in newspaper. The name "Janet M. Berry" engraved inside is suspiciously a match for "J. M. Berry ”- the name of the author of a popular fairy tale. However, DNA analysis did not reveal any relationship between the writer and the corpses in the basement, and the mystery of "Peter Pan's dead brothers" still remains unsolved.

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