Do I need a license to chop with weapons. Office space for rent to open a private security company

As long as there are a sufficiently large number of material values, important documents or significant people in the world, security will not remain without work.

Therefore, it makes sense to think about how to draw up a business plan for a security company. It is worth knowing that there are a fairly large number of nuances, which will be discussed further.

Only those people who have the appropriate work experience and skills to handle weapons will be able to successfully conduct such a business. In addition, those to whom former law enforcement officers or retired military officers turn for help can also engage in such a case. It is worth noting that this is too specific a service in order to master all the features of this business after the establishment of the enterprise.

The main thing at the same time is to decide what exactly the security agency will do. You can engage in the protection of individual objects, cargo during transportation, installation and maintenance of alarms on the consoles, the provision of bodyguard services and provide security in the complex. You will need to start with what the entrepreneur or leading experts know best.

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What do you need to open a CHOP?

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Registration of a chop (private security company)

The specifics of the security business is strict control by state bodies. A license for private security activities can be obtained from the department for licensing and permitting work and control over private security and detective activities of the Main Department of Internal Affairs. At the same time, operational control over the activities of private security companies is carried out by subdivisions of district police departments.

A package of documents that will be needed in order to obtain a license (it is important to note that their documents are considered for about 60 days):

  • statement;
  • an explanatory note (indicating the territory of the PSC, a description of all the services provided, the planned number of employees of the enterprise, possible intentions to use special technical and other means, weapons, and so on);
  • constituent documents and all necessary data about the founders;
  • certificate of registration with the tax office;
  • receipt of payment of the license fee (300 rubles for consideration of the application, 1000 rubles for obtaining a license).

It is important to take into account the fact that the minimum authorized capital for a PSC can be an amount of 10,000 rubles.

In addition, the head of the private security company must have a higher education and have an identity card of a private security guard. At least three full-time employees must also have such certificates. You can get them in the licensing and permit department for those who have successfully completed special training, or for those who have more than 3 years of experience in the police department or security agencies. The security guard certificate itself is valid for 5 years and costs approximately 1,500 rubles.

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Obtaining the required weapons permit

It is worth noting that not every security company works with weapons. Weapons may be needed, for example, at the time of the protection of significant material assets, on gas pipelines, industrial warehouses. However, for the protection of educational institutions, halls of grocery stores, hostels, there is no need for weapons.

One firearm is allowed per 4 guards. In order to have a place to store weapons, you will need to equip a special room. The equipment that will be needed for the armory, if all the requirements are met, will cost approximately 70,000-100,000 rubles. It will need to be coordinated with the licensing and permitting department, SES, firefighters, private security, put on console protection in the OVO. It will cost another approximately 10,000-30,000 rubles a month.

In order to be able to use such special means as gas cartridges, stun guns, rubber sticks, handcuffs, you will need to obtain a certificate from the licensing and permit department and register them for specific guards. Handcuffs (estimated cost - 200-300 rubles per set) and rubber sticks (cost approximately 150-320 rubles per piece) will need to be purchased by each of the guards.

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Office space for rent to open a private security company

Office space is needed by a private security company mainly for meetings with potential clients and candidates for security guards. In addition, it may contain a weapons room and a rapid response team, if any. In order to equip the weapon room, you will need approximately 8-10 square meters. m area. The rapid response team is most often located near the main protected objects. At the same time, they should be in places that are most convenient for access. Therefore, for this purpose, it is necessary to rent 2 rooms (the total area of ​​​​which is from 15-20 square meters) for the security guard on duty and the rest.

It is worth noting that it will be quite enough for a beginner private security company to rent a small room with an area of ​​​​about 10 square meters. meters (if the weapons room is not provided), which will not be located in the central areas. This area will be enough to equip one workplace (on which there will be a table, a computer and a telephone). The cost of renting such a room is an average of 5000-7000 rubles per month.

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Equipment you will need to start a similar business

The main equipment of security companies are walkie-talkies and telephones. In order to make it possible to communicate with the management and the person on duty in the normal mode, most often they use mobile and landline phones to communicate with the person on duty and to communicate between posts of one object. An enterprise with about 20 employees spends about 2,000 rubles per month on mobile communications. The simplest walkie-talkie, which can be used within one facility and does not require frequency allocation, can cost approximately 1500-2000 rubles.

It is worth remembering that all guards must be equipped in uniform. For work in enclosed spaces, employees are provided with trousers and a jacket, which will have the company's logo on it. This can cost about 700-800 rubles per set. In order to be able to work at posts on the street, shoes and outerwear are needed. The simplest shortened boots (boots) will cost about 1,300 rubles, a sweater that can be worn in winter - 800 rubles, a jacket, warm pants, a hat - about 2,000-2,500 more rubles. The form must be changed every 2 years.

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Finding the people you need to get the job done

The law says that an employee of a private security company must have a security guard certificate. Most often, it happens that employees undergo training at their own expense or at the expense of future wages. The company may also pay the employee for his training, but there is a fairly high risk that he will want to change his place of work.

It is possible to hire employees without work certificates, but they must work in tandem with an experienced security guard. Trainee guards most often receive a salary of approximately 600 rubles per day shift, and those who have certificates receive an average of 800-1000 rubles. The operational duty officer earns 1200-1500 rubles, and the employees of the rapid response groups will need to pay approximately 900-1200 rubles. The law requires that the lives of all employees during the performance of work be insured at the expense of the company.

The usual mode of work at the post of a security guard is a day after two. Therefore, you will need at least 3 full-time guards per post.

Security companies located in Moscow most often hire their employees in the provinces, while using a rotational approach. Those guards who have completed their shift are leaving. Instead, the following workers come. Such guards will need to find housing (and it must be cheap, for example, a hostel).

There are some expert tips. It is worth knowing that the director of the PSC is recommended to hire deputy assistants if there are more than five protected objects. Such an employee will be engaged in negotiations with interested clients, conduct business with existing customers, timely resolve all issues that will arise at the facilities, and actively interact with licensing and permitting authorities. The salary of such an employee can be approximately 20,000 rubles.

When the number of employees is more than 30-50, a personnel manager will definitely be needed. Regarding the person who is needed for the position of an accountant, it is worth knowing that he can be hired part-time for 3000-5000 rubles, because private security companies must submit reports according to a simplified scheme (it is allowed for those enterprises whose number of employees is less than 100 people).

Therefore, the business plan for a private security company contains the following employees that may be needed to open such an enterprise:

  • guards;
  • personnel managers;
  • accountant;
  • lawyer.

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Finding and attracting potential customers

You should be aware that it is necessary to find the first clients of a security company even before it opens. Quite often they become personal acquaintances or friends. In order to find new customers, direct sales are most often used: they bypass shops, kindergartens, baths, office centers, and so on, while offering services. Private security companies can advertise in city information services. An example would be "What? Where? How much?". It will cost the business owner approximately 12,800 rubles a year. You can supplement the advertising campaign with the help of tickers and local newspapers. In this case, the monthly budget for advertising the company will be about 1,500 rubles.

The private security company enters into agreements with clients, according to which it is financially responsible for the values ​​that are protected. At the same time, a passport of the object must be drawn up, security requirements are prescribed, an instruction is described that contains information on the necessary actions of security guards in various situations. Security requirements can be, for example, control over compliance with the access regime to the facility by visitors and staff, compliance with internal regulations, protection of material assets from removal, and so on. Private security companies can insure their liability to the client. The average rate in this case can be 1%.

Large corporations and budgetary organizations enter into security contracts based on the results of tenders that are open. You can find information about tenders on the websites of the organizers or in newspapers.

The price of services will depend on the results of the competition. It is worth knowing that it may be lower than the market price, but these are large orders that will need to be fought for.

In this material:

An amount of several thousand dollars is all that is needed to open a private security company, according to experts. And at the same time, private security is rightfully considered a very popular business. According to statistics, the number of private security guards in Russia is estimated at 700-800 thousand people, and the volume of the security services market is 100-150 billion rubles a year. The highest demand for security services is in large cities.

Stages of opening a security company

The easiest way is to open a private security company that does not provide for the provision of armed security services.

Therefore, entrepreneurs who do not have a large start-up capital, at first, are limited to this option.

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the person who will hold the post of director of the private security company. By law, the director of a security company must have a higher legal education. If the initiator of the business does not have such an education, you will have to hire a person from outside.

At the same stage, it is necessary to decide on renting an office space, purchasing the necessary office equipment for the office, sewing uniforms for employees, purchasing special equipment (rubber batons, gas cartridges, stun guns, handcuffs, etc.).

After registering an enterprise, you need to obtain a license to carry out security activities. This requires the following documents:

  • extract from the register on the opening of a legal entity;
  • work book, a copy of the passport and a diploma of higher legal education of the head;
  • a copy of the charter, memorandum of association and TIN of the enterprise;
  • copies of certificates of private security guards hired.

All copies must be notarized.

The license is issued in the licensing department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration of the legal entity. The amount of the state duty for issuing this license is 1300 rubles. The term of registration is 2 months, subject to the timely submission of all documents. The license is valid for 5 years. After the expiration of its validity, it will have to be renewed.

Private security company employees

For the full functioning of the private security company, it is necessary to hire security guards. If it is planned to hire several tens or even hundreds of employees, security chiefs, accountants, personnel officers, etc. are additionally needed.

The main employees - private security guards - must have an individual license to carry out security activities (private security guard certificate) and a document confirming that they have passed the mandatory periodic inspection.

It is assumed that a citizen who gets a job as a private security guard is obliged to take care of obtaining these documents in advance. But in practice this rarely happens. Therefore, many security firms assist their employees in obtaining the necessary certificates.

Assistance can be both advisory and financial, when companies pay for the preparatory courses required to obtain an individual license. Instead, they provide for the condition that a security guard who has passed the licensing procedure at the expense of the company is obliged to work in this company from 6 to 12 months. This technique allows you to deal with staff turnover, which is more than typical for many PSCs.

Search for objects

It is believed that creating and registering a private security company is not as difficult as finding clients for it. If a third party with a law degree is involved as the director of the enterprise, he may have acquaintances from previous places of work who may need security services.

Also, a young security company, in order to find customers, needs to visit specialized exhibitions more often, as well as join the Security Industry Association, which provides assistance to new security agencies.

You can quickly find customers among institutions such as kindergartens, schools, car parks, shops, pharmacies, etc.

The following list of services provided by the PSC can include:

  • security services through rapid response teams;
  • personal security services (bodyguards);
  • cargo escort, collection;
  • design, installation and maintenance of security and fire alarms, video surveillance systems and access control;
  • consultations on issues of lawful protection against unlawful encroachments.

It is possible to ensure public order at mass events, holidays, rallies, processions.

The nuances of opening a private security company

First of all, we should not forget that in addition to the above-mentioned expenses for obtaining documents on registration of a legal entity and licensing, for the purchase of equipment, special equipment and office rent, funds are needed for compulsory insurance of employees, as well as for paying them wages. Clients, for the most part, pay for security services much later than the end of the reporting month, and employees are not ready to endure salary delays for a month or more.

Secondly, one can take into account the fact that there are many companies that assist in the registration of private security companies and even take all the trouble on themselves. Thanks to them, the opening time of a security company can be significantly reduced. Or buy an already registered private security agency that has passed the registration procedure. However, the cost of their services is quite high and the cost of opening a security company can increase several times.

If it is planned to provide armed security services, it is necessary to calculate in advance the funds for the purchase of weapons and the equipment of the weapons room. The IZH-71 pistol, approved for use in security structures, costs about 5,000 rubles. Long-barreled carbine "Saiga" - about 8000 rubles. The cost of equipping a room for storing weapons can also cost quite an impressive amount.

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You will need

  • 1. License issued by the licensing and permitting department of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate
  • 2. Premises for the "base" (mini-office, weapons room, room for the rapid response team)
  • 3. Weapons and special equipment, as well as a certificate for the right to use each of their types
  • 4. Sets of uniforms and shoes for the security guards of the "CHOP"
  • 5. Communication means - walkie-talkies, mobile and landline phones
  • 6. Personnel of security guards, "licensed" and without special qualifications


Gather a package of documents required to obtain a license for the right to engage in security activities. In addition to the constituent documents, it is necessary to submit to the Central Internal Affairs Directorate a complete description of the services that will be provided " CHOP”, information about its personnel, weapons and special means that you intend to use. It is also mandatory to present documents confirming the qualifications of several employees, including his manager.

Find a place where the "base" of your security agency will be located - here the head will negotiate with clients and meet with applicants for work in your organization. If a private security company uses firearms, then it is also necessary to equip an armory here. Finally, if " CHOP"provides console security services for stationary facilities, then at the" base "it will also be necessary to equip a room for the on-duty rapid response group.

Purchase those special equipment that you intend to use in your work, having previously obtained permission to use each of them in the Central Internal Affairs Directorate. Usually private security guards are equipped with rubber sticks, handcuffs, electric shockers. The weapon room, equipped according to all the rules, must be “accepted” by experts from the internal affairs bodies and the fire inspection.

Order tailoring for branded and for your security staff. You need to have two types of uniforms - for guards working in enclosed spaces and guards on duty in open spaces. Another expense item "at the start" will be the acquisition of operational communication between the guards and the "base" - walkie-talkies, fixed and mobile phones.

Recruit security guards by staffing both "licensed" and non-licensed personnel. All employees of the security agency must undergo preliminary training, but it is permissible to accept “trainees” working in tandem with experienced security guards and, as it were, preparing to receive a professional certificate. The salary expectations of such "trainees" are usually much lower than those of licensed "security guards".

Useful advice

Be sure to insure the life and health of your security guards - this is insisted on by the federal law "On Private Detective and Security Activities", failure to comply with which may lead to license revocation.

Over time, try to expand the scope of services provided by your security company - organize a remote security system, and then think about organizing detective activities as well.


  • Your own security business: how to create a private security company
  • chop opening

In order to carry out private security activities legally, it is necessary to pass the appropriate registration and licensing. The procedure for obtaining a license is determined by the legislation in force in Russia. Before obtaining a permit, think carefully about what types of security activities you plan to engage in, and also prepare a package of documents.


Familiarize yourself with the legislation governing security and detective activities. You will need the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation” dated March 11, 1992 No. 2487-1 (as amended on July 1, 2011), as well as Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 23, 2011 N 498 " On some issues of the implementation of private detective (detective) and private security activities, which considers the implementation of these types of activities.

Select the activities that your private security company (PSC) will be involved in. An exhaustive list of permitted species can be found in the relevant Law. This may be the protection of life and health of citizens, the protection of facilities and property, consulting services in the field of security, the implementation of access control at enterprises and the performance of some other functions provided for by law.

There is very high competition in the security services market, because the entry threshold is low. The minimum authorized capital is only 100 thousand rubles. However, in order to win the trust of customers and get large objects, you need to have a good reputation and understand the nuances of the case. Ildus Yanyshev, an entrepreneur with great experience, also gave his advice to novice entrepreneurs for the BIBOSS portal.

Where to begin?

The hero of our article, Ildus Yanyshev, heads the oldest security company in Russia. The Kontr group of companies, of which he is a shareholder, turned 25 this year. Based on his rich experience, he says that it is important for a person who has decided to create his own security company to possess a certain set of qualities. First, he must have entrepreneurial skills, which, according to statistics, occurs in 5% of the population. Moreover, this ability does not always depend on education - history knows successful entrepreneurs who did not show high academic performance even at school.

Secondly, only an internally strong and organized person can provide security services. This work is very stressful, you will have to get into force majeure, face real threats to people's lives, so you must be able to quickly mobilize a large number of people, as well as train and supervise them.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

The security business is a complex of serious relationships with the client, where there are rights and obligations, and the established agreements must be able to translate to the level of their deputies, heads of departments, security officers, detectives. The security business is working with people, so communication skills are needed. It is also important to be a decent, law-abiding person. An asocial person who disregards the norms of society cannot be the head of a security company. Therefore, initially people from the defense system, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations went into this profession, where for years the listed qualities were brought up in them. As the market developed, when the need for technical security systems arose, managers began to come into this business. But they should also have the same set of qualities.

How to assess the potential market, demand? As Ildus Yanyshev notes, the market is highly competitive, since the entry threshold is low. The minimum authorized capital is 100 thousand rubles. Only in Tatarstan there are 400 private security companies with 12,000 employees. In other million-plus cities, the statistics are about the same. It is clear that most of them exist only on paper or are limited to 10-12 employees guarding 1-2 objects. In addition, among them there are also enterprises that were created under the guise of private ones, but in fact they serve the interests of certain large enterprises of the founders and are “pocket” PSCs. However, the rest are real market fighters who are in a competitive environment and participate in the process of public procurement and other tenders. There are about a hundred of them, for example, in Tatarstan. Their names are usually well known. In the Russian Federation, there are only about 25 thousand private security companies, and about 600 thousand people work for them.

One point needs to be emphasized: a simplified taxation system is applied to private security companies, where there is a restriction that more than 100 people cannot work at an enterprise. Therefore, entrepreneurs are forced to create a group of companies, combining several enterprises that have one owner or group of owners. They may have different names and legal addresses, but they are managed by one center and operate under a single brand, that is, they have internal unity with all external diversity.

The hero of our article says that starting a security business from scratch for a beginner means no chance of survival. As a rule, new enterprises appear on the market due to the fact that employees of security companies leave and create their own company.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

"Kontr" gave a start to about ten managers of new enterprises in Tatarstan. It doesn't upset us. We even invite enterprising young people to work with us, and we are ready to conclude agreements with them in order to train them, and then let them float freely. We are ready to share experience, technologies in exchange for his creative energy, connections and resources. The “my enterprise should be only mine” approach is outdated. European experience shows that large holdings are created through consolidation. To be stronger in the market, there are consolidation processes. Such models are more competitive and sustainable. And they are highly trusted. When a work model is tied to one person, it is unstable. Therefore, our company was originally created as a joint-stock company, it has several founders who, even after retiring, receive dividends from security activities. We were born in the USSR in 1991. And our model has shown its viability. Therefore, I would advise young entrepreneurs to create alliances - with legal entities or individuals. Create synergistic business models, because especially today this industry requires an integrated approach. We need both audits and employees who would investigate cases of violation of intellectual and property rights, we need specialists in technical security systems.

The target audience of private security companies is extensive - from kindergartens and schools to large industrial enterprises. This is any object on which there are prerequisites for the theft of material property. The main thing is to establish relationships with the security service of enterprises. Cooperation with state institutions takes place through tenders and public procurement. When choosing a security service provider, private companies pay attention, first of all, to the price.

This year, a new niche appeared on the market - controllers-distributors. The police are downsizing, and today they no longer screen visitors to sporting events at the entrance, so this is done by private enterprises.

Investment size

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

When we started in 1991, the market was empty, and there were queues of customers lining up for us. There was no Internet, there was a different economic situation, there were cases of non-payments when we paid salaries to our employees in cans, watches, dishes. But I understood one thing for sure: the main tool for promoting the company has always been, is and will be the personality of the head of the private security company. This is of particular importance in our work. Because our product is relationships. The reputation of the company and the period of its existence in the market are important. Therefore, it will be almost impossible for young people to get a serious contract, except in cases where the leader is a major security official who has 25 years of service in the internal affairs bodies. Such a person can be entrusted with large objects.

Where to look for funds to start? The business is high-risk, so do not expect to get a loan from a bank. Leasing and mortgage payments do not apply here. Therefore, rely only on your personal funds. You can also find investors. But keep in mind that there is a strict restriction for the founder - he must have a license and be engaged only in this type of business.

The main cost item in the security business is salary, which makes up 85-90% of the budget. It is necessary to pay for the work of the service department - lawyers, accountants, office managers, financial services, as well as inspectors who directly serve. Also factor in monthly rent and operating costs, communication costs, gas, and insurance for security guards.

It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of receivables when the customer, for example, went bankrupt or for some other reason could not pay you. In this case, the founders still have to pay the employees a salary. And for this, the company must have an insurance reserve.

Step-by-step instruction

In your activities, you will have to deal with a number of suppliers. Build relationships with factories that make uniforms, suppliers of special equipment (handcuffs, etc.). It will also be necessary to purchase and arrange the maintenance of vehicles for service.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

Our relationships with suppliers last for many years. Although we are ready to cooperate with new market participants, we monitor the market constantly. If we are contacted, we order a test batch. We work with several suppliers at once. There are times when one supplier fails in terms of timing or quality, then we can attract others.

Now let's talk about employees. The search, as a rule, is carried out through employment centers, ads are submitted to newspapers, social networks, job sites, and TV channels. As a rule, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the armed forces, former employees of law enforcement agencies are recruited into security companies.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

In "Kontr" a condition is obligatory for them - the presence of a certificate of at least 4 digits. For some time they undergo an internship at the facility, and then they are officially employed.

A person must be stress-resistant, as it is necessary to serve 24 hours. Decent, with good reviews from a previous job. We attract employees to our company by complying with all the conditions that we discuss at the interview. First of all, it is salary stability. Even if it is not possible, even if there is a receivable, we still pay on time. It is also important that we take into account the proximity of the object of protection to the place of residence of the employee.

How to organize the work of the enterprise? It is necessary to draw up a service schedule in advance. The expert of the article speaks about the importance of using a special system that allows you to quickly receive information from the object. The head of the department can see online that the employee has taken over the post. This is how employees are controlled.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

Of course, if you are new to the market, then you can start without an office at all. Work from the car. So you can serve small objects - parking lots, parking lots, minimarkets, kindergartens. Within 3-5 years you will be able to grow up and afford to rent a decent office.

There are no special requirements for the premises. True, if you use firearms, then there are requirements for the weapons room. Its creation will require considerable investments - at least 500 thousand rubles.

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§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...