A person who puts everything together perfectly as they call it. Who is a perfectionist: the meaning of the word, causes and methods of dealing with perfectionism

Who is a perfectionist, not everyone knows. However, met with a perfectionist, perhaps, every person. Anyone can be a perfectionist: an acquaintance, a passer-by, a work colleague, a friend, a boss, a relative. So who is this perfectionist? This article is intended to answer this question.

The word perfectionist comes from the English word perfect - perfection. A perfectionist is a person who strives for perfection in everything. A person who can be called a perfectionist always strives to achieve the best results in everything.

A perfectionist is a human trait. This human trait is of interest to psychologists. Psychologists are interested in this human trait because it sometimes turns into a pathology. A person who develops pathology over time rejects all results. And their own, others. Rejects because he considers any results insufficiently perfect. Besides the fact that he does not accept the results of any activity, he also does not accept the people themselves. Perfectionism as a pathology often leads people to neurosis. This condition of people already needs treatment.

If we discard all prejudices, then the word perfectionist in its essence is not something bad. This word can refer to a completely normal person and does.

Features of the word perfectionism

So, it is known that the word perfectionist refers to every person who tries to make everything perfect. Such a trait of a person can manifest itself in completely different areas of life. Such a person very diligently and extremely carefully keeps order, his appearance, and sometimes brings it to insanity. Such a person demands from himself and from those around him the highest professional skills, any of which he always considers insufficiently perfect. This trait of a person is also called the “excellent student syndrome”.

Without rejecting the foregoing, the word perfectionist should be considered in the broader sense of the word. So the word has more meaning. No need to think that this word certainly means that the desire to make everything around better is a mental deviation. No, perfectionism is not a mental disorder. If the desire to do everything better is brought to insanity, then yes, perfectionism can develop into a mental deviation. When they hear the word perfectionism, many people think that they are talking about an abnormal person. No, it's not. On the contrary, it can be a completely normal person. After all, the desire to make the whole world a better place is not a pathology.

What is perfectionism

A perfectionist, like a normal person, can direct the improvement of everything towards himself. At the same time, he seeks to fit himself under a certain ideal, which he himself invented. This is a kind of super-hard self-criticism. Some people take it to the extreme, but for the most part, it's just self-criticism, albeit harsh. This is normal.

Perfectionism can also manifest itself in the need for each person to meet the stated highest standards. Such a person can also demand the highest characteristics from everything that exists. Such people constantly control everything so that everything functions in the best possible way.

A perfectionist strives to achieve the best results in any business - he strives to bring everything to the best denominator. A perfectionist also shows the finest scrupulousness in everything. He pays attention to everything, even the smallest details.

Among other things, a perfectionist can often be tense and depressed. This can already lead to mental disorders.

Philosophy of perfectionism

What is a perfectionist? Not everyone knows the meaning of this word. However, every person in his life met with perfectionists. This is, first of all, the conviction that the pursuit of excellence, which applies not only to oneself, but also to each person, is something that everyone should think about. This is what every person should strive for. That is, it is the conviction that everyone, without exception, should strive for excellence. Moreover, this is not just a law, but downright the meaning of life.

The term “perfectionism” itself has a mostly negative connotation. There are few positive shades in it, although there is nothing negative in it.

People who are on the side of perfectionism believe, basically, that the pursuit of perfection is the primary task of every person. The meaning of life is not to plant a tree and give birth to a son, but the pursuit of excellence.

There are concepts that speak of self-improvement as the idea of ​​a superman. By the way, Fascist was a perfectionist. He was so passionate about the idea of ​​the superman that he brought it to insanity, the results of which are familiar to everyone - everyone knows what it led to. All supporters of Marxism are also perfectionists. But the supporters of Marxism have so perverted the ideas of the superman that even ordinary orthodox perfectionists will not agree with them.

In art, perfectionism refers to the desire to achieve artistic perfection.

Four Signs of Perfectionism

To understand who is standing in front of you, it is enough to know four signs of perfectionism.

First, a perfectionist- slow-witted. He always thinks for a very long time. This is due to the fact that such a person carefully considers everything. To not make a single mistake and to do everything perfectly right. This usually takes a lot of effort and time.

Secondly, a perfectionist Whatever he undertakes, he never completes everything to the end. He throws any business halfway through and each time starts everything from the very beginning.

The third sign of perfectionism is the rejection of any result. The current result of any perfectionist, as a rule, does not suit. But he can’t bring anything to perfection, by the way, because he always stops halfway and always starts everything from the very beginning.

The Fourth Sign of Perfectionism- this is excessive irritability, unreasonable anger and the like. A person can flare up for absolutely no reason. Such a person often takes out his anger on others.

Be that as it may, a person who would have all these four signs of perfectionism simply cannot exist in nature. After all, we all have different moral principles, each of us has our own rules of conduct, etc. Each perfectionist can have only a part of these signs, but no one has all four.

In addition to inveterate perfectionists, there are also moderate perfectionists. These people can get things done. They can only think for a long time about plans, about the implementation of any projects. Such people are also perfectionists, but they are moderate. Inveterate perfectionists start any business from the very beginning, but moderate perfectionists can start a business not from the beginning, but on the basis of someone else's ready-made base. But, in any case, a perfectionist always strives to do everything like no one else, because perfection is his goal. Each perfectionist will do everything in his own way, in different ways, but irritability is a character trait inherent in everyone.

The question arises whether it is possible to convince a perfectionist that what he has done is already an ideal. No. A perfectionist will always say that this is not ideal, that there is room for perfection. You can, of course, try to convince him of the ideality of what has been done, but this makes no sense, since this is impossible. You can also try to approach this issue from the other side - to change the method of assessment itself. In this case, a perfectionist can say that if you consider the subject of conversation from this angle, then yes, it is perfect, but then he will still return to his system, to his method of evaluation, to his point of reference and will no longer find the subject of conversation perfect.

Is perfectionism a disease?

To answer this question, you need to understand whether this is a norm or a pathology. If a person is just always striving to improve something, just striving to always achieve the best result, then this is normal. If a person has excessive irritability, even some anger, if he loses a lot of time on what, it would seem, could be done in a matter of hours, then this is already a pathology.

As for the human conditions associated with perfectionism, there is no need to worry. There is nothing to worry about. If this is not beyond the scope of understanding, then this is a normal phenomenon. There is no need to be afraid of this. If this is moderate perfectionism, then there is nothing to worry about. Such a person knows what he is doing. Such a person is aware that, regarding the current state of affairs, he is doing everything correctly and as well as possible. This is moderate perfectionism and it is not terrible for others. He poses no danger to others. Such a person is pleased to know that his affairs are going in the best way, he is pleased that what he does is not an ideal, but very close to the ideal.

If you decide to connect your life with such a person as a perfectionist, then there is nothing wrong with that. True, frequent disagreements and misunderstandings can arise here, but these are all solvable issues. If you understand what kind of person is next to you, then all such issues can be resolved.

Painful perfectionism

If a person does not accept any other result than the ideal, which - in his understanding - does not exist and cannot be, then this is already a painful condition that can pose a danger to others. But even in this state, perfectionists are not afraid, because they understand that they will not do better anyway and give up. However, the fact that he gave up does not give him peace. Therefore, he constantly returns to the unfinished business from his point of view and, which is completely understandable, cannot complete it, because he thinks that there is no limit to perfection. This condition needs to be treated.

If you see that any person is doing something with painful persistence, then this is the first signal for concern. If you see that your friend constantly starts the same thing over and over, can’t finish it in any way, be afraid of such a person, he is an inveterate perfectionist.

If you know one of these people, if there is such a person among your friends or acquaintances, then do not rush to get upset. Such a person cannot be called sick just because he strives to do everything better. If this is moderate perfectionism, then this is not scary. This condition itself does not pose a danger to others and is not scary. However, it can develop into something more. Thankfully this rarely happens. A person in this state can go in cycles in one thing. He can inspire himself with some idea and will do something with such meticulousness, so violently correct that it already becomes a disease. Experts recommend that such a person be shown to a doctor. There is no need to specify to which doctor it should be shown?

Such a state as perfectionism can cause disturbing character traits. In this state, he can unreasonably flare up and be rude to you. Often, in a state of perfectionism, people do things that they later regret, however, they cannot return anything. If you notice this condition in any person, then know that it can cause depression in him. And if depression happens, then some psychosomatic illnesses may soon develop. Then this person will already pose a serious danger to others.

Are you not a perfectionist?

Are you not a perfectionist? Interest Ask. Every person who knows about the existence of perfectionists once asked himself if he himself is a perfectionist? To answer this question, you need, again, to understand the state of affairs - to know all the criteria for perfectionism. What is a perfectionist? The meaning of this word, apparently, is not difficult to understand.

If you notice behind yourself that you constantly want to put something off until later, not to finish any business to the end, then this is a signal. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that this can be caused by banal laziness, the desire to just relax. If so, then there is no reason to worry. Not so with perfectionists. A perfectionist never completes what he started, not because he just wants to relax, or he's just lazy, but because he is a perfectionist. In addition, for a perfectionist, this may be due to lack of self-confidence. He is not sure that he can finish the job, because, again, he believes that there is no limit to perfection.

The fact that he believes that there is no limit to perfection, and does not give him the opportunity to complete the work he has begun. This is already painful. In this state, a person is capable of rash acts, which he will later regret all his life. The painfulness of this state lies in the fact that a perfectionist often does not even want to take on any business, because he thinks, why take on this business if it is impossible to bring it to perfection? These are the people you should beware of.

If you yourself have such thoughts, then this is already a signal. If such thoughts concern ordinary things, the simplest everyday everyday things, then you are a perfectionist. This can lead to serious problems and violations. So that this does not lead to serious problems and violations - the consequences of something, experts recommend contacting a psychotherapist, because it is curable. And you should not be afraid of this. If you turn to a psychotherapist in time, then everything can be corrected.

Where does the "perfectionism syndrome" come from?

If someone paid insufficient attention to their child in childhood and did not praise him for what the child did, then this may negatively affect the child’s psyche in the future - the so-called “perfectionism syndrome” may develop. To prevent this from happening, praise your children even for the fact that he does not succeed. Say, they say, nothing, next time it will work out. Children should be praised. If your child has done any craft that doesn't look quite right, praise him anyway.

If the child does not receive proper attention from adults, then the child may develop an inflated ego. He will think that he did something not good enough, that's why he was not praised. And such children from childhood try to do something better - they try to achieve complete perfection. If this is so, then in the future such children will certainly develop perfectionism. Such children become perfectionists in the future.

A lack of attention or an incorrect assessment of the child's activities leads to the fact that he will then strive all his life to receive this attention. And this, in turn, leads to the development of the “perfectionism syndrome”.

What threatens others with the "perfectionism syndrome"

What is a perfectionist? Not everyone knows this word, because it is new. Therefore, you will not find the word perfectionist in any dictionary of the world. It's just a new word. Over time, it will certainly enter into all dictionaries. But it's not about that. Perfectionism exists. Is it dangerous for others?

To answer the question of whether perfectionism is dangerous for others, we can consider some circumstances. If, for example, in childhood, one of the children was constantly hammered into the head by parents that everything needs to be done better, that you supposedly did not do it well enough, then this will lead to negative consequences. Such children, growing up, turn into perfectionists. They do any business not for themselves, but for others, in order to get an assessment of their activities from others. Therefore, perfectionists try to put out any business for show - for everyone to see, and for everyone to give their assessment. And if at least one of the ratings is not the highest, then such a perfectionist will develop hidden aggression. And one day this hidden aggression will find a way out. And God forbid that at this moment he was away from you.

Finally, consider the roles of perfectionism in your own life. Who is a perfectionist, is already known.

Everything is on the shelves, joint to joint, minute by minute - what is the name of the person who does everything perfectly? How to describe a person who loves the maximum order in everything and does not tolerate any flaws? What is the complexity of this phenomenon and why such behavior can interfere with life.

A person who does everything to the maximum is called a perfectionist. Moreover, people with this trait try to do everything perfectly, regardless of their real capabilities. Sometimes, causing negativity in life.

Perfectionism is a trait

It is rather a lifestyle that sometimes "goes sideways" for the perfectionist himself. The thing is that the main and most important description of this phenomenon is to do the job as clearly and efficiently as possible. Whether it's simple cleaning and decluttering a closet with things or sticking wallpaper in your apartment. So what's the problem? Okay, good quality?

Sometimes, perfectionists take on a job that they can not afford. Trying to fulfill it 100%, they “hang” over the problem for hours, not having the psychological opportunity to delegate it to another person. Wasting time, they try to figure out the niche and complete the task as efficiently as possible. Although, a person who does not have such a “sickness” would simply do the job as best he can.

Another characteristic minus of perfectionism is frequent disappointment in oneself. As with everything around, this type of people also treats themselves with excessive demands. In addition to external components, perfectionist people very meticulously "dig" in their inner world, trying to bring it to perfection.

perfectionist in relationships

Of course, both in relationships and in family life, a person who is used to doing everything to the maximum will try to build everything as "beautifully" as possible. Of course, regarding their perception of beauty.

The partner of a perfectionist is usually a person who is not endowed with such a character trait. On the contrary, subconsciously perfectionists are looking for a couple that they will “finish to perfection”.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, a lifestyle when you do everything to the maximum is more of an advantage than a disadvantage. In a world where everyone is chasing only money, spitting on quality, a perfectionist is a real find.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Our everyday life includes more and more new words, the meaning of which is not always. Often they come to us from other languages, such as "", "", and others.

The words "perfectionist" and "perfectionism" are no exception either. They come from the English word "perfect", which in translation means ideal, perfect, absolute, impeccable. Actually, on this it will be possible to complete this publication, because it becomes clear that A perfectionist is a person who strives for perfection, and perfectionism is a trait inherent in him.

But still, this topic requires a more detailed discussion, and therefore I will torment you with my tediousness in a couple more paragraphs.

Is perfectionism a gift or a curse?

As I mentioned, perfectionism is a trait that some people have. You must have met them. Many of them can be recognized by the perfectly cleaned and ironed clothes, by the perfect hairstyle, by the absolute order in their workplace or at home. And most importantly - all this "perfect" is constantly maintained at the proper level.

I was always most worried about the question - how much time do they spend on this ?! And if this energy is used for peaceful purposes... This is not particularly clear to me, because I always divide it into the main and the secondary (as in that song about the tube of pasta). To the secondary, I just attribute those external signs of a perfectionist, which I described in the previous paragraph.

But the impeccable appearance of a person and the objects around him described above is only one of the manifestations of perfectionism. In this case, the vector of idealization efforts is directed at itself. A person wants to be perfect or to appear so to others.

But often the vector of impeccability is directed to that matter which he is doing. This is where I am ready to understand and accept a lot, because I myself partially possess such features. In this case, perfectionists become very useful to society. It is from such people that Steve Jobs and others like them grow up, who drive progress or simply make our world simpler, more interesting and more perfect.

Another thing is what it costs them. After all, often the desire to be perfect develops into a disease. Perfectionism in any way forces you to set very high goals for yourself, which are not always easy to achieve. This means that it is not so easy to get satisfaction from the work done, the ideal appearance, etc.

If this trait is manifested to a strong degree, then often such a person experiences depression due to the fact that his desires diverge from his capabilities (or reality). He fails to achieve the perfection he is obsessed with. He ceases to receive satisfaction from life. Everything else becomes unimportant. Trouble.

Like any medicine Perfectionism in high doses is dangerous to health- it turns into poison, poisoning a person's life. In itself, the pursuit of the ideal is wonderful, but do not get too hung up on this. There is a limit to what is possible and one must always try between striving for perfection and the cost that can be too much.

In general, there are several degrees of perfectionism:

  1. Light - when emotional outbursts during the “breaking of the template” are short-lived and then they are perceived with irony by a person when “looking back”. Well, it didn't work out. So what. Get it next time. Strive for the ideal in itself is not bad - the main thing is not to get hung up on the inevitable mistakes and possible failures.
  2. Average - everything is more serious here. Such a person can no longer look at his failures with humor. He can work very hard to achieve a goal or maintain proper order. It is difficult for him to relax even for a second. It is often also called excellent student syndrome. This is no longer good, but you can live with it, because, although with difficulty, a person copes with the height of the barriers set by himself.
  3. Clinical - here an appeal to a psychiatrist is already necessary, otherwise it will be impossible to get out of the depressive state caused by obsession to achieve the ideal. The requirements for oneself or others (the very barriers that need to be overcome) are unrealistically high, there are many of them and their number can grow. Trouble.

A perfectionist is a person who is needed by society

Why is it difficult for a perfectionist to live? Not everything and not everything depends on him. You can even dig the earth with a horn, but nothing will change.

The fact is that perfectionism (the desire to see the perfect result) may appear in different directions. and not just to himself. Typically, such people address their requirements to the following objects/subjects:

  1. To the person himself (to himself - the classic version) - make demands on oneself and try to match them. The higher and more unreasonable the requirements, the more difficult it is to fulfill them and get satisfaction from this. But it is precisely from these people that great scientists, fruitful writers, good performers and other people useful to society are obtained.
  2. people around - make demands on others(brain out). The desire that they also share his exaggerated demands for order, perseverance, etc. It will be good to equal yourself, although this will make you howl, but if such a perfectionist tries to make everyone ideal without paying attention to himself, then, perhaps, only an absolute boss will come out of him, who will not eat and sleep, but so far from his subordinates they are alive and will not come off. It turns out that society needs such people (like, for example, Steve Jobs mentioned above).
  3. Your place in society - an attempt to best meet the desires of others. Often this kind of perfectionism is inherent in women when, in order to please their loved ones, they marry someone whom relatives consider ideal for her (and in many other ways they realize not their own ideals and other people's aspirations for perfection). Sometimes perfectionists of this type hide their flaws in order to look perfect in front of others.
  4. To the outside world - well, here, in general, few people have a chance of success. No one has been able to remake the world for themselves, although many have tried. They are, in a way, utopians.

In general, many types of perfectionists hard to live because their threshold of happiness (satisfaction with life) is very high. It is not always possible to achieve it. And all around are people who rejoice in the sun, heat, rain, snow and other insignificant little things. Yes, just glad that they live.

By the way, many of them do not understand how others can afford to live according to their own (and not according to their) rules, be complete gouging and at the same time sincerely enjoy life. Perfectionists are often pissed off, puzzled, and depressed. These are fanatics who do not understand how it is possible to live differently.

To get away from this, they need to learn to perceive and accept criticism, which is important, because it often happens “like a wall of peas” (does not want to perceive, hear, delve into, believe in their imperfection). The strictest judge is himself. He opposes all kinds of compromises like “it will do,” and this is bad for a person, although it can be good for society.

Perfectionists need to try to understand that we are all imperfect, we can all make mistakes, and this is good, because it would be boring to live in a society of ideal people(robots).

If you do not start correcting behavior in time, then they are threatened with apathy and depression, and sometimes even more serious disorders.

No matter how difficult it is for perfectionists, the world rests on them. After all, perfectionism is a vice of many geniuses and just people who have managed to achieve something. Sometimes they simply don’t have enough strength to do everything in the best way, but this is their path and they have to follow it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the blog pages site

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A person is always striving for self-realization and must constantly adapt to changing circumstances in order to work with society. Since ancient times, philosophers and psychologists have tried to understand whether there is a pattern in the behavior and perception of the world by a person. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud created a theory about the structure of psychiatry. Based on this, Carl Gustav Jung (a doctor from Switzerland) invented the concept of the psychotic.

Psychiatrists study theories of different classifications of personality in order to find out why one or another person did a certain action.

Even though each person is different, they are similar to behavioral characteristics. Words and our actions lead to a psychological appearance that impresses all our actions.

The science of studying the interaction of man and the world around him

How a person can and interacts with the outside world is studied both by science and sociology.

There are 16 personal psychotypes in total. Sovereignty in the modern world serves as a diagnostic in the counseling of these doctors as psychologists and psychiatrists.

According to the theory of Carl Junga, psychotypes have the following classification:

  • after settings (introvert and extrovert);
  • with the prevailing modes of mental activity (rationalism and irrationalism).

To get a new classification and try to determine the personality, psychiatrist A.

Augustinavichute decided to combine Jurge's concept and A. Kempinsky's theory of informational metabolism. The theory is based on the exchange of information flow between society and the individual, which he compares with human metabolism.

How did the classification names come about?

How did you recognize the different types of people's psychotypes and give them names?

Each psychological classification defines its definition with one dominant setting: extraversion or introversion, as well as two more powerful functions - logic, ethics and sensory.

For rational people ethics or logic prevail, irrational people will have intuition or sensor. Later, 16 psychological types of a person were supplemented with other personality characteristics that are understandable to ordinary people.

Knowledge of the external signs and characteristics of the behavior of various psychological types - these are psychiatrists who can quickly recognize the patient's problems and, thus, correct their behavior.

Carl Gustav Jung proposed a classification consisting of eight main psychological types. Socionics offers a detailed classification of 16 types.

Personal psychotypes

What gives us the knowledge of various psychotic personalities?

If you know the type of person, you can anticipate your actions, establish relationships and learn to trust them. Socionics gives us 16 psychological types of a person:

  1. OR - intuitive-logical introversion. This includes people who can solve any problems. They are great strategists. Their faults include indifference, they don't know how to express their feelings.

    They love comfort, simplicity. We avoid conflict.

  2. LIE is logically intuitive. Pretty practical. Very reasonable. Socially, he delights in taking risks.
  3. ILE - Intuitive logical extravagance. We want to explore, invent something.

    Learn new information quickly, they are principled, they insist on their own.

  4. FEL is a logical sensory extraction. Good business people are consistent. They can be foreseen. The news is careful.
  5. SLE - sensory-logical extracretion. They are quite tough in their statements, no reservations. Practical and responsible.
  6. LSI - logical-sensory introversion.

    These include calmness, rationality, discipline. Their shortcomings include their problems.

  7. SLI - sensory-logical introversion.

    It tastes good. Pretty emotional, conservative.

  8. ESE - ethical-sensory extraversion. He has a talent for persuasion. Good communicator. Optimistic. Disadvantages include negligence and misadministration.
  9. SEE - Sensory-ethical extravagance. This includes people with management skills who know how to manage people and have planning skills.

    They attacked attacks of anger.

  10. EE is an ethical-intuitive prey. Very emotional and artistic. They play drama in public.
  11. IEE - intuitive-ethical extraversion.

    They have an innate sense of tact, very fast.

  12. ESI-ethical-sensory introversion. Moralists with great patience. Reliable. Disadvantages include over resolution.
  13. SEI - sensory-ethical introversion. Their weaknesses include their inability to make decisions. They love comfort and peace.
  14. EII - ethically intuitive introversion.

    Dreamers who can sympathize. Moralists.

  15. IEI - intuitive-ethical introversion. They don't want to suffer from problems. Lazy dreamers. Very sensitive to various situations.
  16. LII - logical intuitive introversion. They have a well developed logic, they can be analyzed. He logically delves into the essence of various phenomena.

Psychotype definition

Each of us wants to achieve this goal.

To be successful, you must be able to understand yourself. Thus, the best way to understand yourself is to independently define the psychotic personality.

Can you identify which psychotics you belong to yourself? Today, there are quite a few psychotic personality tests that will help you determine which psychological types.

The most popular test is the test that determines your temperament type. It includes simple psychological questions, the answers to which will help in determining. It is very important to remember that such tests do not give complete pictures, but are intended to provide a general understanding of your personal characteristics.

It is known that the following classification of human psychotypes by K. Longard will help you more accurately determine your properties.

  1. Hypertensive.

    This type includes people who have good communication skills, speak and are active. During a conversation, they often communicate through movements, facial expressions. Often there are examples to leave the main topic and discuss something abstract about them.

    The disadvantages of such people include their ability to initiate various conflicts, their disinterestedness. Their enemy is loneliness.

  2. Dysthymic. It's just that ascetic people don't like loud, self-sufficient companies. They were not seen in conflicts, they preferred to stay away. They don't talk much, they have a keen sense of justice.

    There are few friends. They are excellent workers for monotonous work. Bad, slow, passive.

  3. Cycloid Cycloid. People are a mood that is very changeable in them at a fairly high speed. Love for communication, cute, emotional. With a bad mood - they become restrained in themselves, they become irritable.

    With different moods, we can see different properties - dysthymic or hyperthymic.

  4. Exciting. Probably the most deadly, closed and do not like people.

    Conflict. The team does not like rudeness, cruelty. In relations, the authorities dictate their own rules. They rarely manage to control their emotions and outbursts of anger.

  5. Thing. Quiet people. Known for being boring, who likes to moralize. This type of people in conflict is seen as an active site that is constantly challenging.

    If a person of this kind becomes a boss, subordinates always suffer from this. He is accustomed to making excessive demands not only for himself but also for others. Jealous, vindictive, confident, incredible.

  6. Pedanticno.

    Bureaucrats. They don't want to stick around. Good and reliable business partners, but otherwise boring and formal.

  7. Being worried. No initiative, it's not social. He is often the perfect scapegoat.
  8. Emotionally. People usually retained all feelings. Bright representatives of the psychological classification - "emo".

    They can be compassionate to others, executive.

  9. Defiantly. Such people are always in the spotlight. They love praise, power. The disadvantages are their ability to replace other people if they themselves need it. Hypocritical, laudable, selfish.
  10. He was brought up. Communicate, contact. Adoration is polemical, but openly it will not contradict. romantic nature.
  11. Extravertirano. Talkative, easily fall under the influence of someone else, meaningless.
  12. Introverted.

    Thoughts, self-sufficient, do not like noisy and large companies. Delayed and principled. They constantly defend their position, which is often wrong.

  13. Today, it will not be difficult to pass the simplest tests in order to find out your personal psychotherapist and adjust your behavior on your own.

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    A perfectionist is a person who strives for perfection

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    This is not a deviation from the norm, unless, of course, it takes on intrusive forms, such as, for example, a person constantly walks in rubber gloves, shoe covers, a protective gown and a mask.
    Agree, it’s not pleasant if the house is a mess, there are crumbs on the table, and garbage on the floor.

    There is nothing wrong with daily cleaning. It is not a sin, for example, to grab handrails in public transport with a napkin. They tend to be sticky and greasy - disgusting. Especially for a person with a high threshold of disgust. And the fact that a person carries wet wipes or a cleansing hand cream with him is not a pathology.
    Any overkill, as in the example given at the beginning, already borders on mental disorders.

    A person obsessed with an obsessive fear of pollution, dirt, is called a misophobe. Overly afraid of picking up bacteria and germs - germophobic. The one who is ready to rub the floors every second, brush off dust particles in his own home is a ripophobe.

    What is the name of the person who does everything perfectly and on time

    When an exaggerated fear of touching a contaminated / contaminated object turns into a fix idea, there is a reason to turn to specialists. An overvalued idea can displace everything, moving to the fore.

    Imagine how this distorts the personality!

    Public transport, dirty streets, dubious characters living on them make us all a little miso- and germophobic.

    It is only necessary to catch the line beyond which the pathology begins.


    When, by experience in literature, we discussed the story of Fazil Iskander "Forbidden Fruit", the eighth graders were instructed to write a story to the first person, so it seemed that the narrator was much older and smarter than he was at the time of the events described.
    Pleasant intonation is welcome, stylization, even imitation of a popular author, is not condemned.
    Thus, two students of the eighth grade completed the task.

    Danil Kuznetsov,
    8th grade

    Lover of the Order

    As a child, I loved the order in the apartment.

    If I noticed that everything that had been standing in the same place for a long time had now moved, I would begin to cry loudly and bitterly. She found her mother, put the file in place so they would immediately stop when she cut her signal from the cormorant service.

    When I was a little older, the irregularities in the house became very serious: the pen of the older brother, the father of records, fell off the table into the garbage; cleared my mom's stuff, who later searched all the closets.

    One day my mother left the apartment and went to my brother's elevator.

    Then I walked down the corridor and saw that the door was open. "Error!" I thought, and closed the door and waited for my mother. Then I heard the voice of my mother, she said something in me, but the door did not open and did not appear. Then my mom left. At first I get bored, then I'm afraid, and soon I'm shouting at all Ivanovo. Finally, I heard voices, then cracks in the castle, and now my mother hugged me, hugged me, kissed me and gently calmed down. But I keep crying.

    In my hands, sweets and other sweets, as well as things that I previously did not allow. But I can't calm down. My name is near. She is a little older than me. We have fun with him. Soon I will forget about my tears. I have only pleasant memories of this incident in my head.

    About two weeks later, my mother went out onto the balcony. I saw the door open. I immediately feel good memories. I ran to the balcony, hit the door and closed it on the bottom handle. Mom turned around and saw that the door was closed. Her eyes widened, and there was horror in them.

    Eighth floor. Street frost. My mother wears a thin house suit. There is no one else in the apartment.

    I took it, I put it in its place! Order against stress. System vector psychology of Yuri Burla

    Neighbors at work. I saw the fear of my mother, and he was also scared. Mom started to show me her hand, so I turned the button back, but I understood it in my own way, and with a happy smile, I closed mom on the middle handle. Mom realized that there was only one way out, to knock on the door. If I was not afraid of a strong blow, she said: "Go to the kitchen and take the candy on the shelf." I was delighted with the cuisine...

    And my father spent a long time repairing the balcony door.

    I grew up, I went to school. Many different issues have been added.

    But my mother sometimes runs over me: “Why are there trousers on the floor? Why is the plate on the TV and in the immediate vicinity of the computer - candy made from candy? And other unfair accusations. And, unfortunately, I simply do not have enough time to keep track of all the “violations” in the house.

    is an effective tool for forecasting and building relationships. Taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of others, you can avoid many problems, make life brighter and richer, relationships more interesting and comfortable, and work more efficient.

    Socionics has discovered that each person has one of 16 psychotypes, which does not change during life.

    gives distinctive features not only in behavior, but also in appearance - physique, gestures, emotions and facial expressions. Each has its own vivid reflection in the appearance of a person. We all carry this kind of imprint in life. According to these features, the psychotype of a person is quite easy to identify. is to find these signs and determine the psychotype based on them.

    Unlike most, appearance typing is based on objective physiological specific traits. Therefore, due to a fairly large set of features (and there are already more than fifty of them), it is impossible to fake the appearance of another type, which cannot be said about behavior, reactions, answers to test questions, etc.

    This section is an auxiliary tool for studying the methodology for determining the type of psyche by appearance - here you can see and consider the signs of each of the 16 types and 4 in the photo, compare the severity of the signs in the appearance of each representative of the type and subtype and catch the similarity.

    When creating a photo catalog, we did not at all strive to collect as many photos of each person as possible and give exhaustive information about him and his life from the point of view of socionics. You can search for information of interest on the Internet.

    What is the name of a person who likes everything to be exactly, clearly, correctly and directly and quickly?

    The purpose of the catalog is to show the image of the psychotype, supplementing it with facts from the life of a representative of the type. Therefore, for the convenience of perception, most of the photographs are sorted on the basis of both typical similarity (appearance, emotions, facial expressions, gestures, postures, etc.), and any other properties: angle.

    In the extended version of the photo catalog, it is possible to quickly select representatives of the psychotype of each of the subtypes (temperaments).

    We wish you a pleasant viewing and studying the signs of TIM in appearance =)

Perfectionist: the meaning of the term

Some people ask: perfectionist - who is this? To do this, it is necessary to define one more concept: perfectionism (from the French perfection - perfection) - a heightened desire for human perfection in all his actions and behavior created by upbringing and the environment. Accordingly, a perfectionist is a person who is characterized by perfectionism. He is convinced of the possibility and necessity of achieving perfection, first of all in relation to himself. Many psychologists, however, believe that perfectionism is not a virtue at all, but a serious personal problem that forms an individual's low self-esteem, and also negatively affects the results of his activities. The perfectionist does not see the "golden mean", he has only two extremes: the worst and the best - his ideal. He does not see gray, for him there is only black and white. For him, there is only "ideal" and "non-ideal", and "non-ideal" is absolutely everything except the ideal. In other words, he strives to do everything perfectly, better than others, or not to do anything at all, and he is completely sure of this. He sees asking for help as a weakness.

Perfectionist - who is it?

This is someone who would rather not achieve anything than achieve something incompletely. The one whose thoughts set unrealistically high goals for him. Perfectionists are sensitive to public opinion. Any criticism hurts them. Perfectionists try to hide their flaws from others. They are afraid to expose their weaknesses. Therefore, they do everything in their power to become perfect. Failure or failure shows them that they are unable to improve themselves. As a result, they feel worthless and their self-esteem drops.

How do you determine to what extent the word "perfectionist" applies to you? Who is this and how to identify him?

1) You are very responsible, afraid to make a mistake, you are very attentive to details.

2) You strive to do everything as best as possible, ideally.

3) You spend too much time improving something.

4) You set absolute ideals, while everything else is unacceptable to you.

5) You are your own harshest critic.

6) You react painfully to the criticism of others.

7) You always represent the end goal, the intermediate stages do not matter to you.

What if perfectionism isn't always a vice? Imagine what the world would be like without great works of world literature, painting, architecture, without great and wonderful composers? Let's look at this from a different perspective. A perfectionist is a person of creativity, a creator, a creator. The creator simply has to be a perfectionist, otherwise the writer who creates his work can wave his hand and say, writing on the first try: “it will do just that” or “it’s okay.” Could we have read Faust, Notre Dame, if Goethe and Hugo were not perfectionists? Would we be able to see the Mona Lisa even now, if da Vinci had decided not to perfect the image of the smile of the aforementioned lady?

We would not have heard "The Four Seasons" if Vivaldi, when practicing the violin, said: "I will not practice the part, and so it's normal." Thus, perfectionism is good only in some areas of our lives that really require an ideal to strive for. However, in ordinary life it is very difficult to achieve the ideal, because the society in which we live is far from ideal. So is it worth feeding yourself with meaningless illusions? Do you just need to live and enjoy every little thing?

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