Why is the story called the pantry of the sun by shvin. Open lesson on the topic; "Pantry of the sun

Literature lesson in grade 6

Features of the composition and the meaning of the name of the fairy tale were M.M. Prishvin "Pantry of the sun".

Today in the lesson we will continue to study the fairy tale-life story Pantry of the sun by Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin.

In previous lessons, we discussed the plot with you, met charming, brave, caring guys, Nastya and Mitrasha. They analyzed individual episodes and determined their role in the work, talked about the role of the image of nature in this work.

And today we will try to figure out why, in terms of genre, this work is a fairy tale; what is the peculiarity of the composition of this work; why the work is called “The pantry of the sun”, what meaning the author put into this title.

Initially, the Pantry of the Sun was called Man's Friend. Why do you think M.M. Prishvin refused this name?

( MM. Prishvin refused this name , because main idea author, showthe unity of man and nature, the need for a caring attitude towards nature.)

Epigraph to the lesson:

After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself think only about people.
MM. Prishvin

Who were the heroes of the fairy tale?

(Nastya, Mitrasha, their parents, Antipych, dog Grass, elk, snake, black grouse, pine and spruce, wolf, bunny)

Remember the description of Nastya and Mitrasha.

Why was Mitrasha called "People-in-a-pouch"?

He was called a "man" for his stubborn character. Mitrasha always wore his father's old jackets, girding them with a belt. The jackets were too big for him, and from the side it seemed that the boy was wearing a belted bag. Therefore, the boy was nicknamed "The Man in the Bag."

Why did we include plants and animals in this list?

(They are participants in events, many are given names.)

The sun gives warmth to the earth, and she gives it to people with good. How and what does nature share with man?

(healing berries and herbs, mushrooms, etc.)

Nature in a fairy tale actor, the hero of the work. Let's see how nature manifests itself in relation to people. To do this, together with Nastya and Mitrasha, we will go to the forest for sweet and sour cranberries.

Let's listen to an excerpt from "Intergrown Trees" about pine and spruce and say why the author places the image of pine and spruce before the appearance of children in the forest?

(As a warning, you need to be together, close.)

(audio file 3. Description of pine and spruce)

adventures of children in the Fornication swamp?

From the first step from the Lying Stone, as in fairy tales, the choice begins own way, and an ordinary forest turns into an enchanted one, where pine and spruce live and cry, where birds and animals talk. The author continues to develop the idea of ​​the unity of life of all living things. In this forest, the main qualities are manifested human personality and nature helps him in this, she reacts to every act of children. The adventures of Nastya and Mitrasha in the campaign for cranberries begin with a description of the Fornication swamp. The fornication swamp seems to be an unsettling, dangerous, scary place. It is here, in this bad place, that Nastya and Mitrasha, the cranberry hunters, go.

Let's reveal the meaning of the story about spruce and pine. A happy state is possible only if every branch, every person is in harmony with each other, they are happy. The story about spruce and pine can be associated with the parable beginning in the work. The unfortunate fate of trees is aggravated by their disunity, selfish aspirations, and the desire to establish themselves at the expense of others.

Conclusion: connecting the life of people and nature, Prishvin expresses his main idea: a person must be reasonable in his relationship with nature, understand it, love and protect it. Prishvin wrote in his diary: “... the forest is a great temple of nature and the richer inner world man, the more it is given to him to see in the world of nature. Nastya and Mitrasha did not immediately listen to the voice of nature and almost got into trouble, but, like any fairy tale, fairy tale MM. Prishvina has a happy ending. They were destined to meet again and continue their journey together, but not fighting with each other, like spruce and pine, but living together in unity with the great mother nature.

- What role does nature play in the development of events?

Let's listen to the audio file and say: what was the signal of trouble, at what moment and what kind of trouble happened?

(audio file 2. "The sun has hidden")

(Nature portends evil. Another signal of the approaching discord between brother and sister is a cloud that “like a cold blue arrow ... crossed the rising sun in half”).

Blind spruce is a dangerous place. How did nature warn of danger?

(“cold blue arrow”, “wind rushed”, “pine groaned”, “spruce growled”).


Where else in the text did you come across such warnings?

(The grass howled, Christmas trees do not let Mitrasha into the spruce)

(The writer's intention was to show the unity of man and nature, inseparable bond everything on earth.)

Summing up, we can note that each of the heroes managed to defeat himself and emerge victorious in a clash with the forces of nature.

How did Nastya behave when she was left alone? Why did she forget about Mitrasha?

Nastya went along the trodden path, along which "all people walk", but then all the same imperceptibly turned away from her. Left alone, she became interested in collecting cranberries and forgot about Mitrash. She was seized with the excitement of a gatherer and greed, and in this greed she ceased to be a man and became like an ordinary forest animal. By this the author wants to say that a person in greed loses truly human qualities.

Let's go back to the crossroads, to the Lying Stone. Prishvin showed us not only the moment of choosing the path of two children, he showed us the path of human thought. Mankind is always faced with a choice: to follow the old, good famous road or on a new, uncharted path. But evolution, the development of all mankind occurs precisely because there are people who choose the thin path of the researcher or even go forward along the impassability in order to pave the way for future generations. In this deep philosophical meaning"Pantry of the sun".

Work on the definition of the genre "Pantry of the Sun".

M.M. Prishvin himself gave a genre definition to his work - a fairy tale - a true story.

But what is a genre? ( Genre - this is the view works of art , corresponding to one of the 3 literary genera.

What types are combined in the studied work? ( Fairy tale and true).

Define were. ( true story is the story of what really happened).

What is a fairy tale? ( Story is a work of fiction).

TALE - one of the main types of oral folk art. Artistic narration fantasy, adventure or everyday character.

Where is the fairy tale? (there,where the story is about nature).

Nature is fabulous and at the same time realistic. The border of the fairy tale "Two hundred years ago ...".

At what moment do the characters of the story approach the border of the fairy tale? ( During an argument at the Lying Stone).

Children like fairy-tale heroes, find themselves in front of a magic stone, i.e. in a situation of choice. The stone has its own name - Lying stone. It does not say: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse; if you go to the left, you will be lost yourself.” But it is during the rest on the stone that the children face the problem of choosing the path.

Decide on the genre of the work. ( In a fairy tale, there was truth, i.e. the reality of life, and fiction, i.e. fiction).

What eternal problems does M.M. Prishvin raise through a fairy tale, and which through reality?

(Through the fairy tale risesproblem of good and evil . The symbol of good is the dog Grass, and the symbol of evil is the wolf Gray Landlord. Through realityproblem of life and death . The Great Patriotic War is a symbol of death, children are life).

So we found out how unusual the genre of the fairy tale was “The Pantry of the Sun”.

Work on the composition of fairy tales.

Make a plan fairy tales were.

The plan of the fairy tale was "The Pantry of the Sun":
a) The life of Nastya and Mitrasha after the death of their parents.
b) For cranberries.
c) Sunrise in the forest; lying stone.
d) History of Grass.
e) Fornication swamp.
f) Mitrasha's path.
g) The path of Nastya.
h) Sunset in the forest.
i) Saving Mitrasha.
j) Happy ending.

And now let's turn to the construction of the work.

What is the term for construction? ( Composition).

Let's remember what parts the composition consists of author's work.

(Composition: plot, development of action, climax, denouement).

Now remember which elements of the composition in the fairy tale sound different? ( Beginning, end).

The standard composition of a fairy tale includes the beginning, that is, what kind of beginning the fairy tale has. It can be “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ...” and “Once upon a time ...” and other options that already from the first words set us up in a fabulous mood. Next comes the main part of the tale, in which all the events take place. fairy story Well, the fairy tale usually ends in a special way too. There are a lot of options for ending the tale, the most familiar of them are:

    They began to live - live and make good

    And I was there, drinking beer honey ...

    They made a feast for the whole world ...

fabulous :

1) Fairy-tale Beginning (“in one village ...”). Remember how fairy tales begin ("In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ... or" An old man lived with his old woman near the blue sea ... "-" The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish "

2) choice of path

3) testing

4) animals - enemy heroes (raven, poisonous snake, magpie, wolf Gray Landowner);

5) helper heroes (the dog Grass is a representative of “good nature”, serves a person.


1) real place actions;

2) real characters;

3) narrator-scout natural resources.

Work on the meaning of the name of the fairy tale.

1. We have seen that genre and composition play an important role in works. The work is based on them. But the title also plays an important role. Very often it is in it that the idea lies.

Let's turn to the text. In what episode do we first encounter the phrase "Pantry of the sun"?

(When describing the Fornication Swamp).

Let's listen to this passage.

(audio file 5. Blind spruce)

Now let's get back to the topic of the lesson.

What meaning of "Pantry of the Sun" did we see when we just read it?

Are the words "peat" and "life" related? ( Yes. Peat is fire, fire is hearth, hearth is family, family is life).

Are these places rich only in peat and cranberries? Name these riches.

(Nature here is kind, it also helps people, worries about them. Nature: cranberries, trees, herbs, animals and birds)

How, according to the author, should a person relate to natural resources? (Expressing opinions. Prishvin teaches to see, know and understand nature, protect and love it. Nature and man are interconnected, united. The main idea is that nature is a huge pantry, and a person must learn to use natural resources reasonably, without greed, not lose the best human qualities)

- Can we now, guys, explain what meaning the writer puts into the title "Pantry of the Sun"?

- "The pantry of the sun" is not something specific, but a metaphor. What meaning does the author put into this title? I suggest that you, following Prishvin, become researchers and try to answer this question.

On the desk pantry sun

You need to pick up association words for the word pantry and the word sun.

Pantry- stocks, storage space, barn, storage, eternity, treasure, gold, nurse, assistant, cellar, miracle, heart, storage, chest, warehouse, secrets, memory, supplies, life, wealth, soul.

Sun- light, bright, warmth, kindness, warmth, love, mother, laughter, summer, childhood, tenderness, nature, fun, holidays, beach, affection, ray, life, joy, light, comfort, dawn, goodness.

You make up as many phrases and sentences as possible, which, in your opinion, most accurately reflect the meaning of the name, by combining words from the first and second groups, and then we will see what you get.

Example on the board:

    The pantry of the sun is a storehouse of warmth and love.

    The pantry of the sun is ………

The guys come up with, the most successful ones are written on the board, for example:

pantry of the sun is an inexhaustible source of goodness, light and happiness.

pantry of the sun- this is nature, in unity with which a person acquires peace of mind, harmony and a model for self-improvement.

pantry of the sun- this is the heart of a person.

pantry of the sun- this is the value of the earth, the ocean of life, the secret of the life of nature and man.

pantry of the sun is a priceless gift from the earth.

pantry of the sun- this is nature with its innumerable riches.

- So the most important pantry of the sun is the understanding that man and nature are a single whole. Let's remember once again what M. M. Prishvin himself said about this: “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.”

Man and nature are indivisible, both have living soul.

- What is the contents of this "pantry"?

- What about forests? Yagodnikov? Animals, birds, if not protected and replenished?

For wise man, a zealous owner who takes from nature in moderation, reasonably, giving her his strength, taking care of her, nature is a friend, an ally. If a person only takes, he will destroy nature first, and then himself.

- For whom is the "pantry of the sun" open?

One who knows and loves nature, who truly knows how to work, who intelligently and wisely not only takes, but knows how to give and replenish, who is disinterested in his actions, can take advantage of the wealth, treasures of nature.

« pantry of the sun - this is not only peat as a mineral, but it is solar heat and light that all living things and people on earth need. The sun is the basis of life. The sun gives off its heat to the plants, the plants die off and fall to the bottom of the swamp, and a layer of peat gradually accumulates there.

Peat is a natural wealth that life on Earth has been accumulating for centuries. But healing cranberries, trees and herbs, animals and birds of this swamp are also nature's pantry.

Guys, let's turn to the epigraph of our lesson. How, in your opinion, does it reflect the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale - were Prishvin?

“The pantry of the sun” is a fairy tale true story, in which truth and fiction, legend and life are intertwined. It is a wonderful world where all life is interconnected.

Prishvin has a living nature - she rejoices, sad, sad, takes part in the fate of the heroes (methods of humanizing nature are found in fairy tales). Happiness, according to the ideas of the writer, lies in a harmonious life with nature, mutual trust and mutual assistance.

"Pantry of the Sun" makes us think about our attitude towards each other, the world around us, gives us the skills of knowledge about life, teaches us love and attentive attitude towards each other.


1. Now think and write down in a few phrases:

What can I call the "Pantry of the sun" in my life? What is it, my "Pantry

2. Read out.

Summing up the lesson.

There are people who until the end of their days do not lose the gift of admiration for the world. No storms and difficulties of the human path can affect the impressionability of their ageless nature. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin belonged to such people. As he could not put aside his pen for a minute, he could not stop enjoying life for a single moment. He found her riches everywhere, wherever he went and whatever he saw. Prishvin was a writer to such an extent that it is impossible to imagine him without a pen in his hand, and in last years- not bent over the writer

Prishvin's books are distinguished not only by love for nature. Nature in Russian literature was loved and painted by many writers. But an example of such an organic fusion with nature, as you feel in Prishvin's books, is not immediately picked up. Prishvin knew the secret of the word. He could converse with a leaf or a blade of grass, and their response to his speech always seemed natural and truly devoted.

JW Goethe wrote: "Nature is the only book, each page of which is full of deep content." And if you want to learn to see all the most interesting in nature, treat it like the writer M.M. Prishvin

And I would like to end the lesson with these words: “In the sense of life, everything has a great

meaning: what we say, what we think, what we do and how we act; how we treat people; how we relate to nature; how we relate to difficulties, what we value, what we strive for, what we leave behind.

Now let's test your knowledge of this work using a test.

Before you sheets with test task and answer sheet.

Read each question and its answers carefully. Choose one correct answer and write it in the appropriate box.

Answer sheet:

Test based on the work of M. M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun"

    Genre of work:

a) a story

b) a fairy tale;

c) a fairy tale.

2. The title of the work means that it is about:

a) about rich deposits of peat in swamps;

b) about the spiritual wealth of people;

c) about the rich and animal world of forests.

3. The work describes the events:

a) during the First World War

b) the period of the Great Patriotic War;

c) today.

4. Theme of the work:

a) the unity of man and nature, the need for a caring attitude towards nature;

b) relationships between people;

c) reflections on how nature is higher than man and human passions.

5. The narration in the work is conducted on behalf of:

a) Mitrasha and Nastya;

b) geologists;

c) villagers.

6. Narrators believe that in the friendship of Mitrasha and Nastya there were:

a) perfect equality;

b) the undisputed superiority of the sister;

c) brother advantage.

7. The meaning of the story of pine and spruce:

a) an element of a fairy tale, explaining the groan and howl heard in windy weather;

b) a story about the emergence of a wild forest near Bludov swamp;

c) the background of the conflict between Mitrasha and Nastya.

8. Yelan (a swampy place in a swamp) was called Blind, because:

a) people who got into it lost their sight;

b) flowers grew here, which the people called "night blindness";

c) outwardly, it did not differ in any way from the rest of the swamp.

9. Grass could not endure the weeping of forever woven trees, because:

a) they reminded her of her own grief;

b) the dog was afraid to hear this howl;

c) she felt sorry for them.

10. In the sentence: "The earth under the foot became like a hammock suspended over the abyss" - is used:

a) antithesis;

b) comparison;

c) hyperbole.

11. In the passage: “Then gray cloud densely advanced and covered the whole sun with life-giving rays. The evil wind blew very sharply. Trees woven with roots, covering each other with branches, growled, howled, groaned at the whole Fornication swamp" - used:

a) hyperbole;

b) personification;

c) metaphor.


Individual task:


1. One of the three products that Nastya took with her? (bread)

2. What berry did the children go for? (cranberry)

3. What is the name of the place where the berry grew? (Swamp)

4. The name of the tool that Mitrasha used to make dishes. (get on)

5. Who was the first bird to notice Mitrash in the swamp? (crow)

6. The largest animal in the work. (Elk)

FIRST LESSON. M. M. Prishvin: the formation of a writer. "Pantry of the Sun".

I. M. M. Prishvin: the formation of a writer

The huge legacy of Prishvin has not yet been comprehended by our contemporaries. 25 volumes of the "hidden" diaries of the writer reveal to us M. M. Prishvin - the chronicler of his era, deep religious thinker, a representative of Russian cosmism.

The writer lived great life, containing great amount meetings and events. But for the story about the writer, addressed to sixth graders, we will choose the facts that tell about the formation of this unique artist of the word. It is not necessary to strive for students to memorize these facts. It is more important to captivate children with a story about how future writer went to the discovery of his talent.

Bio pages

Prishvin born in 1873 in the village of Khrushchevo, Yelets district, Oryol province. The grandfather of the future writer, a merchant, purchased this estate from a local landowner. Misha was the youngest child in the family, and he was in his eighth year when his father became paralyzed.

Prishvin graduated from a village school and entered the Yelets gymnasium. The first class of the gymnasium at that time corresponded to the third or fourth grade modern school. There were children who already knew how to read and write. In total, there were seven classes in the gymnasiums of that time. After a year of study, the boy was left in the first grade again for poor progress with the conclusion: "hopeless due to poor ability."

AT 1885 Prishvin and his schoolboy friends tried to commit escape to Asia. Many years later he said that it was his first aspiration for a dream.

In his studies, Prishvin was lucky and unlucky at the same time. His teacher of geography was Vasily Vasilyevich Rozanov, who would soon become known throughout the world as an outstanding Russian philosopher. Rozanov defended the boy from a hail of ridicule after an unsuccessful escape to "Asia". But it was after insulting Rozanov that Prishvin was expelled from the gymnasium without the right to enter another educational institution- "with a wolf ticket." Then Prishvin was 16 years, and he was fond of reading illegal, that is, forbidden, literature.

AT 1889 Prishvin moved to Tyumen to live with his uncle, a major industrialist. He studied at a real school, and then externally passed the exams for the seventh grade and in 1893 he went to Riga, where he entered the Polytechnic Agronomy Department of the Faculty of Chemistry. M. M. Prishvin that year turned 20 years.

In those years, the discoveries made by the great Russian chemists made a real revolution in science. New branches of knowledge developed rapidly: soil science, agrochemistry, agronomy, discoveries were made one after another that excited the minds of the whole world. Researchers traveled all over Russia, studying the properties of air, soil, plants and methods of cultivating the land in the field and in laboratories. Scientists have discovered the great mysteries of nature. Prishvin was carried away by this wave, but even more captured by his Marxism and activities in the "school of proletarian leaders." In 1897, Prishvin was arrested and sentenced to a year in prison., and then sent to Yelets under police supervision, forbidding him to study in Russia.

At the age of 27, M. M. Prishvin leaves for Germany where he entered the University of Leipzig. For two years of study, he listens to lectures by the most prominent professors, goes to lectures at Berlin and Jena universities. Most of all Prishvin in these years is not at all interested in literature: with enthusiasm he studies in the laboratory of the physicochemist and philosopher V. F. Ostwald.

So, M. M. Prishvin returns to Russia. He works as an agronomist at an experimental agricultural station, aspires to work in the laboratory of an outstanding Russian biochemist, academician Dmitry Nikolaevich Pryanishnikov. He edits an agricultural encyclopedia, writes scientific and popular articles, for example, on such topics: “How to fertilize fields and meadows” (1905), “Potatoes in field and garden crops” (1908). But this job leaves him feeling dissatisfied.

And then the inevitable happens in a person who feels a special vocation in himself: in 1906 thirty-three years old M. M. Prishvin, on the advice of a friend, sets off to collect folklore in Zaonezhye - in the Vygovsky region of the Olonets province, where at that time civilization had not yet penetrated and where it lived, perhaps in its original form folk culture. Prishvin recorded 38 fairy tales there. But the main result of the expedition for him was the book “ In the land of fearless birds. Essays on the Vygovsky region» ( 1907 ). Lovingly talking about the inhabitants of Zaonezhie, Prishvin discovered the writer in himself.

A few years later, already in St. Petersburg, M. M. Prishvin met again and began to communicate with Rozanov, with other famous Russian writers and philosophers. So in the work of Prishvin, a deep knowledge of nature, philosophical thought and love for people merged.

Fairy tale " pantry of the sun» Prishvin wrote in 1945 year, immediately after the end of World War II.

How old was the writer?

Prishvin became a teacher for many Russian writers who dedicated their works to the beauty of their native nature.

- Read in the textbook what K. G. Paustovsky said about M. M. Prishvin. Answer the textbook questions.

Read the story to the end. In writing: characterization of the character (Nastya or Mitrasha).

Character Character Plan

Portrait - Origin - Habits, interests, way of life - Speech - Worldview, character - Attitude of the author.

LESSON TWO. "The pantry of the sun" by M. M. Prishvin as a fairy tale-true.

I. "Pantry of the sun"

What episodes impressed you the most, awakened excitement and a sense of empathy?

- Does the "Pantry of the Sun" look like a real fairy tale, in your opinion? Does it have a beginning?

II. Drawing up a work plan

Make a simple or quote plan.


Prepare answers to questions 1-6 of the heading of the textbook "Understand what we read"

LESSON THREE. Nastya and Mitrasha.


Images of Nastya and Mitrasha. The moral essence of the relationship between brother and sister. Spiritualization of nature, its participation in the fate of the heroes. Fairy tale and true story in the "Pantry of the Sun"


What episodes impressed you the most, awakened excitement and a sense of empathy?

Where and when does the action take place?

- Does the "Pantry of the Sun" look like a real fairy tale, in your opinion? Does it have a beginning?

- What do you think, is there anything in common between A.P. Platonov's fairy tale "The Unknown Flower", Antoine de Saint-Exupery's fairy tale "The Little Prince" and M. M. Prishvin's fairy tale "The Pantry of the Sun"?

- Let's find portraits of heroes in the text: "golden hen" and "man-in-a-pouch". - Why do you think the boy was given such a nickname?

— So, the children went for cranberries. Prishvin defines the genre of this work as follows: a fairy tale. What is the name of the part we are talking about now? What is it - a fairy tale or a true story?

- At what point do children approach the border of a fairy tale? Where does fairy tale enter their lives?

How does the writer make us feel that we have approached the borders of another world?

A story about the former life of Grass and Antipych and about the life of Grass without a master, about her confrontation with the wolf.

"Pantry of the Sun" Continued.

(textbook questions and answers to them!)

The moral essence of the relationship between Nastya and Mitrasha. Spiritualization of nature, its participation in the fate of the heroes. Fairy tale and true story in the "Pantry of the Sun"

I. Images of Nastya and Mitrasha. The moral essence of the relationship between brother and sister. Spiritualization of nature, its participation in the fate of the heroes. Fairy tale and true story in the "Pantry of the Sun"

Nastya and Mitrasha lived in a village near Pereslavl-Zalessky. The story takes place in 1943, during the Great Patriotic War. The children have recently been orphaned: the mother died of an illness, the father died at the front.

Let's find portraits of heroes in the text: "golden hen" and "man-in-a-pouch". Let's read them aloud.

- Why do you think the boy was given such a nickname?

He was called a "man" for his stubborn character. Mitrasha always wore his father's old jackets, girding them with a belt. The jackets were too big for him, and from the side it seemed that the boy was wearing a belted bag. Therefore, the boy was nicknamed "The Man in the Bag."

- Highlight comparisons and epithets that help to understand the author's attitude towards Nastya and Mitrasha.

The author's attitude towards children helps to understand the comparisons and epithets with which the author describes children. Nastya - “a golden hen on high legs”, freckles, “like gold coins”, a “clean” nose. Mitrasha - "a little man in a bag", "in golden freckles", his nose is "clean too, like his sister's."

- Write down nouns with diminutive suffixes from the verbal portraits of children. What feeling of the author to children do they convey?

— What, in your opinion, features of these children are especially dear to the author?

- How did Nastya and Mitrasha live after the death of their parents? What do you think was the most amazing thing about their lives? (3rd question.)

After the death of their parents, Nastya and Mitrasha lived together, housed together and took care of each other and living creatures: a cow, a heifer, a goat, chickens, sheep and a piglet. Nastya, like her late mother, cooked food, ran the household. Mitrasha learned from his father how to make wooden utensils and made barrels and tubs for people. He attended meetings and tried to take part in social work.

What did Mitrasha remember looking at the compass?

— So, the children went for cranberries. Prishvin defines the genre of this work as follows: a fairy tale. What is the name of the part we are talking about now? What is it - a fairy tale or a true story?

The true story is a specific story of children orphaned during the war, who had a difficult life, but they worked together and helped each other and people as much as they could.

- At what point do children approach the border of a fairy tale? Where does fairy tale enter their lives?

How does the writer make us feel that we have approached the borders of another world?

Read two paragraphs expressively, starting with the words "Two hundred years ago ...".

- We have already said that in this tale there were, as in folk tale, there is a beginning. What other signs of a fairy tale are there in this work?

Natural images can be called fabulous: a raven, trees, old Christmas trees, a gray wolf, a lying stone.

The episodes in which these heroes act are fabulous. These images and episodes turn an ordinary story about how children get lost in the forest into a fairy tale about enchanted trees, about forest secrets and talking forest dwellers.

The main problem that underlies the work is the problem of choosing one's own path. The first bell that signals this is Nastya's act during Mitrasha's story about his father's words. Nastya took care of the food, and Mitrasha, “thinking that her sister was behind her back, told her about the wonderful Palestinian woman.” And now the children, like fairy-tale heroes, find themselves in front of a magic stone, i.e.in a situation of choice . The stone has its own name - Lying stone. It does not say: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse; if you go to the left, you will be lost yourself.” But it is during the rest on the stone that the children face the problem of choosing the path.

- Retell the dispute between Nastya and Mitrasha in your own words. Can you guess which side the author is on?

Find and read the descriptions of the sun. How does the sun change? In what work do we encounter a similar description?

- Read the description of nature after the children's quarrel from the words "Then the gray cloud approached tightly ..." to "... they howled, groaned." How do you think the author feels about what is happening?

- What made Mitrasha go on an unknown path? Why did he get into trouble? How does the author feel about Mitrasha in this story? (5th question.)

Let's not forget that Prishvin himself was an agronomist, biochemist, naturalist, and for him to follow an uncharted path meant doing research work, becoming a discoverer of the new.

The short path of the researcher is by no means easy, but it requires really taking into account the experience accumulated by people. Mitrasha showed the character of a pioneer, a researcher, when, remembering his father's instructions, he went along a thin path. But he was still only a boy, and he did not have enough life experience to believe the grass is white-bearded. At this moment, the author feels sorry for Mitrasha, deeply sympathizes with him. He writes about the magpies that saw the boy and began to crackle throughout the forest: “And the magpies, very smart for every nasty business, realized the complete impotence of the little man immersed in the swamp.”

Sympathy and desire to help the boy are evoked by the following words of the author: “ little man with a double visor, he stopped screaming. Tears streamed down his tanned face, down his cheeks in shining streams. It is characteristic that the basket with food remained with Nastya.

- How did Nastya behave when she was left alone? Why did she forget about Mitrasha? (6th question.)

Nastya went along the trodden path, along which "all people walk", but then, imperceptibly, she turned off it. Left alone, she became interested in collecting cranberries and forgot about Mitrash. She was seized with the excitement of a gatherer and greed, and in this greed she ceased to be a man and became like an ordinary forest animal. A person in greed loses truly human qualities.

Let's go back to the crossroads, to the Lying Stone. Prishvin showed us not only the moment of choosing the path of two children, he showed us the path of human thought. Humanity is always faced with a choice: to follow the old, well-known road or the new, unexplored path. But evolution, the development of all mankind occurs precisely because there are people who choose the thin path of the researcher or even go forward along the impassability in order to pave the way for future generations.

LESSON FOUR. A story about pine and spruce growing together.

II. A story about pine and spruce growing together
Teaching expressive reading

We are preparing an expressive recitation by heart of a prosaic passage from the "Pantry of the Sun" from the words "Two hundred years ago ..." to the words "... and the wolf howled from inescapable malice towards him."

When working on expressive reading, it is important to resurrect the knowledge of what rhythm is, how rhythm manifests itself in a prose work.

Let's write two or three sentences as a poem:

If necessary, the entire paragraph can be written down in this way. The most important thing is to feel the rhythm of Prishvin's prose and try to convey the nature of the fairy tale.


Prepare an expressive recitation by heart of a prose passage.

Based on the textbook, prepare answers to questions 7, 8, 10 of the “Let’s understand what we have read” section and to questions 1–3 of the “Let’s draw conclusions” section (p. 73).

Individual task (who wants)

Prepare a story about Grass and Antipych.


LESSON FIVE. The meaning of the story is about pine and spruce growing together. The meaning of the title of the work. Images of Grass and Antipych. The writer's faith in man, a kind and wise master of nature

I. Examination homework
Expressive recitation of a prose passage

II. The meaning of the story about pine and spruce growing together

- Why does the writer insert into his narrative a story about spruce and pine growing together? Why is this story placed at the very beginning of the description of the hero's journey? (7th question of the textbook.)

The writer inserts into the narrative a story about a spruce and a pine growing together, at the very beginning of the description of the heroes' path through the swamp. He, as it were, makes it clear that the usual story is over and the fairy tale begins. From this moment, from the first step from the Lying Stone, as in fairy tales and epics, a person begins to choose his own path, and an ordinary forest, with the help of images of pine and spruce, which grow together, groan and cry all over the swamp, turns into an enchanted, fairy-tale forest where birds and animals talk, where the dog lives - a friend of man and the wolf - the enemy of man. In this forest, the most important qualities of the human personality are manifested.

III. The meaning of the title of the work

The author describes the Fornication swamp, on the one hand, as fabulous place where there is a quagmire underfoot, old fir-trees grow, a raven flies, speaking its own language, a swamp hostile to man. On the other hand, the author says on behalf of the scouts of natural resources that the Fornication swamp "with all the huge reserves of combustible peat is a pantry of the sun." “Thousands of years this goodness has been preserved under water, the swamp becomes the pantry of the sun, and then all this pantry of the sun, like peat, goes to a person as an inheritance.”

In the phrase "pantry of the sun" the author puts great importance. Let us again recall that the author was an agronomist, biochemist, researcher, who followed the development of contemporary science. After graduation civil war and before the start of the Great Patriotic Russian scientist Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky was the first to scientifically demonstrate the colossal influence of solar energy on the development of life on Earth. What we are now in early XXI century, it seems natural, in the last century you had to prove it, putting all your strength into it.

Prishvin in "The Pantry of the Sun" is not just a writer, but an educator. In a simple and clear way, he talks about serious natural scientific discoveries. The sun gives off its heat to the plants, the plants die off and fall to the bottom of the swamp, and a layer of peat gradually accumulates there. Peat is a natural wealth that life on Earth has been accumulating for centuries. But healing cranberries, trees and herbs, animals and birds of this swamp are also nature's pantry.

- Initially, "Pantry of the Sun" was called "Man's Friend." Why, in your opinion, M. M. Prishvin abandoned this name? (1st question of the heading of the textbook "Let's draw conclusions".)

If Prishvin called the story “Man's Friend”, then the entire emphasis would be transferred to the image of the dog that saved the boy. But the main idea of ​​the story is that nature is a huge pantry and a person must learn to use natural resources wisely, without greed, not to lose the best human qualities. The name "Pantry of the Sun" is quite consistent with this idea.

- What is the meaning of the writer in the expression "fairy tale-true" (2nd question of the column "Let's draw conclusions.")

"Fairy tale" is a genre definition of a work. A fairy tale is a story based on fiction. A true story is a story about what really happened. Prishvin emphasizes that in his work fiction is intertwined with reality. The author wants readers to perceive this narrative not just as a story about two children who are lost. The author wants readers to feel the generalizing nature of this work.

IV. Images of Grass and Antipych. The writer's faith in man, a kind and wise master of nature

A story about the former life of Grass and Antipych and about the life of Grass without a master, about her confrontation with the wolf.

What episode is decisive in this work?

Let's read expressively climactic episode, when Grass pulls the new Antipych out of the Blind Elani.

Why did Grass come to the aid of a man? Why, after the death of Antipych, did she try to see her master in every person?

How do you understand the expression: Small man stopped a big heart in himself ”?

Mitrasha is small in age, but his soul is like that of an adult strong and sincere person. Such people are said to have a big heart.

- Why did the villagers say about Mitrash: “There was a peasant ... but swam away, who dared, he ate two: not a peasant, but a hero”?

man -the word is playful, with a diminutive suffix, it indicates that a peasant is not yet a real man. The villagers concluded that Mitrasha proved himself to be a real man when they learned that he managed not to lose his fortitude and found a way to escape from the swamp. Secondly, he did not lose his head and shot the wolf of the Gray Landlord, which even experienced hunters could not shoot.


Why is the fairy tale called "The pantry of the sun"?

    Everything that happens and forms on Earth would be impossible without the Sun. This also applies to peat, which is formed from the remains of plants and animals under the influence of solar heat and energy. Namely, peat bogs and all nature is the main character in this tale-were. Therefore, the name is.

    Because Prishvin called so metaphorically-poetically Russian swamps, because of the huge deposits of peat in them. For centuries, millennia, organic matter accumulated in them and deposited at the bottom in the form of peat. And any organic matter is an excellent natural fuel (not as environmentally harmful as coal and oil), as well as fertilizer! Plants grow by converting to organic solar radiation(the process of photosynthesis), so peat is canned solar radiation. Sun is logical.

    And in vain, by the way, in the new century they abandoned the use of peat. For peat is a RENEWABLE resource, and natural gas is finite. For peat is formed ten times faster than natural gas.

    Fairy tale - Prishvin's true story Pantry of the sun is a work in which fiction is intertwined with events that occurred in reality.

    Initially, the work was called A friend of manquot ;. That is, the main character was the dog that saved the boys.

    Now the main characters, in addition to a dog and two little boys, have become nature itself.

    Reading a fairy tale, we learn and scientific discoveries, connected by the sun, thanks to which such wealth of the earth as peat appears. And all the surrounding nature, cranberries, animals, plants, birds of this swamp - all this is the pantry of the sun.

    Our wealth, the wealth of nature, mother earth.

    Most likely it is the expression Pantry of the sun comes from the fact that all nature was created by the Sun and all the processes and phenomena in nature are largely solar affairs, therefore everything that surrounds us and we are all essentially in the pantry, which the Sun opens in the morning, does its business, feeds someone , shines for someone, etc., and closes this closet in the evening.

    In the phrase pantry of the sunquot ;, which became the title of the work, the author put great sense. It is worth remembering that Prishvin himself was a biochemist, an agronomist, and a researcher, he followed the development of science with might and main. The work of Pantry of the sun tells about natural scientific discoveries in a rather simple and unconstrained way. The whole point is that the sun constantly gives part of its heat to the plants, which then die off, and after that fall to the very bottom of the swamp, where peat accumulates through this process. Peat is the wealth of nature, accumulated by life for centuries. But cranberries and others healing herbs and trees with animals and birds of this swamp - this is also the pantry of nature.

    Prishvin, being a great prose writer-naturalist, was also a great poet in his soul.

    The pantry of the sun is a metaphor with which the writer refers to peat deposits. Peat is a fuel, and any fuel of natural origin gives people the accumulated solar energy, without which it simply would not have appeared - coal and charcoal, oil, peat.

    Peat consists of dead plant residues, rotted, processed by microorganisms, whose existence would also be impossible without the sun.

    With this title, Prishvin wanted to convey to the reader the logical relationship between life, which depends on heat and light, and the sun.

    Prishvin called the fairy tale so true, since peat is the remains of animals, plants, and they grew on Earth, warmed and protected by the sun, it caressed them, gave strength, and therefore the living absorbed solar energy, retained it through the centuries, even turning into organic.

    The famous writer Mikhail Prishvin wrote many stories about nature, which he studied with love all his life.

    In this fairy tale, called the Pantry of the Sun, it is the man who is shown as the owner of all natural wealth, which are opened only to the most kind and wise thrifty people. And nature, according to the author, for the people themselves acts as a pantry of the sun, in which great and necessary treasures are hidden for our life. But mother nature has her own laws, and we, people, must follow them, and she does not like negligent, evil, greedy and wasteful.

    And the name, in my opinion, came about due to the fact that there is a lot written about peat, which heats in winter and this substance is obtained thanks to solar energy.

    I read that initially Prishvin had an idea to call this story differently - like Man's Friend, and make the forester's dog the main character of the story, but then he changed his mind and called the story Pantry of the sunquot ;, making the quagmire the main character of the story. Many people know that peat is an underdeveloped coal - these are the remains of plants and small swamp animals that are buried in a bog and gradually rot, compact, turning into peat, which can even serve as fuel. But in order for peat to appear, plants that need the sun must grow and bloom. It is the warmth of the sun sunlight, solar energy is essentially stored in these plants, and then converted into heat in someone's small stove. Peat is otherwise called even solar canned food, as it stores the energy of the sun. long years.

    True story - a fairy tale is called that way, only because the sun is life energy earth and with its help created all the blessings on it. And all the processes that occur during the day, at night when the sun sets, close in pantry quot ;.

Theme: M. Prishvin "Pantry of the sun"

Target : 1) to generalize and systematize the knowledge of students on the work of M. Prishvin "Pantry of the Sun";

2) to form the skills of conscious reading, the ability to work with a literary text; 3) development of analytical and critical thinking skills;

4) education of love and careful attitude nature, tolerance.

Equipment : artistic text, illustrations for the work

Type of: control and summarizing

View: lesson - analysis artistic text

Method: partially search, visual, problematic, conversation

Time: 45 minutes

Class 5 B

During the classes

    Organizing time.

a) Greetings and attendance;

B) Readiness for the lesson;

C) Goal setting (message of the topic of the lesson and its purpose)

2. The challenge of existing knowledge on the issue under study is the activation of students' activities. Motivation for further work.

Guys, we finished reading the fairy tale - there were M.M. Prishvin "Pantry of the sun". Did you like the work?

Exercise "Collect the words." Choose only those words that characterize the activities of M.M. Prishvin.

"True storyteller", artist, agronomist, geographer, writer, ethnographer, local historian, teacher, doctor, traveler.

3. problem question.

Why is the "Pantry of the Sun" called "fairy tale - a true story"? List features, which allowed to give this work such a two-digit subtitle.

A fairy tale is a true story - the name is contradictory, because. the reality that was not really, it seems, excludes the fabulous, the fantastic. In Prishvin's story, there were more - historical time, place, real heroes - children, their neighbors, Antipych, occupations and concerns of people, the natural world. But there are elements of a fairy tale in the “Pantry of the Sun”. The main one is a happy ending. Good feelings win. The “man in the bag” not only escapes, but also kills the hardened wolf. Weed finds a new owner. In addition, the story, like a fairy tale, begins with an introduction (a story about the life of children), the nicknames of the children are fabulously amusing - “Golden Hen”, “Man in a Pouch”; as in a fairy tale, children choose one of two roads, danger, help Grass. In addition, nature is spiritualized: the trees groan, growl, the cry of a black grouse, a scythe or a crow is translated into human language.. Elk, magpies, foxes, wolves talk like people. But here is the secret of Prishvin's prose: he does not attribute the thoughts and experiences of people to animals, but only suggests that thoughts can be hidden behind the behavior and habits of birds and animals.

Work in a notebook. Option 1 marks the signs of a fairy tale. The second signs of reality.


- What historical period is described in the work?

- What do you know about him?

Who is the main character in the story and why?

- Who taught the guys how to manage the household? How did they do it?

4 Selective reading . Reread and title the extract from “The Storeroom of the Sun” (pp. 258, 259). Consider why the writer included this story in his narrative.

This part could be called "The miserable life of eating pines." Telling it, the author, most likely, pursued several goals: firstly, this is an alarming warning - against the background of the moaning and howling of pine and spruce, Nastya and Mitrasha are quarreling, trouble awaits them. Secondly, the fight between pine and spruce is echoed by a wolf and a dog, one is the eternal enemy of man, the other is his trusted friend. And finally, thirdly, friendship and rivalry are associated with spruce and pine: doomed to an accidental neighborhood, trees suffer for two centuries, and in the world of people it also happens: the desire to prove one's case, regardless of a comrade, can end badly.

5. Tell us how it happened that Mitrasha got into trouble. Why did this happen?

Mitrasha walked along the right road, determining the direction by the compass and the marsh grass of the white-beard, which grew on the path, beaten by someone a long time ago. The blind elan deceived the boy - a swampy place that seemed to him a harmless clearing. In fact, even its name comes from the fact that an ordinary swamp is covered with a layer of water, and in the Blind (inconspicuous) spruce this water is covered with grass. Mitrasha did not know the secret of the yelani, did not want to bypass it on the whitening grass and fell into the swamp. If he hadn't been so self-confident and stubborn, maybe he could have avoided trouble.

6. The task of a search character.

What mood permeates Prishvin's description of nature in the "pantry of the sun"? What artistic means does the writer use?

Prishvin's entire description of nature is permeated with love for her, admiration for her beauty, wealth, and diversity. In order to convey these feelings, Prishvin uses a variety of means. Which? Comparisons: (“the mighty trunks of the pine forest have become like lit candles of the great temple of nature”, compares Christmas trees with sorceresses, fabulous old women); personifications (“the trees groaned and howled”, “fought””, the old women of the Christmas tree “were worried”, one of them “pulls her bony hand to the path); talking names forest places Fornication swamp (a place where you can get lost); Voiced borina (pine forest, where birds sing loudly); epithets: "great sun", "unhappy life, inescapable malice").

* What forest animal is described by Prishvin? How? What role does it play in the adventures of Nastya and Mitrasha? (page ).

M.M. Prishvin described an elk - a forest giant. His greatness is emphasized by such words as "hulk", "big body", "monster". The elk is compared to the largest domestic animals - the bull and the horse. The writer does not just admire its beauty (“what eyes”, “what horns”) This animal appears in the story for a reason. With its help, human greed is condemned, which turns a person into a soulless animal. This is how the forest giant perceives Nastya.

* What role does the dog play in the work? Remember how the author describes it?

She understands everything. Grass is a true friend of man, she loved Antipych very much and greatly missed when he died. She consoles Nastya and helps Mitrasha get out of the Blind Elani, recognizing him as a young master. Grass is a very smart and affectionate dog, she needs people she will serve.

* What role do birds and animals play? What are they?

forest dwellers are wary of a person, even hostile - He is a hunter, a gun brings death. Therefore, magpies, a raven, a viper, and especially a wolf want harm to him.

Do birds and animals look like fairy tales? No. He draws them lovingly, not idealizing. Even sometimes the animal resembles one of the characters.

Problem question. Why is a fairy tale - a true story called "The Pantry of the Sun"? Try to note several meanings of this name.

    The author calls the “Pantry of the sun” the Fornication swamp, in which huge reserves of peat have accumulated - an excellent combustible material formed over many years from the remains of plants - the children of the sun, which retained its warmth even after death.

    "The pantry of the sun" is all nature with its trees, flowers, birds, beasts. And most importantly, a person.

    The “pantry of the sun” is the heart of a person, with its ability to love, and in this ability there is a great truth that old Antipych knew. Kindness, warmth of the heart, indifference to everything around - this is real, true wealth.

    Homework: preparation for composition

The plan was developed by the teacher of the Russian language and literature Raevskaya N.V.

". The task of the teacher in this case is complicated by the fact that the fairy tale "Pantry of the Sun" is not just a work about nature. AT diary entry M. Prishvin says: “In the Pantry of the Sun, I wrote that the truth is a severe struggle for love ...” creates a fairy tale “for everyone”. Its meaning is deep. Just as the sun deposited its energy in peat deposits, the writer put everything that he had accumulated over the years into the “Pantry of the Sun”: good relations for people, love for nature… Truth is not just love for a person. It lies in a severe struggle for love and is revealed in the clash of two principles: evil and love. “A dog howls on one side of the semicircle, a wolf howls on the other ... What a plaintive howl. But you, a passer-by, if you hear and a reciprocal feeling rises in you, do not believe in pity: it is not a dog howling, truest friend man is a wolf worst enemy him, doomed to death by his very malice. You, passer-by, save your pity not for the one who howls about himself like a wolf, but for the one who, like a dog that has lost its owner, howls, not knowing who now, after him, to serve it.

Evil, seeking to satisfy the predatory instincts, runs into the power of love, the passionate desire to survive. Therefore, Prishvin's fairy tale shines not only with love - there is a struggle in it, in it a clash of good and evil.

The author used some techniques of the traditional fairy tale. There are confluences of almost fabulous accidents and coincidences here. Animals take an active part in the fate of children. A raven, a poisonous snake, a magpie, a wolf named Gray Landlord are hostile to children. Dog Grass - a representative of "good nature" - faithfully serves man. It is interesting to note that the tale was originally called "Man's Friend". All the philosophical reasoning of the author about the "true truth" is placed in the chapters that tell about Grass.

And at the same time, the events in the work have a real basis. "The pantry of the sun" was written in 1945, after the end of the Great Patriotic War. And "back in 1940, the author spoke of his intention to work on story about how two children quarreled and how they went along two divided roads, not knowing that in the forest very often such detours again merge into one common one. The children met, and the road itself reconciled them”10 (according to the memoirs of V.D. Prishvina).

The technique of merging the fabulous and the real made it possible for the writer to express his ideal, the dream of the high purpose of man, of his responsibility to all living things on earth. The fairy tale is permeated with the optimistic faith of the writer in the closeness and possibility of this dream to come true, if you look for its embodiment in real life among seemingly ordinary people. This thought writer first of all expressed in the main characters of the work - Nastya and Mitrasha.

The originality of the work is the disclosure of man through nature, through the relationship of man to nature. Prishvin wrote: “After all, my friends, I write about nature, but I myself only think about people.”

Possible distribution of material by lessons

Part of the first lesson is devoted to acquaintance with individual facts of the biography of M. M. Prishvin, as well as his works. This will awaken interest in the work of the writer, with whom most sixth graders will meet for the first time. In this case, it would be possible to invite students to read in advance some of his works - stories in the collections "Forest Drop", "Forest Floors", "Golden Meadow", "Forest Doctor", etc., and then, in a short conversation at the beginning of the lesson, express their opinion or read a review about what you read book.

M. M. Prishvin was born in 1873 near Yelets, in the noble estate Khrushchevo, owned by his father, who came from Yelets merchants. He grew up among peasant children, studied at the Yelets gymnasium and was expelled from there with a "wolf ticket" for a major quarrel with the teacher. Then Prishvin studied at a real school in Tyumen, passed the exams externally for the course of a classical gymnasium, and entered the Riga Polytechnic. He was arrested for participation in a social-democratic student organization and, after a year's imprisonment, was exiled to his homeland under open police supervision. In 1899, Prishvin went to Germany, to Leipzig, from where he returned four years later with a degree in agronomy. He works at an experimental agricultural station, prepares himself for scientific and pedagogical activity in the laboratory of Academician D. N. Pryanishnikov. But the awakened interest in literature makes him change his fate dramatically.

Since 1905, Prishvin has become a travel writer, ethnographer, essayist. Publishes books. Actively contributes to newspapers. Travels and walks around the country. He maintained this way of life until old age. Prishvin admitted more than once that he embodied in him the dreams and tales of his own childhood ...

In children's literature, Prishvin remained as the author of several collections of short stories ("Fox Bread", "The Chipmunk Beast", "Grandfather's Felt Boots", "Stories of the Huntsman Mikhail Mikhalych", etc.), there were fairy tales "The pantry of the sun" and a wonderful transcription of the autobiographical story of the Canadian Indian Vash Kuonnazin "Grey Owl" 11 .

Instead of a story about a biography, you can read excerpts from the "Golden Rose" by K. G. Paustovsky (chapter "Mikhail Prishvin").

The second part of the lesson is devoted to reading aloud (by a teacher or a pre-prepared student) the beginning of the fairy tale was “The Pantry of the Sun”.

At home, sixth-graders read the work of M. Prishvin to the end.

The second lesson can be devoted to the initial acquaintance with the ideological and artistic features of the fairy tale - they were the "Pantry of the Sun", the characters of its main characters - Nastya and Mitrasha.

The purpose of this lesson is to understand why the "Pantry of the Sun" is called "fairy tale". This question is very complex, so you should not seek exhaustive answers in the lesson. On the this stage students will only indicate what here can be attributed to a fairy tale, and what
to were.

To this end, the following questions are proposed:

1. Where and when does the action take place in the work of M. Prishvin "The pantry of the sun"?
2. How does the beginning of the work resemble a fairy tale?
3. Remember the artistic images, individual episodes that can be called fabulous. Think about the role they play in the work.
4. What is true in the "Pantry of the Sun"?

Highlighting the fabulous and realistic elements, we draw the attention of students to the fact that fairy elements in the work of Prishvin are no more, but no less fabulous than all the other images of the work. Therefore, everything here can be called a fairy tale and at the same time a reality. It is important to note here the peculiarities of the writer's style: when talking about something magical, Prishvin will carefully notice “it seems”, “as if”, “it seems”, and if we are talking about the real, the writer will definitely emphasize magical properties kindness and hard work.

Thus, in the analysis, it is important to focus the attention of students on the fact that in the work "Pantry of the Sun" "a true story and a fairy tale never become different ways, different components of the narrative - the essence of the Prishvinian manner is just
in that they are clearly perceptible and absolutely inseparable in every detail of the text.

The next stage of the lesson is work on the characteristics of Nastya and Mitrasha. Sample questions for conversation:

1. What does the author say about Nastya and Mitrash at the very beginning of his story? What feelings does he put into the words "golden hen", "man in a bag"?
2. Highlight comparisons and epithets that help to understand author's attitude to Nastya and Mitrasha. What, in your opinion, character traits of these children are especially dear to the author?
3. Remember how Nastya and Mitrasha lived after the death of their mother. What kind of relationship developed between them? What do you think was the most amazing thing about their lives?

To understand the conflict between Nastya and Mitrasha, some methodologists suggest organizing a discussion that helps to arouse interest in what is read, and also contributes to a conscious understanding of the work.

Main questions of the lesson:
who is right - Nastya or Mitrasha?

Which side is the narrator on?

Sample questions and tasks:

1. Retell in your own words, and then read the scene of the dispute between Nastya and Mitrasha. Pay attention to how nature "behaves". Is it possible to determine which side the author is on?

2. What made Mitrasha go on an unknown path? Why did he get into trouble? How does the author treat Mitrasha in this stories? What helped Mitrasha emerge victorious from everything that happened? Support your assumptions with details from the text.

3. How did Nastya behave when she was alone? Why did she forget about her brother? What does the author condemn in Nastya's behavior? Find artistic image, which helps to understand the author's attitude towards Nastya.

4. Why does the writer insert a story about spruce and pine growing together in his narrative? Why is this story placed before the appearance of the children in the forest?

5. Read the description of nature after the episode of the children's quarrel (from the words “Then the gray cloud moved in tightly ...” to the words “they howled, groaned ...”). Consider how the author helps to understand the meaning of what is happening. What is the author's attitude towards this?

6. Why Grass came to the aid of man?

It is appropriate not only to specifically recall what personification is, but also to carry out work that will help expand and consolidate this concept. Students give examples from the “Pantry of the Sun”, when inanimate objects are endowed with signs of living beings, plants and animals seem to acquire human properties: a black grouse welcomes the sun, a sentry crow calls for a close fight, pine and spruce, old Christmas trees growing together interfere with Mitrasha and others. It is important to make it clear to students that throughout the course of the narrative, one can feel the desire of a person to comprehend and animate nature, to make it understandable, close and dear to people.

At home, students should answer in writing one of the questions proposed for discussion in the lesson.

On the next lesson after checking homework, you can begin to summarize what you have learned. the main objective lesson - to determine the main idea of ​​the work. With a system of questions, the teacher will lead the sixth graders to the conclusion that the “truth” of life, its most important meaning lies in the unity of man and nature, in the kindred wise attitude of man to nature. On the example of the main characters, the writer seeks to show the strength, beauty of man, his power and great opportunities. The name of the work is associated not only with peat deposits. The author has in mind the spiritual treasures of a person who lives in nature, is her friend.

Sample questions for conversation

1. Why did the writer call his work a true story? What meaning did he put into these words?

After answering this question, it would be appropriate to read the writer's dedication, placed in one of the first editions for children, The Pantry of the Sun, which will help to better understand the meaning of the whole work:

“The content of an ordinary fairy tale is the struggle of a hero-man with some villain (Ivan Tsarevich with the Serpent-Gorynych). And at the end of the struggle there must certainly be a victory, and a fairy tale in this sense is an expression of universal human faith.
in victory good start over evil. With this faith, I went through my long literary path, with this faith I hope to finish it and pass it on to you, my young friends and comrades.

2. What is the significance of the story of Grass in the work?
3. What meaning does the writer put into the words "pantry of the sun"?
4. What is the significance of the dispute between Nastya and Mitrasha in the work? How is this story connected with the words: “This truth is the truth of the age-old severe struggle of people for love”?
5. How do you imagine the narrator?
6. Read the epigraph to the chapter. How does he characterize the writer?

In conclusion, we can talk about the fact that after the appearance of the “Pantry of the Sun”, the Mosfilm film studio offered Prishvin to write a screenplay based on this work. The film was never created, but the film story called "The Gray Landowner" was published in the collection of works by M. M. Prishvin in 1957.

Polukhina V.P., Korovina V.Ya., Zhuravlev V.P. , Literature Grade 6. Methodological advice - M .: Education, 2003. - 162 p.: ill.

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