Magic properties of water. Did you know

Introduction to the magical properties of water

The magical properties of water are one of the most interesting topics in the occult, since it is difficult to imagine at least one more or less serious magical ritual where, one way or another, the magical properties of water would not be used, at least as a cleansing agent. But in fact, the magical properties of water, of course, cover a wider scope of influence. And the deeper the magician understands the magical properties of water, the more effectively he can apply them, bringing more creativity into his occult operations.

Everyone knows that water means a lot in human life. It is one of the most important elements of all life on earth.

The magical properties of water are largely based on the fact that it has the ability to receive and transmit any information, keeping it unchanged, which has been repeatedly proven by various scientists around the world. It is this property of transmitting vibrational (informational) characteristics that has found such extensive use in all occult and healing operations. Even just reciting a conspiracy or a prayer on water turns it into a magical “tool” that can be used to heal, cleanse, inflict damage or remove an eye, bewitch or enhance superpowers.

Due to its magical properties, water (along with other primary elements) has become almost a cult component of any occult or religious tradition.

Historical information about the magical properties of water

Our ancestors from the most ancient times knew about the magical properties of water, so they preferred to huddle near water sources, not only because they were a source of biological life, but also because they provided a full spiritual life, since the observance of various religious and magical rituals was obligatory for archaic societies.

The magical properties of water were actively used in various cultures. Let's briefly consider some of them.

First of all, in the ancient Vedic culture, the magical properties of water were used to purify oneself and objects from negative energy. So, for example, Vedic practice advises to cleanse an object by holding it for three days in water, changing the water every day. Or it is enough to hold it in running water for about an hour. The same was true for clothing.

The ancient Slavs paid no less attention to the magical properties of water. Honoring the water, the Slavs endowed it with a special life-giving, cleansing and healing power. Many folk holidays were associated with the cult of water, accompanied by bathing or dousing. These holidays, starting with Maslenitsa - seeing off winter, continue until the Trinity - seeing off spring and meeting summer. Rituals associated with water are common on the Trinity: playfully pouring water on each other, which is an echo of the magical ritual of making rain, riding boats decorated with greenery and flowers.

The magical properties of water are especially strong on Agrafena - a bathing place (July 6), on the feast of Ivan Kupala (July 7), two weeks after the winter solstice (winter Solstice), on the days of the summer Solstice and on Epiphany (January 19). By these days, Slavic magicians dated water rituals and procedures.

The Kupala holiday was common among many peoples of Europe. The chronicles emphasize the mass nature of this holiday: the whole people went to the games. Boys and girls led round dances around the fires, jumped over them. In these games, the ritual of purification by fire is traced, closely associated with the cults of the earth and ancestors.

And, of course, speaking of the magical properties of water, one cannot but recall the deeply mystical act of the baptismal ritual in Christianity, which includes sprinkling a newborn with holy water and immersing him in a consecrated font. As we know from the Bible, Jesus Christ gained spiritual strength after bathing in the Jordan River at the age of thirty. He was baptized by John the Baptist, who prepared the people for the acceptance of the Savior with his preaching. The Feast of Epiphany has another name - Epiphany, because at the time of the baptism of Jesus Christ, God the Father testified from heaven and God the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove. On the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the Great Blessing of Water is performed in churches in memory of the fact that the waters of the Jordan were sanctified when Christ was baptized in them. Orthodox Christians bring home holy epiphany water and keep it for a year. This water is drunk and sprinkled on the dwellings.

The custom of consecrating water is known in France, the Scandinavian countries, and the Netherlands. At the same time, the Trinity water, like the Easter one, is credited with healing properties. Such water is sprinkled with crops, irrigated gardens, vineyards - in the name of the future harvest.

The basis of the magical properties of water

Why does water have magical properties? And what, in fact, are the magical properties of water?

As mentioned above, the magical properties of water are primarily based on its ability to absorb, store and transmit information in the form of energy or vibration.

Water absorbs all the vibrations it comes into contact with, so it is one of the most powerful protective agents. Therefore, after receiving guests, you should never leave “for later” washing dishes, because it is not known what thoughts were in their heads when they were in your house. Even a person who is kind by nature is not always in control of his thoughts. You should thoroughly rinse the dishes with running water after the guests leave, wipe the floor with a damp cloth to remove any, even accidental, negative information. At the same time, you can pronounce a spell that enhances the effect of water: “I conjure you, water-voditsa, sister power, I conjure you to help, drive out evil spirits, I conjure to cleanse from misfortune to protect. Amen. Amen. Amen". Also, knowing about the magical properties of water in terms of cleansing, you should not forget to wash mirrors, because they can “remember” negative energy for a long time.

It is also necessary to mention that the magical properties of water are also associated with the fact that water, in itself, has a powerful energy potential.

Water, which is in constant motion, generates a lot of energy, creating an energy field around itself. The faster the water flow moves, the stronger this field. Therefore, one of the magical properties of water is cleansing, so the energy "dirt" is very well washed off by jets of cold water. Under jets of water, they usually wash objects used in magic (to wash away excess energy) or objects that require cleaning in case of “infection” with damage or the evil eye).

The magical properties of water differ depending on whether the water is cold or hot. So hot water does not fill the body with energy, but transforms the one that we already have. Remember, when you take a hot bath, you do not become more active, energetic, but rather relax, calm down, thoughts are streamlined, some issues are resolved by themselves. Thus, hot water does not fill you with new energy, but turns negative vibrations into positive ones.

Understanding the magical properties of water helps you use it more effectively. In a sense, it can be said that the more you use the magical properties of water in your occult rituals, the more effective they will be.

Additional articles about the magical properties of water.

Water has always been a great mystery to the human mind. Much that is incomprehensible to our mind still remains in the properties and actions of water. Watching the flowing or flowing stream of water, a person can relieve his nervous and mental stress. What caused it? As far as we know, water does not contain any substances capable of producing such an effect.

Some scientists argue that water has the ability to receive and transmit any information, keeping it intact. The past, present and future are dissolved in water. These properties of water have been widely used and used in magic and healing. Until now, there are still folk healers and healers who “whisper into the water”, curing diseases with this.

Flowing water constantly takes the energy of the Cosmos and gives it in its pure form to the surrounding near-Earth space, where it is absorbed by all living organisms located within the reach of the flow, since the biofield formed by flowing water is constantly increasing due to the given energy.

The faster the water flow moves, the stronger this field. Under the influence of this force, the energy shell of living organisms is aligned, “breakdowns” in the body shell (aura) invisible to the common man are closed, the body is healed.

Jets of cold water wash away energy dirt very well, filling the body with strength. This healing property of water is used in their practice by doctors and traditional healers, recommending their patients to regularly douse themselves with cold water. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that during this procedure the water goes into the ground. If this does not happen, then the energy will begin to move from the head to the legs, thereby provoking diseases of the legs, joints and blood vessels. In the village or in the country, this is easier to do.

It is enough to go out into the yard, stand on the ground and douse yourself with water from a bucket or wash yourself from a spring. All energy dirt will go into the soil. In city apartments, you can use the following method, which allows negative energy to go into the ground. To do this, lay a small sheet of metal or ordinary aluminum foil on the bottom of the shower bath and, stretching a thin wire from it, bring it into the drain. This will allow the energy flowing from the body through the wire to go into the ground. Those who have no time to douse themselves with cold water or who do not want to do this can simply rinse their faces after visiting public places or walking around the city.

You can use the healing power of water without touching it. To do this, you need to open the tap at home, sit down so that your back is straight and your legs do not cross. Stretching your hands to the water so that its jet passes between the palms facing each other, you should hold them like that for a while. After some time, in place of the feeling of coolness, a feeling of renewal and filling with strength will come, which will gradually spread to the whole body, starting with the hands.

After you feel that for the first time there is enough energy, mentally thank the water for the gift of power and stop the session. This should be done because all living things on our planet are united by one living energy, which gives us the opportunity to understand each other and exchange energies.

It has several other properties hot water. Transferring heat to us, it does not transfer force, but only transforms one type of energy into another. Hot water, pouring streams of water into the body, relaxes, stimulating blood circulation and activating all the processes of our body for a short time. However, such water does not carry any new information. Hence, there is often a feeling of “relaxation” of the head after a hot bath or bath. Hot water only allows you to keep your own strength intact, but practically does not give strength. Therefore, after taking a warm bath or shower, one does not feel such cheerfulness as after a cold one.

The most useful for the body is a contrast shower, because it allows you to break away from someone else's negative impact and at the same time replenish your strength. Favorable for a person is an odd alternation of jets of cold and hot water: cold (cool) - hot - cold - hot - cold - in this sequence.

Too much alternation of water should not be abused, as this can lead to illness. The best option is to alternate jets of cold and hot water up to 25 times.

Men should start and end a contrast shower with cold water, and women with warm water. This makes it possible not only to gain energy, but also to activate your natural principle - feminine or masculine. You can take a bath. Imagine sitting (lying) in the bathroom that all the energy dirt descends from you into the water.

You can enhance the cleansing effect by dissolving sea salt in the bath - it collects negative energy. If, while taking a shower, imagine how water washes away with sweat and dirt all resentment, irritation or fatigue, other people's evil thoughts and feelings that could touch you during the day, this idea will enhance the energy impact of the flowing stream of water.

Water has a powerful protective potential. If you are in trouble, in a bad mood, or feeling (not related to a physical illness, but to depression), take a shower or bath.

When taking water procedures, one should not spit into the water, just as one should not spit on fire.

Energy-very strong water on the feast of Ivan Kupala (July 7), as well as the day before it, two weeks after the winter solstice (winter Solstice), on the days of the summer Solstice, on Epiphany (January 19).

Old healers claim that water protects the house from secret hostility, envy, evil, the evil eye. Therefore, after receiving guests, you should never leave “for later” washing dishes, because it is not known what thoughts were in their heads when they were in your house. Even a person who is kind by nature is not always in control of his thoughts. Therefore, you should thoroughly rinse the dishes with running water after the guests leave, wipe the floor with a damp cloth to remove any, even accidental, negative information.

During wet cleaning, you can wash the floor or wipe the dust, saying: “I wash off the dirt and everything bad, but health and happiness remain in the house.” Water can wash away someone else's information, regardless of whether we think about this quality or not. Water very quickly and strongly perceives human thoughts and recharges into a healing one for a person. For example, if you had guests or just a person praised your child and you are afraid that he will not “jinx” him, bathe the child in warm running water. By doing this, you will protect the child's energy field from bad foreign energy.

Magical actions that bring a positive result include the ability to cleanse clothes from accumulated negative energy. And this is not just washing, but rinsing clothes in running water. Rinsing in the washing machine will not give the desired effect due to the lack of water flow, which carries away unnecessary information from the clothes or linen that you rinse. Experts also do not advise putting on a purchased or donated item or clothes without pre-washing, since there is no guarantee that no one has held it in your hands before you, and has not left energy information that you do not need on it.

For cleansing from energy dirt Vedic practice advises:

To cleanse an object, hold it for three days in water, changing the water every day. Or it is enough to hold it in running water for about an hour.

Healers say that water hears and understands human speech, so you can’t send curses to the river even during a disaster - you can incur big troubles.

If water is treated disrespectfully, clog it, water will surely punish a person with diseases.

If you have a bad dream, you need to hold your hands under running water (water from an open tap will do for this purpose) and tell this dream to flowing water. Preferably no one can hear you. And the water will take away both the bad content of sleep and its effect on you. But since water tends to take away not only bad sleep, it is not recommended to sing in the bath. When you sing, you are not just in a good mood, but a state of joy. Water will carry away absolutely any of your sensations and states, including the feeling of happiness. And in ancient times they never sang cheerful, soulful songs over the river. The river was recited. Listed their pain, which the water carried away.

Under unfortunate circumstances, step over the flowing water (stream, river - over the bridge).

If relations with your beloved (oh) have gone wrong, you need to come together to the reservoir and look at the water - the bad will leave your life and reconciliation will come.

If you sincerely love a person, but are afraid or embarrassed to admit it, say a confession to the water. It is necessary to slander the water so that the water oscillates from your breath. Give water to drink to the object of love. Drinking water will definitely convey your feelings to a person. This is what our ancestors said.

But water can be more than just beneficial. It can also harm a person. The most prominent representatives of such water are stagnant reservoirs- ponds and lakes, almost entirely overgrown with vegetation. Such reservoirs take energy from living organisms to prolong their existence. For the same reason, it is not advised to keep paintings, drawings, photographs depicting overgrown lakes and swamps in the house, since they also have a similar effect. True, this has not been proven by science, so treat this information as usual, as information suitable for unraveling it.

Knowledge about the application of the miraculous properties of the four elements - Fire, Earth, Water and Air was passed down from generation to generation, traditions and signs were created on the basis of this knowledge. For example, from the distant past, a tradition passed to us after bathing a child, dousing him with water and saying: “Like water from a goose, so with (the name of a boy or girl is called) - thinness.” This tradition carries a deep meaning: water is able to wash away not only dirt, but also bad energy from the body. Therefore, after a shower, a person becomes more cheerful, healthier. After all, the word "thinness" used to mean a broader concept: it united everything bad, and not just the absence of a person's normal physical weight.

Running water remembers and takes away everything: dirt, fatigue, accumulated negative energy - both yours and someone else's. It aligns the flow of energy in the energy channels of the body, helps to balance the biofield. In the same way, she cleans clothes when washing and the house when cleaning. Don't forget to wash mirrors because they can remember your bad mood for a long time, harming your health.

Hydrotherapy has been known since ancient times. It is mentioned in the Vedas (1500 BC), in all world religions, in medical treatises of the great healers of antiquity. Fresh and mineral water was widely used for medicinal purposes in ancient Egypt, the ancient Assyrians, Babylonians, ancient Greece, Rome and Russia.

A huge role belongs to water in the treatment and prevention of diseases. Sections of water medicine are diverse. The main ones are:
Balneotherapy - baths, showers, baths, saunas and other water treatments.
Hydrotherapy - external therapeutic use of fresh water (rubbing, dousing, hardening, winter swimming, etc.)

Did you know that water has magical powers? It is able to store and transmit information, heal and cleanse a person from negative energy. All the properties of water have not yet been identified, but already known theories open up many interesting facts and possibilities to our world.

Water has protective properties that have a beneficial effect on the human energy field. If you feel a lack of energy, then it is worth taking a contrast shower, and the forces reappear. It is possible to be charged with energy from water at the maximum possible contact with it. In addition, you must learn to visualize in order to mentally imagine how the energy of water flows into you with every breath. In order to clear the negative energy of any item, psychics advise keeping this item in water for at least three days, changing it periodically.

Scientists have proven that water is able to store information and transmit it. Experiments have shown that if you use obscene language, swear and radiate negative emotions next to a glass of water, then it will change its structure and be charged with negative energy. It is not recommended to drink such water, because if it enters the body, it will not only lower energy strength, but can also contribute to the development of diseases. Our thoughts and words also have their own energy charge, and when it merges with the energy of water, a whole magical ritual takes place that can bring both harm and benefit. Accordingly, in order for water to bring only benefits, it must be treated with respect.

Currently, for psychics, water is one of the important sources of information and energy. Thanks to her, they can learn everything about a person: his fears, desires and even fate. And in folk healing, water has long been the main element in magical rituals. Spellbound water has the power to heal a person both physically and psychologically.

However, until now, few people believe that a simple liquid, on which a prayer has been said, can work miracles. Of course, water charged with positive energy is not a panacea for all misfortunes and problems, but nevertheless, it can have a great impact on a person's state of mind.

Open lesson on the topic "About water". 2nd grade

Sections: Primary School

Lesson Objectives:

    to acquaint students with the wealth of nature - water, some of its properties;

    to introduce the importance of water in human life;

    expand knowledge about the forms of existence of water in nature.

Lesson objectives.

1. Educational: acquaintance of students with the richness of nature - water, through mental operations, in the course of various forms of work, logically and reasonably answer a problematic question; the formation in children of the idea of ​​the need to preserve the environment in ecological balance; expanding the horizons of children;

2. Developing: development of cognitive activity and creative abilities of students; improvement of mental operations: analysis, generalization, comparison; development of mental processes: memory, thinking, imagination, attention, perception; development of aesthetic ideas and artistic taste of students.

3. Educational: fostering a sense of responsibility and respect for the natural world, awareness of their importance in solving environmental problems; education in children of interest in studying the nature of their native land; education of perseverance, accuracy, curiosity.


Equipment: computer, projector, screen, textbook “The world around us” 2nd grade A. A. Pleshakov “Tests for a textbook for grade 2” A. A. Pleshakov, N. N. Gara, Z. D. Nazarov; presentation “About water…”, recording on audio cassette: the sound of rain, stream, sea.


I. Org. moment

You came here ... (study)
Do not be lazy, but ... (work)
Work how? (carefully)
How about listening? (carefully)
If you want to answer ... (do not forget to raise your hand)
If they ask ... (you need to stand up, answer loudly, clearly).

II. Knowledge update.

U. Remember what we talked about in the last lesson? D. About air. U. Continue my statements: “The air cannot be seen, but you can feel it if ... (sharply wave your hand, run quickly if the wind is blowing, and the wind is the movement of air.)

Invisibility can be heard if ... (take a toy with a squeaker, press it. Air comes out of the toy through a small hole, and a squeak is heard) U. What is the most important air gas a person uses for breathing? D.. Oxygen. (diagram on blackboard) U. A person inhales ... (oxygen), and exhales ... (carbon dioxide) U. In order for our room to have clean fresh air, with plenty of oxygen, what needs to be done?

So that health was normal It is necessary to freshen the air. And ventilate more often, Wipe the dust more often.

III. Motivation for learning activities

U. And today we will get acquainted with one more substance, without which no one can ever do, and there is nothing to replace it. . And here is what the writer Antoine de Saint-Exuper said about this substance: “(Water,) you have neither taste nor smell. You cannot be described, you are enjoyed without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself. You are the greatest wealth in the world." And the name of this valuable, irreplaceable substance is “hidden” in a rebus. Slide #2 D. This is water. U. How did you solve the puzzle? D. YES is drawn in O - it turns out water. U. Which one of you has a different answer? Rate your friend's answer. If you agree, raise the yellow signal card, and if you disagree, raise the red one. Look, guys, all the signal cards in the class are yellow. So you reasoned correctly. Well done! U. Today we will talk about water. Slide number 3(On the board is a card with the words Water is) What do you know about it? D. Water is a liquid. Water is hot and cold. You can swim and dive in the water. U. How much do you know, well done! Do you want to know more about water? So, today we will find out why water is considered one of the most important natural resources, get acquainted with some of its properties, learn how to talk about water pollution and protection.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

U. It is difficult to find a place on our planet where there would be no water. It is everywhere, only in different quantities and conditions.

A poem about water (read by a prepared student)

Have you heard of water?
They say it's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean,
and at the faucet.
Like an icicle, it freezes
creeps into the forest with fog.
It is called a glacier in the mountains, it winds like a silvery ribbon.
We are used to the fact that water is always our companion.
You can't wash without it
neither eat nor drink!
I dare to tell you:
We can't live without water!

U. What did you learn about water from the poem?

Introduction to the term “researcher”

U. We cannot live without water. You can't argue with that. Another page of knowledge will open before us today. I propose to turn our class into a scientific center for a while, and three research laboratories will work. You are researchers. Who knows who are called explorers?

D. Researchers are people who want to be smart. Researchers are looking for something incomprehensible and new.

Slide #4

U. A researcher is a person who is engaged in scientific activity. What will be the subject of research?

D. Water.

U. Decide which of you will voice the result of the study, listen to each other, consult, and then your laboratory will make the correct accurate conclusion.

Plan of work of our research(On the desk).

    The study of the question of the properties of water and its transformations.

    Observation of the distribution of water in nature.

    Study the question of the importance of water for plants, animals, and humans.

    Discussion of the problem of water pollution and protection.

Practical work.

U. You probably guessed what's in your glass? D. Water. Water can be poured into the jar and back. (Children demonstrate.)

U. Why? D. She is fluid.

U. What will we conclude? D. Water-liquid.

U. Is it always liquid?

If we pour water in a saucer and put it in the freezer. What will happen?

Vitya, tell us, what experiment did you manage to carry out at home?

D. At home with my sister, I poured water into a special mold and put it in the freezer. And here's what happened. (Show result)

(The researchers of each laboratory examine, hold pieces of ice in their hands.)

U. What will we conclude?

D. Water, when frozen, turns into ice. Ice is solid water.

U. Wipe the plate with a damp cloth. Where did the water go?" D. She evaporated.

U. We say “evaporated”, that is, it turned into steam, this is the gaseous state - tiny droplets, so small that they are not visible. . Water is gas, steam.

U. I thank all speakers. Let's draw conclusions on the first question. What transformations does water have?

D. Water in nature can exist in three states: liquid, solid, and gaseous. Slide #5(The first paragraph of the plan is erased from the board).

U. Let's move on to the second question.

2. Distribution of water in nature

U. Water in nature in a liquid state is a sea, a river ... Continue.

D. Ocean, puddle, stream, spring, rain.

U. Water in nature in a solid state is ... (

U. Water in nature in its gaseous state is...

If the children do not name something, then the teacher makes riddles:

    Walked around the world
    Dropped a tear.
    saw the moon
    The sun hid. (Dew)

    Large, fractionally frequented and watered the whole earth. (Rain.)

    In winter, he lay on the ground, in the spring he ran into the river. (Snow.)

    I am water, but on water, I swim. (Ice)

    I look like a pea
    Where I will pass - a commotion. (deg.)

    And not snow, and not ice,

    And he will remove the trees with silver. (Frost)

    Milk floated over the river
    Nothing was visible
    The milk has dissolved
    It became visible far away. (Fog)

    White sheet
    Floated across the sky. (Cloud)

(The second point of the plan is erased from the board)

U. Let's move on to the third question.

3. The value of water for plants, animals and humans.

Slide number 6

U. What color is more on our planet, what does the earth look like? D. Blue.

U. And why?

D. This is water. U. Indeed, blue is water. . Therefore, we can conclude that there is a lot of water on the globe. These are all the seas and oceans on our planet. But besides this, the land areas are pierced with many blue threads. These are large rivers and small streams. You can see the seas and lakes - these are all the water reserves of the Earth. But what is the water in the seas and oceans? (Salty). A person needs fresh water, which is contained in rivers and lakes. And there isn't much of it. Consider the ratio of water on the diagram.

Slide number 7

U. Where do we use water?

U. Use pictures to describe the importance of water for plants, animals and humans. (p. 52). (In addition to household needs, pay attention to hydroelectric power plants, transportation of goods along rivers, recreation on the water, etc.)

Animals and plants also cannot live without water. And for some of them, water is their home. For example: for fish, dolphins. If there was no water, there would be nothing living.

(On the board is a card with the words Water is)

U. So water is...

D. Water is life.

(The teacher sets up the “life” card)

U. Why should we bathe, temper ourselves? D. To be healthy. So water is health.

(The teacher sets up a “health” card)

D. Boats and ships navigate rivers and oceans. Hydroelectric power stations are built on the rivers. Where do they get electricity. Water is a friend and helper of man. She is a comfortable road. (The teacher sets the “assistant” card)

U. Let's draw a conclusion on the 3rd question: water is life, health, human helper.

(The third point of the plan is erased from the board)


We quickly went down to the river,
Bent over and washed.
And now they swam together,
Together times is a breaststroke
One, the other is a crawl.
Went out to the shore
Wiped themselves with a towel
So that everyone is dry
And we went home.

V. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson.

U. Let's move on to the fourth question.

4. Discussion of the problem of water pollution and protection. U. Everyone needs water. Therefore, you need to be very careful with it. Unfortunately, water sources are also in danger. From what? (Children answer) U. Look at the fairy tale. The story is exceptional! Instructive! Environmental Drama! Fisherman:

From a country overseas, far
I received a gift
A fishing rod to catch fish
Hastened to Tishanka
Lowered the line into the water

Friends: So what, did you get it?

Fisherman: Caught!


Maybe a goldfish?


Yes, where is it? If so
I wouldn't be poor then
I caught not a pike, not a crucian,
And the little gudgeon
The gudgeon suddenly says to me!


the river did not become our life
There were few fish and shells.

Fisherman: What about your river people?


All the dirt is poured into the river to us
Everything dies from her.
Everyone is thrown into the water to us
From needles to pajamas
And full of other waste
That's the trouble, brother, what!


What to do? How can we be?
I'll gather, I'm friends
And we will resolve the issue as soon as possible.

U. Sad story! But the story is not happier.
All living things need water, and especially clean water.
Let's talk about why water is polluted and what it threatens.
Look at the pictures on page 53. Explain what causes water pollution?

D. Factories and plants pollute water. It harms plants, animals and humans.

U. How else does a person pollute water? D. Throws trash, washes cars.

U. Let's think about what you children can do to keep the water clean, for example, on our Tishanka? Dear researchers, make your suggestions.

(Students discuss this question in groups)

D. Do not dump garbage in water bodies, teach this to others.
If possible, clean the banks of nearby rivers and lakes.
Make signs with calls for careful attitude to water and put them on the shore.
Do not destroy plants and inhabitants of water bodies.
Do not catch fry. Plant trees near water bodies.

U. Remember that fresh water resources on earth are small, we must use water at home sparingly. What does "economically" mean? (children's answers)

U. I hope you will.

(The fourth point of the plan is erased from the board)

Summarize. Students read the conclusion in the textbook on their own. (page 55)

VI. Reflection of educational activity

Were we able to achieve the goals set at the beginning of the lesson? Answer the self-test questions. Test.

After the self-test task, the children compare their answers with the modular answer proposed by the teacher on the board and show the mark.

VII. Final summary.

U. Water is our wealth, which is a wonderful gift of nature. And I want to end with a call!

Don't spoil nature
Don't hurt nature
Born human
That's how they should be!

Slide #8

U. Guys! You are real explorers! You have done a lot of work - you set up experiments, observed, conferred, made assumptions.

What new did you learn, what discovery did you make for yourself?

VIII. Homework


“Humanity has long appreciated the importance of water for maintaining human strength and health. It is hardly possible to overestimate the laudatory ode to water delivered by Antoine de Saint-Exupery: Water! You have no color, no taste, no smell! You cannot be described! They enjoy you without knowing what you are. It cannot be said that you are necessary for life, you are life itself!

“As we know from the Bible, Jesus Christ gained spiritual strength after bathing in the Jordan River at the age of thirty. He was baptized by John the Baptist, who prepared the people for the acceptance of the Savior with his preaching. The Feast of Epiphany has another name - Epiphany, because at the moment of the baptism of Jesus Christ, God the Father testified from heaven and God the Holy Spirit descended in the form of a dove.

On the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the Great Blessing of Water is performed in churches in memory of the fact that the waters of the Jordan were sanctified when Christ was baptized in them. Orthodox Christians bring home holy epiphany water and keep it for a year. This water is drunk and sprinkled on the dwellings.

The cult of water is characteristic of many peoples of the world. Our ancestors, like other ancient peoples, preferred to settle near the water, along the banks of lakes and rivers. Water, as a source of life, was worshiped by nomads, farmers and hunters-fishermen (the cult of reservoirs, springs and wells, the cult of rivers and rain). Many primitive religions were characterized by ritual ablutions. In fact, there is not a single religion that does not use the element of water ritual.

In Judaism, the ritual of water ablution was performed on the eve of the Sabbath and other religious holidays. In Islam, there are also a number of water ritual ablutions established for various situations and states of the believer. An insight came to the Buddha when he looked at the dewdrops sparkling on green leaves. In Christianity, a ritual of baptism is established, which includes sprinkling a newborn with holy water and immersing him in a consecrated font.

Ritual cleansing ablutions existed among most Slavic peoples. Honoring the water, the Slavs endowed it with a special life-giving, cleansing and healing power. Many folk holidays were associated with the cult of water, accompanied by bathing or dousing. These holidays, starting with Maslenitsa - seeing off winter, continue until the Trinity - seeing off spring and meeting summer. The Trinity and the Spirits Day following it crown a chain of holidays: Shrovetide, the Annunciation (April 7, according to a new style), Easter and the Trinity.

“On the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that: The Holy Spirit will find you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you, that is, that she will be the mother of the savior of the world.”

“At this time, the energy of the Sun is at its maximum. Since ancient times, all peoples believed that the Sun-Spirit excels in the Universe. And consequently, the flow of energy coming these days from the Sun has a powerful life-giving force that can give rise to new life. From the spring-summer pagan rites, green magic has been preserved - curling birch trees, decorating houses and temples with birch branches, divination on wreaths of birch branches. A young curly birch is curled entirely, bending and weaving its branches, decorate with flowers, ribbons and arrange dances and games around it.

Parishioners go to mass with bouquets of meadow flowers and birch branches. Then they are dried and stored behind the icons behind the stove, under the roof - to get rid of all sorts of troubles. According to signs, Trinity greenery protects the house during a thunderstorm. (Preference is given to birch, as the tree that is first covered with green leaves.)

“Rituals associated with water are common on Trinity: playfully pouring water on each other (an echo of the magical ritual of making rain), riding boats decorated with greenery and flowers

The custom of consecrating water is known in France, the Scandinavian countries, and the Netherlands. At the same time, the Trinity water, like the Easter one, is credited with healing properties. Such water is sprinkled with crops, irrigated gardens, vineyards - in the name of the future harvest.

Among the southern and western Slavs (Bulgarians, Serbs and some others), the week preceding the Trinity is called Rusal or Rusal. Rusalia are ancient Slavic holidays associated primarily with the cults of vegetation, land and dead ancestors. In the Orthodox calendar, Saturday on the eve of Trinity (Parental Saturday) is a traditional day of commemoration of the dead.

“The hymn to the cult of water ends (July 7) on the feast of the Nativity of the Forerunner and the Baptist of the Lord John, known among the Slavs as the feast of Ivan Kupala. The Kupala holiday was common among many peoples of Europe. As in Russia, it was dedicated to the summer solstice. The chronicles emphasize the mass nature of this holiday: the whole people went to the games. Boys and girls led round dances around the fires, jumped over them. In these games, the ritual of purification by fire is traced, closely associated with the cults of the earth and ancestors. Many features of this holiday are reflected in the story of N.V. Gogol Evenings on the eve of Ivan Kupala.

“Humanity has long noticed the ability of water to support the strength and life of a person. Due to its healing and energy properties, water is used as a means of worship, used in healing and magical procedures. Back in the 30s of the last century, an Italian researcher discovered a connection between the activity of the sun and some properties of water. It turned out that water remembers not only the influence of electromagnetic radiation, but also the action of ultrasound, vibrations, and weak electric current.”

“Water is the ideal carrier of information. Apparently, this property of water was used in healing and magic, which were performed by slandering water. Water, according to the teachings of yoga, contains a fairly significant amount of prana (spatial or cosmic energy). When bathing or drinking, part of the prana is absorbed by the body, especially if it needs it. The feeling of thirst, apparently, is due not only to the need for water as a liquid, but also to the need for prana, the energy component that water contains. A well-timed glass of natural or specially processed water can give new strength to the body and stimulate efficiency.”

In the practice of healing, the activating properties of water are used when it is urgently necessary to increase the level of energy. Based on everyday possibilities and personal preferences, a bioenergy practitioner can use the following techniques.

1. Sit comfortably with your body muscles relaxed and your eyes closed. Imagine yourself standing under a cold shower. Duration - 3-4 minutes.

2. Fill the glass three-quarters full with cold water. Imagine yourself standing naked in this water (in a reduced form). With the left hand, take cosmic energy - prana. Send prana into a glass of water with a pinch of the right hand. At the same time, mentally fill the water with the required qualities. Duration - 5-7 minutes.

“They drink water charged with the required properties slowly, in small sips, and hold it in the mouth for some time. The effect of water charged in this way (with sufficient bioenergetics strength) is manifested immediately.

“Probably, thanks to the observation and wisdom of our ancestors, a person who feels bad is trying to bring a glass of water as an ambulance. In addition, the good attitude and compassion of the person providing assistance will certainly charge the water and activate it. Therefore, everyone can become a healer, whose heart is filled with goodness and love, and whose soul is filled with pure thoughts.

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