"Chameleon" main characters. The title of the story and the speaking names of the characters

  1. Read the exposition of the story. What in this brief description will you learn about the nature and activities of the police warden Ochumelov?
  2. At the very beginning of the story, in its exposition, we see how the police overseer Ochumelov solemnly walks through the market square. He has a new overcoat, a bundle in his hand. Behind him, the townsman carries a sieve with confiscated gooseberries. This description is practically a portrait of a petty bribe taker, in whose image there are signs of his shameful money-grubbing. You may not even notice that he has a meaningful surname, which does not involve reasonable decisions. But the gifts that he has already received cannot be overlooked. Like a petty boss who likes to show himself, he says sternly, coughing and wiggling his eyebrows.

  3. How does the appearance of Ochumelov complement his speech characteristics?
  4. Ochumelov's speech emphasizes satisfaction with his position. However, it is impossible not to notice with what difficulty he owns his own speech. He gathers his thoughts for quite some time before uttering his commanding word. Let's follow his broken and unfinished remarks: "On what occasion is this here? .."; “Why here? Why are you a finger?..”; "Who was screaming?" From the first words, we are convinced of Ochumelov's official sluggishness and his unwillingness to get down to business.

    However, when a decision has to be made, Ochumelov takes possession of the gift of special bureaucratic eloquence: “Whose dog? I won’t leave it like this…”; "... how could she bite you?"; “The general’s dogs are expensive, thoroughbred, and this one is the devil knows what! No wool, no appearance ... only meanness ... And keep such a dog ?!.

    The pinnacle of the eloquence of the police warder can be considered the last monologue about the dog of the general's brother.

    Ochumelov's decisions rapidly replace each other, and the title of the story is directly connected with this kaleidoscope.

  5. What details help to present the appearance of Ochumelov? Name and describe each of them.
  6. The very first detail that the reader pays attention to is Ochumelov's new overcoat. We never found out what was in his bundle, but these, of course, are not berries or vegetables - such items are carried by the policeman behind him. So, the details have already shown why this official is parading around the market square. Further, throughout the whole story, it is the overcoat that is in motion: “Police warder Ochumelov in a new overcoat is walking through the market square ...”; “- ... Take off, Eldyrin, my coat ...”; “-…Put on, brother Eldyrin, put on my coat…”; "... wrapping himself in an overcoat, he continues his way through the market square." So the overcoat (coat) is included in the events on the market square four times.

  7. How many times does Ochumelov change his mind about what to do with the dog? How do these changes relate to the title of the story?
  8. The first decision is “And the dog must be exterminated.”

    The second (“general Zhigalov’s dog”) is “... how could she bite you?”.

    The third ("no, not a general's") - "To teach a lesson!".

    The fourth (“maybe a general’s…”) - “You will take her to the general…”.

    Fifth (the general's cook says: "We've never had anything like that!") - "To exterminate, that's all."

    Sixth (the cook continues: “Their brother is eager ...”) - “So this is their dog? .. Take it ...”.

    The scene is tiny, and the speed of change is obvious. Observing these changes, we are once again convinced that the author did not accidentally give the story the name "Chameleon".

  9. Describe Khryukin according to the impressions of the first meeting with him m.
  10. The story "Chameleon" describes this meeting. The scene unfolds on the market square, and all the movements of the participants take place only within its boundaries.

    Khryukin is wearing a chintz starched shirt and an unbuttoned waistcoat. We see his bloodied finger, we see how he falls, grabbing the poor dog by the paws, we hear how he argues with Ochumelov. A little later, it turns out why the dog bit him: Khryukin decided to have some fun. Someone from the crowd says that he is "... a cigarette in her mug for a laugh, and she - don't be a fool, and poke ...".

  11. Are there any characters in this story whom the author mentions, but they do not appear before the reader. Name them. Determine their role in the story.
  12. There are many nameless participants in the story, as well as characters, whom we will never see on the market square where the action takes place. First of all, these are the people who can own a dog: General Zhigalov, his brother, who came to visit the general. Then the enraged Khryukin mentions his brother serving as a gendarme, we also learn about the merchant Pichugin, who owns a wood warehouse ... Although they do not appear on the market square, the events taking place are partly connected with these heroes and their position in society. And the fate of a white greyhound puppy depends entirely on who it belongs to. So the dispute takes place not so much between its real participants, but between those people whose position determines the development of the plot.

  13. What role do the policeman, the general's cook Prokhor, the crowd play in the story?
  14. These are witnesses of events and partly sources of necessary information. "Voice from the crowd" tells Ochumelov who is the owner of the dog. These heroes are at the same time the background of events and participants in what is happening on the market square.

  15. How many chameleons do you see in this story? In one of the classes, the students put forward three solutions: a chameleon - Ochumelov; chameleons - Ochumelov and Khryukin; chameleons - Ochumelov, Khryukin, crowd. Which of these decisions do you subscribe to? Justify your choice. Maybe you will find a fourth solution?
  16. In most classes, students choose the third solution, because the crowd has always quickly joined the "winner". The fourth solution suggests calling chameleons those heroes who did not appear on the market square, but still could join the participants in the dispute. material from the site

  17. Which phenomenon is satirically depicted by Chekhov in this story?
  18. This story satirically depicts the fear of the crowd and all participants in the events on the market square before the authorities. You can even evaluate the steps in the ladder of power. Everyone on the square is afraid of the police overseer Ochumelov, and above him, several steps higher, is the general, who never appeared on the square, but determined the decision taken by the lower-ranking police overseer Ochumelov.

  19. Find in the story "Chameleon" such events that would make it possible to characterize the participants by observing their actions.
  20. The scene that takes place in the market square makes it possible to accurately and in detail characterize and evaluate all its participants. We can show where and when they show their "chameleonism" most clearly: it is evident with every change in judgment about who owns the dog; it is also evident when observing the behavior of Ochumelov. In this scene, the judgments and decisions that Ochumelov makes demonstrate his "chameleonism".

  21. How do the people surrounding Ochumelov and Khryukin help us evaluate the behavior of these heroes?
  22. Everyone who has gathered at the market square is actively experiencing the ongoing event. Khryukin's attempt to benefit from the fact that he was bitten by a dog is very emotionally experienced by those around him. The crowd not only watches what is happening, but also actively intervenes. It is the "voice from the crowd" that determines Ochumelov's decision twice.

    The people around do not so much support the heroes as help them make a decision. The crowd constantly responds to the decision of the main participants in the dispute and thereby supports our judgment of their actions.

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A.P. Chekhov is known in literature as a master of a short satirical story, which was based on an anecdotal situation from everyday life, and the heroes were ordinary people snatched from the crowd. Thanks to the use of various visual means, the author was able to show the vulgarity and immorality of contemporary society on one or two pages. In Chekhov, everything played a big role: the exact name, and speaking surnames, and features of speech, and objects that belonged to the heroes. All the images created by the writer in his early stories are surprisingly memorable: it is enough to name one or two details or phrases, and the reader immediately remembers from which work Ochumelov, Chervyakov or Unter Prishibeyev are from.

An analysis of the story "Chameleon" written in 1884 makes it possible to understand why the writer's works do not lose their relevance and popularity even a century later.

Plot and main characters

The scene of action is the market square, along which the police warder Ochumelov is importantly marching. Next to him is Eldyrin, a policeman. Their measured course is broken by a cry - it was Khryukin who was bitten by an unknown dog on his finger. This incident becomes the beginning of the action, during which the warden, as a representative of the authorities, will need to make a decision regarding the fate of the dog. It would seem, what is easier? But not in this case. Chekhov builds the plot in such a way that the described situation becomes an occasion to show who Ochumelov is.

"Chameleon" continues to clarify the circumstances of the case. Khryukin complained that he was walking without touching anyone, suddenly this dog grabbed his finger, and now he, the goldsmith, will not be able to work. It seems that everything is clear for Ochumelov - you need to draw up a protocol and exterminate the dog. But then someone from the crowd said that this was a puppy of General Zhigalov. The thrown phrase immediately influenced the decision. Yes, and the cause of the incident became clear: Khryukin himself poked the dog in the face with a cigarette, so she bit him. Further, the very behavior of the hero suggests which work Ochumelov is from. He behaves like a chameleon. Depending on the content of the remarks of passers-by - the dog turned out to be either a general's or a stray - the warden still could not decide who was the true culprit of what had happened. It is difficult to convey what happened to him during this time. He immediately, without any hesitation, let out unflattering remarks either to the frightened dog or to Khryukin. So it turned out that the fate of the little dog began to depend entirely on who its owner is. It all ended with the fact that "a kind of tsutsyk" - not Zhigalov's dog, but ... the general's brother - was released in peace.

Speech characteristics of heroes

The peculiarity of the story is that it consists of almost only dialogues. And for the most part, he always attached special importance to the speech of the characters. In this case, too, the dialogue helps to reveal their images, as well as to reveal the essence of such a concept as servility - it is precisely this that underlies the behavior of the warden. Ochumelov's speech is replete with clericalism - a feature of the position, colloquial and vulgar words: "kuzka's mother", "healthy", "every pig", etc. - a symbol of his power and an indicator of low culture. His personal significance in society is indicated by the pronoun "I", which he uses in combination with the verbs "I will show", "I will not leave it like that." And only when it turns out that the dog is still related to the general, the reader will be surprised to learn that the overseer's lexicon also contains diminutive words: "dog". And his tone changes from ordered and official to obsequious and flattering.

Artistic details

In Chekhov, as a rule, portrait descriptions of the hero and the author's indications of his position in society do not play a big role. This is better than any words say the details in its appearance. Ochumelov is a man who uses his official position everywhere. This is already indicated by his progress across the square: he walks slowly and importantly, looking around everything around with the air of a master. Seeing the noisy crowd, he immediately unceremoniously "crashes" into it. Clear movements speak of his self-confidence. Despite the embarrassment that happened during the trial, he will continue on his way with the same measured and confident step.

An important detail is the bundle in his hands and the sieve with gooseberries - the author does not accidentally emphasize: "confiscated" - which is carried by the policeman. This is their "booty", symbolizing power.

And, of course, it is impossible not to note the new overcoat of the warden. By the way, it is she who is remembered by the reader most of all, and only one word immediately suggests what work Ochumelov is from. It is summer outside, but he is in an overcoat - an indication of his position and position. During the conversation, the warden takes it off and puts it on several times, as he is thrown either into the heat or into the cold. Finally, after all the trials, Ochumelov confidently wraps his overcoat and moves on. Thus, this detail best of all portrait descriptions conveys the character and feelings of the hero.

Why Ochumelov?

Another technique characteristic of Chekhov's stories is speaking surnames. First, it should be noted that the name and patronymic of the hero do not sound in the work. This is not necessary, since for everyone he is an “important person” who you simply cannot turn to. The surname is associated with the words "crazy" and "plague", which may indicate the typical nature of the hero. Even in the story, not only Ochumelov is like that. Characteristics of the behavior of the hero and the crowd is the same. The audience quickly succumbs to the overseer's influence and takes up his point of view, again out of a desire to please. This phenomenon, like an infection, covers more and more people who have learned to adapt and skillfully use their position.

The meaning of the title of the story

In nature, a chameleon is a reptile that easily changes its color and adapts to its environment. This saves his life.

The title of the story fully reflects the essence of the main character. A chameleon is a person who easily adapts to what is happening. But here we are not talking about life and death, but about the desire to settle down well and have a benefit for oneself (not for society!) In any situation.

The role of the story "Chameleon"

At first, the work causes laughter. However, despite its seeming insignificance, "Chameleon" has become a rather serious parody of the control system that existed at the end of the 19th century.

And it is no longer so important from which work Ochumelov is. In the minds of readers, he forever remained the personification of constant admiration for those who stand above. And if he begins to grovel before, albeit a general, but still a dog, such a story leads to very sad thoughts about the vicious structure of the whole country.

by genre" Chameleon"A satirical story in which Chekhov ridicules human vices, in particular servility. Exposition: police officer Ochumelov is walking through the market square. Plot - Khryukin is bitten by a dog. Development of the action: a crowd of onlookers gathers, Khryukin explains the situation to Ochumelov. The climax is the moment when it turns out that the dog may belong to the general. The denouement: it turns out that the dog belongs to the general's brother. Conclusion: Ochumelov threatens Khryukin and leaves. The main compositional technique is the repetition of the situation ("whose dog?"). Details play an important role: Ochumelov either takes off or puts on his overcoat - he is thrown into the heat, then into the cold for fear that he will make the wrong decision. He is convinced of one thing: the highest ranks are always right. “Chameleon” is not only Ochumelov, “chameleons” are everyone around. People's opinions change depending on the circumstances. Actually, there is no opinion, there is only opportunism.

Chameleon main characters

The main characters of the story Chameleon- police officer Ochumelov, policeman Eldyrin, goldsmith Khryukin, etc.

The main characters of "Chameleon"- people are very different, representing the people, the "street", the man of the crowd. Since in a small space of the story the author is limited in the ability to give detailed characteristics to the characters (see above about the genre features of Chekhov's stories), the first name and surname acquire special weight: they immediately and completely represent those they are talking about. We list the "full" names as they are given in the text. “Police warder Ochumelov in a new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand” - this is his full “name” that creates a comic effect, because without an overcoat (a symbol of power) he is impossible, as well as without a “knot in his hand” (a symbol of his self-interest ). “Eldyrin is a red-haired policeman with a sieve filled to the top with confiscated gooseberries”, he “walks”, therefore, he is tall. Both Ochumelov and Eldyrin are referred to only by their surnames, which characterizes them as purely official persons and in itself already testifies to the removal of the author from these characters.

General Zhigalov- an off-stage character, the word “general” is, as it were, part of his name, and the name and patronymic of General Zhigalov are absent: they are impossible in the eyes of those who are below him on the steps of the social and official ladder.

Vladimir Ivanovich Zhigalov- brother of General Zhigalov, he, as a person with a high social position, was given the privilege of having a name and patronymic.

Other characters: Prokhor- the general's cook, people from the crowd and - "a white greyhound puppy with a sharp muzzle and a yellow spot on his back, in his watery eyes an expression of longing and horror

Chameleon protagonist

— Ochumelov, police officer.

The main character of "Chameleon" Ochumelov constantly changing his views, not out of unscrupulousness. On the contrary, his behavior is based on a very stable principle, which consists in the superiority of the “general” over the “other”.

OCHUMELOV - the main character of Chekhov's "Chameleon". The image of Ochumelov is a satirical generalization that has reached the symbol. The main features of the "chameleon" are sycophancy and fawning over the highest ranks and neglect, cruelty towards those below him on the social ladder. The main means of characterization of the hero is the plot. The author describes an almost anecdotal situation in which the hero of the story is depicted sharply and caricaturely: the goldsmith Khryukin turns to O., a police officer, with a request to punish the puppy that bit him. Trying to find out whether it is a stray dog ​​or not, O. instantly moves from servility to arbitrariness, from tyranny to servility, depending on who the alleged owner of the puppy is - whether it is General Zhigalov, someone unknown or the general's brother. The moment when O. learns that the dog belongs to the general's brother is very revealing. “Have their brother arrived?” - Ochumelov ingratiatingly asks the general's cook, and "his whole face is filled with a smile of tenderness." A police warden and, on top of that, rude and uneducated. This is evidenced by his language: “What is here? Why are you fingering?.. Who was screaming?

The humorous story "Chameleon" was written by A.P. Chekhov at an early stage of his work. Chekhov began to write while still a high school student. Then "Antosha Chekhonte" published his short humorous miniatures in various humorous magazines.

The creation of "Chameleon" dates back to 1884, when, after graduation, he already worked as a doctor. At this time, cooperation with magazines continues, which left a certain journalistic imprint on the story, which gives it some peculiarity and special charm. Then he was still little known, although the style and depth of an experienced writer is already felt.

Story analysis

The idea of ​​the story is to ridicule opportunism, sycophancy, which is expressed in the very title of the story and on the example of the behavior of the protagonist police officer Ochumelov, which we see in various situations. This character, of course, is collective, representing only one representative of the huge army of chameleons in human form. They do not care about justice, they have no concept of conscience. Their main goal is to adapt to the world around them as comfortably as possible using the shadow of the powerful of the world.

The fate of a dog directly depends on the social status of its owner. Such situations are indicative and characteristic at all times. Chameleons are immortal. This is a type of person without principles, instantly changing his mind depending on the situation. They were, are and, unfortunately, will live in our society for a long time to come. The psychology of a slave, whom Anton Pavlovich proposed drop by drop to squeeze out of himself, has always been beneficial for those in power.

The work is written in the style of realism. This can be understood even without resorting to the analysis of literary devices. Thanks to the special Chekhovian form of presentation, when reading, images of the heroes of the story arise, in which there are no lengthy descriptions, but only small characteristics of the characters. In the form of presentation, the story is similar to a transcript, and this allows you to see all the participants in the story as clearly and clearly as possible.


The plot line of the story is straightforward. Policeman Ochumelov and his assistant Eldyrinun, walking along the street, come across master Khryukin bitten by a small dog. To the crowd surrounding him, he shows a bloodied finger. During the trial and finding out who is the owner of the dog, Ochumelov demonstrates miracles of mimicry. When people say that this is a stray dog, he orders her to be drowned. At the mention that this is a general's dog, he begins to scold Khryukin himself. And so on until a decision is made in favor of the general's dog. Ochumelov with an assistant follows further.

Heroes of the story

The characters in the story are a variety of people and, due to the fact that with a small amount of the story it is rather difficult to give a detailed description of each image, the author uses the technique of “speaking surnames”, which in themselves can characterize the character. For example, police overseer Ochumelov in a new overcoat and with a bundle in his hand. The overcoat is a symbol of power, the bundle in the hand is a symbol of bribery. His assistant Eldyrin is a red-haired policeman with a sieve filled with gooseberries. The narrator calls Ochumelov and Eldyrin only by their last names, which emphasizes their official status. “The goldsmith Khryukin” is an absurd person with absurd claims. The name itself already says a lot about its bearer.

The main character, of course, is Ochumelov. It is his unique ability to change his decisions depending on the situation that is in the spotlight. And he does it so masterfully that sometimes even causes admiration. His low cultural level is evidenced by his rudeness towards Khryukin, although he fawns over the mere name of the general. The very title of the story reveals the essence of the work.

The word "Chameleon" after Chekhov's story became a household word. The title of the work is "Chameleon" by A.P. Chekhov, already shows us its essence. In his work, "chameleon" becomes a household name, denoting a vile person, a traitor who acts not in the interests of society, but in personal ones. So the image of Ochumelov changes colors, like a chameleon in nature.

The writing

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is one of the greatest Russian realist writers. He devoted his entire creative life to exposing the vices of his contemporary society - a society of lies, hypocrisy, arbitrariness, vulgarity and narrow-mindedness. One of the original techniques that the author has repeatedly used to ridicule the negative aspects of life is an artistic detail that replaces wordy descriptions.

For example, "speaking" names of characters. Such surnames allow the reader to immediately form some idea about the heroes of the work. It was this technique that Chekhov used in the story "Chameleon", where a whole series of heroes appears before us, whose names are "spoken". So, from the very first lines of the work, we get acquainted with the police overseer Ochumelov, importantly marching through the deserted and quiet market square. And already at this moment we imagine the “empty man”. Our first impression is confirmed by the further behavior of the warden: in the course of the story, we are convinced that there is no reasonable beginning in Ochumelov's thoughts and actions.

Meanwhile, other participants in the action appear on the square. A dog runs out of the wood warehouse, “jumping on three legs and looking around,” followed by a man in an unbuttoned waistcoat, screaming and swearing. This is the goldsmith Khryukin. He is chasing animals. On the square there is a squeal and a cry, Khryukin, shaking, as if with a victory banner, put forward his finger, continues to threaten the poor puppy, in whose watery eyes an “expression of longing and horror” is frozen. The dog bit him on the finger, and now Khryukin demands to "exterminate" the dog. Isn't it true that the name Khryukin also very accurately reflects the main thing in the character of this hero?

Whose dog is unknown. Ochumelov is indignant that the dogs were let loose like that, he threatens not only to deal with the dog, but also to apply penalties to the owner: “When they fine him, the bastard, he will learn from me what a dog and other stray cattle mean! I’ll show him Kuz’kin’s mother!” Ochumelov is going to destroy the dog, he thinks that she is rabid. He is not shy at all in expressions, behaves in a boorish way.

Hearing that this dog “seems to be General Zhigalov,” the warden immediately changes his mind. “Only one thing I don’t understand: how could she bite you? .. Somehow she will get to her finger? ..” - he turns to Khryukin. At the same time, the policeman Eldyrin obsequiously agrees with Ochumelov. Events take a new turn when the general's cook appears on the square and confidently declares that the dog is not the general's. “And there’s nothing to ask here for a long time,” the warden changes his mind again. “She’s a stray!.. Exterminate, that’s all!”

When it turns out that the dog actually does not belong to the general, but to his brother, Ochumelov immediately declares: “So this is their dog? We understand that the police warden Ochumelov, who is thrown into the heat, then into the cold from the mere thought of what could happen to his career, make the wrong decision, as if the “crazy” will change his sentence as many times as the information will change about the owner of the puppy. We can also form our own opinion about other participants in the action, endowed by Chekhov with "talking" surnames: the absurd, shrill Khryukin, who made an incredible noise and scream from behind his finger; city ​​Eldyrin, serving the warden and carrying out any of his orders, adjusting to the circumstances in the same way; General Zhigalov, probably leading an idle life, burning through it, spending money on entertainment events.

In this short story, A.P. Chekhov showed how decisions are made in a society of flatterers, saints and despots. And to create a correct idea of ​​the characters' characters, he was helped by the skillful use of "speaking" surnames.

Other writings on this work

The meaning of the title of the story by A. P. Chekhov "Chameleon" Speaking names in Chekhov's story "Chameleon" Condemnation of worldly vulgarity and servility on the pages of A.P. Chekhov's stories "Chameleon" and "Intruder" The role of the artistic detail in A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" (1) The meaning of the artistic image in the story "Chameleon" Open lesson on the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" The skill of the writer in the speech structure of the story "Chameleon" A living picture of morals based on the story of A.P. Chekhov "Chameleon" Mockery of house management and servility in A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" (4) The meaning of the title of Chekhov's story "Chameleon" Chameleon theme What Ochumelov said. A work based on the story by A. Chekhov "Chameleon" Funny and sad in A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" Satire and humor in A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" Mockery of house management and servility in A.P. Chekhov's story "Chameleon" (1)
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