Nature is not a temple but a workshop who said. Writing a mini essay

Nature can act on a person in different ways. Sometimes it delights, sometimes it suppresses with its grandeur, it is affectionate and formidable, it strikes with the variety of life forms and the inexorability of its harsh laws, before which man has trembled in fear for centuries.

As N. Zabolotsky wrote:

So here it is, the harmony of nature;

So that's what they make noise in the darkness of the water,

About what, sighing, the forests whisper! ..

The beetle ate grass, the beetle was pecked by a bird,

A ferret drank the brain from a bird's head,

And faces twisted with fear

Night creatures looked out from the grass.

Nature's age-old winepress

Connected death and life

In one ball, but the thought was powerless,

To unite her two sacraments.

Once upon a time, primitive people animated nature, inhabited it with gods, demons, who ruled over the elements. Over time, science toppled the deities from their pedestal and convincingly proved that nature has neither evil nor good feelings towards man.

The "eternal beauty" of nature, as Pushkin wrote, really deserves admiration. However, man was born not only to contemplate, but also to create, transform the world, comprehend its laws and master them.

“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it,” said I. S. Turgenev.

A similar idea was expressed, although he approached the question of nature from a different angle, by the English writer James Aldridge in his novel The Hunter: “Nature and everything in it is hostile to man. Nature would have destroyed people if they had not achieved victory over it by common forces and had not begun to control it. And although the power of the elements over man is somewhat exaggerated, nevertheless, the idea of ​​his victory over the forces of nature is quite correct.

“We cannot expect favors from nature; to take them from her is our task,” wrote I. V. Michurin.

Revealing the secrets of nature, man uses them for his own purposes. This can also be seen from the way he fights pests, given the complex relationships in the animal and plant world.

Crop protection specialists and practical agronomists often argue over which is more important - chemical or biological pest control. This is due to the enthusiastic praise of the chemical method of the destructive effect of poisons on harmful insects and the underestimation of the role of biological protection. And to argue, in fact, there is no particular need. Simply, depending on the specific conditions, it is necessary to apply a set of measures with a reasonable, harmonious combination of all known and generally available methods. But at the same time, one condition must never be forgotten: chemical agents must not harm our numerous helpers, useful animals.

The irrational use of pesticides often leads to the death of not only harmful, but also all other insects and even birds and mammals, natural enemies of pests. After all, poisonous drugs are not magic bullets aimed only at enemies. They beat both the right and the guilty, and enemies and friends. Foreign entomologists have long been convinced of this the hard way.

The practice of using pesticides in the USA, England and Canada is especially rich in such observations. Here, from year to year, the production of pesticides and, of course, the scale of their use increased. In the USA, for example, in 1947, 120 tons of pesticides were produced, and in 1960 - already 320,000 tons. And here are examples of the consequences of the massive use of these drugs. In the state of Illinois (USA), large areas of tree plantations were treated with dieldrin from pests. As a result, the Society of Ornithologists reported that 80 percent of the birds died there. Insects - both harmful and useful - crawled to the surface of the earth, birds ate them and died. Bird poisoning was also caused by the water they drank from streams and puddles. Almost complete destruction of starlings, pheasants, quails, thrushes and other birds was noted in the treated area. The surviving birds, in most cases, became inferior. Many of them stopped nesting and laying eggs. And those that laid eggs did not hatch chicks or, if they hatched, they developed poorly, were inferior and soon died.

The American researcher R. Carson reports that, according to data for 1963, the soil of US apple orchards already contained up to 125 centners per hectare of pure DDT. And this threatens the vital activity of useful inhabitants of the soil.

Experts write that the sea waters around England and the countries of northwestern Europe are largely polluted with insecticides, which are partially washed off cultivated land and carried by rivers to the sea. It was also established that the eggs of 52 species of seabirds contain the remains of poisons. This is a consequence of their pollution of the sea.

Similar instructive examples are described in Canada. Thus, in order to exterminate pests, over three million hectares of forests adjacent to the Miramishi River were treated with insecticides - DDT in the form of an oil suspension. After two or three days, a fish kill began in the river. She floated to the surface, washed ashore. Birds flocked here, ate fish and poisoned themselves. In the river, crustaceans, crayfish, bugs and other inhabitants - the food of fish - died. This disrupted the nutrition of oceanic salmon that swam into the river for spawning, as well as their fry that slide into the ocean. After the treatment of forests with pesticides, everything changed both in the river and in the forest. There was a massive death of insects - harmful and beneficial - both terrestrial and living in the soil. Grass and soil became the source of death. Falling leaves, branches, twigs introduced poison into the soil. The processing of seven million hectares of forests in the province of Quebec had the same effect.

Unfortunately, this "experience" is accumulating with us. According to the observations of employees of the Kazakh Institute of Plant Protection, when pollinating the fruit forests of the Zailiysky Alatau with DDT, directed against the apple moth, not only all forest insects, but also all insectivorous birds died. It is now well known that the destruction of useful animals is often accompanied by an outbreak of mass reproduction of the pest, which feels at ease, having lost its natural enemies. This happened when the plants were treated to kill the spider mite. It turned out that some drugs act on him ... as growth stimulants. Observations also helped to establish this fact: when spraying mulberry with poisons against the Comstock mealybug, the solution completely kills and washes away pseudoficus, the enemy of the mealybug, from the trees, and the pest itself dies only by 80-90 percent.

Many insect pests that feed on plants, which are often treated with poisonous substances, gradually become accustomed to them and pass this immunity on to their offspring. In a number of European countries, after 5-6 years, flies, for example, became resistant to DDT.

In the continuous treatment of fields and gardens with pesticides, insects - pollinators of plants also die: wasps, bees, bumblebees, flies, riders.

Consequently, the template application of one or another means or method can give the opposite result.

Undoubtedly, chemical control is a very effective, reliable and often almost the only way to quickly save a crop from a pest that has multiplied in the mass. It's all about how, where and when to apply chemicals.

Here is an example of the successful use of chemistry in the fight against rodents. We have already told how in the fall mice voles run from the fields into stacks of straw, hide in it and turn it into dust. It is not always necessary to wait for ferrets, weasels or cats to come there. And that's where chemistry comes in. In recent years, in autumn, at the first frost, ammonia water is introduced into the haystacks, the air is saturated with ammonia vapor, and the rodents die. And this does not harm the straw - on the contrary, it becomes more edible and nutritious for livestock.

Chemical methods of struggle are not so simple and cheap. To cultivate 1.2 million hectares of fields in the Stavropol Territory alone, 3600 tons of grain, 108 tons of vegetable oil and at least 140 tons of scarce zinc phosphide were required!

How can one not mention with a kind word our helpers - birds and animals, which, hunting for rodents, reduce their numbers and reduce the losses caused by them. After all, biological methods are 10–20 times cheaper than chemical ones and at the same time provide more reliable protection of plants from harmful insects.

Various animals, birds, toads, lizards, entomophagous insects, acting together, constantly destroy a lot of harmful animals and thereby maintain the balance of forces in nature necessary for man, reduce losses. All of them are voluntary, permanent and almost always free our assistants. If you help them, where with housing, where with feeding, and where with reproduction in the laboratory, there will be more of these helpers, more will be their help, higher yields in the fields, gardens, orchards and forests.

True, not always one useful species is able to defeat many diverse enemies, even such universal fighters as ants. It is necessary to combine the efforts of birds, ants, bats, shrews, hedgehogs, badgers and beneficial insects, and only such a general offensive on all fronts will lead to success.

But for this it is necessary first of all to help our allies and friends. For birds, artificial nests should be created, birdhouses, titmouses, hollows, houses should be hung, while taking into account the various inclinations of birds to be close to their fellows.

In those areas where new forests and forest belts are being created, it is very important to populate them with useful birds and animals. They also need protection from harmful insects and rodents. Of course, this work should be organized by knowledgeable people, zoologists, in order not to make mistakes and not to bring in animals that can do more harm than good.

It is easier to populate forests with different animals. Transported to new forests and released there, they settle, migrate, choose suitable places for themselves to live and give birth. It is more difficult to relocate birds that are very attached to their native places, where they grew up and where hundreds of generations of their ancestors lived.

After all, if a bird is taken away from the nest and released in a new place, it will not stay here to live, but will fly back, regardless of hundreds and thousands of kilometers. Scientists, however, managed to find out that this instinct in birds is not innate, but develops after the chicks leave the nest. Gradually, studying the nesting territory, they master it, get used to it. The conditioned reflex of attachment to housing develops in a relatively long time. This means that in order for the birds to stay in new places, it is necessary to transport not adult birds, but small chicks. There they will grow up, get used to it, and next year in the spring they will fly back to breed. The first mass experiments confirmed this.

The settlers need special care. There are birds that you can't tempt with either a birdhouse or a birdhouse. They make their own nests. These are nightingales, warblers, warblers, thrushes, orioles. They need dense undergrowth, shrubs, "the first floor of the forest", where they can safely settle, build nests and hatch chicks in complete safety from falcons and hawks. Therefore, shrubs are planted for them in the forest belts: yellow acacia, mountain ash, hawthorn, honeysuckle, elderberry, blackthorn, sea buckthorn, viburnum, bird cherry.

Of course, the relocation of animals and plants to new places requires a serious approach to business. Otherwise, something similar to what happened to rabbits in Australia or deer in New Zealand may happen. Previously, there were no deer in New Zealand. While developing these islands, Europeans brought 10 species of deer there. Deer quickly acclimatized, and since nothing threatened them, they multiplied in such numbers that they became a thunderstorm for forests and pastures. I had to limit their numbers. Since 1930, 3 million animals have been shot in New Zealand. However, this was not enough, and in recent years, deer were exterminated there with poisonous substances.

Many species of animals, such as saigas, sables, require protection. But it also happens that privileges are awarded to animals that clearly do not deserve it.

In India, for example, there are 43 million monkeys per 430 million population, mostly rhesus monkeys. They bring incredible harm: they devastate fields, vegetable gardens and orchards, destroy a lot of fruits, fruits, vegetables, grain crops. In villages and cities, monkeys climb into houses and apartments, steal everything that is bad, behave outrageously, spoil things - in a word, they behave as if everything is allowed to them. Alas, the way it is: their impunity is explained by the fact that monkeys in India are considered sacred and inviolable.

Pest control methods are diverse and far from fully understood. But even what is known can be of great benefit to the country. If the struggle is carried out on a strict scientific basis, taking into account all local conditions, only our country will receive additional various field products, vegetables, industrial crops, fruits and berries worth 6 billion rubles annually. And the costs will amount to only 500 million rubles. The game is worth the candle!

Biological control also includes the development of methods to increase the resistance of plants to harmful insects and diseases. An example of this would be the breeding of plant varieties that are immune to diseases or resistant to harmful insects. Scientists have already done something in this regard: shell-resistant varieties of potatoes, brazil-resistant sunflower varieties, phylloxera-resistant grape varieties, potato and tomato varieties resistant to a fungal disease - late blight, etc. have been bred. But this is just the beginning.

Although the enemies of man in nature are numerous, he is able to cope with them by wisely using biological protection, chemical means, and agricultural practices. You just need to roll up your sleeves and get to work. As the English philosopher Francis Bacon rightly stated three and a half centuries ago: “Do not complain about nature, it has done its job; now it's the man's turn."

Without any introduction, I say in response to this tirade of Bazarov, the hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by I. S. Turgenev: no, no, and again no! What did this nihilist who lived in the 19th century think of! These words of his could be followed by others, which until recently were almost our slogan: "We cannot wait for favors from nature, it is our task to take them from her."

Here are the ideological origins of what our planet has now come to. And our country as well. They took from nature, thinking that its reserves are inexhaustible. They built, erected, changed the course of rivers, cut down forests, not thinking about the consequences. They did not understand that nature is just a temple, where there are no unnecessary details, where everything is interconnected. They cut down forests - rivers dried up, created cascades of dams with artificial seas - villages and sources of water contamination - cattle burial grounds were under water. Infected rivers and seas with industrial plums - fish stocks have decreased. Chernobyl has become a big environmental disaster. This is what people have come to, considering nature not as a temple, but as a workshop. But all this was built, created, mined in the name of man, his well-being.

Of course, I understand perfectly well that humanity cannot live and feed itself without using natural resources. Yes, but only when trouble struck, they thought of it and learned how to use nature without harming it, or to reduce this harm to a minimum. I do not believe that half a century ago our scientists could not solve these problems. They put satellites into orbit, they were the first to send a man into space, but they did not think about reasonable relations with nature, did not consider it necessary to calculate them for many years to come. Will we never get rid of the concept enshrined in folk wisdom from our mentality: “Until the thunder breaks out, the peasant will not cross himself”?

Now they have learned everything: both to restore the "lungs of the planet", that is, forests, and to purify the waters discharged into the seas and rivers. We even thought about alternative energy sources. Just don't expect quick results. Another popular wisdom says: "To break is not to build." Now the main thing is not to inflict new wounds on nature. Material from the site

Nature is precisely a temple, a beautiful, miraculous temple, which should be protected by everyone, young and old. Don't break bushes, don't hurt a cat, don't leave rubbish in the forest or on the shore - all this must be taught from childhood. These are the first lessons in nature conservation. Do not pick wild flowers for no reason, put out the fire to the last spark - this should become a law for campers. And if you are an employee of an industrial enterprise, then remember: workshops are your workshops, your construction sites, and not nature. Then those who come after us will not have to correct our mistakes, cursing us and our irresponsibility.

How do you understand "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and man is a worker in it"? and got the best answer

Answer from Lerich[guru]
So I understand - as a phrase torn out of context ... In general, everything is very clear
I. S. Turgenev, "Fathers and Sons"
People forget that nature is their native and only home, requiring careful attitude to themselves, which is confirmed in the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". The main character, Yevgeny Bazarov, is known for his categorical position: "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it." This is how the Author sees a "new" person in him: he is indifferent to the values ​​accumulated by previous generations, lives in the present and uses everything that he needs, without thinking about what consequences this may lead to.
In I. Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons" the actual theme of the relationship between nature and man is raised. Bazarov, rejecting any aesthetic enjoyment of nature, perceives it as a workshop, and man as a worker. Arkady, a friend of Bazarov, on the contrary, treats her with all the admiration inherent in a young soul. In the novel, each character is tested by nature. Arkady, communication with the outside world helps to heal spiritual wounds, for him this unity is natural and pleasant. Bazarov, on the contrary, does not seek contact with her - when Bazarov was ill, he "went into the forest and broke branches." She does not give him the desired peace or peace of mind. Thus, Turgenev emphasizes the need for a fruitful and two-way dialogue with nature.
Source: 🙂

Answer from Clarinet *[guru]

Birds are given wings, fish are given fins, and people who live in nature are given the study and knowledge of nature; here are their wings. (H. Marty)

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How do you understand "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and a person is a worker in it"?

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.
From the novel "Fathers and Sons" (1862) by I. S. Turgenev (1818-1883).
Bazarov's words (ch. 9). cm. also Bazarovshchina.
It is usually cited ironically as a phrase-symbol of a narrow-minded, unreasonable (primarily from the point of view of the interests of the person himself) attitude to nature.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it" in other dictionaries:

    Bazarov, Evgeny Vasilievich ("Fathers and Sons")- See also The son of a retired doctor's staff, a medical student preparing for the doctor's exam. B. was tall, with a courageous voice, with a firm and swift gait. His long and thin face, with a wide forehead, flat upwards, downwards ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    Publicist, critic, translator, prominent contributor to the magazine "Russian Word" in 1863-1865. Biographical information about him is extremely scarce. Zaitsev was born in Kostroma on August 30, 1842. His father, who served as an adviser to the Treasury ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    The hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" (1862). Evgeny Bazarov is in many ways the programmatic image of Turgenev. This is a representative of a new, diverse democratic intelligentsia. B. calls himself a nihilist: he denies the foundations of his contemporary ... ... literary heroes

    The central character of M.A. Bulgakov's story "Heart of a Dog" (1925). P.P. surgeon, luminary of world importance. His literary brothers are Bazarov, Lopukhov, Kirsanov. Just like them, P.P. adherent of the philosophy of rational egoism, ... ... literary heroes

    A paired punctuation mark, which is put: a) to highlight words inserted into a sentence in order to clarify or supplement the thought being expressed, as well as to make any additional comments (see insert constructions). Caesar (so avali the lion in ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    § 198-203. ABOUT COMBINATIONS OF punctuation marks- § 198. When a comma and a dash meet, a comma is first placed, and then a dash, for example: You live well, neighbor, Petro greeted, touching his hat with a mitten. Sholokhov Note. If after the dash there are words that stand out according to the existing rules ... ... Russian spelling rules

    The badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding ... ... Wikipedia - The badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded since 1992 of the year by the President of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding ... ... Wikipedia

Nature is not a temple, but a workshop and man is a worker in it.

Today's youth have a positive attitude towards the preservation and enhancement of natural resources, a civic position has been formed, high spiritual and moral values ​​and social guidelines, but nevertheless, in recent years, the level of the state of natural resources, the quality of drinking water, the safety of fresh water reservoirs has been steadily moving down. The main reasons for the violation of the state of rivers and water bodies are both external factors and human intervention in nature, wasteful use of their resources and rather inefficient. It was this problem that formed the basis for the development of my essay.

Nature - the whole world in a variety of its forms - is still an object of study for people. Mankind has discovered many laws that explain the structure of various natural processes. We have learned how to make fire, breed new breeds of animals through selection, we have sent a man into space. We plant cereals and vegetables wherever we want. Even if the soil is not suitable - we will fill it with organic and mineral fertilizers - and the sprouts will sprout. We plant decorative flowers with beautiful geometric designs, creating beautiful new gardens with our own hands. We try and make mistakes, we calculate probabilities, theoretically or practically, we eventually arrive at a given goal. We are mastering.

Since ancient times, man has been trying to adjust nature for himself, to create new convenient forms. He is moving further and further away from the "original plan". A person does not allow the process to develop independently.

He controls it and calls this control culture.

Man does not allow nature to dictate its conditions to him. In large cities, before large-scale parades, clouds are even dispersed, not allowing the rain planned by nature to overshadow the holiday.

It is likely that in the future people will learn to change climatic conditions. The weather will become completely subordinate to man. And yet man is part of nature.

The human body is still not fully understood. Even biochemical reactions familiar to specialists can give unpredictable results. A person is free to make his own choice, but it is very difficult for him to go against his nature.

A man can plant a garden, but can he fashion himself into the image he desires? Can he control the biochemical processes of his body? Set the rhythm of the heart, make the blood circulate faster? Do not let hormonal surges affect your mood? Slow down or speed up hair growth? Maybe with the help of chemicals. With the help of certain physical exercises, he can change his body, with the help of plastic surgery - his face. Man has made a workshop even out of himself. But who will have the last word? While we grow old and die, it remains with nature, but the future sparkles with bright prospects. Perhaps it's just a matter of time?

People forget that nature is their native and only home that requires careful treatment.

A person is indifferent to the values ​​accumulated by previous generations, lives in the present and uses everything that he needs, without thinking about what consequences this may lead to.

Here are the ideological origins of what our planet has now come to. And our country as well. They took from nature, thinking that its reserves are inexhaustible. They built, erected, changed the course of rivers, cut down forests, not thinking about the consequences. They did not understand that nature is just a temple, where there are no unnecessary details, where everything is interconnected. The forests were cut down, the rivers dried up. They infected rivers and seas with industrial plums - fish stocks decreased. This is what people have come to, considering nature not as a temple, but as a workshop. But all this was built, created, mined in the name of man, his well-being.

But how should modern man treat nature?

Nature is precisely a temple, a beautiful, miraculous temple, which should be protected by everyone, young and old. Don't break a tree, don't hurt an animal, don't leave rubbish in the forest, don't pick wild flowers for no reason, put out the fire to the last spark - we learn all this from childhood and this should become the law for outdoor recreation. These are the first lessons in nature conservation. And if you are an employee of an industrial enterprise, then remember: workshops are your workshops, your construction sites, and not nature. Then those who come after us will not have to correct our mistakes, cursing us and our irresponsibility.

Of course, I understand perfectly well that humanity cannot live and feed itself without using natural resources. But we must and must use nature without harming it, or reduce this harm to a minimum, maintain reasonable relations with nature and calculate them for many years to come.

Our generation must always remember the destruction that people have inflicted on nature, for example, the great environmental disaster that Chernobyl has become, be sure to reckon with nature, and then in the future it will answer us the same.

The beauty of our world is so multifaceted and amazing, there are so many amazing corners on our planet with their stunning views that a person cannot allow it to be destroyed without allowing these next generations to enjoy it.

We must remember how much joy the world around us gives us: a blossoming bud, the rustle of rain, the radiance of the sun, the greenery of foliage - how can one not love this? We and nature are one big family and should live together.

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